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Congressional Record—Senate S8742

Congressional Record—Senate S8742

S8742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 17, 2015 be increased in spending for whatever Finally, these aren’t really tax cuts. Mr. MANCHIN. Madam President, my purpose had to be paid for. That was Tax cuts are when you lower taxes and colleague and dear friend from Vir- the standard. Everything has to be paid lower expenditures or raise other taxes ginia, Senator WARNER, has worked ex- for. We had to find offsets. Then all of so it is revenue neutral. If you cut tensively on trying to reform our Tax a sudden, we are considering a $680 bil- taxes in a time of deficit, which means Code. We had something called the lion hole in the deficit that doesn’t you have to simply borrow the dif- Simpson-Bowles Commission, which I have to be paid for. It is like we are all ference of what the revenues would think he took the lead on and was very concerned about the debt, except when have been, that is not a tax cut. That much instrumental. What does this do we aren’t. Frankly, as someone who is a tax shift. to give you the chance to basically fix has been here for a fairly short time, I We are simply shifting the taxes from the problems we have with the Tax find this puzzling. The rule ought to ourselves to our children. This bill Code? apply both ways, because tax expendi- should be called the ‘‘tax your grand- Mr. WARNER. It decreases our rev- tures, by the way, are what they are. children act’’ because we are cutting enue line going forward. It does take Republican and Democratic economists our own taxes, but we are borrowing some of the things, particularly in concede that the deductions, loopholes, the money that otherwise would be col- international tax reform, off the table. and changes in the Tax Code are called lected and our kids are going to have There are arguments that some of tax expenditures. That is what they to pay it back at some point with in- these being made permanent may are, because otherwise they would be terest. make it easier. I will give you an ex- revenues to the government. That is unethical. That isn’t right. If ample. The R&D tax credit is some- These are real dollars, and this is 5-year-olds knew what was going on thing that most of us on both sides of what has happened since the Tax Re- and could vote, we would be dead the aisle support. Here is the kind of form Act of 1986, when tax expenditures ducks, because that is who is bearing only-in-Washington math that takes represented about 5 percent of GDP. the burden of these policies. place. We are making permanent the Here we are today, and then the pack- What do we have to do to solve this? R&D tax credit and not paying for it. age we are talking about. We are going In some ways, it is simple and in other Yet, if next year we decided to cut up into this area. This is almost 8 per- ways it is hard. Conceptually it is sim- back on the R&D tax credit, that would cent of GDP. This is a huge outlay that ple. We have to bring expenditures and be viewed as additional revenue to the is like new mandatory spending. It revenues into balance. That means bottom line, even though the cost of it happens automatically. It doesn’t have looking at the whole course of Federal has never been built in. Again, people to be reviewed every year. There is no revenues and also Federal investments, who maybe are watching might say: I assessment of whether these expendi- and we also have to make investments don’t understand that accounting. tures are effective or not, and some of to make our economy grow. Let me assure you: If you ques- them obviously are. The best solution to this deficit prob- tioning that accounting, then welcome I have no problem with many of the lem is a growing economy. But ulti- to Washington, DC, and Federal Gov- items that are in here—mortgage inter- mately for me, this is an issue of eth- ernment accounting and budget lines. est deduction, health care interest de- ical stewardship. Tom Brokaw wrote I think this will make it more chal- duction. But some of them deserve con- the famous book ‘‘The Greatest Gen- lenging. There are some benefits, as I sideration, just as our budgets deserve eration.’’ They fought World War II, said earlier—predictability to our busi- consideration. This is on automatic sacrificed, built the Interstate High- ness community. I would echo what the pilot. This is a kind of new mandatory way System, and built the economy Senator from Maine has said. At the spending. The other piece is that we that we are running on today—the end of the day, we are simply transfer- are deepening the debt hole. This is the greatest generation. ring the obligations from our responsi- percent of GDP of spending, and these I shudder to think what would be the bility to that of our kids and are revenues. This is the deficit. This is case if Tom Brokaw wrote a book grandkids. Long term, that is not the debt. That is what is killing us in about our generation, which is bor- going to give them the same kind of the long run. rowing and is not keeping our infra- country that we all inherited. There is a tremendous interest rate structure up, is not adequately pro- Mr. MANCHIN. As we finish up on risk here—as the Senator from Vir- viding for the common defense, and is the colloquy here, the House is going ginia pointed out. We are now at his- shifting the cost from us to our chil- to vote twice. They are going to vote torically low interest levels. In living dren. That is not stewardship; that is on the extenders bill and the omnibus memory, I don’t know a time when in- intergenerational theft. That is what bill. For the second time, we are going terest rates have been as low as they we are engaged in here. to roll them into one in the Senate. We are. For every point that interest rates We are going to have one vote tomor- will not have the opportunity to vote go up with an $18 trillion debt, the cost row. I intend to vote for the bill be- twice. The omnibus bill is something to the Treasury is $180 billion. The cause I believe in the budget section, that I could have supported. The ex- math isn’t that complicated. If interest but I am very uncomfortable with the tenders bill is absolutely something I rates go up to 5 percent, just interest tax extender section. I don’t have pol- cannot support, for the future of our payments on this $18 trillion debt will icy problems with many of those tax country and our children. It is a shame be $900 billion a year. So 90 percent of extenders. I do have a fundamental that we don’t have a separate vote. our current total discretionary budget problem if they are not paid for. I don’t With that, I thank the Senator from would go to interest payments. It think it is honest for us to go home and Maine and the Senator from Virginia would swamp the defense budget. It say that we cut your taxes when our for this colloquy. would swamp the discretionary budget. grandchildren are going to have to pay With that, we yield the floor. Yet we are tiptoeing along the edge of those bills with interest. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- this precipice. That is the point that I think needs ator from Arizona. If interest rates go up with an $18 to be made about this, not that we are Mr. MCCAIN. Madam President, I ask trillion debt, we are in real financial going to be able to stop this train that unanimous consent to address the Sen- trouble. The second problem with this is going to be coming through here in ate in morning business and take as huge debt is it gives us no room for the next 24 hours, but that we really much time as I may consume. slack. It gives us no room for an emer- need to talk next year about serious The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without gency, for a recession, for hostilities, tax reform, about trying to balance objection, it is so ordered. for a major terrorist attack and its ef- revenues and expenditures and putting f fect on our economy. We have no cush- this country on a financial path, on a ion because we have used the cushion fiscal path that is sustainable and re- PRESIDENTIAL STRATEGY TO up. We continue to use it up, even when sponsible. DEFEAT ISIL the economy improves. This $18 trillion I yield the floor. Mr. MCCAIN. Madam President, 70 some day is going to have to be paid The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- years ago, a group of American leaders back. ator from West Virginia. forged the rules-based international

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 18, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17DE6.017 S17DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE December 17, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8743 order out of the ashes of World War II. gional base in eastern Afghanistan as He said that control of the four districts— Those who were there recall that they it attracts more followers and foreign Achin, Nazyan, Bati Kot and Spin Gar—had were ‘‘present at the creation.’’ We fighters. seesawed between the two groups. may well look back at 2015 and realize Madam President, I ask unanimous The revelation in July that the Taliban’s consent that an article detailing the founder and leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar we were present at the unravelling. We had been dead for more than two years has were present at the unravelling. AP interview titled ‘‘U.S. general says led to deep fissures in the leadership, and in- At the beginning of this year, Presi- the number of Afghan IS loyalists fighting between rival Taliban factions that dent Obama was still committed to de- growing,’’ be printed in the RECORD. Campbell said had left hundreds dead. grading and ultimately destroying There being no objection, the mate- Campbell, who took control of U.S. and ISIL. He had warned: If left unchecked, rial was ordered to be printed in the NATO forces in Afghanistan in mid–2014, said ISIL could pose a growing threat be- RECORD, as follows: splits among the Taliban, who have been try- yond the , including to the [From The , Dec. 15, 2015] ing to overthrow the Afghan government since their regime was driven from power in . In 2015, that is exactly U.S. GENERAL SAYS THE NUMBER OF AFGHAN 2001 by the U.S. invasion, could make the IS LOYALISTS GROWING what happened in Paris and San fight even harder in 2016. Bernardino, and it will not be the last. (By Lynne O’Donnell) ‘‘The prize really is Kandahar, that’s their I promise my colleagues that under KABUL, AFGHANISTAN.—Supporters of the strategic goal,’’ he said, referring to the this administration, with the present Islamic State group in Afghanistan are at- southern province from where the Taliban policy and lack of strategy, there will tempting to establish a regional base in the emerged after Afghanistan’s vicious civil be other attacks on the United States eastern city of Jalalabad, the commander of war ended in 1996. of America. I deeply regret having to U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, Gen- Neighboring Helmand province, where eral John Campbell, said on Tuesday. say that, but I owe it to my constitu- most of the world’s opium is produced, is In an interview with The Associated Press, currently the scene of fierce battles for con- ents and Americans whom I know and Campbell said that ‘‘foreign fighters’’ from trol of strategically important districts, in- respect to tell them the truth. Syria and had joined Afghans who had cluding Marjah. More than 1 year into the campaign declared loyalty to the group in the eastern Taliban fighters took control of the north- against ISIL, it is impossible to assert province of Nangarhar, bordering Pakistan. ern city of Kunduz in September, for just that ISIL is losing and that we are win- He said there were also ‘‘indications’’ that three days before the Afghan military, ning. And if you are not winning in this the IS supporters in Nangarhar were trying backed by U.S. forces, pushed them out. kind of warfare, you are losing. Stale- to consolidate links with the group’s leader- Campbell said he did not believe the ship in Syria and Iraq. mate is not success. Taliban had planned to hold or govern The Islamic State group controls about a Kunduz, but the psychological impact of the We asked the witnesses before the third of Iraq and Syria. Fighters loyal to the Senate Armed Services Committee the city’s fall had been enormous. Jalalabad, he group in Afghanistan include disaffected Af- said, ‘‘is not going to fall.’’ following question: Is ISIS contained? ghan and Pakistani Taliban who have fought Afghan forces, ‘‘challenged in many areas, It is not. ISIS is not contained, con- fierce battles with the Taliban in recent understand the impact of Kunduz,’’ he said. trary to the statements—bizarrely— months. ‘‘I think they will make the right adjust- Afghan officials have said that IS sup- made by the President of the United ments so that it (Jalalabad) doesn’t become porters control a number of border districts another Kunduz.’’ States literally hours before the attack in Nangarhar and have a presence in some on San Bernardino. other southern provinces, including Zabul Mr. MCCAIN. It says: ‘‘Supporters of This year our Senate Armed Services and Ghazni. the Islamic State group in Afghanistan Committee held several hearings spe- Until now, however, it was unclear whether are attempting to establish a regional cifically focused on the threat of ISIL, loyalists in Afghanistan had institutional base in the eastern city of Jalalabad, including three hearings specifically links to the group’s leadership. the commander of U.S. and NATO Many of those who had declared allegiance with Secretary of Defense Ash Carter. forces in Afghanistan, General John We heard about nine lines of effort. We to IS were ‘‘disenfranchised Taliban’’ from both sides of the border, Campbell said. But, Campbell, said on Tuesday.’’ heard about three ‘‘arrrghs.’’ We never he added, ‘‘they’ve been reaching out. I’m The Wall Street Journal reports that heard a plausible theory of success, nor sure there are folks who have come from ISIL has expanded in Libya and estab- a strategy to achieve success. What do Syria and Iraq—I couldn’t tell you how many lished a new base close to Europe, I mean by that? There is no time line but there are indications of some foreign where it can generate oil revenues and on when Mosul, the second largest city fighters coming in there. plot terror attacks. ‘‘But they don’t have the capability right in Iraq, will be taken. There is no Madam President, I ask unanimous strategy to take Raqqa. Raqqa is the now to attack Europe, or attack the home- land, the United States. But that’s what consent that the Wall Street Journal base of the caliphate. Raqqa is the they want to do, they’ve said that’s what article entitled ‘‘Islamic State place where the attacks are being they want to do,’’ he said. Tightens Grip on Libyan Stronghold of planned and orchestrated. We have During the summer months, Taliban and Sirte’’—the hometown, by the way of news reports that they are developing IS loyalists fought fierce battles in the far Muammar Qadhafi—be printed in the chemical weapons in Raqqa. This is the eastern districts of Nangarhar, with resi- RECORD. first time that a terrorist organization dents reporting a range of atrocities, includ- There being no objection, the mate- has had a base, a caliphate, from which ing arbitrary imprisonment, forced mar- riages for young women, and beheadings. rial was ordered to be printed in the to operate. What has happened? They The IS loyalists have said they want to ab- RECORD, as follows: are expanding globally. sorb Afghanistan into a larger province of its [From the Wall Street Journal, Nov. 29, 2015] By the way, they have lost some of ‘‘caliphate’’ called Khorasan. Campbell said their territory on the margin. Hope- ISLAMIC STATE TIGHTENS GRIP ON LIBYAN the group wants to establish a base in STRONGHOLD OF SIRTE fully, one of these days, Ramadi will Nangarhar’s provincial capital, Jalalabad fall to our forces, even though there ‘‘as the base of the Khorasan province’’ and (By Tamer El-Ghobashy and Hassan Morajea) have only been a few hundred ISIL ‘‘work their way up into Kunar’’ province there for the last few weeks. immediately north. MISRATA, LIBYA.—Even as foreign powers step up pressure against Islamic State in The fact is that ISIL has expanded The first credible reports of an IS presence in Afghanistan emerged earlier this year in Syria and Iraq, the militant group has ex- its control in Syria; it continues to northern Helmand, though recruiters be- panded in Libya and established a new base dominate Sunni Arab areas in both lieved to have had links to the leadership in close to Europe where it can generate oil Iraq and Syria; it maintains control of Syria were killed by U.S. drone strikes in revenue and plot terror attacks. key cities such as Mosul, Fallujah, and February. Since announcing its presence in February Ramadi; and efforts to retake these The presence in Nangarhar became clear in in Sirte, the city on Libya’s Mediterranean territories have stalled, at least to the summer, when IS loyalists launched bat- coast has become the first that the militant some degree. tles against the Taliban in the border re- group governs outside of Syria and Iraq. Its Meanwhile, ISIL is expanding glob- gions. For months, the Afghan forces—occu- presence there has grown over the past year pied with fighting elsewhere—had let the two from 200 eager fighters to a roughly 5,000– ally. On Tuesday, GEN John Campbell, groups fight each other, Campbell said. ‘‘If strong contingent which includes adminis- commander of U.S. and NATO forces in the Taliban and ISIL want to kill each other, trators and financiers, according to esti- Afghanistan, told the Associated Press let them do it,’’ he said, using an alternative mates by Libyan intelligence officials, resi- that ISIL is seeking to establish a re- acronym for the Islamic State group. dents and activists in the area.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 18, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17DE6.018 S17DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S8744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 17, 2015 The group has exploited the deep divisions dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. Misrata, a young cleric who opposed the radicals. in Libya, which has two rival governments, 150 miles west of Sirte, has recently come Militants publicly crucified several people to create this new stronghold of violent reli- under sporadic Islamic State attacks. who participated in the revolt and con- gious extremism just across the Mediterra- Members of Misrata’s militias, who are fiscated homes. nean Sea from Italy. Along the way, they loosely under the control of the western gov- The brutality moved the internationally scored a string of victories—defeating one of ernment in Tripoli, say they lack the sup- recognized government in eastern Libya to the strongest fighting forces in the country port to mount an offensive against Islamic plead for military intervention by Arab na- and swiftly crushing a local popular revolt. State. Earlier this month, the Tripoli gov- tions and a lifting of a U.N. arms embargo on Libya’s neighbors have become increas- ernment forced the Misrata militias into a Libya in effect since 2011. But the support ingly alarmed. humiliating prisoner swap with Islamic never came. Tunisia closed its border with Libya for 15 State. Unlike in Syria, the group has struggled to days on Wednesday, the day after Islamic ‘‘There will be no meaningful action with- provide basic services. Gas stations are dry State claimed responsibility for a suicide out a political agreement,’’ said Abdullah al- and residents are expected to smuggle in bombing on a bus in the capital Tunis that Najjar, a field commander with the Brigade their own fuel—as long as it is not con- killed 12 presidential guards. 166, an elite Misrata militia that engaged in fiscated by Islamic State. Tunisia is also building a security wall a protracted fight with Islamic State on the Hospitals have been abandoned after Is- along a third of that border to stem the flow outskirts of Sirte earlier this year. ‘‘You lamic State ordered male and female staffers of extremists between the countries. Two have to know you’re going to war with a gov- be segregated. The ill must travel miles to previous attacks in Tunisia this year that ernment that is going to back you.’’ other cities for treatment, a trip that is killed dozens of tourists were carried out by This month, the U.S. launched an airstrike often accompanied by difficult questioning gunmen the government said were trained by against Islamic State in Libya, its first and searches at Islamic State checkpoints. Islamic State in Libya, which has recruited against the group outside of Syria and Iraq. ‘‘No services, just punishment,’’ said Omar, hundreds of Tunisians to its ranks. Officials said they believe the strike killed a 33–year-old civil engineer who fled Sirte This burgeoning operation in Libya shows one of the top deputies of Islamic State lead- after taking part in the failed uprising how Islamic State is able to grow and adapt er Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The deputy, Abu against Islamic State. ‘‘Sirte has gone even as it is targeted by Russian, French and Nabil al-Anbari, had been sent to Libya last dark.’’ U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria as well as Kurd- year to establish the group’s presence there. Despite the challenges, Islamic State has ish and Iraqi ground assaults in Iraq. In recent weeks, a flood of foreign recruits big plans for Sirte. A recent edition of their On Thursday, nearly two weeks after Is- and their families have arrived in Sirte—an- propaganda magazine, Dabiq, featured an lamic State’s attacks on Paris, French Presi- other indication the group is becoming in- interview with Abu Mughirah al-Qahtani, dent Franc¸ois Hollande and Italian Prime creasingly comfortable in its North African who was described as ‘‘the delegated leader’’ Minister Matteo Renzi met in the French base, according to residents and activists for Islamic State in Libya. He vowed to use capital where both said Europe must turn its from Sirte and Libyan military officials. Libya’s geographic position—and its oil re- attention to the militants’ rise in Libya. Mr. Islamic State has called on recruits to serves—to disrupt Europe’s security and Renzi said Libya risks becoming the ‘‘next travel to Libya instead of trying to enter economy. emergency’’ if it is not given priority. Syria, while commanders have repatriated About 85% of Libya’s crude oil production In Libya, Islamic State has fended off chal- Libyan fighters from Syria and Iraq, Libyan in 2014 went to Europe, with Italy being the lenges from government-aligned militias and intelligence officials said. largest recipient. About half its natural gas called for recruits who have the technical ‘‘Sirte will be no less than Raqqa,’’ is a production is exported to Italy. know-how to put nearby oil facilities into mantra often repeated by Islamic State lead- ‘‘The control of Islamic State over this re- operation. Libyan officials said they are wor- ers in the Libyan city during sermons and gion will lead to economic breakdowns,’’ the ried it is only a matter of time before the radio broadcasts, several residents and an ac- leader of the Libyan operation said, ‘‘espe- radical fighters attempt to take over more tivist from the city said. Raqqa is the cially for Italy and the rest of the European oil fields and refineries near Sirte to boost group’s self-declared capital in Syria. states.’’ their revenues—money that could fund at- Like its mother organization in Syria, Is- Mr. MCCAIN. It states: ‘‘Even as for- tacks in the Middle East and Europe. lamic State has appointed foreign ‘‘emirs’’ in eign powers step up pressure against Is- Sirte is a gateway to several major oil Sirte to administer its brutal brand of social lamic State in Syria and Iraq, the mili- fields and refineries farther east on the same control. Music, smoking and cellphone net- coast and Islamic State has targeted those works have been banned while women are tant group has expanded in Libya and installations in the past year. only allowed to walk the streets in full established a new base close to Europe ‘‘They have made their intentions clear,’’ cover. Morality police patrol in vehicles where it can generate oil revenue and said Ismail Shoukry, head of military intel- marked with Islamic State’s logo and courts plot terror attacks.’’ ligence for the region that includes Sirte. administering Islamic law, or Shariah, as Libya is an oil-rich country—a very ‘‘They want to take their fight to Rome.’’ well as prisons have been set up. oil-rich country. If you let ISIS get Islamic State is benefiting from a conflict With a population of about 700,000, Sirte control of Libya, my friends, they will that has further weakened government con- was long known for being Gadhafi’s home- have unlimited sources of revenue. trol in Libya. For nearly a year, the U.S. and town and a stronghold of his supporters. The Wall Street Journal: ‘‘Its pres- European powers have pointed to the Islamic Soon after Libya’s uprising ended more State threat to press the rival governments than four decades of Gadhafi’s rule, he was ence there has grown over the past to come to a power-sharing agreement. De- killed in Sirte by fighters from Misrata. year from 200 eager fighters to a rough- spite a United Nations-brokered draft agree- Earlier this month, Islamic State reopened ly 5,000-strong contingent which in- ment for peace announced in October, nei- schools in the city, segregating students by cludes administrators and financiers, ther side has taken steps to implement it. gender and strictly enforcing an Islamic according to estimates by Libyan intel- A new U.N. envoy, Martin Kobler, was ap- State approved curriculum. On Fridays, the ligence officials, residents and activists pointed this month to break the stalemate, traditional day of communal prayer, the in the area.’’ part of efforts to find a political solution to group organizes public lectures and residents By the way, during these debates, I counter the extremists’ expansion. are often herded into public squares to wit- ‘‘We don’t have a real state. We have a ness executions and lashings of those who will comment a little bit on it—that fragmented government,’’ said Fathi Ali run afoul of the strict rules. those who are against any intervention Bashaagha, a politician from the city of The seeds of Islamic State’s growth in cite Libya as the case for not going in. Misrata who participated in the U.N.-led ne- Libya were planted after Gadhafi’s ouster. In Facts are a stubborn thing. The fact is, gotiations. ‘‘Every day we delay on a polit- the almost exclusively Sunni Muslim Libya, Muammer Qadhafi was at the gates of ical deal, it is a golden opportunity for Is- the Sunni extremist group exploited tribal Benghazi and was going to slaughter lamic State to grow.’’ and political rifts that lingered after the thousands of people. We brought about Since early 2014, two rival factions have strongman’s death, particularly around his downfall and walked away. If we ruled Libya, effectively dividing the country. Sirte. In the east, an internationally recognized Islamic State lured extremists from other had walked away from Japan and Ger- government based in the town of Tobruk has groups under the Islamic State umbrella. many after World War II, it would have won the backing of regional powers Egypt By June, Brigade 166, one of western collapsed. If we had walked away from and the United Arab Emirates. In the west, Libya’s strongest armed brigades, abandoned Korea, where we still have 38,000 an Islamist-leaning government based in a months long battle with the militants on troops, it would have collapsed. If we Tripoli has relied on Misrata