MURDER and SUICIDE, Tho Breast and I Smothored It with My I Dr

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MURDER and SUICIDE, Tho Breast and I Smothored It with My I Dr ''''',""•-' ~:j4f-w~ Over 2,850 Weekly j More than 170 \ ~: ^'j It IIIK arlual aver*** rireiilallmi of lh« X new •>*niM*r«pr<Mnli' (lit net galiTto* KTAIL TLUitidn ii-onki tulumri. Ii*. I n '"C^KCi riirethe»iiiiiiierl«»ncr Ilia l,W> »»tk I lit* of the jw onlu Do»r-i»'r mini anil will Iw Jnt»wiL 1 TAR. 29TK YEAlt-NUMBER 27. WASHINGTON, WARltEN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1896. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 PEll YEAE.? *- $M Rebecca, what does this moan?" Her , two taken from Reed's head wero bat- wa....s. exceedinDdlnglg y pretty wheni .younf TI1K PIANO INDUSTRY. Tilt! CnriK'tittr Cu*t> Itfiuly. ITHK XKW CHURCH DEDICATION.;' clothUtg wm in a Hmoukioring blazo nt tercd almost tint nnd wan mnrrlml while yet in her earl, j Tho trial of Samuel C. Carpenter MURDER AND SUICIDE, tho breast and I smothored it with my I Dr. Howard Servis was called to noo teons. In hor disposition was a por- Its Growl us Iinnnrfaiifo iiiul Itaplil charged with the murder of Radio Tlio ArraiiKcinc'iitH for tlio Important' hands, I thought Bho was in u faint Heed nt about quarter to sevun. Ho trayal of determination which few UIMI Successful Dcvclojuncnt Illackwell in Pliilllpsburg on April 25. KverclbCH or July 12tli About • • CO KON KIl'K J V BY F'N D9 TII A' and took hold of her hand and moved j found him dying and could do nothing possess. Sho had an ugly tempoi 1805, will begin at Belvideru noxl 1 Completed. SIRS. SUTTON ICIKMOI) KKKD horjicad. I felt no pulsation ami them for him. He corroborated Dr. Bro- when crossed, but 'otherwise was as _ , Tuesday morning before Judge Wm, rcaUzcd that she was dead. The pis- cnw'H tttatomont regarding tho autopsy, kind and affectionate as could be. She It lmu given us much pleasure to(S. Gummere. This caao has been be- Tho dedicatory services of tho largo, " AM> TIIKN HKItSKLP. to I was by hor sido undorneath tho, ' Tho Jury took the caso about 5 o'clock was an excellent housekeeperper,, a good notica from time to time tho growing- foro tho pcoplo for a long time an massive and handsome new Methodist edge of the bed. I looked at Heed and , nnd retired to a room upstairs. Fifteen cook, nnd kopt her childrean anamd her- importance of the pinno industry in tho evidence has onco been produce' Episcopal church, of Washington, will solfncat and woll dressed. Sho wi this Borough. The manufacture of, on tho occasion of tho preUmlnm be held Sunday, July 12th(commencing Suspicion of it Tlilnl l'nrly IInvli sawhowrsKiHlallvo. This wits about (I) mini) tea later they had arrived 1 o'clock </ _i before.. ......_.. I wen. t I following„ verdicts : That Martin Reed of more than usual intelligence 'and pianos has largely increased during hearing before Judge Morrow aboi at ]0 o'clock a. m., and Rev. J. >M, Cuiiiinlttcfl tlie I>ced Kails of Co down stairs and out through tlio front caino to liis doath by pistol wounds was for years a weekly correspondent low years, ana so consistent ono vear ago. Carpenter was rolcnsc Buckley, I). D., editor of tho Christian door. Seeing tho liostler ncrons tho;infiiotodat tho hands of Mr«. Rebecca from CafiTon to the Dover Index. She have been tho cffoi t« of tho makers to m a result of the hearing, Judgo Mo Advocate, will preach the dedicatorial Jlmmfory Kvldcru-e — Many W\ took an active part in social affairs, sermon. The doctor is known fnr and way I said, "llit;lmrd)Hi(!liard,murdorl"i Sutton; and tliat Mrs. Sutton camo turn out nothing but good, durable in- row claimin...g .there was not rsufficiei nesses Kxuiitlni-d—What tho Aulo; Ho said "What?" I replied "Cumoand to lior death by a pistol shot fired by and there was no ono in tho village Htruments of excellent com-1 ruction, evidence! to hold him. Tholast Clrnn near as a speaker, debntor and writer, sy Revealed—More Aliout tli<> 1 sec." Ho came over and I sent him tier own hand. who could collect nioro money ou perfect tone and handsome appearance, Jury found an indictment agaim find tho Methodist people arc fortunate Carpenter, there being some new an in getting this distinguished-minister anil Cli a routers of Reed nnd 31 rs hurridly for Dr. Survls. Tho next IIKAKIJ AT TIN: INQUKST. subscription paper for church fundi that it is not to bo wondered at that man I saw was Kdwnnl Stires, tlio i Tho daughters of Mo*. Sutton ox- than "Uecky'' Sutton. Nearly nl important evidence submitted to thui to preach the morning sermon. It was Siilton-lh-r I'liinlly Fully Sal which did not coma out