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The Grizzly, April 27, 1993

Jen Diamond Ursinus College

Robin Loiacono Ursinus College

Mark Leiser Ursinus College

Harley David Rubin Ursinus College

Audra Boettcher Ursinus College

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Recommended Citation Diamond, Jen; Loiacono, Robin; Leiser, Mark; Rubin, Harley David; Boettcher, Audra; and Moretz, Denise, "The Grizzly, April 27, 1993" (1993). Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper. 316. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/316

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Jen Diamond, Robin Loiacono, Mark Leiser, Harley David Rubin, Audra Boettcher, and Denise Moretz

This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/316 justifiable ends. -Alexander Hamilton Volume 15 Number 20 Student Art Exhibit Opens Ordeal Ends BY MARK LEISER and the prizes. Angela Shavkey's all its endeavors. BY ROBIN LOIACONO of all things(!); the comments O/the Gria.ly Of The GrizzLy photo series won her a book of And now, to steal Harley's seemed funny to me. I hope I think Steigletz photos, combined with technique, I will speak in the first so in the moming. We'll just call After a 51-day standoff at the Branch On Tuesday, 20 April 1993, the paintings by Georgia 0' Keefe. Eric person. My sincere apologies for this The Robin's Nest. Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, annual student art exhibit opened at Hively's pastel, "Still Life," won any really stupid comments, but it's cult members took Federal agents by the Berman Art Museum. The him a volume of paintings by Van three in the morning, and this English The stutieflt ahibition will be surprise by senmg flfe to the complex Wismer-catered reception was held Gogh. An edition of reproductions major just helped proof a BI 0 paper, open through May 5 . from within. The flfe, which was set last Monday, killed 86 cult membe~. from 3:30 until 5:30; prizes were of Matisse's watercolors was Cult leader David Koresh is believed to awarded to Jolie Chylack for her awarded at 5. be among the dead. Throughout the afternoon, watercolor, "Trees." In the The nine survivo~ of the blaze, Velvet Tusk (Leigh Woolston, Matt "Drawing" category, the Europe­ however, claim th.lt Federal agents are Cordes, and Chris Kakacek) bound Sharon Long won a book of to blame for the flfC . They shouted performed. There was a rather drawings by Van Gogh for her denials of the government's accusations large turnout for the show. Everyone "Portrait." An edition of In the as they were led into court m chams. stayed until about 4: 30 when dinner West was presented to Steve Vim The Federal Bureau oflnvcstigation opened. However, the diehards for his watercolor, "Joseph announced that it had found the fuel canisters used as part of the mass stayed until the bitter end, hoping Frances." The Director's Choice suicide, believed to be ordered by award, a cash prize, was given to and straining for a peek at one of the Koresh. soon-to-be famous campus artists. Louisa Schlee's pastel, "Cranes." President Bill Clinton has shown Then again, some of them were This showcase of student talent overwhelming support for Anomey already famous here at Ursinus. is a highlight in the calendar of General Janet Reno, who ordered an The collection of some ninety-six many Ursinusites. Every spring assault on the compound on the day of pieces consists of works submitted they anxiously await the opening, the blaze. According to Clinton, David by nearly everyone currently but if that's all they think of when Koresh is responsible for all deaths involved in art classes on campus; they consider Berman, they are because had decided "to destroy himself and murder the children who sadly mistaken. Our very own art both the day school students and the were his captives ... museum has an extensive collection evening division were represented. Federal agents said that an exact This year's exhibit differed slightly in its hold, and plays host to a answer as to how the lire was set could from previous years in that there number of varying exhibits. be weeks or even months away. They was a real-live (figure of speech) Next time, don't only look for are also trying to determine, by sculpture. In addition, the the balloons announcing the arrival searching for wounds, how may cult photographic submissions had ofSpriog's Student exhibit which, membe~ died in the fire and how many increased greatly from last year's now that it's been brought up, will Student art exhibits like this one can be seen at the Berman were killed in a February 28 gunfight with ATF agents. four to more than a dozen. be moved to the main gallery. Museum of Art from now until May 5. Now, though, the moment you've Instead, keep an open ear, eye, and all been waiting for--the winners mind and support the museum in A Day of Fun for the Kids: Medieval Fest A Success