fighting forces Sirte’s outskirts. In August, Islamic State had walked away from Bosnia, it would for political legitimacy. cemented their grip on the city, bringing the have collapsed. Islamic State militants have successfully last holdout district under their control, of- taken on and defeated myriad Libyan armed ficials and residents said. I am telling you, my colleagues, we factions, including the powerful militias Islamic State crushed an armed uprising in walked away. This President and this from Misrata which were the driving force August in three days. It was sparked by local administration did not do the things behind the revolt that unseated longtime residents angered over the group’s killing of necessary after the fall of Qadhafi to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 18, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17DE6.003 S17DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE December 17, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8745 build a democracy, and the people of copters in future operations, which are ex- special operations task force, which is to Libya wanted it, and I can tell you pected to be especially challenging as Iraqi number fewer than 100. Seeking to reassure that for sure because I was there. One forces look toward the battle for Mosul, the prime minister, Mr. Carter said the task of the great tragedies of the 21st cen- Iraq’s second-largest city, which was cap- force’s operations would require the approval tured in June 2014 by the Islamic State, also of the Iraqi authorities. He suggested that tury is our failure to act in a way to known as ISIS or ISIL. some of its missions would take place near help the Libyan people transition from Mr. Carter also insisted that neither Lt. the Iraqi border with Syria, where they all of those years of being under a bru- Gen. Sean B. MacFarland, the American would receive less attention than those car- tal leader. military commander who is leading the cam- ried out near the Iraqi capital. By the way, he was also responsible paign against the Islamic State in Iraq and ‘‘Everything we do, of course, is subject to for the deaths of Americans in a bar in Syria, nor the Iraqi prime minister believed the approval of the sovereign Iraqi govern- Berlin and an airliner being shot down. that the Apaches were needed ‘‘right now’’ to ment,’’ Mr. Carter said at the start of his meeting with Mr. Abadi, which also included Yet we should have left him in power? win back Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s Anbar Province, which is the site of protracted Khaled al-Obeidi, Iraq’s defense minister, Sure we should have. fighting between Islamic State militants and and Lt. Gen. Taleb Shegati al-Kenani, who ISIL is operating in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraqi ground troops. heads Iraq’s counterterrorism service. and Egypt, and other radical Islamic But Mr. Carter told Congress just a week ‘‘Our progress in Ramadi is a huge progress groups, such as Boko Haram in Nigeria ago that the United States had offered to and added to it the progress in Baiji,’’ Mr. and al-Shabaab in Somolia, have have American-piloted Apaches fight with Abadi said in English, referring to a town pledged allegiance to ISIL. This ap- Iraqi forces as the Iraqi Army sought to that is the site of a strategic oil refinery in pearance of success only enhances complete its capture of the city. The United northern Iraq. States, he noted, has also offered to deploy American military officials have painted a ISIL’s ability to radicalize, recruit, and American advisers with Iraqi brigades on the generally positive picture of the Iraqi mili- grow. battlefield instead of restricting them to tary’s push to take Ramadi, but Iraqi troops There has been some progress. I was bases inside Iraq, another proposal the Iraqis were involved in pitched fighting on Tuesday recently in Iraq, and the operation to have yet to accept. as Islamic fighters counterattacked. retake Sinjar was important. Iraqi ‘‘The United States is prepared to assist The city, which is believed to be occupied forces, as I mentioned, have closed in the Iraqi Army with additional unique capa- by several hundred militants, has been sur- on Ramadi for weeks. They haven’t fin- bilities to help them finish the job, including rounded by about 10,000 Iraqi troops. Tens of thousands of civilians are believed to be ished the job. Our counterterrorism op- attack helicopters and accompanying advis- ers, if circumstances dictate and if requested trapped in the town, and Islamic fighters erations are taking a lot of ISIL fight- by Prime Minister Abadi,’’ Mr. Carter told have shot at some who have tried to flee, ac- ers off the battlefield in Iraq and Syria. the Senate Armed Services Committee. cording to American officials. All of this represents tactical progress, The meeting between the American de- In their Tuesday counterattack, Islamic and it is a testament to our civilian fense secretary and the Iraqi prime minister State militants took a bridge northwest of and military leaders, who are out- underscored two factors shaping the Amer- the city that spans the Euphrates, which the standing, as well as thousands of U.S. ican-led campaign against the Islamic State Iraqi Army had previously occupied. At the same time, militants sent several car bombs troops helping to take the fight to ISIL in Iraq: the Obama administration’s reluc- tance to significantly expand the role of and a small group of fighters to attack the every day. I would like to point out American troops in Iraq, and the reluctance Anbar Operations Center, the Iraqi command that significant challenges remain. of Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government to ac- that is overseeing the Ramadi campaign As a direct result of President cept highly visible forms of American mili- from north of the city. Obama’s decision to withdraw all U.S. tary support in the face of pressure from Both attacks were beaten back as Amer- forces from Iraq and squander hard- hard-line Shiite politicians and the Iranians. ican airstrikes enabled the Iraqi military to won American influence, the Iraqi Gov- It also raised questions about the Obama retake the bridge. Two Iraqi soldiers were administration’s plans to intensify its cam- killed as were several dozen Islamic State ernment is weak and beholden to Iran. fighters, American officials said. By the end I tell my colleagues, have no doubt paign against the Islamic State militants. In recent weeks, the Pentagon has spoken of of Tuesday, both sides were back where they what the dominant influence in Iraq is the ‘‘accelerants’’ it is planning to introduce had started. It was unclear when Iraqi troops today: It is the Iranians. There was no to hasten the demise of the Islamic State. might break through the Islamic State’s more vivid example of this than when The Iraqi government, however, has yet to belts of improvised explosive devices and it was reported that Iraqi Prime Min- embrace two of the important other defenses and push into the heart of the ister al-Abadi turned down Secretary ‘‘accelerants’’—the Apaches and the deploy- city. of Defense Ash Carter’s offer of new ment of American advisers in the field. Mr. MCCAIN. I met with Prime Min- military assistance, including the use Mr. Carter disclosed the Apache offer to ister al-Abadi in Iraq. He is a good of Apache helicopters and Special Op- American lawmakers after it had been con- man. He knows he needs this help, but veyed privately to Mr. Abadi. Iraqi officials because of the dominating influence of erations forces to help recapture said the public nature of Mr. Carter’s state- Ramadi. ments, which appear intended to reassure Iran and Shia militias in Iraq, he Madam President, I ask unanimous Congress that the Obama administration was turned it down anyway. consent that an article titled ‘‘Iraq De- stepping up its efforts against the Islamic General McFarland, one of the great- clines Offer of U.S. Helicopters for State, put the prime minister, who has al- est generals I have met—he is up there Fight Against ISIS, Pentagon Chief ready been weakened by a series of bruising in the category of David Petraeus—is Says’’ from the Times be struggles with his political rivals, in a dif- leading the fight against ISIL. He re- ficult spot. printed in the RECORD. acted with a very interesting comment. ‘‘This is a very complex environment,’’ He said: ‘‘This is a very complex envi- There being no objection, the mate- General MacFarland said, somewhat philo- rial was ordered to be printed in the sophically. ‘‘It is kind of hard to inflict sup- ronment. It is kind of hard to inflict RECORD, as follows: port on somebody.’’ support on somebody.’’ What General [From , Dec. 16, 2015] According to United States officials, the McFarland is saying is that because of Pentagon’s offer to support Iraqi forces with IRAQ DECLINES OFFER OF U.S. HELICOPTERS the Iranian dominant influence, the American Apaches was more qualified than FOR FIGHT AGAINST ISIS, PENTAGON CHIEF Iraqis, as a body, are reluctant to ac- it first appeared. Military commanders SAYS cept the help they need to retake the would have the authority to use the attack (By Michael R. Gordon) second largest city in Iraq. The second helicopters if Mr. Abadi agreed to their use largest city in Iraq, Mosul, is under BAGHDAD.—Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and the risks of using them were judged to of Iraq declined to take up the Pentagon on be acceptable. ISIS control, and he knows full well its recent offer to speed up the fight against The deployment of Apaches in riskier situ- that Apache helicopters and Special Islamic State fighters in Ramadi with the ations would require further White House re- Operations forces could help him do help of American attack helicopters, offi- view, even if Mr. Abadi approved, United that. But who is telling him not to? cials said on Wednesday. States officials added. The Iranians. ‘‘The prime minister did not make any spe- American officials also said it would take When I was there, we met with the cific requests in connection with heli- weeks to deploy the advisers who would ac- Prime Minister of Iraq, Mr. al-Abadi, copters,’’ Defense Secretary Ashton B. Car- company Iraqi brigades on the battlefield ter told reporters after he met with the Iraqi even if Mr. Abadi were to agree to their pres- and he said: If you Americans come and leader here. ence. you lose one pilot or one plane, you Mr. Carter made it clear that Mr. Abadi One important measure has been accepted will leave. That was the opinion of the had not ruled out the use of the Apache heli- in principle by Mr. Abadi: a new American Prime Minister of Iraq, and one of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 18, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17DE6.021 S17DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S8746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 17, 2015 reasons—along with the Iranian influ- Raqqa and take them out. As long as and slaughter innocent people. ‘‘How- ence—is because there is no trust or Raqqa exists, they will be able to ex- ever unpalatable his conduct of the confidence of the United States in Iraq port this evil throughout the world, in- war. . . . ’’ This kind of Orwellian un- or in the region. cluding to the United States of Amer- derstatement not only obscures the It comes as no surprise that the ica. There is no plan by this adminis- truth, but it cripples the conscience. training of Iraqi security forces has tration to retake Raqqa. There is no My friends, it cripples the conscience. been slow. The building of support for strategy, and that is, indeed, shameful. Bashar Assad’s conduct of the war, the Sunni tribal forces has been even The war against ISIL was American- the barrel bombs, chemical weapons, slower. ISIL captured Mosul in June of ized when ISIL inspired terrorists who slaughtering women and children, not 2014, and at the end of 2015, ISIL still murdered 14 Americans on our own soil only killed one-quarter of a million controls the second largest city in Iraq. in San Bernardino. This attack should people, it is what gave rise to ISIL to How do you think the families of those be a wake-up call and we need a strat- start with, and it is what fuels them brave Americans who have sacrificed egy, as I mentioned. In Syria, there is still. themselves and those individuals who no plausible strategy to achieve this Secretary Kerry seems not to under- are still at Walter Reed feel after the goal on anywhere near an acceptable stand that fact. While in Moscow sacrifices they made and the victories time line. We were briefed that it searching for ‘‘common ground’’ with they won? Now, of course, we see all of would be a year before they retake Russia on Syria and Ukraine, Sec- that is gone—just a glimmering— Mosul. There is no time limit on how retary Kerry said—and I am not mak- thanks to the President of the United they could even approach regaining ing this up; I am telling my colleagues, States withdrawing all of our troops in Raqqa. There is no ground force that is I am not making this up—‘‘Russia has the mistaken belief that if you pull out both willing and able to retake Raqqa, been a significant contributor to the of wars, wars end. They don’t end. It is nor is there a realistic prospect of one progress’’ the world has made on Syria. hard to talk to the Gold Star Mothers. emerging anytime soon. The Syrian Was Russia making progress when it Meanwhile, the Financial Times re- Kurds could take Raqqa but won’t, and bombed U.S.