THE AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL JUNE 2019 VOLUME 123 NO 1264 729 pp 729–804. c Royal Aeronautical Society 2019.This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. doi:10.1017/aer.2019.43 The discovery and prediction of vortex flow aerodynamics J.M. Luckring1
[email protected] NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, USA ABSTRACT High-speed aircraft often develop separation-induced leading-edge vortices and vortex flow aerodynamics. In this paper, the discovery of separation-induced vortex flows and the devel- opment of methods to predict these flows for wing aerodynamics are reviewed. Much of the content for this article was presented at the 2017 Lanchester Lecture and the content was selected with a view towards Lanchester’s approach to research and development. Keywords: Aerodynamics; Vortex flow; Slender wings NOMENCLATURE AR aspect ratio, b2/S a similarity variable, α/tan() b wingspan CD drag coefficient CD,o minimum drag coefficient CD CD − CD,o CL lift coefficient CLα lift curve slope CL,p potential flow lift coefficient CL,v vortex flow lift coefficient Cm pitching moment coefficient Cp pressure coefficient Cp lifting pressure coefficient, Cp,l -Cp,u c wing chord cn section normal force coefficient cr root chord cs section suction coefficient ct tip chord 1 Senior Research Engineer, Configuration Aerodynamics Branch Received 27 January 2019; revised 6 March 2019; accepted 4 April 2019.