BY JEN DIAMOND Fest was: "Take Up The Editor In Training Challenge. " New to the project was extra entertainment which was provided The sixth annual Medieval Sports by members of the Society for Festival was last Monday, Apr. 19, Creative AnachroDlsm, who spoke in Helfferich Hall. about medieval times and The Medieval Fest is held each demonstrated medieval style spring and brings physically fighting and singing. challenged students of the Also included in theentertamment Montgomery County Intermediate was nationally ranked wheelchair Unit (M CIU) to campus for a day of athlete, Joe GreJdus of fun and competition. Phoenixville, who gave an archery Many of the kids came in costume demonstration. and with them came their parents, Medieval Fest activities were grandparents and teachers. created by Ursinus and MCIU Many Ursinus students helped students and their teachers. U rsinus with the preparations for the day, Associate Professor Dr. Laura including setup the weekend before Borsdorfs Adaptive Physical the fest and also helping with the Education class and Darlene children and activities on Monday. Anderson, adaptive physical The Medieval Fest is a joint education instructor for the pr~iect of Ursinus and the MCIU. intermediate unit, were coordinators The sixth nnnllal Medieval Fest is a program to help physically challenged students The theme of the 1993 Medieval of the event. Page 2 The -;rizzly April 27, 1993 ews ~~======~ ,~------~ What's Up in Global Perspectives Roving Reporter Wellness BY MARK LEISER BY AUDRA BOETTCHER & DENISE MORETZ OJ The Grizzly Coming around the comer is OJ The Grizzly National Fitness and Sports Month. What suggestions do you have for The GriWy next year? During May, lifetime physical International fitness will be promoted around the country. One emphasis in --Things do not look good for the future of Russian President Boris promoting lifetime fitness is Yeltsin. With a crucial referendum of Yeltsin's policies fast working physical activity into a approaching, people in his hometown of Yekaterinburg have become Steve Postek - Soph.- Get a real paper. busy schedule. Many of us may not increasingly unenthusiastic about his program of economic reform. have time for a routine exercise Yeltsin has agreed to resign if the referendum is not approved. Susie Steele - Jr.- I think there should be more cartoons. program, may feel that "working out" in the gym is a waste of time, --Fighting is spreading in Bosnia as Serbian, Muslim, and Croatian Jay Jackson - Sr.- You're going to have to search far and wide to or we may just not have an interest forces attacked civilians in what was deemed as an act of "ethnic find someone as anally retentive as Assistant sports Editor in physical fitness activities. With cleansing. " This fighting seemed to overwhelm even the UN's forces Jesse Searfoss! eac h of these situations , an sent to mitigate the effects of the war. important thing to remember is that Barb Lampe -Jr.-I want Guru Tom back! a little exercise is better than no --The United States is aiding Mexico in its move to an industrial exercise. Being physically active economy. Lured by interest rates of 16 percent or more, Americans Dan Mullen -Jr.- Don't let any more freaks and geeks write protects our health by strengthening are investing billions of dollars in Mexican Treasury securities. editorials about stricter alcohol rules. our muscles, streng thing the quality of work done by our hearts, lungs National Beth Buckenmeyer -Sr.- Make Sara Jacobson the Editor In Chief. and circulatory systems, and aids in maintaining our weight. --Concerns have risen about the costs for President Bill Clinton's Kraig Bano -Jr.- I think the paper should have a profound impact If a planned exercise program is newly proposed health care package. Officials are becoming on the Ursinus Campus. Therefore, it should be longer than not in your future plans, physical increasingly concerned about the political risks that may accompany two sides of a piece of paper. activity can be incmporated into these proposals. your daily routine. Consciously . ' Mike Donohue -Soph.