DEGREE PROJECT IN VEHICLE ENGINEERING, SECOND CYCLE, 30 CREDITS STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN 2020 Actuator Saturation Analysis of a Fly-By-Wire Control System for a Delta-Canard Aircraft ERIK LJUDÉN KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES Author Erik Ljudén <[email protected]> School of Engineering Sciences KTH Royal Institute of Technology Place Linköping, Sweden Saab Examiner Ulf Ringertz Stockholm KTH Royal Institute of Technology Supervisor Peter Jason Linköping Saab Abstract Actuator saturation is a well studied subject regarding control theory. However, little research exist regarding aircraft behavior during actuator saturation. This paper aims to identify flight mechanical parameters that can be useful when analyzing actuator saturation. The studied aircraft is an unstable delta-canard aircraft. By varying the aircraft’s center-of- gravity and applying a square wave input in pitch, saturated actuators have been found and investigated closer using moment coefficients as well as other flight mechanical parameters. The studied flight mechanical parameters has proven to be highly relevant when analyzing actuator saturation, and a simple connection between saturated actuators and moment coefficients has been found. One can for example look for sudden changes in the moment coefficients during saturated actuators in order to find potentially dangerous flight cases. In addition, the studied parameters can be used for robustness analysis, but needs to be further investigated. Lastly, the studied pitch square wave input shows no risk of aircraft departure with saturated elevons during flight, provided non-saturated canards, and that the free-stream velocity is high enough to be flyable. i Sammanfattning Styrdonsmättning är ett välstuderat ämne inom kontrollteorin. Däremot existerar det lite forskning gällande flygplansbeteende vid styrdonsmättning. Syftet med den här rap- porten är att identifiera flygmekaniska parametrar som kan vara användbara vid analys av styrdonsmättning av ett instabilt delta-canard flygplan. Genom att variera flygplan- ets tyngdpunkt och applicera en pulsinmatning i tippled har styrdonsmättning hittats och undersökts närmare med momentkoefficienter, men även med andra flygmekaniska parametrar. De studerade parametrarna har visat sig vara mycket relevanta vid analys av styrdonsmättning och ett enkelt samband mellan mättade styrdon och momentcoefficienter har hittats. Det går till exempel att leta efter plötsliga ändringar i momentkoefficienterna under mättning av styrdon för att hitta potentiellt farliga flygsituationer. De studerade parametrarna kan användas i en robusthetsanalys, men vidare forskning krävs. Den studerade pulsinmatningen i tippled visar även att så länge canarderna inte ligger i mät- tning, trots att elevonerna ligger i mättning, så är det ingen fara att flyga, förutsatt att flyghastigheten är tillräckligt hög. ii Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background . 1 1.2 Problem . 1 1.3 Purpose . 2 1.4 Goal . 2 1.5 Method . 2 1.6 Limitations . 2 1.7 Outline . 2 2 Theory 4 2.1 Desktop Simulation . 4 2.2 Nonlinearities of Control Systems . 4 2.3 Definition of Lift & Positive Pitching Moment of an Aircraft . 4 2.4 Stability . 5 2.5 Longitudinal Stability . 7 2.6 The Aft-Tail & Tail-First Arrangement . 8 2.7 The Modern Fighter Aircraft . 9 2.8 Control Surface Arrangements . 10 2.9 Aircraft Moment Equation . 11 3 Demonstrator 13 3.1 Deciding Maneuvers . 13 3.2 Angles & Total Moment on The Studied Aircraft . 13 3.3 Moment Coefficients on The Studied Aircraft . 14 3.4 Saturation Prediction . 18 4 Result 19 4.1 The Studied Square Wave Input . 19 4.2 Saturated Region 1 . 20 4.3 Saturated Region 2 . 23 4.4 Two Different Centers of Gravity . 25 5 Discussion 30 6 Conclusion 33 7 Recommendations For Further Research 34 iii Nomenclature , = weight = moment of inertia ! = lift " = total pitching moment ! = lift coefficient !,<0G = maximum lift coefficient < = total pitching moment coefficient d = air density + = airspeed +1 = free-stream velocity ( = wing area 2¯ = wing mean aerodynamic chord @1 = free-stream dynamic pressure ; = distance 6 = gravitational acceleration < = mass U = angle of attack U2A8C = stall angle X = deflection angle \ = pitch angle W = flight path angle @ = pitch angle velocity @¤ = pitch angle acceleration 4;4 = elevons 3;84 = deflection left inner elevon 3;>4 = deflection left outer elevon 3A84 = deflection right inner elevon 3A>4 = deflection right outer elevon 3A = rudder 20= = canards