MARINE PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 292: 173–180, 2005 Published May 12 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Positive associations between macroalgal species in a rocky and their effects on the physiological performance of Ulva lactuca

Marco A. Molina-Montenegro1,*, Alejandro A. Muñoz1, Ernesto I. Badano1, Billy W. Morales2, Katia M. Fuentes3, Lohengrin A. Cavieres1

1Grupo de investigación en Ecología, Biogeografía y Sistemática (ECOBIOSIS), Departamento de Botánica, 2Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas del Pacifico Suroriental (COPAS), and 3Programa Regional de Oceanografía Física y Clima (PROFC), Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, Concepción, Chile

ABSTRACT: Positive interactions become more important as physical stress increases. Rocky inter- tidal display marked desiccation and heat stress gradients, increasing from low- to high-tidal levels. The presence of some macroalgae has been shown to facilitate several intertidal organisms by ameliorating stressful conditions. However, few studies have reported positive interactions among 2 or more macroalgal species, and none has addressed how canopies could modify the phys- iological performance of other associated along intertidal gradients. Here we report on spatial association patterns of 2 macroalgae (the Macrocystis pyrifera and the green alga Ulva lactuca) occurring along a rocky intertidal vertical gradient in southern Chile. We conducted an evaporative water loss experiment and compared temperature and photosynthetic active radiation beneath the canopy of M. pyrifera and on exposed substrates. We compared maximum quantum-yield (Fv/Fm ratio = (Fm–F0)/Fm, where F0 and Fm are the minimum and maximum chlorophyll fluorescence yields, respectively) and photochemical efficiency in Photosystem II (ΦPSII) of U. lactuca beneath and away from kelp canopies along the intertidal gradient. Positive association patterns between M. pyrifera and U. lactuca were detected at high-tidal areas, while neutral patterns were evident at low-tidal heights. Evaporation, temperature, and PAR were lower beneath kelp canopies. The photosynthetic performance of U. lactuca was lower in individuals on exposed substrates compared to those associ- ated with M. pyrifera, with this effect being more pronounced in the upper intertidal zone. Our results support the prediction that the importance of positive interactions increases with stress. We suggest that M. pyrifera could be acting as a ‘nurse species’ for U. lactuca, possibly extending the vertical distribution of this green alga to high intertidal zones.

KEY WORDS: Positive interactions · Facilitation · Physical stress · Desiccation gradient · Macroalgae · Photosynthetic performance · Chlorophyll fluorescence · PAR

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INTRODUCTION interactions that benefit at least 1 of the participants without negatively affecting the organisms involved Spatial pattern analyses have been widely used to (Bertness & Callaway 1994, Bruno & Bertness 2000, infer on the nature of interactions among organisms, Bruno et al. 2003). These positive interactions fre- with positive spatial associations having been consid- quently have been reported in stressful habitats, such ered a manifestation of facilitation (Callaway 1995, as deserts (e.g. Franco & Nobel 1988, Valiente-Banuet Hasse 2001, Schenk et al. 2003, Tirado & Pugnaire et al. 1991, Tirado & Pugnaire 2003), high-mountain 2003). Facilitation has been defined as nontrophic (e.g. Callaway et al. 2002, Cavieres et al.

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2005 · 174 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 292: 173–180, 2005