- Put a centerfold in the pape~ each week. make an effort to walk to nearby --Even though one year has passed since the riots in Los Arigeles, places instead of taking a car. Take the economy in the inner-city is still struggling. Over $500 million Eric Hemberger -Sr.- Don't ask Brent Baldasare any more Roving the stairs instead of the elevator in pledges from business have done little to revive the bleak situation. Reporter questions. . any chance you get. Run around and play with the kids you may .' --Alabama Governor Guy Hunt has been convicted on a felony babysit (they'll give you a great charge of violating a state ethics law. He was immediately removed from office. .' . workout). These are just a few thmgs that you can do to get physically active without Local ATTENTION POLITICS interrupting your day. The key is --A to take the most physically active jury has ruled in favor of the Sands Casino in its trial against BUFFS! alternative to your daily activities. ex -Eagles owner Leonard Tose. Tose claimed that he should not have With dedicating a little more time to pay the $1.2 million he owes Sands because he was visibly drunk The Politics Club is being rejuvenated.If to your physical fitness, you can when he lost it. attain a more optimal aerobic fitness -... ~ interested in joining, please attend the election of level. It does not require hours of '------~ officers and organization of members meeting exercise every day. To get in shape fitness activities, remember physical Sneaker Challenge. today, April 27 in Bomberger 106. For exact time requires only 30 minutes of aerobic fitness can come from many To take part in the challenge we activity three times a week, and to different activities. Take a look at are encouraging everyone to wear please contact a member of the Politics department. keep in shape requires only 20 what does interest you and become their all day on Monday minutes 'of exercise three times a aware of how you feel at the May 3. A campus wide tally of week. moment. At any particular time everyone who wears their sneakers Some aerobic activities that can you feel like moving - move! Get will be conducted, so if you do get your heart in shape include up and dance, run, skip, or hop. wear your sneakers on May 3, aerobic dance, swimming,jogging, this is not only good for your body contact the Wellness Center (489- WE NEED YOU! cycling or brisk walking. These it is good for your spirit as well. 2412) and let them know. This need not be and should not be done Some more formal activities to campus' total will be called in and The Grizzly needs regular writers for to the point of exhaustion or to the consider that don't fall into the added on to the state wide total of all sections of the paper for 1993-94. point where you are gasping for air. typical "workout", but can keep people who wore their sneakers on A safe indicator of the appropriate you in shape if done at the right May 3. Photographers, cartoonists, and business intensity to work at is to stay at an intensity are tennis, raquetball, In addition, the Well ness Center activity level where you are still frisbee, or basketball. will be sponsoring a fitness walk on managers are also needed for next year. able to talk comfortably (if your If you're alone try roller blading or monday May 3 to promote National intesity level is too high, the activity roller skating swimming, hiking, Physical Fitness and Sport Month. If interested in helping to improve the is no longer aerobic and it will kicking arounQ a hacky sack or The walk will be approximately 3 defeat the purpose you are working jumping rope. Another interesting mile long through some of the paper, please attend a brief meeting, for). sport that is becoming popular is residential areas ofcollegeville. We today, Tues. Apr. 27, at 6:00 p.m. on the For those of us who have a hard wall climbing and rock climbing. will meet at the Wellness Center ant time getting motivated to do fitness Ursinus will kick off National 3:30 p.m. rain or shine. third floor of Bomberger - or contact one activities due to lack of interest, or Physical Fitness and Sports Month Hope to see you there! who are bored with the same typical by participating in a state wide of the editors. April 27, 1993 -0 . . The Grizzly Page 3 ------plnIOnS/lJetters------Burke Responds