A4BC = collection name for control surface interference, inertia, pitch damping, and aerodynamic leading edge flap effects iv Acronym List FBW Fly-By-Wire c.g center of gravity v 1. Introduction 1.1 Background During the late 19th century some basic theory of aircraft stability appeared and proposed the tail plane to be a basic element of pitch balance, stability, and control. In 1903 the Wright brothers performed the first flight of a motor powered aircraft called the ‘Flyer’. This aircraft was difficult to fly due to pitch instability resulting in major handling difficulties. The Wright brothers realized that the plane would have to bank in a turn and thus decided to twist the Flyer’s wing during flight, causing one half of the wing to produce less lift and the other side to produce more. The aircraft was controlled using wires connected to a hip cradle which moved the rudder and twisted the wing. The elevator control was operated using a lever, which adjusted the pitch of the plane [1]. For several years the standard was to use a cable-operated system. A stick was used to operate both elevators and ailerons through a series of cables and pulleys, while the rudder was moved by foot pedals. With increasing speed and aircraft weight the physical limitations of pilots began to be realized. The only requirement for the cable-operated system was the physical strength of the pilot to control the control surfaces. This problem was solved by integration of technology such as mechanical boosters to help move the control surfaces of large aircraft, and later, hydro mechanical flight control systems got integrated [2]. With the introduction of Fly-By-Wire (FBW) technology in the 1970’s it became possible to use electrical signals for control. Stick signals were converted to electrical signals and transmitted via electrical cables to an on-board computer. In the on-board computer the stick signals together with measured flight condition data got processed to determine the movement of each control surface actuator to provide the ordered flight response [3]. FBW technology is today used frequently within the flight industry. Due to the on-board computer, unintended increases in angle of attack and sideslip can rapidly be detected and automatically be resolved by marginally deflecting the control surfaces in the opposite way while the problem is still small [4]. This has made it possible to purposely build unstable aircraft to gain the advantages of greater agility, as well as shorter take-off and landing distances due to an overall increase in lift compared to a stable aircraft. Since the pilot inputs does not move the control surface actuators directly, but are processed in the on-board computer that determines the final control surface movement, one of many challenges is to understand how such a FBW respond to actuator saturation. In this thesis the behavior of a FBW control system developed for an unstable delta wing aircraft is analyzed in flight envelope regions where actuator saturation occur. The goal is to identify flight mechanical parameters of relevance for analysis of the FBW control system during actuator saturation. 1.2 Problem The control system to be studied is a FBW designed for an unstable delta-canard aircraft. With a saturated control surface, the maximum deflection angle is set, generating its maximum lift force contribution. For an unstable aircraft, saturated control surfaces can potentially be of serious nature if the generated force from the control 1 surfaces is not large enough to counteract the instability of the aircraft. Therefore, it is important to understand how and when actuator saturation occur. The control system is today studied using various simulation programs with and without human pilots where a criteria is used to help determine if the occurrence of saturation can imply a problem or not. However, a better understanding of the FBW response and which flight mechanical parameters that are of relevance to study during actuator saturation are requested. 1.3 Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to identify flight mechanical parameters that are of relevance to study during actuator saturation. 1.4 Goal In this study the following questions will be investigated • Does a simple connection of actuator saturation and flight mechanical parameters exist for the FBW? • Can the flight mechanical parameters be used to determine how robust the aircraft is towards departure from controlled flight? • How does one determine if actuator saturation during flight is a problem or not using flight mechanical parameters? 1.5 Method The data to be analyzed will be generated using a desktop simulator and is run by a script. As a first step, one needs to find typical maneuvers that can cause control surface saturation. Further, regions of flight where saturation occur during flight has to be found in order to finally analyze each case in detail. Since one is interested in the control system behavior, the control system will be tested for flight setups outside of the intended design. Different flight mechanical parameters will be investigated closer in order to understand their connection to actuator saturation. All data gathered from the desktop simulation program will be analyzed using Matlab. 1.6 Limitations In this study, only longitudinal maneuvers are investigated for actuator saturation. The control theory used by the FBW will not be looked into, but will be treated as a black box. Further, the acquired results will not be verified in a real-time simulator. 1.7 Outline This paper starts by introducing background theory in section 2, regarding the used desktop simulator, aircraft stability, moments acting on an aircraft, moment coefficients, and a section explaining the purpose of different control surfaces.
CANARD.WING LIFT INTERFERENCE RELATED to MANEUVERING AIRCRAFT at SUBSONIC SPEEDS by Blair B 2020-03-23T12:22:11+00:00Z NASA TECHNICAL NASA TM X-2897 MEMORANDUM CO CN| I X CANARD.WING LIFT INTERFERENCE RELATED TO MANEUVERING AIRCRAFT AT SUBSONIC SPEEDS by Blair B. Gloss and Linwood W. McKmney Langley Research Center Hampton, Va. 23665 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION • WASHINGTON, D. C. • DECEMBER 1973 1.. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. NASA TM X-2897 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date CANARD-WING LIFT INTERFERENCE RELATED TO December 1973 MANEUVERING AIRCRAFT AT SUBSONIC SPEEDS 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. L-9096 Blair B. Gloss and Linwood W. McKinney 10. Work Unit No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address • 760-67-01-01 NASA Langley Research Center 11. Contract or Grant No. Hampton, Va. 23665 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Technical Memorandum National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington , D . C . 20546 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract An investigation was conducted at Mach numbers of 0.7 and 0.9 to determine the lift interference effect of canard location on wing planforms typical of maneuvering fighter con- figurations. The canard had an exposed area of 16.0 percent of the wing reference area and was located in the plane of the wing or in a position 18.5 percent of the wing mean geometric chord above the wing plane. In addition, the canard could be located at two longitudinal stations.
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 5, No. 2; April 2015 The Ancients: Artifacts and Aircraft Susan Kelly Archer, EdD Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Department of Doctoral Studies College of Aviation Daytona Beach, Florida USA Abstract Throughout literature and other art forms, certain themes appear repeatedly. The same might be said for engineering designs, specifically the design of aerospace vehicles. In 1996, Lumir Janku wrote about a set of artifacts, discovered in Peru and determined to be Pre-Columbian, that can be interpreted as models of delta- winged fliers. The design of the Peruvian artifacts has been interpreted in multiple ways by a variety of professionals. The delta wing was also incorporated into the design of civilian aircraft during the 20th Century. Modern delta-winged aircraft were used successfully in both military and civilian applications for more than 40 years. It is interesting to read about the possibility that this aeronautical design may have originated millennia earlier with a culture that did not leave written records to explain its artifacts crafted in gold. Keywords: aviation history, delta wing, Pre-Columbian artifacts Throughout literature and other art forms, certain themes appear repeatedly. The same might be said for engineering designs, specifically the design of aerospace vehicles. Man’s fascination with how birds fly can be linked to the ancient legends of Daedalus or the winged Egyptian gods, and then more recently to John Damien’s attempt to fly with wings made from chicken feathers (Brady, 2000) or Otto Lillienthal’s essays linking the physiology of birds to the design of early gliders (Lillienthal, 2001).
