~Gazine American Horticultural Society

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~Gazine American Horticultural Society TIIE ~ER..IC.A.N ~GAZINE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1600 BLADENSBURG ROAD, NORTHEAST. WASHINGTON, D. c. 20002 For United Horticulture *** to accumulate, increase, and disseminate horticultural information Editorial Committee Directors Terms Expiring 1964 JOH:-.I L. CREECH, Chairman R . C. ALLEN W . H. HODGE Ohio P. H . BRYDON FREDERIC P. LEE California CARL W. FENNINGER CONRAD B. LINK Pennsylvania CURTIS MAY JOHN E. GRAF District of Columbia FREDERICK G . MEYER GRACE P. ''''ILSON Maryland WILBUR H. YOUNGMAN Terms Expiring 1965 HAROLD EpSTEIN New Yo rk Officers FRED C. GALLE GeOl·gia PRESIDENT FRED J . NISBET NOl·tl! Carolina RUSSELL J . SEIBERT J. FRANKLIN STYER Kennett Square, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania DONALD ''''YMAN FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Massachusetts RAY C. ALLEN Terms Expiring 1966 Mansfield, Ohio J . HAROLD CLARKE Washington SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT JAN DE GRAAFF MRS. JULIAN W . HILL Oregon Wilmington, Delaware CARLTON B. LEES Massachusetts RUSSELL T. SEIBERT ACTING SECRETARY-TREASURER . Pennsylva.nia GRACE P. WILSON DONALD WATSON Bladensburg, Maryland Michigan The American Horticultural Magazine is the official publication of the American Horticultural Society and is issued four times a year during the quarters commencing with January, April, July and October. It is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge in the science and art of growing ornamental plants, fruits, vegetables, and related subjects. Original papers increasing the historical, varietal, and cultural knowledges of plant materials of economic and aesthetic importance are welcomed and will be published as early as possible. The Chairman of the Editorial Committee should be consulted for manuscript specifications. Reprints will be furnished in accordance with the following schedule of prices, plus post­ age, and should be ordered at the time the galley proof is returned by the author: One hundred copies-2 pp $6.60; 4 pp $12.10; 8 pp $25.30; 12 pp $36.30; Covers $12.10. Entered as second class matter in the post office at Baltimore, Maryland, in accordance with the Act of August 24, 1912 . Additional entry for Washington, D.C., was authorized July 15, 1955, in accordance with the pro­ visions of Section 132.122, Postal Manual. The American Horticultural Magazine is included as a henefit of membership in the American Horticultural Society, Individual Membership dues being 16.00 a year. JULY. 1964 FORMERLY THE NATIONAL HORTIC ULTURA L MAGAZINE VOL UME 43 • NUMBER 3 Contents Tuberous Begonias from the H ybridizer's Viewpoint BARCLAy BROWN __________________________________ _______________ _________________________________________________ 131 Experiences in Introducing Plants to Martha's Vineyard Island MARy Lo VISA B, HILL ______ ___________ ______________________________ __ _______________________________________ 141 Tree Selection and Use PHILIP A. BARKER_______________________________________ ______ _______ __________________________ ____ ____________ 151 lVlaguey Del Cumbre HOWARD SCOTT GENTR y ____________________________________________________________________________________ _ 158 Juvenility and Flowering Potential in 'Woody Plants V. T. STOUTEMYER ______________________________________ __ ____ __ _____ ________________________________________ __ _ 161 Reading Other People's Gardens G ER TR UDE B. FIERTZ __________________________________________________________________ __________________ _________ 167 A Book or Two ___ _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 170 The Gardeners' Pocketbook 'Chico'-An OTn amental Dwarf Pomegranate. R. L. SMITH _____________________ 176 An Effect of Temperature on Development and Differentiation of Rose Flowers. P. SEMENIUK ________ ____ ___________________ _____ ______ __ _______ ____________ ___________________ 177 AlIi urn perdulce. B. Y. MORRISOK_ ____ ____ _______ __ _______________ ___ _______ ________________________ 180 Prunus campanulata-Taiwan Flowering Cherry. V. T. STOUTEMYER ____ __ 180 Acmena smithii-The Lilly-pilly tree. V. T. STOUTEMYER ._________________________ 180 Callistemon citrinus-Bottlebrush. V. T. STOUTEMYER _________ _______________ ._______ 181 Tsuga canadensis 'Pendula'. W . L. ACKERMAN) H . H . FISHER) G. A. SEATON ____ __________________________________ 181 Preliminary Notes on Christmas Cactus and Allies. B. Y. MORRISON ________ 184 List of Garden Clubs and Affiliated Organizations ____ ____________ _____________________________ 188 JULY COVER ILLUSTRATION Sa rgent hemlock used as a low foundation hedge at the U. S. Plant Introduction Sta tion, Glenn Dale, Maryland. English boxwood in background (see p. 183) . J. J. HIGG INS Pastoral landscape on