2002), and salt-marsh environments (e.g. Hacker & the green macroalga Ulva lactuca, occurring along a Bertness 1995, Callaway & Pennings 2000). Bertness & rocky intertidal vertical gradient in southern Chile. Callaway (1994) and Brooker & Callaghan (1998) pro- The latter alga is a small thin-fronded foliose species posed that both the frequency and the intensity of (Hoffmann & Santelices 1997), and hence can be facilitation increases along environmental stress gradi- considered to be highly susceptible to desiccation. ents, with this having been demonstrated in several Indeed, it usually grows in the lower and mid- ecosystems (e.g. Bertness & Leonard 1997, Bertness et portions of rocky intertidal areas, as well as shallow al. 1999, Callaway et al. 2002). subtidal habitats along the Chilean coast (Hoffmann Rocky intertidal zones are stressful habitats due to & Santelices 1997). We propose that the presence of the high substrate temperatures, strong desiccation, M. pyrifera individuals ameliorates physical stress and high levels of solar radiation they experience beneath their canopies, resulting in positive spatial during periods of low (Lively & Raimondi 1987, associations between this kelp and U. lactuca in the Raffaelli & Hawkins 1996, Bertness & Leonard 1997). high intertidal zone. We also hypothesize that micro- Therefore, any species able to ameliorate these condi- climatic improvement by M. pyrifera would result in tions could be expected to enhance the performance of a greater physiological performance of U. lactuca, other species (Bertness et al. 1999). During low-tide expressed as an increase in its photosynthetic effi- periods, some macroalgae have been shown to greatly ciency of Photosystem II. improve water retention of rocky substrates beneath their canopies (Hay 1981, Bertness & Grosholz 1985). The presence of these macroalgae facilitates the estab- MATERIALS AND METHODS lishment and survival of several other species such as , , , as well as other macroalgae Study site and species. We carried out this study in (Brawley & Johnson 1991, Bertness et al. 1999). How- February 2003 at Coliumo Bay (36° 35’ S, 72° 58’ W), ever, despite the many reported cases of facilitation in 40 km north of the city of Concepción, southern Chile. algae, , and invertebrates in rocky shores, This is a wave-protected bay in which the horizontal the large majority of these studies have focused on distance between low and high tide points is typically positive intraspecific grouping effects (e.g. Hay 1981, ca. 25 m. Substrata along the intertidal range consist Holbrook et al. 1991, Bertness & Leonard 1997). In con- mostly of rocky platforms and boulders, intermixed trast, few studies have demonstrated facilitative inter- with sand (Ruiz & Giampoli 1981). actions among 2 or more macroalgal species (but see The most conspicuous macroalgae occurring in this Brawley & Johnson 1991), and none has indicated how bay are 2 brown kelp species, Macrocystis pyrifera and seaweed canopies could modify the physiological Lessonia nigrescens, the green foliose species Ulva performance of other associated algae. lactuca, and the red foliose species Mastocarpus papil- Desiccation due to the exposure to high ambient latus. Invertebrates such as the bivalve Perumytilus temperatures during periods of low tide has been purpuratus, the gastropods Tegula atra and Fissurella shown to result in reduced physiological performance spp., and cirripedians Jehlius cirratus are also abun- and growth in several macroalgal species (Bewley & dant inhabitants commonly found among these ma- Krochko 1982, Dudgeon et al. 1995, Rico & Fredrik- croalgae (Ruiz & Giampoli 1981). M. pyrifera forms sen 1996). Since high-tidal habitats are exposed to dense and extensive stands consisting of individuals high temperatures and desiccant winds for longer forming large canopies (>1 m diameter). This species periods than lower tidal levels (Lively & Raimondi mainly grows on rocky platforms, occasionally occur- 1987, Bertness & Leonard 1997), mitigation of desic- ring on bulky sand. U. lactuca grows to 20–30 cm in cation by seaweed canopies would be expected to be height, growing both beneath the canopy of individu- more important at the former habitats. Hence, micro- als of M. pyrifera as well as on exposed rocky sub- climatic improvement by seaweed canopies should strates. In Chile, both species are widely distributed produce positive patterns of species associations at from Antofagasta (20° 56’ S, 67° 00’ W) to Tierra del high-tidal zones. In contrast, more benign abiotic Fuego (53° 08’ S, 70° 55’ W) (Hoffmann & Santelices conditions at low-tidal areas should lead to neutral or 1997). negative patterns of species co-occurrence. Further, it Patterns of association between Macrocystis pyri- could also be suggested that amelioration of stressful fera and Ulva lactuca. At each of 4 equally distant abiotic conditions at high-tidal habitats should im- points along the intertidal gradient (5, 10, 15 and 20 m prove the physiological status of associated macro- away from the low intertidal limit), we randomly algal species. selected 10 M. pyrifera individuals, having canopies Here we report on spatial association patterns of 2 between 40 and 60 cm in diameter, and registered the macroalgae, the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera and occurrence of U. lactuca beneath them. For each of Molina-Montenegro et al.: Macroalgal species associations along intertidal gradients 175

