Нове розуміння публічного адміністрування

[Electronic source]

MATERIALS of Scientific Seminar of PhD Students (Odessa, November 8, 2019)

Матеріали наукового семінару за тематиками дисертаційних досліджень аспірантів ОРІДУ НАДУ (м.Одеса, 8 листопада 2019 року)


Odessa - 2019- Одеса ORIPA NAPA


УДК 351:342.5(061.3) N 45

Editorial Board:

Kolisnichenko N.M. – PhD in PA, Docent. Matveyenko I.V. - PhD in PA. Mayev A.H. – PhD in PA.

New Insights in Public Administration [Electronic source]: proceedings of N 45 Scientific Seminar of PhD Students / Edited by N. Kolisnichenko. – Odessa, November 8, 2019. – Odessa: ORIPA NAPA, 2019. – 52 p.

© ОRIPA NAPA under the President of Ukraine, 2019.



Matveyenko Iryna OPENING SPEECH 6



























Opening Speech

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted and honoured to host the seminar organized by the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department and to welcome you to discuss your dissertation researches. We are pleased that all PhD students of all forms of study are in attendance. The seminar is principally designed to enhance the development of Public Administration. I hope that you will have a productive dialogue, exchange of the scientific knowledge, discussions. I hope this seminar will highlight possible solutions of various problems existing in various spheres of life. I hope the seminar also come up with beneficial decision, which can positively impact the development of Ukraine and Public Administration. In closing, I wish to express my gratitude to all participants for their contribution to the scientific seminar. I take this opportunity to thank the organizers - the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department, especially to its head - Natalia Kolisnichenko for her diligence. I wish you a very fruitful and productive meeting. Thank you.

Deputy head, Coordination of Research and Doctoral study Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine Iryna Matvyeyenko


Welcoming speech

Dear colleagues,

I am very glad to welcome you here today at the scientific seminar organised by the Chair of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages. Every year we hold this event uniting young scientists of our institute and giving them the possibility to present their scientific research, as well as to master the skills of public presentation in a foreign language. All the reports will be published in the next e-journal “New Insights in Public Administration” which is going to be issued by the end of this year. In the modern world, a scientist needs to master at high level at least one foreign language. The representatives of our European partner Universities are fluent in 2-3 languages. Therefore, they have extensive opportunities to participate in academic exchanges and various scientific programs and projects. That is why language proficiency should be among the priorities for young scholars. In addition, the seminar allows our PhD students to discuss the problem points of scientific research as well as to get valuable comments and advice from the audience. I sincerely wish you successful and productive work!

Associate Professor of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department of ORIPA NAPA under the President of Ukraine PhD in Public Administration Andrii Maiev


Foreword to the fifth issue of the Internet-Journal

Dear readers,

It’s my pleasure to welcome you all to the 5th annual edition of “The New Insights into Public Administration” Journal produced by the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department of the ORIPA NAPA under the President of Ukraine. The aim of the journal was to foster new approaches and practical trends in public administration development. It is focused on the researches provided by the PhD students of the ORIPA NAPA under the President of Ukraine. I am delighted to introduce a new series of papers on promoting effective mechanisms of public administration in various spheres of public life. If you take a look at the Journal Content, you will agree that this Issue is going to be useful and productive. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Editorial Board and contributors for their diligent work, for joining us and sharing your valuable experience and ideas. It is essential to bring together experts in the field of public administration so that we can realize together the potential of efficient public administration mechanisms in the development of Ukraine. This year, the Journal is celebrating its first Jubilee Anniversary - its 5th issue. In closing, I hope that all of you will enjoy the Proceedings, and I wish our Journal long life. Thank you.

Head of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department of Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, PhD in PA, Docent Natalia Kolisnichenko



Kolisnichenko Natalia, head of the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department, PhD in Public Administration, Docent, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


The methodology of teaching English for public servants is built on the principle that the graduates in administration have to be knowledgeable about different areas, such as economics, management, law, public finance, informatics, human resources etc. That is why the academic topics cover such areas as: Student of Public Administration, State, Government, Municipality and Administrative Unit, Judiciary, Parliament, the European Union and a Career in (EU) Administration [1]. The methodology of teaching is to satisfy such key requirements as: - the practical language needs relevant to an extremely wide spectrum of employment possibilities; - the language learners’ specific reasons for learning a foreign language. Foreign Language for Academic Purposes (as English for Academic Purposes - EAP) is a component of training in higher education institutions. EAP programs and individual courses are increasingly being used by universities, because of the increasing popularity of international test systems that test academic foreign language levels (e.g. IELTS and TOEFL). EAP programs foster the development of language skills: the ability to work with scientific, analytical and legislative sources, analyse and interpret scientific information, write essays and other academic texts, attend seminars and lectures presented in a foreign language. ESP - English for Specific Purposes - has two criteria features. Firstly, it is orientation toward learners’ goals, and secondly, the necessity for performing the analysis of needs. The curricula and its methodical supply full of useful topics and information for the public administration target group of foreign language learners, such as: - language in the activity of a servant/administrator; - paying income tax; - public administration institutions; 9

- names of various institutions, ministries and types of courts; - names of civil servants' titles ; - learning about the features of a state, the Constitution, the Parliament, the National Council and National Assembly; - the procedure of applying for citizenship or obtaining a residence permit; - information on the EU, its history, EU acronyms and jargon; - the EU as a multicultural society etc. The material mainly focuses on covering the four skills, and language structures. The most covered skill is reading, the least dealt with is listening. In terms of structures, vocabulary is paid more attention to than grammar. The grammar topics include: passive voice; word formation; modal verbs; infinitival and gerundial constructions; phrasal verbs; conditional clauses; very little work with prepositions, tenses and, collocations.

References 1. English in Public Administration. Authors: Manica Danko, Mihaela Zava. University of Ljubljana: Faculty of Administration, 2009. 158 p.




Dizanov Maaksym, PhD student of the State Studies and Law Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


Relevance of the research. The degree of integration of the country into the world economy depends largely on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of its exports. In turn, the volume and structure of a country's exports depend directly on its potential, which enables the country to produce goods and provide services that are competitive in foreign markets. The aim of the research is to define the economic and legal prerequisites for the development of Ukraine export potential. To achieve the aim of the research the following objectives were defined: 1. Research of foreign practice in formation of economic and legal bases for realization of export potential of the states; 2. Analysis of opportunities and problems encountered in the context of the Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement; 3. Improvement of regulatory support to stimulate the development of Ukraine's export potential in the world economic system; 4. Study of mechanisms of development export potential of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization. The object of the research is legal relations regarding the development export potential of Ukraine. The subject of the research is public management of the development export potential of Ukraine. The following methods are used in research work: 1. General scientific methods of research: method of historical and logical analysis (to disclose the essence of export and export potential); 11

structural method and method of statistical analysis (to study the tendencies of formation and realization of competitive advantages of the national economy of Ukraine in the current conditions of globalization); methods of economic-mathematical and comparative analysis (to assess the commodity structure of Ukraine's export potential); method of systematic approach (to developed system of directions to stimulate the development of export potential); 2. Special method of expert evaluation. The predicted findings and outcomes. The developed Strategy of Ukraine’s export potential development with quantitative and qualitative criteria for its evaluation the developed for the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.

Ioanno Inga, PhD student of the Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Political Studies, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


Relevance of the research. Communication activities are an important component of the functioning of EU, UK, US and Canadian institutions and organizations, whose experience will be used in the research. The research is focused on new approaches to communication in the public space, designed to balance theoretical knowledge with the practical experience of countries where communication systems work successfully. Public communication - as a perfect interaction with citizens, legal entities and institutions - needs comprehensive systematization, must cover the whole territory of Ukraine and stand in the protection of the information field. Ukraine needs to actively promote its interests abroad, a constant presence in the world information space. The direction of research. Theoretical approaches and practical implementation of scientific achievements in communicative activities in public administration are widely covered by scholars and practitioners of the EU and US. Foreign experts have several views on communication activities. Ukrainian practice distinguishes between activity and communicative activity. In the world of 12 science communicative actions is understood as the term communicative activity. Experts emphasize that communication activity must be based on communication theories. The aim of the research is to formulate conceptual foundations and practical ways of forming a system of communicative activity in public administration of Ukraine on the basis of scientific and theoretical developments and practices of the countries of the world. The objectives are: - to analyze the theoretical foundations of the formation of the system of communicative activity in the countries of the world; - to summarize domestic scientific research on communications and communication activities; - to search of the legal regulation and to evaluate the interaction with the public, as well as to consider the problematic issues in the organization of communication of the executive authorities with the institutions of civil society; - to identify the main elements of the system of communication activity in public administration of Ukraine, to show their interconnections and interdependence; - to determine ways and methods of forming the system of communicative activity in public administration. The object of the research is the world experience of forming the system of communicative activity in public administration as a phenomenon and as a process. The subject of the research is the system of communicative activity in public administration and its formation in Ukraine. The methods of the research. The basis of the study will be a systematic approach method of structural-logical analysis. Information work will be evaluated as a part of public administration and the process of mutual exchange of information between government and society. Predicted findings and outcomes:  creation of a communication management system;  reformatting (modernization or transformation) of public relations and media units;  developing proposals to improve the practice of involving scientists and the public in decision-making;  establishment of an institution of press secretaries;  implementation of strategic communications as an integral part of public policy;  creation of a system (or subsystem) of international communications;  application of innovative social technologies;


 creating a new approach to planning, implementing and evaluating information and communication campaigns, etc.;  research on the basis of international experience will be conducted features of information work in the state apparatus from the standpoint of structural and functional approach. As a result of the research the ways and methods of forming the system of communicative activity in public management will be proposed based on the world experience. The novelty of the research:  the theoretical and methodological principles of the formation of the system of communicative activity in public administration of Ukraine on the basis of foreign experience have been distinguished;  the ways and methods of the process of forming the system of communicative activity in public administration of Ukraine have been developed. Theoretical and practical value of the research. In the research such items will be improved:  systematic approach to communicative activity in public administration of Ukraine;  structure and methodology of managerial activity in public administration. Such items will be further developed:  theory and methodology of public administration in terms of the characteristics of the system of communicative activity in public administration of Ukraine;  conceptual apparatus of public administration by introducing the category "system of communicative activity in public administration" and expanding the content of the category "communicative activity in public administration";  understanding of communicative activity in public administration in Ukraine, based on adapting world experience to shape sustainable state development. The practical value of the research. Public communications, which are more conceptual than communications in public authorities, have been the subject of much research. A large number of publications by communication specialists, scientists, and civil servants are devoted to these issues; however, the system of public communication management has not been implemented yet. Such activity is complicated. But in any case, our government institutions, together with civil society structures, must go this route and be successful. Accordingly, taking into account the best practices of our foreign colleagues will accelerate these processes and avoid certain mistakes.


Klymenko Oleksandr, PhD student of the State Studies and Law Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


The relevance of the research. Judicial examination occupies an important place in the field of the protection of human rights. Question of judicial examination is one of key questions of evidential base of rule-making. Judicial examination is research on the basis of the special knowledge in the branch of science, technique, art, handicraft and others like that objects, phenomena and processes with the aim of granting the conclusion on questions that are or will be the article of judicial trial. The first and basic task of medico-legal examination consists in a help to law enforcement authorities in matters of related to the crimes against life, health, dignity of person and health of population. Judicial medical examination plays one of key roles providing of the proper health protection and medicare in the state. At the same time in the legal adjusting of judicial medical activity and organization of judicial medical service of Ukraine there are certain inconsistencies that restrain development of judicial medical examination. The object of the research is the institute of judicial examinations. The subject of the research is public administration in the field of judicial medical examinations. The aim of the research. A research aim consists in the ground of conceptual principles of reformation of judicial medical service of Ukraine and development of new public case and administration frame in the field of judicial medical examinations. The aim of the research is oriented towards the solution in defining historical- theoretical principles of organization and functioning of judicial medical examination. With acquisition of independence by Ukraine the new stage of development of judicial examination began. Law of Ukraine “On judicial examination”, was put in an operation and defined legal, organizational and financial frameworks of judicial examination activity. Judicial medical examination is a type of judicial examination. Judicial medicine in inquisitional and judicial practice is used mainly as medico-legal examination the conclusions of that serve to one of sources of proofs. Judicial medicine in judicial practice is used mainly as medico-legal examination the conclusions of that serve to one of sources of proofs. In the Criminal code of practice of Ukraine the conclusion of 15

expert is adopted as a source of proofs, next to testimonies, testimonies of the victim suspected or defendant, by material proofs, protocols of inquisitional and judicial actions, protocols with corresponding additions, made by the authorized organs on results operational search events, and by other documents. The theoretical value of the research is in the revealing of modern state and problems of public management and administration of judicial medical examinations in Ukraine. The problems is in the legal providing of activity of judicial medical service and judicial medical experts. In the legal adjusting of judicial medical activity and organization of judicial medical service of Ukraine there are certain inconsistencies that restrain development of judicial medical examination: - absence of a permanent structure of judicial medical service of Ukraine making impossible an effective management in administrative, material, technical and methodical questions; - disparity of double submission of judicial medical service to principles of judicial medical activity; - services of judicial medical examinations are communal establishments, that causes a double submission - to the executive bodies and local councils which contradicts to the Law of Ukraine “On judicial examination”. The practical value of the research is in the defining the ways of improving public administration of judicial medical examination. Government control of judicial medical expert activity consists in providing of normatively-legal, organizationally- administrative, scientifically-methodical and socio-economic principles on judicial medical examination with the aim of creation of effective operating and complex development of the expert providing of justice conditions. Conclusions and recommendations. We offer public case the sphere of judicial medical examinations, that must consist of integral independent government expert service, that will carry out control after judicial medical activity on the transparent mechanisms of organization of work and provide the requirement of society in honest, realization of judicial medical examinations of reasons of death, weight of bodily harms, in criminal realizations from accusing of medical workers of professional offences.


Lagunin Mykyta, PhD student of Regional Studies and Public Administration Department Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine; deputy director of the department of economic development, the Odessa city council


Relevance of research. At the stage of socio-economic development of local communities, the issues of improving the efficiency of providing and operating local budgets and the implementation of socially significant projects are important. They are the financial basis for the existence of local self-government, which in turn is one of the constituent parts of the government and aims to ensure the development of the country as a whole. To date, the issue of filling local budgets with alternative sources of funding, in particular from international financial institutions, is relevant and needs to be addressed further. The events that took place in our country in 2014 opened new opportunities for central and local budgets to attract funds from international financial institutions, in particular the case of debt instruments (loans, leasing programs, etc.) and grant funding (particularly within technical assistance projects). Access to these alternatives sources of funding allows local authorities to implement those socially important projects for the community that they were unable to implement at their own expense. The aim of the research is deepening the theoretical foundations for improving the efficiency of implementation investment, socio-economic projects by local governments at the expense of international financial institutions. To achieve this goal, the following research objectives are formulated: - to consider the powers of local self-government bodies regarding the possibility of attracting funds from international financial institutions; - to identify the main features of international loans and grants and ways to attract them; - to identify the positive and negative sides of attracting funds from international 17 financial institutions; - to analyze the legislation and find out the problems of legal support for obtaining international loans and grants; - to propose possible ways of organizational and legal solution to the problems of securing in obtaining international loans and grants. The object of the research is the processes of functioning of local self- government bodies in terms of the implementation of functions to fill the local budget. The subject of the research is international and national legislation that regulates the processes of attracting funds from international financial institutions. Methods of the research. To ensure objectivity, comprehensiveness and completeness of the research, as well as to obtain scientifically sound and reliable results in the dissertation it is planned to use a set of philosophical, philosophical, general and special methods of scientific knowledge. The information base of the research should be: Constitution of Ukraine, international documents, laws and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and central executive authorities, acts of other state bodies, local self-government bodies related to borrowing and grants local government, international law as part of the regulation of granting loans and grants to third countries, in particular in relation to Ukraine. The empirical basis of the study will be statistical materials, information messages, reports from national public and international organizations . Generalization of the results of the research. The functioning of local self- government bodies is connected with the necessary amount of financial resources. According to international best practice, most of the functions that belong to local authorities must be financed from local budgets. Changes in the national budgetary and financial system have also begun after the start of decentralization processes in Ukraine. An important feature was the of local finance as an integral part of the financial system. This is also conditioned by the establishment in the state of the institution of local self-government, the division of functions and tasks of the executive power vertically. Local budgets in developed countries are replenished mainly through tax revenues. In particular, in the EU Member States, tax revenues are about 70%, in Sweden and Denmark - over 80% . The role of local budgets is multifaceted, because they are: - an important factor in economic development and financial stability; - leverage of redistribution processes; - local government financial base; - a tool for implementing state regional policy; - the main source of financial resources for maintaining and developing the local economy. 18

If we analyze the revenues to the local budgets, it should be noted that in the process of decentralization reform, the volume of local budgets increased several times, including a revised budget of Odessa income for 2018 set out in the amount of 10 498 117,4 thousand UAH, including general fund income - UAH 9 953 494,0 thousand, special fund income - UAH 544 623,4 thousand , including the development budget - UAH 303 348,0 thousand. However, in the first half of 2018 it was fulfilled by 105.4%. But at the same time there are problems that have been accumulated and not solved in the communities since of the independence of Ukraine, most of which require immediate resolution, and it should be noted that the major part of these issues are complex infrastructure projects that require a large amount of funding. The presence of these problems together with the increase in the exchange rate and prices of goods and services make impossible socio-economic developing of communities. That makes it necessary to search and apply alternative sources of funding these projects, including the use of one of the cheapest resources - loans from the IFIs and international grants and programs. Organizational support for attracting loans to local budgets is provided by the community through a local government body. Features institutional mechanism to attract funds from the IFIs, is that these processes are regulated by international treaties and laws. Actual problems of administrative and legal support of the process of attracting funds from IFIs consist in the lack of trained specialists on the ground.

Maimeskul Oleksandr, PhD student ofGlobal Studies, European Integration and National Security Management Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


The relevance of the research. The European choice of the Ukrainian people determines a special place of the European experience for determining the foreign and domestic political priorities of Ukraine, modernization of the public administration system, including the electoral process, as an important factor in the democratic development of the state.


Democracy, which is recognized as one of the fundamental values of the European Union, is the principle of functioning of the political system of society, which is based on the recognition of the people as the main source of power, his right to participate in the decision of public and state affairs, and to give citizens a wide range of political rights and freedoms, taking into account elections. representative bodies of state power and local self-government. The main elements of building a democratic political system are the rule of law, respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, holding legitimate, free, fair elections, etc. Electoral practices in Ukraine during the years of independence testify to systematic violations of democratic principles of elections. Moreover, the absence in our country of a full-fledged institution of democratic elections is one of the main reasons that prevents the international community from finally perceiving Ukraine as a democratic state. This circumstance determines the relevance of the study. The aim of the research: study of public administration of the local elections in Ukraine. The objectives of the research: - to reveal the essence of the democratic electoral process; - to analyze the legal support of the electoral process in general, and to local self- government bodies, in particular, in Ukraine; - to identify current problems of organizing the democratic electoral process with local self-government bodies in Ukraine; - to analyze the current state of formation of the State Register of Voters in Ukraine, identify the main problems affecting the quality of voter lists and propose ways of solving them; - to propose ways of improving the mechanisms of organizing the democratic electoral process in local self-government bodies, taking into account world and European experience. To achieve these goals, it is necessary: - to formulate a clear theoretical basis for the state administration of the electoral process, taking into account the pan-European standards in this field; - to ensure the training of members of election commissions at all levels; - to improve the territorial organization of electoral process management (it is a rational, legal and fair definition of constituency boundaries in the light of European experience, based on the fundamental principles of electoral process management, in particular the principle of equal opportunity in this case). We see a very important step forward in improving the efficiency of the election process management in establishing the procedure for organizing the training of persons applying for the appointment of members of election commissions of all levels (especially chairmen, deputy chairmen and secretaries of election commissions). This 20 will improve the qualification level of members of election commissions, thereby strengthening the enforcement of the letter of the law, preventing the violation of citizens' electoral rights and responding effectively to the violations detected, as well as ensuring the proper organization of the electoral process and the establishment of objective and fair results of the will of the citizens.

Negulyaeva Irina, PhD student of Regional Policy and Public Administration Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


The relevance of the research. The problem of internally displaced persons (IDPs) remains one of the most acute in modern Ukraine. An unprecedented internal migration for Ukraine is the displacement of hundreds of thousands of citizens. This necessitates the monitoring of displaced persons' problems, identifying on this basis the priority ways in solving them and ways of facilitating the integration of internally displaced persons. Overcoming the negative effects of forced migration requires from public authorities to concentrate all resources and develop science-based activities and programs. The aim of the research is to study the coordinated activities of all public authorities required to ensure the socialization of internally displaced persons in society. According to the purpose, the following objectives are defined: - to analyze the main approaches to addressing social issues of integration of displaced persons into local communities; - to explore the factors that affect the effectiveness of the process of socialization of internally displaced persons; - to study foreign experience on these issues; - to develop mechanisms of coordination of actions of public administration and local self-government on integration of displaced persons into local communities. The object of the study is integration of internally displaced persons in Ukraine. The subject of the study is mechanisms for public management of the integration of internally displaced persons.


The research methodology is a set of complementary general and special methods: - the method of systematic analysis is used to form a theoretical and methodological base of the research; - the method of comparative analysis is used to determine the general tendency of formation and development of processes of socialization of internally displaced persons; - the method of structural-logical modeling; - the method of complex analysis is used to formulate scientific definitions, conclusions. The practical value of the research. The expected scientific results should be potentially useful for central executive bodies, local state administrations, local self- government bodies. Improving the mechanisms of public administration for the integration of internally displaced persons by coordinating the actions of public authorities and local self-government in integrating displaced persons into local communities will ensure the social and political situation in the regions of Ukraine.

Pasenko Natalya, PhD student of Public Administration and Regional Studies department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


Relevance of the research. Improving the efficiency of the functioning of public authorities is impossible without the introduction of innovative technologies that optimize the information interaction of all branches of government both among themselves and with society as a whole. The purpose of local self-governance and one of its most important tasks is to pursue public interests and initiatives. The managers of all levels operating in the system of local self-government are increasingly aware of the importance of using information technology in substantiating and making management decisions. After all, for the formation or improvement of the 22 existing strategy for managing a particular territory, assessing the impact of management decisions on the development of the region requires more complete, reliable, structured information. The completeness and authenticity of the available information determine the nature and effectiveness of the decision on a particular issue. And it is IT that should reduce the possible negative impact of subjectivity on the processes of passing this information - from identifying and diagnosing a problem to implementing a management decision to solve it and assessing its effectiveness. Therefore, the chosen research topic is relevant for both local self-government bodies that make management decisions in the processes of territorial development, as well as for residents of the respective territories, to meet the needs and interests of which these decisions are directed. The degree of development of the problem. Creative authors contributed to the development of the theory of social efficiency of government activity: O. Goshko, A. Krupnik, L. Kournosenko, E. Lisicin, O. Mashtakova, L. Prikhodchenko, T. Protsenko, T. Troitskaya, V. Tsvetkov, T. aremenko, as well as foreign scientists: J. Andersen, G. Born, B. Gourne, P. Draker, C. Lindblom, G. Simon, D. Smithburg, L. Smorgunov, V. Thompson, and others. However, the issue of using the latest IT to improve the validity and social efficiency of the preparation and implementation of management decisions, in particular in the local self-government system, has remained unanswered by scientists. The urgency of these issues, their practical importance and the lack of theoretical elaboration of certain aspects of the mentioned issues, have led to the choice of the research topic. The purpose of the work is theoretical substantiation and development of methodological recommendations and practical measures aimed at increasing the validity and social effectiveness of management decisions in the system of local self- government based on the implementation of modern IT. According to the stated purpose, the following objectives are solved in the work: - to find out the essence, principles and features of preparation and implementation of administrative decisions in the system of local self-government, to analyze the main factors of their validity and social efficiency; - to conduct expert evaluation of the use of IT in the system of local self- government in decision-making and implementation of management decisions, to identify and analyze the main problems in this field; - to evaluate the possibilities of using IT in the process of making and implementing decisions in the local government system on the basis of studying and applying the best foreign and domestic experience; - to conduct an analysis of the current state of legal and regulatory support for the use of IT in the processes of decision-making and implementation of management

23 decisions in the system of local self-government and to propose ways of its improvement; - to develop ways of implementing IT in the processes of decision-making and implementation of management decisions in the local self-government system in order to increase the validity and social impact of these decisions; The object of the research is the processes of making and implementing managerial decisions in the system of local self-government. The subject of the study is the ways to increase the validity and social effectiveness of management decisions in the local government system based on the use of IT. Research methodology. In order to achieve this goal and solve the set objectives, general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge re used. Their use ensures the reliability of the results of the study and the achievement of its purpose. In particular: - method of determinism (determining the connection between the implementation and use of IT and improving the validity and social effectiveness of management decisions); -methods of dialectical and formal logic (tracking the evolution of views on the understanding and adequacy of the use of special concepts); - method of systematic approach (investigation of the features of interaction of elements of local self-government, developing and changing existing relationships between the preparation, implementation and evaluation of social effectiveness of management decisions in the system of local self-government); - structural and functional approach; - method of comparative and statistical analysis (estimation of indicators of activity of local self-government bodies that apply IT with those bodies that do not use IT); - sociological methods will conduct a public assessment of the validity of management decisions and their social impact. As an empirical basis for scientific research, the regulatory acts of the national and local levels are analysed. The scientific novelty of the expected results of the study is that methodological recommendations and practical measures will be theoretically grounded and developed to improve the soundness and social effectiveness of management decisions in the local government system based on the implementation of modern IT. The practical significance of the expected results of the work is that the conclusions and recommendations of the study can be directly used in the processes of preparation, decision-making and implementation of management decisions in the

24 system of local self-government, other public authorities, as well as civil society institutions and active members of territorial communities.

