Glengarry Community Woodland


OFFICE BEARERS Bruce Kocjan-Briggs Countryside Ranger Chair of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Experience of land/woodland management Working on a National Long Distance Route (The Way) has experience of practical habitat management, balancing needs of people and wildlife and managing groups in the outdoors. Long-standing interest in traditional working woodlands, leading to the development of skills in greenwood working and chainsaw use Experience of gaining community interaction Particular interest in outdoor education for child and adult groups with special needs.

Grace Grant Retired senior nurse manager; with honours degrees in English and Art History from Stirling University and also from the Glasgow School of Art (painting). Secretary of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group 'Man' management, communication skills, influencing skills Organisational skills in operating with groups of people, sometimes in stressful situations. People Management is a particular skill, alongside communication ability, motivational skills and vision.

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Charlotte Provan (nee Croudace) B.Sc., M.Sc. Company Director & Regulatory Affairs Manager Treasurer of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Business & Financial Management Co-director of a yacht charter and yacht management limited company based on the Clyde. Co-founder and director responsible for finance of a medium sized enterprise with approximately £1m turnover, dealing with regulation of chemicals in Europe and beyond. Experience of tourist industry Scientific Officer at Bristol Zoo Gardens, a major tourist attraction. Curator of aquarium and reptile house, responsible for exhibit management and guided tours for visitors, including many school groups. Management of marketing/promotion for yacht charter company. Experience of gaining community interaction Extensive interaction with public and media whilst at Bristol Zoo Gardens and also working in yacht charter management. 'Man' management, communication skills, influencing skills Key skills include influencing, communication, motivational, management.


Catriona Campbell Menzies Resource Centre Assistant – Sight Action Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group

Land & Business Management Own croft and small holdings jointly with husband, and are registered as a business. Financial Management Retired Bank Manager and as Treasurer of various organisations present

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financial accounts to Auditors. Keeping correct records of orders, cash sales and sending out invoices when appropriate Director of Credit Union for a number of years

Experience of tourist industry Worked for a short time in the local hotel and covered all aspects of the business.

Experience of gaining community interaction Regularly communicate with the general public by person, telephone or e-mail. Also have basic Sign Language and Deaf Awareness. Delivered a number of presentations to a varied audience in respect of Sight Loss and how it impacts on daily life. Help set up Lochaber Community Car Scheme firstly as a pilot and thereafter as an ongoing concern.

Committee Membership: Glengarry Community Council - Member Glengarry and District Community Association - Director/Treasurer Glengarry History/Heritage Association - Treasurer Working Age Visual Impairment Group - Secretary/Treasurer Lochaber Friendship Group for the Visually Impaired - Treasurer Talk Lochaber - Chair/Listener’s Rep Glengarry Short Mat Bowls - Member S.W.R.I - Treasurer

Other First Aid Certificate Food Hygiene Certificate

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James Campbell Menzies Crofter (Retired Fish Farm Assistant) Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group

Land & Financial Management Born and brought up on a working farm, now owning and operating a croft and small holdings as a registered business. Forms regularly submitted to HMRC and Rural Payments Inspections Directorate Prepare Accounts for submission to Accountants Employed by Forestry Commission, to plant trees, dig drain and mounding, some time ago on a number of occasions

Membership of Organisations Volunteer with Lochaber Credit Union as an Officer. Glengarry and District Community Association - Director and Vice-Chair Glengarry Short Mat Bowls - Chair Glengarry History/Heritage Group - Committee Member

Other First Aid Certificate Food Hygiene Certificate

George Cross, FCIPD, MA(Res), PGCE, BSc (Open) Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group

Employment First employed by Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service (RBFRS) in October 1977 and worked way up the rank structure to a senior strategic management position. On completing active operational service in 2009, employed as a project manager, which continues today. For this latest role, researched and

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reported on key projects related to risk management within the Fire & Rescue Service. This requires team work, co-ordination, time management and liaison with key staff, managers and Fire Authority Members. Robust evidential analysis embedded within numerous reports has enabled Fire Authority decision making, up to and including the closure of fire stations.