the studied M. pyrifera individuals, we also located a at 2 and 4 h after commencing the experiment. Weight 50 cm diameter metallic hoop on exposed open sub- differences were used to calculate mean percentage strates ca. 30 to 40 cm away from the kelp canopy, water loss per microsite. Differences in percentage and registered the occurrence of U. lactuca. Thus, water loss were assessed using 1-way repeated- occurrence of U. lactuca was recorded beneath 10 measures ANOVA as described above. M. pyrifera canopies and 10 equivalent-sized neigh- Physiological performance of Ulva lactuca. We boring exposed substrates. To objectively determine selected 4 points along the rocky intertidal gradient (5, association patterns between the macroalgal species 10, 15 and 20 m away from the low intertidal limit) dur- at each point along the gradient, the frequency with ing a morning low-tide period. Five individuals of which U. lactuca was found beneath and away from U. lactuca were randomly chosen at each point, each canopies of M. pyrifera was compared with random- one growing beneath a 40 to 60 cm diameter Macro- ization tests (Kikvidze et al. 2001, Badano et al. 2002). cystis pyrifera individual. Additionally, at each point, Based on the observed number of individuals of we also selected another 5 individuals of U. lactuca U. lactuca detected at each point of the intertidal gra- growing ca. 30 to 50 cm away from the canopy of each dient, we randomly generated values of its occurrence M. pyrifera individual. We measured chlorophyll fluo- beneath and away from the kelp canopy. This proce- rescence on 1 frond of each U. lactuca using a portable dure was repeated 1000 times, and then we calcu- pulse-modulated fluorimeter (FMS II, Hansatech) dur- lated the probability of the observed frequency ing a sunny day at 09:00, 11:00, and 13:00 h to assess beneath the kelp (positive association) being gener- temporal variations in fluorescence during the low-tide ated by chance. period. Microclimatic data. To assess microclimatic amelio- To assess the physiological status of Ulva lactuca ration by Macrocystis pyrifera, we measured photosyn- growing beneath and away from Macrocystis pyrifera thetic active radiation (PAR, 380 to 710 nm) and sub- canopies, we calculated the maximum quantum yield strate temperature beneath five 40 to 60 cm diameter (Fv/Fm ratio) and photochemical efficiency of Photosys- canopies of this macroalga in the high intertidal zone tem II (ΦPSII). U. lactuca fronds were dark-adapted for (20 m away from the low intertidal limit). These mea- 20 min using leafclips. We then applied a weak modu- surements were taken at the level of the rocky sub- lated light pulse (0.4 µmol photons m–2 s–1) to assess the strate during a single period of low tide. We also took minimum chlorophyll fluorescence yield (F0), after control measurements of PAR and temperature on which we applied a saturating pulse of actinic light (ca. neighboring ca. 30 cm distant exposed open areas. We 6000 µmol photons m–2 s–1) for 0.7 s to assess maximum measured PAR using a quantum sensor (Li-250, LiCor) fluorescence yield (Fm). With these data, we calculated and temperature with a digital thermometer (871A, the Fv/Fm ratio as (Fm–F0)/Fm (Maxwell & Johnson Tegam). We assessed the variation of both variables 2000). Following these measurements, we exposed through time by taking measurements beneath the fronds to full sunlight for 30 s and measured ΦPSII same kelp individuals and open spaces at 1 h intervals (Maxwell & Johnson 2000). Both Fv/Fm and ΦPSII were between 08:00 and 14:00 h during that day. Differ- automatically determined by the fluorimeter. We ences in PAR and temperature values between rocky assessed differences in both parameters between substrates beneath individuals of M. pyrifera and U. lactuca growing beneath and away from the exposed open areas, and through time, were assessed canopies of M. pyrifera, along the intertidal gradient, with repeated-measures ANOVA (Zar 1999), after test- and through time, using 2-way repeated-measures ing for normality and homogeneity of variances using ANOVA. the Shapiro-Wilks and Bartlett tests, respectively. Evaporative water loss experiment. To test whether evaporative water loss is reduced beneath Macrocystis RESULTS pyrifera canopies during periods of low tide, we placed 10 × 15 cm semitransparent white cloth mesh bags Patterns of association between Macrocystis pyrifera filled with vermiculite in the high intertidal zone (20 m and Ulva lactuca away from the low intertidal limit). Seven bags were placed beneath 40 to 60 cm diameter M. pyrifera cano- Positive association patterns between Ulva lactuca pies and another 7 bags were placed on exposed open and Macrocystis pyrifera were detected at upper inter- areas ca. 30 cm away from each replicate kelp individ- tidal levels (15 and 20 m away from the low intertidal ual. Prior to the commencement of the experiment, we limit). In contrast, neither positive nor negative associ- submerged all bags in seawater until they reached ations were found between these macroalgae at points constant weight. We weighed each bag immediately situated at lower tidal levels (5 and 10 m away from the before placing them on the rocky substrates, and then low intertidal limit) (Table 1). 176 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 292: 173–180, 2005

