Oct. 20, 2016, Vol. 58, No. 41

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Oct. 20, 2016, Vol. 58, No. 41 • PLEBISCITO COLOMBIANO • EUA Y CUBA 12 Resistance continues 2 Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! workers.org Vol. 58, No. 41 Oct. 20, 2016 $1 Sexist predator or drone predator? Vote with your feet By Teresa Gutierrez Oct. 10 — This debacle of an election process is unprecedented, bizarre and absurd. And it is also dangerous. Analysis of the latest election scandals and the latest debate uproar can tell us more about how to go forward when one of these two “predator” capitalist candidates is elected. On Oct. 7, the Washington Post published a 2005 video in which today’s presidential candidate Donald Trump, at that time the reality show host of “The Ap- prentice,” can be heard making the most obscene, vul- gar comments about women. That opened up a “shit- storm” for the Trump candidacy. This past weekend the elections tragically came down to voting for either a “sexist predator” or a “drone pred- ator.” A racist buffoon or a war hawk. A misogynist, cor- rupt idiot or a corrupt Wall Street lackey. A billionaire rogue thief or a billionaire establishment thief. This scandal is another example that the two parties of the capitalist system are in crisis. The Republican Party is imploding. The Democratic Party had to re- sort to corruption to get its nominee in place, including shutting opponent Bernie Sanders out of funding and support. Neither party can produce legitimate leaders because they represent an illegitimate system. Trump’s bus a bust PHOTO: RODNE JEAN Action in the just-released video took place on an Ac- Caravan from Fanmi Lavalas brings aid to survivors who lost everything. See page 8 for articles on cess Hollywood bus in 2005. A host of the show, Billy Hurricane Matthew in Haiti and Cuba. Bush — kinfolk to former Presidents Bush — can also be heard on the tape, going along with Trump, laughing lasciviously. The lewd comments Trump made are not printable; they are so offensive. Women’s body parts are referred to as open season for Trump as he declares that because he is a “celebrity, he can kiss” or “grab” anything he Harvard wants and “get away with it.” Trump’s comments amount to coarse verbal sexu- food workers ON STRIKE! 3 al assaults and to the gross objectification of women. Trump believes women are his property, second-class citizens that he can say or do anything to that he wants. His words then and his demeanor now speak volumes about unbridled white, straight, male privilege. Imagine what might happen if a Black man had been Editorial: Sexist bosses 10 caught saying such words. At the least his career would be over. He could end up in jail, or even worse. The exposure created an immediate firestorm. Trump’s campaign was called into question. Republi- Nogales: cans jumped ship in large numbers, and over 20 elect- ed officials and other prominent Republicans withdrew Convergence at divided city 4 their endorsement over the weekend. Both Trump and his vice presidential nominee were disinvited from a Wisconsin Republican event that included Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House. On Oct. 10, Ryan basically disavowed Trump, saying Kaepernick effect 6 Continued on page 5 Subscribe to Workers World Support for Charlotte Uprising 7 4 weeks trial $4 1 year subscription $30 Sign me up for the WWP Supporter Program: workers.org/articles/donate/supporters_/ Editorial: Trump & war 10 Name Email ______________________________Phone __________ Street _________________City / State / Zip_________ Workers World 212.627.2994 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl, NY, NY 10011 workers.org • Syria 9 • Colombia 10 • Polish women; Marshall Islands 11 Page 2 Oct. 20, 2016 workers.org In answer to new court ruling Standing Rock resistance continues By Sara Flounders The Missouri River is the main water source for the In the U.S. Lakota Sioux Nation at Standing Rock and for millions of Time to vote with our feet..................................1 Indigenous Peoples Day is an answer to the offen- people in four states. Corporate pressure to protect capi- Standing Rock resistance continues ........................2 sive Columbus Day holiday that glorifies the European talist profit has again and again been considered more im- conquest of the Americas. This year Oct. 10 was a day portant than protecting the land, water and treaty rights Harvard U. strike! Trying to survive capitalism ..............3 of new arrests of the heroic Standing Rock resisters to of Indigenous nations. National ‘walk-ins’ reject attacks on public education.....3 the Dakota Access Pipeline, being built by Energy Trans- The largest U.S. banks, such as Bank of America, are be- Solidarity with migrants at U.S./Mexico border . .4 fer Partners to transport half a million barrels of oil a hind the pipeline construction and the dangerous practice day across four states. Solidarity actions were also held of oil fracking and drilling. Billions of dollars are at stake. Lee Booth: A woman warrior and internationalist . 