Xaverian News^'X
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Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1922-10-01 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) University Xavier University Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation University, Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1922). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 62. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/62 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ^/' Xaverian News ^'X PUBLISHED SEMI-MONTHLY BY THE STUDENTS OF ST. XAVIER COLLEGE VOL. VHI CINCINNATI, OCTOBER, 1, 1922 No. 1 HERB DAVIS WILL BE SEEN IN "X"-LINE-UP. RAY WURZELBACHER ELECTED TO CAPTAINCY. STELLAR PIGSKIN WURZY IS CHOSEN STAR RETURNS TO LEAD BY MATES 18 VETERANS REPORT KING & nOHERTY COACH Herb Davis, Xavier's All AVesteru The failure of Herb Davis to return half back, second to Bo McMillan, has to Xavier at the beginning of training returned to his old team and followers. season necessitated the election of a Davis was somewhat doubious about uew caiitain. Ray AVurzelbacher, vet returning to Xavier but the star grid eran half biick and running partner of der. has definitely decided to come Davis was chosen liy his 1021 mates back. Coach Joe Meyer as usual, re as their leader. Wuraj' realizing tho fused to comnieut except wheu he view responsibility ot his selection has ed his squad the other da.v from the turned Ids energy into earnest train club house. To a by-stauder he un ing so that on Armistice Day he will consciously said "Prospects look good." be able to lead agaiust Navy, the great Xavier fans sau assume a world of en est football team, that was ever pro couragement from this, because such duced b.v Xavier. The plunging Cap a stateiueut from the noted ineutor is tain feels confident that with Herb seldom extracted. Davis in the line-up. X will pull a big With tbe Navy game ou the crest of surprise ou the gobs. grid activities and anticiiiatiug fi vic To insure a successful season two tory over the Haskell "Redskins," some new coaches have been added to the thirty loy.il Xaveriaus donned the mole staff. Lawrence "Mellon" Doherty, a skins at Corcoran Field on September former St. X gridder who in 1920 tbe ISth. achieved fame as center ou "Greasy" Despite the absence ' of Noppen Neale's outfit at Marietta, is putting berger and Kehoe, together with some "punch" iuto the line. Joe King, those veterans lost through gradua guard of last season and sufficiently tion. Coach Meyer refuses to allow au.y- known in football circles, pilots tho thiug to prevent him from developing Freshmen Jiggregatiou. the best grid-uiachine in the history of A hotly contested fight is on for end Xavier. The loss of lettermen only positions. Mueller is likely to decor serves to spur on the new aspirants ate the left wing while "Red" Hart who are fighting for a coveted position and "Tish" McGarry are waging a war on the team that will represent the Blue of extermination on the opposite flank. and White at Annapolis on Armistice Itain or shine the bugle of Coach Meyer Day. sumuious the college warriors at Cor (Continued on Page 3) coran Field aud many a good .show has escaped tbe meiubers of the squad.. SCHOOLOFCOM. AND PUBLICITY BUREAU IS SOC, HOLD GET-TO CAPTAIN WURZY NEW IMPROVEMENT COACH "MELLON" DOHERTY Hy courtesy of Cin'ti Post GETHER MEET. FOR XAVIER FACULTY MEMBERS SPEAK THE B. & 0. RAILROAD IS ARRANGING AN ALL EXPENSE TOUR TO WASHINGTON, D. C, FOR OUR NAVY GAME. WE LEAVE ON GEO. BIDINGER DIRECTS THURSDAY NOON AND RETURN SUNDAY NIGHT, ARRIVING IN On Friday evening. September 22, .\ long needed project In the rapid the School of Commerce .nnd Sociology TIME FOR CLASS MONDAY MORNING. RAILROAD FARE, BERTH. HOTEL, MEALS AND PERHAPS SEVERAL RUBBER-NECK RIDES growth of St. Xavier was realized wdth held a nieeting iu Memorial Hall, where the opening of the present scbool year the old Xavier spirit was instilled into AND THRU THE CAPITOL, WILL ALL BE INCLUDED FOR THE APPROXIRLi,TE COST OF $50.00. THOSE WHO CAN MAKE THIS by the establishment of a St. Xavier the new meiubers of the school ;ind publicity bureau. The bureau is under renewed iu the old. lyir. Thomas, Rev TRIP OR WISH ANY INFORMATION, SEE LUKE LEONARD AT ONCE. the direction of George Bidinger, erend Father Brockman, S. J., Ben former editor of the Xaverian News. Mulford, Jr., Frank Crane, Alfred Brendel and other, members of the fac The purpose of this oflice