Dear Editor, ATTENTION WATER I'm writing this letter in response purely fictitious fourteen pounds of contestants wi th the speci fic purpose to Ms. Scoville's letter regarding psychedelic mushrooms. This of apologizing. Three (that's fifty my performance at the Mr. Ursinus reference, too, fai ls to "condone" percent) told me there was no need. SAFETY INSTRUCTORS: competition. I wish to sincerely drug use. I suggest, Ms. Scoville, They enjoyed everything I did and thought I was funny. The fourth apologize to Ms. Scoville, and that you look up the words The American Red Cross has released new "state of the anyone else, who felt "frustrated, "sarcasm" and "satire" in the said he held no ill will, that r was offended and saddened " by my dictionary. This may shed some funny and forgave me for remarks art materials" and "a course in the field of swimming and comments and activities. I assure light on the intent and reality of the that he didn't appreciate. As for the water safety. " With the release of this program all current you, I certainly did not intend to meaning of my comments. audience, I spoke to countless Water Safety Instructors are required to participate in an evoke such feelings. However, at Third, I understand Ms . members. Most people orientation to the new materials before December 31, 1993. overwhelmingly enjoyed my the same time, I feel obliged to set Scoville's confusion about my To accommodate Ursinus students, faculty and staff, the record straight on some of Ms. "disregard [for] requests performance, some said the school Scoville's comments and made ... from organizers of the event " needed the wake-up call " my act currently certified as ARC Water Safety Instructors, the complaints. to refrain from swearing." offended, some said I was funny Department of Exercise and Sport Science will conduct an First of all, my remarks were not Although I made a comment to that but went a bit too far, and a few said implementation program on Saturday, May 1, 1993, from "littered with degrading comments effect during the show, the comment that they didn't appreciate my 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Those interested should contact performance. This certainly doesn't to women." I have reviewed the was in jest. In fact, I was given a Dr. Davidson's office (ext. 225 1) to enroll in the videotape and cannot find a single carte blanche. The person running fit Ms. Scoville's assertion that implementation program. The cost of the program will be degrading comment directed toward the pageant informed me that I everyone was uncomfortable. It is the feminine gender. You may could say whatever I wanted while not fair to portray your own opinions approximately $31.25 for the new textbooks . These need wish to take issue with the comment killing time. So, I did. as the opinions of everyone, to be purchased and reviewed prior to the May 1 program. I made to the specific, female, Furthermore, at no time during the especially when a large segment The textbooks are available in the Ursinus bookstore. individual that I called a [expletive show did anyone say anything to truly disagrees with you. That's deleted], jokingly spelled with a the effect that I was over the edge or called lying, or at least a gross "K". While the word I used was skating on thin ice or that I needed distortion of the facts. My vulgar and could possibly have been to tone down my remarks. At one recommendation to Ms. Scoville is replaced with a much less offensive point, the woman running the show to stop taking herself so seriously. word, the young lady had been said I was doing fme and to keep it I truly hope my letter does not U.S.G.A. MINUTES heckling me repeatedly. The tape up. inspire an onslaught of letters and counter-letters to the Grizzly. I clearly shows my lack of As to Ms. Scoville's suggestions Money is available from A. F .A.C. to any group on concentration generated by her to start "the brainstorming" [read: would much rather have discussed campus with a constitution recognized by U.S.G.A. The remarks. r uttered the vulgarity brainwashing] process to improve Ms. Scoville's complaints with her only after she said, "Shut the the emcee selection technique, I in person. She, however, preferred group must also have a faculty adviser. Groups may ask for [expletive deleted] up!" into the fear they are as misguided as her to malign my character with slander money by submitting a request to the committee. A.F.A.C. house microphone. Try, if you recollections are mistaken. First of in a public setting. I am merely meets in Wismer 103 every Wednesday at noon. Anyone trying to set the record straight. will, to imagine yourself in front of aU, Reed Nichols (who Ms. Scoville interested in requesting money or just observing are welcome some 300-plus people and hearing makes reference to in her letter) ~ She has every right to express to attend. such remarks constantly. I assure a recognized campus leader and a whatever opinion she has in any you, both my concentration and club president. Second, an setting she pleases and I respect confidence were shaken. I merely "election process" would do little that, fully. She does not have the said what came to mind as a to improve the caliber of emcees. right, however, to misrepresent or defensive reaction. The word was Just look at the last five elected fabricate "facts" to support those wrong and I apologize to the U.S. presidents. Elections are not opinions. audience that it slipped out. conducive to excellence. A As I stated earlier, I sincerely The Grizzly Second, at no time did I make professional entertainer might be apologize if I offended anyone reference to drinking, thereby more entertaining, but virtually all during the Mr. Ursinuscompetition. making her assertion that I stand-up comics swear, refer to There is plenty of room to criticize Jen Diamond - EDITOR-IN-CIDEF "condone drinking" in my act drugs and alcohol and/or me on many levels. However, I Sara Jacobson· ASSIST ANT EDITOR simply absurd. She further claimed incorporate sex in their routines. refuse to apologize for the Erika Compton - NEWS EDITOR that I condoned drug use. I did not. I'm sure Ms. Scoville doesn't want misrepresentations and pure fantasies Ms. Scoville presented in Melissa Chido - ASSIST ANT NEWS EDITOR My references to a variety of illegal Andrew Dice Clay or Dennis Leary Dana Kushwara - ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR her letter. If anyone would like to narcotics were satirical and, in all to emcee next year. <\nnette Rawb - ASSISTANT ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR but one instance, derived from Finally, I'm curious. Ms. speak with me personally, I Gretchen M.acMurry and Sarah Star - FEATURES EDITORS televised stand-up comics and Scoville, who have you spoken to welcome your criticisms and Tom Epler - OPINIONS EDITOR Saturday Night Live. The one that told you every one, audience remarks. Harley David Rubin - SPORTS EDITOR exception was my reference to and contestants, was Apologetically yours, Jesse Searfossrrom Mastrangelo - ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS consuming an absolutely ludicrous "uncomfortable?" I have spoken Peter Senescu - PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR/CIRCULATION MANAGER (yes, Dr. Doughty, ludicrous) and personally with four of the J. Burke Morrison Rebecca Heyl - STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Gar Donecker - TYPIST Senta Bamberger" Da?id Weiss - ADVERTISINGIBUSINESS MANAGERS Mrs. Jane Agostinelli - FACULTY ADVISER

