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BEaiETEBiD As A Himrri. ax® jowst otf ?gYc!goi<oG[icai( jgciitx<^. (Miwst xrmmhir toiflj Spnhudism in (Smi Britain, THE SPIRITUALIST is regularly on Sale at the following places :—LONDON: n, Ave Maria-lane, St. Paul's Churchyard, E.C, PARIS: Kiosque 246, Boule vard des Capucines, and 7, Rue de Lille. LEIPZIG: 2, Lindenstrasse. FLORENCE: Signor G. Parisi, Via della Maltonaia. ROME: Signor Bocca, Libraio, Via del Corso. NAPLES: British Reading Rooms, 267, Riviera di Chiaja, opposite the Villa Nazionale. LIEGE: 37, Rue Florimont. BUDA- PESTH: Josefstaadt Erzherzog, 23, Alexander Gasse. MELBOURNE: 96, Russell-street. SHANGHAI: Messrs. Kelly & Co. NEW YORK: Harvard Rooms, Forty-second-street & Sixth-avenue. BOSTON, U.S,: “ Banner of Light” Office, 9, Montgomery-place. CHICAGO : “ Religio-Philosophical J ournal ” Office. MEMPHIS, U.S.: 7, Monroe-street. SAN FRANCISCO : 319, Kearney-street. PHILADELPHIA : 918, Spring Garden-street. WASHINGTON: No, 1010, Seventh-street. No. 315.—(Vol. XIII.—No. 10.) LONDON : FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1878. Published Weekly; Price Twopence. GTontntts. BRITISH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION THE PSYCHOLO GIGAL SOCIETY OF OF SPIRITUALISTS, GREAT BRITAIN, The Cure of Diseases near Sacred Tombs:—The Earthly 38, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY W.C. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W Career and Death of Bonedict Joseph Labre—The Ex traordinary Things which Happened either Before or Entrance in Woburn Street. President—Mr. Serjeant Cox. Immediately After the Death of the Servant of God— This Society was established in February, 1875, for the pro The Verbal Process Begun on Easter Sunday, Five CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER. motion of psychological science In all its branches. Its object Days After the Death of the Servant of God, and Im is tho investigation of the forces, organic and intelligent, that mediately Before tho Burial of his Body—An Account Tuesday, 3rd.— Seance Committee, at 5.30 pan.
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