Grumman Tribody Concept featured on the 1978 company calendar. The basis for this idea will be explained below. 10. Supersonic Aerodynamics 10.1 Introduction There have actually only been a few truly supersonic airplanes. This means airplanes that can cruise supersonically. Before the F-22, classic “supersonic” fighters used brute force (afterburners) and had extremely limited duration. As an example, consider the two defined supersonic missions for the F-14A: F-14A Supersonic Missions CAP (Combat Air Patrol) • 150 miles subsonic cruise to station • Loiter • Accel, M = 0.7 to 1.35, then dash 25 nm - 4 1/2 minutes and 50 nm total • Then, must head home, or to a tanker! DLI (Deck Launch Intercept) • Energy climb to 35K ft, M = 1.5 (4 minutes) • 6 minutes at M = 1.5 (out 125-130 nm) • 2 minutes Combat (slows down fast) After 12 minutes, must head home or to a tanker. In this chapter we will explain the key supersonic aerodynamics issues facing the configuration aerodynamicist. We will start by reviewing the most significant airplanes that had substantial sustained supersonic capability. We will then examine the key physical underpinnings of supersonic gas dynamics and their implications for configuration design. Examples are presented showing applications of modern CFD and the application of MDO. We will see that developing a practical supersonic airplane is extremely demanding and requires careful integration of the various contributing technologies. Finally we discuss contemporary efforts to develop new supersonic airplanes. 10.2 Supersonic “Cruise” Airplanes The supersonic capability described above is typical of most of the so-called supersonic fighters, and obviously the supersonic performance is limited.
ExperimentalExperimental AerodynamicsAerodynamics Lecture 4: Delta wing experiments G. Dimitriadis Experimental Aerodynamics Introduction •! In this course we will demonstrate the use of several different experimental aerodynamic methodologies •! The particular application will be the aerodynamics of Delta wings at low airspeeds. •! Delta wings are of particular interest because of their lift generation mechanism. Experimental Aerodynamics Delta wing history •! Until the 1930s the vast majority of aircraft featured rectangular, trapezoidal or elliptical wings. •! Delta wings started being studied in the 1930s by Alexander Lippisch in Germany. •! Lippisch wanted to create tail-less aircraft, and Delta wings were one of the solutions he proposed. Experimental Aerodynamics Delta Lippisch DM-1 Designed as an interceptor jet but never produced. The photos show a glider prototype version. Experimental Aerodynamics High speed flight •! After the war, the potential of Delta wings for supersonic flight was recognized both in the US and the USSR. MiG-21 Convair XF-92 Experimental Aerodynamics Low speed performance •! Although Delta wings are designed for high speeds, they still have to take off and land at small airspeeds. •! It is important to determine the aerodynamic forces acting on Delta wings at low speed. •! The lift generated by such wings are low speeds can be split into two contributions: –! Potential flow lift –! Vortex lift Experimental Aerodynamics Delta wing geometry cb Wing surface: S = 2 2b Aspect ratio: AR = "! c c! b AR Sweep angle: tan ! = = 2c 4 b/2! Experimental Aerodynamics Potential flow lift •! Slender wing theory •! The wind is discretized into transverse segments. •! The flow around each segment is modeled as a 2D flow past a flat plate perpendicular to the free stream Experimental Aerodynamics Slender wing theory •! The problem of calculating the flow around the wing becomes equivalent to calculating the flow around each 2D segment.
