Argiathe News Journal of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas Volume 17 1 October 2005 Number 3
ISSN 1061-8503 ARGIAThe News Journal of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas Volume 17 1 October 2005 Number 3 Published by the Dragonfly Society of the Americas The Dragonfly Society Of The Americas Business address: c/o T. Donnelly, 2091 Partridge Lane, Binghamton NY 13903 Executive Council 2005 – 2007 President S. Krotzer Centreville, Alabama President Elect J. Abbott Austin, Texas Immediate Past President R. Beckemeyer Wichita, Kansas Vice President, United States M. May New Brunswick, New Jersey Vice President, Canada R. Cannings Victoria, British Columbia Vice President, Latin America R. Novelo G. Jalapa, Veracruz Secretary S. Valley Albany, Oregon Treasurer J. Daigle Tallahassee, Florida Editor T. Donnelly Binghamton, New York Regular Member/Associate Editor J. Johnson Vancouver, Washington Regular Member P. Catling Ottawa, Ontario Regular Member S. Hummel Lake View, Iowa Journals Published By The Society ARGIA, the quarterly news journal of the DSA, is devoted to non-technical papers and news items relating to nearly every aspect of the study of Odonata and the people who are interested in them. The editor especially welcomes reports of studies in progress, news of forthcoming meetings, commentaries on species, habitat conservation, noteworthy occurrences, personal news items, accounts of meetings and collecting trips, and reviews of technical and non-technical publications. Articles for publication in ARGIA are best transmitted as attachments to e-mails, but can be submitted on floppy disks. The editor prefersMS DOS based files, preferably written in Word, Word for Windows, WordPerfect, or WordStar. All files should be submitted unformatted and without paragraph indents. Line drawings are accept- able as illustrations.
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