Fairsrore School Year the Knights Will Discon­ ''W'wflpmdign 00Er Aae ,Rclc::E A.T Lixt6

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Fairsrore School Year the Knights Will Discon­ ''W'wflpmdign 00Er Aae ,Rclc::E A.T Lixt6 . , 16 THE CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1925 A Distinguished Roster. ARCHBISHOP MOELLER OUR BISHOPS Cincinnat i priests who became bishops were: Bishop Frederick Ba- Was Only Head of Cincinnati Arch- raga, Sault St. Marie, (Marquette) diocese Consecrated Here. CHRIS. ERHARDT SONS THE More Th an Th irty Cincinnatians Mich., 1853-1868; Bishop C. H. Were Elevated to Episcopal Borgess, Detroit, 1870-1890; Bishop . ' . IThomas B. Byrne, Nashville, 1894- Of the flV~ p~elat~s appomted to Dlgmty. 1923; Bishop Francis J. Beckman, the See of 9mcmnatl the late Most MOTOR CAR CO. --- I Lincoln, Neb., consecrated here in Rev. ArchbIshop Moeller, was the STERN PLASTERING Eighteen Consecrated at St Peter 1924; Bishop George C. A. car- I only one consecrated at St. Peter • ' rell, S.J., Covington, 1853-1868; qathedral,. and he ",:,as. not,. at that SALES Studebaker SERVICE Cathedral Here. IBishop Anthony DurieI', Natchito- j tIme, :;tppomted to CmcmnatI, but to --- ches, (now Alexandria) La., 1885- the DIocese of Columbus. Motor Car COMPANY HE see of Cincinnati has given 1904; Bishop Joseph G. Dwenger, Rt. Rev. Edward Dominic Edward more than thirty bishops and Ft: Wayne, 1872-1893; Bishop Ed- I Fenwick was consecrated at St. COR. MAIN AND HIGHLAND AVENUES T archbishops to various dioceses ward Fitzgerald, Little Rock, 1867- Rose, Ky., by Bishop Benedict Jo­ of the country, but only one to 1907; Bishop Richard Gilmour, Cle- I seph Flaget, of Bardstown; Most NORWOOD, OHIO Cincinnati, Archbishop Henry Moel- veland, 1872-1891; Bishop Louis de Rev. Archbishop John Baptist Pur­ Telephones, Ridge 3700-3701 ,leI' was consecrated by his prede- Goesbriand, Burlington, Vt., 1853- cell was consecrated by Archbishop cessor, Archbishop W. H. Elder, for 1899; Bishop John Thomas Hynes, I James Whitfield at the Cathedral the diocese of Columbus, just 25 O.P., vicar apostolic of British Hon- of the Assumption, Baltimore; Most years ago, on August 25. duras, 1943-1869; Bishop Henry D' I Rev. William Henry Elder was con- STUDIO AND OFFICES Seven other priests of this diocese Juncker, Alton, (Springfield), 1857- secrated for the diocese of Natchez, became archbishops. Archbislwp 1868; Bishop John H . Luers, Ft. Iat the same Cathedral, by Arch­ A. T. Daeger, O.F.M., is the present Wayne, 1868-1871; Bishop Joseph bishop Francis Patrick Kenrick; 36 Walnut Street CiNCINNATI, OHIO metropolitan of Santa Fe, N. M., P. Machebeuf, Denver, 1868-1889; Most Rev. Henry Moeller was con­ Archbishop Joseph Sadoc Alemany, Bishop ' Richard Pius Miles, O.P., I secrated here by Archbishop Elder; O.P ., occupied the archiepiscopal Nashville, 1838-1860; Bishop John I and Most Rev. Archbishop John T. Telephone, Main 6687 throne of San Francisco from 1853 ' Nepomucene Neumann, C.SS.R., McNicholas was consecrated by the till 1884; Archbishop Thoma3 Lang- Philadlephia, 1852-1860, . (pronoun- Dominican Cardinal, Boggiani, in G. B. DORSEL don Grace, O.P., was bishop of St. ced Venerable 1896); Bishop John Rome. Paul from 1859 till 1889 ",hen he Quinlan, Mobile, 1859-1883; Bishop GEMS resigned and was made titular arch- Louis A. Rappe, Cleveland, 1847- ' .......................................... -1 bishop; Archbishop John Martin 1887; Bishop Frederick Rese De- I "._ .. Henni occupied the see of Milwau- troit, 1833-1871; Bishop Henry J. FAREWELL WATCHES - DIAMONDS (Continued from page 13) -;- JEWELRY -:- "Coming amongst us from the I seat of Divine Authority upon earth, I he brought to us a personality whose chief and abiding character- istic was the spread of the Gospel 417 Main Avenue 4609 Main A... that was and is dearer to him than ELMWOOD PLACE NORWOOD, OHIO K·unz & Beck life itself", Father O'Maloney said. "Within the sanctuary' of his soul was a perpetual lamp of holy love ever burning for the dissemination of the Master's truth, and the all­ consuming desire of his heart was to see the Church of God in this diocese 'seated on the triumphal car ARCHITECTS of progress. Presented With Chalice. The buyers have returned from the Markets ~ "Forever does the church cherish --- with goods for?? and hold in everlasting remem­ brance the names and the feats of those who never reaped but sowed most assiduously in blood and tears the seeds of the faith we love". I n presenting the archbishop with a chalice, Father O'Mahoney said "we IT'S 302 Build~ing Carew know that morning after morning you will ascend the altar steps to ELDER HIGH SCHOOL sip the chalice of the Divine Sacri­ fice, and in the name of your erst­ COMING! while clergy I present you with the kee from 1844 to 1881, and his