Constitution Du Canada», Publie Par by the Government on October 2, 1980 Le Gouvernement Le 2 Octobre 1980
SENATE SENAT HOUSE OF COMMONS CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES Issue No. 38 Fascicule n" 38 Thursday, January 15, 1981 Le jeudi 15 janvier 1981 Joint Chairmen: Copn!sidents: Senator Harry Hays, P.C. Senateur Harry Hays, c.p. Serge Joyal, M.P. Serge J oyal, depute Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence Proces-verbaux et temoignages of the Special Joint Committee of du Comite mixte special the Senate and of du Senat et de the House of Commons on the la Chambre des communes sur la Constitution Constitution of Canada du Canada RESPECTING: CONCERN ANT: The document entitled "Proposed Resolution for a Le document intitule «Projet de resolution portant Joint Address to Her Majesty the Queen adresse commune a Sa Majeste la Reine respecting the Constitution of Canada" published concernant la Constitution du Canada», publie par by the Government on October 2, 1980 le gouvernement le 2 octobre 1980 APPEARING: COMPARAIT: The Honourable Jean Chretien, L'honorable Jean Chretien, Minister of Justice and ministre de la Justice et Attorney General of Canada procureur general du Canada WITNESSES: TEMOINS: (See back cover) (Voir a l'endos) I First Session of the Premiere session de la Thirty-second Parliament, 1980-81 trente-deuxieme legislature, 1980-1981 29038-l SPECIAL JOINT COMMITTEE OF COMITE MIXTE SPECIAL DU SENAT THE SENATE AND OF THE HOUSE ET DE LA CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES OF COMMONS ON THE CONSTITUTION SUR LA CONSTITUTION DU CANADA OF CANADA Joint Chairmen: Copresidents: Senator Harry Hays, P.C. Senateur Harry Hays, c.p. Serge Joyal, M.P. Serge Joyal, depute Representing the Senate: Representant le Senat: Senators: Les senateurs: Austin Lapointe Murray Rousseau Belisle Lucier Petten Tremblay-1 0 Connolly Representing the House of Commons: Representant la Chambre des communes: Messrs.
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