RP1211 v1

World Bank Loan Public Disclosure Authorized - Rapid Railway

Public Disclosure Authorized Resettlement Action Plan Pre-evaluation Version 

Public Disclosure Authorized

Foreign Capital & Technical Import Center of the Ministry of Railways of the People’s Republic of

Public Disclosure Authorized October 2011 Contents




1.1 P ROJECT INTRODUCTION ...... 7 1.2 P REPARATIONS FOR RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN ...... 8 1.3 M EASURES FOR MITIGATING PROJECT IMPACTS ...... 9 1.3.1 Project Planning and Design Stage ...... 9 1.3.2 Project Construction Stage ...... 9 1.3.3 Implementation Stage ...... 11


2.1 G ENERAL SOCIO -ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE AFFECTED AREAS ...... 12 2.2 O VERVIEW OF MUNICIPALITY , P ROVINCE , C ITY AND COUNTY ...... 13 2.3 S OCIAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY ...... 21 2.3.1 Overview ...... 21 2.3.2 On-site investigations in 2010 ...... 22 2.3.3 Socio-economic Survey on Affected Villages and Population (2010) ...... 22 2.4 A FFECTED PEOPLE 'S SOCIO -ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS ...... 26 2.4.1 Overview ...... 26 2.4.2 Population conditions and affected degree ...... 26 2.4.3 Land requisition impacts ...... 30 2.4.4 Production and Living ...... 31 2.4.5 Affected houses ...... 34 2.4.6 Affected enterprises ...... 34 2.4.7 Disadvantaged group ...... 35 2.4.8 Affected minorities ...... 36 2.4.9 Affected female ...... 36


3.1P ROJECT IMPACT SCOPE ...... 37 3.2 P HYSICAL INDICATORS OF PROJECT IMPACT ...... 37 3.2.1 Permanent Land Acquisition ...... 37 3.2.2 Temporary Land ...... 42 3.2.3 House Demolition ...... 44 3.2.4 Project Affected Population ...... 46 3.2.5 Enterprises and Institutions ...... 48 3.2.6 Ground Attachments ...... 58 3.2.7 Special Facilities ...... 58

World Bank Loan Project I RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Contents

3.2.8 Impact on Vulnerable Groups ...... 59 3.2.9 Impact on Women ...... 59


4.1 R ESETTLEMENT TARGET ...... 61 4.2 A PPLICABLE LAWS AND POLICIES ...... 61 4.2.1 Applicable Laws and Policies ...... 61 4.2.2 Domestic Legal Framework ...... 64 4.2.3 Relevant Legal Rules and Regulations ...... 66


5.1 C OMPENSATION STANDARD ...... 79 5.1.1 Land Acquisition Compensation Standard ...... 79 5.1.2 Compensation Standards for Housing Demolition and Accessory Objects on Ground ...... 86 5.1.3 Compensation Standards for Infrastructure and Special Establishment ...... 99 5.2 E STIMATE OF COMPENSATION COST FOR IMMIGRATION ...... 100


6.1 G ENERAL PRINCIPLES ...... 110 6.2 R ECOVERY PLANNING FOR PRODUCTION AND LIFE OF LANDLESS VILLAGERS ...... 112 6.2.1 Analysis of Land Acquisition Impact ...... 112 6.2.2 Land Adjustment ...... 113 6.2.3 Monetary Compensation ...... 115 6.2.4 Social Security for Landless Farmers ...... 116 6.2.5 Vocational Training and Other Recovery Measures ...... 119 6.2.6 Relocation Planning for Severely Affected Villages ...... 124 6.2.7 Recovery of Temporary Land ...... 140 6.3 D EMOLITION AND RELOCATION PLANNING ...... 141 6.3.1 Relocation Planning for Households Affected by Demolition ...... 141 6.3.2 Relocation Planning for Affected Enterprises and Public Institutions ...... 146 6.4 A FFECTED INFRASTRUCTURES RESETTLEMENT PLAN ...... 154 6.5 R ESETTLEMENT OF VULNERABLE GROUPS ...... 155 6.6 W OMEN DEVELOPMENT PLAN ...... 156


7.1 I MPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES ...... 157 7.2 SCHEDULE ...... 159 7.3 T HE APPROPRIATION OF MONEY ...... 161 7.3.1 Principle for appropriation ...... 161 7.3.2. Authorities responsible for the management of funds ...... 161 7.3.3. Funds Flow ...... 162



World Bank Loan Project II RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Contents



9.1 C ONSULTATION ...... 170 9.1.1 Stakeholders ...... 170 9.1.2 Stage, methods and contents of public participation ...... 174 9.1.3 participation in preparation stage ...... 175 9.1.4 Survey on Public Opinions ...... 176 9.1.5 Participation plan in implementation stage ...... 180 9.2 I NFORMATION DISSEMINATION ...... 183 9.3 A PPEALING ...... 184 9.3.1 Procedures for complaints and appeals ...... 184 9.3.2 Procedures for complaints and appeals ...... 185 9.3.3 Principles to deal with grievances and complaints ...... 186 9.3.4 Contents and approaches of reply ...... 187 9.3.5 Complaints recorded and subsequent feedback ...... 187


10.1 I NTERNAL MONITORING ...... 189 10.1.1 Intent and Task ...... 189 10.1.2 Organization and Personnel ...... 189 10.1.3 Contents of Monitoring ...... 189 10.1.4 Procedures of Implementation ...... 190 10.2 I NDEPENDENT EXTERNAL MONITORING AND EVALUATING ...... 191 10.2.1 Purpose and Task ...... 191 10.2.2 Organization and Personnel ...... 191 10.2.3 Main Indicators of Monitoring and Evaluating ...... 191 10.2.4 Method of Monitoring and Evaluating ...... 192 10.2.5 Work Procedures ...... 194 10.2.6 Formulation Plan of Report ...... 195


World Bank Loan Project III RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway List of Tables

LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Major National Economic and Social Indicators ...... 12 Table 2-2 Socio-economic survey sample statistics ...... 24 Table 2-3 Affected rural population and districts ...... 28 Table 2-4 Education Level of Affected Villagers ...... 30 Table 2-5 Income Distribution of Affected Village Households ...... 32 Table 2-6 Income Sources of Affected Households ...... 33 Table 2-7 Affected disadvantaged households ...... 35 Table 3-1 Permanent land requisition by counties and districts ...... 38 Table3-2 Villages with requsitioned farmlands larger than 10% of the total farmlands ...... 40 Table 3-3 Temporary land use area by counties and villages ...... 43 Table 3-4 Rural demolished building area by counties and districts ...... 45 Table 3-5 Urban residents demolished area by counties and districts ...... 46 Table3-6 Land requisition and housing demolition affected population by counties and districts ...... 47 Table 3-7 Affected enterprises ...... 49 Table 3-8 Attaching Object Affected by Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway Project ...... 58 Table 3-9 Summary of Effects on Special Facilities ...... 59 Table 5-1 Land Compensation Standard of Affected Area in Province ...... 80 Table 5-2 Land Compensation Standard of Affected Area in Hohhot, Autonomous Region ...... 80 Table 5-3 Land Compensation Standard of Affected Area in Wulanchabu, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ...... 81 Table 5-4 Compensation Standard of Temporary Land Use ...... 84 Table 5-5 Summary Table of Crop Compensation Standard of Hebei Province ...... 85 Table 5-6 Summary Table of Crop Compensation Standard of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ...... 86 Table 5-6 Compensation Price of House Demolition for Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway ...... 89 Table 5-7 Cost Estimation on Rebuilding of Brick-concrete House ...... 91 Table 5-8 Settlement Subsidies, Removing Allowances and Rewards for Hohhot- Zhangjiakou Railway Project ...... 96 Table 5-9 Compensation standard on attachments in Zhangjiakou City ...... 99 Table 5-10 Compensation standard on attachments in Hohhot City ...... 99 Table 5-11 Compensation standard on attachments in Hansai of Hohhot City ...... 99 Table 5-12 Investment Estimates for Land Requisition and Resettlement Compensation ...... 101 Table 5-13 Budget of Resettlement Expenses ...... 103 Table 6-1 Summary of Per Capita Cultivated Land below 0.3 Mu in Villages Affected by Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway Project ...... 113 Table 6-2 job training plan for the acquisition-affected people ...... 121

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Table 6-3 Employment Promotion for Landless Farmers in Nandian Village, Hohhot through Integrated Project Development ...... 124 Table 6-4 Land requisition conditions in villages where newly built stations are located ...... 127 Table 6-5 Demolition conditions in villages where newly built stations are located ...... 127 Table 6-6 Enforcement Scheme on Production and Life Recovery in Taogou Village, Dukoubao Township, Huai’an County ...... 129 Table 6-7 Production and Life Recovery Implementation Plan in the Economic and Development Zone of Chahaer Youyiqianqi in Wulanchabu ...... 132 Table 6-8 Enforcement Scheme on Production and Life Recovery in Nandian Village, Haoqinying Town, Xincheng District, Hohhot City ...... 135 Table 6-9 Enforcement Scheme on Production and Life Recovery in Jiuyaozi Village of Kongjiazhuang Town of Wanquan County in Zhangjiakou City ...... 136 Table 6-10 Enforcement Scheme on Production and Life Recovery in Xinyaozi Village of Kongjiazhuang Town of Wanquan County in Zhangjiakou City ...... 139 Table 6-11 Enterprises requesting monetary compensation ...... 150 Table 7-1 Schedule for Land Acquisition and Resettlement ...... 159 Table 8-1 Training plan for major staff in resettlement agencies ...... 168 Table 9-1 Questionnaire of Public Opinion and Suggestions ...... 178 Table 9-2 Statistics of the Public’s Opinion on Huzhang Railway Line Construction ...... 180 Table 9-3 Stakeholders’ meeting and survey table ...... 181 Data source: data compilation provided by design agency...... 183 Table 9-4 Organization receiving appealing, contact information and treatment deadline ...... 186 Table 9-5 Appealing Registration Form ...... 188 Table 10-1 Progress Form of Resettlement ...... 197 Table 10-2 Statistics of compensation fees and subsidy for resettlement ...... 197 Table 11-1 Power matrix of land acquisition demolition compensation resettlement in Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway Construction Project ...... 199

World Bank Loan Project V RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway List of Figures

LIST OF FIGURES Fig 1 Funds Flow ...... 163

World Bank Loan Project VI RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Summary

Summary of the Resettlement Action Plan

The total length of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou rapid railway turnk line is 287.087km, with a total length of bridges as 137.673km. There are two newly built stations and two rebuilt ones. The line passes through 100 villages in 22 towns of 9 counties/districts (among which, Shangyi County is only passed through by tunnels, no impacts of land requisition) in Zhangjiakou, Wulanchabu and Hohhot cities.

Huzhang Railway will install 4 stations (not including Zhangjiakou South Station), including Huai’an, Wulanchabu, Zhuozi East and Hohhot East Station among which Huai’an and Wulanchabu stations are newly built ones while the rest are rebuilt. The land acquisition of the project has small impact on places along the line for the following reasons: (1) The railway is a linear project, the characteristics of which determine the small impact on places along the line; (2) The proportion of bridges and tunnels takes up 63.8% of the total length, thus, the amount of land acquisition is largely reduced; (3) The line should proceed along mountain areas as possible, so the acquisition of cultivated land drastically decreases; (4) The basic farmlands passing through by the line are mainly distributed in Wan’an County and Huai’an County located in the both sides of Dayang River, as well as Wulanchabu City and Hohhot City. In order to reduce the occupation of basic farmlands, Huzhang Railway shall share common corridors with existing transport channels as much as possible. (5) The site of railway station must keep away from towns and concentrated residential areas. The line should circumvent if it comes to urban residential communities. The land occupied by the project shall be wastelands and reduce the requisition on farmlands and forest lands.

The total number of affected households by the project is 1731 households, 5748 persons, among which 955 households’ (3090 persons) lands are requisitioned, 1078 households’ houses (3631 persons) are demolished, and 302 households (973 persons) are impacted by demolition and land requisition. In terms of composition percentage of affected population, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is the province who is mostly impacted by the project. The number of

World Bank Loan Project 1 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Summary households impacted by land requisition is 58% of the total, and the number of resettled households occupying 86% of the total.

955 households or 3090 persons are impacted by permanent land requisition along the line. The total requisitioned land is 12449.6 mu (not including lands used by existing railway lines), among which, 6145.7 mu farmlands (all drylands), occupying 49.36% of the total requisitioned lands; 804 mu forest lands, 6.46% of the total; 823.6 mu building base, 6.62% of the total; 224 mu construction land use, 1.8% of the total; 234 mu other types of lands, 1.88% of the total; 4218.3 mu wastelands, 33.88% of the total.

There are 1035 rural households (3498 persons) affected by demolition along the line; The total demolished area is 281004 m2 , including 239301 m2 brick concrete, 10344 m2 earth wood, and 17778 m2 other types of houses. There are 43 urban households (133 persons) affected by the demolition, the total demolished area being 8426 m2. It is found out from the survey that the 43 urban households are all residents changing from rural residenceship into urban residenceship, and their housing conditions and located areas being totally similar with surrounding rural houses. Therefore, their houses are treated samely with rural houses in terms of surveys, compensation standards and resettlement plans.

The project also has impacts on 34 enterprises or public institutions. The total area of demolished houses is 124052m 2, including 5883m 2 factory buildings, 28358.76m 2 one-store houses, 5498m 2 storied buildings, and 4312 m 2 makeshifts, occupying 191.51 m lands, 6729m fences, 10682 m2 Indurative ground and 11 wells. There are 1763 staff (indentured worker) and 10 temporary workers are affected by the project. Apart from 326 staff in 4 enterprises whose fences are demolished only, the number of affected staff is 1477. 7 enterprises are partially demolished, among which 4 of them could run normally as before because only their fences are demolished. Among the 34 enterprises, 16 of them prefer to monetary compensation, while the rest 18 prefer to reconstruction.

The Foreign Capital Center of the Ministry of Railways has entrusted Wisdom Management Consulting Co. ,Ltd to formulate the “Resettlement Action Plan”.

World Bank Loan Project 2 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Summary

The plan received on-site data support from China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd. The RAP covers socio-economic survey, resettlement impact census and resettlement scheme planning, according to the final version of feasibility study report in October 2011. The survey covers 22 towns and 100 affected villages, have a sample of 426 households (1303 persons), among them, 336 sample households affected by land requisition, 35.18% of the total number of households affected by land requisition (955 households); 254 demolition sample households, 23.56% of the total demolished households (1078 households). There are 164 households who are impacted by land requisition and demolition, and 172 households are only affected by land requisition. The survey group also learned about opinions and suggestions on the project from the 426 sample households (mainly targeting the head of the household) by means of questionnaires.

Compilation of the Resettlement Action Plan of this project and its implementation will be carried out in strict accordance with policy documents made by the Chinese government and the World Bank Operation policy OP4.12. The implementation of resident resettlement shall strictly adhere to resettlement compensation standards determined by this action plan and any change in the course of implementation should win the agreement of the World Bank. China has worked out complete legal framework and policy system concerning land acquisition, house demolition, resident resettlement and compensation etc. Hebei Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, in accordance with the requirements of national laws and policies, have constituted local laws and policies, including “Notice of Hebei Provincial People’s Government on Regional Comprehensive Price of Land Requisition (Jizheng No.〔2008〔132)”, “On Transferring the Notice of ‘Opinions of Five Departments including Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security on Establishing Social Endowment Insurance’ by Hebei Provincial People’s Government, February 17, 2005”, “Notice of the General Office of People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Implementing a Unified Annual Production Value and Regional Comprehensive Price of Land Requisition” (Neizhengbanfa No.〔2009〔129), and “On Transferring the Notice of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on Guiding Opinions on Job Training and Social Security of Requisitioned Peasants by the General Office of the State Council by

World Bank Loan Project 3 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Summary the the General Office of the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region”.

The total budget for compensations on land requisition and resettlement is 807.3592 million Yuan, including 621.2680 million Yuan of resettlement compensation fees, 76.85% of the total investment; 18.63 million Yuan of management fees, 2.31% of the total; 19.6046 million Yuan of social safeguard fees, 2.43% of the total; 83.22 million Yuan of land occupation tax and land development fees, 10.31 % of the total; 2.50 million Yuan of RAP formulation and monitoring & evaluation fees, 0.31% of the total; 62.1268 million Yuan of unforeseeable fees, 7.7% of the total.

With the village as the basic unit, each person shall have o.3 mu farmland, and relevant restoration measures are formulated accordingly. If per capita farmland is less than 0.3 m, multiple measures like monetary compensation, social safeguard measures and training as well as employment recommendation shall be implemented to ensure its income for living. If per capita farmland is more than 0.3 mu (97 villages in total in the project), land adjustment shall be made for resettlement. For the 97 villages choosing land reversion, after coordination through organizing villagers’assembly, per capita farmland in 2 villages is 0.5 mu, and the number keeps 1-1.5 mu in other 95 villages (per capita farmlands in villages whose requisitioned lands are less than 10% before and after the project). The farmland ownership can fully meet the demands of agricultural production after the project.

The two affected provinces adheres to the market-oriented employment mechanism. Through means of professional technical training, job recommendation, development of comprehensive projects to encourage peasants and herdsmen being employed, the two provinces have provided technical support and employment opportunities for peasants whose lands are lessened or lost totally.

There are 1035 rural households (3498 persons) affected by demolition along the line. There are 43 urban households (133 persons) affected by the demolition, who are all residents changing from rural residenceship into urban residenceship, and their housing conditions and located areas being totally similar with surrounding rural houses. Therefore, their houses are treated samely with rural houses. The demolished households in Nandian Village of

World Bank Loan Project 4 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Summary

Hohhot City and Chahaer Economic and Technical Development Zone of Wulanchabu City prefer to local resettlement, with a compensation of new houses. Other districts prefer to unconcentrated self-building resettlement.

Among the 34 enterprises affected by demolition, 18 prefers to reconstruction. Following the willingness of enterprises, governments at the municipal, county, township and village levels will give a support on site selection, reconstruction and production restoration. Enterprises can, in accordance with the local planning and self willingness, choose to have a new site in the local enterprise zone or in the collective lands of the original township or village. Private enterprises normally rent village’s collective lands, after obtaining compensation fees; they could still rent rural collective lands in the original village or in other areas. If the enterprises will not rebuild or open again, resettlement departments and enterprises shall inform the staff 6 months before, so that the staff could find another job. In addition, resettlement departments and enterprises shall provide free training and help introduce new jobs for the staff. All in-kind loss of enterprises, losses of enterprises and staff due to operation stop shall be compensated after market evaluation.

The Ministry of Railways, the preparation group of Huzhang Railway Company, provincial and prefecture governments, as well as resettlement office at different levels shall be responsible for implementing and guiding the resettlement work in the county and village level. Presently, part of local governments at different levels along the line have set up the leading institutions for railway construction for which of the government leaders will be responsible. The people in charge of each part are the member of the institution. Development and Reform Commission of governments at various levels in other regions, if without corresponding institutions, should be in the charge of all related affairs during preparation of this project. Once this project is initiated, local governments at all levels will set railway support offices or similar institutions to cooperate and support railway construction and resettlement.

The affected population should be informed of possible impacts at different stages of this project and participate in negotiation. The stakeholders participating in the negotiation include the heads of influenced household, the village heads and villager representatives, departments of local governments and the disadvantaged group. The information relating to acquisition and resettlement has been broadcasting through public media such as newspaper, broadcasting stations and public announcement etc and meetings at the level of village to stimulate understanding and support of all communities/villages in the project area. Along with the progress of the project, the influenced families will

World Bank Loan Project 5 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Summary also take part in the negotiation of Resettlement Action Plan and the activities of resident resettlement including detailed measurement, determination of location of flyover, selection of sites of new houses and appeals etc. In the process of specific implementation of land acquisition and resettlement, the influenced population and enterprises can lodge complaints to local administrative departments, government institutions, project owner, external monitoring institutions and courts concerning land acquisition, housing demolition, compensation and resettlement. In addition, the influenced population will often be provided with opportunities to discuss the issues involving compensation and resettlement with the representatives of the organizations of all levels in charge of implementing and managing the project through public meetings, hearing, public negotiation and on-site survey etc.

The Preparation Group of the Ministry of Railways and Resettlement Offices of local governments at all levels will jointly take the responsibility for granting the compensation fee and internal monitoring and supervision on house reconstruction, land acquisition and appealing of affected population. The Ministry of Railways will prepare the quarterly resettlement monitoring reports and submit them the World Bank until the resettlement is completed. After that, the Ministry of Railways will submit the post-evaluation report to the World Bank. What’s more, the Ministry of Railway will entrust an independent monitoring institution to undertake the work of external monitoring and assessment. External monitoring work includes base data survey, review and approval of granting compensation fee, examining and approving resettlement programs and implementation results, assessing appeal procedures and feedback/satisfaction degree of the influenced population about the interests and compensation, assessing the recovery of income of the influenced population and learning lessons from it to help future resettlement. External monitoring should submit monitoring and assessment report to the Ministry of Railway and the World Bank every half year until the resettlement is completed.

World Bank Loan Project 6 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 1 Overview

Chapter 1 Overview

1.1 Project Introduction

The Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway passes through Zhangjiakou City in Hebei Province, and Wulanchabu and Hohhot City in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The line, from east to west, goes through four categories five kinds of landforms, including Yanghe river valley, low-and-middle hills, basin area of Huangqihai Lakes, low-and-middle mountains in Zhuozi, inclined plaints in front of Daqingshan Mountain.

The total length of the trunk line is 287.087 km. There are 137.673 km bridges, including 118 beam bridges of 137.673 km, 114 frame bridges of 18810 top square meters, accounting 47.9% of the total length of the line. There are 27 tunnels, with a total length of 45.609 km, 15.9% of the total length of the line. The length of bridges and tunnels accounts 63.8% of the line’s total length. The length of subgrade is 103.805 km, 36.2% of the line’s length. There are also 171 culverts, 4189 linear meters.

There are 4 stations (not including Zhangjiakou South Station) installed along the line, including Huai’an, Wulanchabu, Zhuozi East and Hohhot East Station among which Huai’an and Wulanchabu stations are newly built ones while the rest are rebuilt. Hohhot East Station is for passenger transport and the rest are intermediate stations. The reconstruction of Hohhot Station shall be considered as part of the project. The maximum station distance is 77.844km (from Zhuozi East to Hohhot East) and the minimum is 47.878km (from Wulancahbu to Zhuozi East), 57.553km on average. A new MU train workshop and coach kerbing station shall be built in Hohhot East Station. Comprehensive repair workshops shall be built in Wulanchabu, Zhuozi East and Hohhot East Station. A Maintence site shall be installed in Huai’an station.

The project duration is 4 year, completed for one time.

The total budget of investment for the project is 32187.1886 million Yuan, 112.1165 million Yuan per km of the trunk line, including 29141.72 million Yuan

World Bank Loan Project 7 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 1 Overview on static investment, 101.5083 million Yuan per km of the trunk line. The loan interest during construction period is 1731.0182 million Yuan, 1280 million Yuan for purchase of engines and coaches, and 34.4504 million Yuan of circulating funds.

The project is co-funded by the Ministry of Railways and local government. The project capital fund is 50% of the total investment. Local governments are responsible for land requisition and demolition and corresponding fees in their administrative regions. The expenses for land requisition and demolition shall be raised by belonged cities and provinces and shall be regarded as local capital funds to be counted as shares after recognized by all parties; the rest funds shall be shouldered by the Ministry of Railways, by using railway construction fund and self-possessed funds of railway enterprises. The other funds except capital funds are to be borrowed from China Agricultural Bank, the State Development Bank and Huaxia Bank.

Construction of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou rapid railway is of much significance to strengthen the economic link between Inner Mongolia “hubaoe economic circle”and and better involve in Beijing Two Hour economic circle, meet demands of regional passenger transport and improve coal transport capacity of “Sanxi”, construct a large-capacity freight corridor among Beijing, and and meet the requirements of transport coals in West Inner Mongolia to the outside, improve the rapid railway network in China and construct a rapid railway transport in Northwest and , and strengthen the construction of export port and build to be an international transport corridor.

1.2 Preparations for Resettlement Action Plan

The Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the project is developed by the Foreign Capital Center of the Ministry of Railways with assistances of Wisdom Management Consulting Co. ,Ltd. According to the arrangement of the Department of Planning of the Ministry of Railways, the China Railway Engineering Consults Group Co., Ltd. (“CREC”) conducts formulation of feasibility study report of the project.

World Bank Loan Project 8 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 1 Overview

With close coordinations from the design institution and Wisdom Management Consulting Co. ,Ltd, the Foreign Capital Center of the Ministry of Railways begun to prepare resettlement action plan as of June 2010, and the resettlement plan and social economic survey were completed from August to September 2010. In October 2011, re-checking on impacts of resettlement is made according to the final version of the feasiblity study report and the pre-evaluation report of RAP will be submitted in November 2011.

1.3 Measures for Mitigating Project Impacts

1.3.1 Project Planning and Design Stage

Construction of the project will of course involve land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, and at the same time, and the existing production and living conditions of residents will unavoidably be impacted. In order to mitigate impacts of the project construction on local social economy at planning and design stage, the design organization and the owner has taken some effective measures as follows:

A、 The line should proceed along mountain areas as possible, so the acquisition of cultivated land drastically decreases;

B、 The basic farmlands passing through by the line are mainly distributed in Wan’an County and Huai’an County located in the both sides of Dayang River, as well as Wulanchabu City and Hohhot City. In order to reduce the occupation of basic farmlands, Huzhang Railway shall share common corridors with existing transport channels as much as possible.

C、 The land occupied by the project shall be wastelands and reduce the requisition on farmlands and forest lands.

1.3.2 Project Construction Stage

During the stage of project construction, measures the contractors will take include:

World Bank Loan Project 9 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 1 Overview

A、 Enhance the mechanism of public participation. Before the projects construction to place notices in affected areas and resettlement areas, including the time period of the project construction and planned progress; to publicize policy frameworks on compensation of land acquisition, demolition, relocation and resettlement, and to accept the supervision of the existing residents in the resettlement areas;

B、 Improve the earth and stone project. Make a rational deployment according to the principle of full utilization. The earth and stones digging out from cutting excavation and base foundation of bridges shall be used for subgrade and filing materials for stations and temporary project, in order to save land, reduce damage on reclamation and avoid land and water erosion. Earth cutting and spoil fields shall use slopes or wastelands as much as possible by in line with local planning. Drainage design shall be made to avoid surface runoff. After earth cutting and spoiling, revegetation shall be conducted according to local land features and local planning.

C、 Dispose of waste in the construction site. As the construction period is long and there will be many construction workers, the construction will produce a lot of waste, domestic or otherwise. The contractors should timely clean up all waste in the construction site according to the requirements of the local Environmental and Health Department. The contractors should ensure the cleanliness of the construction site to avoid breeding and spreading of infectious diseases;

D、 During the construction period, the contractors will place priority in using local construction materials. Under practical circumstances, the contractors should also place priority in using local transportation and labor to enable the affected people to benefit from the construction of the project.

E、 Make a scientific planning and rational layout on spoil ground, construction domestic zones, construction roads and reduce temporary land use. Preparation work for reclamation on temporary land use shall be conducted in advance

World Bank Loan Project 10 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 1 Overview

1.3.3 Implementation Stage

In the implementation, the following measures shall be taken to minimize the impact on the local residents:

A、 The RAP is prepared for the railway infrastructure project funded by the World Bank loans. Implementation of the RAP shall follow the principle of by-stages.

B、 Modify the resettlement schemes based on actual conditions to ensure the standard of living of the people will not decline;

C、 Enforce internal and external monitoring, and establish an effective and straightforward mechanism and channels for feedback. Shorten the time period for handling information to ensure problems that arise during construction may be resolved promptly;

D、 Conduct key monitoring on the distribution of compensation funds and living-hood restoration complementary measures. Review experiences and lesions of resettlement in the same region in order to minimize negative impacts of resettlement.

World Bank Loan Project 11 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey

Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey

2.1 General socio-economic situation of the affected areas

Huzhang railway goes through Hohhot, Wulanchabu and Zhangjiakou City. The latest major national economic and social indicators seen in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Major National Economic and Social Indicators

Wulanchab Item Unit Hohhot Zhangjiakou u Thousand Farmland area 519.02 629 1295.36 hectare Percent to the land area % 30.15 11.60 23.46 Ten Total population at the thousand 263.5 287.09 459.67 end of the year persons Ten Permanent urban thousand 155.4 77.23 147.18 population persons

Urbanization rate % 57.70% 36.23 40.93

100 GDP million 1101.13 434.68 720.37 Yuan 100 Among which million 62.14 82.27 16.5 primary industry Yuan 100 Secondary industry million 415.5 211.51 44 Yuan 100 Tertiary industry million 623.49 140.9 39.5 Yuan GDP per capita Yuan 42015 20359 17134 Per capita income of Yuan 6121 4061 3286 peasants and herdmen Per capita income of Yuan 16920 11750 12054

World Bank Loan Project 12 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey

urban residents

Ten Sum of import and thousand 93592 / 81751 export US dollar Ten Foreign investment thousand 60322 / 6371 US dollar Ten number of tourist thousand 622.3 / 537.01 persons 100 Revenue of tourism million 93.44 / 29.43 Yuan Ten total grain output thousand 107.4 125.1 131.1 tons

Data sources: Hohhot Economic Statistics yearbook (2008), China Statistics Press; Wulanchabu Economic and Social Development Overview for the Past 60 Years (2009), Inner Mongolia Bureau of Media and Publication; Zhangjiakou Economic Yearbook, Special Edition (2009) The People’s Government of Zhangjiakou City

2.2 Overview of Municipality, Province, City and County

Zhangjiakou City is located in the northwest of Hebei Province at the junction of Beijing, , and Inner Mongolia, known as the "mountain city beyond the Great Wall". The total area of the city is 3.69x100 km2, with a population of 4.597 million. There are four areas (Qiaoxi, Qiaodong, Xuanhua, and Xiahuayuan) and 13 counties (Xuanhua, Zhangbei, Kangbao, Guyuan, Shangyi, Yuxian, Yangyuan, Huaian, Wanquan, Huailai, Zhuolu, Chicheng, and Chongli) under jurisdiction. 71 kinds of minerals have been found in Zhangjiakou, including 28 kinds of proven reserves. The reserves of gold, lead, zinc, phosphorus, precious stones and other 10 kinds of minerals rank first in Hebei Province; Zhangjiakou is one of China's three greatest gold producing areas; olive green gem mine of Wanquan is one of China's two olive green gem mines; Yuxian coal mine has large reserves, good coal quality and shallow depth, and it is the only large coal mine without large- scale development of Hebei Province. Zhangjiakou has four major travel brands,

World Bank Loan Project 13 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey separately "earliest history and culture in the world, coolest summer in the world, most famous Chongli ski in the world, best military travel in the world", According to the planning there are 10 large tourist areas including ski, Great Wall border gate, Zhang Beiyuan middle city, Guyuan Jinlianchuan; the city has many unique places of interest and tourist attractions including the battlefield of Yellow Emperor and Emperor ChiWoo, Nishiwan ruins of the Old Stone Age, large boundary gate of the Great Wall pass, Qingyuan Building in the Ming Dynasty, Guanting Lake beyond the Great Wall, prairie resort, Cuiyuan Mount ski resort. In 2008 there are 5.4 million passenger accommodations, of whom 5.37 million people are domestic, with a revenue of RMB 2.94 billion Yuan; 30,000 people are foreign, with an foreign exchange revenue of US$ 5,324,000. Zhangjiakou is an early industrial city in northern China; in recent years, relying on its energy and resource advantages, it has formed the pillar industries including energy, machinery, metallurgy, chemical, textile, fur, leather; the industrial bases include Xuanhua industrial base dominated by the steel industry, Xiahuayuan industrial base dominated by the coal industry, Pangjiabao industrial base dominated by iron ore mining, southern city’s industrial base dominated by machinery, textile, construction materials , and Shalingzi new industrial base dominated by electric power industry.

Wanquan County is located in the northwest of Hebei Province, borders Shangyi County on the west and Zhangbei County on the north to the Great Wall; it borders Huaian County on the south and Zhangjiakou city on the east, with a total area of 1158 square km. There are 4 towns, 7 townships and 174 administrative villages under jurisdiction, with a total population of 214,700. The county is 15km from Zhangjiakou City and 220km from Beijing. Beijing- Baotou Railway and 110 National Road goes through the county from east to west; 207National Road and Guohua Highway connect the dam on the north. It has good geographical location and convenient transportation; as a result it has good city radiation and regional advantages for the development of suburban- based economy. Wanquan county is rich in mineral resources, including bentonite, fireclay, humus, olive stone, basalt, zeolite, mineral water, lignite. Bentonite has a reserve of 300 million tons; basalt has a reserve of 400 million tons; olive stone, commonly known as "Emerald", has a geological reserve of 1.4 million tons; it can be processed into gold and silver jewelry, very popular among consumers. Total reserves of coals are 870 million tons and have been

World Bank Loan Project 14 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey developed. Wanquan County is rich in cultural heritage, mainly including the Ming Great Wall, Wanquan ancient city, Yuhuangge, Neolithic Longshan cultural sites, cultural sites of the Spring and Autumn Period, Liao and Jin and Han Dynasty, Han tombs, Revolutionary martyrs pavilion, "802" ceremony panel, Hongci cave, Bailong cave and other historical landscape, with the potential tourism development value. Wan county's mild climate is continental monsoon climate, and so the agriculture is developed. The county has a total of 450,000 mu of arable land, and it is a national corn seed base county and provincial grain, vegetable base county. In normal years, food production is 90 million kg, of which maize seed and high protein corn, waxy corn and popcorn have high popularity and commercial value. Output of vegetables is 70 million kilograms, mainly for Beijing, Zhangjiakou market. Wanquan’s industry starts earlier, and forms a complete industrial production system with chemical, machinery casting, building materials, food processing that begins to take shape. The main products include fertilizers, pesticides, cosmetics, mining machinery, building materials and so on, with increasing product variety and better quality. Over 20 industrial products have won provincial and even national famous special products, well sold at home and abroad. The county has 1098 stalls, mostly in the four towns and on both sides of 110 and 207 national roads. Kongjiazhuang comprehensive trade market has formed with active market activities.

Huaian County is under jurisdiction of Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province; it is located in the northwest of Hebei Province at the junction of Shanxi, Hebei and Inner Mongolia as well as the junction of the metropolitan area of Beijing, and Hebei and the economic circle of Shanxi, Hebei and Inner Mongolia, known as the "Golden Triangle" . It has an area of 1706 square kilometers, a usable land area of 1.5 million hectares, of which there are 0.6 million mu of arable land. It has 4 towns, 7 townships and 273 administrative villages under jurisdiction, with a population of 246,000, of which the rural population is 178,000. There are many natural landscapes; currently there are 3 tourist attractions, including Longdong Mountain hunting ground, Shangshuiyuan international ecological demonstration zone, Taiwan new Dongyang leisure area. Places of interest include Zhaohua Temple in the Ming Dynasty, the ancient Great Wall. Huaian County has a continental climate, with four distinct seasons, with rain and heat in the same season, with great temperature difference between day and night, with an annual average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. It has a sound ecological

World Bank Loan Project 15 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey environment, with forest coverage of 23.7%. It is rich in minerals; the minerals with wealthy proven reserves are more than 30 kinds. Transportation is convenient, with Beijing-Baotou Railway, and Danla highway, 110 national road, 207 national road, Zhangtong national and provincial trunk highway; the county’s road mileage is 1423 km; all towns and 60% of villages have asphalt roads. Huaian County is a national county with key poverty alleviation and development focus policy. In recent years, through industrial restructuring, four leading agricultural industries have basically formed, including vegetables, potatoes, fruit and livestock. Potato’s planting area is 150,000 mu, and orchard’s area is over 300,000 mu. In particular, pigs, sheep farming and vegetable growing has seen significant development’ the county’s rearing quantity of pigs, sheep is over 250,000; the area of vegetables (including 10,000 mu’ facilities) is over 70,000 mu. The county has a total of 466 industrial enterprises. Coal- oriented tertiary industry has formed a good pattern. There are 198 various coal distribution companies; the coal trading volume in 2005 reached 50 million tons. The largest ecological coal transaction city and oil reserve base in the west of Beijing is under construction; after construction, the amount of coal turnover will reach 100 million tons, and the oil reserve capacity will reach 100,000 cubic meters.

Ulan Qab is an open city approved by the State Council; it is the bridgehead of the autonomous region from east to west, the intersection of the north and the south, the transportation hub of the three major economic zones of Northeast China, North China and Northwest China, and also a major international channel from China to Mongolia, Russia and Eastern Europe. The total area of the city is 5.5 × 104km2, with a population of 2,132,000. There is one district, one city, four qis and 5 counties under jurisdiction. Ulan Qab’s advantageous minerals include coal, crystalline graphite, copper, gold, fluorite, gypsum, bentonite, diatomaceous earth, limestone, of which coal is mainly distributed at the junction with Xilin Gol League, and graphite is mainly in . Ulan Qab has ten tourist landscapes including grasslands, forests, mountains, lakes, snow and ice, volcanoes, heritage, monuments, temples, folk. The representative tourist attractions include Daihai tourist attractions, Huitengxile grassland tourist area, Jiulong Bay tourist area, Tiger Hill tourist area. In 2008 the city completed passenger accommodation of 3.277 million people, of which domestic tourists are 5.37 million people, with revenue of RMB 1.41 billion Yuan and foreign

World Bank Loan Project 16 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey tourists are 23,000 people, with an foreign exchange revenue of US $ 8.75 million.

Xinghe County is located in the southeast of Ulan Qab, Inner Mongolia; Daqing Mountain, Agui Mountain work as a watershed on the east; it border Shangyi County, Hebei Province; it is adjacent to Great Wall in Zhao Dynasty and Danan Mountain, Huaian County of Hebei Province, Tianzhen County and Yanggao County of Shanxi Province; it borders city and Chayouqianqi on the west; it is adjacent to Chayouhouqi and on the north. Xinghe County is long from north to south and narrow from east to west, vase-shaped. It is about 109 km from north to south and about 67 km from east to west. The total area is 3499 square kilometers. There are 6 towns and 1 township under jurisdiction, with a, population of 301,000. Xinghe County has convenient transportation; as the first county north of Great Wall to Beijing, it is 240 km from Beijing, 220km from Hohhot and 65km from Jining. Danla highway, 110 national road runs through Xinghe County; Xinglong Road connects of Shanxi to the west; Luzhen Road connects Yanggao, Tianzhen of Shanxi to the south; Xingshang Road connects Shangdu and Ximeng. Jizhang Railway is under construction through the county. Xinghe County is rich in mineral resources, rich in graphite, bentonite. Graphite mining, carbon manufacturing and bentonite processing are traditional pillar industries of the county. Today, the iron powder production and processing and basalt mining and processing become new industries with good prospects. There are many tourism resources of great value. Sumu Mountain, 40 km southwest of the county, is the largest artificial forest in central and western Inner Mongolia, with a total area of 236,000 mu and a forested area of 167,500 mu. The forest coverage is 71%. It is known as "the second Xiaoxinganling" in Inner Mongolia. Founded in the period of Emperor Kangxi, autographed by Emperor Yongzheng, ruins of You’an Temple, known as "the largest temple in Suidong ", the Tibetan Buddhist temple has a high reputation in North China. Laoli Sea, 15 km from the county, has a water area of over 1,000 mu, composed of three lakes of different sizes, is an ideal place for fish reproduction and bird habitat. The surrounding wetlands, grasslands, hills and grasslands are staggered, with an area of 10,000 mu. Daqing Mountain and Friendship Reservoirs also have great potential for development of tourism resources.

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Chahar Right Front Banner is located in central south of Ulan Qab. It borders Xinghe County on the east, Fengzhen City on the south, Zhuozi County on the west and Chahar Right Middle Banner on the north. It goes around Jining City in the middle, with an area of 2821 square km. It has a population of 261,200, among whom the Mongolian people are 5300 and other minorities’ people are 1000. There are 22 townships and 1 town under jurisdiction. People's Government in located in Tuguiwula Town. The annual average temperature is 4.5 〔, annual precipitation is 376.1 mm, and frost-free period is 131 days. It is rich in natural resources. The natural pastures cover 1766,000 mu. The pasture available covers 1300,000 mu. Major grassland types include mountain steppe grassland; hilly steppe grassland; low meadow. Most of them are good grass. Forest area is small, with low coverage. There are 139,396 mu of forest land: 6571 mu of shrub; 189,514 mu of young forest; 213,445 cubic meters of living woods; 3.79% of forest coverage. It is rich in aquatic resources; the major fish producing areas include Huangqi Sea, Large Naoer Sea, and Small Naoer Sea and Quanyuulin reservoirs. It is rich in natural resources for further development and utilization. Especially Huangqi Sea, due to pollution, fish can not survive. There are 170,000 mu of wasteland around the lake and pasture subject to comprehensive development.

Zhuozi County is located in Ulan Qab City of central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The west of Zhuozishan Town, where the county government lies, is 73km from the capital Hohhot; 52km from , Ulan Qab to the east and 430 km from Beijing. It is adjacent to Hohhot and 8 other counties. Beijing- Baotou railway and new and old 110 national road go through nine townships from east to west. Ke Buer-Zuoyun-Jining-Liangcheng highway goes from north to south, with good geographical location and convenient transportation. There are 5 towns and 9 townships under jurisdiction, including Zhuozishan Town, Qixiaying Town, Bayinxile Town, Lihua Town, Shibatai Town, Basumu Township, Meiligaitu Township, Yintangzi Township, Liusumu Township, Fushengzhuang Township, Houfangzi Township, Dayushu Township, Fuxing Township and Hongzhao Township. There are 110 village committees, 947 village groups, 13 communities (residents committee) with the five towns. In 2003, the county's total population is 227,754 people; the ethnic minority population is less than five thousand (of which 2002 are Mongolian, 1212 are Manchu, 899 are Muslim and other minorities are 39). There is 3119 square kilometers’ land under

World Bank Loan Project 18 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey jurisdiction, 92.6 kilometers from east to west and f 67.7 km from south to north. There are more hills and mountains and fewer plains, known for "seven mountains, one portion of water and two fields." Zhuozi County is rich in natural resources and wild animals that mainly appear in Shanggaotai Forest, Baoan Forest and Naoerliang, Huitengliang grassland. The county has over 20 kinds of proven mineral resources. Zhuozi County is an pastoral area beyond the Great Wall in history; in late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, farmers continued to move in and worked on the wilderness, so that it becomes a dry farming area gradually. There are existing 6300,000 mu of arable land, of which 950,000 mu is irrigated land. Crops mainly are oat, corn, potatoes, beans, cereals. The county is one of the main producing areas for oat and potato. In recent years, in order to meet market demand, annual cropping structure is conducted, planting area of wheat and oat is shrinking each year, planting area of potatoes, corn, flax, beans, vegetables, fruits and herbs increases, with a development trend of regionalization and industry orientation. With the ecological construction, foresting and sand governance is implemented each year; the livestock production patterns are quietly changing, captive breeding and growing in support of breeding have become a trend. Cows, sheep, pigs, rex rabbits are important factors to improve farmers' income and promote rural economic development. Industrial enterprises are mining, leather, fur, meat, grain, oil, wood, agriculture, forestry and side product processing industry, building materials industry, rare earth smelting, wool, fuel, chemicals, paper, food, wine, printing and so on, nearly 1700. The number of township enterprises in the county in 2001 (including F&B, construction, etc.) increase from 1029 in 1984 to 7638, number of workers from 8914 in 1984 to 42,000, with a total output value RMB 2.53 billion Yuan, of which the industrial value is RMB 694 million Yuan, and the sales income is RMB 2.31 billion Yuan. Zhuozi has formed four pillar industries including power, building materials, heavy chemical, agricultural and livestock products; power industry represented by Huadian Power, lightweight wall materials and cement-based building materials, halal meat, potato processing, agricultural and livestock products, and chemical engineering are in the ascendant; commercial and trade circulation, catering and entertainment, transportation, logistics, tourism-based tertiary industry is thriving.

Hohhot is Mongolian, whose Chinese meaning is "green city”. It is the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the region's political, economic, cultural

World Bank Loan Project 19 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey and commercial center. Located in Tumochuan Plains, which is in the center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, it borders Yinshan on the north and Yellow River on the south; it is the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and is a regional political, economic, and cultural center. Hohhot is more than 500 kilometers from the capital Beijing, 490 km away from the port city . It is the land route that communicates the northwestern provinces and the mainland, an also a bridge that connects the mainland of China and Mongolia, Russia and Eastern European countries. Hohhot is the "Chinese milk capital" outstanding tourist city, is a national historical and cultural city, an open city on the northern borders and one of the important center cities in China's western development strategy. Hohhot’s main body is Mongolian, Han is the majority, and also 36 ethnic groups including Manchu and Muslim are co-inhabited. The city's total land area is 17,224 square kilometers, of which, urban area is 2054 square kilometers, with four districts and five counties under jurisdiction, including Xincheng District, Muslims District, , and Tumotezuoqi County, Tuoketuo County, Helingle County, Qingshui County and Wuchuan County. Also there are National Hohhot Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wusutu Forest tourism and entertainment zone. The total population is 2.58 million, the urban population is over 1.43 million. There are 270,000 people in the city's ethnic minorities, of which 200,000 are Mongolian. Currently, Hohhot has established a wide range of economic, technological cooperation and cultural exchanges with over 20 countries and regions in the world, and formed an export-oriented development and fully open new pattern. The city's growth rate is the largest for 5 consecutive years among the capital cities nationwide, and the total economic output in the country is in the first place among 5 ethnic cities. The fixed asset investment has totaled over RMB 110 billion Yuan in 5 years, more than the total investment of the previous nine five- year plans. In 2004, per capita disposable income of urban residents reached RMB 12,500 Yuan, and the rural per capita net income reached RMB 4600 Yuan. The quality of economic growth is significantly improved; the strategic adjustment of industrial structure is promoted in a comprehensive manner; the proportion of the industrial structure is optimized from 14:43.8:42 to 6.8:43.2:50 after three times adjustment. Husbandry structure has been optimized; especially the "Milk Promotion" strategy has become a strong impetus to the extraordinary development of dairy industry; the city cows reach

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650,000, and the milk production reaches 2 million tons. Implementation of the "industry-first strategy" helps the city to seize the coastal developed areas’ opportunities for industry and capital transfers, promote the six advantageous industries including dairy, electrical, electronic information, biological pharmacy, metallurgy industry, machinery manufacturing construction, and effectively promote the industrial economy’s rapid growth and industrial structure optimization and upgrading. Total industrial added value reaches RMB 23 billion Yuan. Flow of commerce, transportation and other traditional services grow rapidly. On the basis of economic development, wage income of the staff and retires from administrative institutions is increased with timeliness and appropriateness; guide enterprises to link operation results with staff wages; full implement the policies that benefit the farmers including "one exemption and three subsidies"; as a result, urban and rural residents’ income level is substantially increased and the quality of life is improved significantly. During the “tenth five year plan” period, per capita disposable income of urban residents grow by 17.5% on average annually; average annual per capita net income of farmers increase by 12.6%, among the highest in the region. There is active market consumption, obviously upgraded consumption structure, enhanced employment and reemployment work and low unemployment rate that always adapts to the high economic growth rate. Social security system is further improved and the "low income guarantee" range is expanded and the standard is increased. ,it is the first in the region to start a special assistance system for needy families and farmers, maximizing the benefit of the majority of the masses.

2.3 Social and Economic Survey

2.3.1 Overview

This section describes the socio-economic characteristics of the population who may face possible land loss or property loss. This information comes from the survey on in-kind indics and the socio-economic surveys in the feasibility study phase.

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2.3.2 On-site investigations in 2010

The investigation has been strongly supported by villagers and governments at all during the investigation. The investigation is completed through collecting data from the Bureau of Statistics, the National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant local government departments, and through holding informal discussions with local government officials. Detailed topics include the future industrial development, railway route selection, the location of the stations in the towns and villages, the setting of pedestrian access and culverts, arable land reduction, especially farmland acquisition and house demolition, and local economic development and poverty release. The investigation on physical impact will be based on the feasibility study. The investigation and statistics on agrarian Impact will be developed in a unit of village. The survey of private residential buildings will take a household as a unit. The survey on individually owned auxiliary facilities and trees will take a household as a unit. The survey on public infrastructures and special projects will take a unified organization as a unit.

Through the investigation,China Railway Consulting Group has considered the local socio-economic development and environmental protection at the stage of route selection, which reduced the relative quantity of requistioned lands and the corresponding impacts. These findings have been fully reflected in the project design and resettlement planning.

2.3.3 Socio-economic Survey on Affected Villages and Population


In order to understand the basic living condition of the migrant families in the project area and analyze the impacts on local immigrants, a random sample survey has been made on the production and living conditions of the affected families. The survey is made possible by comparing their similarities and differences.

The affected migrant families under investigation are chosen randomly and questionnaires and informal discussions are applied to the survey. The survey

World Bank Loan Project 22 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey group made social and economic surveys on 100 affected villages in 22 towns of 8 counties/districts (As Shangyi County are only passed through by tunnels, no land requisition or demolition) in the three cities. The group made a sample of 426 households, (1303 persons), among them, 336 sample households affected by land requisition, 35.18% of the total number of households affected by land requisition (955 households); 254 demolition sample households, 23.56% of the total demolished households (1078 households). There are 164 households who are impacted by land requisition and demolition, and 172 households are only affected by land requisition (See Table 2-2). It should be pointed out there are 1035 rural households affected by demolition. Meanwhile, there are 43 urban households (133 persons) affected by the demolition. It is found out from the survey that the 43 urban households are all residents changing from rural residenceship into urban residenceship, and their housing conditions and located areas being totally similar with surrounding rural houses. Therefore, their houses are treated samely with rural houses in terms of surveys, compensation standards and resettlement plans.

The survey group also learned about opinions and suggestions on the project from the 426 sample households (mainly targeting the head of the household) by means of questionnaires. They made a census on social and economic conditions in all the 100 villages affected by the project; The impact value on in-kind indics such as affected lands and houses has been calculated, through data summarization as well as feasibility study and on-site investigation on routes conducted by the design institute. The sample households cover all types of affected households in all affected district, being representative and typical.

Methods of investigating the affected population, land, housing and auxiliary facilities, scattered trees and special facilities: on-site division of county (city, district), township (town, street) and village (neighborhood) is the basis of ownership-division; the quantity of affected housing and subsidiary facilities are gathered into the village level; make a survey on the number of households and population affected by the demolished houses; gather information of lands into the village (committee); gather information of special facilities into the county (city, district) level.

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Table 2-2 Socio-economic survey sample statistics

Rural Demolished Affected Land requsitioned Public opinion collective Involved households Province City counties Affected towns households questionnaire economy villages questionnaire (cities/districts) questionaire(Number) (number) survey table (Number) (Number) (Number) Gaoxin Shenjiatun / / / / 1 District Town Kongjiazhuang Wanquan County 11 11 11 4 4 Town Zuowei Town 24 7 24 8 8 Hebei Zhangjiakou Province City Diliutun Town 15 10 15 5 5 Huai'an County Chaigoubao 50 30 50 16 16 Town Dukoubao Town 45 8 45 13 13 tunnel running Shangyi County through Inner Wulanchabu Chengguan 29 20 29 8 9 Mongolia City Xinghe County Town Autonomous Eerdong Town 40 15 40 3 3 Region Chahaer Huangmaoying 9 0 9 3 3 Youyiqianqi Town Bayintala Town 20 4 20 4 4 Huanghaizi 10 0 10 3 3 Town Economy and technolody 5 95 95 1 1 development Zone

World Bank Loan Project 24 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey

Pingdiquan 6 6 6 2 2 Town Sanchakou 10 10 10 2 2 Town Shibatai 12 3 12 4 4

Bayinxile Town 2 2 2 1 1 Zhuozi County Zhuozishan 2 2 2 4 5 Town Lihua Town 3 3 3 5 5 Qixiaying Town 2 2 2 2 2 Yulin Town 16 3 16 4 4 Saihan District Hohhot City Bayan Town 22 20 22 4 4 Xincheng Haoqinying 3 3 3 1 1 District Town Total 336 254 426 97 100

Data source: on-site survey

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2.4 Affected People's Socio-economic Characteristics

2.4.1 Overview

Data collected in the socio-economic surveys are analyzed under the framework of livelihood and production of rural populations. The framework takes considerations of the four following aspects:

A. Population conditions and affected degree: demographic statistics; B. Production resources: mainly lands; C. Basic conditions of production and living: income sources and conditions of affected population; D. Affected minorities and the disadvangted group

2.4.2 Population conditions and affected degree

Along the line, the affected rural population in Hebei province occupies 93.67% of the total, agricultural labor force being 53.50% of the total, the number of requisitioned persons being 2.01% of the total, and the demolished population being 0.85% of the total.

The affected rural population in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region occupies 91.84% of the total, agricultural labor force being.77% of the total, the number of requisitioned persons being 2.68% of the total, and the demolished population being 4.42% of the total.

The affected rural population along the line occupies 92.79% of the total, agricultural labor force being. 61.73% of the total, the number of requisitioned persons being 2.35% of the total, and the demolished population being 2.66% of the total.

Generally speaking, either in Hebei province or Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the percentage of affected rural populations to the total is higher than 90%, mainly rural population as the major composition. The percentage of agricultural labor force to the total number in Inner Mongolia Autonomous

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Region is 15.27% higher than the figure in Hebei Province. But to most of the affected villages in the two provinces, agriculture is one of the major income sources. The percentage of affected population to the total village population is very low, the average value in the two provinces being less than 3%, only one exception that the percentage being over 20% in Tuliang village of Yulin Town in Hansai District of Hohhot City. The percentage of demolished population to the total village population is also very low, 0.85% in Hebei province, 4.42% in Inner Mongolia. There are two villages whose percentage are higher than 20%, 24.48% in Jiuyaozi Village of Kongjiazhuang Town in Wanquan County of Zhangjiakou City, and 83.36% in the Economic and Technical Development Zone in Wulancahbu City (for station purpose). (See Table 2-3 and Annex 2 :Affected Rural Population Statistics by Villages)

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Table 2-3 Affected rural population and districts

Land Demo requis Agricult llition Rural ition Total Percent of ural Percent affect Percent popul Agricult affecte popula rural Total labor to the ed to the County/ ation ural d Province City tion ( populatio labor force to total popul total district ( labor popul person n to the force the total populati ation populati perso force ation s ) total (%) labor on ( on ns ) ( force perso person ns ) s ) Gaoxin 3586 3501 97.63% 2152 1821 84.62% 76 2.12% 8 0.22% District Wanqua Hebei Zhangjiak n 6333 5932 93.67% 3328 2792 83.89% 107 1.69% 332 5.24% Province ou City County Huai'an 54887 51326 93.51% 28063 13333 47.51% 1119 2.04% 213 0.39% County Hebei ProvinceTota 64806 60759 93.76% 33543 17946 53.50% 1302 2.01% 553 0.85% l Inner Wulancha Xinghe 16266 15348 94.36% 9175 3942 42.96% 451 2.77% 133 0.82% Mongolia bu City County Autonomous Chahaer Region Youyiqi 22423 18493 82.47% 13598 11662 85.76% 460 2.05% 1941 8.66% anqi

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Zhuozi 11256 11111 98.71% 7748 3888 50.18% 463 4.11% 403 3.58% County Saihan 12699 12570 98.98% 6462 6462 100.00% 366 2.88% 192 1.51% District Hohhot Xinchen City g 3986 3674 92.17% 2208 998 45.20% 48 1.20% 276 6.92% District Inner Mongolia 66630 61196 91.84% 39191 26952 68.77% 1788 2.68% 2945 4.42% Autonomous RegionTotal The line in 12195 131436 92.79% 72734 44898 61.73% 3090 2.35% 3498 2.66% total 5

Data source: on-site survey

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The 426 households 〔1303 persons〔 receiving surveys have lower educational level., 20.34% at the level of primary school or even below, 63.47% at middle school, 13.74% at senior high school, and 2.45% at universities or other high- level education level. Details in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 Education Level of Affected Villagers

Percent to the total Education level Population number of adults primary school or even below 265 20.34% middle school 827 63.47% senior high school 179 13.74% universities or other high-level 32 2.45% education Total 1303 100%

Data source: on-site survey

2.4.3 Land requisition impacts

The surveyed peasants have planted 4831.92 mu dry lands in total. Almost 70% of the surveyed households are engaged in livestock breeding, most of whom are concentrated in Inner Mongolia. 40% of them plant cash crop, and 10% plant fruit trees. It is found out from the survey that the surveyed peasants own a relatively big land area, the biggest personal land volume reaching 86.67 mu, per capita farmland being 5.35 mu. The per capita farmland area in over 99% of the surveyed affected households is bigger than 0.3 mu, with one exception in three households in Nandian Village of Haoqinying Town in Xincheng District of Hohhot City. Generally speaking, the per capita farmland area of surveyed households is relatively bigger, except 24 households with a per capita land area lower than 1 mu, all the rest owning over 1 mu farmlands. Besides farmlands, peasants also own other kinds of agricultural land (including sloping field, forest and fruit fields)

Except the three villages with per capita farmland less than 0.3 mu, all the other affected villages keep 5-10% lands not being allocated to peasants for the

World Bank Loan Project 30 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey purpose of flexibility. These lands will be cultivated by means of annual renting contract, and can be allocated to requisitioned peasants if needed.

As the per capita farmland area of affected household is bigger, and the project mainly conducts linear land requisition, therefore, there is no single households whose lands are requisitioned totally.

2.4.4 Production and Living Peasants’ income

Table 2-5 shows the income conditions of the affected 426 households. Generally, the residents’ income distributions in the two provinces are much similar, with the three levels from 800 Yuan to 5000 Yuan occupy the largest proportion, nearly 90%. The percentage of households in absolute poverty line (less than 800 Yuan/person year) in Hebei is 2.96%, and 1.39% in Inner Mongolia. The percentage of households with per capita annual income reaching 5000 Yuan is about 10% in both provinces.

World Bank Loan Project 31 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey

Table 2-5 Income Distribution of Affected Village Households

Annual income per capita distribution (person) Number of surveyed Number of surveyed Province 800- 1500- 3000- 5000- Over <800Yuan households households(households) 1500Yuan 3000Yuan 5000Yuan 10000Yuan 10000Yuan (persons) Hebei 13 127 117 104 29 49 439 145 Inner 12 335 184 172 86 75 864 281 Mongolia Total 25 462 301 276 115 124 1303 426 Percentage to the total surveyed population(%) Percent Province 800- 1500- 3000- 5000- Over Percent (%) <800Yuan (%) 1500Yuan 3000Yuan 5000Yuan 10000Yuan 10000Yuan Hebei 2.96% 28.93% 26.65% 23.69% 6.61% 11.16% 33.69% 34.04% Inner 1.39% 38.77% 21.30% 19.91% 9.95% 8.68% 66.31% 65.96% Mongolia Average 2.18% 33.85% 23.97% 21.80% 8.28% 9.92% 100.00% 100.00% percent

Data source: on-site survey

World Bank Loan Project 32 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey Income source

It is found out from the income source and level of the sample 426 households (1303 persons) that in Hebei province, 62.82% households having employment income, 50.85% having grain income, 20% having tree fruits and breeding incomes, while incomes of trade and enterprises running are very low. The percentages to the total income are listed from the highest to the lowest: employment, grain, others, breeding, cash crop, enterprise running, commercial trade, and tree fruit.

Compared with Hebei province, the percentage of breeding is raised to 55.92%, the percentage of employment and grain being 63.38% and 52.63%. While percentages of others, tree fruits, trade and enterprises running are decreased in different extent. The percentages to the total income are listed from the highest to the lowest: employment, grain, breeding, cash crop,others, commercial trade, tree fruit, and enterprise running (see table 2-6).

Table 2-6 Income Sources of Affected Households

ProProPro Hebei Inner Mongolia Households Households The percent The percent having having such of income to of income to such source source of Income the total the total of income income employment 62.82% 34.57% 63.38% 32.10% grain 50.85% 14.05% 52.63% 27.08% cash crop 27.46% 9.77% 38.74% 12.27% tree fruit 18.31% 2.24% 2.09% 1.05% breeding 22.54% 10.62% 55.92% 17.74% commercial 5.63% 7.81% 1.57% 3.93% trade enterprise 1.41% 8.08% 0.00% 0.00% running Others 41.55% 12.86% 22.54% 5.83% Data source: on-site survey

World Bank Loan Project 33 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey

2.4.5 Affected houses

About 90% of houses in the three districts/counties in Zhangjiakou City are older than 10 years, with an area of 100 m2-300 m 2 , most of houses are at the size of 200 m 2 , with simple structures, little decoration and simple sanitary facilities.

About 85% of demolished houses in Hohhot were built before 1990, one-store, larger than100 m 2, and the area of large families with many members is even larger than1000 m 2, with simple structure, all kinds of facilities only meeting basic demands, inferior sanitary facilities bad for health.

95% demolished houses in Wulancahbu are old brick ones, and 5% being simple houses built with gravels. The house area is from 20 m 2 to 280 m 2, and 70% being 50 m 2-100 m 2. There are bad water, electricity facilities and toilets.

2.4.6 Affected enterprises

The project also conduct face-to-face interview. There are 34 affected enterprises and public institutions, with demolished area of , including 5883m2 factory buildings, 28358.76m 2 one-store houses, 5498 m 2 storied buildings, and 4312 m 2 makeshifts, occupying 191.51 m lands, 6729m fences, 10682 m 2 Indurative ground and 11 wells. 7 enterprises are partially demolished, among which 4 of them could run normally as before because only their fences are demolished. The four enterprises are Suxin Alloy Company and Zhongtian Alloy Company in Zhuozi County of Wulanchabu City, and Xingyong Carbon Company in Xinghe County, as well as Hengtai Construction Material Marketplace in Chahaeryoujiqianqi. There are 1763 staff (indentured worker) and 10 temporary workers are affected by the project. Apart from 326 staff in 4 enterprises whose fences are demolished only, the number of affected staff is 1477. Among the 34 enterprises, 16 of them prefer to monetary compensation, while the rest 18 prefer to reconstruction.

World Bank Loan Project 34 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey

2.4.7 Disadvantaged group

The disadvantaged group mainly include the disabled, households enjoying five guarantees, extreme poverty households and households with female as the head. Table 2-7 lists the condition of the disadvantaged group. The disadvantaged group scatters in different villages, with poverty households as the major one. Among the 35 disadvantaged households, 4 households enjoying five guarangtees, 3 households with the disabled, 25 extreme poverty households and 3 households with female as the head. All the disadvantaged group are little affected (0.1-0.2 mu) by land requisition. 2 poverty households are affected by demolition. The local governments have given special supports respectively to them to help restore living and production, and at best improving their living standard than before.

Table 2-7 Affected disadvantaged households

Households The enjoying disabled Poverty Female as Province Place (City) County(district) five ( households the head guarantees persons ( persons ) (households) ( persons ) ) Gaoxin District 0 0 2 0 Hebei Zhangjiakou Wanquan 0 0 5 0 Province City County Huai'an County 1 0 7 1 Hebei Province in 1 0 14 1 total Xinghe County 1 0 4 0 Inner Wulanchabu Chahaer Mongolia 1 1 4 1 City Youyiqianqi Autonomous Zhuozi County 1 1 2 1 Region Hohhot City Saihan District 0 0 1 0 Inner Mongolia Autonomous 3 2 11 2 Region in total The line in 4 3 25 3 total

Data source: on-site survey

World Bank Loan Project 35 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 2 Socio-economic Survey

2.4.8 Affected minorities

There are 48 minority nationalities in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region〔with about 50 million minorities, 88 minority counties, including 4 million Mongolia people, and 1 million of other minority nationalities, including 0.2 million Hui and Manchu, 20 thousand population of Korea, Daur and Ewenki respectively, and over 2 thousand of Xibo and Olunchun respectively. Minority nationalities of Miao, Tujia, Uygurs, Yi, Buyi, Dong and Yao have only less than thousand persons respectively. The social survey and assessment on land requisition show that the minority nationality village and people have actively participated in relevant activities of land requisition and resettlement plan, and their opinions are fully reflected in the plan. The minorities enjoy the same rights with local Han nationality by formulating proper RAP. The social survey conducted under the project also proves that the resettlement activities are also adaptive to minorities.

The on-site social survey show that the living habits, cultures and social features of affected minorities in Zhangjiakou city have been converted to the Han nationality.

The project has entrusted Central University for Nationalities to formulate the Report of Social Evaluation with focus on surveys on minorities and development plan. The details seen in the Social Evaluation Report of Zhanghu Rapid Railway Project .

2.4.9 Affected female

Among the 426 surveyed households (1303 persons), female occupies 58% of the total population. Most of the female work on the land, take care of children and the elderly at home, and do some temporary jobs in slack seasons, like needlework and construction. There are also some female working outside, but they are not included in the survey as they are far from home. It is found out from the survey that affected female can enjoy similar rights of participating in domestic affairs and being employed.

World Bank Loan Project 36 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Chapter 3 Project Impacts

3.1Project Impact Scope

Main track of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou railway is 287.087 km; main track of the bridge is 137.673km, of which the beam bridge is 137.673 km with the number of118, and the frame bridge is 18810 square meters with the number of 114. Bridges account for 47.9% of the total length of the line, the total length of tunnels is 45.609 km with the number of 27, accounting for 15.9% of the total length of the line; bridges and tunnels account for 63.8% of the total length of the line, roadbed length is 103.805km, accounting for 36.2% of the total length of line, cross culvert is 4189.5 linear meters with the number of 171; the number of new stations is 2 and the number of converted stations is 2.

Hohhot-Zhangjiakou railway construction project land acquisition and removal impact includes permanent acquisition of various types of land, impact on various buildings and other appurtenances, related equipment and infrastructure as well as the temporary site.

3.2 Physical Indicators of Project Impact

3.2.1 Permanent Land Acquisition Quantity of Permanent Land Acquisition

A total of 955 households and 3090 people are affected by permanent land acquisition line. The total acquired land is 12,449.6 mu (excluding the existing railway land). Among them, there are 6145.7 mu of farming land (all dry), 49.36% of the total land; 804 mu of woodland, 6.46% of the total land; 823.6 mu of the homestead, 6.62% of the total land; 224 mu of construction land, 1.8% of the total land; 234 mu of other land, 1.88% of the total land; 4218.3 mu of the wasteland, 33.88% of the total land.

Permanent land requisition by counties and districts seen in Table 3-1, by villages in Annex 3.

World Bank Loan Project 37 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Table 3-1 Permanent land requisition by counties and districts Unit: Mu Farmland Affected Affected Forest Province/Autonomous area Building Construction Others Wasteland City County/district households population Total land Region base(Mu) land (Mu) (Mu) (Mu) (number) (number) Dryland (Mu) (Mu) Gaoxin District 20 76 71 46 / 25 / / / Zhangjiakou Wanquan Hebei Province 29 107 251 182 11 44 0 9 5 City County Huai'an County 349 1119 2243.1 1752.1 101 140 6 43 201 Hebei ProvinceTotal 398 1302 2565.1 1980.1 112 209 6 52 206 Xinghe County 142 451 2671.1 1122.1 67 19 0 32 1431 Wulanchabu Chahaer 150 460 1836.8 872.2 75 155.6 52 22 660 City Youyiqianqi Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Zhuozi County 138 463 3446.6 994.3 420 128 0 96 1808.3 Saihan District 112 366 1596 907 130 248 166 32 113 Hohhot City Xincheng 15 48 334 270 / 64 / / / District Inner Mongolia Autonomous 557 1788 9884.5 4165.6 692 614.6 218 182 4012.3 RegionTotal The line in total 955 3090 12449.6 6145.7 804 823.6 224 234 4218.3 Data source project feasibility 1 study and on-site survey data

1 Data used in the report is from the latest version of the feasibility study report in the first third of October 2011.

World Bank Loan Project 38 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts Analysis to Permanent Land Acquisition

Hohhot-Zhangjiakou railway’s land acquisition has relatively small impact on the areas along the line, The reasons are: (1) the railway is a line project, and the characteristics of the project determine that there will be less impact on areas along the line; (2) the proportion of the total length of bridge and tunnel is 63.8% of the line length; therefore, land acquisition is greatly reduced; (3) line selection is along the mountain area as far as possible, to avoid the plain area, greatly reducing the amount of farming land acquisition; (4) location of the station should try to avoid concentration areas of towns and residents; in case of urban neighborhoods, the line should be changed. Nevertheless, the rural residents are still affected most by the land acquisition of the Hohhot-Zhangjiakou railway construction project, especially the rural residents where the railway station is located. A total of 22 townships and 100 villages in 3 cities (counties) and 8 counties along the line are affected by land acquisition; the 22 townships and 38 villages are affected by the removal.

The project did not lead to any reduction of arable land per capita in any village to 0.3 mu or less, but among the 100 villages involved in the project there are 3 villages whose per capita arable land is less than 0.3 mu before the project’s land acquisition, respectively, Jiuyaozi Village and Xinyaozi Village, Kongjiazhuang Town, Wanquan County, Zhangjiakou City, and Nandian Village, Haoqinying Town, Xincheng District, Hohhot City (see Table 3-2).

World Bank Loan Project 39 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Table3-2 Villages with requsitioned farmlands larger than 10% of the total farmlands

World Bank Loan Project 40 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

per capita per capita farmland farmland Affected Affected Requisitio Total area area after County/ household populatio ned Percent  City Township Village farmland before land district s n farmland % area (Mu) land requisitio (number) (number) area (Mu) requisitio n(Mu) n(Mu) Jiuyaozi Kongjiazh 11 41 220 0.21 0.15 68 30.91% Wanquan Village uang County Xinyaozi Town 9 32 210 0.18 0.13 57 27.14% Village Zhangjia Mjuanwan 11 36 329 1.34 1.19 38 11.55% kou City Village Huai'an Dukoubao Xinlongwa 12 39 417 1.5 1.27 63 15.11% County Town n Village Shahe 12 28 575 1.9 1.71 59 10.26% Village Chenggua Maqiao 16 48 816 0.6 0.51 124 15.20% Xinghe n Town Village Wulanch County Eerdong Dianzi 10 32 578 2.9 2.55 69.1 11.96% abu City Town Village Zhuozi Zhuozisha Zhangjiab 9 31 661 0.6 0.54 70 10.59% County n Town u Saihan Yulin Tu Liang 11 40 600 4.35 3.84 70 11.67% Hohhot District Town City Xincheng Haoqinyin Nnadian 15 48 378 0.09 0.03 270 71.43% District g Town

World Bank Loan Project 41 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Table 3-2 shows the 10 villages affected by the project, whose farming land acquisition accounts for over 10% of the total arable land. Since the railway is located in the north, arable land per capita in the northern villages is vast; therefore there are only three villages whose arable land per capita is less than 0.3 mu among all the affected villages. Since the arable land per capita is greatly affected, social security and the measures to promote employment including free training will be adopted to guarantee their future life. There are another two villages whose per capita arable land is between 0.5 mu and 1 mu; per capita arable land of the remaining 95 villages affected in general is between 1 mu and 15 mu. The affected persons who need to work on agriculture in the 97 villages still have arable land to meet the needs to continue farming, with little affecting extent. The project totally sets four stations (excluding Zhangjiakou South Station), in which Huaian station and Ulan Qab station are new stations, Zhuozidong station and Hohhot East Station are rebuilt. Two rebuilt stations mainly use the original stations for rebuilding, without a lot of re-conversion, land acquisition and demolition work, and so it is not severely affected. Huaian station and Ulan Qab station are located in Taogou village, Dukoubao Township, Huaian County and Economic Development Zone, Chahar Youyiqianti, Wulanbuch City, of which the land acquisition of Taogou village is 32 mu, and the land acquisition is 9.73% of the total arable land in the village, and the village's per capita land area turns from 1.34 mu to 1.21 mu; the arable land acquisition of the Economic Development Zone is 318.1 mu, the land acquisition is 0.49% of the total arable land of the village, and per capita land area turns from 5.64 mu to 5.61 mu. It is mainly due to rich amount of arable land per capita in the two villages, and Taogou Village is little affected. So the arable land acquisition of the villages where the two new stations are located is less than 10% of the total arable land area.

3.2.2 Temporary Land

During the construction temporary expropriation of a number of land, is needed mainly for the construction access roads, spoil games, bridge and tunnel construction sites and so on. As special consideration in the design to reduce the land acquisition impact on areas along the project, the temporary land should be mainly wasteland, which accounts for 99.24% of the total amount of temporary sites. Only 9 households were requisitioned 12.3 mu of land as temporary site. 95% of the temporary land is in Inner Mongolia. (Temporary sub-county land statistics are shown in Table 3-3; sub-village statistics see Annex IV)

World Bank Loan Project 42 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Table 3-3 Temporary land use area by counties and villages Unit: Mu Affected Affected Far Fore Province/Autono Construc Wastel City County, district households population Total mla st mous Region tion land and (number) (number) nd land Wanquan Zhangjiako 0 0 16 0 0 0 16 Hebei Province County u City Huai'an County 0 0 233.3 0 2.3 0 231 Hebei 0 0 233.3 0 2.3 0 231 ProvinceTotal Xinghe County 2 6 1109.3 2.3 0 0 1107 Wulanchab Chahaer 7 23 623 10 0 2 611 Inner Mongolia u City Youyiqianqi Autonomous Zhuozi County 0 0 2125.4 0 0 0 2125.4 Region Saihan District 0 0 451 19 0 0 432 Hohhot City Xincheng 0 0 130 0 0 0 130 District Inner Mongolia Autonomous 9 29 4438.7 31.3 0 2 4405.4 RegionTotal The line in total 9 29 4672 31.3 2.3 2 4636.4 Data source Project feasibility study and on-site survey data

World Bank Loan Project 43 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

After completion of the project, the construction unit will recover the temporary land farming conditions and return it to the land owner. Construction companies and local land owners will sign an agreement on the expropriation of land for temporary use.

3.2.3 House Demolition

Demolition affect a total of 1035 households in rural areas; totally 3498 people; total demolition area is 281,004 m 2, including mixed brick 239301 m 2, brick and wood10344 m 2, Civil 13581 m 2, the other 17778 m 2. (See Table 3-4; number of rural buildings demolition situation by village is detailed statistics see Annex V.)

World Bank Loan Project 44 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Table 3-4 Rural demolished building area by counties and districts

Demolished area M2 Province/Autonomo Household persons Brick City County/district Brick Earth Other us Region (Number) (Number) Total concret earth wood s e Gaoxin District 2 8 404 404 Zhangjiakou Hebei Province Wanquan County 91 332 17487 17487 0 0 0 City Huai'an County 63 213 31557 11170 0 6550 13837 Hebei ProvinceTotal 156 553 49448 29061 0 6550 13837 Xinghe County 43 133 6276 6276 0 0 0 Wulanchabu Chahaer Youyiqianqi 578 1941 50409 845 2773 3060 City 57087 Zhuozi County 126 403 19568 15310 0 4258 0 Inner Mongolia CityTotal 747 2477 82931 71995 845 7031 3060 Autonomous Region Saihan District 55 192 93441 83942 9499 0 0 Hohhot City Xincheng 77 276 55184 54303 881 District Nnadian  CityTotal 132 468 148625 138245 9499 0 881 Inner Mongolia Autonomous 879 2945 231556 210240 10344 7031 3941 RegionTotal  Total 1035 3498 281004 239301 10344 13581 17778 Data source project feasibility study and on-site survey data

World Bank Loan Project 45 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Urban demolition involves only Xinghe county, Ulan Qab and the new city of Hohhot. The demolition affects a total of 43 households, 133 people, 8426 m 2. Among them, Ulan Qab Xinghe county town residents 31 households, 95 people, 2780 m 2; Hohhot City 12 households, 38 people, 5646 m 2. (See Table 3-5)

Table 3-5 Urban residents demolished area by counties and districts Demolished Province/Autonomous Household persons area M2 City County/district Region (Number) (Number) Brick Total concrete Wulanchabu Xinghe County 31 95 2780 2780 Inner Mongolia City Autonomous Region Xincheng Hohhot City 12 38 5646 5646 District Nnadian  Total 43 133 8426 8426 The survey shows that the 43 city evicted peasants are urban-rural residents; the housing conditions and the location are completely the same as the rural housing in the surrounding area, with identical properties. So the investigation in this project, compensation criteria and resettlement program are the same as those of rural housing programs are the same, without separate description.

This project does not involve the demolition of illegal buildings.

3.2.4 Project Affected Population

The impacted non-institutional households in the project are 1731, 5748 people, of which 955 households are affected by land acquisition, 3090 people; 1078 households are affected by the demolition, 3631 people; 302 households are affected by both, 973 people. According to the composition of the affected population, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is the major land acquisition affected province, and the number of households affected by land acquisition accounts for 58% of the total., and the number of households affected by demolition of the affected households account for 86% of the total. (See Table 3- 6, the detailed statistics by village are shown in Annex VI)

World Bank Loan Project 46 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Table3-6 Land requisition and housing demolition affected population by counties and districts

total number of Number of Number of Number of population affected population affected population affected Province/Autonomous affected population City County/district by land requisition by demolition by both Region

households households households households persons persons persons persons Gaoxin District 20 76 20 76 2 8 2 8 Zhangjiakou Wanquan Hebei Province 100 366 29 107 91 332 20 73 City County Huai'an County 353 1135 349 1119 63 213 59 197 Hebei ProvinceTotal 473 1577 398 1302 156 553 81 278 Xinghe County 202 636 171 541 74 228 43 133 Wulanchabu Chahaer 628 2100 121 370 578 1941 71 211 City Youyiqianqi Inner Mongolia Zhuozi County 219 721 138 463 126 403 45 145 Autonomous Region Saihan District 120 400 112 366 55 192 47 158 Hohhot City Xincheng 89 314 15 48 89 314 15 48 District Inner Mongolia Autonomous 1258 4171 557 1788 922 3078 221 695 RegionTotal The line in total 1731 5748 955 3090 1078 3631 302 973 Data source project feasibility study and on-site survey data

World Bank Loan Project 47 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

3.2.5 Enterprises and Institutions

The project totally affect 34 enterprises and institutions, with a total demolition housing area of 124052 m 2, of which plant 85883 m 2, cottage 28358.76 m 2, building 5498 m 2, makeshift 4312 m 2, land 191.51 mu, walls 6729m, hardened ground 10682 m 2, 11 wells. Of which seven companies are partly demolition, of which there are four whose scope of the demolition only involves the demolition of walls, not affecting the normal operation, including Ulan Qab Zhuozi Suxin Alloy Company and Zhongtian Alloy Company, Xinghe Xingyong Carbon Corporation and Chahar Youyiqianti Hengtai Building material city. Totally1763 enterprises and institutions are affected (all contract workers), 10 temporary workers; except for that the demolition of the wall involves only four companies of 326 employees, the actual number of workers affected is 1477 people. Among the 34 affected companies, 16 are for the resettlement compensation intention of monetary compensation, and 18 are for reconstruction; reconstruction resettlement policy is described in 6.3.2. Enterprises and institutions are detailed in Table 3-7.

World Bank Loan Project 48 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Table 3-7 Affected enterprises Atta Pro Houses (m2) chm vinc Ind Te Land ents e/Au Cou urat Staf mp Imp Resettle C occup Fen N tono nty/ Organizati Typ One Hig ive f ora act ment it Fact - h- ation ce Well o mou distr on name e Shift grou num ry degr prefere y ory stor level Tota area (m) (Nu s ict make nd ber wor ee nce buil e buil l (Mu) mbe Regi s (m2) kers on ding hous ding r) e s Z Precision Priv Heb Gaox h ate ei in Machinery Tota Reconst 1 a enter 1532 140 1672 5.36 275 1900 1 32 Prov Distr l ruction n Plant prise ince ict gj s ia Priv Monetar k ChengxinB ate Tota y 2 o oiler enter 1280 352 1632 2.93 375 500 1 12 l compen u Factory prise sation C s it Priv y Jialeng ate Tota Reconst 3 Machineary enter 1326 1326 2.08 80 60 1 25 l ruction Facotry prise s

World Bank Loan Project 49 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Priv ate Siqian Tota Reconst 4 enter 148 246 394 0.41 1 20 2 Carpentry l ruction prise s Priv Zhenxing ate Tota Reconst 5 Machineray enter 2700 2700 4.65 150 400 1 26 l ruction Facotry prise s Priv Haicheng ate Tota Reconst 6 Machineray enter 4300 4300 6.90 130 300 1 39 l ruction Facotry prise s Priv Monetar ate Lishouyi Tota y 7 enter 400 400 0.60 3 Warehouse l compen prise sation s 1113 1242 Total 688 598 0 22.93 1010 3160 6 157 2 8 4 Wan Biotechnolo Indi Tota Reconst 8 quan gy Co., Ltd vidu 2000 2000 3.00 20 l ruction Coun al ty Monetar Haiqiang Indi Tota y 9 Machine vidu 639 148 787 1.57 30 263 1 10 l compen Facotry al sation

World Bank Loan Project 50 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Haitao Indi 1 Machinery Tota Reconst vidu 964 134 1098 3.33 47 1125 2 14 0 Manufactur l ruction al e Co., Ltd Xingye Monetar Coal Indi 1 Tota y Mining vidu 432 432 0.65 11 1 l compen Production al sation Co., Ltd Guangming Indi 1 Colored Tota Reconst vidu 2260 2260 3.39 30 2 Steel Co., l ruction al Ltd Mide Indi 1 Commercial Tota Reconst vidu 256 256 3.58 148 2128 36 3 Trade Co., l ruction al Ltd Total 6295 538 0 0 6833 15.52 225 3516 3 121 Huai'an publ Huai' County ic 1 an Tota Reconst Water instit 1685 1685 2.53 107 4 Coun l ruction Supply utio ty Company n Hongsheng Agricultural Monetar 1 Products Priv Tota y 242 242 0.36 12 5 Co., Ltd in ate l compen Huai'an sation County

World Bank Loan Project 51 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Shunda 1 Priv Tota Reconst Breeding 1682 4312 5994 2.52 65 3 6 ate l ruction Co., Ltd

To be Continued: Table 3-7 Affected enterprises

Atta Pro Lan house (m 2) chm vinc d Ind ents Tem e/Au Cou occu urat Staf Resettl C Fen pora N tono nty/ Company Typ Hig pati ive f Impact ement it Fact h- ce Well ry o mou distr title e One- Shif Well on grou num degree prefere y ory level (m) (nu wor s ict store tma (Num area nd ber nce buil buil mbe kers Regi house kes ber) (Mu (m2) on ding ding ) r) s Heb Z Huai Zhangjia Moneta 1 ei h 'an Jinqianche Priv ry 605 605 0.91 1 13 Total 7 Prov a Cou ng Gas ate compen ince n nty Station sation gj Ketai ia Animal Moneta k Pharmace 1 Priv ry o utical Co., 0 1.50 450 1000 20 Total 8 ate compen u Ltd in sation C Zhangjiak it ou City

World Bank Loan Project 52 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

y Sales Company of 1 Petrochem Priv 1482. 1482. Reconst 2.22 92 Total 9 ics Co., ate 76 8 ruction Ltd in Zhangjiak ou City Lianyi Industrial Moneta and 2 Priv ry Commerci 666 666 3.24 1496 10 Total 0 ate compen al Co., Ltd sation in Huai'an County Tota 6362. 13.2 0 4312 10675 450 2496 1 319 3 l 76 9

World Bank Loan Project 53 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Partiall y W (passin ul Inne g a r through n Mon its c Priv golia Xing vegetati Moneta h Xingyong ate 2 Auto he on ry a Coal enter 0 2.26 104 1510 1 nom Cou zone, compen b Company prise ous nty little sation u s Regi impct, C on no it reconstr y uction needed  Tota 0 2.26 104 1510 20 l Cha Hengtai Partiall Moneta haer Constructi y (only 2 Priv ry You on 0 0.00 1300 fence 2 ate compen yiqia Materials demolis sation nqi Market hed) Huachi Industrial 2 Priv Reconst and 5050 120 5170 7.75 800 120 Total 3 ate ruction Commerci al Co., Ltd

World Bank Loan Project 54 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

2 Haijiang Priv Reconst 2100 650 2750 4.12 420 1 160 5 Total 4 Logistics ate ruction 2 Binyue Priv Reconst 1800 3900 5700 5.62 80 Total 5 Company ate ruction Tota 17.5 8950 770 3900 0 13620 2520 0 1 416 5 l 0

To be Continued: Table 3-7 Affected enterprises

Atta Pro House (m 2) chm vinc Ind Land ents Tem e/Au Cou urat Staf Resettl C occup Fen pora N tono nty/ Compan Typ Hig ive f Impact ement it Fact h- Well ation ce ry o mou distr y title e One- Shif grou num degree prefere y ory level (nu area (m) Well wor s ict store tma nd ber nce buil buil mbe (Mu) () kers Regi house kes (m2) on ding ding r) s Partially Inne W Zhu Moneta State (only 2 r ul ozi Suxin ry own 0 0.00 920 fence 6 Mon a Cou Alloy compen ed demolish golia n nty sation ed) Auto c

World Bank Loan Project 55 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Auto c nom h Partially ous a Moneta State (only 2 Regi b Zhongtia ry own 0 0.00 1500 fence 7 on u n Alloy compen ed demolish C sation ed) it y Tota 10 0 0 10 0.01 2420 0 0 213 l H Saih Yulin 2 o an Cooperat Priv Reconst 5000 5000 7.50 130 Total 9 h Distr ive Brick ate ruction h ict Factory ot Former 3 C Chuanyu Priv 5100 5100 Reconst 76.50 200 Partially 0 it lin Brick ate 0 0 ruction y Factory Xingda Moneta 3 Breeding Priv ry 2000 5000 7000 10.50 6 Total 1 Factory ate compen  sation Jiamingli Moneta ang ry 3 Breeding Priv compen 1500 1500 2.25 6 Partially 2 Factory ate sation in Saihan District

World Bank Loan Project 56 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Moneta Fuyu 3 Priv ry Breeding 3000 5000 8000 12.00 12 Total 3 ate compen Factory sation Fuming 3 Priv Reconst Brick 1000 1000 1.50 160 Partially 4 ate ruction Factory Fushi Mine in Moneta the 3 Saihan ry colle 1000 5000 1000 7000 9.75 6 Total 5 District, compen ctive Yulin sation Town Tota 5950 8050 120.0 20000 1000 0 0 0 0 520 l 0 0 0 T 8588 28358. 1240 191.5 1068 ot 5498 4312 6729 11 1763 10 3 76 52 1 2 al

World Bank Loan Project 57 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

3.2.6 Ground Attachments

In addition to housing, the project impacts the ground attachments as follows: wall 36,169 meters, wells 29, cement dams 522 square meters, trees 1828, hardened ground 19,667 square meters, 398 graves, 1 chimney (see Table 3 - 8). Trees include the scattered trees in front of or behind the houses or on the fields, or other trees planted on the acquired land that have to be cut or transplanted due to land acquisition of project construction. Cement dams are mainly located near the farmers' house, and hardened ground is within the jurisdiction of the affected enterprises. Tombs to be relocated are sporadic individual graves and will not affect the cemetery.

Table 3-8 Attaching Object Affected by Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway Project

Trees Cement Wall Water Harden Dam elm, Grave Chimney m Well poplar, Ground m2 m2 willow  29 398 36169 522 1828 trees 19667 1 chimney wells graves

3.2.7 Special Facilities

Special facilities affected in the project are mainly power lines, telecommunications lines and communication cables, water supply pipes and rural roads, specifically as follows: diversion road 31313.11 meters, cable fiber and optic cable diversion 1282.3 meters, 1 satellite TV ground broadcasting station, 19 water supply pipe diversions, 174 poles. The infrastructure will be protected or repaired in the construction. The special facilities affected by the construction should be recovered by the construction agency, so the costs should be included in the engineering costs and not included in the settlement budget. The main special facilities’ affecting status is shown in Table 3-9.

World Bank Loan Project 58 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

Table 3-9 Summary of Effects on Special Facilities

Items Unit Quantity Route change m 31313.11 Electric cables and optical fiber cables removing m 1282.3 Satellite TV ground broadcast station set 1 Water Feed Diversion pc 19 Electric pole pc 174

Data source〔based on project feasibility study and on-site survey data.

3.2.8 Impact on Vulnerable Groups

According to the civil affairs department of the affected area, the five-guarantee households, the disabled, the poor and the female-headed households and other vulnerable groups are all included in the guaranteeing system, providing the lowest monthly living allowance. The project involves four five-guarantee households, three households with disabled persons, 25 poor households, and three female-headed households. The vulnerable groups are mainly affected by land acquisition, whose amount is between 0.1 to 0.2 mu; the per capita arable land area is more than 1 mu. Speaking of the households in relation to land requisition, they are poor for lack of strong labor in the family. With idle land, the project's land acquisition does not have a negative impact on their production life, and to some extent, increases their income and savings. Two poor households are affected by demolition; since the compensation is in line with the resettlement standard and Huaian County Government where the project lies also say that if the house rebuilding of the two poor households has difficulty, the Government will provide labor and capital to assist its complete reconstruction.

3.2.9 Impact on Women

According to social surveys of the project, women of the affected areas of the project are commonly for the project construction and want a better life through the project, including more convenient transportation, better housing and employment environment.

World Bank Loan Project 59 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 3 Project Impacts

As the project's land acquisition and resettlement compensation measures to fully consider the interests of those affected and the subsequent reconstruction of the affected women and their families will not be the result of land acquisition and relocation projects live and a lower level.

Among 60% of the surveyed households there is at least one woman working outside the home; the women staying at home are mainly responsible for working on agriculture and taking care of their families, and engaging in some temporary work during the slack time, such as crafts, construction sites and other temporary work. Women surveyed say that they will support the project construction and are willing to get engaged in the construction with a reasonable settlement.

Construction of this project will contribute to the exchanges between women of the project affected area and women in less developed regions of Inner Mongolia, and develop local economy through the railway construction, and thus creating career opportunities for women that cannot go out for work because they have to stay at home and take care of the family.

World Bank Loan Project 60 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework

Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework

4.1 Resettlement Target

The resettlement target for the affected people of Huzhang Railway Line include:

I To take construction, technical and economic measures to avoid or minimize land acquisition and structure demolition; When land acquisition and demolition are unavoidable, to take effective measures to minimize the impact on the production and lives of the affected people;

II Conduct socioeconomic survey and compile a relevant resettlement plan during the preparation stage;

III With resettlement, target demolished indics in kind and compensation standards as the foundation, improve or at least recover the standard of production and living of the affected people.

IV Initiate resettlement development. The resettlement of villagers is to make use of land as the foundation, to suitably develop non farm for creating more employment chances.

V Establish and improve the social security system of villagers affected by land acquisition.

VI Encourage the resettlers participation in resettlement activities.

VII Prioritize resettling the resettlers within their original society.

4.2 Applicable Laws and Policies 4.2.1 Applicable Laws and Policies

The objectives of the Bank’s policy on involuntary resettlement〔

The World Bank policies on involuntary resettlement are described clearly in OP4. 12. The overall objectives of the Bank’s policy on involuntary resettlement are the following:

• Involuntary resettlement will be avoided where feasible, or minimized, exploring all viable alternative project designs.

World Bank Loan Project 61 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework

• Where it is not feasible to avoid resettlement, resettlement activities will be conceived and executed as sustainable development programs,

• Providing sufficient investment resources to enable the persons displaced by the project to share in project benefits.

• Displaced persons will be meaningfully consulted and will have opportunities to participate in planning and implementing resettlement programs.

• Displaced persons will be assisted in their efforts to improve their livelihoods and standards of living or at least to restore them, in real terms, to pre-displacement levels or to levels prevailing prior to the beginning of project implementation, whichever is higher.

Required measures to achieve the objectives

• The resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework includes measures to ensure that the displaced persons are informed about their options and rights pertaining to resettlement.

• The displaced persons are consulted on, offered choices among, and provided with technically and economically feasible resettlement alternatives.

• The displaced persons are provided prompt compensation at full replacement cost for losses of assets attributable directly to the project.

• If the impacts include physical relocation, the resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework includes measures to ensure that the displaced persons are provided assistance (such as moving allowances) during relocation.

• The displaced persons are provided with residential housing, or housing sites, or, as required, agricultural sites for which a combination of productive potential, location advantages, and other factors is at least equivalent to the advantages of the old site.

• Where necessary to achieve the objectives of the policy, the resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework also include measures to ensure that displaced persons are offered support after displacement, for a transition period, based on a reasonable estimate of the time likely to be needed to restore their livelihood and standards of living.

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• The displaced persons are provided with development assistance such as land preparation, credit facilities, training, or job opportunities.

• Particular attention is paid to the needs of vulnerable groups among those displaced, especially those below the poverty line, the landless, the elderly, women and children, indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, or other displaced persons who may not be protected through national land compensation legislation.

• Preference will be given to land-based resettlement strategies for displaced persons whose livelihoods are land-based. These strategies may include resettlement on public land or on private land acquired or purchased for resettlement. Whenever replacement land is offered, resettlers are provided with land for which a combination of productive potential, vocational advantages, and other factors is at least equivalent to the advantages of the land taken. If land is not the preferred option of the displaced persons, the provision of land would adversely affect the sustainability of a park or protected area,16 or sufficient land is not available at a reasonable price, non-land-based options built around opportunities for employment or self-employment will be provided in addition to cash compensation for land and other assets lost. The lack of adequate land must be demonstrated and documented to the satisfaction of the Bank.

• Payment of cash compensation for lost assets may be appropriate where (a) livelihoods are land-based but the land taken for the project is a small fraction17 of the affected asset and the residual is economically viable; (b) active markets for land, housing, and labor exist, displaced persons use such markets, and there is sufficient supply of land and housing; or (c) livelihoods are not land-based. Cash compensation levels will be sufficient to replace the lost land and other assets at full replacement cost in local markets.

• Displaced persons and their communities, and any host communities receiving them, are provided timely and relevant information, consulted on resettlement options, and offered opportunities to participate in planning, implementing, and monitoring resettlement. Appropriate and accessible grievance mechanisms are established for these groups.

• In new resettlement sites or host communities, infrastructure and public services are provided as necessary to improve, restore, or maintain

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accessibility and levels of service for the displaced persons and host communities. Alternative or similar resources are provided to compensate for the loss of access to community resources (such as fishing areas, grazing areas, fuel, or fodder).

• Patterns of community organization appropriate to the new circumstances are based on choices made by the displaced persons. To the extent possible, the existing social and cultural institutions of resettlers and any host communities are preserved and resettlers’ preferences with respect to relocating in preexisting communities and groups are honored.

• The benefits of the displaced persons will not be guaranteed without the above measures

4.2.2 Domestic Legal Framework

The People’s Republic of China has formulated a complete set of legal and policy framework regarding land acquisition, house demolition, and resettlement of resettlers and standards of compensation. Since 1986 when “The People’s Republic of China Land Administration Law” was promulgated, it has been revised three times according to the changes of national conditions. The latest revision was made on August 28, 2004 by the standing committee during the 11th conference in The Tenth National People’s Congress. Within the national legal and policy framework, governments of every level respectively promulgated and implemented relevant laws and policies that conform with the local conditions to manage and guide the work of land acquisition, house demolition, resettlement of resettlers and compensation. The two provinces where the line goes through have formulated relevant local laws and policies to manage and guide related work locally. Every prefecture level cities, county level cities, districts, counties under the jurisdiction (region) have all implemented relevant regulations from their provincial governments.

Land acquisition, demolition and resettlement of this project are to conform to relevant regulations and implementation methods of the province (autonomous region), as well as social safeguard policies of the World Bank and design documents of the project (see in Annex 9). Major laws and policies include:

Laws and policies relating to land requisition

World Bank Loan Project 64 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework

A. The Law of Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, (revision made on August 24, 2004)

B. Provisions for Implementing the People's Republic of China Land Administration Law, State Council Decree No. 256, Effective on January 1999; C. Provisions on the Protection of Farmlands, State Council Decree No. 257

D. Implementation of Forestry Law of the People's Republic of China, No. 278 of the State Council

E. Decision on Intensive Reformation and Strict Land Administration, GF [2004] No. 28;

F. Notice of the Ministry of Natural Land Resources on Strengthen the Management of Land Requisition, (June 26, 2010) G. Notice of Hebei Provincial People’s Government on Regional Comprehensive Price of Land Requisition (Jizheng No. 〔2008 〕132) H. Notice of the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Implementing a Unified Annual Production Value and Regional Comprehensive Price of Land Requisition (Inner Mongolia Office No. 〔2009 〕129) I. Hohhot Municipal Bureau of National Land and Resources “On Transferring the Notice of the General Office of People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Implementing a Unified Annual Production Value and Regional Comprehensive Price of Land Requisition” (Huguotutongzi No. 〔2010 〕26)

Laws and policies regarding social security J. On Transferring the Notice of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on Guiding Opinions on Job Training and Social Security of Requisitioned Peasants by the General Office of the State Council (Guobanfa No. [2006]29) K. On Transferring the Notice of “Opinions of Five Departments including Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security on

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Establishing Social Endowment Insurance” , Hebei Provincial People’s Government, February 17, 2005 (See Appendix 9) L. On Disseminating the Notice of “Tentative Methods of Social Endowment Insurance of Requisitioned People Changing from Agricultural to Non-agricultural Status in Hohhot City”. (See Appendix 9)

Laws and policies regarding housing demolition M. Regulations on the Expropriation of Houses on State-owned Land and Compensation (No. 590 the order of the State Council) N. In order to meet the resettlement standards of the World Bank, the involved cities and counties have made special compensation standards (see Table 5-6) and make a confirmation on the standards by stamping an official seal.

4.2.3 Relevant Legal Rules and Regulations

Laws and regulations regarding land requisition

The Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China set regulations on compensation of land requisition.

Article 47.

For requisition of land, compensation shall be given in accordance with the original use of the requisitioned land. Compensation fee for the cultivated land requisitioned include land compensation fee, subsidy for resettlement as well as compensation fee for ground appendixes and young crops.

Land compensation fee for the cultivated land requisitioned shall be six to ten times of the average annual output value in the three years prior to requisition. Subsidy for resettlement for the cultivated land requisitioned shall be calculated on the basis of the agricultural population that requires resettlement. The agricultural population that requires resettlement shall be calculated on the basis of the amount of cultivated land requisitioned divided by the average per capita occupancy of cultivated land of the unit requisitioned. The rate of subsidy for resettlement per head of the agricultural population that requires resettlement shall be four to six times of the average annual output value in the three years prior to requisition of

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the said cultivated land. However, the maximum subsidy for resettlement for cultivated land requisitioned per hectare shall not exceed fifteen times of the average annual output value in the three years prior to the requisition.

Additional subsidy for resettlement may be provided for those peasants who require resettlement and cannot maintain their original living standards on the basis of land compensation fee and subsidy for resettlement the payment of which is effected pursuant to the provisions of this Article subject to the approval of people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. However, the total of land compensation fee and subsidy for resettlement shall not exceed thirty times of the average annual output value in the three years prior to requisition of the land.

The State Council may, in accordance with the level of socio-economic level, increase the rate of land compensation fee and subsidy for requisitioned farmlands.

In 2004, To further enforce land administration, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China promulgated Decision on Intensive Reformation and Strict Land Administration (No. 28) puts forward new requirements on improvement of land requisition compensation.

Article 12 on Improving Method of Compensation for Land Acquisition is to further improve requirements on compensation for land acquisition. Local governments of county levels and above are to take practical measures so that the living standards of villagers will not become lower because of land acquisition. To ensure compensation for land, subsidies for resettlement, compensation for auxiliaries and young crops are of the amount according to the law and be paid promptly. Compensation for land and subsidies for resettlement are to be paid according to the current legal regulations. In the case where the living standards of the villagers cannot be maintained the same or the compensations are not enough for the social security of the villagers who has lost their land due to land acquisition, the local governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities are to approve the increment of subsidies of resettlement. When compensation for land and subsidies for resettlement are in the higher limit regulated by the law but still cannot maintain the living standard of the villagers affected by land acquisition, the local government can make use of the income from compensated use of state-owned lands to subsidize. Local governments of provinces, autonomous regions and

World Bank Loan Project 67 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework municipalities are to formulate and publicize the standard of annual output value of requisitioned land or the comprehensive price of land for the district. Compensation for land acquisition is to be the same of the same types of land. Key projects of the country must include full amounts of expenses for land acquisition in their budgets. The compensation standard and method of resettlement for construction of medium or big water conservancy and hydropower works are to be individually regulated by the State Council.

To further enforce land administration, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China promulgated Decision on Intensive Reformation and Strict Land Administration also sets regulations on the procedure of resettlement and land requisition, make a proper resettlement on peasants whose lands are requisitioned. In addition, land requisition scheme shall be consulted with peasants whose lands are requisitioned to protect their benefits. Article 13 regulates “appropriate resettlement of villagers affected by land acquisition”. Local governments of above county level are to formulate specific methods so that the livelihood of villagers affected by land acquisition can be guaranteed. For projects with stable profits, villagers can become a shareholder of the legally approved construction land-use right. Within urban planning districts, the local governments are to place villagers who lost land due to land acquisition into the employment system of the townships and establish a social security system; with the exception of urban planning districts, the local governments are to leave villagers necessary cultivated within the administrative district or arrange an appropriate employment post when requisitioning collective land of the villagers; resettlement will be the choice for villagers with no land and without the basic production and living conditions. It also requires the “Labor and Social Security Department and other relevant departments to jointly establish employment training for villagers affected by land acquisition and provide opinionated guidance on the social security system. Article 14 regulates for a perfect land acquisition procedure. To safeguard the villagers' landholding rights of collective land and the interest of villagers with operation rights on contracted land. Before acquisition of land is submitted for approval, villagers must be informed of the reasons for land acquisition: its uses, locations, compensation standards and channels for resettlement; village collective economic organization and village households must confirm the results of survey on the current status of the land for acquisition; the Department of Land and Resources will organize hearings according to relevant regulations when necessary. Materials that are to be submitted for approval must be confirmed by the villagers affected by land acquisition. To hasten the establishment and improve the system for negotiation and arbitration of disputes with regards to

World Bank Loan Project 68 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework compensation of land acquisition and resettlement to safeguard the legal rights of villagers affected by land acquisition. With the exception of special circumstances, approved items for land acquisition are to be publicized. Article 15 regulates:" enforce supervision of the implementation of land acquisition. Requisitioned land should not be used forcibly if compensation for land acquisition and resettlement are not realized. Local governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities are to adhere to the principle of that land compensation is mainly for villagers affected by land acquisition, and formulate distribution methods within the economic organization of village collectives. Economic organizations of affected village collectives are to publicize payments and allocation conditions to members and accept their supervision. Agricultural and Civil Administration Departments are to enforce supervision of the allocation and use of compensation funds within the economic organizations of village collectives.

Notice of Improving Administration of Land Requisition Issued by Ministry of Land and Resources (June 26, 2010) Encouraging the implementation of the new compensation standards for land requisition to ensure the realization of the compensation 。 (1) Overall implementation of the unified annual productivity standard for land requisition and the comprehensive land price of the requisitioned district. The establishment of the unified annual productivity standard for land requisition and the comprehensive land price of the requisitioned district is an important measure to improve the land requisition compensation system and to realize the policy of equal price for equal land. It is also an inevitable requirement for improving land requisition compensation standards and protecting the rights of the farmers. It shall be strictly respected during the requisition of rural collective land for all kinds of construction projects. For a newly approved construction project, a strict control for the pre-evaluation is necessary to ensure that the land requisition compensation of this project is calculated as per the unified annual productivity standard for land requisition and the comprehensive land price of the requisitioned district in effect and the budgetary estimate covers the full value. For the construction lands located in the area with the same annual productivity and the same comprehensive land price, the land requisition compensation shall be kept in the same level to ensure the equal price for equal land. All governments shall establish the dynamic adjusting system for the land requisition compensation standards and adjust these standards every two or three years according to the economic development level and the local income increase rate per capita to improve the land requisition compensation level step by step. For the provinces where the currently implemented land requisition

World Bank Loan Project 69 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework compensation standards have expired, the standards shall be adjusted and revised as per these requirements as soon as possible. The application for using land will not be approved without timely adjustment of the standards.

Notice on Implementation of Land Acquisition Block Price of the People’s Government of Hebei Province (Hebei Government [2008] No. 132)

For perfecting land acquisition, ensuring construction land requirements, protecting landless farmers’ legal rights and interests, and guaranteeing the steady original living standard and long-term livelihood of landless farmers, standard on land acquisition block price of the People’s Government of Hebei Province (attached) has been set based on Decision of State Council Made on Deepening Reform and Strict Land Management (State [2004] No. 28) with the principle of “the same land, the same price”. It is hereby issued and will be executed in January 1, 2009.

Make legal collective land acquisition and offer land compensation fee based on the product of multiplying land acquisition block price by land acquisition area. Open lands separated in rural areas and on the dam shall be executed based on 60% of land acquisition block price. No departments or any individual can arbitrarily increase or reduce land compensation standard. Compensation standard for large and medium sized hydraulic and hydropower engineering construction land acquisition and migrant relocation methods shall be defined by State Council. Before relevant rules issued by State council, land compensation fee shall be 16 times of farmland average production value of the previous 3 years in the local village that the land is acquired. Land compensation fee that cannot maintain original living standard of landless farmers and require the standard to be improved shall be reported by project legal person or project Competent Department for project or authorized department to approve.

20% of compensation fee shall be possessed by collective economic organizations, and the rest 80% shall be given to people with acquired land use right or rural households that contract land by household contract way; As for acquired land without people with land use right, and land has not been contracted by collective economic organizations or has been contracted by other ways, the land compensation fee shall be wholly possessed by collective economic organizations and allocated or used legally by village collective economic organizations. Land compensation fee shall be paid timely in full. No departments or any individual can retain or embezzle it.

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As for lands acquired have attachments and young crops, make further compensation for the owner of attachments and young crops on the ground. Compensation standard for attachments the ground shall be made by People’s Governments of communities, and compensation for young crops shall be calculated by seasonal crops production value when land is acquired.

Before submitting agricultural land for approval, every Municipal and County (City) Government shall define social security fees for landless farmers based on the standard of no less than 10% of land acquisition block price. Such social security fees shall be remitted into municipal and county (city, district) social security special accounts for landless farmers, and are earmarked for social security of landless farmers. As soon as social security fees remitted into special accounts, Competent Administrative Departments of Provincial and Municipal Social Security shall promptly issue recognized documents for social security measures taken for landless farmers. Social security fees shall be included into land acquisition cost. It shall be disbursed in land transferring fees if land is supplied by transferring way, and collected from land users if land is supplied by allocation method. When the withdrawal social security fees cannot meet payment needs of insured persons, the shortfall shall be solved by the local government.

Notice on Implementation of Uniform Annual Production Value Standard of Land Acquisition and the Comprehensive Land Price of Land Acquisition Block in the Autonomous Region of People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Inner Mongolia Government [2009] No.129)

For thoroughly implementing the essence of Decision of State Council Made on Deepening Reform and Strict Land Management (State [2004] No.28), further strengthening compensation and relocation for land acquisition, and effectively protecting landless farmers’ legal rights and interests, the uniform annual production value standard of land acquisition and the comprehensive land price of land acquisition block in Autonomous Region (short for new land acquisition compensation standard) shall be released now and will be executed on January 1, 2010 with the approval of Autonomous Region of People’s Government. The notice of relevant affairs is as follows:

1. Fully Understand the Significance of Implementing New Land Acquisition Compensation Standard

Implementation on new land acquisition compensation standard is a significant measure for further strengthening compensation relocation of land acquisition,

World Bank Loan Project 71 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework efficiently solving obvious problem such as low compensation standard, the same land with different price, and great arbitrariness, etc., and effectively ensuring landless farmers’ legal rights and interests. It makes great effects on protecting social harmony and stability in our Autonomous Region, ensuring fast and good economic and social development. All regions and relevant departments shall fully understand the significance of implementing new land acquisition compensation standard, enhance the propaganda, and manage to receive the understanding and support from communities of the society.

2. Effectively Execute New Land Acquisition Compensation Standard

As a comprehensive compensation standard for collective land acquisition, new land acquisition compensation standard is constituted by land compensation fee and relocation compensation fee (excluding compensation fee for young crops and attachments on the ground). Every region can make appropriate adjustment on compensation standard based on the local reality, but the standard cannot be lower than it is released by Autonomous Region; Compensation for occupying basic farmland shall be made based on local maximum standard; Compensation for using state-owned land shall be made based on the standard released at this moment. Compensation standard for young crops and attachments on the ground can be made and implemented according to local reality of each region. Unless it is otherwise prescribed by law and regulation, such provisions shall prevail.

3. Seriously Make Cohesion Between New and Old Land Acquisition Compensation Standard

Every region shall make strict organizing and overall arrangement for the work after new land acquisition compensation standard is implemented in order to avoid social conflicts caused by new land acquisition compensation standard. Strictly implement land acquisition notification, confirmation, hearing and other procedures, and fully respect the right to know, participation right, supervision right and petition right of landless people. With respect to the possible arisen problem after implementing new land acquisition compensation standard, make work plan and set dispute resolution and coordination mechanism to ensure the successful cohesion and steady transition between old and new land acquisition compensation standard.

4. Promptly Update Land Acquisition Compensation Standard

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All regions shall set update system of land acquisition compensation standard based on the principle of ensuring the steady living standard and long-time livelihood of landless farmers in order to gradually improve compensation standard. Depending on factors such as the change of land classification, land quality, location, economic and social development level, etc., adjust uniform annual production value standard of land acquisition and the comprehensive land price of land acquisition block every 2~3 years. The adjusted land acquisition compensation standard shall report to People’s Government of Autonomous Region for the record.

Laws and policies regarding housing demolition

Regulation on State-Owned Land on the Housing Levy and Compensation (State Council Order of the Peoples Republic of China, No.590)

Article 17 City and county people’s government who decided to make the housing levy shall give compensation for person being levied, including:

(I) compensation for values of house levied;

(II) Compensation for the relocation and temporary resettlement caused by housing levy;

(III) Compensation for loss in case of production and business stop caused by housing levy.

The City and county people’s government shall develop subsidies and awards which should be provided for person being levied.

Article 18 In case of personal residence levy, for person being levied who meets the housing security conditions, the city and county people’s government who make the housing levy decision shall give priority to housing security. The specific measures shall be developed by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.

Article 19 Compensation for values of housing levied shall not be less than the market prices of real estate similar to the housing levied on the day of announcement of the housing levy decision. The value of housing levied has been assessed and determined by the real estate price assessment agency with the appropriate qualifications in accordance with the housing levy assessment approaches.

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Anyone who has objections to assessed and identified value of the levied housing may apply to real estate price assessment agency for assessment review. Anyone disagrees with the results of the review may apply to the real estate price assessment expert committee for appraisal.

The housing levy assessment methods shall be developed by the competent authority concerning housing and urban-rural development of the State Council, and public comments shall be solicited in the development process.

Article 20 The real estate price assessment agency shall be selected by persons being levied through consultation, and it shall be determined by majority decision, random selection, etc. in case of consultation failure. The specific measures shall be developed by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.

The real estate price assessment agency should be independent, objective and fair to carry out the assessment of housing levy, and no unit or individual shall interfere.

Article 21 The person being levied may choose monetary compensation or property rights exchange in real estate.

If the person being levied chooses property rights exchange in real estate, the city and county people’s governments shall provide housing for property rights exchange, and calculate the value difference between the housing levied and the housing for property rights exchange.

In reconstruction of the old city districts, where personal residence is levied, person being levied chooses property rights exchange in real estate in the reconstruction area, the city and county people’s governments who make the housing levy decision shall provide the housing on the reconstruction area or nearest area.

Article 22 For the relocation caused by housing levy, the housing levy department shall pay relocation costs to the person being levied; for the person being levied who chooses property rights exchange in real estate, before property rights exchange of housing delivery, the housing levy department shall pay the temporary relocation cost or provide alternative housing for the person being levied.

Article 23 Compensation for any losses in case of production or business stop caused by levy of housing is determined based on the housing benefits prior to

World Bank Loan Project 74 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework the expropriation, the time limit of production or business stop and other factors. The specific measures shall be developed by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.

Article 25 The housing levy department and the person being levied shall enter into a compensation agreements concerning compensation way, the compensation amount and payment terms, location and area of housing for property rights exchange, relocation cost and temporary relocation cost or alternative housing, losses caused by production or business stop, relocation period, the transition mode and the transition period and other matters in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

Article 27 When implementing the housing levy, the compensation should be conducted before the relocation.

After the city and county people’s governments who make the housing levy decision provide compensation for the person being levied, the person being levied shall complete the relocation within the time limit agreed in the compensation agreement or determined by the compensation.

Any unit or individual must not resort to violence, threat or violation of provisions by interruption of water supply, heating, gas, electricity and road access and other illegal means to force the relocation of person being levied. No construction unit shall participate in the relocation activities.

In accordance with resettlement standards of the World Bank, the involved cities and counties have formulated special compensation standards (see Table 5-6) on demolished houses and confirmed by stamping an official seal.

Social Safeguard

On Transferring the Notice of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on Guiding Opinions on Job Training and Social Security of Requisitioned Peasants by the General Office of the State Council (Guobanfa No. [2006]29)

2. Encourage the employment of land requisitioned peasants

(4) Adhere to market-oriented employment mechanism to promote the employment of peasants affected by land acquisition. Adhere to market-oriented employment mechanism, make overall plans for rural and urban employment, exploit multi-channel employment posts, improve employment environment, encourage and guide all types of enterprises, institutions and communities to employ peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition and support

World Bank Loan Project 75 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition to find job by themselves or start their own business. All levels of governments and relevant departments should implement unified unemployment registration system for peasants and herdsmen who have been included into the township employment service system. Unemployed peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition may go through the unemployment registration procedures at the local public employment service agency which will actively provide the peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition with employment counseling, guidance, training, job introduction and other related services to help the peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition who have reached the legal age for employment and are willing to work to find jobs as soon as possible. Such peasants who are not but willing to be employed can enjoy supportive policies for promoting the employment and reemployment according to relevant regulations.

(5) Make clear the responsibilities for the employment settlement of peasants affected by land acquisition. All levels of governments should actively develop public service job settlement employment, and actively urge and guide the land users to give priority to such peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition. The land users directly provide posts and sign labor contracts with the objects who meet the employment conditions or the land users or the employment service agency and the landless peasants, the three parties, may sign an employment entrustment contract.

(6) Provide trainings for the peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition according to plan. In the urban planning area, all levels of government and relevant departments should formulate employment training program according to the characteristic of the peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition and help them find jobs through various means including order-based training. Outside the urban planning area, employment training should also be carried out actively according to the characteristic of the peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition to improve their employment competitiveness and entrepreneurial competence.

3.Social safeguards for requisitioned peasants

(7) Define the targets of safeguard. The targets of safeguard shall be defined and checked by strictly following the procedures and published, and submitted to relevant department in the county (municipal) People’s Government for recording. The detailed procedure shall be formulated by the people’s

World Bank Loan Project 76 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework government at the provincial, autonomous region or municipalities under the direct leadership of the Central Government.

(8) Guarantee the basic living and long-term livelihood. Different measures shall be taken to guarantee the basic living and long-term livelihood in accordance with local characteristics. Peasants and herdsmen affected by land acquisition outside the urban planning area who are in area where it has carried out pilot new rural cooperative medical care system and implemented rural and pasturing area minimum living security system should be included in the corresponding security coverage. For peasants and herdsmen in area where it has not established the above systems, the local people's governments will adopt various ways to secure their basic living standard according to the actual situation, provide the necessary pension and medical services and include the qualified peasants and herdsmen into the coverage of local social assistance. If conditions allowed, land requisitioned peasants shall be included into the domain of social assurance including urban workers’ endowment, medical treatment and unemployment, and their basic living guarantee shall be solved through current urban social safeguard system. Land requisitioned peasants outside urban planning districts, shall be included into the domain of safeguard if they live in districts which have established rural social endowment system, new-type rural cooperative medical system pilot and the lowest rural living safeguard system. If the districts have not established the above systems, local governments shall adopt many means to guarantee the basic livings of requisitioned peasants according to real situations, provide necessary endowment and medical service and incorporate people matching the conditions into the local social assistance.

(9) Define the reasonable safeguard level. Different districts shall define a reasonable social safeguard level for land requisitioned peasants, in accordance with requirements of integrated urban and rural employment and social safeguard system, and according to the principle of adapting to local socio- economic development level, following the policies, affordable financial capability, remaining the living level of requisitioned peasants and simplicity. The basic level and endowment safeguard level of requisitioned peasants shall not be lower than the local lowest living safeguard standard.

On Transferring the Notice of “Opinions of Five Departments including Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security on Establishing Social Endowment Insurance” , Hebei Provincial People’s Government, February 17, 2005 (See Appendix 9)

World Bank Loan Project 77 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 4 RAP Policy Framework

On Disseminating the Notice of “Tentative Methods of Social Endowment Insurance of Requisitioned People Changing from Agricultural to Non- agricultural Status in Hohhot City”. (See Appendix 9)

World Bank Loan Project 78 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

5.1 Compensation Standard 5.1.1 Land Acquisition Compensation Standard Permanent Land Acquisition Compensation Standard

It is stipulated in the Land Administration Law of People’s Republic of China that permanent land acquisition compensation covers land compensation and resettlement subsidiary. Land acquisition compensation is obtained by multiplying 6 to 10 times of former three years of average agricultural yield. Resettlement subsidiary multiple is dependent on the former average land per capital before land acquisition, normally between 4 and 20 times. The resettlement subsidiary multiple is small with more average farmland and less farm population per mu of land. The resettlement subsidiary multiple is large with less average farmland and more farm population per mu of land.

The average agricultural production value is calculated by the output of all crops grown on the farmland in three years before land acquisition multiplying by the average value of correspondent market current price, including value of straw, the byproduct of crop.

According to the Notice on Implementation of Land Acquisition Block Price of the People’s Government of Hebei Province (Hebei Government [2008] No. 132), for the land acquisition of collective owned land according to law, the compensation expense of land shall be calculated by the block price of the land acquisition multiplying by area of land. The unused land in mountainous area and on dams is implemented by 60% of the land acquisition block price. Any unit or individual cannot raise or reduce the compensation standard arbitrarily. According to the Notice on Implementation of Uniform Annual Production Value Standard of Land Acquisition and the Comprehensive Land Price of Land Acquisition Block in the Autonomous Region of the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Inner Mongolia Government [2009] No. 129). And the Forwarding of the Notice on Implementation of Uniform Annual Production Value Standard of Land Acquisition and the Comprehensive Land Price of Land Acquisition Block in the Autonomous Region of the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Ministry of Land and Resources in Hohhot General Document〔2010〔No. 26), the new land acquisition compensation standard is

World Bank Loan Project 79 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget the comprehensive compensation standard of acquisition of collective owned land. It is composed by the land compensation and resettlement compensation (not including crop compensation or compensation for objects attached to land). Each district can properly adjust the compensation standard according to the actual situation of the district in the implementation process, but it cannot be lower than the standard published by the Autonomous Region. The occupation of basic farmland shall be compensated according to the highest standard in the district. The use of state owned land shall be implemented according to standard published this time. The compensation standard for crops and objects attached to land is determined and implemented by each district according to its actual situation. Items otherwise specified shall conform to the special regulations. There is no division of category in the acquisition of collective owned land in the compensation standard of land acquisition in both Hebei Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and only government of Hebei Province points out that “The unused land in mountainous area and on dams is implemented by 60% of the land acquisition block price”. Therefore the above-mentioned compensation price is the comprehensive compensation standard of acquisition of all collective owned land. According to the above-mentioned documents, see Table 5-1, 5-2 and 5-3 for the concrete land compensation standards in three cities along the Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway line.

Table 5-1 Land Compensation Standard of Affected Area in Hebei Province Average Block Block Block Block Block Area Price 1(Yuan/M 2(Yuan/M 3(Yuan/M 4(Yuan/M (Yuan/Mu u( u( u( u( ( High- tech 56186 76544 57111 50745 43391 Area Wanqua 29253 56592 32135 31401 28119 n County Huai’An 30452 32005 30473 28245 / County

Data source :Notice of People s Government of Hebei Province on Implementing Expropriated Region Price (No. 132 〔2008 〕of Hebei Government ).

Table 5-2 Land Compensation Standard of Affected Area in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region City District Block Type Comprehensive Price of

World Bank Loan Project 80 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Block (((Yuan/Mu ))) Average standard of 36703.91 comprehensive land price New I 212000 District II 130000 Hohhot Saihan III 73000 District IV 42000 V 24000 VI 13000

Data source :Notice of People s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Publishing and Implementing Unified Annual Output Value Standard of Land Requisition and Comprehensive Price of Land Expropriation Regions (No. 129 〔2009 〕of Inner Mongolia Government ).

Table 5-3 Land Compensation Standard of Affected Area in Wulanchabu, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Irrigable Forest/ Dry Land Land Meadowy League City Banner/County (Yuan/Mu (Yuan/Mu Land ( ( (Yuan/Mu( 2880〔Annual output 180 yuan/Mu*16 Xinghe County times〔 Wulanchabu Chahar Right Front City 9000 6000 3000 Banner Zhuozi County 28000 15000 6000

Data source :Notice of People s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Publishing and Implementing Unified Annual Output Value Standard of Land Requisition and Comprehensive Price of Land Expropriation Regions (No. 129 〔2009 〕of Inner Mongolia Government );Implementation Regulation of Resettlement and Compensation for Demolition of Rural Collective-owned Land by Industrial Zone of Charhar, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (No. 15 〔2008 〕of Engineering Management of Chahar, Inner Mongolia )

The land acquisition standard is determined on the basis of the Notice on Implementation of Land Acquisition Block Price of the People’s Government of Hebei Province (Hebei Government [2008] No. 132) in Hebei Province. The average block price in the high-tech zone in Zhangjiakou is 56186 yuan/mu, 29253 yuan/mu in Wanquan County and 30452 yuan/mu in Huaian County.

The land acquisition standard is determined on the basis of the Notice on Implementation of Uniform Annual Production Value Standard of Land Acquisition and the Comprehensive Land Price of Land Acquisition Block in the Autonomous

World Bank Loan Project 81 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Region of the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Inner Mongolia Government [2009] No. 129) in Hohhot and Ulan Qab Xinghe County. The average block price in Hohhot is 36703.91 yuan/mu and 2880 yuan/mu in Huaian County.

The land acquisition compensation standard in Chahar Right Front Banner, Ulan Qab is implemented in reference to the Inner Mongolia Industrial and Commercial Bureau [2008] No. 15 document : Implementation Rules for the Resettlement Compensation for Acquisition of Rural Collective Owned Land in Industrial Zone in Chahar, Inner Mongolia . It means that the land acquisition compensation (including the land acquisition compensation fees and Resettlement fees) is 6000 yuan/mu, the irrigated land 9000 yuan/mu and forestland 3000 yuan/mu.

The government of Zhuozi County refers to the local reality, determines the land acquisition standard as the irrigable land 28000 yuan/acre, dry land 15000 yuan/mu, forestland/grassland 6000 yuan/mu.

The land acquisition compensation standard involved in this project will conform to regulation “each district shall establish the dynamic adjustment mechanism of land acquisition compensation standard to adjust the land acquisition compensation standard in every two to three years and gradually enhance the land acquisition compensation level according to the economic development level, growth rate of local average income etc.” It is regulated in the Notice on Further Do the Land Acquisition Management Work Well of the Ministry of Land and Resources (June 26, 2010).

The land acquisition compensation standard meets the World Bank requirement that the immigrant’s property losses caused by land acquisition shall be totally compensated, to ensure that the living standard of impacted farmers will not reduce after the land acquisition, and that their life and production are recovered. The following argument is measured with the local annual production value as standard. The annual production value does not exclude the labor force and cost of agricultural means of production. Generally speaking, the agricultural pure income of land impacted in this project is 30% of the annual production value.

To do the land acquisition work well, maintain the awful rights and interests of farmers whose land is acquired, ensure the living standard of farmers whose land is acquired will not reduce and ensure their long-term livelihood, the government of Hebei Province has regulated the land acquisition block price

World Bank Loan Project 82 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget standard according to principle of “the same land, the same price”. The regulation is on the basis of the Decision on Deepening Reform and Strict Land Management of the State Council (State Published [2004] No. 28). The land acquisition in this project is compensated according to this block price standard, which is higher than the original basis of calculation of annual production value and can reflect the price difference of land due to position difference of land.

The annual production value in new urban area of Hohhot in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is 366.39 yuan/mu. The land acquisition compensation and resettlement fee is calculated by 16 times, and the total compensation for each mu of land is 5862.24 yuan. In the land acquisition compensation in this project, the land in Hohhot is compensated according to the block price, and the comprehensive block price of 36703.91 yuan/mu is more than 6 times of the compensation standard of 5862.24 yuan/mu that is estimated according to the annual production value.

The annual production value in Zhuozi County, Ulan Qab is 398.85 yuan/mu, and the land acquisition compensation and resettlement fee, calculated by 16 times, is 6384 yuan/acre. In combination with the financial ability of the local government and in consideration of the benefits of people impacted in this project, the compensation standard in this project is 15000 yuan/mu for dry land, and 28000 yuan/mu for irrigated land.

The annual production value of dry land in Chahar Right Front Banner is 369.88 yuan/acre and the land acquisition compensation and resettlement fee, calculated by 16 times, is 5920 yuan/acre. Therefore, the current compensation standard in Chahar Right Front Banner conforms to the local annual production value.

Lands in Xinghe County are all dry and barren lands, with annual production value 180 yuan/mu, and the land acquisition compensation and resettlement fee, calculated by 16 times, is 2880 yuan/mu, which conforms to the condition of the local annual production value. Compensation Standard for Temporary Site

The railway project will temporarily occupy some land for station road, material storage, construction camp, soil borrow and abandon, or project construction. The temporary site will be occupied by the large scale infrastructure project for one to two years. Temporary site occupation fee will be paid to the land owner or land user (the collective or the individual). When necessary, the disadvantageous

World Bank Loan Project 83 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget group whose land is occupied will get special help. When the temporary site is farmland, the farmer will be compensated in years according to the annual loss of agricultural yield. There is one-time compensation for the waste land, which is paid to the village collective. The land recovered for farming will be returned to the land owner when the project is completed, or the land owner will be equally paid. Compensation for temporary site is dependent on the type of land and time. It shall be discussed with the construction organization and the local government.

The temporary acquired land compensation standard in Hebei Province is implemented in reference to the Assignment of Meeting Minutes of Coordination on Temporary Acquired Land along the Middle Line of South-to-North Water Diversion in Hebei Province of South-to-North water diversion Project Construction Committee of Hebei Province (Hebei Water Diversion [2009] No, 8). The food crops are compensated by 1000 yuan/mu/year, vegetables and cash crops by 1894 yuan/mu/year.

The temporary land compensation standard in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is on the basis of the average annual production value of the occupied land categories. The time of compensation is same as the time of land occupation.

According to the Meeting Minutes about the Research of Temporary Land Compensation Standard in Changhu Gas Pipeline Multiline Project (Meeting Minute 〔2011〔No. 2) of the government of Hohhot city, the temporary land compensation is 6500 yuan/mu/year for farmland and 6000 yuan/mu/year for other types of lands.

The temporary land compensation in three counties under Ulan Qab is on the basis of the standard of crop compensation, that is 180.00 yuan/acre/year in Xinghe County, 369.88 yuan/mu/year in Chahar Right Front Banner and 398.85 yuan/mu/year in Zhuozi County (see Table 5-4). Since lands in the above- mentioned three counties are barren and low productive categories, the annual production value is much lower in comparison with other areas.

Table 5-4 Compensation Standard of Temporary Land Use

Compensa County/Bann tion Province/Region City Details er Standard (Yuan/Mu /Year( Hebei Province Zhangjia Wanquan Cereal crops 1000 kou City County World Bank Loan Project 84 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

kou City County Vegetable, Huai’An economic 1894 County crops Cultivated 6500 Hohhot Saihan District land City New District Other types of 6000 land Inner Mongolia Cultivated Xinghe County 180 Autonomous Region land Wulanch Chahar Right Cultivated 369.88 abu City Front Banner land Cultivated Zhuozi County 398.85 land Crop compensation standard

The crop compensation is on the basis of the production value per acre of land categories and impacted times of crop, see Table 5-5 and 5-6 for details. The crop compensation in Hebei Zhangjiakou and Inner Mongolia Hohhot is determined on the basis of crop compensation standards in the key projects in recent years in these areas. The crop compensation is 1000 yuan/mu/year for land of food crops and 1894 yuan/mu/year for land of vegetables and cash crops in Zhangjiakou. The crop compensation standard in Hohhot is 1000 yuan/mu/year. The crop compensation standard in Ulan Qab is on the basis of the Inner Mongolia Government Document [2009] No. 129 the Uniform Annual Production Value Standard, among which it is 180.00 yuan/mu/year in Xinghe County, 369.88 yuan/mu/year in Chahar Right Front Banner and 398.85 yuan/mu/year in Zhuozi County. The main reason for that the crop compensation standards in three counties under Ulan Qab are much lower in comparison with other areas is the barren land.

Table 5-5 Summary Table of Crop Compensation Standard of Hebei Province

Crop Compensation Province/Region City Details (Yuan/Mu/Year( Cereal crops 1000 Zhangjiakou Hebei Province Vegetable, City 1894 economic crops Data source :Refer to Notice of Hebei Municipal South-to-north Water Diversion Construction Committee on Printing and Distributing “Minutes of Meeting Coordinating Temporary Land Use in Hebei Province for South-to-north Water Diversion Middle Route” (No. 8 〔2009 〕of Water Diversion Planning of Hebei Province ).

World Bank Loan Project 85 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Table 5-6 Summary Table of Crop Compensation Standard of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Crop Compensation Province/Region League City Banner/County (Yuan/Mu/Year( New District Hohhot City 1000 Saihan District Inner Mongolia Xinghe County 180.00 Autonomous Wulanchabu Chahar Right Region 369.88 City Front Banner Zhuozi County 398.85

Data source :Notice of People s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Publishing and Implementing Unified Annual Output Value Standard of Land Requisition and Comprehensive Price of Land Expropriation Regions (No. 129 〔2009 〕of Inner Mongolia Government ).

5.1.2 Compensation Standards for Housing Demolition and Accessory Objects on Ground Housing Demolition Compensation Standard

There are totally 1035 households, 3498 people impacted by the rural demolition along the whole railway line, 43 households, 133 people in the urban demolition. Through survey, we find that these 43 households are urban residents changed from rural residents in the urban-rural integration area, and their room conditions and locations are totally same as the nearby farm houses. Therefore the compensation standards and resettlement program in this project for them are same as that for rural houses, and the rural demolition will not be specified individually.

In Zhangjiakou, the resettlement is mainly through means of cash compensation and form of uniformly planning and self-construction. The compensation standard for rural housing demolition is determined on the basis of the location, application, building area, floor area, building structure, orientation, supporting facilities, decoration and other factors of the houses to be demolished according to the estimated real estate market price (see Table 5-6).

In Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, according to the Collective Owned Land Compensation and Resettlement Procedures in Hohhot City (Hohhot Government Published〔2010〔No. 15), the brick and concrete structure is compensated by 760 yuan/m 2, brick and wood structure 700 yuan/m 2 and civil structure 620 yuan/m 2 in Saihan District, Hohhot. In the new urban are, according to the “Urban Village” Reconstruction Implementation Program of Nandian Village

World Bank Loan Project 86 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget published by the People’s Government of New Urban Area, the brick and concrete, brick and wood structures are compensated by 1050 yuan/m 2, and civil structure 1030 yuan/m 2. The houses to be demolished in Xinghe County, Ulan Qab involved in this project are mainly brick and concrete, brick and wood structures, which are compensated by 900 yuan/m 2. In the economic development zone in Nandian Village, Hohhot and Chahar Right Front Banner, Ulan Qab, all demolition households show willingness to choose the housing- return resettlement in the demolition resettlement (see Table 6.3.1). For some demolition households who are unwilling to change their houses into storied houses, the cash compensation can be implemented. The compensation standard is determined according to the current market estimated price. In the concrete estimation process, the brick and concrete structure is generally compensated by about 1000 yuan/m 2.

Since the house price changes a lot with market fluctuation, to better protect the profits of the demolition households, the compensation is based on the latest compensation price in concrete implementation of housing demolition.

Housing replacement cost: according to on-site survey, the housing construction cost in Hebei Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is basically same.

World Bank Loan Project 87 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

The construction cost of rough house is 504 yuan/m 2 (see Table 5-7). Since all 43 urban demolition households impacted in this project are urban residents changed from rural residents in the urban-rural integration area, and their room conditions and locations are totally same as the nearby farm houses, the reconstruction cost is same as that of farm house.

Reconstruction cost estimation of brick and concrete structure houses: the marker price of red brick is 0.25 yuan/block, reference dosage for each square is meter 140-225 blocks and the cost for each square meter is 56.25 yuan. The marker price of cement is 380 yuan/ton, reference dosage for each square is meter 160-320kg and the cost for each square meter is 121.6 yuan. The marker price of steel material is 5200 yuan/ton, reference dosage for each square is meter 22-30kg and the cost for each square meter is 114.4-156 yuan. Besides the above-mentioned main materials, the average cost for plasters on inner and outer walls, roofs, floors, stairs, ground leveling, pipeline and other constructions is about 150 yuan/m 2, and the labor cost is 10-20 yuan/m 2. Estimated by the high value of both the reference dosage and labor per each square meter of the above-mentioned materials, the cost of brick and concrete house is 504 yuan/m 2. In the construction of rural houses, the materials usually don’t reach the highest dosage. At the same time, the construction problem is usually solved through mutual help with construction work. Therefore, the construction of some houses is dozens even one hundred yuan lower than the estimated 504 yuan/m 2 in practice.

According to the above-mentioned estimation, in combination with the housing demolition standard in this project, the compensation standard of brick and concrete structure is 760-2000 yuan/m 2, the brick and wood structure 700-1050 yuan/ m 2 and civil structure 620 yuan/m 2. Therefore, the demolition compensation in this project can totally meet the housing reconstruction requirements of the demolition households, and can help the demolition households with original poorer housing structures to upgrade the house structure and improve the living conditions.

World Bank Loan Project 88 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Table 5-6 Compensation Price of House Demolition for Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway Unit Yuan/m 2 Province/Regi League Banner/Cou House Compensati on City nty Structure on Standard According to market High-tech assessment, District the brick- Zhangjiak Wanquan All Hebei concrete ou County structures structure is Huai’An generally County around 2000 yuan/〔. Inner Mongolia Brick- 760 Autonomous Saihan concrete Region District Brick-wood 700 Civil 620 Hohhot Brick- concrete, 1050 New District brick-wood Civil 1030 Wulancha Brick- bu Xinghe County concrete, 900 brick-wood If the house Chahar Right All owner isn’t Front Banner structures willing to relocate in building,

World Bank Loan Project 89 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

building, direct money compensatio n may be used, the compensatio n standard shall be determined All Zhuozi County according to structures market assessment, brick- concrete house generally costs around 1000 yuan/〔.

World Bank Loan Project 90 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Table 5-7 Cost Estimation on Rebuilding of Brick-concrete House

Internal and external plasteri ng, roof, House Labo Tota Red Brick Concrete Steel floor Structure r l slab, step, ground leveling, pipeline Cost Cost Cost Cost Referen Referen Referen Cost per per per per ce ce ce per squa squa Cost per squa squa Market usage Market usage Market usage square re re square re re price〔Yu per price〔Yua per price〔Yua per meter mete mete meter mete mete an/pc.〔 square n/ton〔 square n/ton〔 square 〔Yuan r r (Yuan) r r meter〔 meter〔 meter〔 〔 (Yua (Yua (Yua (Yua pc.〔 kg〔 kg〔 n) n) n) n) Brick- 140- 160- 121. 10- concrete 0.25 56.25 380 5200 22-30 156 150 504 225 320 6 20 structure Note: high values of reference usage of material per square meter and labor cost per square meter shall be taken into account for calculation.

World Bank Loan Project 91 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget Compensation Standard of Demolition of Enterprise and Public Institutions

The enterprise demolition compensation resettlement includes two types: cash compensation and the method of resettlement industrial land property exchange according to the enterprise’ willingness. All demolition areas of enterprise and public institution involved in this project are compensated after the market estimation of qualified assessment company conducts on enterprise and public institution to be demolished.

Principles of compensation for enterprise demolition:

The leased demolition household land is compensated by the current basic price of industrial land. In the impacted enterprises in this project, totally 16 choose the cash resettlement without reconstruction, among which 4 are only impacted on the enclosing wall without impact on the normal operation, and the rest 12 are small-size individual and private enterprises. Their lands are leased from others or the collective owned lands, and this part of rental losses are included in the scope of housing demolition compensation by the assessment agency. For the 18 enterprises and public institutions who choose the reconstruction, the reconstruction resettlement will be conducted in form of resettlement industrial land property exchange, no referring to cash compensation of lands.

The building compensation of the demolition households: the permanent buildings (structures) are estimated by assessment agency according to resettlement cost method, to assess and estimate the value, determine the compensation.

The machinery equipments and other supporting equipments of the demolition households are estimated by assessment agency according to resettlement cost method, to estimate the assessed value of the machinery equipment. For the unmovable machinery equipments and other supporting equipments of the demolition households are, the compensation is determined according to the assessed value, and for movable machinery equipments and other supporting equipments of the demolition households, the remove compensation is determined according to the assessment.

For the crops on earth, the compensation and remove compensation are determined according to the assessment.

World Bank Loan Project 92 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

For production halts or closedown of the demolition households caused by the demolition, personnel who conduct the demolition shall make certain compensation for people who suffer closedown according to the number of workers (including temporary workers) registered in the municipal/ county labor and social security sections by the demolition households and on the basis of local reality. Generally, the compensation is based on the lowest local salary standard multiplying by number of month of closedown. The demolition households who suffer production halts or closedown are compensated according to the time of monthly average after-tax profits in the year with largest profits recorded by the tax department in three years before the demolition. The compensation for removal of plant and office buildings is carried out according to local realities.

The concrete procedures of the enterprise demolition assessment:

According to the “ Urban Housing Demolition Assessment Guidance ”, the assessment procedures of the enterprise demolition in this project are regulated as follows:

Field investigation procedure: The assessment agency assigns the real estate assessor who has acquired the “registration card of real estate assessor” and has no stake with the demolition parties to conduct field investigation, realize the concrete situation of enterprises to be demolished. The assessor will collect the location (concrete geological location mainly including convenience between location in city or region and other places, distance from the location to important places such as downtown, airport, port, station, government offices, trade discount and others, the surrounding environment, landscapes and others), the area, dosage, floor, orientation, market demand and supply and other related information. The assessor, people to conduct the demolition and demolition households shall sign to authorize.

Compensation price analysis determination procedure: After the field investigation procedure, the assessor shall determine the location compensation and house price of the houses to be demolished with reasonable analysis through market comparison method and in combination with concrete factors of houses to be demolished, thus get the total amount of compensation for houses to be demolished. The assessor shall start with date when the housing demolition license is issued or date when the phased (sectioned) housing demolition is implemented (under circumstances of large demolition scale, phase or sectioned implementation).

World Bank Loan Project 93 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Procedure of announcement primary assessment result: After making the assessment results in previously mentioned procedures, the assessment agency will announce the assessment results for the demolition households for 7 days to listen to the demolition parties’ related opinions. If the parties have doubt, the assessment agency shall explain to them. Under circumstances of problems in actual work or improper considerations, the assessment agency shall readjust the assessment results. After the announcement period, if the demolition parties have no doubt or the assessment agency has made proper adjustments, the assessment agency can officially issue the entire assessment report and individual assessment report within the demolition scope. After that, people who conduct the demolition can deliver the individual assessment report according to law.

Procedure of appeal for reconsideration: The demolition parties who have doubts on the assessment results can apply to the original assessment agency for recheck and reassessment in 5 days since the date when they receive the assessment report. They can also entrust other assessment agency to assess. If the demolition parties apply to the original assessment agency for recheck and reassessment, the assessment agency shall reply in 5 days since the date when they receive the written application for recheck and reassessment. If the assessment result changes, the assessment agency shall re-issue the assessment report. If the assessment result is not changed, the assessment agency shall issue the written notice. If the demolition party entrusts other assessment agency to assess, the entrusted assessment agency shall issue the assessment report in 10 days since the date when they are entrusted. If the demolition party has doubts on recheck and reassessment result of original assessment agency, or assessment result of other entrusted agency is inconsistent with original assessment result. He can apply for technical evaluation to the Real Estate Valuation Expert Committee in location of house to be demolished in 5 days after receiving recheck result or assessment report issued by other entrusted assessment agency. The valuation expert committee shall issue written expert opinions on the valuation basis, valuation technical route, valuation method selection, parameter selection, determining method of assessment result and other technical valuation problems of the assessment report that applies for evaluation in 10 days since receiving the application. If there are no technical problems in the assessment report, the original assessment report shall be maintained. If there are technical problems in the assessment report, the assessment agency shall properly correct the problems and reissue the assessment report.

World Bank Loan Project 94 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget Resettlement Fee, Removal Compensation and awards

According to Urban Housing Demolition Management Implementation Measure in Zhangjiakou City Article 48: “if the demolition households or leaseholders choose the housing resettlement and automatic transition, people who conduct the demolition shall pay the demolition households or leaseholders with temporary resettlement fees according to standard of 3-4 yuan/ m 2/month of houses to be demolished in the approved transition period. If people who conduct the demolition provide turnover houses, they will not pay the temporary resettlement fees. If the demolition households or leaseholders choose cash compensations, people who conduct the demolition can pay the demolition households or leaseholders with temporary resettlement fees for 3 months. The temporary resettlement fees are pre-issued for 12 months during the demolition, and settled during actual housing resettlement according to transition time.” Article 49: “People who conduct the demolition shall pay the demolition households or leaseholders with the resettlement fees according to standard of 10-16 yuan/ m 2 of the housing dosage area.” Article 50: “if the transition period of the demolition households or leaseholders is delayed due to the responsibilities of people who conduct the demolition, people who conduct the demolition shall pay the additional temporary resettlement fees since the date of overdue duration. (I) For overdue duration in 6 months, 50% of resettlement fee will increase in each month. (II) For overdue duration from 6 months to 12 months, 100% of resettlement fee will increase in each month. (III) For overdue duration more than 12 months, 150% of resettlement fee will increase in each month.”Article 51: “For the housing demolition approved by the planning department and property right management department and used for non- residential houses for production business, people who conduct the demolition shall pay the demolition households with production halts and closedown compensations according to standard of 100-200 yuan/ m 2 of the dosage area of houses to be demolished. For the leased production business houses to be demolished, people who conduct the demolition shall pay the demolition household and the lessee with respectively 50% of the compensation.” Article 52: “people who conduct the demolition can give certain amount of economic awards to demolition households and leaseholders who complete the removal work prior to the regulated demolition duration on the basis of the advanced date and removal order.”

According to Notice on Implementation Measures of Urban Housing Demolition Management Regulations in Hohhot of the People’s Government of Hohhot City Article 22: “The demolition households or leaseholders who compete the

World Bank Loan Project 95 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget removal in 10 days since the date of promulgation of the demolition notice will be awarded with 2000 yuan/household. 1000 yuan is awarded to each household that completes removal in 10 to 15 days.” Article 24: “The temporary resettlement compensations and removal compensations are paid according to the following regulations: (I) The temporary resettlement compensations: 8 yuan/ m 2/month according to the building area marked on property certificate of houses to be demolished and the transition period regulated in the agreement. (II) removal compensation: 100 yuan/room according to rooms.”

The concrete resettlement and removal compensations involved in this project in three counties/ banners under Ulan Qab are as follows: the resettlement fee is 30000 yuan/household, temporary rental house compensation 300 yuan/household/month in Xinghe County. The temporary rental house compensation in Chahar Right Front Banner is 8 yuan/ m 2/month (no lower than 200 yuan/ household/month). The relocation and removal compensation is 10 yuan/ m 2 (no lower than 600yuan/household). The demolition households who choose cash compensation and complete removal in duration regulated in the demolition notice and announcement will be paid with onetime temporary resettlement compensation and removal compensation of 3000 yuan/household. Meanwhile, households that complete removal on time in regulated period will be awarded with 3000 yuan/household. The temporary resettlement compensation is 100 yuan/people/month, the removal compensation 2000 yuan/household in Zhuozi County. The households that complete demolition in 5 days will be awarded with 10000 yuan/household, that complete demolition in 10 days will be awarded with 8000 yuan/household and that complete demolition in 15 days will be awarded with 5000 yuan/household (see Table 5- 8).

Table 5-8 Settlement Subsidies, Removing Allowances and Rewards for Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway Project

Province/Regi League Banner/Cou Categorie Compensation on City nty s Standard Temporar Wanquan y 3—4 Zhangjiak County settlement yuan/m2/month Hebei ou Huai’An subsidies County Removing 10—16 yuan/〔 allowance

World Bank Loan Project 96 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Province/Regi League Banner/Cou Categorie Compensation on City nty s Standard Temporar Inner Mongolia y Autonomous 600 yuan∕month settlement Region Saihan District subsidies Removing 10 yuan∕〔 allowance Temporar y 8 yuan/〔/month settlement subsidies Removing 100 yuan/room Hohhot allowance If the house owner, house lessee has New District moved out within 10 days upon the announcement of Demolitio demolition, each n reward household can be rewarded with 2000 yuan, within 10 to 15 days, rewarded with 1000 yuan. Wulancha Settlement 30000 bu Xinghe subsidies yuan/household Hohhot County Temporar 300 y rent yuan/household/m allowance onth 8 Chahar Right Temporar yuan/〔/month〔no Front Banner y rent less than 200 yuan allowance per household per month〔 Resettlem 10 yuan/〔〔no less ent and than 600 yuan per removing household〔 subsidies

World Bank Loan Project 97 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Province/Regi League Banner/Cou Categorie Compensation on City nty s Standard For house owner requiring money compensation, each household can be rewarded with one- time temporary settlement compensation and removing subsidies, Demolitio that is, 3000 yuan, if n reward the removing is finished within the time limit stipulated in demolition notice, in addition, each household removed within the specified time limit shall be rewarded with 3000 yuan. Temporar y 100 settlement yuan/man/month subsidies If removing is finished within 5 days upon the signature of Zhuozi demolition County agreement, each Demolitio household can be n reward rewarded with 10000 yuan, 8000 yuan if finished within 10 days, 5000 yuan for 15 days. Removing 2000 cost yuan/household Compensation Standards for House Attachments and Scattered Trees

All attachments of the original house, including walls, toilets, pigpens, courtyard dams, wells and cables shall be compensated. The affected attachments in the phases of project design and implementation differs significantly and the

World Bank Loan Project 98 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget compensation standards shall be negotiated between the institution in charge of resettlement and affected households. The compensation standards listed below is for attachments and scattered trees in Zhangjiakou City and Hohhot City. (Table 5-9, 5-10 and 5-11).

Table 5-9 Compensation standard on attachments in Zhangjiakou City

Category Unit Unit price (Yuan) Square Indurative ground 60 meter Single brick grave Number 2000 Single earth grave Number 1500

Table 5-10 Compensation standard on attachments in Hohhot City

Unit price Category Unit (Yuan) Self-built fence m 20—30 Elm, polar and willow Number 30—50

Data siyrce: Xincheng District People’s Government “ Reconstruction Plan of “Village in the City” of Nandian Village

Table 5-11 Compensation standard on attachments in Hansai District of Hohhot City

Category Unit Unit price (Yuan) Gate tower Number 500-1000 vegetable cellar Number 500-1000 Height 0.8-1 m 50 Yuan∕linear fence linear meter meter〔Height over 1 mter 100uan∕linear meter Tap water Households 300 well Number 500 motor-pumped well Number 3000 Data source: Compensation Standards on Demolished Houses Located in the Collective Building Base in Hohhot City ( Huzhengfa No. 2010 15)

5.1.3 Compensation Standards for Infrastructure and Special Establishment

The scope of influence shall involve some infrastructures like roads and public works. As proprietors require contractors in the project construction contract to

World Bank Loan Project 99 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget provide temporary protection facilities in the period of construction and recover all facilities damaged during this period, the cost of recovery shall be involved in the project construction contract. The detailed compensation standard shall be made by means of “one project one discussion” which is conducted by local government through coordination with construction units. So there are no compensation standards for infrastructure and special establishment in this project.

5.2 Estimate of Compensation Cost for Immigration

The compensation cost of immigration mainly involves the following items:

Resettlement compensation (involving Land acquisition compensation fee, compensations of green crops and scattered trees, compensations of houses and attachments, transaction expense for demolition households, removal costs, construction costs of rural immigrant resettlement centers, demolition compensation for disadvantaged groups, and compensation for the removal of enterprise); For urban demolition which requires compensation after market evaluation, the demolition unit price shall be defined according to on-site survey estimate and the local latest demolition policies. The unit price of demolished enterprises and public institutions shall be 130% of that of the urban residents.

Infrastructure recovery costs: List into engineering costs but not the gross cost of immigration;

Technical training costs: Mostly directed to the employment training of affected farmers and increasing the skills of farmers in other non-major immigrant villages. The sum of the cost is estimated on the basis of the content, duration of training and the number of trainees. The costs will be estimated in Chapter 6 with tables. And the percentage to direct expenses.

Costs of implementation and management calculated by 3 of the total costs of resettlement compensation and temporary site, the cost is mainly directed to the expenses of houses, equipment, salary, office costs and traveling allowance.

Expenses of immigration plan formulation and resettlement evaluation is directed to the expenses of immigration plan formulation and the costs of resettlement evaluation work made by exterior supervision and evaluation institutions during the implementation of immigration resettlement.

World Bank Loan Project 100 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Unpredictable expenses calculated by 10% of the total costs of resettlement compensation and temporary site, the cost is mainly directed to the institution in charge of resettlement to solve unpredictable problems and improve the conditions of the immigrants.

The total budget for compensations on land requisition and resettlement is 807.3592 million Yuan, including 621.2680 million Yuan of resettlement compensation fees, 76.85% of the total investment; 18.63 million Yuan of management fees, 2.31% of the total; 19.6046 million Yuan of social safeguard fees, 2.43% of the total; 83.22 million Yuan of land occupation tax and land development fees, 10.31 % of the total; 2.50 million Yuan of RAP formulation and monitoring & evaluation fees, 0.31% of the total; 62.1268 million Yuan of unforeseeable fees, 7.7% of the total (Detail in Table 5-12 and Table 5-13)..

Table 5-12 Investment Estimates for Land Requisition and Resettlement Compensation Unit: Yuan in subtotal Percent to the Item (10000 Yuan) total Land requisition fees (including permanent and 19604.56 24.28% temporary) Young crop 407.83 0.51% Urban house demolition compensation 926.43 1.15% Rural house demolition compensation 23394.70 28.98% Transition fees (12 months) 516.75 0.64% household removal expenses 462.00 0.57% Resettlement compensation for enterprises and 332.52 0.41% public institutions Compensation fees for attachments 15000.00 18.58%

in subtotal of basic resettlement expenses 62126.80 76.95%

Implementation management fees (3% of the 1863.80 2.31% basic resettlement fees) Social safeguard fees (10% of the land 1960.46 2.43% requisition fees) Land occupation and development fees (10 8322.17 10.31% Yuan/m2)

RAP plan and monitoring evaluation fees 250.00 0.31%

World Bank Loan Project 101 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Unexpected fees (10% of basic resettlement 6212.68 7.70% fees)

Total 80735.92 100.00%

Data source: government documents and budget of design agency

Note: this table does not include infrastructure recovery fees which will be included in the project engineering expenses.

World Bank Loan Project 102 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Table 5-13 Budget of Resettlement Expenses Unit in Item Province City/Meng County/district Particulars Number Unit Unit price subtotal(Yuan) Land Permanent land High-tech requisition requisition(block 71 mu 56186 Yuan/mu 3989206 district fees price) Permanent land Hebei Wanquan Zhangjaikou requisition(block 251 mu 29253 Yuan/mu 7342503 Province County price) Permanent land Huai'an County requisition(block 2243.1 mu 30452 Yuan/mu 68306881.2 price) Inner Saihan District Permanent land Mongolia Hohhot City Xincheng requisition(block 1930 mu 36703.91 Yuan/mu 70838546.3 Autonomous District price) Region Permanent land Wulanchabu Xinghe County requisition(block 2671.1 mu 2880 Yuan/mu 7692768 City price) Permanent land requisition(Dry 872.2 mu 6000 Yuan/mu 5233200 Chahaer land ) Youyiqianqi Permanent land requisition (forestland 964.6 mu 3000 Yuan/mu 2893800 and others )

World Bank Loan Project 103 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Permanent land requisition (Dry 994.3 mu 15000 Yuan/mu 14914500 land ) Zhuozi County Permanent land requisition (forestland 2452.3 mu 6000 Yuan/mu 14713800 and others ) Hebei Zhangjaikou Huai'an County Temporary land 2.3 mu 1000 Yuan/mu 2300 Province

Inner Xinghe County Temporary land 2.3 mu 180 Yuan/mu 414 Wulanchabu Mongolia City Chahaer Autonomous Temporary land 10 mu 369.88 Yuan/mu 3698.8 Youyiqianqi Region Hohhot City Saihan District Temporary land 19 mu 6000 Yuan/mu 114000 Land requisition 196045617.3 fees in subtotal

To be continued: Table 5-13 Budget of Resettlement Expenses Unit in Item Province City/Meng County/district Particulars Number Unit Unit price subtotal(Yuan) Young crop fees High-tech district Crops 46 mu 1000 Yuan/mu 46000 Hebei Province Zhangjaikou Wanquan County Crops 182 mu 1000 Yuan/mu 182000 Huai'an County Crops 1752.1 mu 1000 Yuan/mu 1752100 Inner Xinghe County Crops 1122.1 mu 180 Yuan/mu 201978 Mongolia Wulanchabu Chahaer Crops 872.2 mu 369.88 Yuan/mu 322609.34 Autonomous City Youyiqianqi Region Zhuozi County Crops 994.3 mu 398.85 Yuan/mu 396576.56

World Bank Loan Project 104 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Xincheng District Hohhot City Crops 1177 mu 1000 Yuan/mu 1177000 Saihan District Young crop fees 4078263.89 in subtotal Urban house Inner Wulanchabu Xinghe County 2780 m2 1200 Yuan/m2 3336000 demolition Mongolia compensation Autonomous Hohhot City Xincheng District 5646 m2 1050 Yuan/m2 5928300 fees Region Urban house demolition 9264300 compensation fees in subtotal brick concrete, 29061 m2 900 Yuan/m2 26154900 Hebei Province Zhangjaikou brick wood earth wood 6550 m2 650 Yuan/m2 4257500 others 13837 m2 500 Yuan/m2 6918500 brick 71995 m2 900 Yuan/m2 64795500 concrete Rural house Wulanchabu brick wood 845 m2 500 Yuan/m2 422500 demolition earth wood 7031 m2 300 Yuan/m2 2109300 compensation fees Inner others 3060 m2 300 Yuan/m2 918000 Mongolia brick 83942 m2 760 Yuan/m2 63795920 Autonomous Saihan District concrete Region brick wood 9499 m2 700 Yuan/m2 6649300 Hohhot City brick concrete, 54303 m2 1050 Yuan/m2 57018150 Xincheng District brick wood earth wood 881 m2 1030 Yuan/m2 907430

World Bank Loan Project 105 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Rural house demolition 233947000 compensation fees in subtotal

To be continued: Table 5-13 Budget of Resettlement Expenses

Unit in Item Province City/Meng County/district Particulars Number Unit Unit price subtotal(Yuan) Hebei Zhangjaikou 49044 m2 48 Yuan/m2.year 2354112 Province Saihan District 55 households 7200 Yuan/households.year 396000 Hohhot City Transition Xincheng Inner 60830 m2 96 Yuan/m2.year 5839680 fees (12 District Mongolia months ) Autonomous Xinghe County 74 households 3600 Yuan/households.year 266400 Region Wulanchabu Chahaer City 57087 m2 96 Yuan/m2.year 5480352 Youyiqianqi Zhuozi County 403 persons 1200 Yuan/persons.year 483600 Transition fees in 14820144 subtotal household Hebei Zhangjaikou 49044 m2 16 Yuan/m2 784704 removal Province expenses Inner Saihan District 93441 m2 10 Yuan/m2 934410 Mongolia Hohhot City Xincheng 4055 m2 100 Yuan/houses 405500 Autonomous District

World Bank Loan Project 106 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Region Xinghe County 74 households 30000 Yuan/households 2220000 Wulanchabu Chahaer 57087 m2 10 Yuan/m2 570870 City Youyiqianqi Zhuozi County 126 households 2000 Yuan/households 252000 household removal 5167484 expenses in subtotal resettlement Xincheng Inner Hohhot City 71 households 2000 Yuan/households 142000 awards (80% District Mongolia of Autonomous Chahaer demolished Wulanchabu 578 households 6000 Yuan/households 3468000 Region Youyiqianqi households ) City Zhuozi County 101 households 10000 Yuan/households 1010000 resettlement awards in 4620000 subtotal To be continued: Table 5-13 Budget of Resettlement Expenses Unit in Item Province City/Meng County/district Particulars Number Unit Unit price subtotal(Yuan) Attachments Fence 36169 meter 50 Yuan/meter 1808450 compensation Well 29 Number 500 Yuan/Number 14500 Cement yard 522 m2 60 Yuan/m2 31320 and dam Wood 1828 Number 50 Yuan/Number 91400 Indurative 19667 m2 60 Yuan/m2 1180020 ground Grave 398 Number 500 Yuan/Number 199000

World Bank Loan Project 107 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Chimney 1 Number 500 Yuan/Number 500 Attachments compensation 3325190 in subtotal Demolition Demolition and resettlement fees for 35 households (land requisition and compensation Hebei/Inner demolition compensation, equipment removal fees, operational loss, loss of of enterprises 150000000 Mongolia suspension of production or business, unexpected fees) and public

institutions Infrastructure restoration fees included in the project cost  Basic resettlement 621267999.2 cost in subtotal Social safeguard fees 10% of 19604561.73 Land requisition fees  Land occupation tax, land 83221749.44 development fees (10 Yuan/m2 

World Bank Loan Project 108 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 5: Compensation Standard and Compensation Budget

Formulation of RAP, 2500000 monitoring and evaluation fees Unexpected fees (10% of basic 62126799.92 resettlement cost  Total 807359150.3

Data source: government document, design agency budget Note: the resettlement expenses in the table do not include tax and infrastructure restoration fees which is included in project engineering cost.

World Bank Loan Project 109 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development

Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development

Implementation of RAP of Huzhang railway project is the responsibilities of the local governments, with support from the MOR and technical support from the two design institutes. Based on extensive investigation on resettlement impacts, explore proper livelihood and household development schemes in line with domestic regulations and WB resettlement policies.

The total length of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou rapid railway turnk line is 287.087km, with a total length of bridges as 137.673km. There are two newly built stations and two rebuilt ones.

955 households or 3090 persons are impacted by permanent land requisition along the line. The total requisitioned land is 12449.6 mu (not including lands used by existing railway lines), among which, 6145.7 mu farmlands (all drylands), occupying 49.36% of the total requisitioned lands; 804 mu forest lands, 6.46% of the total; 823.6 mu building base, 6.62% of the total; 224 mu construction land use, 1.8% of the total; 234 mu other types of lands, 1.88% of the total; 4218.3 mu wastelands, 33.88% of the total. There are 1035 rural households (3498 persons) affected by demolition along the line; The total demolished area is 281004 m2 , including 239301 m2 brick concrete, 10344 m2 earth wood, and 17778 m2 other types of houses. The demolition affects a total of 43 urban households, 133 people, 8426 m 2. Among them, Ulan Qab Xinghe county town residents 31 households, 95 people, 2780 m 2; Hohhot City 12 households, 38 people, 5646 m 2. The project also has impacts on 34 enterprises or public institutions. The total area of demolished houses is 124052m 2, including 5883m 2 factory buildings, 28358.76m 2 one-store houses, 5498m 2 storied buildings, and 4312 m 2 makeshifts, occupying 191.51 m lands, 6729m fences, 10682 m2 Indurative ground and 11 wells. There are 1763 staff (indentured worker) and 10 temporary workers are affected by the project. Apart from 326 staff in 4 enterprises whose fences are demolished only, the number of affected staff is 1477. 6.1 General Principles

The general target of this resettlement plan is to provide adequate livelihood and household development measures in order to ensure their living standard to be restored to that at least as without project.

World Bank Loan Project 110 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development

The overall principle of the project’s resettlement plan is to relocate the households in their original communities, promote land based resettlement and make the affected farmers have stable income from agriculture, enlarge non farm industry to restore and improve their living standard and further maintain sustainable development of the resettlement areas, through respecting local customs of production and life style and fully consulting with the affected. The specific principles of the Resettlement Plan are as follows:

Villagers self-governance principle. In line of the self-governance principle defined under the Villager Committee Organization Law , detailed villagewise planning will be carried out within the the broad schemes of compensation and livelihood restoration/development based on general experiences and initial round of consultations carried out during the socioeconomic survey. The detailed planning will be organized by the village committees, discussed and decided in the village councils. The package will cover all village members and would make sure that all project affected households will get their equal share of the resources through one or a combination of several options for the purpose of achieving livelihood restoration. The village committees will be responsible for organizing the implementation of the agreed livelihood measures. The governments at township and county level, including the project resettlement offices, will advise the planning process with technical input to guide, and monitor its implementation.

The resettlement plan is implemented based on acquisitioned and demolished material object indexes and compensation and subsidies of land acquisition and demolition.

Resettlement is integrated with regional construction, development of resources and economy as well as protection of environment. Based on their practical condition, regulate tailored strategies to rehabilitate, develop the production and lives of the resettlers, and create necessary conditions for their self development.

The layout of the plan is according to the principle of “beneficial to production, convenient living”. All construction structures, including residences that are to be demolished, are to be followed with the principle of "demolished, rebuild". Affected people will receive new residential plots within their own village or neighborhood committees. Demolition will not take place unless housing plans are confirmed.

World Bank Loan Project 111 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development

The principle is to reconstruct structures according to the scale and standards of the demolished ones. The integration of regional development, expansion, elevation of standards and future planning of needed investments are to be resolved by the local governments and relevant departments. During the process of rebuilding and relocating, farmers will be closely attended by their respective village committees, local governments and County Railway Construction Support Offices.

Give full and overall consideration to and correctly handle relations between the State, collectives and individuals.

Adopt integration methods of compensation, subsidies and production support, and make full use of the advantages of the natural resources, to gradually enable resettlers to attain or surpass their original production and living standard.

Households managed by women will have similar chances and rights to rebuild new houses as households managed by men. It is illegal to discriminate, deprive of rights and reduce the area of houses of households managed by women. Make use of resources (funds and labors) to ensure the satisfaction of households managed by women so that they can have an appropriate new place of residence.

6.2 Recovery Planning for Production and Life of Landless Villagers

The recovery of production and life of affected villages and households mainly covers four kinds of recovery and development measures for production and life in all to promote employment, including land adjustment, monetary compensation, social security program and training.

6.2.1 Analysis of Land Acquisition Impact

Based on the statistics and analysis of field data of land acquisition impact of this project, there are totally 10 villages whose arable area acquired in this project takes up above 10% of total local arable area (see details in Table 3-2). This project does not result in per capita arable land of any village reduced to below 0.3 mu. Yet per capita arable land of 3 villages amongst 100 villages involved in this project has been lower than 0.3 mu before land acquisition (see details in Table 6-1), including Old Yaozi Village and New Yaozi Village in Kongjiazhuang Town, Wanquan County, Zhangjiakou City and Nandian Village in Haoqinying Town, Xincheng District, Hohhot City.

World Bank Loan Project 112 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development

Since most regions passed by this project possess sufficient per capita arable land, the source of income of villages whose per capita arable land is reduced to below 0.3 mu after land acquisition can be guaranteed through monetary compensation, social security, recommended employment through training and many other measures. Since villages whose per capita arable land is above 0.3 mu possess broad original per capita arable land and small linear project land acquisition, their relocation can be resolved mainly through land adjustment.

Table 6-1 Summary of Per Capita Cultivated Land below 0.3 Mu in Villages Affected by Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway Project

Nu Tota Area Numbe Propo mbe l of Area r of rtion r of Area Per of Affecte of Affe of Capit Expro d Expro County cted Cult a priate Vill House priate City /Distric Town Per ivate Culti d age holds d t sons d vated Land (((Hou Lan Land ((( Land (((Mu sehold d (((% Ma (((mu ))) ))) (Mu ))) n))) ))) ) Jiuy aozi 30.91 11 41 220 0.21 68 Vill % Kongji Zhangji Wanqu age azhuan akou an Xin g City County yao Town 27.14 zi 9 32 210 0.18 57 % Vill age Haoqin Nan Hohhot New 71.43 ying dia 15 48 378 0.09 270 City District % Town n Data source〔based on project feasibility study and on-site survey data. 6.2.2 Land Adjustment

Except 3 villages whose per capita arable land is below 0.3 mu before land acquisition, there are 2 villages whose per capita arable land is below 1 mu before land acquisition, including Maqiao Village in Chengguan Town, Xinghe County and Zhangjiabo Village in Zhuozishan Town, Zhuozi County, Ulan Qab City.

World Bank Loan Project 113 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development

97 villages whose per capita arable land is above 0.3 mu agree to adopt land adjustment to adjust and allocate land after land acquisition through holding villagers’ congress or villagers’ meeting. Detailed land adjustment program is as follows:

Though Villager Committee and upon villagers’ intention, land adjustment is selected to carry out land acquisition relocation. Specific enforcement method is: adjust land according to group, work out current per capita arable land after deducting acquired area, then divide or complement land among households according to this standard and finally achieve average land division. Since the project location is in the north with rich per capita land resource, per capita arable land of all 95 villages can reach above 1 mu after land adjustment. Subsequent production and life of affected households living on land will not be influenced by land acquisition in this project.

Allocation of compensation for land acquisition after land adjustment: make monetary compensation for acquired collective land according to local land acquisition compensation standard, including land compensation and relocation subsidy. Since affected villages will adopt land adjustment according to group, land compensation and relocation subsidy will be allocated to affected groups according to the quantity of acquired land, and then averagely allocated to each household within jurisdiction. Compensation for young crops will be directly paid to direct affected people.

Upon the calculation of per capita arable land after land acquisition in severely affected villages in this project in Table 3-2, it is thus clear that per capita arable land of 5 villages has reached above 1 mu through the consultation of villagers’ meeting. Except 3 villages whose per capita arable land is below 0.3 mu before land acquisition, there are 2 villages whose per capita arable land is below 1 mu after land acquisition, including Maqiao Village in Chengguan Town, Xinghe County and Zhangjiabo Village in Zhuozishan Town, Zhuozi County, Ulan Qab City. Per capita arable land of these two villages is about above 0.5 mu after land acquisition.

Thus among 97 villages adopting land adjustment, per capita arable land of 2 villages is below 0.5 mu and that of rest 95 villages is 1~15 mu (see detailed in Appendix 7) through consultation of villagers’ meeting. Their land possession can fully meet farmers’ demand for subsequent agricultural production.

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6.2.3 Monetary Compensation

Among affected villages in this project, 3 of them do not make land adjustment but adopt monetary compensation and social security program, including Old Yaozi Village and New Yaozi Village in Kongjiazhuang Town, Wanquan County, Zhangjiakou City and Nandian Village in Haoqinying Town, Xincheng District and Hohhot City. Direct economic loss caused by land acquisition of affected farmers in these 3 villages will be made up through obtaining monetary compensation and their subsequent source of income will be guaranteed through social security program.

Monetary compensation for land acquisition in this project is calculated according to the area price of acquired land (see details in Table 5-1, 5-2 and 5- 3) multiplied by the area of acquired land. See detailed discussion of the compensability of monetary compensation standard for land acquisition to the loss of farmers in 5.1.1.

For the allocation of land compensation, 20% belongs to collective economic organization and 80% belongs to the owner of land use right of acquired land or farmers that contract land according to household contract. All compensation for young crops and attachments is directly made up for affected people.

Compensation for unused land in mountain area and on dam is executed according to 60% of the area price of land acquisition. Compensation for acquired land without the owner of land use right, non-contracted land of collective economic organization and contracted land according to other methods all belongs to collective economic organization, which shall be allocated or used by collective economic organization according to law. Land compensation shall be timely paid in full. No organization or individual can hold back or embezzle it.

Basic allocation, payment and use condition of monetary compensation for land acquisition in this project are as follows:

1) Reach uniform decision on land compensation through villagers’ meeting;

2) Publicize each household’s land loss and compensation plan in village;

3) 80% of land compensation and all relocation subsidies shall be paid to affected households. All compensation for young crops and attachments shall be directly made up for affected people;

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4) Reach an agreement on land loss amount and total payable compensation with each household. All relevant parties shall sign on the agreement;

5) Pay each household according to the signed agreement;

6) Landless farmers are responsible for the use of compensation. Most of them use it for the development of secondary and tertiary industries;

7) According to the principle of self-governance among villagers regulated in the Organizational Law of Village Committee and under the organization of Village Committee, the use of 20% of land compensation of collective economic organization and compensation for acquired land without the owner of land use right, non-contracted land of collective economic organization and contracted land according to other methods shall be decided based on villagers’ consultation and through the form of villagers’ meeting or villagers’ congress by means of one or various measures so as to make all affected farmers share resource equally and realize the recovery and development of production and life.

6.2.4 Social Security for Landless Farmers

Per capita arable land of affected villages in this project is generally wide and that of 95% of the villages is above 1 mu. Per capita arable land of 3 villages among 100 involved ones has been lower than 0.3 mu before land acquisition, including Old Yaozi Village and New Yaozi Village in Kongjiazhuang Town, Wanquan County, Zhangjiakou City and Nandian Village in Haoqinying Town, Xincheng District, Hohhot City. Detailed introduction of social security policy of these 3 villages is as follows:

Social security work of villagers in Nandian Village, Xincheng District, Hohhot City. (See the case of Nandian Village in Appendix 8)

Since Nandian Village is close to Hohhot City, the villagers’ identity has been transferred to urban residents and included in urban social security system to enjoy the treatment of urban residents with the implementation of urbanization land acquisition. First, cover endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and medical insurance. Second, enjoy subsistence allowances for those have difficulties in life. According to the regulations in Interim Procedures of Endowment Insurance of People Transferred from Landless Farmers in Hohhot City , draw up the Enforcement Scheme of Landless Farmers Participating Endowment Insurance in Nandian Village (HZF [2005] 59).

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There are totally 3108 agricultural registered residences from 567 households in the village and 2380 members of village collective economic organization comply with the condition for effecting insurance. Upon the research of two Village Committees and the villagers’ congress, individual payment, village collective payment and adjustment fees of totally 38166,100 Yuan shall be assumed by village collective. All expenses have been paid off in 2009. At present, 2380 people in Nandian Village have covered endowment insurance and 482 people have received the pension of 480 Yuan / month. This standard will be dynamically increased according to the rising range of price level. Meanwhile, to participate in and receive social security do not influence affected people to obtain corresponding compensation for land acquisition. Since Nandian Village does not adopt land adjustment, its land compensation shall be appropriated to affected households according to the principle in monetary compensation for land (see details in 6.2.3).

48 residents from 15 households affected by this project who meet the insuring conditions (reaching 16 years old, losing land and having agricultural census registration of this village) have participated in social insurance and will begin to get pension when they reach 60 (male) or 55 (female).

Old Yaozi Village and New Yaozi Village in Kongjiazhuang Town, Wanquan County, Zhangjiakou City

Landless farmers in above two villages shall cover insurance according to the regulations in Measures for the Implementation of Endowment Insurance of Landless Farmers in Zhangjiakou City . Now concrete social security fees and received amount still cannot be calculated. Local government promises to calculate based on current economic index as soon as possible before land acquisition and implement the social security of landless farmers.

Concrete procedures of capital source, cost calculation, receiving and allocation of the pension of landless farmers are as follows:

(I) Endowment insurance premium for landless farmers shall be raised according to the principle of “individual payment, collective subsidy and governmental undertaking”. Financing limit is confirmed according to the standard that the pension of insured people shall not be lower than subsistence allowances of local urban residents while reaching retirement age. Financing proportion is shared according to below 30% of financing amount of individual payment, above 40% of collective subsidy and above 30% of governmental

World Bank Loan Project 117 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development undertaking. It can be properly adjusted based on local reality by County (Municipal, District) Government.

(II) Individual payment for endowment insurance premium shall be offset from the allowance for land acquisition relocation; collective subsidy shall be disbursed from land compensation; governmental undertaking shall be disbursed from land transferring fees.

(III) Individual payment and collective subsidy for endowment insurance premium shall be withdrawn from the allowance for land acquisition relocation and land compensation by Village (Neighborhood) Committee and handed over to County (Municipal, District) Rural Social Endowment Insurance Agency. Governmental undertaking for endowment insurance premium shall be transferred to Rural Social Endowment Insurance Agency timely in full by financial department.

(IV) The standard of paying premium shall be approved and confirmed by Village (Town) Government (Sub-District Office) upon the discussion and approval of villagers’ (residents’) meeting or villagers’ (residents’) congress.

The calculation formula for paying endowment insurance premium:

Payment standard = 12R [(1.025)M-1]/[0.025(1.025) M-1]×payment proportion to be assumed

R〔Monthly standard for receiving pension;

M: Sharing time limit. The sharing time limit of insured people is 18 years. On this basis, 1 year will be decreased for each exceeding year of insured people to receive pension. Minimum sharing time limit cannot be less than 5 years.

(V) The raising of endowment insurance premium shall be timely adjusted according to the variation of standard for subsistence allowances of local urban residents. When raising standard needs be adjusted, County (Municipal, District) Labor Security Department shall propose adjustment scheme with the department concerned and then publicize and implement after reporting to County (Municipal, District) Government for approval. After the standard is adjusted, the raising of endowment insurance of new insured people shall be executed according to new standard. The raising standard of insured people before adjustment is not changed.

(VI) Endowment insurance treatment:

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1. The age for starting receiving the pension is 60 years old for males and 55 for females.

2. Landless farmers that have paid enough endowment insurance as required can start receiving pension since the following month after reaching the age till death. People who have reached the age of receiving pension during land acquisition can start receiving it since the following month after paying off endowment insurance. For people who haven’t reached the age while effecting insurance, 2.5% shall be increased for each fewer year as the standard of receiving pension when they reach the age.

3. Pension shall be paid to insured people by Rural Social Endowment Insurance Agency through post office, bank and other socialized distribution channels.

4. The level of pension treatment shall not be lower than the standard for subsistence allowances of local urban residences. It shall be timely adjusted based on the variation of standard for subsistence allowances of local urban residences. Adjustment scheme shall be drawn up by County (Municipal, District) Labor Security Department with the department concerned and then publicized and executed after being reported to County (Municipal, District) Government for approval.

(VII) Besides, according to the Standard for Compensation for Land Acquisition and Demolition on Zhangjiakou Section Engineering of Zhangjiakou – Railway Issued by Zhangjiakou Municipal Land Resource Bureau and Road Transport Bureau, “the standard of not less than 10% of the price of acquired area shall be adopted to make sure social security fees of landless farmers are appropriated to the special account of municipal, county (district) landless farmers and the special fund is used for social security of landless farmers before the approval of agricultural land acquisition. When social security reaches the special account, competent administrative department of social security shall timely issue the document of affirming social security measures for landless farmers.”

6.2.5 Vocational Training and Other Recovery Measures

Two affected provinces insist on market-oriented mechanism of employment and provide necessary technologies and opportunities for farmers with no or little land through vocational technical training, vocational introduction and

World Bank Loan Project 119 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development developing integrated project to promote the employment of landless farmers and herdsmen.

According to the Guidance on Providing Better Training for Peasant-Workers of the State Council (GBF [2010] 11), both Hebei Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region draw up corresponding enforcement opinions and notice 2to guarantee the smooth implementation of training of peasant-workers in aspects of system, capital and management.

Carry out planned training of landless farmers and herdsmen. Governments at all levels and departments concerned within urban planning area shall make targeted vocational training plan suitable to the feature of landless farmers and herdsmen and help them realize employment through order-type training and other methods. Regions outside urban planning area shall actively carry out free vocational training based on the feature of landless farmers and herdsmen to improve their employment competitiveness and capacity to initiate and operate.

Actively create conditions to provide free employment service for landless farmers and herdsmen. Public job introduction agency, training agency and certifying agency of vocational skills shall initiatively provide free job introduction, training and vocational skills verification for landless farmers and herdsmen. At present, there are mainly two kinds of employment training planned, organized and established by governmental departments: the first kind is related to agriculture, which mainly involves agricultural extended services for helping villagers (including landless villagers), e.g. seeding, fertilizer, science and technology, veterinary service, forestation and avocation economic activities etc. The second training is related to nonagricultural employment, which aims to help people with few land and those who are exploring nonagricultural job opportunities. Training will provide new skills for farmers, help them find new jobs through information transfer and actively organize labor force output to developing areas. Training mainly involves food production, machinery, sewing, woodworking, security, cooking and main household services etc. (Details in Table 6-2)

2 Opinions on Enforcement of Providing Better Training for Peasant-Workers of General Office of Hebei Provincial People’s Government (JZB (2010) 28; Notice of Forwarding the Guidance on Providing Better Training for Peasant-Workers of the State Council Issued by the General Office of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People’s Government.

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Table 6-2 job training plan for the acquisition-affected people

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Training Time Location Trainer Trainee Training content institution Local Local Agricultur acquisition- Training of skills Bureau of resettlemen al affected people applicable in the Labor and t experts rural area (crop 2012. Social department cultivation, 4 Security livestock breeding techniques, etc) Local Local Teachers acquisition- Professional skills Bureau of resettlemen from affected people required by urban 2012. Labor and t Vocationa enterprises, (food 5 Social department l processing, Security schools sewing, computer operations, etc.) Local Local Teachers acquisition- Services skills in Bureau of resettlemen from affected people the urban area, Labor and t Vocationa Social department l (security Security schools guarding, 2012. cooking, 6 cleaning, babysitting, health care, etc.)

Local Local Agricultur acquisition- Training of skills Bureau of resettlemen al affected people applicable in the Labor and t experts rural area (crop 2012. Social department cultivation, 7 Security livestock breeding techniques, etc) Local Local Teachers acquisition- Professional skills Bureau of resettlemen from affected people required by urban 2012. Labor and t Vocationa enterprises, (food 8 Social department l processing, Security schools sewing, computer operations, etc.) Local Local Teachers acquisition- Services skills in Bureau of resettlemen from affected people the urban area, Labor and t Vocationa Social department l (security Security schools guarding, 2012. cooking, 9 cleaning, babysitting, and World Bank Loan Project 122 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railwayhealth care, etc.)

Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development

Offer job opportunities through multiple approaches. Two affected provinces in this project insist on market-oriented mechanism of employment, plan urban and rural employment, develop new jobs through multiple channels, improve employment environment, encourage and lead various enterprises, institutions and communities to receive landless farmers and herdsmen and support them to search for jobs and operate on their own. Implement uniform employment registration system for farmers and herdsmen received into urban employment service system. Unemployed landless farmers and herdsmen can make unemployment registration at local public employment service agency. Public employment service agency takes charge of handling unemployment registration procedures and providing employment counseling, guidance, training, job introduction and other services for landless farmers and herdsmen to promote those with employment aspirations within labor age group to realize employment. Those unemployed people with employment aspirations within labor age group can enjoy relevant supporting policies about employment and re-employment promotion.

Receive “4050” landless farmers and herdsmen into urban groups with employment difficulties and develop public service jobs for employment settlement. For employment settlement, land use organizations can directly provide jobs and sign labor contract with settlement targets complying with employment conditions. Besides, land use organizations, employment service agency and landless farmers and herdsmen can sign triple contract to entrust settlement.

Nandian Village, Xincheng District, Hohhot City in this protect whose per capita arable land is lower than 0.3 mu vigorously develops and coordinates integrated project through self establishment, buying shares, joint development and other methods to solve the employment of landless villagers, increase the revenue of collective economy and provide convenient service for villagers. Detailed integrated auxiliary project of development and job opportunities provided for landless farmers are as follows (see table 6-3):

(I) Establish Hohhot Binshui Heating LLC. Adopt cooperative operation with investors through joint contribution of villagers and collective. Build 120t Boiler Heating Workshop. When the Heating Workshop is operated after the completion of first-stage project, jobs are provided for more than 20 villagers. After overall operation, more than 50 villagers will have jobs.

(II)Establish Hohhot Binshui Property Services LLC. Employees are mainly selected through villagers’ recommendation. More than 100 people have

World Bank Loan Project 123 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development obtained vocational certificate through self-study, professional training, operation time and other forms to start working.

(III) Invest to construct the project of dormitory buildings, dining halls and multifunctional building of Inner Mongolia Normal University. At present, first- stage project has been completed and come into service. Jobs have been provided for 20 villagers and second-stage project is in construction.

Table 6-3 Employment Promotion for Landless Farmers in Nandian Village, Hohhot through Integrated Project Development

Quantity of Name of construction Construction content employment among project landless farmers

Adopt cooperative operation with investors through joint Jobs are provided for contribution of villagers and more than 20 Hohhot Binshui collective. Build 120t Boiler villagers. After overall Heating LLC. Heating Workshop. Heating operation, more than Workshop starts to be operated 50 villagers will have when first-stage project is jobs. completed.

Hohhot Binshui Service industry, provide Above 100 Property Services LLC. property services

The project of dormitory buildings, dining halls and Jobs have been multifunctional building of provided for 20 Inner Mongolia Normal Inner Mongolia Normal villagers and about 40 University teaching and University. At present, first- villagers will have logistic infrastructure stage project has been jobs when second- construction completed and come into stage project is service. Second-stage project is completed. in construction.

6.2.6 Relocation Planning for Severely Affected Villages

Relocation planning of villages where stations are built

There are totally 4 stations in this project (excluding Zhangjiakou South Station), among which Huai’an Station and Ulan Qab Station are newly built, and Zhuozi East Station and Hohhot East Station are rebuilt. Two rebuilt stations are reconstructed mainly through the original ones. Station reconstruction does not cause much land reacquisition and demolition work, thus they are not regarded

World Bank Loan Project 124 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development as severely affected villages. Newly built Huai’an Station and Ulan Qab Station are respectively located in Taogou Village, Dukoubao Township, Huai’an County and the Economic Development Zone of Charhar Right Front Banner, Hohhot City. Thereinto, totally 32 mu of arable land are acquired in Taogou Village, which takes up 9.73% of its total arable land. The method of land adjustment after land acquisition is adopted through the discussion villagers’ meeting (see detailed land adjustment method in 6.2.2). Per capita area of acquired land of the village is changed to 1.21 mu from 1.34 mu before land acquisition. Totally 318.1 mu of arable land are acquired in Economic Development Zone, which takes up 0.49% of total arable land of the village. Land adjustment is conducted based on the agreement of villagers’ meeting. Per capita area of acquired land of the village is changed to 5.61 mu from 5.64 mu before land acquisition. Since per capita arable land of above two villages is abundant and the influence quantity of Taogou Village is relatively small, acquired arable land of villages where two new stations are built does not take up above 10% of their total arable land (see details in Table 6-4). Per capita arable land of these two villages is above 1 mu, which can meet the demand for agricultural production.

Demolition is not involved in Taogou Village. 1834 people from 545 households with 50409〔 of brick and concrete housing are involved in Economic Development Zone (see details in Table 6-5). All houses are old flat brick housing, among which 327 households with 32013〔 are demolished for stations. Relocation of above households shall be arranged based on the intention of affected people and combined with local planning through house returning method of “Demolish one, return one”. In 2011, Economic Development Zone has planned 3 relocation neighborhoods within planning area, including Zhanggaiying Relocation Neighborhood of 800,000〔 within business district an 2 relocation neighborhoods of totally 200,000〔planned by Saihan Industrial Park to resettle demolished households within planning area. The 3 relocation neighborhoods above lie to the west of Pinghai Road and north of Ulan Qab Road, convenient for farmers’ life and their children’s education. All roads and auxiliary facilities in these neighborhoods are funded and constructed by Development Zone Government. See detailed demolition relocation planning in the part of “Inner Mongolia Ulan Qab Charhar Economic Development Zone Relocation Neighborhood” of the section of “Centralized Demolition” in 6.3.1

While enjoying the training and employment promotion measures in 6.2.5, employment settlement will also be provided by relocation department for affected households in villages where stations are built through making use of the advantage of adjacent railway stations to make affected people with

World Bank Loan Project 125 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development employment aspirations have the priority to become required employees for the running of production and life facilities in stations, including carrying, cleaning, catering, commerce etc. See detailed recovery measures for production and life in Table 6-6 and Table 6-7.

In a word, land acquisition and demolition impact on 2 affected villages where stations are newly built has been properly and sustainably resolved without resulting in unsustainable and degraded production and life to affected people. For land acquisition impact, both 2 villages adopt land adjustment after land acquisition upon the discussion and agreement of villagers’ meeting. Thereinto, per capita acquired land of Taogou Village is 1.21 mu after land acquisition and that of Economic Development Zone is 5.61 mu after land acquisition. Their per capita arable land can meet affected people’s demand for subsequent agricultural production. Meanwhile, the advantage of adjacent to stations also brings more job opportunities. For demolition impact, demolition is only involved in Economic Development Zone. Relocation is arranged based on the intention of affected people and combined with local planning through house returning method of “Demolish one, return one”. The house structure, degree of old and new and auxiliary facilities of returned houses are greatly enhanced, thus the living environment of affected people is also improved.

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Table 6-4 Land requisition conditions in villages where newly built stations are located Farmland Per capita Per capita Percent of County Village/neighborhood Affected households Affected area farmland before farmland after Place (city) Township land (district) committee number households  persons persons  land land Dry requisition land mu  requisition mu  requisition mu Huai'an Dukoubao Zhangjiakou Taoyao Village 7 22 32 1.34 9.73% 1.21 County Town Economic and Economic and Chahaer Wulanchabu Technical Technical 54 161 318.1 5.64 0.49% 5.61 Youyiqianqi Development Development Zone Zone

Table 6-5 Demolition conditions in villages where newly built stations are located

Demolition County Village/neighborhood Households area m2  Place (city) Township Persons persons  (district) committee number households  brick total concrete Huai'an Dukoubao Zhangjiakou Taoyao Village 0 0 0 County Town Economic and Chahaer Technical Economic and Technical Wulanchabu 545 1834 50409 50409 Youyiqianqi Development Development Zone Zone

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Table 6-6 Enforcement Scheme on Production and Life Recovery in Taogou Village, Dukoubao Township, Huai’an County

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Item Content

There are totally 245 people in the village, among which total labor Basic force is 98, agricultural labor force is 40 and 58 people work outside village the village. Agricultural labor force takes up 40.82% of total labor conditions force. The source of income of about 60% of labor force no longer depends on land. Current area of arable land is 329 mu.

Totally 32 mu of arable land is acquired in the village, which takes up 9.73% of total arable area. Per capita area of acquired land of the village is changed to 1.21 mu from 1.34 mu before land acquisition through land adjustment upon the discussion of villagers’ meeting. Impact of After land adjustment, per capita arable land of the village can meet the land demand for agricultural production of people living on agriculture. 58 acquisition people in the village work outside and jobs can be provided for about 20 people near the station, thus some jobs will be offered for affected people first so as to provide opportunities for people working outside and those with the intention of changing industry to work at home.

In project design stage, the village holds villagers’ congress to discuss Consultatio relocation measures after knowing well about land acquisition. With n and project development, the village holds many consultative conferences decision in various forms and finally forms the preliminary relocation program.

After land acquisition, the village prepares to allocate 80% of the compensation for land acquisition to each household averagely. The rest 20% will be kept in the village for public welfare activities.

Adjust land after land acquisition. Relocation measures Relocation department will also provide free vocational training for villagers with labor capacity through making use of the advantages of adjacent railway station. About 20 people have the priority to become required employees for the running of production and life facilities in the station, including carrying, cleaning, catering, commerce etc.

Analysis of Through above relocation measures, all affected labors can be properly income settled and their income can be recovered. The income of many recovery affected people is expected to be improved before land acquisition.

Huai’an Migrant Relocation Office: responsible for the payment of compensation for land acquisition, drawing up recovery measures for production and life at village level and timely supervising and inspecting. Enforceme Huai’an Labor and Social Security Bureau: responsible for nt authority drawing up measures for training villagers.

Taogou Village Committee: assist superior department to draw up and implement recovery measures for production and life at village level.

WorldTime Bank Loan Project 130 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway arrangemen December 2011 - December 2013 t Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development

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Table 6-7 Production and Life Recovery Implementation Plan in the Economic and Development Zone of Chahaer Youyiqianqi in Wulanchabu Item Content There are totally 2200 people in the village, among which Basic village total labor force is 1210, agricultural labor force is 1150. conditions Agricultural labor force takes up 95.04% of total labor force. Current area of arable land is 12400 mu. Totally 318.1 mu of arable land is acquired in the village, which takes up 0.49% of total arable area. Per capita area of acquired land of the village is changed to 5.61 mu from 5.64 mu before land acquisition through land adjustment upon the discussion of villagers’ meeting. After land adjustment, per Impact of land capita arable land of the village can meet the demand for requisition agricultural production of people living on agriculture. 60 people in the village work outside and jobs such as removal, cleaning, restaurant and commerce, can be provided for about 60-80 people near the station, thus some jobs will be offered for affected people first so as to provide opportunities for people working outside and those with the intention of changing industry to work at home. In project design stage, the village holds villagers’ congress to discuss relocation measures after knowing well about land Consultation and acquisition. With project development, the village holds many decision consultative conferences in various forms and finally forms the preliminary relocation program. After land acquisition, the village prepares to allocate 80% of the compensation for land acquisition to each household averagely. The rest 20% will be kept in the village for public welfare activities.

Resettlement Adjust land after land acquisition. measures Relocation department will also provide free vocational training for villagers with labor capacity through making use of the advantages of adjacent railway station. About 60-80 people have the priority to become required employees for the running of production and life facilities in the station, including carrying, cleaning, catering, commerce etc. Through above relocation measures, all affected labors can be Analysis of properly settled and their income can be recovered. The income recovery income of many affected people is expected to be improved before land acquisition.

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Resettlement office of economic and development zone: responsible for the payment of compensation for land acquisition, drawing up recovery measures for production and life at village level and timely supervising and inspecting. Enforcement authority Labor and Social Security Bureaus in Chahaer Youyiqianqi and Economic and Technical Development Zone: responsible for drawing up measures for training villagers and employment facilitating measures.

Time December 2011-December 2013 arrangement

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Relocation planning of villages whose per capita arable land is below 0.3 mu

There are only 3 villages whose per capita arable land is lower than 0.3 mu in this project, including Old Yaozi Village and New Yaozi Village in Kongjiazhuang Town, Wanquan County, Zhangjiakou City and Nandian Village in Haoqinying Town, Xincheng District, Hohhot City. With large degree of impact on per capita arable land, their subsequent life will be resolved through social security and employment promotion measures including free training. 10 villages whose acquired arable land takes up above 10% of total arable land among affected villages are shown in Table 3-2. Since the railway is located in the north and people in northern villages possess broad per capita arable land, per capita arable land of rest 97 affected villages is generally among 1 ~15 mu except the 3 villages above, which can meet affected people’s demand for subsequent agricultural production. Thus these 97 villages are not analyzed as severely affected ones.

For 3 villages whose per capita arable land has been lower than 0.3 mu before land acquisition, their subsequent source of income and qualified living standard shall be guaranteed through monetary compensation (see details in 6.2.3), social security (see details in 6.2.4) and employment plan (see details in 6.2.5). See detailed enforcement scheme of production and life recovery of these 3 villages in Table 6-8, Table 6-9 and Table 6-10.

Based on above analysis, the loss of land acquisition of affected people in villages whose per capita arable land is lower than 0.3 mu shall be made up through land adjustment, monetary compensation, vocational training and measures in various aspects and channels to make them further obtain the capacity and source of income to improve production and life level.

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Table 6-8 Enforcement Scheme on Production and Life Recovery in Nandian Village, Haoqinying Town, Xincheng District, Hohhot City

Item Content

There are totally 3986 people in the village, among which total labor Basic force is 2208, agricultural labor force is 998. Agricultural labor force village takes up 45.20% of total labor force. There are totally 378 mu of arable conditions land in the village.

There are 48 people from 15 affected households in the village. Per capita arable land of the village before land acquisition is 0.09 mu, acquired arable land is 270 mu, the proportion of land acquisition is Impact of 71.43% and per capita arable land after land acquisition is 0.03 mu. land Since 385 people in the village work outside for ages, their source of acquisition income no longer depends on land. Subsequent source of income of affected people engaging in agricultural production shall be resolved through purchasing social security, training and other employment promotion measures.

In project design stage, the village holds villagers’ congress to discuss Consultation relocation measures after knowing well about land acquisition. With and decision project development, the village holds many consultative conferences in various forms and finally forms the preliminary relocation scheme.

After land acquisition, the village prepares to allocate 80% of the Relocation compensation for land acquisition to each farmer household. Upon the measures consultation of villagers’ meeting, the rest 20% will be kept in the village for public welfare activities.

Purchase social security after land acquisition. Upon the research of two Village Committees and villagers’ congress, all individual payment, village collective payment and adjustment fees shall be assumed by Nandian Village. All expenses have been paid off in 2009. At present, 2380 people in Nandian Village have covered endowment insurance and 482 of them have received the pension of 480 Yuan/month. This standard will be dynamically increased according to the rising range of price level. Among 15 affected households in this project, 48 people complying with the condition for effecting insurance (landless farmers in the village at least 16 years old with agricultural household register) have participated in social security. They can start receive pension when males reach 60 years old and females reach 55.

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Nandian Village resolves the employment of landless villagers, increase the revenue of collective economy and provide convenient service for villagers through self-establishment, buying shares, joint development and other methods. At present, 3 concrete developed integrated auxiliary projects have provided about 150 job opportunities for landless farmers. Another 60 jobs will be offered after overall operation of the project.

Through above relocation measures, affected people can be properly settled in land acquisition relocation. The provision of compensation Analysis of for land acquisition, free social security and jobs makes the loss of income affected people made up. Their subsequent source of income is recovery improved and guaranteed.

Xincheng District Demolition Relocation Office: responsible for the payment of compensation for land acquisition, drawing up recovery measures for production and life at village level and timely supervising and inspecting. Enforcement Nandian Village Committee: responsible for holding villagers’ meting authority and the publicity of various demolition policies.

Xincheng District Labor and Social Security Department: responsible for drawing up insurance policies of implementing social insurance of landless farmers.

Time December 2011 – December 2015 arrangement

Table 6-9 Enforcement Scheme on Production and Life Recovery in Jiuyaozi Village of Kongjiazhuang Town of Wanquan County in Zhangjiakou City

Item Content

There are totally 1062 people in the village, among which total labor Basic village force is 660, agricultural labor force is 275. Agricultural labor force conditions takes up 41.67% of total labor force. There are totally 220 mu of arable land in the village. Impacts of There are 41 people from 11 affected households in the village. Per land capita arable land of the village before land acquisition is 0.21 mu, requisition acquired arable land is 68 mu, the proportion of land acquisition is

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30.91% and per capita arable land after land acquisition is 0.15 mu. Since 385 people in the village work outside for ages, their source of income no longer depends on land. Subsequent source of income of affected people engaging in agricultural production shall be resolved through purchasing social security, training and other employment promotion measures. In project design stage, the village holds villagers’ congress to discuss Consultation relocation measures after knowing well about land acquisition. With and decision project development, the village holds many consultative conferences in various forms and finally forms the preliminary relocation scheme. After land acquisition, the village prepares to allocate 80% of the compensation for land acquisition to each farmer household. Upon the consultation of villagers’ meeting, the rest 20% will be kept in the village for public welfare activities. Purchase social safeguard after land requisition. The land lost peasants shall be compensated according to the Implementation Methods of Land Requisitioned Peasants Endowment in Zhangjiakou City. The current specific social safeguard expenses and compensations have not been calculated, and the local governments have promised to make a calculation according to the current year economic indicator as soon as possible and carry out social safeguard for land lost peasants.  Relocation department will also provide free vocational training for villagers with labor capacity. Since the village is close to Resettlement Zhangjiakou City and Wanquan County, it has the advantage and measures convenience for the export of labor service. Employment settlement fund is arranged to pay for vocational training and job introduction of landless farmers. Employment enforcement scheme is drawn up by the Social Program Bureau in development zone. Encourage landless farmers to engage in individual operation. Preferential Certificate for Ventures of Landless Farmers is issued for landless farmers engaging  Arable land increased after the Department of Agricultural organizes and supports the “reform of median and low yield farmland” through transforming dry farmland to paddy field and changing low yield farmland to high yield field; arable land increased after the development of rural slope land with a gradient of lower than 25°. Develop new arable land through using the dynamic balance fee of the project. Allocate the land of villagers working outside for ages within rural collective to farmers requiring more land for agricultural production through land subcontracting. Through above relocation measures, affected people can be properly Analysis of settled in land acquisition relocation. The provision of compensation income for land acquisition, free social security and jobs makes the loss of recovery affected people made up. Their subsequent source of income is improved and guaranteed.

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Wanquan County Demolition Relocation Office: responsible for the payment of compensation for land acquisition, drawing up recovery measures for production and life at village level and timely supervising and inspecting. Enforcement authority Jiuyaozi Village Committee: responsible for holding villagers’ meting and the publicity of various demolition policies. Wanquan County Labor and Social Security Department: responsible for drawing up insurance policies of implementing social insurance of landless farmers. Time December 2011 – December 2013 arrangement

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Table 6-10 Enforcement Scheme on Production and Life Recovery in Xinyaozi Village of Kongjiazhuang Town of Wanquan County in Zhangjiakou City

Item Content There are totally 1179 people in the village, among which total labor Basic village force is 788, agricultural labor force is 397. Agricultural labor force conditions takes up 88.45% of total labor force. There are totally 210 mu of arable land in the village. There are 32 people from 9 affected households in the village. Per capita arable land of the village before land acquisition is 0.18 mu, acquired arable land is 57 mu, the proportion of land acquisition is Impacts of 27.14% and per capita arable land after land acquisition is 0.13 mu. land Since 391 people in the village work outside for ages, their source of requisition income no longer depends on land. Subsequent source of income of affected people engaging in agricultural production shall be resolved through purchasing social security, training and other employment promotion measures. In project design stage, the village holds villagers’ congress to discuss Consultation relocation measures after knowing well about land acquisition. With and decision project development, the village holds many consultative conferences in various forms and finally forms the preliminary relocation scheme. After land acquisition, the village prepares to allocate 80% of the Resettlement compensation for land acquisition to each farmer household. measures Upon the consultation of villagers’ meeting, the rest 20% will be kept in the village for public welfare activities. Purchase social safeguard after land requisition. The land lost peasants shall be compensated according to the Implementation Methods of Land Requisitioned Peasants Endowment in Zhangjiakou City. The current specific social safeguard expenses and compensations have not been calculated, and the local governments have promised to make a calculation according to the current year economic indicator as soon as possible and carry out social safeguard for land lost peasants.

World Bank Loan Project 139 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development

 Relocation department will also provide free vocational training for villagers with labor capacity. Since the village is close to Zhangjiakou City and Wanquan County, it has the advantage and convenience for the export of labor service. Employment settlement fund is arranged to pay for vocational training and job introduction of landless farmers. Employment enforcement scheme is drawn up by the Social Program Bureau in development zone. Encourage landless farmers to engage in individual operation. Preferential Certificate for Ventures of Landless Farmers is issued for landless farmers engaging in individual operation to enjoy policy preferences according to national preferential policy for the reemployment of laid-off workers. Enterprises recruit landless farmers through referring to the method of recruiting urban paid-off workers and offer policy and tax preferences when certain proportion is reached. Social Program Bureau actively organizes the export of labor service, settle the employment of landless farmers and provide free training for them.  Arable land increased after the Department of Agricultural organizes and supports the “reform of median and low yield farmland” through transforming dry farmland to paddy field and changing low yield farmland to high yield field; arable land increased after the development of rural slope land with a gradient of lower than 25°. Develop new arable land through using the dynamic balance fee of the project. Allocate the land of villagers working outside for ages within rural collective to farmers requiring more land for agricultural production through land subcontracting. Through above relocation measures, affected people can be properly Analysis of settled in land acquisition relocation. The provision of compensation income for land acquisition, free social security and jobs makes the loss of recovery affected people made up. Their subsequent source of income is improved and guaranteed. Wanquan County Demolition Relocation Office: responsible for the payment of compensation for land acquisition, drawing up recovery measures for production and life at village level and timely supervising and inspecting. Enforcement authority Xinyaozi Village Committee: responsible for holding villagers’ meting and the publicity of various demolition policies. Wanquan County Labor and Social Security Department: responsible for drawing up insurance policies of implementing social insurance of landless farmers. Time December 2011 – December 2013 arrangement

6.2.7 Recovery of Temporary Land

Temporary land in this project is mostly waste land, which takes up 99.24% of total temporary land. Only 12.3 mu of arable land of 9 households are acquired as temporary land. 95% of temporary land is in Inner Mongolia.

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After project completion, construction organization of the project will recover temporary land to the condition before land use and return it to land owners. The land which cannot be recovered to the condition before land use shall be compensated and acquired through consultation with land owners or owners of land use right according to the standard for permanent land acquisition.

6.3 Demolition and Relocation Planning 6.3.1 Relocation Planning for Households Affected by Demolition

There are 1035 rural households and 3498 people affected by demolition along the line; those affected in city amount to 43 households, 133 people. The housing demolition and relocation planning is applicable to both the rural and urban demolition in this project. The survey found that 43 urban households are urbanized residents change from rural registration of urban fringe zone, and the housing situation and the located region is completely same with the surrounding rural housing. So there will no separate introduction for the survey, compensation standard, relocation program in this project, for they will be same with that of rural housing. Households from Nandian village in Hohhot and Economic and Technological Development Zone in Ulan Qab, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region choose the method of local housing for reconstruction and relocation. The rest affected areas will make self- scattered relocation. (1) Centralized Relocation Through the survey and interview with affected households, specific situation of relocation place with their agreement and local condition for centralized relocation is as follows: Local relocation neighborhoods of Nandian Village and New Binhe Village in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region:

Nandian Village adopts overall local relocation. Its Village Committee establishes Inner Mongolia Nanpu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and has executed the construction of villagers’ local relocation neighborhoods (Binhe village) in April, 2006. The neighborhoods that locates in the north of Haidong Road and the east of Donghe River covers an area of 800 mu, planning construction area of 560 thousand m 2 with a total investment of 1.1 billion. 2300 households can be relocated here and the project will be finished in 2012; Villagers local relocation neighborhoods centered on multi-storey mode will have rise block built along the street. Five types of flat including 88.2m 2〔93.6 m 2〔103.5 m 2〔116 m 2〔117.8 m2 are provided for villagers. Auxiliary facilities constituted by living and

World Bank Loan Project 141 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development business service aspect are separately including health care station, elderly activity station, police room etc. and kindergarten, commercial pedestrian street, community service shop, etc. 40 thousand m 2 has been finished at present and the rest 160 thousand m 2 is planned to be constructed in 2011. All households agree to move in local relocation neighborhoods of Binhe New Village for its beautiful environment and convenient facilities.

77 rural households with 279 people and 12 urban households with 38 people in Xincheng District (Nandian Village) of Hohhot need to be relocated. As the involved urban households are residents changed from rural registration because of previous land acquisition and their located region and housing situation is completely same with other rural households, so the overall relocation way is no different with others. According to the will of households, relocation shall be made with the standard of 35 m 2 per capita for households. If the original per capita area is over 35 m 2, the compensation for the excess area shall based on 1050 Yuan/ m 2 for masonry and brick structure and 1030 Yuan/ m 2 for civil. Local relocation neighborhoods of Charhar Economic and Technological Development Zone in Ulan Qab of Inner Mongolia: There are 545 households with 1834 people in Charhar economic and technological development center in Ulan Qab of Inner Mongolia, which takes up 62% of the total affected households in Inner Mongolia. Combined the will of people affected by demolition with local planning, relocation shall be made through the way of “Demolish one, return pay one” for house restitution. 1. Basic situation of relocation neighborhoods is: In 2011, development zone has prepared 3 local relocation neighborhoods in planning area for households in this area. These neighborhoods are including Zhanggaiying local relocation neighborhoods with an area of 800 thousand m 2 in business region and two local relocation neighborhoods cover an area of 200 thousand m 2 in Saihan Industrial Park. The above three local relocation neighborhoods that locate on the west of Pinghai Road and the north of Ulan Qab Road hold excellent geographical position that is convenient for villagers’ life and education of their children, etc. The construction of roads and auxiliary facilities in the neighborhoods are invested by the government of development zone. 2. Standard and Price of Relocation Houses Planned to Be Built (1) The structure of relocation house shall be multi-storey residence with masonry structure.

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(2) Area of flat type: security flat type with construction area of about 40~50 m2, local relocation multiple flats of 60 m 2, 70 m 2, 80 m 2, 90 m 2, and 100 m 2. After widespread consultation with households in demolition region, the decided flat type and area in demolition relocation agreement signed by management committee of development zone and households shall prevail. (3) Newly build affordable housing. The outdoor structure shall be built based on planning requirement, the unit and individual family shall use security door, and the indoor ground shall be cement cushion.

3. The replacement area shall be determined based on the construction area of demolished main house confirmed by relevant department. Replace it according to the principle of “remove one and pay one”, the grade of demolished house can be improved a bit according to the replaced area of main house, the improved area within 20 m 2 (including 20 m 2) can be purchased according to the price of affordable house (1350Yuan/ m 2), the part excesses the improved area shall be paid according to the market price at that year. As equal-area replacement has been made for the original demolition area of houses through replacement, 20 m 2 that is sold at the price of affordable house here is owing to the care policy for households. Households can buy according to their will and purchasing capability.

4. According to the relocation order, households can freely choose the building No., unit, storey and room. 5. According to this method, make relocation with various channel and form for households living in poverty. 6. Relocation Standard of monetary compensation: Households who disagree with house replacement can get currency compensation. The compensation standard shall be determined by current market valuation. As most original houses of households in development zone were old brick houses, the structure of houses is greatly enhanced by demolition and equal-area house replacement of this project, the situation of surrounding infrastructure also gets improved. Besides, as there are many flat types provided in relocation neighborhoods, lots of residents incline to choose multiple relocation houses with different areas, and the surplus houses can be rent for increasing family income based on the dwelling reality of individual family. (2) Scattered Relocation Apart from the above relocation made for households in Nandian Village of Hohhot and Charhar Economic Development Zone through local relocation

World Bank Loan Project 143 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development neighborhoods, the rest people affected by demolition choose the way of monetary compensation and self-scattered relocation. Households will get monetary compensation according to the compensation standard listed in Table 5-6, see details in the statement of related to replacement possibility of compensation standard. Receive transition fee, moving fee and relocation incentive fee and other fees based on the listed standard in Table 5-8 to ensure the successful transition of households. Option and Standard of Immigrant Building Base

New house land required for house reconstruction shall be allocated to moving family by their villages for free, these families have no need to pay for lands regarding to new house land. The area of new house land shall be equal at least with original area. The affected rural residents all adopt nearest relocation way of their villages. Most of them agree to use the degraded slope lands near to the adjacent roads in their villages and near the current relevant centralized resident site for scattered housing and try to avoid occupying farmland. The place of new house land shall be agreed by village community and households. Rural households usually like to build new houses in where the transportation is convenient, such as on either side of roads or village path. The village will try to satisfy their will to make rural households freely choose specific address within the scope of provided housing land. If collective land in this village is required by building new houses, the villager himself shall make application, get permission of villager conference, be inspected by Village Committee, verified by township leveled government, and approved by county leveled government.

Land leveling and infrastructure planning A. Land leveling for house base

Most of the farmers are resettled separately, so the resettled farmers shall choose sloping land within their village or other villages. Generally, the base land with good geology shall be built after leveling. Those affected farmers will choose those centralized allocation confirmed by new country planning, and the resettlement department will be responsible for leveling, road construction and utility. Meanwhile, affected people can also choose dispersive allocation to build

World Bank Loan Project 144 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development their house and they should level land by themselves, which shall be supported by the construction unit responsible for the section. B. Facilities

♦ Water supply: According to existing conditions to affected residents, the water shall be provided by existing water supply network or digging well by themselves.

♦ Power supply: connecting to existing power supply facilities by 220Kv poles.

♦ Road: villages shall be responsible for arranging the new house to locate near existing roads and centralized residents point avoiding road construction additionally, and it will improve transportation conditions for those live separately.

♦ Broadcast and TV: relocated people can receive broadcast signal by existing facilities, meanwhile, they can reinstall their original TV facilities or use existing facilities to receive TV signal in the resettlement area.

♦ Hospital and School: In principle, the relocated people shall be resettled to centralized resident point and after allocation; they can use existing school and health facilities, so that improving their hospital and school conditions.

Housing reconstruction

The time needed for construction of the new houses is about 3-5 months. The construction of the new houses will be carried out by the villagers. Generally, they will entrust the construction work to a local businessman. Villagers can salvage construction materials from their original houses without charge. There will be no deduction of expenses from their compensation. Compensation to orginal houses shall be paid directly to peasants before resettlement by the resettlement department of the county government.

The principle is that new houses are to be constructed before the demolition of the old ones. If demolition is carried out prior the construction of the new house, it will be necessary to provide village households will transition subsidies.

If villagers would like to enlarge the area or raise the standards of the new houses, they will have to make payment for the additional costs; based on their

World Bank Loan Project 145 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development financial situations, villagers are to decide for themselves whether or not to enlarge the area or raise the standard of quality of the houses.

Labor costs and expenses for construction materials are included in the compensation for demolition. Villagers who are to construct new houses can select: 1) enlarge the area of the house and raise the level of comfort; 2) construct new houses that are of the same area, quality and standard as the previous ones and the remaining compensation can be used in other ways. The location of the new house can be negotiated between the villager and villages or village groups. Nevertheless, the new residential plot will be provided by the village to the villager without charge.

It will motivate the affected families that reconstruction of new houses is completed by themselves after they get the compensation. The families can take many ways to control and reduce cost, such as getting help from relatives and friends, utilizing original housing materials and local materials.

6.3.2 Relocation Planning for Affected Enterprises and Public Institutions

For involved affected enterprises, project owners and local demolition department have made a field survey and interviewed with enterprises owners and employee representatives to learn affected people’s views on demolition and selection on relocation way. All affected stakeholders agree to support the demolition of this project providing reasonable compensation standard and relocation has been realized. There are 34 enterprises and public institutions affected by the project. The area of removed houses amounts to 12, 4052 m 2, among which factory buildings cover 85883 m 2, bungalows cover 2,8358.76 m 2, storied houses cover 5498 m 2, and starter homes cover 4312 m 2, the land covered is 191.51 mu with 6729m enclosing walls, 10682 m 2 hardened ground and 11 wells. There are 7 enterprises make partial demolition. 4 of these 7 enterprises have specified that partial demolition scope only involve in enclosing walls without any influence to normal operation. There are 1763 people (all are contract workers) and 10 casual workers in those affected enterprises and public institutions. Apart from the 326 workers of 4 enterprises that only involved in demolition of enclosing walls, the actual affected workers amount to 1477. 16 of 34 affected enterprises

World Bank Loan Project 146 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development are inclined to choose monetary compensation for relocation and the rest 18 enterprises choose reconstruction. Principle of Relocation

1. If land used by households is the transferring one, relocation shall be made by swap way used for industrial land property right, if it is the renting land, compensation shall be made for the loss caused by breach of contract.

2. Compensation for buildings of households: The value of ever-existed buildings shall be evaluated by valuation institutions based on replacement cost method in order to define compensation fee (see details in related to compensate enterprise demolition)

3. The value of equipment and auxiliary facilities of households shall be evaluated by valuation institution through replacement cost method, and compensation fee of equipment and these facilities cannot be moved shall be defined by its assessed value, and demolition compensation fee for those can be moved shall be defined by valuation.

4. Compensation or demolition compensation fee of young crops on the ground shall be defined by valuation;

5. If demolition cause households meet production suspension, the remover shall make 3 months’ compensation for personnel suffered suspension of business with the local minimum wage standard according to the personnel number registered by the remover in labor and social security agencies. For households suffered production suspension, one-time economy compensation shall be made by 3 times of monthly average profits after tax at the year with maximum profits filed in tax authorities in 3 years before removed. And subsidy shall be offered in the demolition of factory and office housing.

6. With respect to households who moved in relocation areas, the declared projects that satisfy conditions of state, autonomous, city and county leveled special funds and discount loans can be arranged and supported with priority since the day they stationed in industrial park and went into operation ;

7. Households that moved in relocation areas will enjoy all preferential investment policies made by every relocation area.

8. Enterprises that agree with reconstruction shall be aided by their will to arrange affected workers to get employment. City, county, township and village leveled governments shall assist these affected enterprises to reconstruct and

World Bank Loan Project 147 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development resume production, guide and aid them to choose new places. Enterprises can freely choose to move in local industrial park or stay in the town or collective land of their villages to find new places by their will and local planning; Private enterprises usually rent collective village land, they can still rent it in the local area or other places to re-establish factories or other companies after receiving compensation fee.

9. Regarding to enterprises that have no plan for reconstruction, they and relocation department shall notify employees the relocation way of enterprises 6 months in advance for employees to re-get employment. And free training and recommendation for employment that is offered shall be filed in local employment security plan and realized by local labor employment service department. Enterprises with No Influence on Normal Operation During Demolition

4 in 35 affected enterprises and public institutions only involved in demolition of enclosing walls and other few attachments have no influence in normal operation. These four companies are Suxin Alloy Co., Ltd., Zhongtian Alloy Co., Ltd. of Zhuozi County, Xingyong Carbon Co., Ltd. of Xinghe County in Ulan Qab and Hengtai Building Materials Co., Ltd. of Charhar Right Front Banner. There are 326 employees in these four enterprises. Enterprises Adopting Monetary Relocation

16 enterprises adopt monetary relocation (see details in Table 6-11), among which are 4 enterprises only involved in demolition on enclosing walls have no influence on normal operation stated in Henceforth, enterprises that are actually affected but volunteer to adopt monetary relocation amount to 12, with affected 121 workers. Such enterprises are all individual and private enterprises with employees no more than 20, the scale is small and the operation status is not good. So enterprise owners volunteer to adopt monetary relocation with no reconstruction. With respect to workers of those enterprises have no plans for reconstruction, relocation department and enterprises will notify them the relocation way of enterprises 6 months in advance, and offer 3 months’ wages as transition fee for the convenience of workers to get employment. As demand generally exceeds supply in local labor employment market at present, the employees under the survey also reflect new jobs can be found in other enterprises since the former enterprise closed. Meanwhile, the notice given in

World Bank Loan Project 148 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development advance and offered transition fee provide them plenty of time to prepare for their satisfied jobs.

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Table 6-11 Enterprises requesting monetary compensation Province/Autonomous Company Demolished Land staff Demolition Rsettlement No City County/district Type Region name area area number conditions approach Zhangjiakou ChengxinBoiler Private Monetary 1 Hebei Province 1632 2.93 12 Total city Factory enterprises compensation Gaoxin District Lishouyi Private Mone 2 400 0.6 3 Total Warehouse enterprises compensation Haiqiang Monetary 3 Machine Individual 787 1.57 10 Total compensation Facotry Wanquan Xingye Coal County Mining Monetary 4 Individual 432 0.65 11 Total Production Co., compensation Ltd Hongsheng Agricultural Monetary 5 Huai'an County Products Co., Private 242 0.36 12 Total compensation Ltd in Huai'an County Zhangjia Monetary 6 Jinqiancheng Private 605 0.91 13 Total compensation Gas Station Ketai Animal Pharmaceutical Monetary 7 Co., Ltd in Private 0 1.5 20 Total compensation Zhangjiakou City

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Lianyi Industrial and Monetary 8 Commercial Private 666 3.24 10 Total compensation Co., Ltd in Huai'an County Partially (passing through its Inner Mongolia Xingyong Coal Private vegetation Monetary 9 Xinghe County 0 2.26 Autonomous Region Company enterprises zone, little compensation impct, no reconstruction needed  Wulanchabu Hengtai Partially City Chahaer Construction Monetary 10 Private 0 0 (only fence Youyiqianqi Materials compensation demolished) Market Partially State Monetary 11 Suxin Alloy 0 0 (only fence owned compensa demolished Zhuozi County Partially Zhongtian State Monetary 12 0 0 (only fence Alloy owned compensation demolished Xingda Monetary 13 Hohhot City Saihan District Breeding Private 7000 10.5 6 Total compensation Factory 

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Jiamingliang Breeding Monetary 14 Private 1500 2.25 6 Partially Factory in compensation Saihan District Fuyu Breeding Monetary 15 Private 8000 12 12 Total Factory compensation Fushi Mine in the Monetary 16 Saihan District, 7000 9.75 6 Total collective compensation Yulin Town Total 28264 48.52 121

World Bank Loan Project 152 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development Enterprises Adopting Reconstruction Relocation

18 enterprises in this project agree to make reconstruction and relocation, among which are 12 enterprises in Zhangjiakou, 3 enterprises of Charhar Right Front Banner in Ulan Qab, and 3 enterprises in Hohhot. The specific reconstruction and relocation measures are as follows:

Relocation measures for enterprises in Zhangjiakou

Demolition enterprises involved in Zhangjiakou are mainly for small and medium sized machinery processing. They move in industrial park by bundling way after demolition with government coordination. All enter to Xishan Industry Cluster Zone based on industry category. Located in Xishan industrial zone of Shangying Village in Wanquan County of Zhangjiakou, Xishan Industry Cluster Zone with a total area of 50 sq km is a provincial industrial cluster zone approved by Hebei People’s Government. It centers on developing three leading industries including machinery and equipment manufacturing, food processing and modern logistics with water and energy conservation and low pollution in order to build national first-class machinery and equipment manufacturing base and modernized industrial city. 1.8 billion Yuan has been invested for infrastructure construction in cluster zone until the May in 2009. And the finished area and that in construction covers an area of 20 sq km, over 70 enterprises have been established and put into production, 29 projects have been signed and started construction, total investment of over 10 billion Yuan has been put by enterprises. On the whole, Xishan Industry is the most attractive investment area in Zhangjiakou for its advantages in policy, geography, transportation, industry base, infrastructure and wide investment space. 12 enterprises required to be reconstructed together with their employees shall receive physical loss compensation and compensation for loss caused by suspension of production and relocation cost based on the above compensation principle in; the removed land shall adopt equal-area property right replacement way. All affected employees will resume the work here after enterprises are reconstructed. As all losses received reasonable compensation and owing to the superior investment environment in Xishan Industry Cluster Zone, the demolition enterprises in this project are satisfied with the reconstruction and relocation in Xishan Industry Cluster Zone.

Relocation Measures for Enterprises of Charhar Right Front Banner in Hohhot and Ulan Qab of Inner Mongolia

As the land area is wide in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, all 6 enterprises required to be reconstructed can find their satisfied addresses for reconstruction

World Bank Loan Project 153 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development with the aid of local government. Government officers in Hohhot hope and support enterprises to make local reconstruction, and offer complete compensation for losses of enterprises and their employees based on the above enterprise demolition and relocation principle in Affected employees will receive compensation for shutdown based on local minimum wage standard, and resume the work after enterprises are reconstructed. Enterprises in Hohhot adopt reconstruction amount to 3, all are brick factories with original factory buildings are village collective land being rent. After demolition, with the coordination with local government, they reconstruct on new places being re- rent in the town or on village collective land. 3 companies required to be reconstructed by Charhar Right Front Banner are all commercial logistics category. After receiving the compensation based on the above enterprise demolition and relocation principle in, they will make reconstruction at other positions on the original area. As commerce and industry development of Inner Mongolia is at underdeveloped stage, so local government supports and welcomes the reconstruction of such medium sized production and commercial enterprises, and can assist them to find relocation places that satisfy relocation requirements. 6.4 Affected Infrastructures Resettlement Plan

Basic infrastructures such as water conservancy, electricity, roads and etc affected by the construction will be rehabilitated by the borrower according to the principle of "beneficial to local living and convenient for local living" and practical circumstances.

There are many different types of basic infrastructures and their auxiliary components affected by the Line. They include communication lines, power supply lines, roads, irrigation facilities, drainage systems and etc. When basic infrastructures are affected, the construction party will carry out reparations on the facilities or negotiate appropriate compensation with the service facilities provider or representative organizations. During the design of construction plans, the project owner will determine, together with local governments and affected people, and according to actual on-site survey, the rehabilitation methods of basic infrastructures. When the project construction is completed and is to be submitted for approval and acceptance, the rehabilitation of basic infrastructures will be one of the necessary conditions.

The rehabilitation of basic infrastructures affected by the project will be carried out according to the following 3 measures:

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♦ To be directly rehabilitated by contractors during construction of the railway, for example, village roads, agricultural water channels and etc;

♦ The railway line will finance professional teams to carry out relocation for communication facilities, electrical facilities and etc;

♦ For some basic public infrastructures such as drinking water towers, illuminating lines and etc, the railway line will make cash compensation to the affected parties. The rehabilitation will be carried out by the affected parties.

6.5 Resettlement of Vulnerable Groups

For especially impoverished population, single parent households managed by women, Old and elderly people, disabled or sick people with no working capacity and ethnic minorities not living in communities, they will receive fair compensation and resettlement according to regulations and policies, which include relocation subsidies, subsidies for resettlement of labors, social security subsidies for farmers who lost and etc.

Governments of all levels will provide prompt and positive assistance when resettlement of vulnerable groups is difficult. Special attention and assistance will be provided by village committees, governments of townships and project offices to households with financial difficulties, disabled people and five- guarantee households and etc when they are required to relocate. There are 4 “Five Guarantees”, 3 households with disabled people, 25 poor households, and 3 households with women in charge. The above vulnerable groups are mainly affected by land acquisition, the lands affected by land acquisition amounts to 0.1-0.2 mu, and the farmland area per capita after land acquisition is over 1 mu. As for families involved in land acquisition, land acquisition in the project has no negative effects on their work and life but increase their economic income and deposit to some extent because poverty is mainly caused by inadequate strong labors and general idle lands. 2 households are affected by demolition. As compensation funds meet replacement standard and Huai’an County government in Zhangjiakou where these two poor households affected by demolition locate in will also carry out obligations to offer labors and funds to assist in reconstruction, if there is some difficulty for these two households in housing reconstruction. Civil administration departments in affected areas have already incorporated the above Five Guarantees, disabled people, poor households and families with

World Bank Loan Project 155 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 6 Resettlement and Livelihood Development women in charge into the local minimum living standard security system, and have offered minimum living security for them every month. 6.6 Women Development Plan With respect to the survey, decision process, compensation funds allocation related to levy and demolition involved in the project, and the offered job opportunities after completion, women enjoy equal engagement and sharing rights with men. Firstly, women are members in every Village Committee, and they enjoy the equal engagement rights with men in villager conference and villager council. Secondly, women’s opinions received understanding and consideration in relevant opinion poll related to land acquisition and demolition; Thirdly, women enjoy equal sharing and allocation rights in future compensation for land acquisition and demolition; Fourthly, women with wills of getting employment will be preferentially considered for job opportunities offered during project construction and project completed, meanwhile, they enjoy local employment training and recommendation rights.

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Chapter 7 Resettlement Implementation Plan

7.1 Implementation Procedures

A Land Acquisition and Compensation

Collaboration between relevant agencies is needed during land acquisition and resettlement. Detailed procedures are as follows:

a) the scope and the amount of land requisition should be decided by the land requisition scope map formulated by the China Railway Consulting Group.

b) the preparatory group of the Jihui Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Company will apply to the land management departments for land acquisition right.

c) confirmation of acquisition application;

d) the preparatory group of the Jihui Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Company will consult with relevant land management department for issues on land application; both sides will sign a land acquisition contract; the land management department will grant land use right to the company.

e) Local land management departments have field confirmation of the scope and the amount of land acquisition.

f) Local land management departments sign a land acquisition contract with the village and township committee.

g) allocation of compensation;

h) legal procedures;

i) commencement of land acquisition.

B production restoration and compensation payment

Resettlement and production rehabilitation will be implemented by the village committee. The working procedures are as follows:

I) holding a village assembly and discussing the resettlement plan with village representatives;

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II) publicizing the resettlement plan to solicit the views of all villagers;

III) payment of compensation

C house demolition and reconstruction

It is found out from the survey that the 43 urban households are all residents changing from rural residenceship into urban residenceship, and their housing conditions and located areas being totally similar with surrounding rural houses. Therefore, their houses are treated samely without special explanation.

The procedure of house relocation and reconstruction:

a) the China Railway Consulting will decide the scope of house demolition.

b) local governments hold field investigations of the number and quality of houses to be demolished.

c) local governments consult with the village and town committees on the compensation standards; agreement on the compensation standards is signed;

d) local governments and the village and town committees sign a contract on house demolition compensation.

e) town resettlement groups publicize the amount of the demolition of houses, compensation standards and demolition date and solicit the views of the relocatees;

f) town resettlement group, village, village group and relocatees sign a demolition contract.

g) town or district committees distribute the homestead land to the relocatees;

h) relocatees obtain compensation fee;

i) relocatees build new houses and move in new homes.

j) relocatees demolish their old houses.

World Bank Loan Project 158 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 7 Resettlement Implementation Plan

7.2 schedule

The schedule of land acquisition and resettlement depends on that of the railway construction. The following principles should be followed:

I) Housing demolition will be carried out by stage, but it must be completed before the starting of the stage’s construction. Specific demolition schedule is in accordance with the speed of project construction.

II) the notice of demolition should be given to the relocatees at least 3 months in advance. Thus, the relocatees could have at least 3 months to reconstruct their homes. The relocatees can stay in their old house before the new one is constructed.

III) the duration of the relocatees’ reconstruction may be extended if necessary;

IV) land acquisition should be completed before the construction of the Railway Line starts;

V) labor employment is completed before land acquisition;

The construction period of this project is about 4 years. Land acquisition and demolition start from the beginning of 2012 and finish in the end of 2013. Specific schedule for land acquisition and demolition is in accordance with the speed of project construction. Details are shown in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 Schedule for Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Activity Participants Time Project feasibility study China Railway Engineering Consulting Group July 2009-May report preparation and Co., Ltd 2010 modification Local natual land management agency, Detailed planning for local project management office, compensation and township committee, village committee, demolished households, August- resettlement (including railway construction unit, Ministry of September, 2010 new homestead land)); Railways, China Railway Engineering project staff training Consulting Group Co., Ltd

Confirmation of Planned August- expropriated Land September, 2010 (including temporary Local natual land management agency, local project management office,

World Bank Loan Project 159 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 7 Resettlement Implementation Plan land acquisition) local project management office, township committee, village committee, railway construction unit

Investigation and confirmation of demolished land China Railway Engineering Consulting August- (including housing Group Co., Ltd September, 2010 appendages); investigation of the resettlement Local natual land management agency, Consultation meeting and local project management office, August- resettlement meeting are township committee, village September, 2010 held committee, demolished households, consultants Land requisition plan pre- January-May Land Resources Department approval 2010 Local natual land management agency, local project management office, Publicity of the resettlement township committee, village November, 2011 plan to the relocatees committee, demolished households, railway construction unit

The signing of land Government railway office, Local land acquisition contract and management department, township January-June, resettlement contract committee, village committee, relocated 2012 with villages and relocated households households railway construction unit, Government Allocation of railway office, affected villages, January-June, compensation relocated households, infrastructure- 2012 affected agency relocated households, railway January- Resettlement and construction unit, Government railway reconstruction December, 2012 office, land demolition affected villages relocated households, township June 2012- Rehabilitation of committee, village committee, railway production and living December 2014 construction unit, affected households Data source: government document and project feasiblity study

World Bank Loan Project 160 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 7 Resettlement Implementation Plan

7.3 The appropriation of money 7.3.1 Principle for appropriation

A. All costs associated with land acquisition and resettlement will be included in the total estimated cost of the project. The compensation fees and other costs will be delivered from the Commanding Headquarter Group of the Key Project Office of Jilin Province to local Project Coordination Offices. Through them, the money will be allocated to relevant units and personnel;

B. Housing compensation will be paid to the relocated households before their reconstruction. The payment will be given in several phases;

C. Compensation for other facilities will be paid 3 months prior to the acquisition

D. project management departments at all levels should establish their own finance institution in order to supervise the appropriation of all the funds and ensure all compensations are allocated rightly.

7.3.2. Authorities responsible for the management of funds

A. The authorities responsible for the management of land acquisition compensation include provincial or municipal resettlement office, county or district coordination office, and village committee.

B. The authorities responsible for the management of resettlement compensation include provincial or municipal resettlement office and county or district coordination office.

C. all the compensation is allocated from higher authority to lower authority. Authorities at all levels should enforce the financial settlement and audit seriously. They should keep regular inspection and reporting on the allocation and use of funds. Besides, they should react to eventualities and bring up effective remedial measures as soon as possible so as to ensure the normal allocation and use of money.

World Bank Loan Project 161 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 7 Resettlement Implementation Plan 7.3.3. Funds Flow

A. In accordance with established compensation policy and compensation standards, the project commanding headquarter group will coordinate with the district or county coordination office (Resettlement Office). Both sides will sign the "Housing Demolition Agreement" and "Land Acquisition Agreement".

B. The project commanding headquarter group will sign a compensation agreement with the village where there are relocatees.

C. The project commanding headquarter group will grant the approved compensation through banks to district or county resettlement office within the agreed period of time. Then, district or county resettlement office will reallocate the money to the relocates.

D. The project commanding headquarter group will grant the compensation for young crops to district or county resettlement office according to the agreement. Then, district or county resettlement office will reallocate the money to the relocates.

The process of funds flow is shown in Figure 1.

World Bank Loan Project 162 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 7 Resettlement Implementation Plan

Compensation for land Affected village or District acquisition household Or Counry Resettlement fee Resettle Affected household -ment Compensation for young Office Affected household crops and ground

attachments The proj Compensation for housing Affected household ect and auxiliary facilities com man Affected household Compensation for ding temporary acquisition head quar Affected household ter Relocation subsidy grou p Affected household Compensation for Of or enterprise business loss Jilin Prov incia Design and planning fee l Design institution Proj ect Offi Planning agency Resettlement planning fee ce

Monitor and assessment fee Supervision agency and assessment agency

Skill training fee Skill training institution

Implementation and Management fee Resettlement institution

Fig 1 Funds Flow

World Bank Loan Project 163 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 8 Organization Structure

Chapter 8 Organization Structure

8.1 Organization framework

The Ministry of Railways, as the project owner, will shoulder a major responsibility on the resettlement plan of the project. To complete the work of land acquisition, demolition and resettlement of the project, it is planned to establish a resettlement organization network. The network covers the Ministry of Railway (including all contractors and subordinating entities) and local governmental departments. These organizations include land acquisition demolition teams of all contractors and coordination agency at the different levels of local governments.

Currently, some local governments along the railway line have set up leadership organizations for the railway construction. Local governments of every level expresses that relevant work during the preparation period will be handled by the Development and Reformation Committees of every levels. The local governments will establish offices for supporting the construction work of the railway line or such similar organizations to cooperate and support the construction of the railway line.

Resettlement organizations under implementing organizations include land acquisition and demolition office/preparation group, as well as land acquisition and demolition office of contruction contractors.

Local government departments responsible for resettlement include local people’s government at the provincial, municipal, county and district level, coordination leadership group of key railway projects, development and reform committee/bureau, railway supporting officee, natural land resources bureau, construction bureau, and housing demolition management officee. Detailed and specific responsibilityies shall be finally defined after approval of the project. 8.2 Organization responsibility

Village committee and villagers groups: To implement village-level plans concerning production and living, vocational training of farmers and non- agricultural residents employment under the guidance and supervision on resettlement of the higher and relevant departments.

Township-level resettlement office: To implement the measurement and confirmation of land, houses and attachments and relevant relocations under the

World Bank Loan Project 164 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 8 Organization Structure leadership of the county-level resettlement office; to review, approve and supervise the village-level implementation of plans concerning production and living, social security, agricultural residents changing to non-agricultural residents, vocational training of farmers and non-agricultural residents employment.

County-level resettlement office: Be responsible for the compensation, review and approval of the resettlement location construction plans under the leadership of municipal resettlement office; In charge of the instruction and supervision of village-level implementation of plans concerning production and living, social security, agricultural residents changing to non-agricultural residents, vocational training of farmers and non-agricultural residents employment; at the same time be responsible for the relevant coordination and cooperation issues concerning resettlement during the implementation of the project.

County Land Resources Bureau is responsible for the approval of specific land acquisition, and payment of land acquisition compensation; County Labor and Social Security Bureau is responsible for instructing land acquisition affected villages to make plans concerning production and living, social security, agricultural residents changing to non-agricultural residents, vocational training of farmers and non-agricultural residents employment, and shares the responsibility with the affected villages over implementation of the plans; County Agriculture Bureau is responsible for the agricultural skill training of the land affected people; County Construction Bureau is responsible for the approval of the construction plans of demolition and resettlement, and the supervision of the implementation.

Prefecture and city level resettlement offices are responsible for the land acquisition, demolition, resettlement of resettlers and administration of funds of areas within its jurisdiction. They are also to coordinate and cooperate with the railway line to collect and summarize relevant land acquisition statistics, coordination and administration of any problems regarding the project.

Provincial level resettlement leading group (with team leader who is in charge of the province or appointed person as group leader, team members from Committees of Development and Reformation, Department of Land and Resources, Human Resources, Civil Administration, Electric Power Bureaus, Security Departments, Industrial and Agricultural Departments and etc) are responsible for formulating macro policies, negotiating with the Ministry of

World Bank Loan Project 165 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 8 Organization Structure

Railway, coordinating and cooperating with departments of all levels and formulating the compensation standard.

The Transportation Division of the Provincial Committee of Development and Reformation is the standing department of the government responsible for macro administration. It is responsible for the study of development of transportation and important strategic topics and measures of policies; formulate long-term plans for construction of transportation and economic development, planning of specialized projects and annual plans; approve and report to higher levels on basic transportation projects; examine and supervise collection and usage condition of all transportation funds; responsible for the balance of the capability of different transportation models; coordinate key problems amongst the implementation of transportation plans and etc. The Transportation Division shall be responsible for all kinds of coordination and preparation work during the preparation period of this project.

Land acquisition teams of contractors in every construction section along the railway line are responsible for submitting reports of land acquisition for approval. They are also responsible for reporting daily work and progress of the construction to the Department of Land and Resources, and also handle sudden matters or emergencies. Land acquisition teams of the contractors of the railway line are responsible for planning the use of land for construction. They are also responsible for coordinating work with the Department of Land and Resources and county level Railway—construction Supporting Offices.

Land acquisition office/ preparation team of Huzhang Railway Company of the Ministry of Railways are responsible for land acquisition and resettlement of resettlers of the project; negotiating and corroborating with provincial levels Committees of Development and Reformation/Railway Construction Support Offices; paying for the resettlement funds; and conducting internal monitoring within the construction period of the project.

The Centre of Foreign Capital of the Ministry of Railway will be responsible for coordinating the formulation of the resettlement plan of the project. They are also responsible for the administration work of the socioeconomic survey analysis conducted by consulting professionals and the design institutes. The Centre of Foreign Capital is also responsible for coordinating the submission of monitoring reports to World Bank.

World Bank Loan Project 166 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 8 Organization Structure 8.3 Higher-level coordination

The Centre of Foreign Capital of the Ministry of Railway is a higher coordination organization. It is responsible for relevant work during the preparation stage of the project and resettlement of resettlers. It is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating work during the implementation and after the completion of the project.

The Preparation Team/office of the Line shall carry out responsibilities of the project owner on behalf of the Ministry of Railways. They are to closely corroborate and cooperate with the DRC/Railway Construction Supporting Offices of two provinces; arrange close corroboration work between land acquisition and demolition department with the Railway Construction Supporting Offices, handle matters regarding land acquisition, demolition and resettlement of resettlers. The Preparation Team shall sign the RAP Commitment Agreement with the provincial government on behalf of the Ministry of Railways.

The Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Railway Construction Supporting Offices are responsible for negotiating with the Ministry of Railway on major problems; they are also responsible for formulating macro policies on resettlement of resettlers.

Development and Reform Commission and Railway Construction Supporting Offices of involving cities are responsible for the implementation of the resettlement plan, coordinate administration work and coordination with the railway departments. 8.4 Institutional capability and training

To ensure the implementation of the resettlement and the benefit of the affected population, it is necessary to provide specialized training for the implementing organizations, local Railway Construction Supporting Office and members of other organizations to strengthen their planning and administrating capabilities. The training work will be undertaken by the Preparation Group of Huzhang Railway, under the instruction of the Centre of Foreign Capital of the Ministry of Railway. The qualified experts with the large experience of resettlement action in World Bank projects will be retained as instructors. The trainers can be divided into 2 kinds: one group can be organized for involved personnel of provinces and cities by the 3 provinces themselves; the other group can be organized for involved executors of every county by the county itself before implementation of this project. Main contents of the training include:

World Bank Loan Project 167 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 8 Organization Structure

♦ Relevant state and local laws and regulations regarding land acquisition and immigration ♦ World Bank’s policies and requirements. ♦ RAP ♦ Procedure and experience of resettlement and land acquisition

Through training, officials of governments of prefectures and cities begin to be familiar with requirements of resettlement and compensation policies of World Bank. These officials also clearly know that there is one target reflected from the laws of the People’s Republic of China and World Bank Policies and that is the living standards of the affected people will at least be maintained the same after the construction of the project as prior the construction.

The expense of resettlement organization for governments of all levels can be special management fee of this project, normally 2-3% of the total cost for resettlement. The training fee is also included in the special management fee. Detailed training plan seen in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 Training plan for major staff in resettlement agencies Hosting Time Venue organizati Trainers Participants training programs on Leaders and major staff 1.Laws and responsible for regulations on land resettlement in requisition and Hebei Provincial resettlement at the Government, The national and local Zhangjiakou Zhangjiak Preparatio levels Municipal 2010. ou City, n Group Local 2. policy and Government and 8 Hebei of experts regulations of the affected counties Province Huzhang world bank and districts, as Railway 3. RAP well as those in 4. procedures on railway resettlement commanding

group and

construction companies

World Bank Loan Project 168 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 8 Organization Structure

Leaders and major staff responsible for resettlement in Inner Mongolia 1.Laws and Autonomous regulations on land Region requisition and Government, resettlement at the The Hohhot Hohhot national and local Preparatio Municipal City, Inner levels 2010. n Group Local Government, Mongolia 2. policy and 9 of experts Wulanchabu Autonomo regulations of the Huzhang Banner us Region world bank Railway Government, 3. RAP affected counties 4. procedures on and districts, as resettlement well as those in

railway commanding group and construction companies Data source: project owner and local governments

World Bank Loan Project 169 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation

Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation

9.1 Consultation 9.1.1 Stakeholders Identification of project stakeholders

In accordance with the feasibility study conducted by the China Railway Engineering Design Consultation Group Co.ltd, stakeholders of this project are as follows:

Ministry of Railways:Project owner, funder, and the World Bank loan borrower

The Huzhang Railway Preparation Group: The special project implementation agency set up by the Ministry of Railways

Heibei Provincial Government and Inner Mongolia Autunomous Region Government: one of the project owners, invest with its local fiscal revenue on land acquisition, demolition and resettlement

Project-affected cities, counties / districts and township governments: be responsible for the specific implementation of land acquisition, removal and resettlement in respective areas;

World Bank: provide loans for the project;

Project-affected enterprises and institutes: refer to project-affected enterprises, institutions and commercial shops, etc.;

Project-affected villages and individuals: include village collectives and individuals affected by the land acquisition, demolition and resettlement;

Constructor: the project contractor responsible for the construction of the project. Analyses on major stakeholders

Ministry of Railways

The Ministry of Railways is the highest administrative department in charge of the construction, development, operation and management of China's national

World Bank Loan Project 170 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation railway transport. In this project, the Ministry of Railways is the main funder as well as the World Bank loan borrower, shouldering the responsibility to supervise and manage the implementation of the project.

Preparation Group of Huzhang Railway Company

The preparation group of Huzhang Railway Company is set up specially by the Ministry of Railways to manage the project. The preparation group is responsible for the project bidding, supervision over the implementation of the project contractor. The group also undertakes the task to coordinate with local governments and relevant agencies to jointly fulfill the land acquisition, demolition and resettlement during the implementation of the project.

Land acquisition, demolition, resettlement and construction are major activities among the functions of the preparation group, which is directly related to the benefits of the project-affected collectives and individuals. The preparation group, on the one hand, must perform its functions to strictly supervise the safety of the project, regulate construction, and protect the production and living facilities of the affected villages and villagers. Once the facilities are used by the project, the organization should ensure that reasonable compensation is made, facilities are returned immediately; once the facilities are damaged they should be compensated accordingly and restored. Moreover, the group, together with the local government, shall properly carry out the land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, and ensure the affected farmers get the full compensation. On the other hand, the group should accept the supervision of the Ministry of Railways, local government and villages along the line; ensure to perform its functions in accordance with national and local policies and regulations; stick to the principle of "unlimited inform and consult in early phase", properly handle all possible problems concerning the rights and interests of the affected villages and villagers along the line during construction, protect the interests of the affected collectives and individuals as well as the project image.

Provincial/Autonomous Region Government

The provincial government and autonomous region government are investors as well as beneficiary of the project, taking its local fiscal revenue on land acquisition, demolition and resettlement as investment. The government not only shoulders the cost of land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, ensures the construction team's implementation, but also shoulders the important duty to protect the rights and interests of the village groups and villagers. Therefore, the government should emphasize the coordination between the constructor and

World Bank Loan Project 171 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation the affected collectives and individuals along the line, and properly solve any possible disputes and conflicts. It should also pay the affected farmers the full compensation of land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, arrange homesteads timely. The government should strengthen communications and coordination and provide proper solutions to sensitive compensation standard problems concerning the vital interests of the affected collectives and individuals; it should attach great importance to any problems left behind in the past and may interfere the current project. Through consultation with relevant parties the government should provide a practical solution and reduce obstacle for the grassroots government.

Affected cities, counties / districts and township governments

Project-affected city, county and township governments are beneficiaries of the project, and also shoulder the territorial responsibility for the preparation and construction in every stage of the project. Their major tasks are to ensure the specific implementation of land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, the release of compensation, to keep order of the construction, to meditate any disputes and conflicts caused by the project, and to maintain local social order, and the rights and interests of affected businesses and residents and so on. Though these governments of different levels enjoy little power but shoulder very important responsibilities. Therefore, on the one hand, they must observe national and local policies and regulations and rightly perform their duties; on the other hand, because they're familiar with local customs and conditions as well as the laws, regulations and policies, they must make full use of these advantages to play their roles in coordination, communication and conflict resolution.

Through field investigation it is found that cadres appointed by government of all levels to assist the project, especially those appointed by the governments they're working in, have very good understanding of the project. They are well aware of potential risks and the difficulties to perform their duties. Besides they have deep understanding of local customs and conditions and are very familiar and trusted by the masses. These are the important precondition for them to do contributions to the project.

World Bank

World Bank is one of the loan providers of the project. Its contribution to the project is not limited to the loans. World Bank will specially set up a team to help owners implement the project and reduce the risks of loans. With its relevant

World Bank Loan Project 172 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation operation policies and extensive experience in international projects, the team will strictly supervise and instruct the preparation, implementation of the project and also the operation and management of the later stages of the project. World Bank insists its security policies be strictly carried out in the whole process, which not only helps improve the standards of the project both in policies and operation, but also plays an important role in reducing the potential risks of the project.

Project-affected villages and individuals:

Project-affected collectives refer to village groups by land acquisition, and enterprises and institutions affected by demolition. Project-affected individuals refer to villagers, urban residents, employees in enterprises and institutions and students affected by the project. The collectives and individuals can continuously enjoy the benefits of the project, such as convenient transportation and local development, and at the same time bear the potential negative impacts of the project directly.

Through field investigation, it is found that residents along the line, particularly rural residents generally have relevant project experience in early stage, and are informed of both positive and negative impacts of the project. They trust local governments and cadres, hoping to solve disputes and conflicts through equal consultation and negotiation. They believe the village committee can represent them, knowing how to protect their own interest through appealing to the government, other legal bodies, having a universal understanding and support of the project. They are generally concerned with the following issues: Can the affected farmers be fully compensated in time? Can homesteads be arranged timely and rightly for the households whose houses are demolished? Will their living standards be maintained and improved? Will relevant information be disclosed timely? Will their suggestion be respected and adopted? Will the project bring any hidden dangers to production and living and so on.


Currently the project is still in the early stage of preparation. The owner said it would carry out public project bidding strictly observing the national and sectoral policies and regulations to ensure the contractor is qualified. It will also strengthen the supervision and management of the contractor. Basing on the principle to benefit the communities and residents, the owner also it will ask the contractor to give priority to local surplus labor in the recruitment and give priority to local resources and products when choosing raw materials.

World Bank Loan Project 173 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation 9.1.2 Stage, methods and contents of public participation

Contents and methods of public participation are respectively reflected through the following ways:

Village level: i) Village group leaders and villager representatives have been involved in investigating and confirming the amount of land to be acquired and the attachments. The participants in these investigations were the household heads, villager representatives, village cadres, the town RSOs, and the railway SDIs; iii) After the investigation is completed, the details of the expected loss of land, buildings, crops, etc. will be verified and confirmed by the affected persons. Compensation agreements will be signed by all the parties concerned with copies retained by the affected households, the RSOs of local governments, and the railway contractors; iii)The location of the new house site has significant impact on the villager’s future life and on his/her other business activities. The villagers usually hope to build their housing on both sides of highways so that they may engage in business. The Project will respect the villagers’ expectations, provide them with opportunities, and allow them a great deal of freedom in choosing new home sites. The Project also will give the affected villages sufficient room for adjustment and amelioration of their moving schedule which will reduce the need for temporary housing. Establishment of a set of monitoring mechanisms is directed against the procedures of practical implementation situateions. Public participation is one of the most important and indispensable steps in the project survey and design. Following training, the project survey and design units will go to the construction sites and conduct in-depth investigations. They hold many types of negotiation and consultation meetings to gather comments and demands on the Project from all parties along the proposed alignment. Through many consultations, including signing contracts with the concerned departments of local governments along the rail line, solutions are found to issues, which must be settled before Project construction begins, such as water supply sources, drainage, sites for fill and disposal of spoil, and stone and sand supply. In addition, the survey and design specialists discuss issues of regional benefit and work out plans to handle these issues. Public participation is also an important aspect of Project evaluation. During compiling of the Resettlement Plan for the project, in-depth investigations were conducted by the Consultant to identify issues of common concern to the affected people. Questionnaire-based surveys and interviews along the rail line were conducted. People from provinces, prefectures, counties, townships and affected villages took part in the investigations and actions, so that they became clear

World Bank Loan Project 174 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation about the Project. The households interviewed were cooperative and provided detailed data on the size of family, the area of household land, household income and expenditure, housing condition and the number of durable items. Households also indicated the impact they expected from land acquisition and housing demolition, and expressed their opinions about resettlement and their attitudes toward construction of the Line. This process will continue for the preparation of detailed resettlement plans and for resettlement implementation. The Project construction process is also the process of public participation. During construction, the rural farmers and urban citizens along the alignment will have job opportunities and participate in the construction. The materials used for the construction may be procured from local sources, which will have a positive impact on the local people, industries and enterprises. During and after the completion of the Project, the monitoring and the appraisal activities will also need public participation, in order to ensure that entitlements have been received as planned. The surveys and assessment for monitoring and appraisal will need public participation and support. As the resettlement census work program is implemented, public participation will be included as a component, that will be followed by continued public participation as a component of the resettlement program, and that will be followed by public participation as a component of the monitoring and evaluation program.

9.1.3 participation in preparation stage Meetings in the Preparatory Stage

Public participation is a major content of RAP. The major participating agency is China Railway Consultation Group. The main participation contents include coordination with local governments and relevant organization, on-site impact surveys, socio-economic surveys and social evaluation. Detailed discussions and coordination are also conducted on project improvement design, impact surveys and restoration measures, which are reflected in the process of coordination. In the process of Jihui railway project planning, many meetings were conducted with the national, provincial and local bureaus, seen in Table 9-1. Meetings are also conducted with representatives of enterprises, who represent those enterprises getting profits from project construction and operation. The most important is the ascertaining of affected villages and urban neighborhoods. Aside from holding conferences with village residents, conferences were also held for representatives of schools and other institutions that may be affected. There were a series of problems that were discussed and evaluated regarding the

World Bank Loan Project 175 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation number of affected people, institutions, schools and enterprises. The extent of impact was also discussed.

In the process of the preparation for land acquisition, housing demolition and resettlement, consultations and meetings have been conducted by the Consultant and will be conducted during the Project’s implementation. Consultations will be mainly held between: MOR and the affected provinces, prefectures and county governments; The railway contractors and prefectures, and county governments along the rail line; The local RSOs, local Bureaus of Land and Resources and the affected villages and groups; The local RSOs, villages/groups and farmer households.

The content of the consultations will mainly involve the compensation standard for land acquisition and building demolition, the location and the means of new building construction, the schedule of removal, the resettlement methods, etc.

In the preparation and implementation stages of land acquisition and building demolition for the Project, the local government and the affected people, the railway support institutions at different levels, the railway sector and the local sectors will constantly hold various types of meetings, including: Villager meetings to be held in the villages or groups; Consultation meetings with the affected families to be held at the county, the township and the village levels; Meetings of the village cadres and villager representatives to be held at the county and the township levels; Negotiation meetings on the resettlement plans to be held between the project management office at the county and the township level; Working level meetings to be often held between the project management office and removal groups of the Project contractors; and county- level working meetings to be held at the prefecture-level project management office.

9.1.4 Survey on Public Opinions

From August to September 2010, the organization responsible for formulating the RAP conducted a relatively large scale survey on opinions of the society. Through random taking of samples, the opinions of 426 households (mainly the head of the household) were collected, occupying 24.61% of the total affected households. This is to identify with the opinions of the public in relevant villages with regards the project construction, land acquisition, demolition and resettlement. See Table 9-1 and 9-2 for results on relevant public and resettlers' opinions.

World Bank Loan Project 176 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation

On the overall, majority of the people acknowledged the information that the project is to start construction and expresses they are in favor of the project construction. Over half of the survey individuals (62.21%) knew the project is to be constructed, but there are still some who did not understand (16.67%, after questionaires, the interviewees began to know about the project); A large number of people (60.80%) are in favor of the project construction while 5.16% disapproves; 34.04% are indifferent;

When questioned about impacts, 89.20% considered that railway ticket prices were lower than that of coaches, thus reducing the travel cost; 43.90% considered the project would improve transportation conditions and traveling will become more convenient; 15.73% considered that project would affect the local investment environment and attract outside investors to invest locally and thus create more chances for the people;

People also mentioned about negative impacts, especially on daily life. 26.53% held that the land requisition would affect daily life; 48.59% were worried about less economic incomes due to land requisition. 24.18% thought that the local traffic conditions would be affected during the period of construction and 47.18% held that demolition of houses would bring in economic loss.

As compensation policies for land acquisition and demolition have not be finalized, a portion of the surveyed targets (42.96%) expressed they did not understand relevant compensation policies for land acquisition, over one third of the people (34.04%) were not very clear on the policies; nevertheless, but still more than half of the people (63.38%) expressed that they understood methods of appeal to safeguard their legal rights.

During surveys, the survey group collected opinions on land requisition and resettlement work. Due to relatively lower educational level of interviewees which are hard to express their opinions, therefore, the survey group drafted a generally accepted list of opinions for selection by the interviewees (See Table 9- 2). It was found out from the survey that 67.84%of the people hoped the railway line will not requisite their land and houses. But 73.24% of the people hoped to participate in the construction and earn money. 68.08% hoped to be compensated and welcome coordination and transparent policies.

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Table 9-1 Questionnaire of Public Opinion and Suggestions Unit: person, %

results Options Percent No Questions Persons % Are you clear that 1clear 265 62.21% the project will be 1 constructed soon? 2not quite clear 90 21.13% 3unclear 71 16.67% Do you agree to the 1agree 259 60.80% 2 construction of the 2not agree 22 5.16% project? 3indifferent 145 34.04% Who do you think (1) The State 399 93.66% the project will (2) The collective 247 57.98% 3 benefit? multi- (3)The individual 198 46.48% choice allowed 1less traveling cost 380 89.20% What king of 2land requisition will impacts do you 113 26.53% think the project affect daily life 4 will bring to your 3No impact 35 8.22% life and production 4improved investment 67 15.73% multi-choice environment 5improved traffic allowed ? 187 43.90% environment 1no negative impacts 150 35.21% 2impacts on traffic conditions caused by 103 24.18% What kind of construction impacts will be 3economic losses 5 caused by the line caused by housing 201 47.18% multi-choice demolition allowed ? 4reduced economic revenues caused by land 207 48.59% requisition 5other impacts 17 3.99% 1monetary 210 49.30% What your actual approach of land 2land adjustment 64 15.02% 6 requisition and 3social assurance 142 33.33% resettlement 4others 10 2.35% What your actual 1concentrated 7 59 13.85% approach of resettlement

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demolition land 2unconcentrated 228 53.52% requisition and resettlement resettlement 3monetary resettlement 78 18.31% 4new housing 59 13.85% replacement 5others 2 0.47% Are you clear about 1clear 98 23.00% land requisition and 2a little bit clear 145 34.04% 8 demolition compensation 3unclear 183 42.96% policies? Do you know how 1know 270 63.38% to appeal when your legal rights are 9 invaded in the process of land 2do not know 156 36.62% requisition and demolition? Data source: field investigation

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Table 9-2 Statistics of the Public’s Opinion on Huzhang Railway Line Construction

No the Public’s Opinion Person Percent% 1 Resettlement of land-lost people 34 7.98% 2 Not far resettlement, near to the station 54 12.68% 3 not to occupy land and houses 289 67.84% 4 better and faster construction 167 39.20% 5 constructing railway stations locally 216 50.70% 6 participating the construction personally 312 73.24% compensate by law, more coordination with the local 7 290 68.08% residents, open and transparent policies 8 respect local customs 166 38.97% no impact on drinking waters, restoration after road 9 41 9.62% occupation, less occupation of farmlands 10 resettlement of the houses and life of demolittees 38 8.92% Open the compensation standard, water and 11 61 14.32% electricity guarantee, road building resettled houses in places with convenient transport 12 68 15.96% and improved supporting facilities in accordance with current market compensation 13 92 21.60% standard 14 higher compensation standard 165 38.73% 15 equal, in time and reasonable compensation 219 51.41% reasonable compensation and resettlement, providing 16 103 24.18% building bases in rural areas Strictly following the national policies in complementing the rural people. Rural persons with 17 112 26.29% land requisition shall be well treated and enjoy the low guarantee policy 18 compensation to land requisition and resettlement 76 17.84% land compensation funds shall be given to peasants 19 78 18.31% and concentrated resettlement

Data source: on-site surveys

9.1.5 Participation plan in implementation stage

During the period of negotiation on land acquisition, every village or group will hold the following two types of meetings (Details in Table 9-3):

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♦ Meetings of the villager representatives held by the county or the town land administration departments. The themes of such meetings are to make clear the significance of the Project; the area, location, and the time of land acquisition; and the state and province laws, policies and regulations about land acquisition. Such meetings are often held during the consultation and negotiation on land acquisition for a project.

♦ Meetings of all the villagers to be held by the village council with all the villagers or the heads of households as participants at one month before making decision. The themes of these meetings are to explain State and provincial regulations and policies; the area and amount of land acquisition; the standards of compensation; measures of rebuilding and people resettlement; rehabilitation plans for income restoration; allocation of compensation between the collective and affected households; investment of collective compensation; livelihood training needs and plans; and other issues identified during the consultative process. At each meeting opinions, suggestions, and complaints from the villagers are to be collected. Such meetings are often held during the period of land acquisition, implementation, and signing of contracts on compensation.

♦ A public forum is to be arranged for affected people and relevant beneficiaries at least one month prior the implementation of the resettlement.

Table 9-3 Stakeholders’ meeting and survey table

Date Place Unit Participants persons Number Content

Hohhot, Wulanchabu Railway Development construction, Inner and Reform Inner Mongolia preparatio Mongolia Commission, 2010/7/16 Development and Reform 29 land Autonomous Design Department requisition Region agency, and Huzhang demolition preparation group

Transport in- station charge, setup, ZhangjaikouDevelopment 2010/7/20 Zhangjaikou technical in- 21 station scale, and Reform Commission charge of land design requisition

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institute and demolition issues

Opinion on Hohhot municipal Relevant in- new station government, municipal charge staff, site 2010/6/30 Hohhot City DRC, municipal railway Design 12 selection, construction office, agency, urban design agency technical staff demolition

Wulanchabu municipal Relevant in- government, municipal charge staff, Opinion on Wulanchabu 2010/7/20 DRC, municipal railway Design 12 new station City construction office, agency, site selection design agency technical staff

Zhangjaikou Establishing Development and Reform Responsible coordination Commission, national persons in leading land bureau, land relevant group and 2010/7/9 Zhangjaikou 45 requisition and agencies, arrange demolition office, labor affected project and social safeguard village chief construction bureau preparation

Hohhot city government, municipal development Establishing and Reform Commission, Responsible coordination national land bureau, land persons in leading requisition and relevant group and 2010/7/25 Hohhot City 20 demolition office, labor agencies, arrange and social safeguard affected project burea, railway village chief construction construction office, preparation design agency Wulanchabu city Responsible Attitude and Wulanchabu government, municipal persons in opinion 2010/8/10 89 City development and Reform relevant towards Commission, national agencies, railway

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land bureau, railway affected construction construction office, village chief, and land design agency villager requisition representative & demolition

Opinions on demolition 7-9 and places along Affected villages, design Affected month, 130 resettlement the line agency, demolition office enterprises 2010 and survey on enterprises

Attitude and Affected opinion villagers, towards 7-11 design agency railway places along Affected villages, month, representative, In total 2085 construction the line national land departments 2010 national land and land department requisition representative & demolition

Data source: data compilation provided by design agency 9.2 Information Dissemination

Publicity and information dissemination on the Project opening started at the Project preparatory stage, through government website 3 . The purposes and significance of the Project, the time and location of the Project construction components, as well as the relevant State policies concerning land acquisition

3Hohhot government website http://www.huhhot.gov.cn/home/index.asp Wulanchabu government website http://www.wulanchabu.gov.cn/ Zhangjiakou government website http://www.zjk.gov.cn/

World Bank Loan Project 183 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation and housing demolition by the governments at the provincial, prefecture, municipal and county levels will be all publicized in various media, such as newspapers, broadcasting, TV, and magazines. These activities are aimed at letting the local residents know the relevant issues concerning land acquisition and demolition for the Project. Information dissemination shall be held on 15 November 2011. Resettlement information brochure has been drafted already and distributed to all affected persons and rural villages through land requsition and resettlement office of local governments. The brochure covers a brief introduction of the project, and scope, procedure, principle, unit area integrated compensation price and appealing mechanism of land requisition, housing demolition and resettlement. The information dissemniation shall be held by means of pasting notices in the notice boards of affected villages, from November to 15 November 2011.

9.3 Appealing

Resettlement is a complicated task. It is inevitable that the affected persons will have grievances and complaints during the resettlement implementation. For the purposes of guaranteeing the interests of the affected persons, the resettlement offices will establish a set of highly transparent and simple procedures for collecting and handling grievance and complaints, so as to objectively, justly and efficiently deal with the grievances and complaints of the mass and to ensure the smooth progress of the resettlement.

9.3.1 Procedures for complaints and appeals

There are several ways to collect complaints andappleas as follows:

Collecting grievances of the affected persons from the report of the local ROs, including grievances of the mass, the progress, working measures and existed problems.

All contractors must submit construction journal to the project owner every week, from which information on whether there is any people affecting the construction can be known.

Problems on land acquisition and relocation coordination discovered by the Preparation Group in field inspection.

Relevant information reflected by IMO.

Letters and calls of the affected persons.

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Relevant information and problems reflected from local ROs at all levels.

Relevant special problems reflected by the audit and disciplinary inspection divisions.

Special investigation of internal and external monitoring.

9.3.2 Procedures for complaints and appeals The First Stage

The affected persons may present their grievances to the village committee or the local ROs at township level orally or in a written form. For oral grievances, the village committee or the local ROs at township levels must keep a written record and provide a clear reply within two weeks. When it involves serious problems needing to be reported to RO at a higher level, the village committee or the local ROs at township levels must endeavor to obtain a reply from the RO at the higher level within two weeks. The Second Stage

In case that reply at the First Stage does not satisfy the complainants, the complainants may appeal to the RO at a higher level within one month after receiving the reply at the first stage. RO at the county or district level must make a decision within three weeks. The Third Stage

In the event that the affected persons are not satisfied with the reply of the ROs at district or county level, they may appeal to the PROS within one month after receiving reply at the second stage. The PROS shall make a reply within four weeks. The Fourth Stage

In case that the affected persons are not satisfied with the reply at the third stage, they may appeal to the civil court within 15 days after receiving the reply from the provincial resettlement officee.

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9.3.3 Principles to deal with grievances and complaints

The ROs at all levels must conduct field investigation and research about the grievances of the public, and provide objective and just resolutions in line with the principles and standards specified in the national laws and the Resettlement Action Plan after full consideration of the public’s opinions and after patient consultation. The agency as well as telephones and treatment deadline listed in Table 9-4. Complaints beyond their capability of handling must be submitted to ROs at the higher level and they shall lend a hand in the investigation.

The appealed has the right of further appeal on condition that the decision- making institution does not reply within the specified dates.

In the process of resettlement, women may have some special grievances and complaints, so PRO has planned at least one female worker in every resettlement group to be responsible for the women’s grievances. The local government and the NGOs such as Civil Administrative Bureau and the Women’s Federation will also supervise the resettlement activities and safeguard the APs especially the women’s rights.

Table 9-4 Organization receiving appealing, contact information and treatment deadline Organizations Period of Province/autonomous City Qi/County receiving Tel appealing region appealing treatment High-tech district 10 High-tech demolition 0313-5900061 working district resettlement days center Wanquan 10 Hebei Zhangjiakou Wanquan County (0313)4222031 working County Government days office Huai'an 10 Huai'an County 0313-7827017 working County Government days office 10 Saihan Inner Mongolia working District Hohhot days Hohhot supervision 0471-4606659 10 Xincheng group working District days

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Xinghe 10 Xinghe County 0474-7295678 working County Government days office Chahaer 10 Chahaer Youyiqianqi Wulanchabu 0474-3903943 working Youyiqianqi Government days office Zhuozi County 10 Zhuozi Bureau of 0474 4701834 working County National land days and Resources 9.3.4 Contents and approaches of reply

The main contents of reply include:

A brief of grievances of the complaints;

Results of fact-investigation;

Principles and standards in the relevant national regulations and RAP;

Resolutions and references

The complainants have the right to appeal to ROs at a higher level and the civil court. Guiguang company shall pay the legal costs;

Major reply approaches include:

Reply to complaints on exceptional cases shall be delivered to the complainant in written form.

Reply to complaints that frequently occur shall be made public to the villages or groups the complaints belonged to via holding villagers’ meetings or issuing documents.

Whatever the forms of reply, they must be delivered to the resettlement offices which the complaints belonged to.

9.3.5 Complaints recorded and subsequent feedback

During the process of resettlement implementation, ROs shall record the complaint and its resolution, and report it to the PROS in written form monthly. Each PRO shall look into the complaint resolution records and conditions regularly. In order to standardize the records about complaints and register the

World Bank Loan Project 187 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 9 Consultation, Appealing and Participation resolution completely, The preparation group of Huzhang Railway Company has formulated a form sheet to record or register the complaints and its resolution is formulated below. The detail in Table 9-5.

Table 9-5 Appealing Registration Form Name of complainant Application office Date Receiving point Complaints content Problems required to resolve Options to deal with the problem Actual result of problem resolution Signature of complainant Signature of recorder Note: 1. The recorder shall register honestly the content of complaint and the complainant’s requisition; 2. No obstruction or obstacle is existed in the process of appeal; 3. Options taken to deal with the problem will be replied to the complainant within scheduled period.

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Chapter 10 Monitoring and Evaluating

To ensure implementation is in accord with the resettlement plan and realize the appropriate resettlement of resettlers, the project will conduct monitoring of the implementation of land acquisition, demolition and resettlement of resettlers. The monitoring work is conducted separately concurrently: internal monitoring by resettlement organizations and independent external monitoring.

10.1 Internal Monitoring 10.1.1 Intent and Task

The target of internal monitoring is to maintain supervision responsibility of the resettlement organs as specified in the RAP during implementation, and ensure that the project can be constructed smoothly and the resettlers’ legal rights will not be impaired. The auditing department of the provincial government will independently exercise the auditing monitoring function over concerning units under its jurisdiction in accordance with the laws and regulations. The superior units assume the responsibilities for monitoring their subordinates so that the RAP principle and schedule can be followed.

10.1.2 Organization and Personnel

Internal monitoring of the project land acquisition and relocation resettlement work is managed by the Huzhang Railway Engineering Commanding Group. The actual monitoring will be implemented by the provincial and municipal resettlement offices and the coordination offices (resettlement offices) in each county and each village. To effectively implement the function of internal monitoring, resettlement institutions of every level has provided special personnel to undertake this work. They will participate in the formulation of the RAP, control and monitor the implementation and progress according to the RAP.

10.1.3 Contents of Monitoring

The main contents to be monitored for internal monitoring are shown as below:

• Allocation and utilization of the resettlement compensation • Selection and allocation of new house plots • Rebuilding of private houses • Support to vulnerable groups

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• Employment of the PAPs • Quality and quantity of new developed land • Adjustment and distribution of the land • Transfer of the land subsidy fees • Relocation of private shops (If any affected) • Restoration of special facilities • Scheduling of the work above mentioned • Implementation of the policies in RP • Public participation and consultation during implementation

• Staffing, training, work schedule and working effectiveness of resettlement offices at all levels.

10.1.4 Procedures of Implementation

Implementation procedures of the internal monitoring work is as follows

I) The Preparation Group of Huzhang Railway Company will carry out an internal monitoring mechanism to examine activities of resettlement, build a basic database for land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, and monitor the preparation and implementation progress of resettlement of resettlers.

II) During the implementation period, resettlement institutions of every level are to build a resettlement information base, and renew the information according the practical conditions. They are to promptly report records of activities and progress of implementation to higher authorities to maintain the continuous monitoring of the implementation of resettlement.

III) In the above mentioned monitoring mechanism, regulated information tables will be formulated. To realize the continuous flow of information from village level to offices of resettlement, main components of the internal monitoring system: offices of construction leadership teams (headquarters) of counties (cities and districts) and resettlement working groups of townships (towns and neighborhoods), will conduct periodical examination and verification.

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10.2 Independent External Monitoring and Evaluating 10.2.1 Purpose and Task

External monitoring and evaluation mainly carry out periodical monitoring and evaluation of land acquisition, demolition and resettlement activities outside of the resettlement institutions to evaluate if the target of resettlement has been attained. The external monitoring work is to provide evaluation, opinions and suggestion on the whole process of resettlement and circumstances of the rehabilitating the production and living standards of the resettlers. The external monitoring work is also to provide an early warning system for the project management departments and to provide channels for reflections for the opinions of the resettlers.

The external monitoring organization will shoulder the responsibility of being a consultant for coordination teams for land acquisition, demolition and resettlement of resettlers of the Ministry of Railway and GY-GZ Railway Line Corporation. The external monitoring organization will follow, monitor and evaluate activities for implementation of the resettlement plan. The external monitoring organization will also provide opinions and consultations on decision-making.

10.2.2 Organization and Personnel

The Foreign Capital Center of the Minsitry of Railways will define the immigrants monitoring institution through biddings. The external monitoring organization will implement all basic monitoring work through providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Railway or Huzhang Railway Line Corporation Limited, and carry out all basic monitoring works through survey of the immigration and the living standards of the affected people.

10.2.3 Main Indicators of Monitoring and Evaluating

The main indicators of the external monitoring and evaluation of resettlement include: A. Main Indicators for Monitoring Progress: including preparation, implementation of land requisition, housing relocation and resettlement.

Quality: including civil construction quality and degree of resettlers’ satisfaction.

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Investment: including allocation and use of the funds. B. Main Indicators for Evaluation (1) Resettlement

• Economic conditions: household economic development before and after resettlement, including assets, production materials, subsistence materials, income, etc.

• Environmental conditions: living environment before and after resettlement, including traffic, culture and education, sanitation, commercial service facilities, etc.

• Employment: change in employment, including employment rate, assistance to the different PAPs, especially the vulnerable PAPs, such as impoverished families and minority families, etc.

• Development in community: local economy in resettlement host sites, environmental development, neighborhood relation, and public opinions after resettlement.

(2) Infrastructure: change of infrastructure of affected area before and after the Project ; The villlage committee shall participate in monitoring the restoration of production facilities.

(3) Enterprises and business: change of running environment and situation of enterprises and business before and after the Project.

10.2.4 Method of Monitoring and Evaluating

Monitoring and evaluation will be performed on the basis of the survey data provided by the survey design institution and resettlement implementation institution. With an overall understanding of the situation, the evaluation will be performed by sample survey, key informant interview and rapid rural appraisal techniques.

The external monitoring and evaluating organization will also carry out the following work:

A. Survey of resettlers’ living standards

A base-line survey will be conducted for this project, including the collection of selected samples of the base-line living standards of the resettlers. (The

World Bank Loan Project 192 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 10 Monitoring and Evaluating preliminary samples will be randomly collected). The living standard will be investigated once or twice a year to monitor the variation in the resettlers’ living standards. The necessary data can be obtained by periodical survey, random interview and site visit, based on which statistical analysis and evaluation are performed. There will also be targeted survey of vulnerable groups.

The survey comprises various indicators of living standards. some of the indicators will be used for weighing the dynamic variation of living standards before and after the land requisition and resettlement. The selected indicators will be checked to see whether they are reasonable in reflecting the actual production and living levels in the base-line survey and are subject to modification according to the actual conditions, so as to guarantee the message obtained reflects the quality and quantity of the real situation.

B. Public Consultation

The independent monitoring and evaluation institution will participate in the public consultation conferences held by the villages and townships. By this method, the institution can evaluate the effectiveness the public participation and the cooperative attitude of the resettlers towards the RP implementation. Such activities will be conducted during and after the resettlement implementation.

C. Gathering Resettlers’ opinions

The independent monitoring and evaluation institution will often interview the township resettlement offices and village groups to know the opinions collected from the resettlers and interview the resettlers who have grievances. The institution will report the opinions and suggestions from affected individuals and collectives to the Project Resettlement Office, and provide advice for improvement, so that the resettlement implementation can be more smooth and effective.

D. Other responsibilities

The independent monitoring and evaluation institution has provided advice to the project resettlement office in preparation of the RAP, and will monitor the following activities in the process of implementation.

I) Selection of resettlement sites,

II) Construction of houses,

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III) Production arrangement and rehabilitation,

IV) Support to the vulnerable group,

V) Relocation of private-owned shops,

VI) Re-construction of special facilities,

VII) Payment and amount of the compensation,

VIII) Resettlers’ transfer,

IX) Employment of laborers,

X) Training,

XI) Schedule of the items above mentioned,

XII) Organizational network for the resettlement,

XIII) Use of compensation of the collective-owned land and resettlers’ benefits,

XIV) Income increase of employment of labor forces

10.2.5 Work Procedures

External monitoring work procedures will be as follows:

I) Preparation of monitoring and evaluating outline,

II) Developing computer softwares for monitoring and evaluating of the resettlement,

III) Drafting the investigation outline, survey forms, and record cards for sample villages and sample households,

IV) Design of the sampling survey,

V) Base-line survey,

VI) Establishing the information system for monitoring and evaluation

VII) Investigation for monitoring

—Community socio-economic survey

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—Resettlement implementation institutions

—Sample villages survey

—Sample households survey

—Sample survey for other affected objects

VIII) Sorting of monitoring information and establishment of database

IX) Comparison analysis

X) Preparing a monitoring and evaluation report half a year in the implementation stage. A monitoring and evaluation report shall be formulated after finishing the implementation.

10.2.6 Formulation Plan of Report Resettlement Act Plan Report

The formulation of the resettlement activity plan (RAP) of this project was drafted in November 2010. The immigrant resettlement plan is submitted to the World Bank for evaluation through the Centre of Foreign Capital of the Ministry of Railway. Progress Report of Resettlement

A. Time Period

Starting from the resettlement implementation, report on resettlement progress shall be submitted at least once every three months from the lower resettlement offices to the higher resettlement offices. The Preparatory Group of Huzhang Company should collect the information of land acquisition and housing demolition and formulate the ‘Resettlement Progress Report’ according to the reports submitted from resettlement offices at all levels, and then submitted to the WB through the foreign capital center of the Ministry of Railways twice every year, respectively by June 30 and December 31. The time period of the report is half a year.

B. Format Contents

The format of the resettlement progress report will and shall be prepared as per the requirements of the WB. Accordingly, the report usually consists of two

World Bank Loan Project 195 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 10 Monitoring and Evaluating parts: a) the text part that describes in details the resettlement progress, payment and use of compensation, showing the progress, problems and difficulties met in the implementation, and the corresponding resolution and measures; and b) forms and lists that mainly show statistical data of the previous six (6) months, reflecting the progress by comparison of the actual and planned land requisition, house removal, reconstruction and use of compensation. The form and list formats are provided in Tables 10-1 and 10-2.

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Table 10-1 Progress Form of Resettlement

Prepared by: As of: Date of preparation: Completed in Completion Items Unit Planned This Quarter Accumulated (%) Fund allocation Private houses rebuilding APs moving into new housing Old houses demolition Redeveloping public buildings Electric line restoration Communication line restoration Land acquisition Land reclamation Person of statistics  Signed by: Stamp:

Table 10-2 Statistics of compensation fees and subsidy for resettlement Town As of: Date of preparation: Numb inputted in-place compensation fees and subsidy office item unit er funds (Yuan) for resettlement (Yuan)

Person of statistics Signature Seal: Note: items include built water-conservancy projects or channels (meter) and pumping stations, livestock farming (pigs, chicken, ducks), new cultivated farmlands (mu), public good project and infrastructure, and enterprises and companies. Independent Monitoring and Evaluating Report of resettlement

The external monitoring institution shall submit independent monitoring and evaluation report on external immigrants through the Foreign Capital Center of the Minsitry of Railways before July 31 each year.

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A. Time Period

In accordance with the World Bank’s requirement, after commencement of the resettlement, the monitoring and evaluation on resettlement will be carried out twice a year during resettlement implement period, with investigations for monitoring and evaluation respectively on April and Oct and monitoring and evaluation reports respectively on July 31 and Dec 31 each year. After resettlement implement, the monitoring and evaluation on resettlement will be carried out once a year, with investigation for monitoring and evaluation on April and monitoring and evaluation report on July 31 each year.

The independent monitoring and evaluation on external immigrants shall conduct monitoring every half a year in accordance with project land acquisition and demolition and resettlement.

B. Contents

Contents of the external monitoring and evaluating report include:

I) Base-line survey of the displaced;

II) Progress of the land requisition, dismantle, relocation and resettlement activities;

III) Resettlement and restoration of production;

IV) Housing demolition, relocation and reconstruction of the displaced;

V) Living standards of the displaced;

VI) Availability and utilization of the resettlement funds;

VII) Operation and efficiency of the resettlement implementation organization;

VIII) Assistance to vulnerable groups; and

IX) Issues and suggestions.

World Bank Loan Project 198 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 11 Power Matrix

Chapter 11 Power Matrix

The power matrix of impacted people determined according to resettlement compensation principles of government at all levels along the Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway line is as follows:

Table 11-1 Power matrix of land acquisition demolition compensation resettlement in Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Railway Construction Project Impact Impacted Compensation or resettlement Compensation Powers enjoyed category people measures standard Land The collective owned lands without land See Table 5-1, 5-2, 1) Collective owned land compensation acquisition contractor are compensated with total 5-3 compensation land compensation according to land acquisition compensation standard. Village Lands of contractors are compensated collective 2) Compensation for accessory objects with 20% of the total land compensation. See Table 5-8, 5-9, owned by village collective All expenses are owned by the 5-10 collective, and the dosage of funds are decided by the villagers generally assembly. Farmers in villages where lands are not 1Land compensation and resettlement See Table 5-1, 5-2, Peasant transferred will acquire 80% of the land compensation 5-3 compensation.

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Impact Impacted Compensation or resettlement Compensation Powers enjoyed category people measures standard For Farmers in villages where lands are transferred, since the impacted village groups will transfer lands in form of group, the land compensation and resettlement fee will allocated to the impacted groups according to quantity of acquired lands, and assigned to each household by the group in the area. Power to acquire total temporary land compensation and withdraw and after 2) Temporary land See Table 5-4, 6.2.6 usage, restore the lands to status before usage according to the service life. The direct impacted people will acquire 3) Crop compensation See Table 5-5, 5-6 total crop compensation. Peasants with land less than 0.3 acres 4Social security have the right to participate in the social See Table 6.2.4 security. Enjoy the service of providing farmers 5) Production and living development See Table 6.2.5, See losing farmland with free training and measures Table 6-3, 6-4 employment recommendation.

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Impact Impacted Compensation or resettlement Compensation Powers enjoyed category people measures standard 1. Choose the house-return resettlement or cash resettlement according to personal willingness. 2. For people who choose house-return See Table 5-6 for resettlement, people who conduct the concrete cash demolition will return houses to them, compensation Housing farmers/urban and responsible for the supporting standard. See Table removal residents Housing demolition compensation and facilities and three-through one-level 6.3.1 for concrete changed from resettlement near the returned houses. house-return rural residents 3. People who choose cash resettlement, resettlement will acquire the demolition community compensation conforming to the

resettlement price according to compensation standard. And the local government shall provide free house sites for their reconstruction. See Table 5-8 for concrete Acquire the resettlement compensation, compensation removal compensation and awards standard for Resettlement compensation, removal according to compensation standard in resettlement compensation and awards each area, enjoy the right to ensure compensation, successful transition of demolition. removal compensation and awards

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Impact Impacted Compensation or resettlement Compensation Powers enjoyed category people measures standard Enjoy the right that the impacted Compensation standard for accessory accessory objects and sporadic trees are See Table 5-8, 5-9, objects and sporadic trees compensated according to compensation 5-10 standard.

1. Right to choose construction-return resettlement or cash resettlement according to personal willingness 2. People who choose the construction- return resettlement will be helped by people who conduct the demolition to Enterprise and find place for reconstruction resettlement public Owner of Cash compensation/ construction-return and acquire replacement price See Table institution institutions resettlement compensation for all kinds of losses demolition 3. People who choose cash resettlement will acquire the demolition compensation conforming to the replacement price according to compensation standard. 4. Acquire compensation for losses of production halts, closedown and others. Acquire the closedown compensation. Workers of enterprises that choose non- workers, temporary workers reconstruction also enjoy services of occupation training and employment introduction. vulnerable Right to acquire land acquisition groups compensation equally.

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Impact Impacted Compensation or resettlement Compensation Powers enjoyed category people measures standard groups compensation equally. 2. In concrete planning process, they will be further affirmed. The impacted farmers that loss the contracted lands, as the villager members, will enjoy reallocation of all kinds of resources in the production and living development of the village. 3. And acquire help and prior concern in the production and living development measures. 4. among them, 2 poor households impacted by the demolition are difficult to acquire the housing reconstruction compensation since the compensation conforms to the replacement standard. Therefore the location government of Huaian County, Zhangjiakou also expressed that if these two poor households are in difficulty in the housing reconstruction, the government will assist them to complete the reconstruction through providing voluntary labor and capital. 5. The civil administration departments in impacted areas have included the above -mentioned households enjoying

World Bank Loan Project 203 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 11 Power Matrix

Impact Impacted Compensation or resettlement Compensation Powers enjoyed category people measures standard the five guarantees, the disabled, poor households and women into the lowest living security system and provide them with the lowest living security in each month. 1. There are women members in members of all village committees, and women have equal participation rights with men in the villages general assembly and villager council. 2. In related public opinion polls about the land acquisition demolition, women’s opinions have been realized and considered. Women 3. In future land acquisition demolition compensation, women have equal right to share and distribute. 4. In employment opportunity provided in the construction process of the project and after the completion of project, women willing to be employed are priority. At the same time, women enjoy rights for local employment training and employment recommendation. Removal of Owner of Enjoy right to demand people who 1) Rural roads and farm channels are infrastr uctures impacted conduct the demolition to restore and removed and directly restored by the

World Bank Loan Project 204 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 11 Power Matrix

Impact Impacted Compensation or resettlement Compensation Powers enjoyed category people measures standard infrastructures impacted conduct the demolition to restore and removed and directly restored by the infrastructures reconstruct and acquire compensation railway construction department in the according to replacement price. construction process 2) The owners of original infrastructures will use the compensation provided by the railway department to reconstruct. The railway party will contribute capital to hire professional team to conduct the diversion of facilities such as communication facilities, power facilities etc. For some infrastructures such as drinking water tower, lighting lines and others, the railway party will pay the compensation to the impacted party, who conduct the reconstruction himself afterwards.

World Bank Loan Project 205 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway Chapter 11 Power Matrix

World Bank Loan Project 206 RAP of Hohhot-Zhangjiakou Rapid Railway