Table 1. Ulva lactuca. Frequencies of co-occurrence beneath from the morning towards the afternoon (Fig. 1). How- Macrocystis pyrifera canopies and on exposed open areas ever, PAR and substrate temperature remained lower along the intertidal zone at Coliumo Bay (5, 10, 15 and 20 m beneath kelp canopies than in neighboring open areas away from the low intertidal limit). Results of randomization throughout the day (Fig. 1). The largest differences in analyses for positive associations at each point along the intertidal gradient are shown (critical α = 0.05) PAR (Fig. 1A) and temperature (Fig. 1B) between open areas and beneath M. pyrifera were registered at Distance to the low Beneath In open p-value 14:00 h, with both microclimatic variables being 4- intertidal limit (m) M. pyrifera areas and 3-fold lower below kelp fronds.

5 4 6 0.29 10 6 4 0.25 Evaporative water loss experiment 15 8 2 0.03 20 9 1 <0.01 Percentage water loss from experimental bags was significantly lower beneath the canopy of Macrocystis

Effects of Macrocystis pyrifera on microclimate pyrifera than at exposed open areas (F3,11 = 72.46, p < 0.01; Fig. 2). Further, water loss increased through

Both PAR (F1, 8 = 42160.55, p < 0.01) and temperature time, both beneath and away from M. pyrifera cano- of the rocky substrate (F1, 8 = 5890.34, p < 0.01) were pies (F3,11 = 218.15, p < 0.01). Experimental bags significantly lower beneath Macrocystis pyrifera placed in exposed open areas lost almost twice the canopies than at neighboring exposed open areas. Fur- amount of water than bags beneath M. pyrifera ther, both beneath and away from kelp canopies, PAR canopies, both at 2 and 4 h after the commencement of

(F 8, 64 = 1977.15, p < 0.01) and substrate temperature the experiment (Fig. 2). (F 8, 64 = 1671.54, p < 0.01) increased monotonically

Physiological performance of Ulva lactuca

Overall, mean values of Fv/Fm from Ulva lactuca individuals associated with Macrocystis pyrifera were higher than from individuals growing in exposed open

areas (F1,32 = 167.53, p < 0.01). Strong effects of distance to the low-tidal limit (F3,32 = 70.01, p < 0.01; Fig. 3A) and time (F2,64 = 15.22, p < 0.01; Fig. 3B) were also detected. At the high- and mid-tidal levels, Fv/Fm values of U. lactuca associated with M. pyrifera were higher than in exposed open areas. In contrast, at the lowest point of the intertidal gradient, no differences in

Fig. 2. Percentage water loss (means ± 2 SE) from mesh cloth Fig. 1. Daily cycle of (A) photosynthetic active radiation and bags placed beneath the canopy of Macrocystis pyrifera (solid (B) substrate temperature beneath the canopy of Macrocystis bars) and in exposed open spaces (empty bars) after 2 and 4 h pyrifera individuals (d) and on exposed open areas (s) in a of exposure in a rocky intertidal zone in south-central Chile. rocky intertidal zone in south-central Chile. Means ± 2 SE Significant differences between treatment means are denoted are shown with different letters (a posteriori Tukey test α = 0.05) Molina-Montenegro et al.: Macroalgal species associations along intertidal gradients 177

Fig. 3. Ulva lactuca. Maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm ratio = Fig. 4. Ulva lactuca. Chemical efficiency of Photosystem II (Fm–F0)/Fm, where F0 and Fm are the minimum and maximum (ΦPSII) of U. lactuca beneath the canopy of Macrocystis chlorophyll fluorescence yields, respectively) of U. lactuca pyrifera (d) and on the open areas (s) in a rocky intertidal beneath the canopy of Macrocystis pyrifera (d) and on zone in south-central Chile. Mean values (±2 SE) of ΦPSII exposed open areas (s) in a rocky intertidal zone in south- along the intertidal zone (A) and through time (B) are shown. central Chile. Mean values (±2 SE) in Fv/Fm along the inter- Significant differences between treatments are denoted with tidal zone (A) and through time (B) are shown. Significant different letters (a posteriori Tukey test α = 0.05) differences between treatments are denoted with different letters (a posteriori Tukey test α = 0.05)

Fv/Fm values were detected for U. lactuca beneath and Values of ΦPSII at open areas decreased through time, away from kelp canopies (Fig. 3A). Although Fv/Fm val- while those of U. lactuca beneath M. pyrifera canopies ues for U. lactuca beneath and away from M. pyrifera remained constant (Fig. 4B). did not differ at 09:00 h, they were significantly lower for individuals growing in exposed open areas as time progressed (Fig. 3B). DISCUSSION

Likewise, mean ΦPSII values for Ulva lactuca in exposed open areas were significantly lower than Positive association patterns between the macro- those of individuals growing beneath the kelp canopy algal species Macrocystis pyrifera and Ulva lactuca

(F1,32 = 889.47, p < 0.01). This effect was observed were detected at the upper levels of the rocky inter- along the entire intertidal gradient (F3,32 = 279.97, p < tidal zone studied, while neither positive nor negative 0.01), as well as through time (F2,64 = 64.22, p < 0.01). associations were evident at points situated at lower- Both beneath and away from the canopy of Macrocys- tidal levels. These patterns, coupled with the results tis pyrifera, values of ΦPSII in U. lactuca decreased with of the evaporative water loss experiment, and the increasing distance to the low-tidal limit. In the upper- lower temperatures and PAR registered beneath kelp tidal zone, ΦPSII beneath kelp canopies was lower than canopies in the high intertidal zone, suggest that in the other points of the gradient (Fig. 4A). In contrast, M. pyrifera may facilitate U. lactuca at these more

ΦPSII in exposed open areas showed a consistent stressful areas of the rocky intertidal zone. Moreover, decrease along the entire intertidal gradient (Fig. 4A). the greater values of the Fv/Fm ratio and ΦPSII in 178 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 292: 173–180, 2005

U. lactuca individuals associated with M. pyrifera at ardi plants at lower marsh levels caused a decrease in the upper-intertidal levels also suggest that this posi- soil oxygenation and an increase in soil salinity, result- tive association results in an improvement of the ing in a decrease in photosynthetic rate and of physiological performance of U. lactuca at these associated Iva frutescens plants compared to those highly desiccant habitats. individuals with J. gerardi neighbors (Bertness & The high temperature and levels of desiccation that Hacker 1994). Our results suggest that canopies of characterizes intertidal environments generate a very Macrocystis pyrifera ameliorate the stressful desicca- aggressive for living organisms (Raffaelli & tion conditions for Ulva lactuca. Indeed, values of

Hawkins 1996, Bertness et al. 1999). Although facilita- Fv/Fm ratios and ΦPSII suggest that the photosynthetic tive interactions have been amply described in stress- performance of U. lactuca was improved when associ- ful such as rocky shores and salt ated with M. pyrifera. Although the improved physio- marshes (Bruno & Bertness 2000), most of them are logical status of U. lactuca does not necessarily trans- either cases of intraspecific grouping benefits (e.g. Hay late into reduced mortality, higher fecundity, or higher 1981, Holbrook et al. 1991, Bertness & Leonard 1997, , other authors have shown that decreased Alvarado et al. 2001), or positive effects of algae on photosynthetic performance in macroalgae is related recruitment patterns of intertidal inhabitants (Brawley with lower fitness (Littler & Arnold 1982, Dawes 1998). & Johnson 1991, McCook & Chapman 1993, Apart from the reduced desiccation, we also found Blanchette et al. 1999). Few cases of between-species that PAR, another potential physical stress factor in the facilitative interactions at the adult stage have been high-intertidal zone, is reduced beneath the canopies demonstrated in rocky shores (Turner 1983, Hacker & of Macrocystis pyrifera (Fig. 1). Studies conducted in Bertness 1995, Bertness et al. 1999). Mechanisms temperate waters off California in shallow subtidal whereby some species produce positive effects on oth- habitats have reported that reduced PAR increased ers include amelioration of abiotic stressful conditions, germination and recruitment of kelp (Graham 1996). such as a reduction in desiccation, heat stress, and soil On the other hand, Irving et al. (2004) recently demon- salinity (e.g. Bertness & Hacker 1994, Bertness et al. strated that kelp canopies improve photosynthetic 1999). In an estuarine rocky intertidal zone in the Gulf activity of crustose coralline macroalgae by decreasing of Maine, Bertness et al. (1999) found that the large high levels of PAR in shallow subtidal waters off South fucoid macroalga Ascophyllum nodosum reduced Australia. Although, to our knowledge, similar studies evaporative water loss and rock temperatures under have not been conducted in rocky intertidal areas, our their canopies. Here, we found that the positive associ- results which show an enhanced photosynthetic per- ation patterns between the macroalgal species studied formance of Ulva lactuca beneath kelp canopies com- occurred specifically where conditions were more pared to that in exposed open areas may be related not stressful in terms of desiccation (i.e. upper intertidal only to a decrease in desiccation stress, but also with levels) and where one of the participants, the kelp amelioration of the stressful high levels of PAR in Macrocystis pyrifera, ameliorates this stress. Studies high-tidal zones. performed in several stressful habitats have shown The presence of Macrocystis pyrifera in high- that positive spatial associations are strongly corre- intertidal areas may not only result in a reduction in lated with facilitation (Callaway 1995, Hasse 2001, the levels of PAR, but could also produce a reduction in Schenk et al. 2003, Tirado & Pugnaire 2003). Hence, the impact of other deleterious solar radiation wave- the significant positive association patterns detected in lengths, which also increase concomitantly with in- the high intertidal zone between the macroalgal spe- creasing PAR levels. For example, in intertidal and cies studied suggest positive interactions between subtidal macroalgal species it has been shown that an them. However, removal experiments of kelp canopies excess of UV-B radiation can produce tissue bleaching, are clearly needed to actually demonstrate facilitation photoinhibition, and damage to proteins, pigments and of U. lactuca by M. pyrifera, and to rule out the possi- nucleic acids (Vass 1997, Häder et al. 1998, Bischof et bility that both species are converging on favorable al. 2002). Thus, M. pyrifera could also be ameliorating microsites for recruitment and/or survival (e.g. Bert- the harmful effects of UV-B radiation on Ulva lactuca, ness & Hacker 1994). hence resulting in an improvement of its physiological On the other hand, although several studies have performance, growth and survival. demonstrated facilitation among intertidal organisms, Positive associations between Ulva lactuca and few of them have concurrently analyzed the conse- Macrocystis pyrifera have been previously described quences of these interactions in terms of the physiolog- by Alveal & Romo (1977) for several intertidal envi- ical performance of the facilitated species (e.g. Bert- ronments along the southern Chilean coast. These ness & Hacker 1994, Hacker & Bertness 1995). In a authors defined this algal association as a common New England , the removal of Juncus ger- phytosociological unit in southern Chile, but they did Molina-Montenegro et al.: Macroalgal species associations along intertidal gradients 179

