NORMAN (Ian McKellen)

Norman is Sir’s dresser, protector and confidant. A former play-as-cast actor, he was plucked from the wings by Sir, and has since spent his career solely in his service. He exults in his status as the man closest to Sir, which strains his relationship with the others in the company. When Sir is taken ill, it is Norman who steps into the breach to lead the company, and strives to get him on stage. He has given his life to Sir, a debt that can possibly never be repaid.

SIR ()

Sir is the lead actor and manager of a regional touring theatre company who has spent his life performing Shakespeare. One fateful night in a small regional theatre during World War II as the troupe prepares for his 227th performance of King Lear, Sir is taken ill. As bombs fall and sirens wail, Sir cannot remember his lines or even the play they are about to perform. His manic struggle to get ready for the stage gives him cause to reflect as he seeks to reconcile his relationships with those closest to him before the final curtain falls.

HER LADYSHIP (Emily Watson)

Her Ladyship is Sir’s partner and a fellow member of the troupe, playing Cordelia in their production of King Lear. When Sir is taken ill, Her Ladyship’s appeals for him to retire cause a fissure between them that exposes years of regret, resentment and hurt that have been glossed over.

MADGE (Sarah Lancashire)

Madge is the Stage Manager for the company. Her cold, business-like demeanor belies a longstanding, unrequited love and devotion to Sir. More alike then they probably understand, Madge and Norman find themselves at odds, both suffering the truth of their feelings for Sir in silence.

THORNTON (Edward Fox)

Geoffrey Thornton is an older actor within the troupe who’s called upon to stand in as the part of the Fool, keen to use the opportunity to impress Sir. He is in many ways Sir without the title – also a stand in for those who make acting their life’s work, but never reach the heights of fame or notoriety.

IRENE (Vanessa Kirby)

Irene is an ambitious young actress in the company with a burning passion for the stage. Her determination to become the leading lady, and her infatuation with Sir, threatens to undermine Norman’s efforts to keep the company in order. He tries to hide Sir’s growing reciprocation of her attentions from Her Ladyship and Madge.

OXENBY / EDMUND (Tom Brooke)

Oxenby is a frustrated amateur playwright, who takes the part of Edmund in the company’s performance of King Lear. Moody and antagonistic, he has avoided conscription in the war due to a disability. Over the course of the evening Oxenby’s sullen outlook and apparent disdain for his fellow players momentarily lifts.