suc- Richter, Grand Rapids, 1883-1916; chalice which you shall constantly keep and use as a souvenir of us. CINCINNATI, OHIO cessor, Archbishop Michael Heiss, Bishop Sylvester H. Rosecrans, aux­ It will be one of those events for which also a Cincinnati priest, was metro- iliary bishop of Cincinnati, 1862- We wish you length of days and politan from 1881 till 1890; Arch- your ,cup of happiness full to over­ Fair Store has an enviable reputation, bishop John Baptist Lamy was vicar 1868, Bishop of Columbus, 1868- flowing". apostolic of New Mexico and bishop 1878; Bishop A. M. Toebbe, Coving­ J. F. Wolff, Duluth, spoke as a New merchandise-including fall sty­ and archbishop of Santa. Fe, from ton, 1870-1884; Bishop James Whe- representative of the residents of 1850 till 1888; Archbishop James lan, O.P., Nashville, 1859-1878; the diocese, and presented their gift les-staple, standard quality everyday ........................................ -..6I Frederic Wood of Philadelphia who I Bishop Josue Moody Young, 1854- of a purse. Mr. Wolff paid a needs will be in a great was coadjutor, bishop and arch-I 1866. _ glowing tribute to the work of the bishop of that see from 1857 till Eighteen of , these' were conse- prelate during his stay in Duluth. 1883, was a Cincinnatian, who be- crated at St. Peter Cathedra:l, Cin­ He said: "It is the most difficult came a convert to the faith when a cinnati, nearly all by Archbishop to say to you publicly what is in our One Day Sale flnunt Nntrr iamrl\rabrmg young man. Purcell. ""-. hearts and minds, first of all be­ cause' words fail, and, secondly, be­ For full particulars we ask you to see cause your personal humility and months of $43,000, and expenditures modesty forbids us to praise pub­ PAGE 8 of Sunday's Enquirer. of $36,000. licly your work in our midst. KNIGHTS GAIN The War Camp Fund last year (Continued from page 13) spent $2,000,000 and has a balance Archbishop Gets Gift. on hand of $2,250,000. the convention. N etable among other "The remembrance of your deep dozens of cablegrams and telegrams' Twenty-five thousand ex-service friendship will be one of the abid­ of congratulation and wishes for suc­ men were enrolled in corre.spondence ing treasures the rest of our lives. cess were one from Marshal Foch of schools without charge in the last Weare grateful to you for the spir­ France and another from William year. itual and religious zeal which you August Home Sales A. McGonagle, Past Grand Master In their hospital work the Knights have stimulated throughout the dio­ of Masons of Minnesota. now have 191 secretaries working cese and particularly for the devo­ are going full tilt-saving the people of Forty new K. of C. Councils were with 37,000 patients in 448 hospitals . tion to the Holy Eucharist which instituted in the last year, it was Last year alone $731,000 ,was spent you have promoted. Most of all for Cincinnati considerable money. Offering reported, and the gross increase in on hospital activities and $140,000 which we are grateful is for that member ship for the year was 67,000. more to help disabled veterans greatest gift which you have given them standard, wanted home needs in through the American Legion and unstintingly of your own self of large assortment. But on the Club Plan. An increase 01 lour and a half the Disabled Veterans of the World all your faculties, health and million dollars in insurance in the War. strength" . last year also was reported, the to­ Delegates in Parade. tal insurance now in force exceed­ As an appreciation ·of the work of ing- two hundred and sixty millions. A parade of 3,000 delegates and his service, Mr. Wolff said in offer­ Two notable policy announcements members, many of them in uniform, ing the prelate the gift: "We have were made: , and a solemn Pontifical Ma s~ in the requested the acting chancellor of READING, NEAR CINCINNATI, OHIO new Duluth amphitheater opened the Boy Training Started. the diocese to order that on Sept. convention. The Rt. Rev. Joseph G. 13, all people of the diocese offer a A Boarding School and Select Day School for Girls First, at the close of the present Pinten, Bishop of Superior, Wis., spiritual gift of their Holy ,Com- ' FAIRSrORE school year the Knights will discon­ ''W'wflpmdign 00er AAe ,RclC::e a.t lixt6. was the celebrant of the Mass, and munion in thanksgiving for your I' Conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur tinue their night schools. The rea­ 6,000 filled the huge auditorium. The years of labor with us, and in pe­ Affiliated to the Catholic University and t-<> Trinity College, sons are the depletion of the War Most Rev. Austin Dowling, Arch­ tition to Almighty God for your Fund from $19,000,000 in 1919 to bishop of St. Paul, preached the ser­ health and strength to continue His ,Washington, D. C.
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