
Tamilnadu 12th Computer Science Lesson 11 – One Marks

Choose the correct answer:

1. What is the acronym of DBMS? A. management symbol B. Database managing system C. Database management system D. Databasic management system ANSWER: C

2. A table is known as A. Tuple B. Attribute C. Relation D. Entity ANSWER: C

3. Which database model represents parent child relationship? A. Relational B. Network C. Hierarchical D. Object ANSWER: C

4. model was first proposed by A. E F Codd B. E E Codd C. E F Cadd D. E F Codder ANSWER: A

5. What type of relationship does hierarchical model represents? A. one to one B. one to many C. Many to one D. many to many ANSWER: B

6. Who is called Father of Relational Database from the following? A. Chris Date B. Hugh Darween C. Edgar Frank Codd

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D. Edgar Frank Cadd ANSWER: C

7. Which of the following is an RDBMS? A. Dbase B. Foxpro C. Microsoft Access D. SQLite ANSWER: D

8. A tuple is also known as A. Table B. Row C. Attribute D. Field ANSWER: B

9. Who developed ER model? A. Chen B. EF Codd C. Chend D. Chand ANSWER: A

Additional One Word:

1. Which of the following is an organized collection of data? A. Word Processor B. Spreadsheet C. Programming language D. Database ANSWER: D

2. Which of the following is an organized collection of data, which can be stored and a cersed through computer system. A. Database B. Worksheet C. DBMS D. Information ANSWER: A

3. Which of the following a data contain? A. Character

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B. Text C. Word D. Number ANSWER: C

4. In which of the following data organized in a way that, it can be easily accessed, managed and updated? A. Database B. DBMS C. Structure D. Object ANSWER: A

5. Which of the following can be a software or hardware based, with one sole purpose of storing data? A. DBMS B. Database C. Object D. SQL ANSWER: B

6. Expand DBMS A. Database memory system B. Digital based management source C. Database management system D. Digital database management system ANSWER: C

7. Which of the following allows users to store, process and analyze data easily? A. My SQL B. C. Datamodels D. DBMS ANSWER: D

8. Which of the following provided an interface to perform various operations to create a database, storing and updating data? A. SQL B. DBA C. DBMS D. Algebra ANSWER: C

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9. Which of the following provides protection and security to the ? A. My SQL B. DBMS C. Oracle D. CSV ANSWER: B

10. Which of the following is not an example of DBMS? A. Foxpro B. Dbase C. COBOL D. Ms Access ANSWER: C

11. Which of the following makes the data more meaningful and connected in the database? A. Information B. Security C. Relationship D. Data models ANSWER: C

12. Which of the following divides the data in such a way that repetition of data is minimum in the database? A. Segregation B. Normalisation C. Integrity D. Consistency ANSWER: B

13. Which of the following characteristics of DBMS become a challenge? A. Data redundancy B. Data security C. Data consistency D. Data integrity ANSWER: C

14. How many major components are there in DBMS? A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 ANSWER: A

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15. Which of the following is not a DBMS component? A. Hardware / Square B. Data C. Procedures D. Data model ANSWER: D

16. Which of the following DBMS components controls everything in a database? A. Hardware B. Square C. Methods D. Procedures ANSWER: B

17. Which of the following DBMS components that manage databases to take backups, report generation? A. Square B. Hardware C. Data D. Procedures ANSWER: D

18. Which of the following used to write commands to update and delete data stored in database? A. Procedures B. Methods C. Database Access Language D. Hardware / Software ANSWER: C

19. Each row in a table represents a A. Fields B. Record C. Data D. File ANSWER: B

20. Which of the following in a table represents a record? A. Row B. Column C. File D. Data ANSWER: A

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21. Which of the following in a table represents a column? A. Row B. Column C. Data D. Files ANSWER: B

22. Which of the following groups data among records specific categories or types of data? A. Table B. File C. Field D. Relation ANSWER: C

23. How the data can be represented and accessed from a software after complete implementation described by A. Data model B. Data implementation C. Data redundancy D. Data integrity ANSWER: A

24. Which of the following is a simple abstraction of complex real world data gathering environment? A. Data redundancy B. Data consistency C. Data abstraction D. Data model ANSWER: D

25. How many types of data models are there? A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7 ANSWER: C

26. Which of the following is not a type of data model? A. Hierarchical model B. Entity Relationship model C. Object model

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D. Redundancy model ANSWER: D

27. Which of the following model was developed by IBM? A. ER Model B. Hierarchical model C. Network database model D. Object model ANSWER: B

28. IBM developed Hierarchical model as A. Data management system B. Information Hierarchical system C. Information management system D. Information model system ANSWER: C

29. In which data model, data is represented as a simple tree like structure form? A. Hierarchical model B. Network database C. ER model D. ANSWER: A

30. Which of the following data model is mainly used in IBM main frame computers? A. ER model B. Hierarchical C. Object D. Relational ANSWER: B

31. In which year Relational Database model was first purposed? A. 1960 B. 1964 C. 1974 D. 1970 ANSWER: D

32. The basic structure of data in relational model is A. Tables B. Rows C. Columns

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D. Tuples ANSWER: A

33. Which of the following is the most data model used for data base appreciation? A. ER Model B. Hierarchical C. Relational D. Table ANSWER: C

34. Which of the following data base model is an extended form of hierarchical data model? A. ER Model B. Network C. Object D. Relational ANSWER: B

35. Network database model represents the data in which of the relationships? A. one to one B. one to many C. Many to many D. many to one ANSWER: C

36. Which data model is easier and faster in accessing the data? A. Relational B. Network C. ER Model D. All the above ANSWER: B

37. In which database mode, the relationship are created by dividing the object into entity? A. ER model B. Object C. Hierarchical D. Network ANSWER: A

38. ER model was developed in the year A. 1970 B. 1974 C. 1976

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D. 1978 ANSWER: C

39. Which of the following database model is useful in developing a conceptual design for the database? A. Hierarchical B. Object C. Relational D. ER model ANSWER: D

40. Which database model is simple and easy to design logical view of data? A. Hierarchical B. ER model C. Network D. Object ANSWER: B

41. Which of the following data model stores the data in the form of attributes and methods? A. Relational B. Object C. ER model D. All of these ANSWER: D

42. Object model stores the data in the form of A. Objects B. Attributes and methods C. Classes and inheritance D. All of these ANSWER: D

43. GIS expansion is A. Geographic information system B. Global information system C. Global information source D. Geographic intelligent system ANSWER: A

44. Which of the following data model handles geographic information system? A. Object

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B. ER model C. Relational D. None of these ANSWER: A

45. Which data model used in file management system? A. ER model B. Relational C. Hierarchical D. None of these ANSWER: D

46. How many types of DBMS users are there? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 ANSWER: C

47. DBA expansion is A. Data Base Analys B. Data base administrators C. Digital bound administrations D. Database analyser ANSWER: B

48. Who takes care of the security of DBMS? A. DBA B. End user C. Software developer D. DB designer ANSWER: A

49. who manages the complete database management system? A. End user B. DBA C. DB designer D. Software Developer ANSWER: B

50. Who are the one responsible for identifying the data to be stored in the data base? A. DBA

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B. Application programmers C. End user D. Database designers ANSWER: D

51. RDBMS expansion is A. Redundancy Database management system B. Reliable database management system C. Relational database management system D. Relational database mobile system ANSWER: C

52. Which of the following is not a RDBMS software? A. Oracle B. My SQL C. Maria DB D. Foxpro ANSWER: D

53. Find the odd man out A. SQLite B. Maria DB C. Oracle D. Dbase ANSWER: D

54. Find the odd man out A. ER model B. Data model C. Hierarchical model D. Relational model ANSWER: B

55. Database normalization was first proposed by A. Chen B. Edgar F Cadd C. Edgar IF Codd D. Hugh Darwen ANSWER: C

56. The rule reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity is known as A. Chen rule

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B. E F Codd rule C. Edgar rule D. Edgar Frank rule ANSWER: B

57. How many types of relationships used in a database? A. 3 B. 5 C. 2 D. 4 ANSWER: D

58. One classroom has many students is an example of a relationships A. one to one B. one to many C. many to one D. many to many ANSWER: B

59. Which of the following was used for modelling the data stored in relational database? A. ER model B. Modern algebra C. Relational Algebra D. Object model ANSWER: C

60. Relational Algebra is used to query the database tables using A. Dbase B. SQL C. ER Model D. Relational model ANSWER: B

61. Expansion of SQL is A. Structured Question Language B. Selection Query Language C. Structured Query Language D. Structured Query Language ANSWER: D

62. Which operation is used for selecting a subset with tuples according to a given condition? A. Select

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B. Project C. Product D. Union ANSWER: A

63. Which of the following defines a relation that contains a vertical subset of relation? A. Select B. Product C. Intersection D. Project ANSWER: D

64. Which of the following removes the duplicate rows in database? A. SELECT B. PROJECT C. PRODUCT D. INTERSECTION ANSWER: B

Fill in the Blanks:

1. The term ______is used to refer to any of the DBMS. A. Object B. Database C. Data model D. Data mining ANSWER: B

2. ______is formatted data A. Raw facts B. Database C. Information D. DBMS ANSWER: C

3. When the data is processed it gives a meaningful ______A. Database B. Information C. Facts D. Entities ANSWER: B

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4. ______is a repository collection of related data A. SQL B. Information C. Entities D. Database ANSWER: D

5. A ______is a software used to create, store and manipulate database. A. Relational Algebra B. DBMS C. SQL D. My SQL ANSWER: B

6. In database, the data stored in ______A. Tables B. Sets C. Lists D. DBMS ANSWER: A

7. ______is the entire collection of related data A. Square B. Procedures C. Table D. Table or file ANSWER: D

8. In ______where the data is organized as row and column A. Database B. DBMS C. File or table D. Procedure or methods ANSWER: C

9. Hierarchical model represents a ______relationship. A. one to one B. many to one C. are to many D. many to many ANSWER: C

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10. A database table is known as ______A. Relation B. Table C. Attribute D. Dictionary ANSWER: A

11. A table row is known as ______A. Relation B. Attribute C. Field D. Tuple ANSWER: D

12. A table column is known as ______A. Relation B. Attribute C. Tuple D. Record ANSWER: B

13. ______are also known as relations in a relational model A. Table rows B. Tables C. Table columns D. Tuples ANSWER: B

14. All the information is related to a particular type is stored in ______of that table A. Columns B. Fields C. Rows D. File ANSWER: C

15. A relation key is a key which uniquely identifies a particular ______A. Columns B. Fields C. Tuples D. None of these ANSWER: C

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16. A ______is an attribute which uniquely identifies a particular tuple A. Relation key B. Row key C. Data key D. Tuple key ANSWER: A

17. Each column in a table represent a ______A. Record B. Data C. Field D. Method ANSWER: C

18. ______database model is an extended form of hierarchical data model A. Object B. Relational C. ER model D. Network ANSWER: D

19. ______data model provides a clear modular structure of a data A. Object B. Relational C. Hierarchical / ER model D. All of these ANSWER: A

20. Doctor and patient is an example of ______database model A. ER model B. Relation C. Object D. Hierarchical ANSWER: A

21. In _____ data model, the data stores in the form of classes and inheritance. A. Hierarchical B. Entity Relationship C. Object D. Network ANSWER: C

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22. ______is a computer based record keeping system A. Data model B. Data relationships C. DBMS D. Entity relationship ANSWER: C

23. Relational Algebra was first created by ______A. E F Codd B. Chen C. Chris Date D. Hugh Darwen ANSWER: A

24. ______are the one who store, retrieve, update and delete data A. DBA B. Database designers C. Application developers D. End user ANSWER: D

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