International Cataloguing Standards 2017
Appendix to POST PUBLICATION CHANGES The races contained in this section reflect any amendments to races Run in 2016 since the publication of the 2016 International Cataloguing Standards Book. Published as: AUSRTunR in I2A016 with the following modifications: Not published GP d. Österreichischen Lotterien - Stronach Austrian Derby- - 148. Österreichisches Galopper Derby AUT G3 15,000 3yo c/f 2200 T Magna Racino A-1 APPENDIX - Bahrain Published as: BAHRRunA in I20N 16 with the following modifications: Al Methaq Cup 5,000 7,000 Al Salam Bank 5,000 2000 T 6,000 1600 T Bahrain Derby 6,000 7,000 Bahrain Gold Cup 12,000 10,000 Imported Bahrain Silver Cup Not run HH Shaikh Faisal Bin Rashid 1600 T Al Khalifa 2000 T HH Shaikh Nasser Bin Hamad 2000 T Al Khalifa Cup 1600 T A-2 APPENDIX - Belgium Published as: BELGRunI iUn 2M 016 with the following modifications: Grote Prijs Prince Rose (L) 16,000 11,200 A-3 APPENDIX - Brazil Published as: BRARuZn inI L2016 with the following modifications: Criadores (L) Taruma Not run Luiz Gurgel do Amaral Valente (L) Not run Taruma Ministerio da Agricultura (L) Gavea Not run Taca de Cristal (L) (colts) 1609 D 1600 D Taca de Cristal (L) (fillies) 1609 D 1600 D A-4 APPENDIX - Canada Published as: CANRuAn iDn 2A 016 with the following modifications: Canadian Derby G3 $150,000 200,000g 3yo 11 D Northlands Park A-5 APPENDIX - Chile Published as: CHRIunL inE 2016 with the following modifications: Not published Luis Vera Calderon y Luis Vera Fiannini (L) 10,730,000 3yo c 1800 D Hipodromo Chile A-6 APPENDIX - Czech Republic CZECH REPUBLIC Published as: Run in 2016 with the following modifications: Cena zimniho favorita (L) 550,000 Most European Jockey’s Cup fillies (L) 550,000 Not run European Jockey’s Cup sprint (L) 550,000 Not run European Jockey’s Cup middle (L) 550,000 600,000 European Jockey’s Cup long (L) 550,000 600,000 European Jockey’s Cup million (L) 1,600,000 1,650,000 EJC Gersch ův memorial (L) 600,000 New race Oaks-Memorial Ing.
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