Railian Anna, PhD student of the Department of Regional Policy and Public Administration, the Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


Relevance of the problem. Up today, nearly 800 villages, townships and cities have been united in consolidated communities. They have brought together over 4,000 councils, over 10 million inhabitants and hundreds of square kilometres of land. However, most of these communities have been eliminated, in whole or in part, from the disposal of land resources. This does not give the communities the right, at their own discretion, to dispose of land resources within administrative-territorial units, carry out spatial planning and attract investments. O. Pronina, O. Kostyshyn, O. Dorosh, A. Martin, A. Tretyak and others have been engaged in the research of the issue of land resources management in the process of decentralization of power in Ukraine. In the dissertation land resources management in the process of decentralization in Ukraine, has found the new ways and mechanisms for its practical implementation. But the problem is that there is the legal vacuum in the Ukrainian legislation on this issue. The aim of the research is to study the experience of "land decentralization" of European countries, in a comprehensive analysis of the problem of land management in the conditions of decentralization in Ukraine, taking into account the legal vacuum of domestic legislation in the relevant field, characterization of the legal status of local self-government bodies as a subject of land management in modern conditions, outlining the negative consequences of limiting the "land" jurisdiction of the consolidated communities, as well as developing a number of recommendations for improvement implementation of the mechanism of land resources management in the conditions of decentralization of power. The purpose determined the following research objectives: 25

- to study the experience of "land decentralization" of European countries; - to analyze the problems of land management under decentralization in Ukraine; - to identify the significance of local self-government bodies as the subject of land management; - to determine the legal status of executive bodies as the subject of disposal of state-owned lands; - to characterize land resources as an object of management under decentralization; - to formulate and substantiate proposals for improvement of land resources management mechanism in the conditions of decentralization of power. The object of the research is the public relations in the land management system. The subject of the study is interaction of public authorities in the land management system under decentralization. The methods of the research are survey, case-studies and interviews. The theoretical significance of the study is: in the creation of a theoretical basis for improving land law; in outlining of conceptual approaches to address the main problems of land management in the context of decentralization of power; in characterizing of the legal status of local governments as a subject of land management; in the further development of findings contained in the thesis in public administration science. The practical significance of the research is that the conclusions and suggestions presented in this dissertation can be used to improve the effectiveness of local self-government in the context of land decentralization, in particular with respect to amending land legislation to bring it into line with current requirements.

Samofalov Roman, PhD student of State Studies and Law Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration Under the President of Ukraine, head of Juridical Analysis Division of the Legal Department of Council


The relevance of the research topic is particularly important because of the need to a clear understanding of public service integrity, establishing well-understood standards of it and definition of there enforcement mechanisms.The issue of the study is related to the lack of clear understanding of what is «integrity» in public sector, absence of explicit standards and mechanisms of it implementation. Integrity of persons authorized to perform the function of state and local self-government – it is a necessary component of professional activity of public servants, as a safety anti-corruption mechanisms. Since the reform of the anti-corruption system and alteration by the relevant legislations acts that regulate public service, integrity has become a trend. It reflected in every document that regulate public service, public administration etc. Public integrity has become major component of anti-corruption system. Integrity is a necessary ingredient of public service and public servants activity. It defined the patterns and the linesof behavior of public servants that based on the principles of good attitude towards people and honesty in their own lifestyles, the performance of their duties and the disposal of public resources. The issue of public service integrity is not new. General theoretical aspects of public virtues were researched by domestic scholars, such as T. Vasilevskaya, O. Vasilyeva, S. Zhukov, L. Kornuta, O. Olekshko, O. Onufrienko, O. Serdyuk, N. Sorokin, I. Surai, O. To speak, S. Fedchyshyn and others. Some aspects of the problem of integrity have been explored in the domestic scientific space or this topic were indirectly analyzed, examining other, broader or related problems,but the problem of integrity of persons authorized to perform the functions of public administration doesn’t lie in any of the detailed scientific researches in Ukraine. The aim of the research is to formulate the definition of public integrity, its standards and to develop mechanisms for their compliance. The following objectives are formulated by the aim of research: - to analyze the researchers and define the conceptual apparatus in native space; - to explore the foreign experience of implementation public service virtue; - to analyze the current condition of legal regulation of public service integrity in Ukraine; - to determine the requirements for improving the integrity of the public servants; - to definestandardsandmethodsofimprovingthe publicintegrity; - to identify the main areas of integrity in accordance with the requirements of European standards. 27

The object of the research is the system of professional public service and personnel management. The subject of the research is public integrity as part of a professional public service. A set of methods is usedin the process of research: - analytical method - providing selection information; - semantic method - the study of the conceptual apparatus; - formal legal method - study of legal acts; - structural and functional analysis - the study of the elements of the public service and the relationship between them - empirical method - for conducting observations; - abstract and logical - when drawing and forming conclusions and recommendations. Scientific novelty of the expected results will be in the following: a) for the first time will be: - developed standards of public service integrity; - created a model for ensuring standards of integrity; - formed criteria of integrity in public service. b) will be improved: - - a methodological approach to the application of integrity criteria as a means of anti-corruption system; - mechanisms for ensuring a virtuous public service. c) will get further development: - Quality Management System in public service; - anti-corruption system. The findings of the research will be in understanding and interpretation of “integrity” as a core of anti-corruption system and good governance. Not as part of ethics dimension, but as mechanism that will be embedded in existent model of public service with explicit standards.

Skurchak Tetyana, PhD student of Humanitarian and Socio-Political Sciences Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine



Relevance of the research. At the present stage of society development, accompanied by rapid scientific and technological, information and innovation progress, the management requirements and the need for the additional ethical regulators introduction are significantly increased. This problem is especially actual to the health care industry, because the regulation managers of this area are faced with a number of value challenges that need adequate, and most importantly, timely regulation. First of all, the appropriate regulation need is caused by the development of transplantation, artificial improvement of the human genome with the help of gene editing technologies, surrogate motherhood, etc. The need for additional ethical regulation is indicated by the excessive commercialization of the medical field. When the state guarantees only the minimal package provision of free medical services, the problem of appropriate ethical regulation becomes a matter of life and death. These and other arguments confirm the relevance of the study. The study will explore the value aspect of public health service, namely human values and the specific regulatory requirements (including ethical standards) of public health officials. We assume that the value requirements (ethical standards) of public health officials are not the same as the value requirements of the public service as a whole, because they are broader and more specific (because of such specific area as health service). The object of the research is public health service value system. The subject of the research is value aspect of public health service development. The aim of the dissertation is to substantiate theoretically the system of public service values conceptual provisions functioning and development in the health care field. According to the stated purpose the following objectives were defined: - to summarize theoretical and methodological scientific developments of public service in the field of health care problems and to specify the conceptual and categorical apparatus that reflects the values system in the field of health care; - to identify current public health service value attributes; - to analyze the current legal provision of the public health service basic value guidelines; - to evaluate, on the empirical research basis, the state of the modern system of values; - to determine the directions in the improvement of values, formed at the public service in the health care field; 29

- to identify its formation regarding the influence of factors and its functioning; - to summarize the experience in public health service value system (or ethical infrastructure) forming overseas; - to suggest the ways in improving the value system (or ethical infrastructure) of the public health service, taking into account the dominant socio-cultural values in society and in the Ukraine public service. The study hypothesis is based on the assumption that by the existing value system (or ethical infrastructure) of the public health service improving, taking into account the dominant socio-cultural values in society and the Ukraine public service, it is possible in general to increase the service effectiveness. Scientific novelty. In the dissertation there will be: for the first time: the public health service's value system peculiarities will be investigated; the specificity of the public health service's value system will be identified; the factors influencing the public service value system formation in the field of health will be summarized, taking into account the dominant socio-cultural values in society and the Ukraine public service; the recommendations for the formation and development of a public health service value system will be developed. improved: the categorical apparatus of public administration, including such terms as «public health service value system», «public health officer standard of behavior»; theoretical framework for the ethical behavior legal regulation of a public health officer; further developed: public health service's value system specifics and features understanding; approaches to adapt foreign experience to institutionalize the public health service's value system; approaches to develop a health care public service ethical standard.


Stoian Rustam, PhD student of the Department of Management of Organizations, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


The relevance of the problem. The actuality is due, first of all, to the deep economic and social crises in the country, the imbalance of economic and social policies, the poor quality of life of the population majority and the growing emigration. On the other hand, the administrative-territorial reform -- the most important part of which is the local self–government reform -- puts new theoretical and practical problems before scientists. In particular, it is the task of developing some new theoretical approaches and practical measures to preserve existing and create new human capital without which the state simply will not survive. Managerial, financial, economic decentralization as the basis for reform of local self-government actualizes the question of public administration and regulation of the human capital development at the local level - from UTC (OTH) to the UTC groups and - especially - in multinational areas. The study of the problem. As long as I do the research, I didn’t find at least one fundamental work in which issues of the human capital development are discussed in connection with the local government reform in general and in particular - with reference to a particular territory inhabited by those or other nations/peoples. This fact, in my opinion, testifies the relevance of the stated topic of the dissertation. Some issues in the framework of this topic, of course, were not beyond attention of scientists. Thus, D. Bogin, V. Voronkov, I. Dunaev, N. Golikova, O. Grishnov, V. Kutsenko, V. Lagutin, E. Libanova, A. Merzlyak, L. Mikhailova L.Pashko, I. Petrov, L. Stik and others deal with issues of theory and methodology of human capital in Ukraine. Many works of local researchers are devoted to various issues of local self-government. I cannot mention here all of them, but bibliographical list of issues of local self-government, which I gradually compile has already 189 titles. A separate list will be drawn up on ethnic issues and local self-government and its reform. As a matter of fact, I have to say that this aspect obviously is outside of a scientific study - at present no source I could find out. The aim of this dissertation research is to substantiate the priority areas in improving existing and creating new mechanisms of state regulation of the human 31 capital development by local authorities taking into consideration the ethno-social specificity of local communities. According to this purpose, the following objectives were predefined: - to analyze current status and performance impact of state and local authorities on the human capital development in Ukraine in general and in specific areas; - to find out the legal and organizational and institutional base for state and local (local self-government authorities) regulation of human capital development; - to classify human capital by types of political, economic, social and cultural activities taking into account the ethno-social structure of communities; - to identify areas and institutional capacity for direct and indirect regulation of human capital development at the level of UTC and UTC groups; - to determine subjects and objects of the “point” and complex regulation of human capital by public authorities and local governments; - to develop a mechanism for systematic monitoring and evaluation of state and local regulation of human capital development at the level of local self-government; - to substantiate practical recommendations for the legislative and executive authorities on the legal, organizational, administrative, financial and material regulation of human capital development at the level of UTCs and UTC groups (micro-regions ), and at the level of districts (middle regions) and regions (macro-regions ). Therefore, the object of this study is the processes of state and local regulation of human capital development, and the subject of research is theoretical and practical issues of state and local regulation of human capital development as a major factor in the political, socio-economic and cultural stability of local self-government. Research methodology. The following general and specific methods and approaches will be used to achieve this goal and to resolve problems: - system-analytical method - for generalization of scientific concepts, theories, approaches regarding the development of human capital and management of human capital development; - institutional approach - to evaluate existing and possibly formulate new definitions of the terms “human capital development”, “state regulation of human capital development”, “local regulation of human capital development”, “ethnic human capital development”; - classification-analytical method - to determine the content of human capital taking into account the ethno-social structure of communities, to determine the main goals of human capital development at the local level, to determine methods and means of the state and local regulation of human capital development, to establish indicators and criteria for assessing human capital development;


- comparative method and generalizations - to evaluate the historical experience (UPR, ZUPR) and the current state and tendencies of human capital development in Ukraine; - survey method - to study the effectiveness of state and local regulation of human capital development (different types of surveys for different categories of respondents); - systematic method - for analysis of state and local management of human capital development as a whole, hierarchical system of managerial, organizational and administrative, financial and material measures of human capital development; - statistical method - to process survey results, to form a database of local needs for human capital development . Expected findings and outcomes: - decentralization must concern not only administrative, financial, urban, land management issues. Local self-government authorities should also be empowered to develop human capital at the level of UTCs and UTC groups; - a number of legislative and regulatory acts governing the devolution of power in this area are needed: a) relations with state public authorities; b) relations with city councils with adequate resources and capabilities; c) relations between the UTCs, including the UTCs from different areas not related to territorial contiguity; d) relations between public authorities and UTC, rural councils without UTC that have tangible non-Ukrainian ethnic component (as lawyer by education I would try to draft a bill); - a single and state-mandated monitoring of state and local regulation of human capital development with clear quantitative indicators will allow the process to be updated in accordance with changing local conditions without waiting for "political will"; - introduction of control over the regulation of human capital development by civil society (for example, NGOs) will counterbalance the possible abuse of powers by local self-government officials and local deputies.

Sukharenko Vladyslav, PhD student of Humanitarian and Socio-Political Sciences Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine; Head of the State body “Specialized rehabilitation resort “Arcadia” under the Ministry of health of Ukraine” 33


The relevance of the research topic is due to the scale of health care reforms, one of the most important areas of which is the reform of the management system of state owned health care institutions, in particular health resorts. The purpose of the reform is to quickly adapt them to market conditions, increase efficiency, provide quality and affordable health and rehabilitation services. An effective means of implementing these processes is restructuring. The necessity of restructuring is caused by a number of problems of institutions of sanatorium-resort sphere of the state form of ownership, among which: inefficiency of the management system, deterioration of material and technical base, loss of qualified personnel, lack of own working capital, low competitiveness, weakening of coordination of activities of the sanatorium-resort by the government. Over the last three decades, the financing and implementation of modern technological equipment, innovative methods of sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation have significantly decreased. The issues of developing a restructuring program at state-owned sanatorium-resort enterprises are poorly understood, methodological tools are not developed enough to comprehensively address the problems of adaptation of public institutions in conditions of environmental uncertainty, management procedures and procedures that make up the restructuring process, management of the health resort during restructuring and in the conditions of further development. The relevance of the study is also due to the fact that the problem of the effective functioning of institutions of state-owned sanatorium and resort complex has not acquired a proper value in the field of public health policy of Ukraine and has not yet become the subject of a separate comprehensive study. These circumstances led to the choice of research areas related to the development of the problem of improving the management of the restructuring of the facilities of the sanatorium and resort complex, its purpose and scientific tasks. The aim of the study is to develop scientific, methodological and practical recommendations for managing the restructuring of state-owned sanatorium complexes in the conditions of health care system reform. To achieve this goal the following objectives were defined: - to analyze scientific approaches to the definition of categories of “restructuring”, “management of restructuring” and to substantiate the method of its regulation in the institutions of state ownership of the healthcare sector;


- to identify the peculiarities of functioning and state regulation of the network of state-owned sanatorium-resort institutions that necessitate restructuring; -to study the experience of state regulation of restructuring of the enterprises of the sanatorium and resort complex; - to clarify the content of the restructuring processes of health resort facilities in the context of healthcare reform; -to formulate requirements for the formation of a model of restructuring of the institution of the sanatorium resort sphere of the state type of ownership; - to develop recommendations on improving the management of restructuring of state-owned sanatorium-resort institutions, which take into account both the specific features of their activities and the need for state regulation of this process. The object of the research is the restructuring of state-owned sanatorium and resort establishments. The subject of the research is the managerial relations that arise in the process of restructuring the state-owned health resorts and health care facilities under conditions of health care system reform. The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research are the basic provisions of the theories of public administration, management, management of economic systems, modelling, methodology of construction of information systems. It is planned to use systematic approach methods, diagnostic and prognostic types of analysis, method of goal structuring, organizational modelling and expert evaluation as research tools. Different methods and techniques of scientific research are used in the work: statistical observations (during review of retrospective data), systematic approach (in the process of selecting types and directions of restructuring), method of questioning (in the process of determining efficiency indicators of sanatorium-resort facilities), expert method (in the process of assessing the importance of factors affecting the restructuring process) etc. The theoretical value of the research. The dissertation will substantiate the need to develop and implement a state program of restructuring the network of institutions of the sanatorium and resort complex as a tool of state influence. The main parameters of the restructuring program will be availability, quality, and efficiency. At the same time accessibility means more opportunities in obtaining health resort services for all citizens who require them. Quality reflects the essence of changes in the activity of sanatorium and resort institutions, their focus on improving the quality of services. Efficiency can be considered on the one hand as an increase in the efficiency of activity, and on the other hand, determined by the social effect of the activities of health resort institutions in the country, which is manifested in the preservation and maintenance of public

35 health, increase in the number of people returned to normal rhythm of life, after suffered diseases and injuries. The main purpose of the state program will be to create the necessary conditions for achieving accessibility and high quality of sanatorium resort services by equalizing the possibilities of access of the population to obtaining quality services, provided by the effective use of human, financial, logistical and natural medical resources, as well as modern effective healthcare system organization. An important methodological principle for the development of a program of restructuring of the network of enterprises of the sanatorium and resort complex will be the principle of continuity of monitoring and precise determination (quantitative or qualitative) of the expected effect (social, economic, environmental). The practical value of the research. As a result of the research, proposals will be made for the formation of a model of restructuring of the institution of the sanatorium and resort complex and conclusions for the implementation of the management of this model on a specific example. One of the mechanisms of the model should be a comprehensive analysis of financial and economic activity, which aims to determine the need for restructuring and its types, identify the relationship between the level of development of a health resort, its financial situation, on the one hand, and the need to use certain restructuring tools on the other. The introduction of a model of restructuring of a particular institution of the sanatorium and resort sphere will anticipate certain administrative steps, one of which is the formation of a restructuring directorate at the enterprise, which will simultaneously fulfil the functions of the restructuring customer, the management body of the restructuring model development, and the coordinator of its implementation. The practical significance of the results of the study will be that the developed methodological recommendations for managing the restructuring of the enterprises of the sanatorium and resort complex will create a practical basis for improving the management of the process of restructuring of enterprises, making effective management decisions regarding the restructuring of the sanatorium and resort facilities, and evaluation of the results that can be used in public administration practice.

Talalaieva Olena, PhD student of the Department of Regional Policy and Public Administration, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine 36


The relevance of the research theme is explained by the fact that the status of population health, children and youth in particular, is deteriorating in country which is explained by number of reasons: underestimation of the problem importance at the national level, in family, educational institutions, and the working places. Limited opportunities for healthy lifestyle development through physical culture and sports. Low level of people knowledge about the means of health promoting and maintaining, the role of healthy lifestyle. The ecology of environment is worsening, the level of people dependence due to alcohol, smoking, drug usage is increasing, there is a high level of socially dangerous diseases spread, such as HIV-infection, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections. The complexity and unity of approaches to solving this problem is broken by family, educational institutions, state and public organizations, labor collectives, which is especially dangerous for education of young generation. In the current period of Ukrainian health care system reforming, primary prevention, based on the formation of healthy lifestyle, increasing the responsibility of each person for their health, eliminating the effects of health risk factors, is relevant. Motivation for healthy lifestyle, its appropriateness and need should be formed from childhood. Today the main actions in the country are focused on overcoming the consequences of deterioration of health, use of psychoactive substances, presence of socially dangerous diseases. Therefore, the formation and definition of the main mechanisms of public administration for healthy lifestyle formation becomes relevant both from a theoretical and practical point of view. The aim of the research is to theoretically substantiate the mechanisms of public administration for healthy lifestyles formation in order to create conditions for a comprehensive systematic approach in the healthy lifestyles formation, prevented negative phenomena among young people. The chosen aim involves the sequential solution of the following objectives: - to explore theoretical and methodological approaches to analysis of existing forms, methods, mechanisms of forming a healthy lifestyle; - to analyze the legal support for the implementation of healthy lifestyle approaches; - to determine the organizational and legal mechanisms for formation of mechanisms and ntroduction of healthy lifestyles; - to analyze the current state of national approaches implementation and programs on healthy lifestyle formation; 37

- to explore the use of European and world experience in public governance mechanisms for healthy lifestyles; - to substantiate recommendations for defining public governance mechanisms for healthy lifestyles. The object of the researchisa healthy lifestyle in Ukraine. The subject of the researchis the mechanisms of public administration for healthy lifestyle development. Research methodology. The methods of research are based on the principles of research, traditional for national science in public administration: comparison and generalization, systematic and structural. In particular, the comparative method was used to compare modern international documents regarding development of healthy lifestyle with the legislation of Ukraine. The usage of the structural-functional method will allow to analyze the structure and functions of approaches in the sphere of healthy lifestyle development in Ukraine and in EU countries. The empirical basis of the study will be: generalizing practices for healthy lifestyles by public authorities and NGOs. Predicted findings and outcomes: - theoretical and methodological approaches to analysis of existing forms, methods, mechanisms of healthy lifestyle development is explored; - organizational and legal mechanisms for development of mechanisms and introduction of healthy lifestyles is determined; - usage of European and world experience in public governance mechanisms for healthy lifestyles is explored; - recommendations for defining public governance mechanisms for healthy lifestyle is substantiated. The scientific novelty of the results is based on the critical rethinking of modern domestic and world experience, a theoretical substantiation of the mechanisms for healthy lifestyle development will be made, in particular by: 1. Substantiation of effective public management mechanisms for healthy lifestyle development; 2. Developing proposals for creation of national integrated strategy related to healthy lifestyles; 3. Identification of directions for increasing the role of youth and their involvement in the development and implementation processes; 4. Clarification of the media role in healthy lifestyle development. Thus, the rationale for public governance mechanisms for healthy lifestyles development among young people in Ukraine under European choice will create conditions for achieving a comprehensive systematic approach in healthy lifestyles development, preventing negative phenomena among young people. 38

Theoretical and practical value of the research. Today the main actions in the country are focused on overcoming the consequences of health deterioration, usage of psychoactive substances, presence of socially unsafe diseases. Therefore, the formation and definition of the main mechanisms of public administration for healthy lifestyles development becomes relevant from both theoretical and practical point of view. The rationale for public governance mechanisms for healthy lifestyles development among young people in Ukraine under European choice will create conditions for achieving a comprehensive systematic approach in healthy lifestyles development, preventing negative phenomena among young people.

Vasylyshen Sergii, PhD student of Humanitarian and Socio-Political Studies Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


The relevance of the research. Ukraine having ratified a number of international legal instruments for the protection of childhood, in particular: the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of the USSR on 27 September 1991, the United Nations Millennium Declaration, approved by UN General Assembly resolution 55/2 of 08/08 In 2000, the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2016-2021) made a commitment to ensure the rights of the child. Respect for the rights of the child is one of the priority areas of activity of public authorities. Since independence, services, institutions and advisory bodies have been established in Ukraine, whose main function is to protect the rights of the child, in particular: child services, family and youth management, centers for social services for the family, children and youth, education management, bodies of juvenile prevention of national police. However, the different subordination of the above bodies, the lack of proper coordination and the inconsistency of their actions, make it difficult to address issues related to the protection of children's rights. In the process of decentralization of power, which involves the delegation of powers of the state to local self-government bodies, one of which is the protection of children's rights, there is a question of coordination of public authorities that will protect 39 the rights of children. After all, not all bodies and structures and their powers will be delegated to local self-government, and some, especially those performing control functions, will remain under the state's vertical control. In such a situation, the topic of coordination of activities of public authorities on ensuring the rights of children under decentralization is obvious, which will form the basis of the dissertation research. The aim of the study. To propose a strategy for systematic coordination of the activities of public authorities to ensure the rights of children under decentralization. To achieve this goal, the following objectives are defined: - to examine the process of restructuring the powers of public authorities to protect children's rights; - to investigate the legislative framework for the activities of public authorities to ensure the rights of children under decentralization; - to identify problems in the system of ensuring children's rights; - to study foreign experience of the system of coordination of activities of public authorities responsible for the protection of children's rights; - to propose a strategy for public authorities to systematically coordinate the protection of the rights of the child under decentralization. The object of the study is the public administration system to ensure children's rights. The subject of the study is coordinating functions of public authorities to ensure children's rights. The research methods, The dissertation research will use general scientific and special methods that will allow formulating and developing ways of enhancing the effective activity of public authorities and ensuring protection of rights under decentralization. In particular, the method of generalization will give the opportunity to form a systematic view of problematic issues; method of statistical analysis - to study the dynamics of quantitative indicators of completeness of realization of children's rights, child neglect and homelessness; structural and functional - examines the structure and functions of the system of authorities implementing the state policy on the rights of children in the united territorial communities. The methodological basis will also be the work of scientists in the field of management and social sciences, which cover issues of organization and management in the field of social policy. The information base of the research consists of the legal acts of Ukraine, materials of the Ministry of Social Policy and the State Statistics Service, services for children. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is that in the national theory of public administration, one of the first comprehensive studies will be carried out, which

40 is devoted to the analysis of the coordination functions of public authorities to ensure the rights of the child under decentralization. Possible ways of solving the set objectives: - Analysis of the world experience in the implementation of the rights of the child in small towns and rural areas; - Analysis of the legal framework governing the management of the united territorial communities; - Formation of recommendations on adaptation of the world practices of realization of the rights of the child under decentralization. - Development of a strategy for public authorities to systematically coordinate children’s rights under decentralization.

Yarulina Natalya, PhD student of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


Relevance of the research. In the context of administrative changes in public administration that are taking place in Ukraine, in particular in the relations between the state and civil society, in which public authorities act as administrative structures providing services and the public as a receiving client. All this necessitated a reorientation of the forms and methods of activity of the authorities to meet the needs of consumers of public services, to rethink the concept of managing public information and to provide reliable public feedback. Іn this regard, public authorities need to develop a novel model of management of information and communication environment, which provides for the improvement of types and forms of information-analytical and communicative activity between the subjects and objects of interaction, development and implementation of effective flexible information infrastructure, implementation digital technologies by the authorities at the micro and macro levels, attracting world experience in creating, disseminating and protecting information resources in the public system management. Theoretical and methodological foundations of information and communication activities of public authorities are contained in researches of such Ukrainian and foreign scholars as B. Dzindziuk, V. Kozakov, M. Lashkin, L. Litvinova, O. Romanenko, V. 41

Kuibida, Christopher Reddick, David Brown, Jesse Lecy, Maurice Odine, Ines Mergel and others. In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to issues of information and communication activity in public authorities, but the mechanisms of forming the information and communication environment of public authorities in Ukraine remain are unexplored. The aim of the research is to reveal the conceptual foundations of the information and communication environment in the public administration system, to develop a model of managing the provision of the information and communication environment of the public authority. The objectives of the research are: - to study and summarize scientific and theoretical approaches to determine the content and essential features of the concepts "information environment", "information space", "information and communication environment of public authority" from the standpoint of a systematic approach in management; - to study the structure and functions of the information and communication environment of the public authority in the conditions of globalization of society; - to characterize digital technologies, their advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of application in the activity of public authorities; - to reveal methodological approaches for managing the implementation of digital technologies at the micro-, meso- and macro- levels; - improve the mechanisms of formation the information and communication environment of a public authority; - to compare domestic and foreign experience of providing information and communication environment of public authorities; - to develop and substantiate a model of management of the information and communication environment of a public authority. The object of the research is the information and communication environment in public sphere. The subject of the research is the mechanisms of formation the information and communication environment of a public authority. The hypothesis of the research is based on the assumption that the implementation of digital technologies into the public authority activities will significantly increase the efficiency of the functioning of governmental structures, promote the formation of partnerships between public authorities, the private sector and civil society. In order to achieve this goal, it is planned to use both general scientific and special scientific methods, including:


- comparison (to identify common features and differences in the use of information and communication technologies in the process of interaction between public authorities and civil society institutions in Ukraine and foreign countries), - modelling (to create a model for managing the information and communication environment of a public authority), - expert survey (to reveal peculiarities of interaction of public authorities with citizens in the conditions of development of information society in Ukraine). The empirical basis for the study will be the legal documents regulating the processes of information interaction of public authorities with the public, statistical information, materials for monitoring information activities of public authorities, expert surveys. Predicted findings and outcomes can be useful for the work of communication departments, press services, departments working with the public authorities of district and regional levels, for further scientific exploration of the mechanisms of formation of information and communication environment in the field of public administration, for the preparation of masters of public administration. The novelty of the research is to substantiate theoretical provisions and to develop specific proposals for the formation of a model of management of the provision of information and communication environment of a public authority, which ensures the effectiveness of its activities in the exercise of state authority, to improve the conceptual apparatus of the science of public administration in the aspect of the problem under study.

Yermakov Rolan, PhD Student of the State Studies and Law Department, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


Relevance of the research topic. At the present stage of Ukraine's development as a democratic state, the development of local self-government is one of the priorities of public policy. The European choice of the people of Ukraine and the need to ratify the agreements with the EU, including European Charter of Local Self-Government, there appears a need of researching the evolution of the phenomenon in the Ukrainian 43 legal history. Odessa was the first Ukrainian city which utilized the model of self- government of a new type, that combined the achievements of the previous era of medieval city government with contemporary organization of local self-government. This unique experience of Odessa is of interest for the entire Ukrainian legal science and practice. The development of local self-government in Odessa, and in Southern Ukraine was researched by S. M. Stremenovsky, who concentrated on the legal aspects of local self-government in Odessa in the middle of the XIX century, K. A. Tyganiy, who considered the formation of urban self-government in the Russian Empire on the example of Odessa, T. G. Goncharuk, whose works are devoted to the port-Franko as a special form of urban freedom in the Russian Empire, M. S. Kashkaev, who considered the peculiarities of the interaction of local government and self-government in Odessa in the second half of the nineteenth century, O. V. Cheremisin, whose work concentrates on features of local self-government in the south of Ukraine in the XVIII-XIX centuries and other researchers. The aim of the research is to investigate the model of development of local self- government in Odessa in the late XVIII-early XIX centuries and to draft propositions for application of that experience nowadays. The objectives of the research are: - to establish the place of local self-government in the system of public governance; - to outline the basis of local self-government in Europe in Early Modern Period; - to investigate the application of European experience in the Ukrainian cities; - to trace the development of local self-government in Odessa in XVIII century; - to outline the system and character of local self-government in Odessa in times of Vorontsov; - to research local self-government in Odessa after Vorontsov; - to determine the prospective of application of the experience of local self- government in Odessa nowadays; - to trace the experience of particular branches of local self-government; - to develop propositions for perfection of self-government in Odessa The object of the research is legal regulation of city self-government in Odessa in late XVIII-early XIX centuries The subject of the research is the peculiarities of legal regulation and organization of activities of bodies of local self-government in Odessa in XVIII-XIX centuries and the avenues of application of their experience at modern times The methods of the research. A number of methods are going to be applied. Among them, first of all, should be dialectical method, which implies the

44 inadmissibility of a unilateral approach to the phenomena, taking into account their contradictions. The system method (systematic structural analysis method) will be used in the work, in particular, when considering local self-government bodies as special social systems that interact with each other and with other elements of the political system. The system method is closely related to the functional method, which is used to distinguish in the local government components of the structural parts in terms of their social purpose, role, functions, connections between them. Based on the objectives of the work, the author widely uses the historical method. The latter allows to consider local governments in their development process, to trace trends and characteristics of local governments at different stages, taking into account the factors of succession and change. The comparative (comparative) method, which is to identify and study common and distinct features in the organization of local self-government bodies of different countries, is of particular relevance in the current conditions of reforming state political and legal practice. The application of the method reveals the advantages and disadvantages of organizing a system of local governments. Predicted findings and outcomes. Basic theoretical provisions, conclusions and practical recommendations of the dissertation will have practical direction and can be taken into account in the implementation of modern transformations of the system of local self-government and territorial organization, as well as applied in scientific and educational activities in preparation of the masters of public administration. The scientific novelty of the results of the study is in substantiation of scientific and theoretical principles of reproduction of national traditions of governance in Ukraine, especially those that were developed in the Odessa region, which was reflected in the development of new models of local self-government based on the principles of national and European experience in organizing public authority Theoretical and practical value. The basic theoretical provisions, conclusions and practical recommendations of the dissertation have practical direction and can be taken into account in the implementation of modern changes in the system of local self- government and territorial organization of power.

Yukhnenko Mariya, PhD student of the State Studies and Law Department Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine 45


The relevance of the research. In the system of state management of natural resources, the issues of rational use of land resources, which are interpreted by modern science in various aspects, are becoming increasingly important. Land, in addition to its traditional properties (means of production, territorial basis, natural body, etc.), has become the object of legal relations and the object of real estate. The land fund of the country is a national wealth, the rational use of which is impossible without a proper system of state decisions. This system is of particular importance during the periods of land relations reform, when large-scale redistribution and privatization of land resources, reorganization of existing objects and subjects of land relations are carried out. However, the management of land resources takes into account the impact of both objective laws of nature (establishing obligations to protect land from harmful natural processes) and economic, social laws of society. State regulation of land relations in Ukraine is aimed at solving the problems of rational use of land resources as the most important factor of production, creation of legal, economic, organizational and technical and other conditions for the reproduction and increase of soil fertility, ensuring the growth of production. One of the most important factors of effective state management of land resources at all administrative and territorial levels is the system of state land cadastre and monitoring of land resources, which serve as an information and analytical basis for state management of territories and regulation of land relations. At the same time, all components of the land cadastre and monitoring of land resources should correspond to the level of state support for the development of land relations. This is especially important when developing economically sound methods for establishing boundaries of land objects, mass cadastral land valuation of land of different categories, legislative support for the principles and rules of taxation of subjects of agrarian relations. Today, the system of state regulation of the land sphere does not sufficiently ensure the separation of powers and responsibilities of the land management structures. The imperfection of state regulation of land relations, the lack of purposefulness of their reform have aggravated many problems, in particular, this is due to the deterioration of the soil condition. In many cases, resolving these issues is constrained by an inadequate methodological basis for improving state regulation of land relations. A topical issue is to develop mechanisms for state regulation of the rational use of land resources, in particular, to determine the level of their efficiency in each individual case. At the same time, legal, administrative and economic methods should be involved in the system of state management of land resources. 46

The aim of the research. The aim of the dissertation research is to provide scientific and theoretical substantiation of mechanisms and to develop practical recommendations for improving state regulation of agricultural land in Ukraine in the context of land reform. To achieve this goal, the following objectives were defined and solved: - to reveal the concept of land management and the structure of state bodies regulating land relations in Ukraine; - to analyze the legal regulation of the state management of the land fund; - to find out the impact of land reform on the state of agricultural land market development; - to substantiate the organizational and legal and socio-economic mechanisms of formation of the agricultural land market taking into account foreign experience. The object of the research is the process of state regulation of rational use of land resources in the conditions of land reform in Ukraine. The subject of the research is theoretical and practical principles of formation and development of mechanisms of state regulation of the agricultural land market. The research methods. To test the hypothesis of research and fulfil the tasks set, we used general scientific and special methods: structural and functional analysis of the basic theories and practices of land resources management - to identify and substantiate the mechanisms of state regulation of rational use of land resources; methods of analysis and synthesis - to study and summarize scientific provisions on the application of methods of general theory of management and management of land resources, to carry out appropriate generalizations, to clarify the basic concepts; concrete historical analysis - to study the history of land relations development; monographic method - to study the experience of managing land resources by specific subjects of agrarian relations; abstract-logical method - for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions. The novelty of the obtained results is that the scientific-theoretical conclusions are made and the proposals on improvement of the current land legislation in this field under the conditions of land reform are formulated. The practical significance of the obtained results is that the application of the proposed directions and mechanisms for improving the state regulation of rational use of land resources will create preconditions for effective state control over the use of land resources both within and outside settlements, expanding the powers of the land management bodies, and improving land use efficiency.

Yushchenko Margarita, Doktorandin der Fakultät für öffentliche Verwaltung und Regionalwissenschaften, 47

Odessa Regionalinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung, Nationalakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung unter dem Präsidenten der Ukraine


Einführung. Eine der dringendsten Aufgaben beim Aufbau eines modernen demokratischen, wettbewerbsfähigen und geeinten ukrainischen Staates zur Gewährleistung seiner nachhaltigen Entwicklung ist die Beschleunigung der Reform der lokalen Selbstverwaltung.In 2014 hatdieukrainischeRegierungdamitbegonnen, eineumfassende Reformderlokalen Selbstverwaltung durch zu führen, ihreRessourcenbasiszuerweiternusw. Ein notwendiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur europäischen Integration der Ukraine ist die Verlagerung an die Orte der Verwaltungsdienste, die von der Bevölkerung stark nachgefragt werden, wodurch ein wirksamer Mechanismus für die Wahrnehmung der Rechte und Interessen der Bürger geschaffen werden kann.Insbesondere im Hinblick auf eine Vereinfachung des Verfahrens für die Erbringung von Verwaltungsdienstleistungen im Bereich der staatlichen Registrierung von Personenstandsakten und der Übertragung von Befugnissen an kommunale Selbstverwaltungsorgane. Die allgemeinen Grundsätze der staatlichen Registrierung von Personenstandsgesetzen sind: 1) Gewährleistung der Ausübung der Rechte und berechtigten Interessen des Einzelnen; 2) die Verpflichtung zur staatlichen Registrierung von Personenstandsakten in gesetzlich geregelten Fällen; 3) Rechtmäßigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Aktualität und Vollständigkeit der Informationen zur staatlichen Registrierung von Personenstandsakten; 4) Geheimhaltung der staatlichen Registrierung von Personenstandsakten. Heutzutage ist es notwendig, die Rechtsvorschriften zu ändern, die diese Beziehung regeln, da die Exekutivorgane der Gemeinden und Städte die Befugnisse zur Erbringung von Verwaltungsdienstleistungen im Bereich der staatlichen Registrierung von Personenstandsakten ausbauen müssen und die Zahlung für die Erbringung solcher Dienstleistungen vor Ort erfolgt ein Budget, mit dem die Mittel für die sozialen Bedürfnisse der lokalen Gemeinschaften und die Bezahlung des angestellten staatlichen Standesbeamten mit lokalen Selbstverwaltungsorganen, ihren Exekutivorganenbereitgestellt werden können. 48

Unter in- und ausländischen Wissenschaftlern, die verschiedene Aspekte der Entwicklung der lokalen Selbstverwaltung erforscht haben, sollten wir Batanov O., Bordenyuk V., Vorono P., Kravchenko V., Kuibidou V., Lyubchenko P., Mamonov V., Timchenko I., Tkachuk A.,Tolkanova V., Tymoshchuk V., Sharov Y. et al.erwähnen. Angesichts der neuen Prioritäten der staatlichen Politik zur Dezentralisierung der öffentlichen Gewalt und zur Reform der kommunalen Selbstverwaltung sowie der Ausarbeitung neuer Rechtsvorschriften zur Registrierung von Personenstandsakten ist es jedoch ratsam, die Reihenfolge der Übertragung von Befugnissen von Exekutivorganen an kommunale Selbstverwaltungsorgane im Bereich der staatlichen Registrierung eingehender zu untersuchen, die Erfahrungen anderer (europäischer) Länder zu diesem Thema zu untersuchen und (auf der Grundlage der durchgeführten Analyse) geeignete Empfehlungen für die Registrierung von Personenstandsakten durch Gebietskörperschaften im Rahmen der Reform der kommunalen Selbstverwaltung in der Ukrainezu formulieren. Der Zweck und die Ziele der Studie. Forschungszweck: Entwicklung wirksamer Verfahren zur Übertragung von Befugnissen von Gebietskörperschaften des ukrainischen Justizministeriums an Exekutivorgane von Dorf-, Siedlungs- und Stadträten am Beispiel der Funktion der Registrierung von Personenstandsakten und Erarbeitung praktischer Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Prozesse der Erbringung von Verwaltungsdienstleistungen unter den Bedingungen der Dezentralisierung der Macht in der Ukraine kundenorientierte Herangehensweisen an die Aktivitäten lokaler Regierungen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, werden folgende Forschungsziele definiert: - theoretische Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Verwaltungsdienstleistungen in der Ukraine zusammenzufassen und ihre regulatorische Rechtsgrundlage zu analysieren; - Klärung des konzeptuellen und kategorialen Apparats zum Thema Forschung im Kontext der Entwicklung der Wissenschaft der öffentlichen Verwaltung, nämlich der Begriffe "Dienstleistungsstaat", "Verwaltungsdienste", "Dezentralisierung", "Subsidiarität", "Optimierung", "Tätigkeit", "Zivilstandsakte", "Exekutivorgane", "Kommunalverwaltungen"; - ausländische Praktiken (postsowjetische und EU-Länder) bei der Erbringung von Verwaltungsdienstleistungen für zivile Registrierungsstellen zu untersuchen, um ihre positiven Erfahrungen an die ukrainischen Gegebenheiten anzupassen; - die Wirksamkeit bestehender zivilrechtlicher Registrierungsverfahren zu untersuchen; - sich für Verwaltungsdienstleistungen im Bereich der Personen standsregistrierung zu qualifizieren; - die Auswirkungen der Dezentralisierung der Macht auf die Erbringung von Verwaltungsdienstleistungen in der Ukraine zu ermitteln; 49

- theoretische Begründung und Ausarbeitung praktischer Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Abläufe bei der Erbringung von Verwaltungsdienstleistungen im Bereich der zivilrechtlichen Registrierung unter den Bedingungen der Dezentralisierung der ukrainischen Behörden. Untersuchungsgegenstand: das Verhältnis zwischen Behörden und Kommunen bei der zivilrechtlichen Registrierung. Studiengegenstand: administrative und administrative Prozesse im System der Registrierung von Personenstandsakten. Die Hypothese der Studie basiert auf der Annahme, dass eine Intensivierung der Mechanismen der Übertragung von Befugnissen durch territoriale Justizbehörden im Bereich der staatlichen Registrierung von Handlungen der lokalen Selbstverwaltung die Geschwindigkeit und Qualität von Dezentralisierungsprozessen und freiwilligen Vereinigungen von territorialen Gemeinschaften auf regionaler Ebene fördern wird. Forschungs methodik - wissenschaftliche und spezifische Forschungsmethoden. Die Forschung kann auch auf Errungenschaften verwandter wissenschaftlicher Gebiete basieren - Recht, Wirtschaft, Politikwissenschaft. Es wird empfohlen, Folgendes zu verwenden: - ein systematischer Ansatz zur Ermittlung des Ursache-Wirkungs-Verhältnisses von Problemen bei der Erbringung von Verwaltungsdiensten in zivilen Registrierungsbehörden und zur weiteren Verbesserung des Prozessansatzes; - eine Methode zur systematischen Analyse zur Bestimmung der Grundelemente eines Systems, anhand derer die Grundelemente des Systems der zivilrechtlichen Registrierung und des Netzes der Verbindungen zwischen Komponenten dieses Systems bestimmt werden; - eine Methode zur strukturellen und funktionalen Analyse, um die Merkmale und den funktionalen Zweck der verschiedenen Elemente des zivilen Registrierungssystems herauszufinden; - die kategoriale Analyse untersucht den konzeptuellen Apparat; - die dialektische Methode wird die Grundlage für die Analyse des Rechtsbereichs sein; - anwendung der Methode der vergleichenden Analyse zum Zwecke des Vergleichs, des Abgleichs, der Gegenüberstellung von Verfahren zur Durchführung der Registrierung von Personenstandsakten im Ausland sowie des Einsatzes von Gegenüberstellungs-, typologischen und anderen Vergleichsinstrumenten; - modellierungsmethode zur Bestimmung des optimalen organisatorisch- funktionalen Modells der Personenstandsregistrierung; - prognosemethode zur Bestimmung des Verlaufs und der Aussichten der Entwicklung des Systems der staatlichen Registrierung von Personenstandsakten;


- statistisches Verfahren zur Analyse und Systematisierung von Daten zur Personenstandsregistrierung in der Ukraine; - eine Methode der direkten Beobachtung, um die notwendigen Informationen zu sammeln, indem die Registrierungsprozesse von Personenstandsakten in der Ukraine überwacht werden. Methode des Experimentierens mit dem Zweck der Genehmigung im Verwaltungsprozess von Vorschlägen zur Verbesserung des Prozesses der Erbringung von Verwaltungsdienstleistungen im Bereich der Registrierung von Personenstandsakten. Die empirische Grundlage für die Studie werden die Rechtsakte sein, die das Verfahren zur Registrierung von Personenstandsakten, statistische Informationen, soziologische Erhebungen sowie persönliche Beobachtungen während der Kommunikation mit den Mitarbeitern der Abteilungen für staatliche Registrierung von Handlungen der Gebietskörperschaften des Justizministeriums der Ukraine und Mitarbeitern lokaler Selbstverwaltungsorgane regeln. Die Ergebnisse der Dissertationsforschung werden zur Umsetzung europäischer Normen für die Erbringung von Verwaltungsdienstleistungen im Bereich der staatlichen Registrierung von Personenstandsakten im Land beitragen. Maximum Annäherung dieser Dienstleistungen an die Person, schnelle und qualitative Befriedigung der menschlichen Bedürfnisse. Sie wird auch zur Umsetzung des von der Regierung verfolgten konzeptionellen Ansatzes zur Angleichung der von Anwohnern der Gebietskörperschaften, insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der staatlichen Registrierung von Personenstandsakten, am stärksten nachgefragten Verwaltungsdienste an die Bevölkerung beitragen.


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NEW INSIGHTS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Нове розуміння публічного адміністрування

[Electronic source]

MATERIALS of the Scientific Seminar of PhD Students (Odessa, November 8, 2019)

Матеріали наукового семінару за тематиками дисертаційних досліджень аспірантів ОРІДУ НАДУ (м. Одеса, 8 листопада 2019 року)


Відповідальний за випуск О. В. Патик

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Видавництво Одеського регіонального інституту державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України Свідоцтво ДК № 1434 від 17 липня 2003 р. 65009 м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22 тел. (048) 705-97-48, 705-97-49 52