Previous work within RBFRS included: Senior Learning & Development (L&D) Adviser (Advised RBFRS , enabling an OFSTED ‘outstanding’ inspection award; enhanced the internal web pages for easier staff access; continued work on improvements to e-learning facilities; completed a training review and established policy and planning more coherently across L&D, particularly as they related to the evolving NVQ systems.) Area Manager (Support Services) (Enabled the delivery of the Brigade Risk Management Plan by overseeing multiple projects in cross-functional teams and the delivery of Fire Safety training and enforcement activity under the Fire Safety Order 2005, up to and including prosecution. Perhaps most importantly, responded to emergency incidents as a level 4 (Silver/Gold) Incident Commander. A key achievement in this post was the establishment of the RBFRS Environmental Steering Group.) Group Manager (Learning & Development) (The planning and implementation of the National Fire & Rescue Services Integrated Personal Development System (IPDS) receiving 'green light' from Audit Commission Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA). A driving force for the development and implementation of assessment and development systems, but also had financial responsibilities that enabled RBFRS to exceed the training income target over successive years.)

Qualified Technology teacher and used this skill to become an Open University Tutor - Design and Innovation – (course T362. 1996-1999)

EDUCATION  May 2001 – Reading University - MA(Res) - Distinction  July 1996 – Open University - Post Graduate Certificate in Education

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(PGCE) and Secondary (Technology) (Teacher reference no. RP94/49313)  July 1994 – Open University - BSc – Technology (Maths, Science, Electronics, Computing, Innovation)  To 1977 - Bulmershe School, Reading - Nine ‘O’ Levels and two ‘A’ levels

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING 2006 - Fellow of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD) 2003 - HND – Fire Command & Management Studies 1999 – 2001 - Internal Verifier qualified and D32 & D33 – Assessor qualified.

PERSONAL INTERESTS Walking, reading, painting. And I’m currently building my own house at Kingie.

Colin Grant BEng, MDip Self Employed - Faichemard Farm Campsite owner & IT consultant Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Education: BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering; MDip Digital Systems Previous Employment Senior Business Analyst – ITP Solutions: Installation and support of computer networks, associated infrastructure and servers for small / medium businesses. Key skills - Computer Network and infrastructure deployment and maintenance - Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Small Business management (campsite owner) - Ground keeping (campsite) Experience of tourist industry Faichemard Farm Campsite provides a place to relax and enjoy space, peace and quiet in the hills. Run by the Grant family since 1935, and where the Grants have lived since 1868, this unique site is surrounded by the picturesque Glengarry mountains and is open from April to October. The 35

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pitches are spread over 10 acres (4 hectares) giving each pitch an individual character. Personal interests Astronomy, Physics, Photography, Tang Soo Do (Korean Karate), Muay Thai Kickboxing

Robert Lee, MIPD Retired Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Education: Higher Leaving Certificate Employment: Civil Service. HEO Other: Lt Cdr (SCC) RNR – District Training Officer (now retired) Director, Partnerships for Wellbeing (Currently)

Lea MacNally Estate Manager/ Deer Stalker Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Land management Experience of small scale woodland schemes on our estate (especially natural regeneration). Experience of working with statutary bodies, re environmental groups working on small scale hydro schemes on the estate. Experience of working with other members of our deer management group, setting up deer counts and carrying out habitat monitoring. Experience of tourist industry Runs the day to day agenda when stalking deer, which includes meeting guests and managing the two other staff employed at the time. Communicates with most of the bodies wishing to promote events in the village hall.

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Membership of Committees Glengarry Community Council - Treasurer Glengarry and District Community Association (manage village hall) - Chairman and a Director. Lochaber Agricultural Show - Committee member The Scottish Gamekeepers Association - Committee member Part of the group set up to fund and rebuild the village hall and have been involved with the hall since then. Has lived in Glengarry since 1968 and in that time have seen a lot of changes, many for the better but unfortunately some for the worse.

Mac Provan B.Sc., Ph.D. Company Director & Scientist Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Business & Financial Management Founder and operator of yacht charter and yacht management company, initially as sole trader, later as company limited. Co-founder and Director of scientific consultancy group, with turnover of about £1million. Experience of tourist industry & membership of associated committees Member of Sail . An organisation aimed at promoting Scotland as a high quality holiday destination for individuals and groups interested in sailing and for novices. Member and Chairman of Association of Scottish Yacht Charterers, an organisation aiming to promote high standards for clients renting yachts in Scotland. As chairman, also responsible for independent arbitration of any major disputes between visitors and service providers. Member and President of the Cowal Archaelogical & Historical Society. Oversaw programme of invited speakers from throughout the UK who came to Cowal to present on archaeological and/or historical topics. Experience of gaining community interaction Various roles, including teaching/coaching, in yacht clubs in different parts of the UK.