at tlio pn generally admitted that ho WHB tho milkmnn. I told him and soon- a big ! pressed thoniKclvos an satisfied tlia through her life it is said she lived ii liminary hem ing. It is believed tli strangest representative in tho late licit Tliat She Coniiulttcil llu> I>< crowd was here. I telegraphed for Mr. j their mother killed both herself am nn immoral manner. Shortly follow- the ease will be definitely hettled befo General Conference held at Cleveland, Sutton and for the Coroner. Tho first Heed. ing tho beginningofher intimacy wit! the expiration oi' tho coming wee —Tlie IIIHIIIM Iturlud. Itoed sho professed conversion. Kect The afternoon services will com- I knew Heed was on tho first .Saturday • When tho countty physician exhib It will bo an interesting legal fighl1 nencoat2.30 o'clock and will consist Tho inquest upon tho death of Mi after Mrs. Sutton came here. She unit!: ited tho bullet which had pasaet followed hor oxamplo, but both noon Kx-Jtulgulrttlu W. Suhult/,ot Phillip hurg, and ex-Congressman Henry . •faddresses by former pastors, visit-. tjn Iteud and Rebecca, Sutton, the vie Reed would bo herons a Sunday boarda - {throug{g h Mrs. Stilton's heart,, tho eldesl because "blacksliders." .ngpaBtors and distinguished laymen.. timsof tho doitblo murder nt Junctioi or eacch weeweweekk. Ho beguegun coming daughtegt r askes d DDrr . Hrocaw if sh It is unfortunate that tiio immora Harris, of ]Jul\idere, aro the lawye Ittit week, which wii.s postponed fron on the side of the deft iihe and ex-Pros- The pastors and laymen who so far Siturdij nightsamnight l fitaMiig untitll MonM < mighihtt keek p it A piomisiomise ua» ggivei conduct of Mrs. Sutton should leave a «utor Wm. A. Stryker, of Washing- linve accepted tho invitation to bo pre- Thursday morning, was held at the d ij morningi s List IVidaj a utrk her that nlie could hnot it litplt r ntnlti on her family. Her brothers and ton, being thuioughly comersant witl sent and mako addresses are Revs. N. Junction I Ion He, in that borough, oi sinters aro persons of intelligence am' the citbc, will assist 1'rosecutor tieorgi Van Sinndt, of Madison, and Richnrd Monday. well thought of in tliat vicinity. A. Angle. /anliorno, of Newark, who nre former Tho room in which tho tcntimon; Mrs. Sutton, it is said, had frequently j.istors, and Rev. George W. Smith,' was Uiken WHS a 12x12 parlor and th" in ado the remark that she could allure it Elizabeth, Presiding Elder of tho only two windows wero HO (Hied u it] any man living by her.blandishments The jury to bo chosen to officiate a JHi/nbcth district, nnd : RQV. Snmuel people on tho nutHide that vuntilatioi If sho so desired. thu trial will bo selected from tho fol VnnBonschoten, Presiding Elder of was obstructed. Dr. W. E. Brocau A represcntativoof tho STAR tried to lowing panel: the Paterson district to which this of Animiidiilc, tho genial and portly obUin the photographs of Mrs. Sutton Louis Davis, Polmtcon^. :hango belongs, and Rev. Alexander county physician, who examined tin nnd Reed last wuek at Califon. Mrs. Ralph b, ElLiir.Blairstoun. ?rnl&: ;of:- Ncvton,",;secretary.::: of::. WitllC'ri-itia illld luuui'iluil thu te»t!iiUtU^ Sulluii'n family liad lilveneoniis of both N'lUlmn II. Kur, rr<.l!i>Kliuji ho educational work of the New- Bccmcd to almost melt from the Htifimj lior and Reed, but thoy could not be John M. Cunkliii, llardwlck. irk Conference. Tho laymen who heat and romlndcd ono ofnnicetak* borrowed or bought for newspaper Wm. lUk-v, Hunnoiiy. ire expected are Hon. Samuel T. Smith purposes. Tho house in which thoy John II. Cnstnt-T. Hurdwlck, >f Waterloo, and Gen. Jns. P. Rusling;, exposed to tho burning rays of a ho Frank Warner, " July cun. Coronor Putor D. Hock livo is a new frame houso near tho out- Wm. S. Snover, Blnirstown. of Trenton. The latter will doubtless fellow, of Whitehouso, was of cour skirts of the village. Tho home of Harry K. Frey, Greenwich, make historical address. : ..-.••. •:.•. , . the olllcial "UOHH" of tho proceedings Reed's mother in along the railroad Davit! Barry, liulviderc. In the evening, commencing at 7.30 Ho was as cool throughout, aa an ico track juet west of tho station. It is a 1». T. Ii. VdiiDorcn. WoMlilnston Boro. o'clock, Rev. John Kram, pastor of berg excopton ono occasion when he nmall houso and unpninted. The only Samuel Cole, Jr., Iliirdwiek. Grace church, Paterson, will .preach'a- and County Superintendent of Pubh< picture hero was a tintype of Reed in a Edwin liutcmnson, Bulviderc. sermon. He will be followed by Schools, Jason Holl'man, got into i group and waa too small to be of use.
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