Martha's Vineyard Island. Tuberous Begonias From The Hybridizer's Viewpoint BARCLAY BROWN* The plant hobbyist who includes tu­ tuberous begonias. The growers in the berous begonias among his favorites will mid-coastal region of California elected do everything necessary, short of steal­ in 1958 to call their strain, which in­ ing from his neighbor's garden, to have cludes many types, by the name Ameri· the best and biggest begonia blooms on can Hybrid. One century before the every plant he grows. This is not the name came into being, the first begonias case for the commercial grower who has were sent to our country. It was at that large fields and lath houses of begonias time also the first true hybrids, actual devoted strictly to the production of crosses between species, were evolved. tubers. But the commercial grower, if About three hundred species of the he is also a hybridizer, is very interested genus were then known. Those first spe­ in the potential quality of the flowers he cies produced flowers which were far grows. If he is a hybridizer, he regularly from beautiful when compared with checks his crop to be sure that he is get­ some of our present types. They were ting the results desired from his work pale, long-petalled, weak-looking flowers with the parent plants. The plants are on drooping stems. in full bloom eight to nine months after At the present time about one thou­ the seed is sown. Each year some new sand species are recognized in the genus. possibilities are seen in some of the seed­ Doctor Bailey says, "The begonias are ling plants; these are taken in with the exceedingly variable, the genus running parent stock for further hybridizing into about sixty well-marked sections, work. The begonia flower-types seen today are almost entirely the achievement of Single commercial hybridizers. These hybrid­ BARe LA Y BROWN izers, both in America and England, have brought about startling results dur­ ing the last fifty years. The tuberous begonia seems to have an exceptional capacity for improvement. Much of the pioneering work was done by English hybridizers. Later, when the Americans got into the picture, more effort was devoted to large scale hybridizing, with less emphasis on vegetative reproduc­ tion. This resulted in types which came true from seed. The American growers eventually were able to produce seedling crops of a quality superior to the Euro­ pean crops. The expanding market for begonia tubers in America, as well as the California climate which allows the hy­ bridizers to take full advantage of the begonia'S long blooming season, has made it possible for the American grow­ ers to maintain their lead in the produc­ tion of new and superior types. The term American Hybrid is now fairly common to those interested in ' Brown Bulb Ranch, Capitola, California. species brought from the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes. The most important of these species were: B. boliviensis, sent to England from Bolivia in 1865, with drooping scar­ let flowers. B. pearcei, from Bolivia in 1865, with clear yellow blossoms about 1 l;4" across. B . veitchii, introduced in 1867 from Peru with vermilion flowers, is particu­ larly important because it contributed short sturdy stems and round flowers which have been improved and used in most current types. B. rosaefiora, from Peru in 1867, with pink flowers produced some crosses that were white. B. davisii, from Peru in 1876, with orange-scarlet flowers with pink colo~­ ing on the outside of the petals; thIS low, erect species produced many plants with good compact form and some crosses bore semi-double flowers. BARe LA Y BROWN Many other species were also used. to Sem.i-double (duplex) develop the B egonia X tubel'hybnda group. All of the first hybrids were.pro­ duced in Europe before the Amencans but the intergradations are so many and had a chance to show what they could the essential floral characters so constant do. The English firm of Blackmore and that it is impractical to break up the Langdon of Bath deserves much credit great group into separate genera." for their work in bringing the cunent The tuberous-rooted begonias, one of types into existence. several groups within the genus, consist The most popular type now grown III of a sufficient number of species to thor­ California is the ruffled double. The oughly confuse most beginning enthusi­ following list shows the development asts. The further fact of extensive cross­ from one type to another which has led ing between some of these tuberous be­ to the ruffled double. These are ar­ gonia species and their hybrids to pro­ ranged in the order of their introduc­ duce Begonia, X tuberhybrida, the gar­ tion to the commercial market. Other den race of begonias, adds to the con­ types, which are not involved directly in fusion. No complete list of the types crosses leading up to the
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