not report vertical changes in the association frequen- Acknowledgements. We thank E. Gianoli for helpful sugges- cies between these . The spatial patterns tions regarding data analysis and K. Alveal for generously detected in this study indicated that positive associa- providing us with important literature on the intertidal system studied. We thank M. Graham and an anonymous reviewer for tions were only evident in the upper tidal zones, sug- helpful suggestions and comments on an earlier version of the gesting that the occurrence of U. lactuca in these sites manuscript. E.I.B. is currently a doctoral student and A.A.M. a could depend, at least in part, on the presence of postdoctoral fellow at Universidad de Concepción, Chile, both M. pyrifera. Thus, the presence of this kelp species of whom are supported through MECESUP Grant UCO9906. This paper forms part of the research activities of the Millen- could be extending the realized niche of U. lactuca nium Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Research towards the stressful high-intertidal areas (see Bruno on Biodiversity supported by Grant No. P02-051-F ICM. et al. 2003). In this study, both frequencies of association be- tween Macrocystis pyrifera and Ulva lactuca and the LITERATURE CITED physiological performance of the latter increased from Alvarado J, Pinto R, Marquet P, Pacheco C, Guiñez R, Castilla low- to high-intertidal levels. These results agree with JC (2001) Patch recolonization by the tunicate Pyura the models proposed by Bertness & Callaway (1994) praeputilialis in the rocky intertidal of the Bay of Antofa- and Brooker & Callaghan (1998), which predict an gasta, Chile: evidence for self-facilitation mechanisms. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 224:93–101 increase in the frequency and intensity of positive Alveal K, Romo H (1977) Estudios de distribución vertical de interactions from low to highly stressful sites. Since la biota costera en el seno de Reloncavi — Chile. Gayana upper tidal levels are exposed during longer periods Miscelanea 2:3–28 than lower levels, desiccation is expected to be Badano EI, Molina-Montenegro MA, Quiroz C, Cavieres LA stronger in the former sites (Bertness & Leonard 1997). (2002) Efectos de la planta en cojín Oreopolus glacialis (Rubiaceae) sobre la riqueza y diversidad de especies en In this study, measurements of PAR and temperature una comunidad alto-andina de Chile central. Rev Chil Hist were compared between substrates beneath and away Nat 75:757–765 from M. pyrifera in the high intertidal zone only. How- Bertness MD, Callaway RM (1994) Positive interactions in ever, the fact that we detected a significant enhance- communities. Trends Ecol Evol 9:191–193 Bertness MD, Grosholz T (1985) Population dynamics of the ment of the physiological performance ( / and Fv Fm ribbed Geukensia demissa: the costs and benefits Φ PSII) of U. lactuca at points lower down the intertidal of a clumped distribution. Oecologia 67:192–204 gradient suggests that M. pyrifera could also protect Bertness MD, Hacker S (1994) Physical stress and positive U. lactuca from desiccation, and high levels of PAR and associations among marsh plants. Am Nat 144:363–372 UV-B, not only in the upper zone of the gradient, but in Bertness MD, Leonard GH (1997) The role of positive interac- tions in communities: lessons from intertidal habitats. the lower zone as well. Nevertheless, the random Ecology 78:1976–1989 patterns of species association detected in the lower- Bertness MD, Leonard GH, Levine JM, Schmidt PR, Ingraham intertidal areas (Table 1) suggest that abiotic condi- AO (1999) Testing the relative contribution of positive and tions occurring there are more benign than at points negative interactions in rocky intertidal communities. Ecology 80:2711–2726 higher up, and that the presence of M. pyrifera is more Bewley JD, Krochko JE (1982) Desiccation-tolerance. In: important for the persistence of U. lactuca in high- Lange OL, Nobel PS, Osmond CB, Ziegler H (eds) Physio- intertidal areas. logical plant ecology. II. Water relations and carbon assim- Physical stress (heat, desiccation and salinity) has ilation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p 325–378 been proposed as the main factor structuring shoreline Bischof K, Peralta G, Krabs G, van de Poll WH, Perez-Llorens JL, Breeman AM (2002) Effects of solar UV-B radiation on communities (Connell 1972, Raffaelli & Hawkins 1996). canopy structure of Ulva communities from southern However, recent surveys have emphasized the effects Spain. J Exp Bot 53:2411–2421 of positive biotic interactions on food-web mainte- Blanchette CA, Worcester SE, Reed D, Holbrook SJ (1999) nance and structure in salt marshes and Algal morphology, flow, and spatially variable recruitment of surfgrass Phyllospadix torreyi. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 184: intertidal zones (Bertness & Leonard 1997, Hacker & 119–128 Gaines 1997, Bruno et al. 2003). 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Editorial responsibility: Otto Kinne (Editor-in-Chief), Submitted: May 18, 2004; Accepted: January 13, 2005 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany Proofs received from author(s): April 12, 2005