Hillel, the Organization of Jewish students, will hold a STAFF MEMBERS: Mark Leiser, Robin Loiacooo, Audra Boetkber, DeDise Moretz, Ian meeting TONIGHT at 6:30 in Olin 101. Rhile, and Dave Webb Page 4 The Grizzly S April 27 1993 ******************* ports******************* SPORTS BEAT

TUESDAY, APRIL 27 Baseball vs. PSU-Berks (IV) 3:00pm Men's Tennis vs. Muhlenberg 3:00pm

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 Men's Lacrosse vs. Delaware Valley 4:00 pm

THURSDAY, APRIL 29 Softball at Washington (ObI.) 3:00pm

FRIDA Y, APRIL 30 Men's and Women's Track at MAC Championships Men's Tennis at MAC Individuals @ Gettysburg Women's Tennis at MAC Individuals

SATURDAY, MAY 1 Men's and Women's Track at MAC Championships Men's Tennis at MAC Individuals @ Gettysburg Women's Tennis at MAC Team Championships Baseball vs. Albright 12:00p Men's Lacrosse vs. Rutgers 1:00 pm

The Ursinus Women's Lacrosse Team barely missed the playoffs this year, SUNDAY, MAY 2 but still managed to have a record well above .500. Men's Lacrosse vs. Seton Hall 2:00pm

WEEK IN REVIEW QUOTE OF THE WEEK --BASEBALL: At Ursinus, Haverford swept a doubleheader from the Bears, winning the first game 5-2 and the second 6-3 on Saturday, April 24. Previously, UC split a doubleheader with Washington College on April "The Good Lord was kind to me. He gave me a strong 18. Freshman Scott Keith pitched a three-hit shutout and senior captain Paul Madson went 4-for-4 with a home body, a good right arm, and a weak mind. " run in the 7 -0 victory. --Dizzy Dean

