A Monthly Bulletin of Defence Research NEWSLETTER and Development Organisation ISSN: 0971-4391 www.drdo.gov.in MAY 2019 | VOLUme 39 | IssUE 05 INDIA NEUTRALISES LIVE SATELLITE IN LoW EARTH ORBIT ENGAGEMENT INNOVATION >> p06 INFRA DEVELOPMENT >> p21 EVENTS >> p08 DRDO SERIES >> p22 HRD ACTIVITIES >> p13 VISITS >> p24 DRDO Newsletter MAY 2019 VOLUME 39 | ISSUE 05 CONTENTS ISSN: 0971-4391 COVER STORY 04 India Joins Select Group of Nations, neutralises Live Satellite in Low Earth Orbit INNOVATION 06 DRDO successfully test fired indigenous Man Portable Anti-Tank Guided Missile Successful trial of Nirbhay Sub-Sonic Cruise Missile 2 MAY 2019 www.drdo.gov.in DRDO NEWSLETTER TOT 07 PERSONNEL NEWS 20 EVENTS 08 INFRA DEVELOPMENT 21 DRDO SERIES 22 VISITS 24 HRD acTIVITIES 13 OPINION 19 39th Year of Publication Editor-in-Chief: Dr Alka Suri Website: https://www.drdo.gov.in/drdo/pub/ Associate Editor-in-Chief: B Nityanand newsletter/ Managing Editor: Manoj Kumar Editor: Dipti Arora Please mail your feedback at: Editorial Assistance: Biak Tangpua
[email protected] Multimedia: RK Bhatnagar Printing: SK Gupta, Hans Kumar Contact: 011-23902403; 23902474 Fax: 011-23819151 Distribution: Tapesh Sinha, RP Singh LOCAL CORRESPONDENTS Ambernath: Dr Susan Titus, Naval Materials Research Laboratory (NMRL); Chandipur: Shri Santosh Munda, Integrated Test Range (ITR); Bengaluru: Shri Subbukutti S, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE); Smt MR Bhuvaneswari, Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS); Smt Faheema AGJ, Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics