Branding Iron: Eugen Sandow's “Modem” Marketing Strategies, 1887-1925 D o m i n i c G . M o r a i s + Department o f Kinesiology and Health Education University o f Texas at Austin Eugen Sandow was a professional strongman who started his theatrical career in 1887. Upon his retirement in 1903, the Sandow name was known interna tionally as a synonym for strength, health, and bodily perfection. Sandow used this popularity to market a number o f different products including books, a magazine, health clubs, exercise equipment, and miscellaneous health products. Although literature on Sandow documents his cultural influences and continues to grow, none specifically or comprehensively address the business an d marketing aspects ofhis career. This paper attempts to fi l l that void. I t argues that Sandow utilized a three-pronged strategy in order to establish his personal brand. Fur thermore, it examines the way Sandow leveraged his brand in order to market his name and other products worldwide. Finally, the paper is a starting point for others to examine ways other popular physical culturists like Bob Hoffman, the Weiders, and Arnold Schwarzenegger marketed their brands. TThis paper is a rev.sed version of that which won the North American Society for Sport History Graduate Student Essay Award for 2012. Correspondence to dominie
[email protected]. A rn o ld Schwarzenegger, David Beckham, Martha Stewart, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and numerous other celebrities and athletes share a particular trait. Through endorsements, commercials, businesses, movies, television appearances, and reputation management via social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, these celebrities have branded themselves.