4 across the country. The Dakota Access Pipeline had originally been planned Sparked by Kaepernick – Sports protests pummel racism . 6 On Oct. 9, a U.S. court, in clear violation of signed trea- to cross the Missouri River north of Bismarck, the capi- Hands off #CharlotteUprising! ...........................6 ties, had ruled once again in support of corporate power tal of North Dakota. However, over concern for the city’s and against Indigenous nations. drinking water supply, the route was moved downstream Charlotte Uprising activists focus on Bank of America.....7 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to treaty lands of the Standing Rock Reservation. Rochester meeting on Syria..............................9 Circuit rejected the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s motion for Dave Archambault II, chair of the Standing Rock Sioux a permanent injunction to stop the $3.7 billion pipeline. Nation, responded to the court ruling: “The Standing Rock Around the world The events that unfolded on the eve of Indigenous Peo- Sioux Tribe is not backing down from this fight. We are World unions meet in South Africa .......................5 ples Day once again exposed the criminal role of state guided by prayer, and we will continue to fight for our peo- Cuba’s solidarity blunts Hurricane Matthew’s blow .......8 power to protect the ruthless capitalist drive for profits. ple. We will not rest until our lands, people, waters and sa- The courts, police and U.S. military performed as they cred places are permanently protected from this destruc- Haiti in urgent need after hurricane ......................8 have historically, using military invasion, removal of the tive pipeline.” (indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com) Washington’s threats to expand war in Syria .............9 people themselves, legislation and racist policing. The court battle is continuing, with further legal ap- Colombian plebiscite, a dangerous detour to peace ........10 Some 27 people were arrested after confrontations at peals. And the struggle continues on the front lines. construction sites on Indigenous Peoples Day. The arrests Since an initial encampment began at Sacred Stones Women strike in Poland for abortion rights ...............11 included “Snowden” film co-star Shailene Woodley, who on April 1, thousands have joined more than 300 feder- Justice denied to Marshall Islands victims of nukes .........11 was charged with “trespassing.” About 100 protesters ally recognized American Indian Nations at Cannon Ball, were at the construction site when the arrests were made. N.D. — site of the Oceti Sakowin Camp — to protest the Editorial But solidarity and determined resistance continue to pipeline. Determined activists are now winterizing the en- Workers to sexist bosses: Hands off!.....................10 find a way forward. campment to keep a presence through the extreme arctic Trump, Clinton and Syria ....................................10 cold of North Dakota winters. Courts vs. Native rights The fight to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline is a strug- WWP Presidential Campaign In an effort to push through the pipeline, the courts gle for Native sovereignty and the right to control Indige- The Moorehead/Lilly campaign needs your donation now!..4 had given it fast-track approval in July. But then thou- nous land, water and other natural resources. The resis- sands of Indigenous resisters and their allies, using di- tance organized at Standing Rock is also over defense of Noticias en Español rect action, rallies and a growing encampment at Stand- pure water as a human right of all people. Plebiscito colombiano...................................12 ing Rock, drew international publicity. In late August a Cheyenne River Sioux community organizer Joye Braun federal court was pressed to grant a temporary injunc- explained: “The dangers imposed by the greed of big oil on EUA continúa subversión contra Cuba ...................12 tion stopping construction on the section of the pipeline the people who live along the Missouri River is astounding. stretching 20 miles east and west of the Missouri River. When this proposed pipeline breaks, as the vast majority of But on Oct. 9, the court reversed itself and refused a pipelines do, over half the drinking water in South Dakota permanent injunction. Fearful of growing support for the will be affected. ... It must be stopped.” (lakotavoice.com) resistance, the court also left open a way to reverse its deci- Resistance and solidarity events continue under the Workers World sion. The ruling acknowledged it was “not the final word,” banner of “#NoDAPL. 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. noting that the final decision lay with the U.S. Army Corps Flounders visited Standing Rock in September as part New York, N.Y. 10011 of Engineers. This body is notorious for using its authority of a solidarity delegation of the Workers World Party Phone: 212.627.2994 over vast construction projects to benefit corporate power. 2016 election campaign. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.workers.org Vol.
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