-backed Syrian forces ports that ISIL is still making $1.5 mil- the Syrian Sunni Arabs want to but fighting the Assad regime or was that lion a day in oil sales. Worse, Reuters can’t, partly due to our failure to sup- when it took a brief pause from bomb- reports that ISIL has made more than port them. ing Syrian moderates to indiscrimi- $500 million trading oil, with signifi- Meanwhile, the administration has nately drop dumb bombs in ISIL’s ter- cant volumes sold to—guess who. Guess continued its inaction and indifference ritory in eastern Syria, killing untold who ISIL is selling oil to. The govern- and has allowed Bashar al-Assad to numbers of civilians? Is that the Rus- ment of Syrian President Bashar al- slaughter a quarter of a million people. sian ‘‘significant’’ contributions? Assad. It is hard to make some of this Have no doubt who is responsible for Secretary Kerry then said: ‘‘The stuff up, and it gets a little com- these millions of refugees; his name is United States and our partners are not plicated. Bashar al-Assad, the godfather of ISIS. seeking so-called regime change.’’ The We are now making nice—and I will He is the one who has barrel-bombed focus now is ‘‘not on our differences talk a little bit more about it later— thousands and thousands of his people. about what can or cannot be done im- with Bashar al-Assad and their stew- Bashar al-Assad used poison gas and mediately about Assad’’—i.e., Dear Mr. ards, the Russians and the Iranians. crossed the redline, we might recall. It Assad, here is a blank check. Here is Meanwhile, Bashar al-Assad is buying is Bashar al-Assad who continues the your card. Do whatever you want to. oil from—at least $1.5 million a day— butcher of his own people. Do whatever you want to. Continue from ISIL. I will get to what Secretary Kerry your barrel bombing, continue your Even as an Oval Office speech and a has had to say in a minute. torture, and continue the war crimes Pentagon photo op failed to reassure The administration continues its pol- that you have committed. You have the American people, this administra- icy of inaction and indifference. It has only killed 250,000 of your own people. tion has doubled down on its indecisive allowed Vladimir Putin to intervene Drive some more into exile and murder approach to ISIL, using limited means militarily and protect this murderous more. and indirect ways to achieve aspira- regime. At the beginning of this year, this tional ends on a nonexistent timeline. My friends, the last time the Rus- administration still believed that The administration now admits we are sians had influence in the region was Assad must go, but now, as one official at war with ISIL—wonderful—but pro- when Anwar Sadat threw them out in said, ‘‘the meaning of ‘Assad has to go’ ceeds at every turn to minimize any 1973. Now they are back. Now they are has evolved.’’ American role in fighting and winning major players in the Middle East. This I repeat, the administration official that war. America has never waged is the headline from the Associated said ‘‘the meaning of ‘Assad has to go’ anything we have called to war and Press yesterday: ‘‘Russian Airstrikes has evolved.’’ This kind of Orwellian then so profoundly limited our role in Restore Syrian Military Balance of double-speak has become all too com- the hope that some other force will Power.’’ The airstrikes of the Russians mon in the administration and is ex- emerge to win it for us. The adminis- have taken out significant capabilities actly why our allies and partners tration says we cannot ‘‘Americanize’’ of the moderate resistance—not ISIS around the world are losing confidence the conflict. but the moderates whom we had in American leadership. I also want to point out that the trained and equipped and we refused to A very seminal event happened the President has a unique and really dis- protect. day before yesterday, my friends, that honest approach to those of us who I quote from the Associated Press will be the best indicator of what I am have said for a long time that we have story, ‘‘Russian Air Strikes Restore saying. Thirty-four Muslim nations to have more involvement and pre- Syrian Military Balance of Power.’’ formed an alliance to fight terrorism; dicted what would happen. Unfortu- Weeks of Russian airstrikes in Syria ap- i.e., ISIL, and the United States of nately, we have been wrong by saying, pear to have restored enough momentum to America didn’t even know about it. yes, the ‘‘popoffs’’—as he called us in a the government side to convince President They didn’t even tell the United States speech from the Philippines—want to Bashar Assad’s foes and the world commu- of America that they were forming send hundreds of thousands of troops. nity that even if he doesn’t win the war he their own organization with their own That is a total falsehood. I will repeat cannot quickly be removed by force. That re- strategy, their own tactics, to fight alization combined with the growing sense again what we have been asking for for that the world’s No. 1 priority is the destruc- against ISIS? My friends, that is an in- years, and that is another 5,000 or so tion of the Islamic State group, has led credible statement about the total loss Americans on the ground in Iraq and a many to acknowledge that however of American influence and prestige in multinational force led by the Sunni unpalatable his conduct of the war, Assad the region. Arab countries with European partici- will have to be tolerated for at least some- I have had more than one leader in pation—I would hope that people like time further. the Middle East tell me: ‘‘Sometimes the French would join in a—about Let’s get this straight. Assad will be we think that it is better to be Amer- 10,000 of 100,000-person force to go to tolerated to continue to barrel bomb ica’s enemy than its friend.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 18, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17DE6.022 S17DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE December 17, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8747 So why has the meaning of ‘‘Assad into that because the Defense author- Alan’s behalf with Cuban and U.S. offi- has to go’’ evolved? Because this ad- ization bill calls for the provision of cials. My foreign policy adviser, Tim ministration was overpowered, out- defensive weapons to Ukraine. Rieser, went down several times to played, and outmatched. This adminis- One of the more shameful chapters— boost Alan Gross’s morale, visiting him tration consoled themselves with the although they have written more in prison and bringing him messages. mantra of ‘‘there is no military solu- shameful chapters—but one that is My larger purpose, like my good tion’’ rather than facing the reality really shameful is our failure to pro- friend from Arizona Senator FLAKE, that there is a clear military dimen- vide defensive weapons to Ukraine. who has been a real partner in this, was sion to a political solution in Syria. There are Russian-supplied tanks in to finally put the Cold War behind us That is what Russia and Iran have eastern Ukraine. All of us have seen and to start looking forward to a new demonstrated. They have changed the the pictures of them. They have era. military faction on the ground and cre- slaughtered many Ukrainians, and we Like Senator FLAKE and many oth- ated the terms for a political settle- refuse to give the Javelin, the