--SOFTBALL: At Ursinus, UC and F & M split a doubleheader, with the Diplomats winning the first game 8-2 and the Bears the second, 3-2. Previously, the Lady Bears had won five straight games, while pitcher Susan Whisler had a personal five-game winning streak. ATTENTION!! ! OK, guys. I've got an Assistant Sports Editor for next year. But I still need a ton of writers, for all of the fall sports except football. My phone --WOMEN'S LACROSSE: At Ursinus, the Lady Bears beat Gettysburg 7-4, behind three goals by Michelle hasn't exactly been ringing off of the hook, either. So get your lazy butts Derderian and two by Amy Landis. off of that couch at the commercial, and give me a buzz before finals. My number is 454-0712, and that's not just some excuse to give out my --TENNIS: The Men's Tennis Team fell to Haverford 8-0 on April 19, but senior captain Christian Sockel number, either. Remember, it's your section, not mine. The more nearly beat nationally ranked Bruce Nesbet. The Women's team shut out Widener 8-0 on April 17. contributions from you, the better it looks. Thank you for your support. HARLEY'S HAVEN

BY HARLEY DAVID RUBIN they'll be 13-4, a record for the General Manager Jimmy Lynam Flyers, but has just begun playing May your knuckleball flutter in Escritor de los deportes ages by Philly standards. can go out this summer and get rid for Team Canada. And he began in the wind. I'm Harley David Rubin, One of my favorite fans, a certain of everyone except forward Clarence grand fashion, scoring five goals and it was my sesame breadsticks I promised many people I'd Mr. Casey Price, has openly Weatherspoon and guard Jeff the other night in a romp over Italy that instigated the fracas at Sunday mention them in this week's wondered in my presence when the Hornacek. Pretty much every other (they play hockey in Italy?). Lots brunch in Wismer. Please be column, so here's the Haven Short Phightin' Phils will get the respect person is expendable in the new of hope here that he does that next warned--Gus is on the case. List: Jodi "I Manage, Therefore I that has eluded this team of pin­ (and hopefully massive) effort to year with us. Am" Fasbenner, Bill "Always In" striped Rodney Dangerfields thus rebuild this organization. I also hope you got last week's Harley David Rubin is the inventor Stiles, and Sam "Malone" far. Casey--check back in a month. Even more important news on Trivia Answer, which was: Diane of the Harlax Deluxe Recliner, Rubenstein. If you'd like to see If we've been able to stay in first Sunday: the NFL Draft. The Eagles Chambers received her which is the softest chair/ your name in the Haven, please place after facing all of the NL East traded their first pick at #13 to the undergraduate degree from entertainment center that money contact me immediately. Note: teams as well, then we'll start in Houston Oilers for a lower first­ Bennington College in Vermont. can buy. you have to pretend to be not only with the pennant fever. round pick and a third-rounder. But you knew that, because you're a reader, but my friend as well. On Sunday is (or was, by the time of Personally, I don't see why, but picking up these tidbits from with the show ... publication) the final day of the maybeDaBirds' front office knows watching twelve episodes a week. THE PHILLIES ARE STILL Sixers' pathetic NBA season. I something we don't. One would Here's this week's C.H.O.C.R.I THE BEST TEAM IN THE know that I, like fonner head coach think that the better players would "Cheers" Trivia Question: Who MAJORS. I love to see that. As I Doug Moe, expected great things. be taken earlier, buthey--whatdoes was the Boston politician who was PHILLIES sit here on a beautiful Sunday But a wise man once said "you logic mean in the world of football? romantically involved with Sam, afternoon, the Phils lead Los can't always get what you want." The Kid, Eric Lindros, has wanted him to settle down, and was Angeles 5-1. If they hold on, I'm inclined to believe that, unless finished the NHL season with the ultimately dumped for Diane? RULE!!!