PF Vol14 No02.Pdf (13.90Mb)
PRAIRIE FORUM Vol. 14, No.2 Fall 1989 CONTENTS Introduction v ARTICLES The Economics of Resource Purchasers Investing in Saskatchewan's Resource Industries -Murrey Fulton 135 Economic Impacts of the SouthSaskatchewan River Project: A Midstream Analysis Buren N. Kulshreshtha and K. Dale Russell 149 Capitalization and InternalDifferentiation Within ManitobaFamilyFarmEnterprises Parvin Ghorayshi 163 Hydroelectric Powerand Indian Water Rightson the Prairies Richard H. Bartlett 177 Mineral Policyin Western Canada: The Casefor Reform Thomas Gunton and John Richards 195 PrairieOil andGas: RecentSignificance and Prospects to 2005 Doug McArthur 209 The ForestIndustry on the Pralnes: Opportunities and Constraintsto FutureDevelopment Michael Howlett 233 BOOKREVIEWS BODDY, Trevor, Modern Architecture in Alberta by Clifford Wiens 259 CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF UKRAINIAN STUDIES, Historical Driving Tour: Ukrainian Churches in East Central Alberta by Bohdan Kazymyra 261 PEACOCK, Don, Barefoot on the Hill: The Life ofHarry Hays by Barry Ferguson 262 STRANGE, Thomas Bland, GunnerJingo'sJubilee by R.H. Roy 264 COY, Helen, Fitzgeraldas Printmaker by Nicholas Tuele 265 AHENAKEW, Freda (editor), washahikaniwiyiniw-acimowinal Stories ofthe House People by Deborah James 267 SCHACH, Paul (editor), Languages in Conflict: Linguistic Acculturation on the GreatPlains by Donald A. Bailey 269 THISTLE, Paul C., Indian-European Trade Relations in the LowerSaskatchewan RiverRegionto 1840 by Frits Pannekoek 272 LUCIUK, Lubomyr, A Time forAtonement:Canada's First NationalInternment Operations and the Ukrainian Canadians 1914-1920 by Victor O. Buyniak 273 FRASER, Brian J., The SocialUplifters: Presbyterian Progressives and the SocialGospelin Canada, 1875-1915 James M. Pitsula 275 KILGOUR, David, Uneasy Patriots:Western Canadians in Confederation Joe Roberts 278 JONKER, Peter, The Songand the Silence:SittingWind by Fraser Taylor 284 LAWRENCE, Elizabeth Atwood, Hoofbeats and Society: Studies of Human-Horse Interactions David C.
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