most ef- ers, I was convinced that such a step ment much more favorable to their in- fective anti-tank weapon we have, to would be widely embraced by the U.S. terests. I believe as a result the con- Ukrainians. It is beyond shameful. business community, by religious flict will grind on, ISIS will grow So I will not talk about China, which groups, by academia, the scientific stronger, and the refugees will keep has reclaimed 400 acres earlier and now community, the media, and Americans coming. has reclaimed more than 3,000 acres in across the political spectrum. I also Unfortunately, America’s troubles in the South China Sea, and our one foray knew it would be welcomed around the 2015 were not contained in Iraq and within the 12-mile limit, the Secretary world, including in countries where Syria. Despite conditions on the of Defense failed to acknowledge before people believe in democracy and ground, President Obama elected to the Senate Armed Services Committee. human rights as strongly as we do. withdraw roughly half of the U.S. So, my colleagues, we depart on this I remember when an ambassador forces from Afghanistan by the end of holiday season, hopefully sooner rather from a South American country came next year. than later, with a world in turmoil, up to my wife Marcelle, saying: We Do you know the President of the with a world that because of a failure have always respected the United United States, even when he announces of American leadership now poses di- States but also we respected , and a buildup, announces a withdrawal. So rect threats, as we just found in San your relationship with Cuba was like a he sends the message to any potential Bernardino, to the United States of stone in our shoe. Now, by restoring re- enemy or any enemy we are engaged America. lations with Cuba, you have removed with: We are going to build up now, but We saw too many dark days in 2015. the stone from our shoe. don’t worry, we are going to pull out. It didn’t have to be this way. It is still He, like so many others, recognized We will withdraw. within our power to choose better that Alan Gross’s release ushered in a So what happens? Here we are. The courses. We must never be disheartened new day in United States-Cuba rela- Pentagon says violence is on the rise in or resigned to a world where suffering tions. I will never forget on August 14, Afghanistan. The AP report says ‘‘Vio- and evil are always on the ascent. On standing there when our flag was lence in Afghanistan is on the rise, ac- the contrary, it is in our character as raised at the U.S. Embassy in , cording to a new Pentagon report to Americans to face adversity with hope listening to our national anthem Congress that says the Taliban was and optimism. We must see plainly and played, and I heard Cubans standing emboldened by the reduced U.S. mili- fully the threats to our values in order just outside the gates of the Embassy tary role and can be expected to build to defeat them. cheering when the American flag went momentum from their 2015 attack As Churchill said, we recover our up. It was a deeply moving experience strategy.’’ ‘‘moral health and martial vigor, we to be there on a swelteringly hot day. It is inevitable, I say to my col- rise again and take our stand for free- We had 54 years of a failed, punitive leagues, there will be greater violence dom.’’ policy that achieved none of its objec- in Afghanistan, an increase in Taliban I have no doubt America can succeed tives. President Obama and President activity, and—I am sorry to say—ISIS, and will succeed. Raul Castro wisely decided it was time who is already establishing a foothold Madam President, I yield the floor. to chart a new path. there, will increase their presence. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The reaction of the people of the Meanwhile, the Iranians, in their at- ator from Vermont. United States and Cuba has been over- tempt at hegemony, will provide weap- f whelmingly positive. Even some of ons to the Taliban. Cuba’s most vocal critics of the Castro This Senator will save the rest of my ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE government have welcomed this new comments about what is going on with RELEASE OF ALAN GROSS opening. the Iran nuclear deal, about what the Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, today Which brings me back to Alan Gross. Iranians have already violated, and is an important day for two reasons. He had every reason to be a bitter de- what continues with the Russian occu- One, it is a sad day because it was just fender of U.S. sanctions, but instead he pation of Ukraine. a few years ago today when a dear strongly supported the new policy of Our much respected leader in Europe, friend, Senator Dan Inouye, died—one engagement. He has never expressed General Breedlove, has said that he ex- of my closest friends and former Presi- anything but warmth and admiration pects increased military activity by dent pro tempore and senior Member of for the Cuban people. Vladimir Putin in eastern Ukraine. He this body. Contrast that with the small handful still has the ambition of establishing a It is also a good day because it marks of Members of Congress who continue land bridge all the way across eastern one year since the release of Alan to defend a discredited policy of isola- Ukraine to Crimea so he doesn’t have Gross from a Cuban prison where he tion that has been repudiated by large to continue to supply by air and sea. had spent 5 years. During that time he majorities of their own constituents, We seem to have forgotten that over lost more than 100 pounds, he lost five denounced by every other government 8,000 people have died since Russia’s in- teeth, his mother died, his mother-in- in the hemisphere, and which even they vasion, including 298 innocent people law died, his brother-in-law died, and acknowledge it has not succeeded. aboard Malaysia’s Flight 17, murdered he missed his daughter’s wedding. Their answer is to keep it in place, by Vladimir Putin’s loyal supporters I worked for years to help obtain even opposing efforts by the State De- with weapons that were sent to Alan Gross’s release and the return of partment to improve security and Ukraine by Putin—not to mention the the remaining members of the so-called staffing at the U.S. Embassy in Ha- murder of Boris Nemtsov, one of the , who had served more than vana, to which the Cuban Government great leaders of the opposition, in the 15 years in U.S. prisons. Scott Gilbert, has agreed. shadow of the Kremlin. The desta- Alan Gross’s lawyer, did an out- I ask that you to look at this photo- bilization continues, even in countries standing job, traveling countless times graph of Alan Gross and his wife. I took as far away as Sweden. I will not go to Cuba. He skillfully advocated on this just minutes after he was told he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 18, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17DE6.023 S17DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE