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Over 2,850 Weekly j More than 170 \ ~: ^'j It IIIK arlual aver*** rireiilallmi of lh« X new •>*niM*r«pr »»tk I lit* of the tirM.nl jw onlu Do»r-i»'r mini anil will Iw Jnt»wiL 1 TAR.


Rebecca, what does this moan?" Her , two taken from Reed's head wero bat- wa....s. exceedinDdlnglg y pretty wheni .younf TI1K PIANO INDUSTRY. Tilt! CnriK'tittr Cu*t> Itfiuly. ITHK XKW CHURCH DEDICATION.;' clothUtg wm in a Hmoukioring blazo nt tercd almost tint nnd wan mnrrlml while yet in her earl, j Tho trial of Samuel C. Carpenter MURDER AND SUICIDE, tho breast and I smothored it with my I Dr. Howard Servis was called to noo teons. In hor disposition was a por- Its Growl us Iinnnrfaiifo iiiul Itaplil charged with the murder of Radio Tlio ArraiiKcinc'iitH for tlio Important' hands, I thought Bho was in u faint Heed nt about quarter to sevun. Ho trayal of determination which few UIMI Successful Dcvclojuncnt Illackwell in Pliilllpsburg on April 25. KverclbCH or July 12tli About • • CO KON KIl'K J V BY F'N D9 TII A' and took hold of her hand and moved j found him dying and could do nothing possess. Sho had an ugly tempoi 1805, will begin at Belvideru noxl 1 Completed. SIRS. SUTTON ICIKMOI) KKKD horjicad. I felt no pulsation ami them for him. He corroborated Dr. Bro- when crossed, but 'otherwise was as _ , Tuesday morning before Judge Wm, rcaUzcd that she was dead. The pis- cnw'H tttatomont regarding tho autopsy, kind and affectionate as could be. She It lmu given us much pleasure to(S. Gummere. This caao has been be- Tho dedicatory services of tho largo, " AM> TIIKN HKItSKLP. to I was by hor sido undorneath tho, ' Tho Jury took the caso about 5 o'clock was an excellent housekeeperper,, a good notica from time to time tho growing- foro tho pcoplo for a long time an massive and handsome new Methodist edge of the bed. I looked at Heed and , nnd retired to a room upstairs. Fifteen cook, nnd kopt her childrean anamd her- importance of the pinno industry in tho evidence has onco been produce' Episcopal church, of Washington, will solfncat and woll dressed. Sho wi this Borough. The manufacture of, on tho occasion of tho preUmlnm be held Sunday, July 12th(commencing Suspicion of it Tlilnl l'nrly IInvli sawhowrsKiHlallvo. This wits about (I) mini) tea later they had arrived 1 o'clock M, Cuiiiinlttcfl tlie I>ced Kails of Co down stairs and out through tlio front caino to liis doath by pistol wounds was for years a weekly correspondent thep.ist low years, ana so consistent ono vear ago. Carpenter was rolcnsc Buckley, I). D., editor of tho Christian door. Seeing tho liostler ncrons tho;infiiotodat tho hands of Mr«. Rebecca from CafiTon to the Dover Index. She have been tho cffoi t« of tho makers to m a result of the hearing, Judgo Mo Advocate, will preach the dedicatorial Jlmmfory Kvldcru-e — Many W\ took an active part in social affairs, sermon. The doctor is known fnr and way I said, "llit;lmrd)Hi(!liard,murdorl"i Sutton; and tliat Mrs. Sutton camo turn out nothing but good, durable in- row claimin...g .there was not rsufficiei nesses Kxuiitlni-d—What tho Aulo; Ho said "What?" I replied "Cumoand to lior death by a pistol shot fired by and there was no ono in tho village Htruments of excellent com-1 ruction, evidence! to hold him. Tholast Clrnn near as a speaker, debntor and writer, sy Revealed—More Aliout tli<> 1 sec." Ho came over and I sent him tier own hand. who could collect nioro money ou perfect tone and handsome appearance, Jury found an indictment agaim find tho Methodist people arc fortunate Carpenter, there being some new an in getting this distinguished-minister anil Cli a routers of Reed nnd 31 rs hurridly for Dr. Survls. Tho next IIKAKIJ AT TIN: INQUKST. subscription paper for church fundi that it is not to bo wondered at that man I saw was Kdwnnl Stires, tlio i Tho daughters of Mo*. Sutton ox- than "Uecky'' Sutton. Nearly nl important evidence submitted to thui to preach the morning sermon. It was Siilton-lh-r I'liinlly Fully Sal which did not coma out at tlio pn generally admitted that ho WHB tho milkmnn. I told him and soon- a big ! pressed thoniKclvos an satisfied tlia through her life it is said she lived ii liminary hem ing. It is believed tli strangest representative in tho late licit Tliat She Coniiulttcil llu> I>< crowd was here. I telegraphed for Mr. j their mother killed both herself am nn immoral manner. Shortly follow- the ease will be definitely hettled befo General Conference held at Cleveland, Sutton and for the Coroner. Tho first Heed. ing tho beginningofher intimacy wit! the expiration oi' tho coming wee —Tlie IIIHIIIM Iturlud. Itoed sho professed conversion. Kect The afternoon services will com- I knew Heed was on tho first .Saturday • When tho countty physician exhib It will bo an interesting legal fighl1 nencoat2.30 o'clock and will consist Tho inquest upon tho death of Mi after Mrs. Sutton came here. She unit!: ited tho bullet which had pasaet followed hor oxamplo, but both noon Kx-Jtulgulrttlu W. Suhult/,ot Phillip hurg, and ex-Congressman Henry . •faddresses by former pastors, visit-. . tjn Iteud and Rebecca, Sutton, the vie Reed would bo herons a Sunday boarda - {throug{g h Mrs. Stilton's heart,, tho eldesl because "blacksliders." .ngpaBtors and distinguished laymen.. . timsof tho doitblo murder nt Junctioi or eacch weeweweekk. . Ho beguegun coming daughtegt r askes d DrDr . Hrocaw if sh It is unfortunate that tiio immora Harris, of ]Jul\idere, aro the lawye Ittit week, which wii.s postponed fron on the side of the deft iihe and ex-Pros- The pastors and laymen who so far Siturdij nightsamnight l fitaMiig untitll MMon < mighihtt keek p it A piomisiomise ua» ggivei conduct of Mrs. Sutton should leave a «utor Wm. A. Stryker, of Washing- linve accepted tho invitation to bo pre- Thursday morning, was held at the d ij morningi s List IVidaj a utrk her that nlie could hnot it litplt r ntnlti on her family. . Her brothers and ton, being thuioughly comersant witl sent and mako addresses are Revs. N. Junction I Ion He, in that borough, oi sinters aro persons of intelligence am' the citbc, will assist 1'rosecutor tieorgi Van Sinndt, of Madison, and Richnrd Monday. well thought of in tliat vicinity. A. Angle. /anliorno, of Newark, who nre former Tho room in which tho tcntimon; Mrs. Sutton, it is said, had frequently j.istors, and Rev. George W. Smith,' was Uiken WHS a 12x12 parlor and th" in ado the remark that she could allure it Elizabeth, Presiding Elder of tho only two windows wero HO (Hied u it] any man living by her.blandishments The jury to bo chosen to officiate a JHi/nbcth district, nnd : RQV. Snmuel people on tho nutHide that vuntilatioi If sho so desired. thu trial will bo selected from tho fol VnnBonschoten, Presiding Elder of was obstructed. Dr. W. E. Brocau A represcntativoof tho STAR tried to lowing panel: the Paterson district to which this of Animiidiilc, tho genial and portly obUin the photographs of Mrs. Sutton Louis Davis, Polmtcon^. :hango belongs, and Rev. Alexander county physician, who examined tin nnd Reed last wuek at Califon. Mrs. Ralph b, ElLiir.Blairstoun. ?rnl&: ;of:- Ncvton,",;secretary.::: of::. WitllC'ri-itia illld luuui'iluil thu te»t!iiUtU^ Sulluii'n family liad lilveneoniis of both N'lUlmn II. Kur, rr<.l!i>Kliuji ho educational work of the New- Bccmcd to almost melt from the Htifimj lior and Reed, but thoy could not be John M. Cunkliii, llardwlck. irk Conference. Tho laymen who heat and romlndcd ono ofnnicetak* borrowed or bought for newspaper Wm. lUk-v, Hunnoiiy. ire expected are Hon. Samuel T. Smith purposes. Tho house in which thoy John II. Cnstnt-T. Hurdwlck, >f Waterloo, and Gen. Jns. P. Rusling;, exposed to tho burning rays of a ho Frank Warner, " July cun. Coronor Putor D. Hock livo is a new frame houso near tho out- Wm. S. Snover, Blnirstown. of Trenton. The latter will doubtless fellow, of Whitehouso, was of cour skirts of the village. Tho home of Harry K. Frey, Greenwich, make historical address. : ..-.••. •:.•. , . the olllcial "UOHH" of tho proceedings Reed's mother in along the railroad Davit! Barry, liulviderc. In the evening, commencing at 7.30 Ho was as cool throughout, aa an ico track juet west of tho station. It is a 1». T. Ii. VdiiDorcn. WoMlilnston Boro. o'clock, Rev. John Kram, pastor of berg excopton ono occasion when he nmall houso and unpninted. The only Samuel Cole, Jr., Iliirdwiek. Grace church, Paterson, will .preach'a- and County Superintendent of Pubh< picture hero was a tintype of Reed in a Edwin liutcmnson, Bulviderc. sermon. He will be followed by Schools, Jason Holl'man, got into i group and waa too small to be of use. Isaiah Teel, Kncwlton. Presiding Elder Samuel Van Ben- Iioatud argument on tho gold and ail Through other means, howovcr, a pho- John W, Pitts, \VashIiigton Boro. schoten, who will conduct the dedi- ver question. Ex-Law Judgo 0 P tograph of Mrs. Sutton was obtained Robert "Wyckofl", Plilllipsbure, 2d W. catorial service according to the ritual at considerable expense, but Reed's Wm. Yoinmblood, Ilackettstown. of the Methodist.Episcopal church. Chamberlain, of Flemington, occupiet Jacob R, Schenck, Bclvidere. a sent nt the table and listened intentl could not bo secured, there being pro- TUB JUNCTIUN HOUSE. Heuj. A. tlenderahot, Allamuchy. An excellent program of music is but had nothing to Bay. bably only ono in existence. Tho like- John Hornbaker, Washington Boro. tromised. It will bo under the super- ness of him which we show is merely a Aslier Painter, Pohatcong. 'iaion of Mr. George W. Dilta, the' Tlio jury, which wns empanelled Ins: success -has crowned thoir efforts. "Wednesday, was composed of A J pencil drawing. Bnrtley B. Prall, Oxford. >recentor of the church. Even at this period of the year wh.-n n Michael W. Weller, Knowlton. Before the opening of each service Reeves, ibroman; P. E. Connolly, The citizens of Califon say that an- irked diminution in thu out-put o Snmuel S. Cramer, Washington Twp. the new peal bells will be played by a Charles Goble, Theodoro Orator, Pat- other trageddy similar to the Reed th pianos anil organs is usually look- Philips. Savercool. Hard wick. professional bell ringer from Troy, rick O'Brion and Frederick Van SuttoStt n nfniiflUir is llikeli y to happen in that id for, we notice that the demand Ibr John II. Weller, Washington Twp. Arsdalo. \ lllnge at any time. Another man nnd )ianos still continues good. Daniel \V. Hagcrty, Philfipsburg, 4th W Charles W. Castner was the first wit- Ionian nre living much the samo life We had the pleasure of talking with Carlisle Brown, Knowlton. ness called. Ho is a young man about that Reed nnd Mrs. Sutton led. John S. Bnnghart, Oxford. If the weather is fair a large crowd \Iessrd Cornish &'Oo, this week nud of Simon P. Kitchen, Fahaquarry. 17yejirnold and works for liveryman The funeral of Mrs. Sutton was held pokingjit their, order, books^ancl^W' 1 of visitors, is sure to be present, and ~. -Thompson. Ho drove Mrs. Sutton tc nt her home in.Califon .it 2 o'clock last ;.Win, 31. Seals, Allamuchy. ,....-.'.,... suitable nrranpemoTit« nre being made'""' ind thiic the foreign orders-for piunoi - Henry Kise,-Hardwick.- — for their accommodation. ' ° ~~~": BeatyeHtown on Tuesday night, st irt- Friday afternoon. An immense crowd las been far in excess of that of pre- Howard Kitchen, Pohatcong.. ing about 7 o'clock mid arriving there \ lowed the remains. Rev. Nicholson vious years. The Cornish pianos are Win. Mayer,1 " The Methodist people have much to about 9 o'clock. They had one horse igo she told mo she h id caught Rt.ed 1 Ono of the quaintest character that pieiched the funeral sermon but o proud of in their handsome church in a he One Sunday Mr button cuno'gno testimony was the hostlei, Rich >rdered from all parts of the world and Charles La Bur, Paliaqunrry. and a buggy. They drove to tho house toucheed" lightl"" " y upon tin ; life and end ;ve noted orders from the East nnd Levi II Hixson, Frelinghuysen. structure, which cannot be surpassed whero Reed boarded and he-waited for liero and asked for Itued'' ' . Mrs" . "Sutto" n ard Wyatt. Richard is an odd looking deceased. Hespo[pokeofhei r num- West Indies,; Australia and New Zea- Anson C. DeWitt, Oxford. ay any church in Northern New Jersey, lior return about twonty minutes. While liad tcld mo to toll him Rood was not old Irishman, sports whiskers of the erous good qualities rather than upon and, North, South and East Africa, Samuel Garris, Pahaquarry. md they justly praise, their pastor, sho.was in the house, Castner saw Keec lere, in caso he came, and I did so, .Horace Greeley cut, and fastens his her ono unfortunnte failing. leverul from tlie Continent of Europe Jiibez J. Linimberry, Blairstown. Rev. J. R. Wright, whose mnster mind coming out of the church yard. About ilthough Reed WPS about the house at collar nt the back of his neck, Wyatt John It. Logan, " has guided the enterprise from the .he time. He paid §1.00 per day and concluded his testimony with tho fol- The anrne minister nlso oiliciated at nitsido of the regular stream of orders Edwin II. White. Mansfield; the samo timo Mrs. Sutton came out oi Reed's funeral on Saturday, which was "rom England, Scotland and Ireland.' Lewis T. Labur, Mansfield. 3tart. It is to be hoped that they-will the house and they met on the porch in one occasion she paid the bill. The lowing words of wisdom: "Shure, and held at the house at 11 o'clock a.-m. John W. Cooper, Oxford. — t.lw nhnrnli AprHmted free of debt. They set down on tho steps and talket revolver slip used was mine. I kept it if I had two whnmin the ioikeB of her, Messrs. Cornish's domestic trade is John JI. Reynolds, Phlllipsburg, 2d W in a caso oil the stand in my room. I'd give some man one to toike the He spoke in a sympathetic manner to ilso most satisfactory and we parti- ! for a few minutes and then walked ou the relatives and blamed tlie woman Albert D. Cowell, Kiiowlton. The Fourlli at Washington. to tho wagon. Mrs. Sutton asked tin. iVftor the murder I found this case other away, so I would." jularly noticed;the number of orders Wm. Green, Oxford. nore than Reed. The funeral was 'or pianos from riisiclonts .in., the near The public observance of the anni- boy if ho could t:tku Rued along baoli ying at the foot of the bed.. Mrs. Sut- FACT3 I.KAIiXKU AT CAl.IFON'. private. Both bodies* were.-buried iiij •RnhnrtC. Fulpnr, Bolviderc'. with thorn. Heed said ho didn't wire tc :on had breakfast prepared and tho A STAR reporter visited tho little neighborhood, and we were informed ;eraary of tlie Nation's birth in Wash- the Lower Valley Presbyterian cem- that the utmost satisfaction has been liRton is in the hands of American go, but Mrs. Sutton finally persuaded •ituals cooked when sho committed village o,f Califon last Thursday, and, etery. him to accompany her. Klio told him ho deed. as might be expected, heard nothing expressed by purchasers of the Cornish Advocate Council, No. G-i, Daughters tn: get', life Hotlifsand Timl did so, else but talk of tho double murder. PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. piano who have bought them after )f Liberty, an auxiliary of the Jr. and Arthur .Loonis, a p., L. & W. en- comparing several other: makes ' 3r. Orders of United American fllech- placing them in tho biiekofthe wngon. Both Reed and Mrs. button were wide- : gineer, heard two or three pistol shots The opinion prevails generally ii: competition. tnics. , . ; She asked him where his axe and dinuc at about ton minutes before six. ly known in that section nnd their Califon that tho STAR'S account of the pail wore. Ho said ho had left his nxi John II. Sutton, htinhnml of the dead I doings have been the subject of much double tragedy wns far ahead of any There is no doubt that the American There will be a parade at 10.30, in down at tho saw * mill. Then the; roman, stated tliat they wore married I scandalous talk for a long time. It is a those which appeared in other papers, upright piano is the linesL musical in- vhich a dozen or more lodges from .drovodown to tho houso ofEd wart bout 30 years ago, nud had always I Brent wonder that John Sutton allowed loth in point of completeness and strument in the world, and no matter .•arious points in this section of the Apgar, for whom Reed worked, and ived together until about three months the intimacy between Reed and his ruthfulness. Barring one or two in- whero it is sold it will take the lead Jtate will participate. Ueed told Apgar he would bo back ii go, when she went away from home wife during the past four years, and 3ignificant inaccuracies, the ; accoun' over all others, altho'ugh a higher price They will be accompanied by bands the morning. Mrs. Sutton spoke out ml enmo to Junction. The reason many say that there is not a man in ivas thorough and piecise. And the is charged.and easily obtained,than for inddrum corps. An industrial divi- "No you won't; you needn't look for pianos of European manufacture. sion, displaying business interests, will he left was because of the objectioj n Culilbii who would noo t have killed :rip to Junction was made, the facts him back," Uued got into the wngon, Reed long ago had they been in Sut- secured, the photographs taken and A customer of Messrs Cornish, writ- le a.feature, and the humorous side Castner sitting.on their laps. They undo to Heed's coming to tlio house, ing from the extreme North of Austra- will, not be forgotten. A lunch and teed was tho cause of all their troubles ton's place. But, giving Roed his just the story written, inside of seven 1 talked on dilToront subjects and whis- *1 •»***. IL ...... I*.. r,l £.?...!. "*¥•_•' n._i* .. lia, where one of their pianos had ar- refreshments* will be served 'beneath" "" :: luring tho past two years. SSutton j dues, it may be said that Mrs. Sutton liours. A large number of STARS was 1 pored occasionally but Castner couldn't sent to Califon on orders. rived after a journey of nearly si.\ttfn tents on .the- Greco ••'•just wc-st of the hear what they said. It was five min ukl-Reud several times to leave his was more to blame than he. He was thousand miles, two thousand of which Dase ball grounds. In the afternoon utes after 11 o:clock when they reach- IOUSC. Sutton says he picked Reed up "otn. woman's man and, beyond one Tlie only easily obtained Bible at the here will be speaking and music. occasion, never mixed wit! 1h Mthe m akt ntjues.„, b was a largo family Bible and were through a rough country where ed' the slablo at Junction. Castner if tlie streets four years ago and gave """ ~"""' - - - - the railroad facilities were only inter- An important feature of the day will let them out at Thompson's gato ain 'in a home. Reed did not call at all. Mrs. SnCton, it seems, lured him vitnos" losses s wore sworn on this. Prob- into the not in whiuh he fell. Neither ably tin mittent, writes to them that the instru- to two games of. bull, at 10a.m. and this was the last ho saw of them alive. io house while Mrs, Sutton was at thosa who lifted it to their lips ment arrived in perfect order and con- .30 p. m., between the Washington -William Fitzgibbon, who lives just unction, but on tho Saturday night- was lie a drinking man, of late espec- were more than usually impressed by JFARTIX HEED. ially, and his main fault was that of dition; that the case was hot scratched earn and the Norwich club of Brook- above tho .Junction Housn sheds, hoard hat Mrs. Sutton camo homo, Ri-ed its weight as to Mio significance of their in any way or the interior of tho piano yn. Band concerts nnd fireworks in laziness. He seldom worked and did r tho voices of a man and woman during gain came to the house. . vows. damaged, owing to the'"'-excellent he evening will add •to'Uieduy's eii- " tlie night. Ho listened but could not Richard Wyatt, tho hostler, saw IlilV little or nothing towards the support A peculiar arrangement is noticed ii method of packing, and that'in the r of his aged mother. He passed most tho bav-room of tiio Junction House Tlie foremost social event of the Dyment. hear any;of the conversation. They i tho garden two miuutC3 before:the opinion of several piano experts who A large crowd of people is expected talked for fifteen minutes but there hots wero fired. Otherwise his testi- of his timo with Mrs. Sutton and board- Bohind tlio bar is a row of shelves. Oi made a thorough"'test of the instrument past week was the marriage of Miss seemed to bo no indication of pass! lony, as far as it went, agreed with ed there, but paid no board, except tho lower shelf is a row of whiskey Grace Young, youngesb daughter of a visit Washington and wo wish them ^ : it was perfect in every respect and happy time. - ""Gu6rgo N. Ort«; of CulHuii, who ill's. possibly to Mrs. Sutton, He \\ i ii bottles : ou the next shelf a lino o well calculated to withstand the severe Pr. and Mrs. G. G. Young, to Mr. worked at Beatyestown with Reed, Edward Stircs testified to having; climate of that part of the world and Olmrles D. V. Bissett, oi" Spotswood, corroborated in part the story that icon tho bodies in the house1, having that ib was worth a least twice as much N;- J.^ nt St. Peter's Episcopal church, OcW Fellows Klcct ORlccrs. Castner told, especially within its relat- )cen summoned insido by Hifi.'.when he as had been charged for it. last Thursday afternoon. At the'regular meeting of Mansfield ed to tho remark which Mrs. Sutton ailed at the houso with milk. Tho ceremony took place shortly odgeof Odd Fellows hold Saturday... had made regarding Heed's return. -rjcprgo E. rliitninul^stiid he hail seen There seems to be very little doubt ftor three o'clock, in the presence of veiling,-one candidate was initiated To'bodtes and " liad nwiie die remark but tliat in the future the manufacture si larger number, the church being al- of pianos will be of more importance most entirely iilled by invited guests id ono elected. The following oilieers W. J. IiitV, the proprietor of tho hotel uit ho thought there was a third per-. ere elected for the ensuing term: m connected with tho shooting. He than that of reed organs. No homo is and others. Tlie bridal party entered ..•whore the tragedy occurred, went on vn\v-r>nnsirlprllows: First, that tho Iclt hand was the presence of a piano, and no educa- 'le iiislu to the ciianuel while a wedding ;out no facts other than those in the tion is considered comploto without a ltircli was beincf played by Jlr. John . McMurtrie; Secretary, T. II. Gulick. story which appeared in lust, week's lackoned with powr back without having oven a limb The tenth anniversary of tho laying bride, and Mr. Wm. Smith, of Woah- ;rictocl items. Each sale lias heem larger ^rido ami wouldn't return until lute. At ington, and Mr. Edward M. Keeler inn the precc(H!!f-one. Their one week ;nt under her. of the eorner-stono of St. Peter's llpia- and Mr. Joseph M.' Bdldwin. of New nly clearing sale begins "Monday, Julv 6th, :; 10 o'clock I went to my room, read a copal ctiurcli was very lUtingly observ- nowspiipor awhile and then took oft* Wm. Millor, Wm. Forrester, M.oaes yorb city. At tlie chancel the bridal HI tho cliiim tliat it is to be unequaliecVin : ed Monday evening. Tlie church was party wero met by the groom and tho IO history of the trade, may bo taken as ;my. slippers, coat and vesb and laid Burd and Daniel Hurley took tho •M^». 1 ct, not llction. Rein', their ad. on papre 8. down on the bud awaiting lior return. ruicMir.tworo excnsotl without giving crowded to the doors when the'pro- odiciating clergymen. The vftotor^of T foil asleep, and was awakened by my ny now cvidonco of importance. granYbc£.aii. .Following..tho ritualistic tho church,Uo\v August Fiddlier, pro- dog. I heard someone down stairs at Dr. Brocaw, the county physician; THIS SC13N1-! QV .THE MURDER sevviee.Kev. A. 0. Pleidnev, the rector, pounded the questions, and fcho'Kcv. St. liter's Cliurcli. • tho door and went down. I saw a wo- ion made a statement. Ho said that iireached a forcible and intcrestii George H. Young, of Bolvidero, a Sunday, July 5th, the 5th Sunday after: .--• manabufc didn't recogni/,0 her. I nuid: Knight, Servis and himself liad sermon from tho text: "Remember the brother of • tho brido, pronounced the nnity, and Sunday within the octavo of tide an autopsy on tho bodies during years old. The old min^Sutton and contectionoiy nnd on tho top shell" if. „ days, of old, cojisider the years of ninny union.,.Tlie _bri(lo.was. given .a\vay'b.y, "•Peter. ColuliniUoii of tlio IIpIy; Qoin-.^ ..__,l'Robecca,i;s.;, that., you?" „ ShciAnswor- p r : ; ~ ed!',"Yes." 1 'then returned to"niv i6":"atterri66ii;^at:" y dy" iiiey mail libi uv oi such books as"Bun -generations;"ask~ thy~father^anci:ho her tiither," and tlio beaufcifrij" ring ser- Th ton repeatedly told hinij;to hunt an- yon's Pilgrim Progress, eto. o ~ will show thec, thy oldors, and tiicy vice was used and was nicely per- charistic cek'brution at 11 a; in..; Sundav room, took oft" my™ clothes and retired". taminedd was Mrs. Button's. They other bonvding placo, bub Reed formed. • " .•.'"" ":S .<:•• ioolnt2:30p. in., evensong: nnd second I heard hor come in," my room being und ono wound. It was in tho breast What' pessimistic ideas some men will toll tihee." Dout. 32-7. A brief but mlcrcnue on llio creed at 7:30, subject dirocUy across the hall. Wednesday atweon tho nipples, and the skin had managed to stay on until Mrs. Sutton get. One of the usually good naturcd very interesting history of the church The bride was becomingly attired in The Father Almighty." Everybody wel- morning 7* got up at 5 o'clock and: wont sen scorched whore- tlio bullet entered, camo to Junction. Ono night Sutton citizens of Junction, who evidently was thon road by tho pastor, showing her traveling gown"of blue, stripe/l unrj seats free.-r:—:;;: ,-'.- '.' " . ;- to tho kitchen . und...started,, tho fire. ftor the bullet had passed through and Reed had some wowordr s and SSutton didn't favor the incorporation of that the struggle tho Episcopalians had in broad cloth, with hat to match, and threw a. lightehdd llantert n att RRoodd , iin- the beginning to get a start. . n carried white roses. Tlio (lower girls Thou 1 went to the bavirand opened it. id chest bono it had lukon a course to town into a borough, said the other woro whito and looked pretty. . , Cluarlng Sale. /.I returned to the houso and heard O leftlet, passep d througughh tho^boartantooatand tending, lie says, to burn'him up. clay: "That's tlie way ib goes ; since The music, which was excellent, was "footsteps in tho kitchen which I bc- nallalllly lodged iiMthM oo cavity bonoathbonoath. Stories are told of occurrences ud Lhe wo've been incorporated we've had a under the direction of Prof. Rich. A After leaving the church, tlie bridal liove wero hor's. Ipassod out into tho •r. BrocaB w said: "I am satiallotilld Sutton homo which would take col- double murder and a fire..which burned chorus choir sang the music of the party and the immediate families of service and gave an anthem in a highly -.-- -gnrdoi'l .nnrl-bngsin jinllintr.Aydnda in.t.lm iat.™sho_._.flre_d™.,.:=tlio pistol.._ and uumn s to narrate.. SuttoSutton workewo d hard down a good part of town." the contracting •parties, about forty in parsnip bed. I had been busy thoro ro""'"bUier "doctors "have" arrived ac every daySyJfSJd althoughlhhg ' ' bbelol w thoh' creditable nuinuor. - An orchestra of all^woi'w-cli'ivoii-Lb" the- home of Um every day live pieces accompanied them. • about fifteen minutes when I heard io samo conclusion. Tho perfectly average in intolligencoli j is as honeshtt as bride's parents, where luncheon was pistol shots. Tlio reports scorned to itural course of the bullot led us'to tho day is long. Tho children took Money In I Immediately aftor the church service served, Mr. and Mrs. Bissett then come from tho houBe. Threo wero lie conclusion. Mrs. Sutton died sides with tho mother^!;! it is said The Critic says: "If awliors only light refreshments ,wore served to all left on a brief tour to Asbnry Park. ?!io members of tho First Methodist •• •om an internal liohiorrhagc." An knew how much ink mighyprofitably in, the parish room in the rear of the They will shortly begin housekeeping piscopal church of Dover on n recent Sun- close together,as quickly as possible to that tho boys have nwjhy times driven r.< secured subscriptions amounting to shoot. A short interval lapsed before topsy was also made on Reed's body. tho old man from {cho house. Ono be leftnn their inkstands, \vnnfc a host uhur'ch. Mrs. Willarcl Alleger favored in New York city, where the groom is ! : 1 employed.as .-bookkeeper- Jn. the', office ,000 towards the erection-of u now ; i^tho-fourth-eho^cuimQ.-J.-piisaodliito ,yp of. tho.bullets- entered-the brain storjvisrtold of thn .ohildron driving of grateful readers and .rflviowors wnnld the audience with, a vocal solo,. '•The lurch;--.The ncw.bullding will bo located - jar"thei~temple" bbri'ei shattering the Sutton from tho houso without his risse up and call them blessedblessed!! " Onoe Gipsy's''T-Iohori'Hukr Miss M^ai-y John- of the 'manufacturers *of the" Waverly tho houso and went into tho kitchen ston and Miss Emily Lake, each rend-; bicycle. : : " a lot facinc.on Blnckwell and Essex, nnd tlien into tho purlor'/butBaw noth- ;nll, and, tho other onterod tho loft dinner, over some trouble with Reed, 'important guild of authors, the mom- roots and willsoat 1,300 pcoplo. .:.'•';•%'"[ v; ir._ .The_twi),bullots-avhich-entiei'od. .n.iui-t.lin-liitt.or^_sat~do\yn_to-.djn.nfiii. iBVfl-Of—win nh^dflynto-i t.hoi r—talon ta-tn TJlilMLiji.JV.hiclLiliei bride ie~f6en a remarkable ono. She non is still large. Bryant & Weller. Children'ssuits$1.50 tg$5.00... B. & W. -, iummer pants 49c. Bryant & Weller. 2 . THE WASHINGTON STAR, -WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1896. SPRING MEDICINE. The Shortest Local Correspondence. All Sea Trips OXFORD. UELVID13KE. UA.CKKTTSTOWN. Out of New York Misses Lizzie Lanning and Annie Wil- An effort is being made to have a lawn Tho twelfth annual commencement of kinson are with relatives and friends at tennis contest between the crack clubs oftho High School, was held in the Pcsby- Easton. the county, to bo held hero in tbe near torian Sunday school rooms last Thursday future. This would be a novel thing for evening. Tbe following program was ANDERSON'S ALWAYS COOL ON THE OCEAN Miss Margaret Lukens, of New York, Is us, very rare Indeed, and would draw a rendered: March, Messrs. Ackloy and tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Qoorgo K. big crowd. Tho truth Is that lawn tennis, Schcnck: Invocation, Uov, L. G. Morris, Scaring. boso ball nnd nearly everything elso are Music—Trio. "The Fairies' Dance," Lily Mistt Isabella Francis, of Philadelphia, giving way to the wheel crazo. Just now ftlvCunii, Li/./.iu Grind and Ella VanKatta; Great German Blood Purifier and Tho lioBUtltul now BtonmBblpa of tho is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. it seems to be spreading and all classes nro Salutatory and ESSHV, "Common Sense," Burd, on Buckley avenue. affected by It, Not only are the young Clifford ii. Heath; fissny, "ThoProjjioss and giddy carried by on wheels, but one of the Nineteenth Century," Harvey W, inBu Rock spring, samlet, Dyspepsia Remedy OLD DOMINION LINE The Odd Fellows elected tho following sees the old and gravo, tho gray-haired VnnNatta; Ksaay, "Virginia's Wonders," officers on Saturday evening: N. G., Fred. matron as well as tho white-locked girl, Edwin K. Odtnun: Essay and History, Affords'a Dellebtfnl CaafflT Outln? Trit>. Fowler: V.G., James W. O'Brien; R. S., all wheeling along tho dusty highway ol "Tho Weight of Words," Edgar M. Parks; James 0. Myers; Treaa,, Henry Harling. life—all in search of the phantom pleas- Duet—"Empress Gavotte," Jennie Voor- Tlckota coTorlnK round trip of 700 milts of - Misses Annie and Benha Laneltwcre nt ure. During tho past week several new hecs and Edwin K. Oamun; Chorus, "A ica travel*, moftlfl and Btatoroom borth on Zlon Chapel a part oflaat week the guests bicycles have come to Belvidere and the June Day" Pupils of the School; E*iay, Compound of God's Remedies in Nature—Roots, H rbs,-onto for i of tholr uncle, John Hartung. fair owners aro fait becoming quite expert "A Modern Persecution," Percy Ward; Mr. and Mrs. Wru. Blessing, of Warwick, in tholr manipulation. There Is onoEssay, "Tho Voyago of Life," Bertha M. Barks and Berries. Blended with the Mineral $13.00. pleasing feature nbout tho craze, ayo McCracken; JIusic—"Ln Gascogne," Or- N. Y., aro spending their honeymoon with gratifying In the extreme, and that Is the chestra; Essay with Valedictory, "Roent- Sumo trip, but Including one nnd oiie-qtmrtor . his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Blessing. gen's Gifts to Science" JonnioG. Voorhees Water of this Spring. days'8tny at VirRlnla'a celebrated xooithoro ro* The many friends of the youngcouule wish tact that the price of wheels has taken a BortB, Old Point Comfort or Virginia Be«ch, with tumble. Down, down they go until tho Sextette "Oh, the Flowerv Month of June" accomnioilntlona at lending hotolH, them a happy snll upon the sea ol matri- shop girl and errand boy aro placed in Pupils; Presentation of Diplomas and Ad- mony. contact with-them mid will soon be the dress to Graduutes, Rev. J. C. Chapman; Mrs. Bumiller is lying'dangerously ill happy possessors of bikes. At the present Benediction, Dr. \V. S. Robinson. The with bilious fever, at her homo on. Mechanic rate wo will soon be a nation of wheelmen following reached 80'per cent, or over in ; $17.00. street.. and those of us who do not ride astride examinations and recitations: C. R. Heath It Has No Equal for the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Heart and Nerves. will have wheels in our heads. Jennie Voorhees, E. M. Parka,Percy Ward Wm. Knapp has returned home from a nnd Bertha McCracken. Soud for copy o( "PILOT," containing visit to Brooklyn and New York. description of Mhort nnd dollghtful trlpu. A very pleasant time was had nt the Some of the youngsters of town are very home of Miss Mary Cryan, on Saturday bad and have their own Ideas about William II. Drake on Saturday sold his Washington, N. J., Jan. 8,1893. Tort Murray, Jnu. 0,180C. JUNCTION, N. J., Nor. 23,1853. finances. They need money, nil they can hardware and stove business to David ovening, when a number of young people Tichnor, of Newark, who is a first class I bavo usod two bottles of Atiilorsou'a Vu^otu- I uttud two bullion of j\mloreoo'a Vogotoblo I knve UBWI oiiw butllu uf Amlorson's Vefculi tripped the light fantastic to the music of get, and aro not very particular how they blo-Mlnoral Compound for Indigestion, dynpop- Mluornt ComiMJ'mJ in my family. It tins built bio Mineral Compound nnd havo boon cured of Hardiman's orchestra. At midnight the ;et It. Some of our merchants and house- plumber nnd will do this class of work in OLD DOMINION S. S. COMPANY merry company sat down to a substantial keepers have found tliis out to their sor- connection with his lately acquired nnd norrousnotttt. I bfivo used Orcon's Ker- lip my granil-dnuglitor wonderfully. It mnkos that tlrod fooling, Hour stomach and wator row and will place a Yule combination on business. n, Colory Compound, otc, but tbls boats puro blood nnd fair Bkln rapidly. It will nlso brash. I must Imvo BOIHO moro for futuro mo. I'lor 3(3, North Kiror, Now York. supper.. them nil. Nothing Mko It to strengthen tho BJO- euro a lioadacho cnuod l>y n sour atomncb orory -Mrs. Snrali J. Garrluon. The following are the new officers of their tills nt once. A convention in tho interest of tho W. h. GUIUAUDBU, Vlco I'roa't & TrafBc Mgr Mount-No-MoreXodge, No. 147, K. of P.: C. Adam Hess, a well-to-do farmer of Low- primary teachers in the Sabbath schools totn and make food Utmost. For norvousnoss tlmo. Jlra. Jamo-t A. Ulglor. er Mt. Bethel, Pa., was buried from his will bo held nt Schooler's Mountain July this modlcluo cannot bo surpassed. O., Daniel Pittenger; V. C, David Trim- 5-11. WnahlnfTton, N. J., Jan. 0,180(1. mer; M. at W., Geo. Buckley: P., Nicholas late homo on Saturday last. He died of Mrs. John Unnn, Wnshlngtou, X. J., Jnii. 8,1890. Wo uaodono bottlo of Aiidoraou'tt VoKotublo- Lampshire; M. at A.; John H. Zulauf; I. paralysis,aged about 70 yeiirs,leaviiig tiuite Miss Eva Wade entertained her Sabbath Church St. : G., wm. Henderson; 0. G., George Lan- a largo estate. He fs survived by a widow school class last Monday afternoon. I liaTo ubod 3 bottles of Audoraou's Vogotnblu Mineral Compound, taken mostly liy my littlo Plows, ning, uml several sons and daughters. Ho WUH A Ashley & Shaw's silk mill was put In HiOU BBIDOK, N. J. NOV. 2.1,1895, Mlnornl Comiioimtl In my family for liuHgcatlon, dnuglitpr for ft scrofulous nftocttoii. It hoiked The court room of Justico Sharps was systematic old contlemnn nnd alwnys operation last Monday morning after being UHO Audornoii'B Vegetable Mlnornl Com- dyspepaliv and Bour etoinncli. I think It tho her wonderfully. It Is also splendid for Iiirtt- crowded with people Thursdaj- afternoon practised tho most rigid economy. closed a week. pound. Am )>lngii

    Iru. Kdunr Albert, son. The facts gathered from the evi-had a 200-pound gold Republican on the 'fflailiuito. "' MK3. AlIOS SCIICVLEI'- Farm Machinery, dence showed that Michael McCabe recov- hook, but it happened to be a 12-pound B. \V. Ellicott will deliver the oration at I'ort Murray, N. J., Nov. 11; ISU3, ered a judgment against Wm. 0. Folkner snapper with mouth large enough to Hope on Saturday. I'ort Murray, N. J., Jim. 8,1830. Port Murray, N. J., Jan. 0, ISM. I haro had dynpopala nnd ludi gust Ion 11 vo and levied upon the stock in the store at swallow a silver dollar. Harry has tho Miss E. M. Porter has been visiting re- I linvo used two bottles of Aiidursou's Vegetn- I have used ono bottlo of Aiiilorsoii'ti VOKO'H- I years, but worao tub last your. My momach nnd limbs would smill up. with n dull hoailndio, Heavy and Light Wagons Greon's Pond. Constable Banghart sold old fellow stalled and will feud him onlatives in Philadelphia. blo-Mtneral Compound for catarrh Inthohund bio Miuoral Comiioimd for my littlo «lrl, who | wenk b:»«k, etc. I tweil two XtoUUm ot Ainlor- the goods and they were purchased by corn meal until after election when be will Mr. and Mrs. Earl, of Burlington, nro tho result of a aevery cold, which helpod mo hadei:zomn breaklm,'out UJUJH lior fnconutl bond, i McCabe and afterward sold by him,to Mrs. give a blow out. expected at Hotel Clarendon shortly, more thau nuythlng I over usod, lies idea It HOU'B Vegetable Mineral Compound, which umdo can be bought to best advan- Folkner. McManiman secured a levy where they will spend a couple of months. It hat) cleared up thia trouble, lonvhig her «kln inefoelllkoa difTorunt Individual. I used nil Roscberry Long, of Bniigor, Pa,, has be- built uj) in}* norvons ttystmu. I recommend it fntrnud healthy. Sbo bus boon bothered for; tage at the old-established after McCabe on the same goods under a come a student in J. M. Roseberry's law Frank C. Everitt will enter the Allen- •ory highly to my friends. kinds and thls'tionts thorn all formycomiilnttittf. judgment for ?119.75, and an execution office. Mr. R. is his undo and will guard (Ivo years ivlth this mntnily, Tboro la nothing! I will not bo without It In my fnmlly In futnro. town bicycle races on the Fourth, Mro. Ktlzuboth Amlorfloii, issued by Justico John C. Beaty, when well the young student's interests. The quarterly meeting of the Musconet- like Audorson'B. Sarah C. Hummer. Mrs. Folkner served notice upon him We notice that Whittleld Johnston, o jong UnlonofCbristianEiideavor cocieties Audorsou'a llotol. Mrs. Wm. J. lJlBler. Washington claiming title to the goods. She applied former Belvidere boy, has taken up hi;was held at Schooley's Mountain last Fri- to Justice 3harp3 for a jury to try her claim abode in HackcUstown. and Constable Plttencer returned Wm. H. day evening;. Foundry, Miller, Swayzo J. Craig, Andrew Hollinan, The Second church folks are now push' George W, King, one of the oldest and Thousands are Testifying to its Curative Powers. Try it Jacob Cregar, Geo. Burd and Daniel Petty ing their improvement forward with all most highly respected citizen of this place, to decide the question of ownership. possible speed. They will have n nice died at his home on Hope street last Wed- and be Convinced. For Sale by all Druggists. R. Q. Bowers, Jr., Proprietor. Attorney Geo. M. Shipnian appeared for house of worship when bnce finished. nesday evening. The funeral services were Mrs. Folkner, the claimant, and ex-Prose- The Junction tragedy was a most thrlll- held on Saturday. He is survived by a tor Stryker for McManiman. Mrs. Folk- (bc and dreadful affair and is a sad com- widow and four children: William, GeorKO ner, M. McCabe, Wm.C. Folkner and Coiv ment on the virtue and intelligence of the W. and Mrs. Plummur uf thia place, and Washington Prince, stable Banghart testified for tho claimant age in which we live. Dr. Theodore King, of E.iston. The Trne Story ofthe Premo Camera and Justice Ililbert produced his docket The farmers are right in the midst of Mrs. Gilbert Yawger and daughters, of No.'14717, Cimiiut 0e told iii one advertisement. It is and papers. Mr. McManiman and Con- 1 hay making as well as harvesting. One of Somerville, have been visiting friends In It Will Pay You too much uf mi iustrmnont to ho dismissed stable Snrope were sworn for the defend our substantial farmers said Saturday that this place. wlllHtaud tho ttoiiHouoflSOti nt tlio furin; of the iu u few words—11113 tno. many features dif. ant nnd his execution and levy were ofFer- all he wanted was fair weather. William Everitt has, been visiting his sitbsuribor, known iiu foriug from otber cameras. ";ed in-evidence uftttr wltiuli the respect- .;0iu-:ni«iid,"Johiv:.I.",Yaif Dyke, Esq., unclcsin this place. lie will go to1 Mexico IS11I if j'uti mo LLiiikmg about, buying, wo jury. The facts' were discussed at length has been employed" by theiMt; Hermon "SnOl'tHk? I'l'.-ifur'1 i« wmlitig you a dntiiilpil ana the jury and spectators were highly en- in a short timt; where iiu wiil' eitgiigc lii Board of Education to take charge of the the electric business. nt>out two nilloH Houth of Wiuttiington, ut tin description, wi>h i-pecimeiia of tho work, tertained by the attacks of counsel and academy nt that place the ensuing school Owing to the sudden illness of Mr. L. G. ttutl answer any questions you may ask. their views of the case. The defense year. Mr. V. is one of our best educator! have the largest stock of Bedroom Suits, low ruto ot $30.00 to iiiMiiro n foul. Complete, compact, practical, up to date alleged that the sale to Mrs. Folkner was Morris on Saturday, services were not held Washington rrliiuo was Hlreil by Hiiyotin nnd the people of that section are to be in St. James' church on Sunday. in ever partic- for the purpose of defeating McManiman sngratulntcd on their good luck. I'rluco and ho by Kentucky I'rluue. Diuii Lady ular, tba Pre- in the collection of his judgement and the Miss Nancy Dill entertained a small com- Parlor Suits, Library Furniture, Dining- Manibarot, plrea by Miinibaret, ymmlaon < 1110 answers jury evidently took that view, for they re John Beck and family have moved from any of friends last Saturday evening in Munibrino Chief. c\ery photo- turned a verdict against Mrs. Folkner, Phillipaburg to Belvidere and expect to onor of her guests from Chicago. run a summer boarding house They are E room Furniture, Springs, Mattresses, and Waulilugton l'rlnco waafonlod ID'ISQO, la 15. Krapnlc pur- within thirty minutes after they retired, "Mrs. Godwin died at her summer resi* hnuda high, in color is a Jut Muck, in good hi pos, 510 to and the justice then awarded UIR goods nicely located on Market street. donee on Schooley's Mountain after an ill- $50. and costs to McManiman. On Friday John Widennr and fuinilv Imvo ninved nes*ufii few weeks, last Monday after- all other kinds of furniture to be found limb, fluoin form, graud In stylo nnO In action Constable Shrope took possession of the from Omaha. Neb:, and settled in Belvi- noon. The funeral services were conduct- IM youU. Ho IUIB novor buon dovolopcd foi goods nndcloaeu the store. dere. Mr. W. left here some years ago speed, but la a nlco nnd Hfiunro trottor and did exceedingly well in the far West. ed by Dr. Smythe yesteiday. Interment in this section. Our prices are low- Matters are very slow there now and he at Philadelphia on Thursday. Tbla liorso IH well worthy tho nttentlou of a.\ John Morris, of Antidock, is renewing has returned East for the purpose ol'em- About twenty-live fiiinilk'S will link! n overs of good Block mid am not fall to iilunao old acquaintances in town. barking in the lumber business. He Is an picnic on thesL'tioolgrouiidioii tlieFuurlh. er than the lowest, and our goods IIo b Miss Mame Donohue, of your town, is architect and builder and expects to do at thu home of her parents suffering with some business in his native State, His son Pass the good word along the line. Piles are of first class material and workman- Richly Brod and Pino in Gait a sore finger. came from Omaha in a freight car along can be quickly cured without nn operation and Conformation, The Oxford baseball club added another with the furniture and the family horse, by simply applying De Witt's Witch Hazel victory to its list last Saturday after- and had a very' successful trip, He wasSidve. F. >."Jenkins' Warren County ship. All goods delivered free of charge. For extended pedigree or further Information noon when the boys went to Portland and six days on the road, arriving here lust Drug Store. aildre&j or call on defeated the team at that place by a score Friday morning. Don't fail to see our stock of Brass of 18 to 8. Bob's colts are playing good Jamos L. Shields. ball. The tannery which baa been idle for HOIM5. Washington, N. J., April 23d, 1S9S several weeks, we understand, will resur ~ Mrs. Bauchmnn, daughter of Jacob and Iron Beds. Mrs. Michael Quinn and daughter Annie operations the present week. Hadley, came up from Newark last week were called to Scranton one day last week Colonel Wildrick has gone to Bhiirstown tu reeupBrule, having 'suffered'for "some to attend the funeral of her grandson. for-the summer. He will be greatly missed time from a dead tootti. Mr. and Mrs. Medlcus, of Brooklyn, are by his friends in Belvidere, especially the Miss Betsy Greene, an aged invalid suf- the guests of her sister, Mrs. Michael female portion. It is understood that the Latest DENTISTRY fered a relapse the othe: r day, but by care-_ .. PMn*m nf TCnr^t f bQlt °?cry Repp.: ••• :-..••".:.•-'-.. : .: ..... ;...^.. :;•...- Colonel will cultivate theacquaintance cf ful nursing, hiiai-iillicd. :. ; '.body. ..Tooth examined and Charles Fichtel and Miss Jennie Lewis the voters next fall when he will ask them Mrs. Margaret Wills and son, of Stan- W. jv DAWB, advlcfl glvfln frtso. were married Saturday evening at the par- for their suffrages in behalf of a little pro- hope, spent Sunday with her father, Geo. sonage of the Presbyterian church, Schoo- ject in which he has a personal interest. D. Turner. Teeth Extracted, ley's Mountain, by the Rev. Smythe. Jacol Our people are looking forward to the Easton, Penna, Hartman acted as best man and MrsCarpenter case with much interest, They George A. Swayze, wife and daughter, of 403-5 Northampton Street. 25 cents Jacob Hartman took the part of brides- arc expecting some new and thrilling de- your borough, were here a few days last All local applications (roe week. Tooth oxtrauted posltUoly maid. They drove to the home of the velopments. Able counsel are employed wlibont palii by thousoofour bride where supper was served. '•> on either side and we shall expect to see The citizens of town will surelv cele- vitall^d air or vapor, 60 touts Oriental Court, No. 15, elected the fol-the case tried with great skill and all the brate and if the day proves favorable the - lowing officers Tuesday evening: 0. H. P. Infallibility that counsel *«m cornin.ind. churches will hold festivals in .the after- Teeth'fillod with cold, si and up. Wm. Sliafer; G. O., Ruel B. Cooper: V. G The prisoner is as cheerful and happy ns noon and evening. Tliebills, which'are NEW YORK CLOAK. Teeth fille'd--with silver, 75c 0., James W. O'Brien; Rec. Sec, Charles his surroundings will allow. He feels con- very gaudy, advertise a number of import- 435 Northampton St., Easton. Pa. A set of teeth, so. Boat sot 01 Fichtel; Treas., Robert Zulnuf; G. H. fident of an acquittal and buoyed by this ant events to take place in the afternoon. Tooth, S8. George Stockblein; I. G-, Levi Tice; Exs. hope is willing to bide his time and await Our fS seta of tooth tire tho bout that aro made with patience the judgment of the court. Clinton Hildebrant went to Newark last THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE CLOAK AND SUIT STORE IN EASTON. nomauorliow much you pay (ortlium. ttiiorc James W. O'Bryan and Levi Tice. week on horse back, returning Monday. ttie teoth nro out, pmtoiiu coming In tho morn A. Mrs. Brower," a widow whose home Mrs. Sadie Scribner and children, of Ing can lmv« tholr tooth made the samodiij by ; : notify!DC us throo dnyn lu advance. Tooth filled • ""- ••••'"Glad Swings." -'• wns in New York, came here some wueks Junction, are visiting her father, Wm, m 113 tmlulosaly us doutnl uulunco will permit. Gold The grand specific for the prevailing af;o for the purpose of spending the sum- Bowers. r^r^%y-\r\ci Velvet, Silk mer. She was possessed, of means and tilling v.fl8 "Thfl Text Books of Satan's A Few Itenfs to Show stamps to holn pay poatngo, pncklng, ^ Bether VanQ"uutU the last few-years~"»>a5 schoolroom." This is one of a series of Ac, nnd wo will nmlltwitnplo box of our supposed to be incurable. For a great his sermons on tho "Ten Modern Moral many years doctors pronounced it alocal What a dollar saving store our's is. Men's Woolen Cheviot Suits at $6.50; Non-Nicotine Hldget Cigars. disease, and prescribed local remedies, and Plagues." My Methods by constantly failing to cure with local At the Christian church on Sunday after- well made and in different colors. Up to our $18 suits we will save you Only ono box to ono address. f> treatment, pronounced it incurable. noon tho congregation, by request, listened comparatively as much. Our variety in Boys' Suits, long pants up to 19, Addroaa: LANDIS & CO.. of doing business are economical Science has .provenftoatarrh to bo a con- to a sermon from the text of Matt. 18 : 3, is the title of a story written • and in tho evening Rev. Mr. Pittman I, PA, and this is the only plausible reason stitutional disease, and therefore requires for the manufacturers of • $5; all wool up to 14.00—none excel. Large line of Men's Serge and Crash I canjjtve why^I am__able to furnish constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh mado an explanation of the twenty-one ; ; ;: Cure, manufactured by, F. J. Cheney & Co., chapters of the Book of Judges. One new Suits. "Boys' Knee Pant Suits,: strictly all wool; at-2.5o arid ^oo—-- - -' T 7 member was admitted Into this church on I HOKE SUCHffifg | customclotliihg for 1 ess*than my^com^^ ^" Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional petitors.v; There never has' been a - oure on tho market..~It is taken internally 2 by one of the most humorous • M- y : ; in doses fromi 10 drops to a teaspoonful. 5 writersTjf the~dayr If will • quc5iion about the-up-to-date-styles- - - It aota directly on the blood and mucous :.Towo.a< clean; that clothes made'by me have br as,] surfaces of the system. They offer one Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn. ® be sent free to anyone send- • hundred dollars for any case It fails tocure. ays, "Shiloh'sVitalizer SAVED MY LIFE 6 ing address and naming this - KaEora'ktjon. :o the thoroughness of my worl;. •' Send for circulars and testimonials _ consider it is the best remedy for de- jeclal attflntlon given to bang cutting KDC ii i Address. bilitated a system I ever used." For " Sq. and 3d St,: Easton, Pa, ttier work for tho ladles. Closed on 8and»j Wm. J. Roekier, •: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it ex- MEBRELL-SOULE CO., Syucuie, N.

    PROFITABLE PUBLICITY. PIIIXUPSBUKG. Ing town arrange something for about that Robert Newman, n brnkomnn on MILtime? IN WOMAN'S SPHERE. Somo Vuli'iiblo Advlco to tlenenil Ad- Central, had his hand mnshed last Thurs- 1 Mrs. John Bvvisbcr nnd daughter Ornce, day night. of Newton) nro renewing acquaintances In vertisers—What tho Public WuiK town, } THE WORLD HAS NEEDED IT! SUM3IKK FANCY WO UK. Tlio Scolding or Whining Womun, Tho assessors have fixed tho tax rato a By Nn.ttmi.iol 0. KowIor.Jr., Doctor of Publicity. fl.01. Edwin Blair, of Scrnnton, Pa., was In Tho most deluded mortal In the world is town on Friday nnd Saturday. lie lins THE WORLD HAS WAITED FOR IT ! Ilonlton und ButtenburK Braids Fig- tho woman who fancies that much is gain- [Copyright.] Squire Smith directed Parke Anthony ed by scolding or whining or complaining. Advertiao tho goods you soil, not theto pay $1.60 per week for tho support o* been nwny from this place, tho homo of if tire Fjiirgcly In It. Sho may seem to pain her ends for n while people who sell them. his wlfo. Anthony was arrested for his early dnys, over thirty years. i) THE WORLD CAN NOW HAVE IT! Honlton medallion braids and the conrsc (for at first ono will do most anything to I ('you aro for sale, udvertiso yourself. support. PuIntiT N\ II. Kerr h LH the Presbyterian Battcnburg braldn arc much used for table avoid swallowing a bitter dose), but If she Your reputation Is part of your stock in Mark Cyphers, who reslileo on West puirsoniiKi O well under way. It Is u Trig im- • -•- cotitropleces, handkerchief CIIHCH and tin would stop to consider, uho would soon trade, find it pays to allow advertising to Vashtngton street, liad a narrow escape pn'ovement and should have like. Tho secret in using such braldad discover tliat every day, shhoo has grontor nsslst in building up mercantile character, from injury, by an onglno last Friday Ionrig ago. tho medallions uro to bu dotnuhed) la Ii cruisdicovee orf scoldintliat everg oyr whininday sg or complaicomplainn- but tho public cares more about whnt you morning. . , He properly iimteninjj tho emit, l'.isaa.ieedl ingcruis, ewhicheve of scoldinr gmetho or whinid shne 'adopts'dt , andd have for sale, than they do about any other lclJt. CMonda. Alleny wamornins homge ove(orr Ocea Sunday.n Grov- e threaded with fine thread Into tho utoi thai t ashi thoh month s rolthl bdy anh ever-Increas- condition of your business. Tho Populist nicotine held Friday even- HERE IT IS 1 between the medallions, and button-fiolt wjjJn Parochial JIJIJI did not attract a very whore ho Is enabler In the Column!. House. I ing amount Is required to accomplish tho the Bpaco between as closely as possible Don't print your mime in tbo largest argo nudlenco. K. K. Potter, of Port Mnrksboro Is entertaining two bridal same result. ;ypo. and more conspicuously than tho Oram, was the speaker. couples, Mr. Isaac Coiirsen and bride aro ; Thou cut In the middle, turn tho little Tho scolding woman never lias tilings announcemenemett of yyou r goods,. with N. II. K.:rr and Mr. Win. Johnson A phenomenal stove. It burns kerosene, with a ' end under and hem In plncc. Designs nro her own wuy without a. vnsb expenditure The members of the High School class 6 Don't have your~ nam~ ~e appen~ r nt the top of '05 held it reunion Friday evening at the mid bride are visiting nt Frank Crb nan's. now easily followed if applied to n eolorei of nervous strength—much more than tho and bottoom of the advertisement_. Onc_ e is Both are from Wilkosbarre. 6 blue, [lame without odor— '.' surface. Pink or blue cambric basted ovei object to bo gained Is worth. Why canenough. HotteIJt r hhav e itt a tt tthhe bbottot m thah n residence of Miss Lizzie l>eit, on Fair view enrriago leather timkcti a good foundation notsho realize that und adopt some picas- nt tlio top. Heights. A supper was served and n o and if tho pink cambric bo washed wit: antcr method? Tho top should bo devoted to largo typo pleasant evening was spent by the seven KARL'S CLOVER HOOT, the great puri- turpentine, thodesl^n will bo seen through young ladles of the cta&s. fier, gives freshness and clearness to the :•V There Is In this town n._ merr„ry littlittl:e announcement of the goods you have tor Complexion nnd curesC'on.Htip(ition,2.15ctfl., it HO OH to be easily followed with load woman who Is never obliged to asHk twitwicc e nale, or expressions which will gain atten- Charles II, Snapp, of Kiston, and Miss 4 The Wonderful "New Process" Blue ••< • pencil nnd then with ink, if ono has not a when she wants anything. Sho isn't ono tion. • *••' Kiln Arena Crispin, of this place, wire 50 etH.t';i.0O. Sold lit Carter's Drug Store. stumping outfit. In cutting the braid al- A great many merchants believe inhav- ways allow plenty to turn under, and do of the meek women who never dare to married on May (ith, at the Alain street Flame Oil Cooking Stove. hnvo nn original opinion, or to indorse ng the firm name appear in a sort of trade ii. E. parsonage, by Kov. U. K. Uoyd. * > the buttonholing before cutting the braid ; ono unless her husband has previously in- nark type, something distinct and dlfier- Rev. M, L. Rhodes, n former pastor, oc- ,. as tlio darkles any, it "frazzles" out surdorsed it. Shcsiys wnat sho thinks, but LJiit from other typo used, and this plan is Thoe HnytocHaytock silk mill resumed oneruopera- cupied the pulpit of our church last Sun- > >:• even if it Is a criticism, it in given with to bo rueoinmended provided'too much tion Thursday, They have beeticnu Idlee fo- r ••• prlsin^ly. Bureau ftcarfs are two inches ome time (lay. • • '• One gallon of oil will supply on burner eighteen nnrrower ami four inchea shorter ilmn tin such good nature that no one can take ipacc is not nivon to It. V space they nre to cover, and when made of offense. Very often tilings do not go to People will find you, if you properly nn- The Main street M. E. Sundlaay school School closes today and the children are hours. A wick will last a year. The most eco- transparent material aro tho prettier an suit her, but she has tho good sense to re- louncc something tho people want, if your picnicked at r>aury'_ „ s Island Thursday. happy. V well as more durable far a firm Uiilnc alize that scolding or complaining or name Is at the bottom In the smallest read- I'hTho BEpworth h LLangu o wililll holhld a celebra- Mr. and Mru. J. B. Woolstnn, of Rast nomical stove in the world. We can save you i > Silesia lining aro pretty as silk and can be whining will not help mutters. able type. tion at tho church on July Ith. And it Orange, spent Sunday with her parents. had In ndiiintyshudo. A bag 18x20 inches, camp meeting will be held by tho con- money, not only on this stove, but on all goods < > • If she Is too angry to laugh, she keeps Don't tell too much about your goods; gregation on tho church lawn commenc- Mrs. James Anderson in visiting her of tho tntiiriparunt uinturiul udiiuil with ilill until Hhucnn control hur&clf. If very :ave Momrthing fur tiiu inuitfiimUon. daughter at Whippuny. you buy of us. lace, and lined and drawn up with ribltoi 'tyry, she shuts herself up In her room Tell enough to command attention, nnd tiff July Cth. the shade of tho lining, to be hung on tin niono for a fuw moments. She s;iyn Hint to uxclte curiosity and Interest, Unit the Miss Mary Fisher and Mr. Wm. It. Hng- Miss ]-:\-U: Mitchell, of Knrrsville, Is visit- gas bracket or bracket book lor tint nn angry woman scorns to her to be no re- render will call at your store to further gcrty, both of this place, were married ing tier cousin, MUs Mowdcr. especial purpose, in very ornamental and julsivu an object that she cannot bear to inspect the goods. Saturday evening by Hev. R. K. Uoyd, at Rev. and Mrs. Rhodes nnd Mr. and Mrs. i > useful as a liiundry bag for collars, cufl's uivc those whom she loves best to see her Advertising doesn't sell goody. the house of the bride's uncle, Mr. David ._ It. Gardner, of Washington, were nt the nnd handkerchiefs. n any such character. Hho never scorns Advertising makes It ensler for you to Llorgas, on Summit avcnue.in the presence home of Mrs. Peter Curling on Sunday. Horn baker & Bowers. to command, and her husband imagines tell goods. afn few special friends. Miss Florence I lately HHW a pretty pin cushion belong that he always has his own way. She Met/, of this place, wim bridesmaid, and Mrs. Henry Starker spent n part of last ing to a wliito and yellow net. Tho cush- never disputes the point, yet they who It Is the business of advertising to bring John S. Fisher of Dunellen, was grooms* week with her sister at llii/un, ion proper was stullcd Into a past board know her best know that there nro few wopla to tho store. man. The brldu nnd bridesmaid wore Mrs. Wm. Apgar is suffering with a box about four inches square and the same questions thatnre not settled to her entire It Is your business, with the assistance of ivlilto. felon on one of her hands. height. It WHS covered with yellow satin satisfaction. •our salesman, to consummate the trade. S. It. Opdyku has become the owner ofa and finished with a plaited frill six inches The more people visiting your store, the The Sundny school of tho First Baptist lino Jersey cow. deep, which spread out very prettily. She will appear young when tho scolding more goods you will sell. hurdi will hold its annual picnic'at This frill WIM covered with another of a women of her ago are considered old, und The more advertising you do, the more (•torn! Park on July llth. David Xiinu and family visited friends nt very dainty lace, and the top had a net ;he will ill ways have an influence for good Danville on Sunday. work of medallion braid crossing It, th people you will have to do business with.. • Jacob N'io will leave on Saturday to at- MM. Louisa Smith spent part of lust week FERTILIZERS ivhere they have no influence at nil. The best salesman cnn'tsell anything un- ends concealed by a quilling of ribbon the less he has someone tu suit it lo. - <•• tend tho National convention at Chicago. with friends nt AndiTHnu i.iirt 1'enwoll. same ahi ' Tho best advertising Is worthless unless Tho Standard silk mill Is shut down for OF ALL GRADES Kcmlnluo Kimolea in Gloves. the week to allow the taking of the semi- there is someone to show the goods when annual account of stock. Itcnutlfiil Anns. For walking, traveling and general out- tho customer calls. For the Farm, Ing wear, four hook or button gloves nro In the combination of good advertising About 300 people accompanied the There nro numerous women who arocorrect in glance or pique kid, tho latter and good salesmen, is good business. Main Street Methodist Sunday school to noted for their beautiful and graceful arms heavier than tho usunl dressed kid. These Lawry's Island on Tuesday. the Garden, wlUch artists claim are tho least common nro in tnn, brown and grnyshades. Cham- of all points of beauty. Somo of them are ois gloves in white nre very stylish for 3IAKKSBO1CO. Is what gives Hooil's Sarsnparllla Its great pop- the Lawn. women in society, and some of them are wonr with cotton or pique costumes, nnd Malaria and Rheumatism. ularity, Increasing sales and wonderful cures. stngo queens. The " divine Sarah's" arms iis they wash and clean easily are not ex- W. H. Clark and family, of Now York Tho combination, proportion nnd process In are almost as noted ns her golden voice. lonsivc. Black gloves aro well favored in city, have arrived in town for tho summer preparing Hood's Ssirsnparllla nro unknown I am the most extensive fertilizer dealer in these parts. This Emma Bnmes has classically perfect arms. 'arls with light toilettes trimmed in From the Journal, Wilmington, Ohio. They will occupy the addition to tho hotel, But unless these ladies find upon meas- tootlicr medicines, and make It peculiar to statement would even better apply to lack, but here they nro chiefly noticed On ono of the fertile farms of the rich Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walters and Mr. and Itself. It acts directly and positively upon the uroment that their arms aro moulded In with mourning gowns, or with evening Ohio Valley .seven miles from Wilmington, Mrs. D. H. Ryman enjoyed a drive to Port the following proportions they may notgowns of black nnd somo brilliant con- blood, anil as tlio blood reaches every nook claim to bo classically correct. Ono cele- the county seat of Clinton County, Ohio, Jervls on Saturday and Sunday, and corner of the human system, all tho trast. White and ficelle, very pale straw, and but a short distance from the smalt Mr. and Mrs. Peter Splndler are visiting brated Htittuo of Venns shows these pro- suude nro tho fashionable evening colors town of Molvln, their post office, in a nerves, muscles, bones and tissues comei un- portions : Length of arm from shouldor to for full dross, with pearl-gray, lavender cozy, little country home, resides John In town. |, der tlio beneficent Influence of PIPE ^ fingertips, 23 7-20 inches; length of arm md palo tan following, White glaco and Arrnsmith and his wife, Minnie. M. It. Limning spent Tuesday in New from shoulder to elbow, 12 3-5 Inches; made gloves in; four books or buttons, York. -, length of arm from elbow to finger tips, >lnln or stitched on the buck with black, A few days since a representative of tho which I buy in carload lots. When you cannot find what 15if inches; around upper arm, 11 i! inches; ire worn for visiting, concerts, driving, Journal drove out to Melvin to see them. Mrs. A. C. Bruslor, of Scrnnton, Pa., Is around olbow,10 { inches; around forearm, itc. There is much favor shown to such In the course of the conversation, Mrs. A.visiting her father, A. W. Cook. you want elsewhere or think the price too high, come to me. 0j inches; around wrist, 8 7-16 Inches. tcl . Theri e hii mt l favord showd nki tdo scithh detailed the facts of her cure: Frank Mingle and a Mr. Brands, of Diana, who should bo tho model for ath- [loves in white or dressed kid with "Last July," said she, "from undue ex- Hainesburg, took advantage uf the pleas- letic women, has beautiful arms as she Is look ftfasteningsi . After whithi e thho tan «ndd posure in my work about the farm, I con- ant da___„y and tine roads o..n. TuesdaTuesday and represented, by sculptors. In one statue >roivn shades are favored.—July Ladies' tracted malarial fever and rheumatism and rode to Delaware Water Gap uiiu Milford Largest Stock in Warren County. lome Journal., suffered from the illness greatly. I could on their wheels, returning via Newton, Sarsaparilla not throw it_ofl^ and; although: constantly-j = The^rtoyarArcanuni Is ranking arrango- *•••»!•!« from sliatiMer to finger tips; 21' 7-16 " " '" ••"'•--••-S1- - •-- ments fora festival during the moonlight Tiie Olio Tnu Blind Fiirllter.'.' All Jrueslsls. SI. Indies; fcngtli of arm from slioulder to Far Freezing Ive-Crcnn grow worse. In September I caught a se- Cement and Land Plaster "are'two" more^of "my specialties." nights of July. Will a certain neighbor- uAn,1> n'li euro Livei.iver Illsins;; easy tio elbow, 13 1-5 inches; length of arm from Do not draw any water from the Icovere cold, which greatly increased my ilOOu S FlllS lake.easytoopcrate.250. elbow to linger tips, HJJ inches; around 'bile freezing unless water raises to top of other troubles, and taking to my bed there Nothing is allowed, however, to interfere with the proper at- upper arm, 16] inches; around forearm, )f can. The can should be only two-thirds I lay for months. The rheumatism grew 0 15-1(1 inches; around wrist, 5 5-10 inches. lull of milk, as It will raise one-third while more aggravated, and for eight long weeks tention to my main line—LUMBER. freezing. After the milk has been placed prior to lust Christmas. I was perfectly In the can put the freezor together ready helpless, my limbs below the hips beinfj as Thirty-Second Year. Continuous Success. Warm Weather Neckwear. for operation, mash the ice and sprinkle if paralyzed and I having no use of them Tho warm dnys are bringing out no end uoiiioc salt on until it quits cracking. The whatever. I could not help myself in any of lovely .collars in muslin, crepe, silk or ieo may be previously prepared. Then way, and was not able oven to turn over in W. D. GULICK. chiffon, plain or elaborately decorated; put Mm i™ around the can and add more bed unless my husband or sonifi one else worn over KOWIIH of soft, neutral tints, Lit. When the freezing is completed re- came and turned me. Medicines which the Today and Every Day Until Further Notice. The Old Established Washington Lumber Yard. they aro especially ulfeetivennd cool look- love the beaters and cover the freezer physicians left did no goodj and nothing I ing. These fancy coliirettos ure a wonder- vith carpet or woolen cloth and let. the could take afforded any relief, I was dis- ful aid where one must economize in the ce cream harden one-half hour, before omiraged and feared that never again 'matter of gowns." Tho addition of one of ierving. Alter frozen, beating the cream would I be up and about tho house. It these smart collars, vasts, etc., changes the ith a large spoon or wooden paddle will was anything but a bright prospect, for I entire appearance of the gown. Dainty nprove it. After standing several hours was but twenty years old, hud been mar- If your ones nro made up of thin white inulte, should bo beaten before serving. Dip- ried only two years and my life was before heiuitifiiUy tiickf'd, nnd decorated with plnp a spoon lit lukewarm water before me and to RO through it a hopeless cripple, As Good As Gold! delicate lace; Clio sailor collar is the pre- icrving each plate of cream and stick it in- a burden to my friends, was a fearful rate bicycle ferred shape, cut in many odd, fanciful ,o the cream nnd turn once around, will to think of. ways, or brought Into broad reverent the mt n very nice form. "I had read In the Wilmington Journal gets in- front. Gross linen sailor collars nre very from time to time, articles telling of the much in vogue In spite- of their having wonderful cures which had been effected A COMEDY IM THREE ACTS. been worn nil lust season. They are ap- "Wake up, Jack, dav is brenkinp!" so by Dr. William's Pink Pills, and hnd be- jured propriately worn with outing suits and mid DeWitt's Little Early Risers to the come impressed with the cases where they may bo as elaborate as one may wish, with nan who had taken them to arouse his had caused persons to walk and recover who bring it heavy embroidery done in grass linen luggish liver. P. N. Jenkins' Warren had been ns helpless as I was. Consulting •••••••••••••»•• colors. ""tity Drugstore. my husband, we determined to give them a trial. So lio drove to Wilmington and, to my e troliii^ to the drugtiloru of Gtor^u Vv*. Hruwii. ., CAST OF CHARACTERS: . BICYCLE '•' Eli Hill, Lumber .City, Pa., writes: "I To Clf'iiii Velvet Oolliirs.^ bought, three boxes of the pills. -I begun 9 have been sull'ering from Piles lor twenty- If velvet canes or colliirs have become taking them immediately on his return. ' live'yours and thought my case incurable. •vet or spotted, rub the snot carefully with Th.it was"ithoutrLliu '.Aval' of" the present .Mr. GCOD MACHINERY, ;in essential to all gooil work....Man U.-:Facturers. DeWitt's Witch Iliwel Salve was recom- year. Before the first box was gone I be- i little warm water, nnd rnise the pile of gan to realize that I was getting better, mended to mo ns n pile cure, so I bought IO velvet by covering a hot iron with n CAREFUL JOE, Mr. Broad St., V. B. & Supt. a box nnd it performed a permanent euro." •etclothand holding the velvet over it. and by the time I hnd finished the second I This Is only one of thousands of .similar rush tbo velvet quickly while damp with box the pain with which I hnd suffered for workmen cases. Eczema, sores and skin diseases soft brush. : nearly six months and the disease which EXPERIENCED JOHN, Z. T. Brown, Sec. & Treas. yield quickly when it is used. F. X. Jen- had made me helpless for eight weeks dis- - in the Mill, kins' Wnrruii County Drug SLury. appeared entirely and I got up. I took PAINSTAKING GF.ORGF, Mr. Richardson. Ch amber Iain's Cough Remedy cures the third box of the pills and have never olds, croup nnd hooping cough. It isfelt a twinge of rheumatism since, ami I SKILLFUL CALVIN;*."^:. I.;.....,;...... 7...... P. P. Jones. Smothered Stirlng Chicken. ileasiint, safe and reliable. For snlo by A. am doing my daily work nnd feeling as V. Creveling & Co., Washington; M. R.well as anybody." Mr. PARTICULAR, a man who knows what he wants Mr. L. Dealer. • © Purchase n pair of chickens and cut LlbrighttJunction; FritU&Smith; Asbury, them open down the back. Pluce in n To conlnm the story Mrs. Arrasmith large pun, about like n large frying pan mule tho following aflicinvit: @ Q without a handle, selecting one thai you To Clcnii.mbbuiis. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my WISCONSIN STOCK, always ready for a.trade...... E.. W, ALLKGKR & SON. and can cover closely, putting the meat side, of Don't throw nway ribbons because they presence, at Wilmington, Ohio, thistiuth IVicliliiiMoii. x. J, the chicken down. On unch chicken put .re soiled. Wash them in suds made of [lay of Juno, 1S95. get it a generous lump of butter, about two ino toilet sonp and cold i' C. Q. IIiL»i:u»itAXT, Clerk of Court. Teamsters, Inspectors, Lumber Dealers, etc., etc. ounces; sprinkle with pepper and put two hem quickly through. Place thorn be Dr. William's Pink Pills for Palo People _ Hartford cupfulsct boiling wnter over them. Cov- weon two clothb nnd press with a moder- are now Riven to the public us an unfailing cured. HOSPITALS § '„- er closely .ind-put in the oven. In about blood bulkier and nerve restorer, curing nil ©•jBicycles-.-.----; bait"n hour look at them, add more water .t«!y Uutiiou. forms of weakness arising from n. watery nnd return to the oven, closely covered, condition of the blood and bhnttcred nerves. 0 Reduced u-hnni tht>v numt remain another nunrtor SIIILOII'S CURE is sold on a guarantee. The pills are sold by nil dealers, or will be t cures Incipient CunauiupLiuii. It is Lliu sent post paid on receipt ol price (50 cents AU'l1 L'liKT,"""'Sceiioi'I.'—Miv 'Pai'ticulav's" UiTiee.:: Mr. 'Particular""sends ah James ®:;tq.-$5o.op.---.-.- of nn hour", when the water will bo'nearly )cst Cough Cure Only one cent adose25cts., gone; then add n cupful of milk or cream a box, or six boxes for £3.30—they are ortlcler for a enr of White Pine. Scene II.—Ofiice of Wisconsin Stock. E. W. 1 Columbias and return for a qunrtcrof tin hour longer. iOcts., nnd $1.00. Sold at Carter's Drug never bold in bulk or by the 100) by ad- H. Then season, remove tho chickenn from Store. dressing Dr. William's Medicine Com- Alleger & Son receives the order and prepare to ship. Always -,:•-.,. ••"•tliop'uitoii iiut ilhb, i.iU uluuniiuutirul of flour and one of butter together nnd KMAIJ KSTATIS TRANSFKHS, ACT SECOND. Scene III.—Mr. Particular's Yard. The ear arrives, is In- Slightly thicken the grnvy. Uarnish with List of Real Estate Transfers lodged for and servo hot. •ccprd nt County Clerks of lice since June 20. [pectocl, and so pleases Mr. Particular that ho call in his neighbors, who are aeon handling the stock with much apparent pleasure. Small in siio, btit_grcat in results. _Do- -'Witt's liittlc'lilnrly Kiscrs act gently but : thoroughly, curing1 indigestion* dyspepsia, ACT THIRD. Scono.ini.—Mi\_Particulai;'3,0fllce,, Mr. Farticulnr is.seated. constlpiition. ' Stnnll pill, best pill. F. N. Jacob P. Opdyko and wife to Daniel P. at his desk writing ordors for more'stock. NoighboVs nro seen chatting, and S Jenkins' Warren County Dnigbtore. Ccnncdy, of Bnvtfimo, dated Juno 22,1S0G, finally Mr. Particular informs Lhiit huriKifLur Wisconsin SLouk shall guL a share :onvoys lot in Washington: consideration 20. of his trade. Final Grand Chorus: "So say wo all of us." ^L^ Photography • CIiuu Chowdoi-. Jnmcs D. Hill, Ex'r to David Van Cnmp- : Put iuLu n suuuepiiii or pot some small :ii, ot'Spnrtn, N. J., dated May 29. ISOli, At Moderate Prices. ™— slices of fnt suit pork, using enough to onveys land In Blnirstown twp; considern- •••••••«••••••••• Hue tho bottom of the pot. On top of tho ion §uoo. . fnt put a layer potatoes, cut in slices; then ^ym. A, Morrow, Sheriff1,-to Edward A; ;.-__. _..i^.iiIy..work.L-sgeaks'i.fpj-_i_tsel.f,-t Jo is nn ex,-: a layer of chopped ;'then n layer of iiyes, of Bclvidcre,, dated Juno 17,.IS9G, "'•'•'sliced tomatoes; Mien a layuruf elnms, liiie- ionvoys projjorty" in" Beividere; considcr- ly chopped; then a layer of crackers, tion §l,StH). r broken into siuull pittces. Repeat the pro-; the Amerman Building. -' cess until tho pot is nearly lull, seasoning Elizabeth Henderson and husband to 51. ench layer with salt, and pepper, and you . Welsh, of Morris Co., dated Juno 22,1S9l>, the First Aot tlioro -will "bo an intermission as short as can IIIHO uso , cloves, bay loaves and onvoys property in Ilnckettstown; con- tarragon, if you wish. When tho pot is ideration $1. 1 possiHo. ITo wait Tsotwoon tlio othor 'Acts. S. E. flathews. ! full, cover with water, set on a slow fire Milton It. Lnnuing nnd wife-to Walter and when nearly done stir gontly, cook up Vckui'sonV of Frelinghuvsen, dated Marcii " :i once more nnd serve. Tho more potatoes !0, 1S9G, conveys land in Frelinghuysen; Do not be deceived by infringe- , Special attention to Babies and Children., vou use tho thicker it will bo. When sonsideration ^500. •••••••••••••••• clone, if too thick, ndd a littlo water. If- ments of name, package or cigar- ton thin, boll a Hltlo longer^ _. — Don't think that j-our liven ucctls treat: -_: •--THE-ONLY..GENUINE lg if you aro bilious. It doesn't. It's your- ,omacli. That is, your stomach Is really the Machinery used in this play is from the Last summor ono of our grand children vhnt causes the biliousness." It has put Sweet Gaporal Cigarettes was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our •our liver out of order. doctor's remedies bad failed, then wo tried See what's tho mutter with your stom- Bear Hie fnc simile signature of , best manufacturers and always SPANGENBBRG & FORD, Chamberlain's Cplic.Choloni nnd Diarrhnn Remedy, which gave very speedy relief. Sick stomnch poisons liver and then up to date. ~\Vc regard it- nn Mm best medicino over put hero's trouhlfi.-Shaltor.DigostiveOordinl on tho market for bowel complaints.— ures'stoniacli niid then "nil's well., That's n the package nnd on each clgarett*. : • I TNDERtAKBRS. Mrs. E. G. Gregory, Fredoricktown, Mo. lccaso in a nutshell. , '\ , ^ TAIIK NONE WITHOUT. -This certainly, ia the; beat, medicinerever Slinker Digestive Cordial-is •no,secret. put on tho market for dysentery, summer 'ormula'3 on every bottlo. Butv'it'a tho complaint, colio and-cholera infnntum in Implo 1honest way it's mndo, tho hones ; t When You Are Hunting children. It never rails to givo prompt re- IbaKej' ' herbs and other , ingredients of Calls answered night or day. lief when used in reasonable tlmonndtho vhich It's composed, that make it so cf- for WftWhofli Clocks, Sllvor- Best Grades at Lowest Prices S'ain printed directions nro followed, iencious. i, wtiro, Etc.. Ktc., direct your Eutabllsliodover33ycftra. TheyLavo We mako a Specialty of Undertaking and Embalming, and all any mothers hnvo expressed their slncoro Any real caao of indigestion nnd bilious- atopa totuoBtbroof :! •- w&o*-BOo;-fltxtov-cal!^«jpoii~;na.^iaj,ah!s,::eftpae!ty^!nftyi!Lw«5i!rA_o# lessoanbo cured with n fow bottlesof I Inion 160»y8test tiUl iuyowroivn homo undop oup reliable guar.ntcoof l cvatitudo for tho cures it has effected. For AVm. I1_MER^LL, UBB"; tjblppoi n, no pay. Organ, from $25, upwards, Planot from $160. upward!, TV Reasonable Prices and Polito Attention. Telephone connection*. _Llelb.v:A.^V..Croy,clinK._lt_qo.,, Washing* IliakorDigestiveOqrdinl. Tryjt. .^- '. lKo natlafactlnta!ocuoEuy.direct and fl!y>e.in

    lSLOOMSHUKY. AS1SUKY.. i Miss Ida Scliooley, of Bangor, Is the MISHAIIIIIO Uchart, of Newark, Is the ®ltc Washington f tat. guest of friends In town. guest of her brother, Abnun Dehart. Mrs. Edward Sliurrer, of Plilllipslmrn, Is Isaac Bonnet haslmprovod tho condition A tho homo of her sister, Mrs. J. Hoplcr. of his IIOIIHO and store by repainting it. & B. Miss Udn SolllilttV, of South Boston, MissFerguson, of Now York, is stopping BWOltN A VtHtAGli CIRCULATION spent Monday with Miss Mnry Shannon. at Daniel Usmtin'tt. J,»ja \V1WKI,V. Miss Bertha Williamson is with friends Miss Amanda Melllck returned home m Pliillipslnirg. on 9.iturdny from a week's stay with friends in Sl'cwnrtsvillo and Xew Village. THE FIHS BEE CHAI, L, STnvKtn. EDITOR ANO PROMICTOH. Mrs. Georgia Opdykespent Sunday at the home of Mrs. George Coo ley, tit Kieyels- h. D. llrown, of Eiist Orange, is now vlllc. occupying his summer home, recently Greater Maston's Greatest Store. S JMVABI.K IS AI>VA>CK. purchased of Mrs. Hulshlzer. Wo extend Mrs. James Oabom ami daughter Gert- u lieiirtv welcome Co Mr. llrown ami t'ani- "•'•V 1 YEAR, £1.50; 6 MOS.t 75c; 3 MOS.40C, rude, of Junction, spent Siittirdiiy with ily, aiiif would be glad if he would make it Mrs. Ida Petty. permanent. Miss Annie Johnson, of Junction, spent n John Crcgar, of Jersey City, is in town •OLEX GAUDXKll. iirt of last week in town. renewing old acqiiuiiitances. Mr. and Mrs, Dewey arc stopping at TIce Reed, employed in Itoirnmn's Miss Sallie Smith spent Sunday with re- •lira. John IJissoy's. Mr. D. la superinten- latives nt llloomsbury. mill, has accepted a position In a mill near dent of n couipanv that is putting in the Our aim at all times is to keep a well select- Newark. blo'jk signal system on the Luhigh Valley The new bridge' over the Museonctcong Edward Humphrey is first in the field. Uuilroau. is malting but little headway anil if it con- Ho commenced harvesting on Monday. tinues at this rate it will be 1S9SI before wo ed stock of new and desirable goods. 1 Miss Snlllo Lair, of Phillipsburg, is the get n bridge, I wonder if the Freeholders John I.. Hoffmao ann Is closing out hiis stoco k guest of Mrs. Goo. Stumets. in charge wciild manure their own affairs of gniiin nt UiUai illl and will quit business Miss Sallie Smith, of Asbury, wns nt the us this is being managed for the county. Of course, in buying as we do in large on August 1stt. lioine of Mrs. Levi Kiuhline on Siiiuiuy. Another investigation would be In order. Christopheh r Oaks has moved his family Miss Lizzie Able, of Huston, spent Sun- Tho Methodist congregation of this place from Stroudsburg to tbis pliicc. [luy with her parents. expect to celebrate the one hundredth an- quantities, merchandise in all departments Edward Humphrey has treated his tene- Mrs, John \V. Creveling Is contlncd to niversary of the laying of the corner-stone There's a Well-Beaten Path. ment house to a fresh coat of paint. her home by illness. of the church, by a reunion ofnllthcold will accumulate. In order to reduce the ac- mstors and a grand centennial uaniLssk d Mi Mur"th:riMth X1> iloiik-1Housel, | Win. Hurger, of the Illoommllell d Theo- bridge A few arrests would stop it. of this pitR-f. While Miss Nellie Cruvt- ilotricul Seminary, is spending hhiis vacation Indications in this vicinity point to a litijr was [ilaying a wedding march the ;! nt Mrs. J. Davidson's, by our patrons, as the people will talk if they PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES large potato yield, a short timothy crop bridal parly entered the ehunili. " '•-" - .... and no clover. Some fanners are planting other grasses. The wheat crop will bi 2 ^ Jhear anything to talk about. If we were going for sun or rain, that's what those 26-in Gloria short but the rye will be good. Constable Bell sold at public venduy, un Till;| to offer only a few goods, then prices or names! Silk Umbrellas are for—fast black-—pavagon frame June 2lth, at Calilbn, about 30,000 block —only 99c; the $1.25 quality. Others at 49c. paving, stone for f 110.00. i By-icould easily be given, but, as we have com- A festival will be held on the Methodist and Sgc. up. The Fancy Persian I'arasol only church grounds on the day and evenining of make pissed up th_ ..<. _. .»u,,>.- TK:,.ds ij,jinenced the sale of such an endless variety in the Fourth. The ladies propose to make clergyman, Kev. L. T. Janes> $i..(9; While China Silk, 99c; value 1.50. Others it an enjoyable occasion. the altar and performed the ceremony. Trenton. Ferns and potted plantsadded their beamy Union services will be how «tti.o itap-j each and all" departments, it is impossible to at 1,49; ami 1.99. These goods are cheaper HLAIKSTO\V>*. and sweet aroma to the charming scene. List church Sunday evening at which time Editor Carter and ludy are visiting Upon Waving thmr a fainily*h!\d *' 1 1 died with coiisiitnp- • I&8 i)ri« s.*™ocr0imUic1s7. 6cr:"'r5cr"i»im-~- Robert Howell has been appointed a lion was considered j government surveyor nt a good salary and Harvey Karr returned to Xew York on a sure tijru that S Hies, ioc.; Zephyr Ginghams and will go to the Indian Territory. Thursday of hist week. others of that family ; Rev. Mr. Conklui preached both morn- The eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. could not escape it. • &£j Percales reduced from 12 and ioc. to . ing and evening in the M. K. church last Smith, QfTowinbury, fell and broke his This is partly true i BUSH&BULL gy 7c: 75c lilack Urilliantine, 50c; 45-in. Sunday. He was pastor of the- church 1-1 inn, ami the parents fear that the arm and parity untrue, t years ago. will reunin still1 at the elbow joint. A man with weak ' THE BIG CORNER STORE, K$ All Wool Serge, 75c. quality, .jyc;. 40- The funeral of Mrs. Eli Firth took place Jacob Fronie has been .suffering the past c,_ is Hkely to transmit that weakness to 1 GJy in. Hrilliantine, 50c. ijuality, 29c. .from the Presbyterian church last Wed- I'eek with a severe attack of neuralgia. his children. . Hut there is no reason in the I nesday afternoon; interment in the ceme- Mrs. KlmerTunison, of Newark, is being world why the weakness should be allowed } Northampton St., Center Squiirt and Church St., ^ iJon't fail lo examine our Dress Goods tery on the hill. entertained at the home of her parents, to develop. There is no reason why the ! Manny Setterliuld, who died at the limtrs should reuinin weak. WVak hmps J pp| Stock for the next 30 days; it will pay Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Petty. predispose a chiiil to consumption. They ! ; liume of. his father at. L-ifuyettcy was Win. nigler.of Port .Murray, .1ms. been provide a-pluci* fur ycrins to st-llli-. • Tli/t ' EASTOK. PA. ;._. 0$ you a handsome profit. buried in his uncle Manuel's plot in the ,'roiuoted and is now conductor of one of is all tha.'^is iitcvssary. Once lut Hie perins i cemetery on Wednesday of last week. His tlie wild cat trains on ttie run between of disease pain a foot-hujd, and they in- j death was due to diphtheria mid his age Washington and Port Morris. crease with n deadly rapidity. Pretty soon ! 1ST in our Milhnen . was 13 years1. Walter Gultck and family, of your town, the blood is full of them, tmd to loses its | Surveyors' Lantorman and Hull' liavo wore at tliu hutiiuol' bis parents, at Vienna, bciUlifulnc:^ .uid its sireupth-civinR quait- i Dept of the 1 ir^ust season si ne been locating mountain springs for Dr. on Sunday. tics. If the weakness is in some other j MSA 1 Vail with a view of securing a better water organ, Ihe disease will show ilsetf in that ! it was a tided to our large and growing supply (by gravity) for the town than we Charles Green, clerk in Deremer's store, organ. The perms will tret into the blood, I business. Don't fail to avail yourself have at present. spent Sunday at Townsbury with his just tiie same, and the !>uariiculariy of tmmtm of the services of the only New York A Child Enjoys Mrs. Win. Deremer has been enjoying a consumption 'because it is tuu?l coininon— Milliner in to\n, with jcars of e\ little recreation the past week among because it eausvs more ilum oiic-sixtli of perience. All work in this Dept. guar- The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and friends in Washington. all Mint it property. . . . , out the ticca vine: nuilerial, snpjilants it with to succi-ed the late lamented J. M. closes. A 75c. Ladies' Sailor, black is the best family remedy known and everv Several of our young peoplle attendattendeed new, strong slitfl*. Tltul's all there is to do. ur wiulc, oni) (ye family should have a bottle. tlie school commeucem - iit Wash ing ttoo - That's all that's necessar; Smith as cutter in our Custom last Thursday evening, and much That is exactly the thins: to do with the- : lungs. Keep them full of rich, red, wliole- plciised with the exercises. Tailoring Department has been v; ANTHONY. Misses Emily and Jennie l'erry are guests i 5£>ini blood, and. the .weakness vH! (iisnp- The public school closed on Friday with for a lew itnvs of their brother, Ira Perry, j Pca,r Decayimr tissues will be thrown oil', UNDERWEAR. appropriate exercises. Mrs. Eliza Ort, the id new material will IK- added.titnii the secured in the person of Mr. Walter HOSIERY teacher, gave each scholar a present as a of your borough. lnntjs are wtU and perfectly strong afrain. memento, and also treated them to ice Lewis Marlatt and family were in town on This is the thins thai Dr. i'R-rce's Goltlon Nelson. We cannot speak too Koiie but the lioncst, durable sort. cream. She exacts to retire from teach- Sntiirrtny. Medical Discovery doos. 'I'lii* i1* what highly of Mr; Nelson's capabilities. They may cost a few cents more but ing'" for "a year and take it nmeh-nsedecl Il.ilph Deremer. und wife, and Christo- make; it run' oS per cent, of all cases of 1 rest. We are sorry to lose Mrs. Ort as she ihertiud Morris Everly, were guests of consumption where it is taken according to : •they'make customers. --Ladies -regu- gave good s'ltisfnetton the three years that lerchant Deremer on Sunday. directions. It searches out disease I;*:TIIIS 1 or a term of years he conducted she taught here. Miss Betion, of Drake: Str-inge, isn't it, that a minister and wherever they may be in the body. It ex- lar made 15c. Hose ioc; other 15c. ville, will be her successor. terminates them completely an'tl forces a like business in England and is lewspaper reporter are always stepping them out of the system. It supplies Hie t Hose, 2 for. 25c; 25c. Hose, 19c. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Xaushright, of on someone'- • 's• tues, yet what community 1 blood with rich, life-civintr properties, IiJ thoroughly proficient in the art. Tuolurtown, spent Sunday, .^.'ith .'-Jos, R. would do: without-• ;thorn• . »m\-1 • - bni-k -" Children's, the best the market pro- Opdykc ami family. thhe days of yore. JiiJudgind g the sai- j makes the'apputilc s;ooc]"."tli«CRtioVi"perfeet.* j We are sure his services will be :astie manner in which Mt. Hcthel I It supplies the iicedt-d nutriment to all the duces, from 5c. per pair up, "all guar- Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Hoffman, of k t i mi k sod h flh . Woodglen. wore (it tlie home of Alexander jorrespoiidCiiL expressedil "himselnhn'aelf lusiiiHt'w(ieft weekc j tissues ,akes sound, healthy flesh. satisfactory to all. We guarantee anteed. We carry at all times the lie must, have had Ins toes pinched a little. Anderson on Sunday. ?-tincr fads niioiit iUoId largest stock of Underwear for all, at rr;.Oiii!.lr-i; P-'yn-t_Mt...I,eu:inon...ehurc, fit and workmanship. last Sunday, was a success in spite of the -prices from 5c..-to 1.00. • • • ..- .-.: - weather. The exarcises were highly picas- iner. J '" ' U. M. Thomas,' of "l. enweil, has coin- She is now better. menced running a store wiigou throuffli lliere aic Coolness this section. He is meeting with success. Walter iy.iiT, our popular carriage pain- For delicious Ice Cream and Ices, tine ter, is turning out some neat work. CakQ^and^sweot KreadL no one. excels Our.s^r%,>Y^^ and Economy The Best Salvo in this world for Cuts, Why is II, making, thus instil injr the liighe: Bruises, Sores, Ulccra, bull Kheum, Fevet if.eatarrh constitutional a flecti Foil KENT- A desirable house cen- in a Shirt Waist. We have piles B6rearTetter, 'Chappe"'•-7pcd Hands, UChilblaiiii K those cluii 1 who have a blood tonic oil, tr.illy located on Church .street, Itncketts- Corns nnd .ill Skin Erupuons. and' nositivc- Lliat pliysic town, N. J. The .IIO'IKO contains suven of them. You can afford lo have - -. ... -... _,iy. advise eh.iit^cof uirand clhnatu to those j 1 f : r rooms, attic and celhuvwith trardc __. one every day at the prices we piiaraiHee^wi.Mve^perleets.itlF it acrio"h"~oVTsiiit(irin5-r:Vm*itV~'C [imiT!i"is iTLMi[niiLit*'iii-; (jiiiro 61" Henry1'"Strykcr, Ilackct'fstown, tnnnnv refunded. Pnee.2acenti, per box. | tout ion, "and netluntf but :i loe;.l lviuod^v (>r j "ofTti tliL.ni ~~" ~ ~~~ ~ 1 ' For Snlo'afP.'N. JenknW wnrn Cream Halm, in all eases of catarrh, is'so | ' Remember 3. 's^Teei'SsViiakingnne cab- 7 c \\ aist, l luiulLit-d Colltrij Omir Store. efliuieiit as todo tuvny witu the necessity' inet photographs for yi.50 per'tlo/.en. 1-2-tf 3 of lciviiifT home and friends, eaiiHing in- Wm, L. I foff, dealer in telephones, Mesco md Cufls, 19c stant relief and a peried , cure after short dry butteries, Ht;clri<-al ,sup})lics and rub- —^Oflorcc Smith, returmjd to Newurk hist lontiiuiance, 2 1 1 berstamps. Address Box 102, $r.oo Waist, Laundered' Detach- S(iturtlfty (il'tei'"spcn:i:n{ftc;iruii va "vviili his able Collars with Cuffs, lied, 79c. family in this place. >'I3\V MAMPtON. Still' Ankle shoes in botton or lace at| •About Silk Waist Pnttcnis. fion. Jtowery is s{\\] on tho sick list. His, Langslall's. children and1 gruiidcnildrcTi-^tvu1 him An The lecture triven by Miss A-lway, of" the $1.00 Persian Pattern, Fine ut lt!l1 s 1 r liii ' iirookJyn "•Iiiaiii'oln tliojrackcttsto'.vn Mutual .Fire ^S??}}}}}}) ^ Vl ' ^' -- '- V--~- -- — -^ - °" ¥'^ jrissiuiiary^Tniiniiig \lnstituti IiiKuranceCo. and save mpney. _Henry S. We have a few Silk Waist Patterns of tliis season's styles Lawn. Laundered, 751. 1 1 1 Jlrs. John Gi'bh's"is"so"seridiisiy"ill"that .""wiis* iiiHtruetive"."' Urotr, local agent.- • - -; ~:"-^,----~'"-~t(r,"-"| .„... _j_.. ^^...^.^. tj-Q n -1 "wairf t'o"~cafr y "o V c 1 r-"^-"'!" 1'iiy-n.rc - of" n.n^?cc! i:si ve ~-^-.—r..-.-:.r her friends fear for I .• recovery. AUvav was ens t in missionary wo •k In. Always in season, Hopkins' Steamed no-two-alikc line and very nice... You may find, one that just Our Chiklren',_ H Day_ jxcrciscs were post- ImlIiulia'l'oi f r severavrul years and she was . jled Hominy (Hulled Corn). Klegant lunch in poned f: in lnst'Sunday, on account of to describe the peoj>Ie and their conntry Milk. "Qt. can, 10c. sails you. The price was 50 cents a yard; it isi^o cents to., Shoes and Oxford Ties. rain, to Sunday next. in 11 most, iMerustiiix nianner. Jliss Alway also spoke at a union nicotine held in the. FLAT TO r.KT.—old Windsor House build- close out. In this-'Dept. our stock was never Martin Qulick, of near Port Coldcn, Junction Hutjtldb church on Sunday even- ing. Henry Johnston. , 1-1. so large, our business never so great spent Sunday in this plaee. ing. Her subject was on the duty of tho Miss Ida Sowors.of Port Golden, was the church in regard to mission work and she - Foi: SAM-'.—120,0011 lir.st class celery as now. Think it is because we are guest of Miss Millie Nuim over Sunday. was both eloquent and convincing. plants—different varieties—on farm of> Amelia A. Fleming. Will be sold cheap. • giving the right • goods at the right Miss Kate Smith, who has bcon visiting The Freeholders of Hunterdon and War- Daniel D. Wolf. Vienna, X. J. G-25-lt prices. It is our aim to do so, and > It's Worth Reading i——™--» -l i inX !irt| N- •!•! returned home on rcn.iQfitat t!!0;Am«Hrji.ii_-.nouaG..oii..Tues-. n i i RCQ Fou GuuD BREAD—Use Cramer's "our. .stand ready to refund the money when Frldny. ' • '"""' day to discuss the proposition to build a 11 1 Walter Hoagland and wife, of Towns- bridge across the Musconetcong about half To LET -The new store room south of About Our Cut in Shoes. the • goods are ^at fault; " Our -Rest - bury, spent Sunday with her, parents, Mr. way between this, place and Asbiiry. The Itlslcr's restaurant. James II. Johnston. Shoe on earth for man or woman, at and Mrs. Josoph Karr. .•• • •• question was referred to a committee. FHAMKS—QUO. S. Mattison, 19 $1.50, can't be bought at special Tho repairs to the western wall of the tf. Some 50 pairs of men's, women's and cliildren's shoes—odd Tho Discovery Saved Her Life. mill dam, made necessary by the disastrous Taylor St. sales for less than $1.99. Full line of Mr P. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers- February freshet, wore completed last To LOAX—Money on approved security. pairs—have collected in our stock which are worth more to all kinds for Infants to the solid comfort ones for the Ville 111 says: "To br. King's New Dis- week. /The break was not deep enough to Wm. A. Strykcr, Attorney, 20 E Washing- you than to us. You may find-a pair that: will fit.you:.if so,... coveryI owe my life. Was taken with la drtitti thepontl or prevent the mill from | ton avenue. • ; the price is one-half or even one-third what it used to be. '.; CD ' '"] """• "-- '!r. -'"- •---••--•• ~.~~--.~-~ _£-u& o" A..tr(£&.alLthcphysicians.for. .running while the repairsr were bein: g made, j ~™ 11 JSTiiiim' t"'15ut"o f ifo~ava.il • rjnd'-wa? 'given ~AV alter ltenniart~pir«tiu' 3tUu"tJay MJToTi-.i'__i?oii-ciAT.Ta_.A—now—inVh-rrrade-lniliesL -X'Ci^instrince'—men's shoes that were $1.50 now 50 cents; Visit The Bee Hive) save your money, give us,your confi- S and ISold'l could not. live. Having Er _ ing and Sunday with friends in Phillips-; wheelf ^ will be "sold™cire"ap7~~"WrG7 r •Creveling.^ ___ __ . _ . _ _. .„_„_• .,- _Somenl5_that] were SajjOJiqw $1.00; children's that were 85 dence; we pledge you our word we will hot misuse it, and you will Kinc'fl Now Discovery in my store I sonc : r r ; ir 1~noiSr3^centsr~ifR"ese-goo^s-^fe^i^rfcCi-5lock=but-odd~pair£r^ tor a bottle and began its use and from the Foit , REST—Shop on E, Washington : flratdoso began to &t better, and after Boole for Ladies.' - avenue. J. C. Weller. ' Come in early while the selection is best. .. .Jdng three Bottles wns^and about agan, Marion Ilurland's "Practical Talks" UU worth ita weight injfeoid. We won't about food, health, clothing, complexion, TWENTY THOUSAND late cabbage p] tints Your Obedient Servant, \ storo or houao without it-'^Got ft and lonj,• ..—life,, aent t—o anvy reader oftho at?2 per 1,000: 500 at thousand rate; 25 " - — .... Jeiikinsli^Varren STAR for twelve 2 cent stamps. The cents per hundred.. Kcafer & Spangen- Trade Company, Boston, Mnsa. borg _ ' _„ *' MMt _ J. -WARREN- F!TTS? 33.L.WASHINGT0N AYE. Foil RENT—The store-room now occu- \»h uhildrwii'a knee pants 2!e up P <6 W. GOUI.'H limsn dusters ?l.40 up, B. & W. pied bv James M, Fitts Posse sion given Children's wash panla20, 11, 19c Bryant October 1st, 1806 Applj on prrmiscs or to ^ * BoyS' long pant" ™*- Bryant & Wollor. Charles Cyphers, the .owner. c'Old Johnston Hardware Stand. __ - "=• -Wttsliablo uccktlca 6 frr 25c. B & W. A Weller -03 SNV3CC "V -f " 'A 'N '"< 'AV V '2 '°ES Bduo a^onp oiiqAi SjUoapuqo 'M pMOq 3t|l ilO }3U -(I Jut IS ipm.H S3UID -uiSoqAiou oj pooiJ n»j ' poouuA 3u[joaiiu uii iuuA*jg 'Siuoo 09 ! l S|J p rt4pOjuJ 0 •uossoj :u* Biuoa "gx"'!tiiij^ 'oifjinio ott) SDitiop I'JOAO Ttt no uwl uw aoj SJV[OHOB oaoui AYOJ V '• o •AvoU"'oqfi *jon ITIIAV o3 piuoAV uArrr JI ojp ll ^ * ^° P .lOie V iq w jo popuvmop equouioatiVooa "Ai 'i!l"~BMoseai pi OJIJI ppioAV oqs,, quqi ^juuiaj oqi optmt •qoojq q puu 'uojiisodsip A~pooiu u jo BI oqs BU iuQEdiuoq^.-o .".riiiAV"- ""K o»n jo JOIUJOHIJJOJ A\OII . iJl Jozna *SJI\I iuqi iqSuoqi HI i| quq jjouii uq qi i n I poouidbiui t)ou si om ui oou[d Svva IS-K-i 'ODHJO iivis in bui -UOBUOB q popnoaqe 6] JOIJUIU oioqAV OJU 'onuid \m\% qit opuatid oqi ui 1 uo v oouopiiuoo Vuuiji.11^ OJUO pooS 03[IKJ . mi-s S.CJIS JO BIOOJJO' oqi UIOJJ 3uuiJ0tu oS oi puo^ui oqAi oqijjj oiQ jo GJoquioj^.; RD/qUOT OHO O£J fa OOOlUi ClU O^ XlUBBO 1 puu 'qv.'i*JCi"3Aisu3jjo 'soXo AvoijpA", |[iip A"upiJJ 1BU[ SlllAp JUOU OUIUO 'UOIBUy •II tinA^'SOIJJUO oou BI o3uuoi:)t.d pin, cliqspuouj .UIOA\ JOIIOAV VinuAja moqi jo 'u.va; joiqSuup puu 'JOZIJU Avojptiy 1 ODS puu ouioo Bjoqqo uti puu tiotu pnoa A~iiulop jo OOJIIO oqi iut]i jouoq oq } 011101. poimtnb'n oq qou pinoqe ,OAV XqAV 'noixojduiOD Alt H '3|OOA\ QXOII oaoqs .1110 qw opie 110 oq ioo|pDj jo ojt.vv 'jozim Avojptiy "BJJ^ ,'ioofqo ou suq oq qSuoquu 'pooiojuo B.U«I V BIU^O puti ci|p.M0Ao pooqjoqiooja oqj, O3S B lIJ0 Asuoui 3AES pui3 |ooo ctaa^ puE 'aAojg auip i'j uosLOi ou fci oioqj uwouii^jpsanOiC ,. 'oiupotuuiooou oin °1 ! BIUIIAY oq II»HA\ u'l ^°0n 1 o^uiu puu ULO oBtiau -noA A\OI»[ pptoo ][uq OIJI joquinu oqi inoqu oi poittutl oqi 01 oouojojjjp 011m fio^imi ivqi inq IE3]i^ jpmQ T^SuiAnq Xq ^uoi anb ai|j JBU Ul ptni[ pill OB i i .-sa?i!iipi!j3 oqi o) pansnt c)aitaijJ" -'io«j .'»]iirniiiqoiiiD on 1! qi;A\ SiiiA'jJim nniyo uu "°V "~i4"U p|HOA\~nOA 3EIJJ §Ull|jAUB Op 05 3JUV Siij;|oot isud oi|1 |o OBnuooqouiiiiq oi ion SUAV uoiiuonpjj III V\ [ Oil llbS Ot|) 110 OlO^B A".110A\0(" |.ioddntj BUO.IOIIC& Jtoqi until puu uoiioas "iiopaiiAV oiuitS pim qsu A"indop hVuoie HUOAI ill ii JnoA padva 01 usip qx[Sit qi sj ocC1 ^ UIOOI jo pjuog oqx "BOBIOJOXO iiipmoniioiiuuoo i^in OUT at unwilling n. -Bai.iiii[Q:-n-] 1 jo onload oq) nsuoid o) pouiituoinp ,-RIIUUIOO siq po.\ioooj fitnj pJ«A nuiug oqi ssatrjiAV OI^IIUJI OIKII]^ O) uoissnupu il E UI JJJOAV 03 3^(I[ p|llO\V Ol|\Y U3UI tt=>j 3JK T 13l| J_ (i puu 'jupiajijud A"JOAO ui popuotumoooj q} j "' •S4itmo!i "d -'01 10 bo us oq t o n i qx. 0'iqnd'sqq o:) suq o 1 ivsnSiiomu souioa oj[ •uoiiqio IUJIOB uitiS o ) oi n O.IOA\ ojdood pojptmi[ qi -]I1]JJ fia'fiS HHJAJV S40]BO](XX 'HOHK 01 101[[ Oiqi p '1 'V -J ( q JOJ ssamsnq in JOIUI puu 'UOIKU^ 'join .10 o.\ii uot[AV 'i A'Dpsjuq j, "jsiq uo tiut|i pirn o^aui u mrq oj{ 'iiooiOiO 1 in 'iilii A*[iif A\!)«iJ III 0)l •lail V xoil jo osuoq uAvoui[-i[o.\v oqi qijAV p(oq v ... H'AVOII luinoiqiiq 11 U IUOA" outos JOI uooq SUIAUI| 'ooiioi.iodxo [qnd BiioipounuoD itjo pnouiiio.i8 oqj,,^. -OBIIOIJ ojjiuo Biq JO osodsip HJA\ A'nuonbos poonpoidoi OlOq bl qdl i3oqoi[a'Altai j 6i|i u|J3oq ^uoiiOJtl H!A\ pun 'lo[s ijH •HSunoom • -iiwo puu 'Hindoojiosnoq dn OAIS o) popio^ 3l!l)0SBr) H|V ssouistiq aiqunpiA aiqtuopisiioa pnq Buq pun nt^jo jiitliouud-qinrisissii B« auntqaoui pooS u ei oi|iMff MJV. "uuiojido p p-uapio ^IQI.. uu 05 ->IUI\J juqi i jojOAia|' su uoiuuuiis "d "0 o:l 'tosHooans [[^-rauipitoipuoJbiif' '03[ii.tQ *A\ "iriimi'crjo RiiiJiuirinunouini SCI V J3 31UOIU tp aip (II! \\ ^,o unmioj •[)utr.Viip.uii«S M uioin i'! !" .•A'joiouj pqijo ) """V P»M A'pif jo Binuoui ot|) Suijnp uooqst;q..j|iniq qiiiq oqi Suopi qs>l!P 9.i|Jj 1 iij;A;'Sin[i).\o.io MJV '.ioniums otn JOJ 'ijoop BOO.Coi'duio oqi UIOJJ uoiidiaosqiiHA-qopuiu!^!11.0 ^"Ui-ioui ^upuiig qouo.id puu ouioq • "li pans piiu iitltiq puoJHUJ oqq opiufl uoqi j S.'jojmic; JKOU'Bu 11.1 (iJiloit Oi[i!'i ju-,n,i.ioqs SUAV osutioind oqj, -iqSioq HI looj J[uq « i''"' ll!lil"3-1 U1 uuiiisudu-id- s.puitiiiii^ MQ , pin: i|iuoui iitiuuOiJ oqi A^Jodojd OIIUOAU (i oir'thio oiJi^qon « jo i.n?d uoi[«i} oAiiq- a puu tnoi jiuinuins 'diusi'iuunuoAV m onoid ' PO'ldooau sttq tioiiiiflojiiuoa uiiutiiA'qBt)jti; puo.qn!>i si; Snopt (UJAV U ind oi pasuuojd UI : ' m'ftiiriAv '«OB pun HIIHOAOJO "o p«i^v •y-'.iv: lOpOHl 1! SUA\ puu Oliuid U 2u i itiOBi). id OJ ! H ••'"o'riuuw.v- w,'ilV"oui- "MIII" ju- tiitu uj ; HUI| A~iiiKlinuu~[jtiuj[iir}i • niiinrAiiu[.Mi'i ttilJ,---- " < p : t V JT:... ,. ,... . • "\ -Snuds p \ViO\l OUIOB[)U1IIJ 11 K11AV 11 '.?.IO]ai!| I •HE0OD11B «'3'JBJi;d-0: 1-Si:i; V;li:«t'1S:SSl: JUAV • " ' :r•:•--:••---- •- pduq0.Ol|! 11! UOIUHUI:;; 1! l I 1 1 V j ixati S.mqsn!tT 1 sjosui qouj.w ^nioog )oox oi|ijqscoA'0[duioo![i A'qpioq stgUxpuim mj.T •[n?itjA -.'.;Dvo.. .uujj.;}o;:uodi.«j:.oq.|,-i!, ?' i«ui o'lioti HJAV \'!•.].-•••uomK|ojd.tuqJt~- ^lYiTic^jiiiiSb'Xdii'u^qi'^O'uoiiuisojnniui \ \\\.\\ ti\\\vo\i\v\ 'osouudvp' jmii IHIHJUAIM'I 6q| >io .iono] Xi] t?jaqutout KU qojnqo dqioiuj.-

    - oq) }unsb.idoj HJA\ OIJAV ^ 1\I .moj oq uiuqpDO.sj oin jo fjunpjBOJd 'siiowttd .,*]i [ oi[i]) HJAV \\Q\\\\\ opiMud it' ui oii;diotiJi.d \ "IM "Ml .1° sjaqmoui oqi o) pojo'tsiuuiipu nq jo 0110 sj 'ooii[d su|i jo 'so s 'i"AV 1Ja "'MO "'»I\T 'r>!iKon:]\; diqhttiuoiB'oqi uo A'up puuiqjfiu (A'ltpud) AVOJJOIUOI ipoio.o si" i H!-tt uoiiiniuuioa Suuuoui A'upiing ixo\

    ;|- 'itiapiBajj BOtuoaaq | paisanbaj .\*[1UOSJII OJU .Oiutioo Juinpunoj j -pips jooii^g .fttpung oin puu li

    j'onuoAU iqooini uo 'p-t«!inil 'II 'O *»JJt ;6[inj[i)]^ ji—.io;swiuisod' ixoii K1u'o"/,ouiil': -Jtis puu qiJiioJoq ui(i jo s)Kj|O.Ci)j(j oi|jv [ puu SuiSins 'sMuipt:0J jo paiBisuo n ~ I'JOISIS .ioi| qil.w lisi.v B^qSniiJOj u JOIJU nt 0 10 Kl[ U j j ^ j ^ j iit| l"nu ipnoi ot|i iiRi -otuu ii t.iiiNj,)Ym"h) i i i oq IIJA\ Kiinjuj^ imn poJounu si u MJUOA I MI qcninv «n««v«td «f»n <>v i > '*'' 'P'""!'-" - - MOJIUJO oqjj \m\ \a^ o H-tuO l ism ! IVAOH l : i i : i 1 1 oolu0 > 'ajn--a«»M<"»)S ip- 1 i I i n<.-\ mow °A°D j Moiuoa AVOU oqi jo jouoq "V oin in pn.v.tosqo KU.U A'uci K(ur.jpi|i TH J91 "Upin i* >j« I— ui*iu i in imuoAiii W.,0^.1 ,..,., •„»,.! Ill, '•'•^="'V.«™j;io,,b,,,:cl „,„,„. ,•,•„„„ „,„,„„! J3,,Moji<, o toiniH ii MOi iii|>[t(i uijiinjowni ;"y'_"'iHi 'IIUI^IUJUJ"ii "sf.viS iijAV.^iq-i innniii BIIU iii:-ititu qriuuilg-1 '08i»'"naiioA* •1(I>S^ULII[ niiu J jo ViZ oqi uo "W PCS °'[1 'AX"'°J£ uo '-^ iniHiJo oqijo ojois-jou.100 oqi pttij A'jnqsy i>n* oqi"! stujtij 1 ot|i jo ouo si siqjj I I'x 'tiotuoA 'llvi "! otuoq .iioqi lujoipnii •JIUOAllOB li SU dot|s]ji ootijs O)IH otuiis ni[i paidnaao stti) jo innos P^BOU*"* wwjiu.j IM'-Z vo i/siV A\uii]i 'SJK; puu Mj^oiiuoq si'Avuosy 1! iuos pnu'unq A"q posiiu sooimod OHJUJ i|ojqAi qojnqo pjiqi oqi a\ aai|ipo itiosojd ! -omoq p[o ot|i jo^uqiuo]] -jjoqoj] jaqqojq iqi jo puoj suq iquop ou jouop stn puu oqji '-qio isnSny.uo pMiiuo)uoo Bi!oiujqS«!q J» lK»suiiojncl__«iiq_ jpj|vquJiojj__<»tpr. TOT k~=-i—HPA 00 fl voaiouioojt. jiw h ^ijh mm m^iiimn ,}q} il pu pnn Jt )'tnoo unntiiA\ "1 iiuhs JOAVOU" III] JJ [ft no]rroiiit|lioy>|n hu^fui tun u ! poumduioooit SBAV on 'A"«piing no qojn ,?jo^oni v UIOJJ opi.iu oipuvi] v qijAV 'oijutu •SllIUJOlH 1X0U Oq) I Jl°ll1 1«P1OK pim'BOIpilI OI]1 .f(| JOUIUIIIB B|[]1 ;uiuoiup 11101011U jo ouq u s\ uoiiujs puoj 'El 'K UOPIOO ^JJOti oin jo qidpid oq? poi ojoq) punoj OJOAV BOsuqajud s;u "iqStu '. V°VIAW\ttO otl II!-tt Mn!M'tt Kiuiijd uiniiioin : -11000 'sjopuujj jo 'sopoqy; 'ri -]M "Aoy -Iji'j oqi )u BOiJtio sHOJOiunu oqi Suoiuy oill poesud oq OJOIJAV .Cjoiotuoa uo)sua | *l"ls*fju"o !»n 1»« SUIAIS HI qojnqo *a -JM • r • N ' UOTTB'U I M1 SBM''" 6O VH sTRia OO oqi 01111 poJopuuAV puu uiijj) .su|.possiiu i?-M? J9.-SJ-P.Vl*3l.1>'Cl ?i*'u!M J0..^P!°.9S-°.MJj I...... , • • v ./..,. -: • •HOAV.fin.J /o SSJIOJ/ poitsnqviKi p}0 oil) iuj oqi oi itiOB PUAV OJ-J "ino pai[ooui[ I I -no ion qiiq untSn inoqw O.IK A'oqj, -sA*i 'poJapIiAVOC] am^[11 nI u'I Dlf'BUAHV oq.vUl|.l| \ 'SuipjudJlil^friLt^^n jj . ' .' .> 'poiiBjiqii-js* . - . . n apiu» S »(/J tlW .s-IIU,?; ll.lio JHo/l 1(0 •JMW.7I . IUJO.VOB puu uo:[ojq own siq '• JOI I 1! uu 3 I fitfDa / /; oHJOj spoq jioqi o-\ pQitinios Hiijoij \ 100 lujovasiotuiniu'.fupKjmiT *. 1''! I P MlS" ! ajpuo B)i UO )nd tmo : njoul aAm fc )03 ?W3.I U!-« 1 OJU 'UOIAVONJ JO ')JOdU0A jo B)stuoii!q!qoJtl jo Joquinu y 'A'OIIOOAV. j 11 'ipJiiqa ';! •]V!^ot|l ui uouuas aiiouit njuoi 01 Bimm pipp OTU, 'KVOilO lld OKVTtT GOOD '•' dtttoii Jiio.i tit jsaoutuj SSIJV 'oootu puu qijuig OJIJO •y IOJJUO jo J}tnn'! I ! "O uqop puu OJJIOI([ pnuntf; ospi 'quods i OAIIOIUISIII puu OJ SJ OAIJUftOnj JS9fl HIIJ, 'Ui l j puu 'pooAvuoio jo So\i uuJtrj *SJH u pa;o[duioo "Xpuoj[p « suq otjjs s" ipp JOJ ... •> oq) 'an. 1«.H«AV'JI T '•'•oil 3M1»OAO -Cupuns isti'x •A"upu uuaqqndoqqy y oqqi j o o^j^ji ioij ji nnquq Hd HJJA -A3fi ttnqsof *q ^ 'A'upjuiusuo'puui •'i|OJIiqO AVOU^ 3 ss >WJ ssojj •{• "SJJ\J puu •Jjvi jo s)Bor '°!U X !]v! 'JOiqSmipsjn •jaunuq ojitnbs -sf uo)uis 'IIJUJ tioiiiqiqojj it; ... oqiSuipnuq pJUAVOi polipopl OOO'BS oqi HI OJOAV 'uuidiopuiiiu jo qioi| '.Con A*iJ«d uoiiiqiqoJd 3iq v oi\ \[i\\ OJOMJ, luoui.Cud |uiii| oq) Ppuut Xiii'tuojv no qrunqo iu t-\\ 'y *}j *y 'j oqi uo oujuj [is oqi jo 'sjjodg -uiAV luapuonujodng '. •uont'EI'K °qi jo opjjo luioog .Koipui oqj, •A\otiq no.v' sjopiop oqi qijAvopuj)—pjjoj^ -oos Bjin "! UAVO) A'uu jo p.vvojo IBOSJUJ oq) j uojuiig )AIJJU JOAOU dUIU{ 01(1 pUU BSOpDJOAV Avujp A'lpoiquoplin iij.vv (ja.voA\oq 'JOHUJ • y JOIII;A\ VUV uopjoQ "jvi BIJJOJ^ 'BJO) s; uoi o'LL *diuu[ jojjiid ouiospuiiq u O'Ui *uoiStiji]stiA\ J0 opiputuuv 'HA"II ! -iindiuoo OAV) MIU[ o]i 'jatuojaQ *a'Ot-f S.fup AVOJ I! Ill SuipjUAVJOJ JO OBUUOJd Oqi 1 jnqsi io,L jo tn°q' -ounj 'ojoqB:[jiilvr 'iioiAva^vj .'nAvniBUJoi^ j BBntnsnq qsu -iqi o)uj ,1! 'J\: qiipa ^m p"" i IPIAV qdosof -J; qiJAV UO) flUJHOB SJOIPUJ.WS .Cq pO/MUllOl.V ija A'up Hpn uo SII JO a looq o.vuq O]dood A*)iiiioo uopjoiiuiji Ajofi 110 'noo.111,1 *ji* -rj ,\'q poidnaoo •u.uoiStiijdg juau 'autpo; q i o.vuq uopoop s Bit|) ui i -JIJO.\"HJI|1 u spunod {jd [ doqs qijtusi[ou[(] oqj,—j,saH U0J XJIIOJI; PBJJ^ puu ;JJ^ 'BltioJlid BIJOIJO •qooAV 1x011 IIOAIS aq HJAV BJUIIIOII Biiojauiuti OJU 6uonuiqoiooA"[uj>jo q uodn i[su ^ JOJ JiiAv puu owjoq u : SJ -Jud jomi.ii 'qiii A"jnf 110 puujsj un\tj oi - pc.BUii.iJnd .Vjoivi OAiiq •1S-S-i •onuaATt H|ontin gfi 'qillli-'O 'II T ' K qlJA^ 3[O0A\ %iSM\ S.?«p JUJOAOG lUOdG ' . • •...... • ' .. •". • ' " UAi0p uoiBJtiaxo [umntu K)i UO uojiuiaoBsy -jtj •asnoH ONIHIOID 33iad 3NO C 'soqnuujq oiuiopunu .10 A*Joiiui.d°10J0i>lt>iilVJUs>.\ut"WII»i"iK<>M «-" •130J1B JOIA"UX JO 'JO]A* OHO .(q dn ind ji.iti'll P 'BOIIJMI qioq jijj ) uo osnoq iooqog "ll •OOIUOUVJ.S "qi9 oS o) IOOIIOH Xupuiij? uuuoi.CciB.iJj ntji A*([ oqi inoqii.u O)tiig siq) in dn oqijoauiiun;di!O u Illllf IIU KJDIIUlllKOJ ^IllUlUIHO AJtlOJI pUU 'a T "SJK 'JO'ilotu Joq tnjAv ijstA ;JOI. aputu uooq inoqu oAuq siuotiio^uujjy v JOIJU otuoq joq JOJ A'upsoujj ijo] 'liuSo] oq )ouni:o ooiioj otq| OJJ.U qatiq i npjs 110 SIIVJ.S !,3unOA\ 'JCI uoo.wioq BSOJO pjoS y—iso'i BUAV OOUUpUOHU A'jIUp o3l!JOAU uqq i iinod oqqi i os 'A*Jnf tipii u j j iJ3Ag in uoipnpn 'uopuoj^ jo 'noAii[Ooy -^ -uiAV o.vitq uiA\ Mioipiinf 's nqs *S- *J '•<]« SB Xi •iioisuiiof •][ so tun f -oAoqu __. .'"« ponojuo s.toq CSC OJOAV oJlpitf A"q poui 'A"i»noo onissuj in OBUO y puu 'iiojiitio 'JOiuuijJj, pu A\dtl Ol|l JOJ SlljSjiip 1JU1K O) 1110(|U 0J01JJ, "JUOA" BltOIAOjd Oqi JOAO \Q JO u; oSimosjiid iBjpoinoivJ oqi )u | A\OU 'O OBuaJOiu uu R| qoiqAv 'iw BUAV ponojuo Jaq O P 1 q4 JC IinmB J ai s Itqojj ((*du3qo iJip,,—r-nvs MO.-r uii(l uinu oiiUJaAti oqj, 'paijojuo OJOAV fijidnd oIuo^aT ''LmB noTTuoBja\f\ 7o ' " ' J° !'i i«V ^i!o nqVpi); puu 'uo)jo>; jo 'JOSUOIIIJ "AV A\niO] q^ qps 1 SOi poBOjo isnf JUOA" looqas oqi fluiJiiQ UIOJinn 1J1 cfl/nitMii'Ndoqsjuoi siI>II; IIni1l1 Jjr\° |IIAOUIOiil^mii^Jl oi|r\1ii) un^mrKo)ii|d] i * V uqof -DIUB JOJ mimicl *«Jn|oo 000'0'J u; jo 'snuiojoa OSJOOQ " •130J1B IJUAVIg 1B3A\ UO M _ .._ J oqi mu o) -AV 3p "i '-a u JOJ oou^I Bjqi jo niopjBoj u auiii ouo , . ... I|U JOJ A*0UOtl[ qD0|]OD dsi'i'ijo IUOJJ ti[ i>iu[ ouois p,-i.«us qMil jo i{it{H|J| oi||)) o)ii )i ajinbua o) uoiitqosoj iu ja))U[ oq) 'niiluy •$ A*JJUJI 01 HO)II]IO •nu fi] pint 'JIVJ-S oq) JOJ JOIIOJI ist([ fiATup pjJOASs 'uA'i^ooJa jo 'suoqioi' JO qplAV 1! SlllAUq K| 1IO)KtlqOr'A\.\*JH0JI -•--" jo '.tiiiwa u possud BUI{ [launoo JOAOCI °'IJi jaAvof Bit; jo pORodsip Kuq 60[Ji)i(o -BJI^ 'JOIBJB joq «tnu}uijoiuo JI •solJJuqo SujXud A"q otuus OAUq into '0JOOJO1K A"J[O •loaJiK lonqos uo pju.C r i ]|) |i;s a '3H[I;A sqi jo spjii[5-o.«? X[uo XECI ,jaiiA\o OIJX 'P»ES ounp no "Joj]oq o||)[i;jq Htioid oqi p«q astllK *A\ «!»0 J 'MJ? jooqas oqi putt A*ijadoJd KJH uooAVioq oatiaj to iiAvop oiuua oxv oi(i puu unj puu podd][s -A\of OIJI panuipjud HuiAuq ' puB 90UO ;E 9SEqojnd ]nq 'SuiXupp Xq ssouEip ou 3>[EJ puE 3(UOf "M •£ *JJf 'pilOIJJ PIO Btq AVOU 11 du Jiunind BJ liui[OAOjf) -A\ 'V 'A\ jo* Basjuiajd1 oi|i o) ua.w 0]j *puuq ouo uj OKI) uu qi[Av oouoj \\H\\\ i\ I|O i ]| jiq i 0 SUAV o]i •A'upsanjj 110 puuq ijoj '1D0J1B l|OJIll{Q UO 3SIAV 3Q -UO J3JE[ SSO] JsSSiq E UE3UI pjnOAl }\ -J3A0 HI nj jnoj utqiiAv po7[Jt*iajnq tioo(| KUIJ OJOIS ''ID 'AV *A\ .1° xooqijo iiidpujjd 'JOHIM -AVVJre Bjqjo JOSIIH OJOJ oqi JOAOH O) OUUIJOJKJHI XlJBO UEl[J J3I|3BJ >(DO5S 13 sSjE[ 001 J3l[jaSoj[E jnO JO Spjllp-O [ V—iXilU J KpD iuqi own pjpn o'n «i HULL -uajtii AVodojd JJOIH JJuo|it onuoj f)i|i 01 BJiudaj pa 'UIK!11tUII10l{J &IO]1IIUUID|JU!JO 3|0«11tl 01110 qi puq 'onsuQ Bsujn J° 'oidiag UIUUUAV -paau ottioBJlu]nuiu OJU Kini|jai.?qBOJ(i oqj, soyuDEs o; sn [[SCIOIOD jou pip gououodxa JSEC! puE iiiopsiA\ X oi oS BOOI|B A'qua iit^i OJOAV spooSjo q)JOAV otj inoqu puu iiui qijAv ^ooAi iKiid otp Suunp JOJOJJI •BOtpU[ -UJOUI A'tipuj IKUI eOAopn A"q uodo uo^ojq , , iO|l[Bod in paouid oq W\\ qainip sssu'lsnq j; 'A\OU Xauoui SSO[ j^upjno^ -31 d[ai[ UED SAV JI ii 0111 JOJ wtion JH v tiooq siiq ^Ji:iS opA*iQ JOIBIIJ^ puu uouiai)uad uoo)i|^[o 10 pasodiuoo s~u.v\ BU.W SllOOlOM Uj 0J01S OJUAVpjUt] B,1J!1O 1K|poq)0]^ Aiou oqi it] fiuoq piod oqx 11IOIUDii|lJ.U|iII 00 Jliq *pJ0M II JII33 Oil' .iwdoiij, *pa.uas SUAV qouiq it puu 111 pa Xauoui 9S0[ J.uo^w -unj JOJ sssuisnq ui 3011 3JE 3;\\ v<[uo •A"iipjni«s uo fiiunioj oqg 'uo[iu3u.\ .SIJOO.I •lioui ) joq Uinpuodfi omoq 1» fit 'lu^tdsoj -3[npu[ OJOAV KauipBud snoiJUA 'oJoq) jCup 3UIJ3 psjiiuij E JOJ 34E SJBJJO jOEU|pjov'J3x3 3S0U1 ssaqj, JO)uuogjo spuuq O1K]1.IO|V' V].\ 'Mil ' 3[J0.\ .woii oqi jo 'pjojina opiuy 6B|re qi passud puu A"itption,L uopuoj BJUOOJQ oq) U[ OJU hiuouio^niijji! oqj, •tu "d g uoifltii'ifiii.w ROAVfti Sniiunioninjj ! cu'fc'fi i 'ioiifii]i[wv_\Ynoji(]T * l I 1 HOOAV Ifiilj BA*Bp IUJOA0B *100J)B A*JJOt|O J o) opij u j[ooi qnio ojnuno A'upno^ oqj, iu .fup ixau oin ojoqi QA]UV puu UOOUJOI l"I1J" l*, ii "j, ^"'O^'WAVIM ii'iirT^iV/wwixo •j|vj 1x011 oflanoo OUIUH I!It 'A\ «!»0T '»K 'Joq^'J -Jail jo ison •paumBiioa .won ouii) oqi uui|i BSOI Jiioq -ju A*U|)Jit)ug uo OAUO[ n|AV i>3uO[qoot|) O) j 'Xixpmiy Ai*i.n 'iigsi '"Hi oir- - m3 n, 3snon )tt A*pniBjo OBJtioa joqiJiij 11 ^itj^t!) Bpuo)ut BUAV 'op'jjna jo 'tiolttnu *o "K 'WK mo iBiif K] qoiqAV 'fiJiioq onju U] o|njntti A"0BJOf A\O>I Ot| J tt3 r •111 -il '[IJ:-(; 'fic l W°X * X UIOJJ puoj .\"oii"A q^fq° J p iiuno.C aunion.unq H,ajop 'to'C '"' "» ''-'t'11 'fci'oi- ti«u^iii |- UIOJJ liAjJJV o oq j, Joqiu^i -AO>[ Dqi 'iijHtioD mi UIOJJ luoBOJd 'U 1JPV fiB!l? jo isanS oqi s\ 't!iqd[opuiju iqi uo <(BS0Jdx^ piiounijQ ^oujy,, oqi H J° ouo 'wi:',-,i-T.I •"' ' IIU 01 OpUtU 0(( A"HU0BOJd 1I[AV 1J0.U0 IIV '05*01 11 'KJJJOAV s1niuoinA\un jo BOUIIIIOA qqaiojo jo 'opi'Qouj^.puouiuBOjr i|)oquz[if{ KBHV 0) UOOH K| | oqq )uauio)u)K 0111 )[ s.Hsnv\r 10B ouioRpuuq it po.vjOD,u 'JIOOAV ifiiii iiioui F A J01 •'^jodoj tJu]iJujnoaB(p JOI|)UJ ;iwn''.-foi'c 'M«isva *a|[[AJOiuog ii{ BaA!iii]OJ qi!^ 1! I 1 -qnd JOJ ojj B.iiosduiotix ojny jo )uiijq oqi -aauouiuioa [ooqns qftn[ nqi lit KJonoq q)]AV u qi[.v\ pouJti)OJ Kuq 'sa[[!ttiuj OKUO oqi - 11 JOJ A'upjaifiaA* uoi 'JOAO(J jo 'A"AUQ nun' uuis 01 OAuq njAv [uiunof HOJJUAV ouj, unpujH oq.u 'A*i|dJnj^ suuioqjj j]^ ( fiJ oqi U] linu[0 iliq i;dn 3(001 01 \I 'iBona Joq pnu sina 'd "H ' J? •uoiflno-1 JOJ pajpiboj HI o?£ A\uo na-iiKiA puu pa.\"0|duio KUAV oqAv _^^^^ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••»•••••••••• plJO p p| { tmoa uaJJUAV oqijo KO)UUIU] oA"Avu[oqi jo lnoA\j[.iu|a "I "O i:r.1:> HI i: .i)%;w IBOIlS oq) BU 3J03AV )KU[ 8J3{)fA[0U tl] ilU[)[BI 11 ;»••»•?•••••»»»»»»»»«»•• •••••••• »••••••••••••••••!• qi in ouioi) joq in •«;•«-in>lJnMH««.tt I j MJ S KJO)[po osji! JOdpij tmi|o K OApupiopjo IBOUI JIIO JO -ii|S|ti |B0[ uqu]{ OSJOOQ A^qajoq.w iiiopjODU oq •Ui •<[ '00'8'a*i WV\ B3K|0JOXO illOUIO OIT''.rii'sri'SIT.I M' IOAV OOJI]) u JOIJU oBnoji JoKputAV AVOJ i|Snojqi oHti sypaw ouioBpoA*u|op KUAV JJJOAV OOOOOi^ ? •duioqj, vqiJ H jo omot| oi[l iu po # OI pOHJll)f)J BUl| JO^OOH *O*I1 SJK. K)iinouiu£fiijpMnq KIIJI ti[ A*OIIOUIJO A*it[ino •JI1I0A A\JJS 0.L UO O.IOAV piutf iooqoH '[^iq o 3 • • IOAV 111 uaiu jo oajoj u Buq uosjaj 'p [uio) oq^ 'nu uj si|o 000 uosjJd oqi OAIS 1 '31SVJ. 3WIX 1S3XV1 01 jossarang. ... '.:.