Aircraft Design Lecture 9: Stability and Control G. Dimitriadis Introduction to Aircraft Design Stability and Control H Aircraft stability deals with the ability to keep an aircraft in the air in the chosen flight attitude. H Aircraft control deals with the ability to change the flight direction and attitude of an aircraft. H Both these issues must be investigated during the preliminary design process. Introduction to Aircraft Design Design criteria? H Stability and control are not design criteria H In other words, civil aircraft are not designed specifically for stability and control H They are designed for performance. H Once a preliminary design that meets the performance criteria is created, then its stability is assessed and its control is designed. Introduction to Aircraft Design Flight Mechanics H Stability and control are collectively referred to as flight mechanics H The study of the mechanics and dynamics of flight is the means by which : – We can design an airplane to accomplish efficiently a specific task – We can make the task of the pilot easier by ensuring good handling qualities – We can avoid unwanted or unexpected phenomena that can be encountered in flight Introduction to Aircraft Design Aircraft description Flight Control Pilot System Airplane Response Task The pilot has direct control only of the Flight Control System. However, he can tailor his inputs to the FCS by observing the airplane’s response while always keeping an eye on the task at hand. Introduction to Aircraft Design Control Surfaces H Aircraft control 2020-06-17T09:26:49+00:00Z RESEARCH MEMORANDUM PRELIMINARY FLTGHT MEASUREMENTS OF THE DYNAMIC LONGITUDINAL STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF TEE CONVAIR XF-92A DELTA-.ZING AEPLELNE By Euclid C. HoIleman, John H. Evans, and William C. Triplett NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WASHINGTON June 30, 1953 .- u NATIONAL ADVISORY COXMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS - " RESEARCH MEMORANDUM PRELIMINARY FZIGHT MEASuRplENTS OF THE DYNAMIC LONGITUDLNAL STABILITY CHARACTEEISTICS OF THE CONVAIR XF-9 DELTA-WING By Euclid C . Rolleman, John H. Evans, and William C. Triplett SUMMARY Some longitudinal maneuvers obtainedduring the U. S. Air Forceper- formance tests of the ConvairXF-W airplane have been analyzedusfng by measured period and timeto damp tohalf amplitude and by Reeves Electronic halog Computer (REAC) study to givea preliminary measurementof the air- plane stabilityand damping at Mach numbersfrom 0.59 to 0.94. For the range of these tests, no loss in control effectiveness was shown, . thestatic stability Cmcr increasedwith Mach nmiber, the damping was light but positive, and the damping factorC&i 4- % was lm. INTRODUCTION The XF-PA airplane was constructed by the Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corp. to provide inf'ormation on the flight characteristicsof a 60° delta-wing configuration at subsonicspeeds. Increased interest in the delta-wing configurationfor supersonic flight prompted the replace- ment of the originalJ-33-A-23 engine witha J-33-A-29 engine with after- burner. Air Force demonstrationand performance tests have been conducted since this change with the National Advisory Committeefor Aeronautics providing instrumentationand engineer- assistance. During these testsrandm longftudinal disturbanceswere obtained which were considered suitablefor stability analysis although these maneuvers were not performed specifically to obtain thisof informa-type tion.
SM11188 Standard Modification Page : 1 of 6 Issue 1 Compiled : S Brown Approved : F Donaldson
Mod No. SM11188 Standard Modification Page : 1 of 6 Issue 1 Compiled : S Brown Approved : F Donaldson TITLE : Main Wing Trailing Edge Flow Straighteners AIRCRAFT TYPE : Vari-Eze Mod Type: Retro-fit 1. Introduction The Rutan Aircraft Factory approved the (later to be mandatory) installation of leading edge vortilons on all Vari-Ezes in the October 1984 edition of the Canard Pusher ( CP 42 pages 5/6) to improve the swept main wing stall margins, increase visibility over the nose on final approach and enable reduced approach speeds without the risk of low speed wing rock or deep stall. The vortilons generate vortices over the main wing at high angles of attack that reduce lift-losing span-wise flow. There is negligible speed or drag penalty Flow straighteners positioned on the trailing edge of the swept main wing further reduce span wise flow at high angles of attack. It has been demonstrated that the addition of trailing edge flow straighteners enable the wing to produce more lift at a given angle of attack enabling lower approach speeds with no loss of view over the nose. The result is a reduced sink rate for a given airspeed and an increased margin between main wing and canard stall speeds. 2. Parts List Qty Part No. Description Source 2 SM11188-1 Outboard Fence Manufacture 2 SM11188-2 Middle Fence Manufacture 2 SM11188-3 Inboard Fence Manufacture White RTV Silicone Hardware store Flocked Cotton / BID / Aircraft Spruce Epoxy Resin List of related drawings / photos Drawing No. Title / Description Issue SM11188-D1 Drawing of Flow Straighteners dimensions SM11188-D2 Drawing of installation on main wing and fitting detail SM11188-D3 Photograph of Gary Hertzler’s fences installation on N99VE 3.