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Hector Mackenzie Rogers. MA(Hons) Scottish Archaeology Aberdeen 2011 Retired (Aged 80) Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Experience of tourist/hospitality industry Formerly from 1969:- Guest House joint proprietor c13yrs From 1979 joint proprietor crafts producer/retailer 18yrs, included attending trade fairs at Aviemore, Birmingham, Glasgow, Harrogate. Altogether c40 yrs in Hospitality and communicating with public. Community interaction Also part-time school car driver (c12yrs until 1999). For a number of years have been a volunteer in the community support field firstly as a community car driver, but also in the Heritage area from 1999 until this year. Had a leading part in the Daingean interpretation project (2000 - 2005). Membership of Committees Served as treasurer on old hall committee for a short while; represented Glengarry on Fort William and Lochaber Tourist Board for a number of years in the 70s/80s; chair or vice-chair of local Heritage Association 1999 – 2011. 45 years a full-time resident keen on wild life and countryside generally. (The Archaeology degree does include some environmental and cultural studies.)

Lindsay Rogers Retired. Ex MAOT (Occupational Therapist) 7yrs. Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Experience of tourist industry From 1969:- Guest House owner 13yrs. Craft Shop owner 18yrs. Trade Fair exhibitor at Aviemore, Glasgow, Harrogate, Birmingham.

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In partnership with husband Hector who managed the business side. She did the guest house cooking and house keeping then the crafts – design, production, display. We shared the selling. Over all 40 years in the Hospitality Industry dealing with tourists in the guest house then B/B. Experience of gaining community interaction Experienced Tatter(shuttle lace) 70yrs. Teacher, workshops (UK & Japan), author of tatting pattern books. Member of the world wide Ring of Tatters. Dedicated amateur gardener and lifelong wild life, outdoor enthusiast.

Neil Stewart Retired Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Past employment: 2004 – 2011 Senior Forecourt Supervisor, Gleaner Oils,Glengarry Filling Station, Invergarry. Duties included managing staff, ordering supplies, preparing customer accounts and banking monies. Courses completed: Forecourt Deliveries; Certificate for Scottish Personal Licence Holders (On Sales). 1987 – 2004 Hatchery Technician, Marine Harvest, Craigcrook Castle, Edinburgh. Courses completed: Manual Handling – Safe Lifting; Boat Handling; Small Electrical Overhead Crane; Abrasive Wheels; Health & Safety in the Workplace. 1979 – 2007 Reception/Bar, Glengarry Castle Hotel, Invergarry. Duties included being responsible for securing building after residents were in bed and being on emergency call during the night. 1970 – 1979 Senior Forest Craftsman, Forestry Commission, Glengarry Forest, Invergarry. Courses completed: Chainsaw Operator; High Tensile Fencing; Brush Cutting; Draining; Weed Spraying; Tree Planting. 1963 – 1970 Reception/Barman, Invergarry Hotel, Invergarry. Duties included

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ordering supplies for bar and totalling and balancing takings. 1961 – 1963 Trainee Forest Craftsman, Forestry Commission, Glengarry Forest, Invergarry. Courses completed: Draining; Tree Planting; Weeding. Membership of Committees Glengarry Community Association - Director Glengarry & District Highland Games - President

Colin Sage Founder Director medium size Engineering Company 1966 Retired from active participation 2006, but still Director of Company Member of the Glengarry Community Woodland Steering Group Land & Business Management Currently involved as Letting Agent with full responsibility for River Garry, Invergarry. Dealing with fishing and rafting permits, maintenance of fishing areas, and assisting Ness & District Fishery Board Bailiffs in policing the river Committee Membership: Glengarry Community Association - Committee member. Glengarry History Society - Vice Chair Glengarry Choir - Treasurer Glengarry Short Mat Bowling Club - Treasurer

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