Press pause: Listen to your Presenter – Anjali Sharma, Wellness Consultant

Hello. My name is Anjali Sharma, and today we are going to work on following our intuition.

Intuition is our own inner wisdom or gut , that when fully attuned to, helps to guide our actions and decisions. Just like any muscle within our body, if we regularly use it and work it, it will strengthen over time so that tapping into our intuition will become second nature.

The regular practice of and is a way in which we can work on that process. Particularly in times of uncertainly and change, being able to use simple grounding techniques helps to maintain a of equilibrium and establish a greater sense of clarity.

So, let’s begin by settling into a comfortable seated position, allowing the eyes to lower or close. Now, allow the eyeballs to withdraw and sit back towards the eye sockets, reducing any strain in the eyes. Relax the jaw allowing the bottom of teeth to separate from the top set of teeth, mouth remains closed. Pull the shoulders back slightly and allow them to fall into a comfortable position. Rest the hands on your lap, facing up. Keep the legs uncrossed, feet planted on the ground. If time and allow, feel free to lay down if that is more comfortable.

In today’s breathwork practice, we will focus on 2 centers, within the body. The first will be at the point between the eyebrows, the pineal gland, or the third eye energy center, which promotes intuition and . And the second will be at the base of the spine, or the root energy center, which promotes stability and grounding.

So let’s start with a deep 2-part , with inhalation followed by a slightly longer exhalation. As a guide, breathing in for a count of 3 and breathing out for a count of 5, and continuing at your own comfortable natural pace. With each exhalation, allowing a few moments of pause just before the next breath in. And in this transition point between exhalation and inhalation, discover a place of complete stillness. Some scholars and philosophers have referred to this point as the window into your .

Continue with this 2 part breathing while lengthening and extending your exhalation. And as you develop the rhythm of the breath, now bringing your to your third eye energy center between the eyebrows each time in you inhale, and at the root energy center at the base of your tailbone, each time you exhale. Creating an energy loop of breath , connecting the intuition of your 3rd eye center to the stability of your spinal root center.

While we are on just 2 energy centers today, there are several other energy centers within the body which help to harness various qualities of strength and balance. When we connect with our intuition, and establish trust in our , we eliminate doubt and uncertainly, and cultivate confidence and resilience.

Continue with this breath awareness as you inhale into the 3rd eye, and exhale into the spinal base. Inhale intuition and exhale stability. Inhale intuition and exhale stability, as you prepare to continue on with your day.

When ready, slowly allow the eyelids to open and become aware again of your physical presence. Utilize this breathing practice and incorporate into your daily routine if it resonates with you. Remember that your breath is always available to you and can be a great source of clarity and strength as we follow our intuition.

Thank you and stay well.

Resources For Living

The EAP is administered by Resources For Living, LLC. This material is for informational purposes only. is not a substitute for professional health care and is not meant to replace the advice of health care professionals. Contact a health care professional with any questions or concerns about specific health care needs.

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