{PDF} Cold War Delta Prototypes : the Fairey Deltas, Convair Century
COLD WAR DELTA PROTOTYPES : THE FAIREY DELTAS, CONVAIR CENTURY-SERIES, AND AVRO 707 PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Tony Buttler | 80 pages | 22 Dec 2020 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781472843333 | English | New York, United Kingdom Cold War Delta Prototypes : The Fairey Deltas, Convair Century-series, and Avro 707 PDF Book Last edited: Apr 6, New page book apparently due from Tony Buttler this coming December via Osprey's X-Planes series although no cover image available yet : Cold War Delta Prototypes: The Fairey Deltas, Convair Century-Series, and Avro Description from Amazon: This is the fascinating history of how the radical delta-wing became the design of choice for early British and American high-performance jets, and of the role legendary aircraft like the Fairey Delta series played in its development. Install the app. Added to basket. Brendan O'Carroll. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. As said before, I'll await more details from SP readers to order or not. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. I couldn't find it on Amazon. Out of Stock. Gli architetti di Auschwitz. Norman Ferguson. Risponde Luigi Cadorna. Joined Oct 29, Messages 1, Reaction score Torna su. Meanwhile in America, with the exception of Douglas's Navy jet fighter programmes, Convair largely had the delta wing to itself. In Britain, the Fairey Delta 2 went on to break the World Air Speed Record in spectacular fashion, but it failed to win a production order. Convair did have its failures too — the Sea Dart water-borne fighter prototype proved to be a dead end.
Aero Dynamic Analysis of Multi Winglets in Light Weight Aircraft
SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – Special Issue ICRTETM March 2019 Aero Dynamic Analysis of Multi Winglets in Light Weight Aircraft J. Mathan#1,L.Ashwin#2, P.Bharath#3,P.Dharani Shankar#4,P.V.Jackson#5 #1Assistant Professor & Mechanical Engineering & KSRIET #2,3,4,5Final Year Student & Mechanical Engineering & KSRIET Tiruchengode,Namakkal(DT),Tamilnadu Abstract An analysis of multi-winglets as a device for of these devices such as winglets [2], tip-sails [3, 4, 5] reducing induced drag in low speed aircraft is and multi-winglets [6] take energy from the spiraling carried out, based on experimental investigations of a air flow in this region to create additional traction. wing-body half model at Re = 4•105. Winglet is a lift This makes possible to achieve expressive gains on augmenting device which is attached at the wing tip efficiency. Whitcomb [2], for example, shows that of an aircraft. A Winglets are used to improve the winglets could increase wing efficiency in 9% and aerodynamic efficiency of an aircraft by lowering the decrease the induced dragin20%. Some devices also formation of an Induced Drag which is caused by the break up the vortices into several parts, each one with wingtip vortices. Numerical studies have been carried less intensity. This facilitates their dispersion, an out to investigate the best aerodynamic performance important factor to decrease the time interval between of a subsonic aircraft wing at various cant angles of takeoff and landings at large airports [7]. A winglets. A baseline and six other different multi comparison of the wingtip devices [1] shows that winglets configurations were tested.