is to assist ulty gave short addresses which were in getting more news of St. Xavier in enthusiastically received. It was the LAW COURSE LENGTHENED TO FOUR YEARS - the columns of the secular and relig largest studeut gathering, that was ious press. Other mediums of pub ever assembled in the history of the A decided step forward toward the al iirojierty, domestic relations aud licity that may arise from time to school, there being about five hundred betterment and further advancement common law pleadings. time will be used to the fullest extent, according to Bidinger. students and prospective students, in of the Law College was made by the As income tax and accounting ques attendance. inauguration of a four year course. Offlce of the bureau is No. 12, St. tions have taken oU. such great import Xavier High School building. Two new courses were introduced in Heretofore the course has been a three ance recently, a very comphrensive the School of Commerce and Sociology, .year one. but with the increasing num course in State aud Federal Income one, Logic, under the direction of Rev ber of sub,iects which it has been neces Tax Accounting has been added to the erend Daniel O'Connel, S. J.; the other, sary to add from time to time, three curriculum of the senior class. Sincere condolences are offered to American History and Civics taught years h.-ive beeu found to be too short our Reverend Rector, Father James by Mr. James E. O'Connell. \\ time for tbe mastery of the various The Law College is now recognized McCabe, S. J., whose brother died, studies. , , . to be one of the best of its kind in this Thursday evening, Sept. 21, at his home Every studefut of every department The course for the first year students part of the country, and present indi in Xenia, O. The funeral services which of St. Xavier is expected tQ learn the Avill include the law of contracts, torts, cations are that there will be a record Father McCabe attended, were held new Foot-ball song, printed on page 6. crimes and criminal procedure, person enrollnieut this year. Sept. 25, at St. Brlgid's Church, Xenia. THE XAVERIAN NEWS NOTES O F A Ii U M N I AV. .T. Sehrimpf, B. C. S. '22, is con ALUMNI MEETING TO THE CLASS OF '22 News has been received of the death nected witb the Brighton Bank and of Dr. Otto Juettner prominent physi An iiniiurtant meeting of the Alumni cian aud composer of "Saint Xavier for Trust Co. -A.ve." He was 57 .years old. Born in * * * .Assoei.-ition will lie held ou the first ALL'S WELL AVediiesday in Octolier. .-V revision of Nimiitscb, German.y. in 1SG5, he re O. A. Simmes, B, G. S. '22, iimtricu- ceived a thorough education there aud lated at Georgetown University, AVasb- tlK! Coustitiition and P,y-Laws is to be How fjired tbe fight with thee today? voted upon. If you have tbe interest coniiug to this couutry in ISSl renewed ington, D. C. • He is pursuing a course Not well? Ah, nay, bis studies at St. Xavier College from in foreign diplomacy. Some day St. (if the associiition at heart you will not fail to be there. Thou hast not lost, thou can'st not Io.se, whence he graduated. To bim we owe X. will havee a Plenipotentiary on its However much they tear and bruise our undying gratitude. Requiescat in list of Alumni. Tbe panting lireast, tbe straining thews Pace. AAHiicb are thy spirit's citadel * • * A man is kuo\\-n by tbe work he » * * Edward Dorr, L. L. R. '22, is prac does! Charles Mc(-'arthy is uow a If thou aud Faith, upou tbe walls, Are comrades still when darkness falls. George Bideuger is a court reporter ticing law witb tbe local linn of Brink, swimming instructor at tbe Y. M. C. A. on tbe Keutucky Post. He has promised O'Connell and Dorr. AVe dou't mean to insinuate that he is Rest now! In sleep thy veins shall swell his friends a banquet ou the day he be- • * * * a poor fish but that be is a whale of comes editor and we are mean enough James E. O'Connell, A. B. '14, is grad a good fellow. AAHth Hope's new wine, aud like to hoiie he is promoted before lent. ually withdrawing from his High * • * a bell « * * School faculty position on account of From valleys deep beard on the height Who said that Bou Grause would Thy 'leagurod soul, throughout the Carl Weustrup will never get over his legal busiuess. fie is also inter cutting up. He is assisting his father ested iu the firm of Brink, O'Connell never be a presideut of the United night, States? He has already taken two Shall call to thee: "All's well!" in tlie tailoring busiuess.