Byrne in State of State Talk Defends Income

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Byrne in State of State Talk Defends Income The Daily Register VOL.99 NO. 158 SHREWSBURY, N. J. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1977 15 CENTS Insurance hike closing 4 MCOSS clinics By DORIS KULMAN care centers, according to Mrs. John Klem, the MCOSS direc- absurd for clinics like ours, which are screening clinics, not tor of public relations and development, treatment clinics," Mr. Riddell declared RED BANK — A six-fold Increase in the cost of medical According to the MCOSS spokespersons, the huge leap in He said there is need "for federal or foundation money malpractice insurance Is forcing the MCOSS Family Health the cost of malpractice Insurance doesn't affect its daytime for this type of screening, which includes cancer screening in and Nursing Service to shut down Its four evening clinics clinics because those clinics are staffed either by private phy- a state that is known as cancer alley. which served 1,600 Monmouth County patients last year sicians, who carry their own malpractice Insurance, or by The MCOSS paid (14,000 for malpractice insurance last resident physicians at Monmouth Medical Center, Long The budget situation has been tight at the (5-year-old non- year for the 10 physicians who staff its evening clinics. The Branch, who serve as part of their residency and are covered profit MCOSS, the largest home health care agency in the COM this year for the same number of physicians Is projected by the hospital Insurance. state "and to a great extent the increase in malpractice insur- at MS.000 to 185,000, Andrew J. Rlddell, the agency adminis- ance costs was the straw that broke the camel's back," Mr. The physicians who staff the MCOSS evening clinics are Riddell said. trator, said. Monmouth Medical Center residents who are "moonlighting" The scheduled shutdown doesn't afreet Die MCOSS day. The agency, which served 10,773 patients in 128,000 home, and so the agency has to purchase the malpractice insurance. office or clinic visits last year, had a 1176 budget of $2.6 mil- time clinics. Mr. Riddell said. The evening clinics, which will be discontinued beginning lion, of which |lt5,000 came from private sources Jan. 31, are the gynecological clinics In Middletown and Mata- He said the astronomical jump in malpractice Insurance But were it not for "a fairly sizable bequest" the amount wan, the venereal disease clinic in Manasquan, and the family costs would double the cost of the clinics "and would make collected from private sources last year would have fallen health clinic In Freehold. the cost for one patient to visit our venereal disease clinic $40,000 to 150.000 below the sum collected from private As of Jan. II, the agency also is suspending the health HO." sources in 1175, MCOSS spokespersons said. screening service it has been providing free for children at 12 Noting that the clinic physicians have detected serious The major part of the budget comes from fees, which are day care centers In the county. medical problems and referred patients (or corrective treat- scaled according to a patient's ability to pay, from Medicare The twin pressures of rising costs and a 1200,000 across- ment, Mr. Rlddell described the closing of the clinics as and Medlcaid payments, from the county freeholders and the the-board cut in federal funds, principally Medicare funding, "tragic ... we know they are needed." 50 Monmouth municipalities which contract with MCOSS for compels the suspension of the screening program at the day "And the malpractice insurance premiums are even more See Insurmrr, page 2 AairewJ. RMdeB Mrs Jain Uess Byrne in State of State talk defends income tax By CARL ZEITZ open challenge: Show us a tne tax program would deliv- dress he told the legislators to defend it in a reelection better way." er promised property tax re- that the record they have campaign. TRENTON (AP) - Gov. He added. "If there is a lief and that the controls on forged with him was a good Byrne said he was aware Brendan T. Byrne delivered better way let us test it In the government spending that ac- one. adding, '1 am proud to that some say little can be ac- an election year annual mes- crucible of public debate." companied it would work. be judged on that record." complished In an election sage yesterday that called for The governor asserted that At the conclusion of the ad- suggesting that he was ready year but he«irged the law- some new programs, com- makers to work with him to pletion of other unfinished accompSsh the goals he out- business and hinted strongly lined in the address. that he Is moving toward a The governor's specific new declaration of candidacy for proposals called for auto in- reelection. Talk seen signal surance reforms, including Byrne devoted a consid- raising the. present 1200 thre erable portion of the address shold on no-fault auto insur- before a joint session of the ance; tightening up welfare legislature to the state in- rules so that able bodied come tax program with which of reelection bid workers thrown onto the pub- STATI OF STATE MESSAGE - Gov. Brendan Byrne pounds script as he he is so closely associated lic assistance rolls would and which Is thought to be the By SHERRY CONOHAN "His statements, particularly where he have to go to work on public makes point during his anhual State of the State address to a joint session was challenging the opponents of the income of the legislature In Trenton yesterday. source of much public dis- StatekMse Ctrresptidrm projects; centralizing and satisfaction with the gover- tax to come up with a better proposal rather speeding up the process by nor. TRENTON - Gov. Brendan T. Byrne, in than criticiw the present one, sound like his which state permits are is- his State of the State message yesterday, opening campaign statement,' Sen. Buehler. sued establishing a central In what sounded like a chal- clearly signaled his intention to seek election who has been one of Gov. Byrne's most loyal agency to deal with mass lenge to possible opponents to a second term as governor in November, In supporters In the legislature, said "The bol- transportation and giving it for his office, the governor the opinion of several Monmoulh County leg- lom line, in my view, is that he definitely is a power to take over the oper- Senate passes said he knew criticism of the islators. candidate." ations of private carriers thai tax would increase and be- State Sen. Herbert J. Buehler. I) Mini cannot continue to provide come "more vigorous and mouth, said he interpreted the governor's A finance committee to raise money for a service. emotional as the November sweeping outline of legislative accom- possible bid by Gov Byrne for a second term The governor also an- election approaches." plishments during the three years of his ad- has been formed and registered with Ihe nounced a 1300,000 federal Byme said. "I stand ready ministration as a statement of the platform state Election Law Enforcement I'ommis- See Byrne, page 2 death penalty bill to meet that criticism with in he will campaign on this year. See Talk, page 2 TRENTON (AP) - The New Jersey Senate approved a bill yesterday that would bring back the death penalty to the Feldman reelected Senate head state, leaving the measure a step away from final approv- Register Stateaease Bireaa nominated Mr. Feldman for reelection, said he joint committee or the Senate half only to do it. al by the legislature. had known him for many years and had grown lo After his reelection as Senate President. Mr The upper house voted 21 to TRENTON - Sen. Matthew Feldman, D-Ber- respect, admire and love him during that time. Feldman was immediately administered the oath 14) in favor of the bill restor- gen, who pleaded guilty a few weeks ago to a fed- "He has performed that service (as Senate of office by Senate Majority Leader Joseph M<T ing capital punishment for eral charge of commercial bribery, was reelected president) with dignity, respect and a great sense lino. D-Mercer He then addressed his colleagues premeditated murder. The president of the state Senate yesterday after Ig- of fairness," he said. "It is with a great sense of briefly bill now goes on to the state noring an appeal from the Republican minority honor and pride that 1 offer the name of Matthew "From the depths of my heart — gratitude is Assembly where quick ap- leader to withdraw as a candidate for the post. Feldman." the heart's memory and my heart will remember proval appears certain, and The vote continuing him in the Senate's top The joint Senate-Assembly Ethics Committee" your renewed confidence and my spin! will be then to Gov. Brendan Byrne. leadership position was 24-10, split along party met. earlier in the day to consider whether Sen buoyed by it as we move lorward in 1977, ' he said Byme has said he would lines. Sen. Eugene J. Bedell. D Monmouth. was Feldman's conviction should have any bearing on "1 thank each and every one of you for your put aside personal reserva- among those voting for the reelection of Mr. Fel- his continuing as Senate president, but got hung up warmth and understanding. Together — Republi- tions and sign the death pen- dman, while Sen. Alfred N. Beadlestoh, R-Mon- on a question of Its jurisdiction in the matter. cans, Democrats and the Independent party — we alty bill only II it were ac- mouth, voted against It. At the suggestion of Assembly Minority Lead- will certainly as a group meet the challenges in companied by a measure re- Sen.
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