•. . . j « A pilU *iio])UBjaAtioo (Bo-jnumi OAJJ jaAoo)nu;ui II[A\ 'paiO[diuoo inoqu si qoiq.u 'uoiuojjj 03U[d B]I[) III BOA])U[OJ I|1[AV 1]KIA pOpitO) TJOAO JOJ o)mi[ui jod qanui os BJ O)UJ AVOU JO UOKJJJ 01U)S Oqi 111 3ll[AV AVOU OF^J, ONV iianaA\ar * • [I B11A1 'JOAOQ JO 'A"UAVU[[UD JlllpJy *JJ^ f»[i!tn o) f)(ipiiuiiinj ja)UQdJU£) °MJ. *BOU|[ 8,'00 ouotidajox D]UUA[A*SUUOJ; woo aAoxa.\.\\ •oiufistij iq'HJOIIJO JOJ )jo[ Ja)iiodjuo *JQ A'up uo loajjo oui] IUOAV oi«J AVOII u 1 A*[nx* 1: Iiqo ]ooqas jo jaqutuu oqi SAVOI|» BUSUOO •«tHWJ.-)S JOAO OJ pOJOAUOp pUU JOAOO JOJlUn 11100 I|V -sonx uo 'iqStJAV 'II 'f 'SJK 'JO)SJBB(J31 •uoj[oqoji puu oou[d )uq) IIOOAV) oqi putt JUOA* IBU[ B[00qOB 0|[<|ud oi|) u ( >iqiinup O[HJI puu JJOJQ niAVa T '«K .1 OO'E * "0,1 piueaj) I 'SJJQ jo S)BOIIS oi[j uooq OAuq o3 -oq ujuj) u mu puu jOAO(f o) OAOIU in (ouai zil pa.v"oiduio A"iunoa IIOJJUAV IKJt * itiuiHOiiT jo 'OJJAV puu JO)IIOCIJUO JHIUJJ *JCI juojijuji xassjj cy SJJJOJ^ oqi tio joouia v "SUJUOAO A*upij..i „ ff.i •pDjnssr sSuijcop ssouisnq /jopujspus J J } HO'x KBIJ\' SUJUBJA OJU 3io[|tio qi]p; oi[ t|)!Ai OB[UK[ 'i||aquz||fr jo '«}3!H Sujioaui oqi iu 111 OHOJd oq o) po)t Jd(] ()0'|| pur piiuuqjiqSiuiis 'd'n. siqi Su'r^ooi/q Xsu'oui jj *" iutiuv ««op|Alo([ jo uo|iniiii( OJJJUO "SBIJV 'JO)K]K (Kt0A\O(I 'BJ]\T *Joq d OJU 'A*ijoqn jo ; •Biuaa uo) X[uo OJU A"ot[,L iu »iou«n JOK om aituiu M^OUOAAV • Sii]pnoiiu Aiou fi]u;qd[3pu[|q (] UIOJJ oBjnu nu oAop u o) pai{ou))u ,,1103 oiunoApy jo tuaquioui \[y i» 1" ^l"io DJtiiwjo pnuiuj) 11 puu 'OBJOAV ;)i[| JOJ ujn) ti tia^u) |[AV 1|S[A pOpUO)XO UU 3U iniu[uim v jo oduqH oi[i UJ X)|OAOU f uo puvi»i uo[Q 01 uojwjnoxo uu jo auj[ 5U3J3JUJP y *ODI)OU jaqjanj jjiun onutj 'oui]) JJuoi u JOJ T[)iuaq in uj uaoqeuq J JO 'BUIHUOf T *g 'BJIV p Ci)ojd u Suinas BJ uopJOQ 'a»Jinf BSJIV 'sJOAiog 'j, *p *KJ]^ jo uojupuoo unj 01 poSuujJu IIO|)U|OOBBV . *[ioA* oBjjdjne •suicSjuq 3JBJ aiuos jo iijsusq oqi oijqnd DIJJ |0 pOAOJd OJO 'J01BJ8 joq )[AV iqSjuiJOj •uSiijBKud BJ j J JJ HiiBOJ oqx 'Bjodvd A*i^aoAV joqio 11 j 'fij J° A*i[uuod 11 JOpun A*i[O )uqi u{ osnoq 3AJS puu s[-Eg 3u;jcop t J|03AV \pvo pjoq 0) puov 6iq ppilU IUOJOAO K U UIOJJ 3lIJ06D[UJ[A '*«AJ *o 3i[|AV jo ' mnoj Ofiotii qi[A\ nviS O'll 'nBiuo)[ HAVOU JOAO 110 paau[d A*noojjoa jaqiunu oin (gu99ioejoAoJgaintjB OIOJJ )09j]pp(ipuoiMto -ui 3A\ '[(BJ ijjun dao^ 01 I[S;A\ JOU op OAV I(OH[AV ^ -UOO KJ OJI •OtlUOAU OJOpJAIog HO '1J0AV01B 'onua.vu ajop ojuduioa puu )uiiO3 oui[)BUd u jo^ OJopJO sitii ipunOQ aiiiAiJaquni'x oqx CJO. 'SUJOJird p[0 3UJ0S IJIJAV J3l|13Soj 'SOUJI UJBl'jDD *0 »q°r *JIV '«.«ni-tJ|-jai|iojq l piij jopnn) ijp puuii no Blvuiu Bomivtiti JROJI UJ ^D0)SJ3A0 W3 SujpUIJ pUB 'SSOUISnq Xj'[3AV0f j OA\I SujpundH jayu ouio A*ijo iojj jo '/j •AV iwaso 'J. ( OUR O) (J3A0fJ 11) JO)tliIUlK0d U qi JOJ n3u|pi*nq Sujiujoaap UMO] TI; uaut 3ijj uj uojuvuiig -g; 'sv\\j papaaMiis SUIABJJ suq A*uJjnn iJO(i jo |pq S 'ON ffiO 0U109 Aq pouijo)) y po)ujoddu Kutj iuop]B3Jfi oqj; ( uuoiJOiuy I] uo]Bua jo ''00 *UU1 Jiltf fX)'V * OAOll 'JUOA* pOO3 V pUU pOAJOB OJOAV fr)UOlUt{B0JJO}J AVOJ u flujpuodB uaaq BU •fljnqBpnojis •A*upqiJiq quu KII| jo jrtuoi( uj iiooiuo]j» |b*U£I JUDU 'A"ilinO0 OOJUOJ^ U] pOJOAOOBJp OB OJOUI HUB oq o) saB]iuoad )[ puu IUJ3A0U JOAOQ U] EUJKI100 -P«!A\ M0N OAOf)U 10H1R DUII Ht3|J 1HJU jo pilOQ A*upjniitg 1KUI 'oijqAV OOUOJU[0 JD)WUJ^ iooq Buq oujui JOAJ]S u )uqi sA^BBiJodoy [[uj u BUM auaA* ?BU[ doja qouod oqx • WAUIH •}!• *AV V *'I "Q BifliV q jo i 1< 'A\oiidou puujS jjoqi jo BpuojJj oi)iH otj) pa O]Riy qujnog KS]J\J !0t[O)llJ0 JO piU Oil) qi!'^ -TupBOnj, UO £>Ju)K •JOiuuinH oqi JOJ Joq«x *1K 1« rani I" 'X. 'uoi iU(UA\ n >a -u{u)JO)uo ^0H D 'H qoouf *SJJ^ pun Mj.5 i )]RjA oi itj 'ofinoji [ o) iiAvop oiuun jju)t>auvq tquiduQ •UIUJ 001 uuqi OJOUI A*puajiu OJU OJOIJX po)UJqo|O3 . 'JOHUBUI jnjujud v uj *A*vpjoiKaA* puoj K,uooJO 1U ^up IUVSUOJCI •IJunbu Biuoo OBJq) )u 3i[jui qijAV •OOUjd B[n) II) SOAHUIf-1 Sll|l[KJA Bpiiuqeiq UIOJJ UJHH oq) 3u[dujos 'punoJfl pOBSUd UA\O1 Bjq) JO SO|pU[JO A*V«d V pOAJas Siqoq OJU O|doad UOISUJUIOI^ IOKJ QNV 1101103 '" oqi O) IIA\OJI[1 SUAV oq puu tujq UIOJJ A*KAVTI jo 'jo^untuooqog *n *y tuj^ *5Jll|UJ0UI A"UpJO)BOA* UJAJg ^U'JJ^J, •Aijfl oduo in oiuoq oq) o) ouiuo jo)ii3i.'Jp 3unoA" y uo uodo H[AV jjttj o)uis Xiit WAV 0IIX j 1 PJ [ t) UOBUOAOIg 1U0p[SOJ,T 00]A BU| UOOq 'Bsuq JOJ i|uq »•»••»»••»»»»»••»••••»•»••»••»< injujtid u t )ou r A*JJUH " punooAVOU y' 968T 'Z Alflf 'AVQSHDHX "f 'H 'NEOXONIHSVAi '1IVXS NOXDNIIISVAV THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J. THURSDAY^ JULY 2, 1896

    DELAWARE. PORT MURRAY. George Suiilii and family of Tlydo Park, On Saturday lontCox'n nine of Washing- A Sensible l'a.; spent a fow days in town fast week, ton came hero to play .our.:Tigers. Tho returning on Monday last to their home. gome went on smoothly enough until our >Itcher struck them out in one, two and Mrs. Wm. Craig and daughter Cora hree order, then a player on tho Wash- STEWARTSVnXE. • attended the Bisset-Young wedding in ington nlno made a dlsturbanco and broke Will always watch the advertise-' It looks as If New Jereoy Republicans your town, on Thursday last, and reported up tho game. The scoro Btood 6 to 4 in lents of the responsible merchants, and Independents, whatever that may In* a nice time and a large attendance. We avor of tho visitors. elude, have, from tho fact that New Jersey wish tho hnppy couplo manny pleasant Right Things especially grocers. By this means she has been honored by second place on the years of joy. SfrBB . was formerlerly employ- Rev. It. W. Elliott, pastor of the M. E. ecd here at tht o depot and hahdd quitite a numnum- hureh, has returned from tho homo of his will be enabled to save in the course • ,., St.": Louis ticket, forgotten tfio head; In parents in Ohio, where ho wont to BOO his ; • other words, they evidently bellevo nnd ber of friends while in town. >f a year enough money to pay for SL : sister who Is very ill of consumption. proclaim their belief that this is a clear Rov.Thos. Houston,the blind evangelist, ;ood many other household necessi- .•: case or the tail wagging the dog. Wo call preached both morning and evening in the Judson Leigh has been entertaining his here in Carpet this year, and we notice that - to mind something similar, the Blaino and Presbyterian church hero and tho services ousln, Harry Topher, of Hnckcttstowii. ies. The main point, of course, is to • Logan campaign, yet there is a diffcrenco. were weil attended. Mr. Tunlson, the Tho two largo smoke stacks at the terra the people of Washirigtonand vicinity cer- jestow your patronage Upon a house John A. Logan was the nation's idol, and cornotist, assisted in the music at both otta works wero raised this w.eck. The vhich has the reputation of living up Garret A. Hobart Is one of the best services. rorks will be ready to start up in a few 8 > "its nswespaper announcements._ fellows In the world, with a stainless repu- The light engine No. 185, that runs tho •cckoand givo employment to between tainly know a good thing when they see it. : tation, and thoroughly equipped, still ho Gouldsboro and Maunkachunk accomoda- DO and 400 men. "- 'he housewives of Washington know Is not a John A. Logan. But it must bo tion, struck Clark Smith's wagon on Fri- Samuel McCrea was tendered a grand Every pattern a good one; no old stock; hat we are in that category. most gratifylnff to the nominee to ex- day evening, while on his way across the urprise party on Saturday, June 20th. the perience the ieellDgs engendered by tho track north of tho depot. Tho Wagon was iccaaion being his SOth birthday nnnlvcr- Gladness Comes expressions of good will from the residents completely demolished, hut the horses and . The following relatives and friends ith a better understanding of the all bright and clean; more new ones nearly of the city, irrespective of politics, with Mr. Smith, of PollcvUlc, escaped uninjured, _ ir. McCrea gathered to do him honor: Wtransient nature of the many phys- A Frugal Husband •whom he has minglud from t-urliwil man- which wns miraculous considering the snac Swayzo, of Jersey City; Samuel ical ills, which vanish before properuf- every day. The entire stock of China and hood. speed at which they wero goltitf. Tho Jwayze, or Trenton: Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. forts—gentle efforts—pleasant efforts— Should direct his wife's attention Thompson & Stocker are busy. Their engineer did not see the team until he wns ilcntiugh,: of Mendham; Mr. and Mrs. rightly directed. There is comfort in trade in wagons this summer lias been un- upon thorn omiccountof the freight house oiin Sliker, of Schooloy's Mountain: Mr. the knowledge, thnt «o many forms ol Japan Mattings is now in—beautiful pat- 0 our advertisements, if we have not usually good and promises to continue un- being in the way. Lucky escape, Clark. .nd Mrs. Enenczer Deak, of Old Forgo, liready succeeded in arresting it. ;'He til the snow flies, nnd then they con furnish *n.; John W. Forker and family, of Rose- sickness are u»t due tu any actual uis* sleighs as rendlly as they have been supply- Miss Laura M. Smith, who has been Ille; Mrs. Julia Bcaty and son, of Steph- ease, but simply to a constipated condi- terns. Our -eyed neighbors across AM thereby be doing her a real fcind- ing tho largo demand for wagons. traveling throughout the West, returned nsburg; Mrs. Ella Mtnnrd and family, of tion of the system, which the pleasunt le&s, atul-will ittllm same time be on Friday alter a two months' tour. Sho ilontvllle; Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Hayes, of family ltixutivo. Syrup of Figs, prompt- The excursion to Glen Island on July J visited friends In Grand Island, Neb., and ort Murray; Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Fromo, ly removes. That is why it is thu only the waters have certainly produced some laving money for himself. 17th under the auspices of the Itullroad Detroit, Mich., and reports an excollont if Townsbury; Mr. and Mrs. John McCrea, remedy with millions of families, and is Employees' Association promises to be lib- time. •f Phillipsburg: Mrs, Hester A. Voorhees, We refain from quoting prices, erally attended by our people as many of everywhere esteemed so highly by all fine things. Our linen warps and all straws Tho boarding business promises to be «f New York; Rev. R. W. Elliott, of Port who value Rood lietilth. Its beneficial "or all things are not as they seem. It them have been to thu Island on former tlurrray. occasions and were so higly pleased that very successful this sctson at tho various effects are due to the fact, that His the make a room deliciously cool through the requires an inspection and compari- all who can will go this time and take their summer resorts In this vicinity. Some one remedy which promotes internal boarders are now here nnd the proprietors By an inadvertence tho above Item was 41 son to appreciate the values we are friends along, Glen Island is as delightful mftted from tho last Issue. , '• - without debilitatin" '" a place to spend a tiny its uitu Liu i'uum1 arc ready for more on the 1th inst....: Popko, 'organs on which II acts. It is therefor heated term. And, by the'.way, speaking jiving in groceries. " . anywhere in New York waters. oftho Island, expects a big run soon irom Two of our citizens were more than Newport City. plenspd with that item in the STAK or last nil important, in order to get its hene A base ball match between the Spring- ilcial effeets, to note when you pur- of the warm weather reminds us that we The strawberry crop Is about closed, but week about the Port Murray celebration. town and Stewnrtsvlllo clubs at this place They were "Undo Joe" Anderson and ex- chase, that you have the genuine arti- L. M. DAVIS. Is promised for July -1th, nnd in conse- Mr. Bert Smith, on the other sido oftho river, still has nice late ones for which ho udf>e Cnnlleld. All of our citizens, ho cle, which is manufactured by the Call- have positively the largest and best line of quence all other matters ure compelled to ver, were pleased with tho account. foruiu Fig Svrup Co. only uud sold by 'The Blue Front." take a back seat. Wo hope for a good is receiving good prices and hns sold over two hundred bushels to one party this Offing to rain the attendance nt tlio alill reputable druggists. day, good game, good umpire, good feeling 1 Refrigerators in town. For your porches and a general good time tor aUconcerned. Good for you, Bert. Crazy Tea, ' Frltluy night, was small. If in the enjoyment of good" lica...." ilth, y ho amount taken in was ?17. Farmer "Man" doesn't think rope lines The kids are ennjoying thhiis rainy weather and the system is regular, laxatives or are just the things to use when driving in a by bathing In the Delawaare River south Mrs. Lydia Smith, our postmistress, has other remedies are then not needed. If we have shades, different widths for dif- wagon, and ho speaks from experience. off towntw , whicwhih aaffordfd s theh m muchh pleasurl e locn entertaining her daughter tho past aillieted with, any actmil diseuse, one rook. may be commended to the most skillfu' We asked him th,e other day how ho liked and enjoyment. phyaiuiiins, but'if in need of alnr:titive ferent porches-—pulleys and cords all come them and the old chap smiled quizzically On account of an injunction being served Sup'l Rued, uf the terra cotta works, one should have the best, and with the as he replied. "Oh, rope lines is all right to on the Delaware Creamery one day lost moved his family to this place last week. well-informed everywhere," Syrup of with them. Come in and take a look. plow with, but' they'n" i no good1 for a week, the creamery was closed as the fnrm- Get the band ready, boys, another wed- Figs stands highest nnd is most largely wagon," and he doesn't use them w-hel n he ers had not beenpntd in over two months iliiig Is soon to occur in town. used and gives most general satisfaction drives "them ponies." for tbeir milk. They were paid next day Onnccountof the rain Children's Day For the benefit of everybody we ququoto e and the creamery now runs as usual. zeroises were not held at Mt. Bethel from an exchange: "A $20 gold piece Is A large oak tree fell across tho public ihurch lust Sunday. worth |20 by reason of the weight in it, road south of the Presbyterian church one 1 Elton Winters moved into the house last Spangenberg & Ford. not by reason oftho government'go s stam.. p day last week and obstructed the passage week which had been vacated by Mrs. or inscription on it. If thhe golld pieci e for several hours until Wm. A. Ward had Frank SI man ton. ' HUMPHREYS' were melted Into a lump it still would be it removed for the travelers. worth $20 In the market. There are 23.22 NEW VILLAGE. No; 1 Cures Fever. grains Troy of pure gold in a gold dollar. Great Trlumpli. These grains in the form of bullion were Instant relief and a permanent cure by Miss Stella Anderson, of Stewartsville, No. 2 " Worms. worth $1 at the mint or market. In other the Otto's Cure for Lungs and throat dis- tvas the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Sillle Dal- No. 3 ". Infants' Diseases. words tho gold in a coin obtained no in- eases. Why will you continue to irritate rymple, on Saturday and Sunday. crease of value in tho process of ccoinageo . f your throat and lunga with that terrible Miss Blanche Smith, of Washington, No. 4 " • Diarrhea. No appreciabl' e part o-f it"s- valualuewaadue wi G hacking cough when F. N. Jenkins, Wash- to the mint's stamp, and the proof < isited friends in town on Sunday. ._ ., .... proof of this ington; M. B. Bowers, Jr., Broadway; T. Miss Emma C. Rush spent Saturday nt No. 8 " Neuralgia. was that if melted down the coin was J. Thompson, Oxford; Fritta & Smith, As- [sland Park nnd Shawnee Springs. No. 9 Cures Headache. A GOOD^SICN w orth as much as before. The silver dollar bury, agents,will famish you a free sample Is worth when melted down but little over Stewart Kinney and wife and Gus. Kin- SPRINGER'S ._ tbo people of WoeblDfitos. NOTICE 1 bottle of this guaranteed remedy? Its No. 10 " Dyspepsia. fifty cents." ley and family, of Phillipsburg, passed You may need tho Berrlcefl of a flrat clufls success ia simply wonderful, aa your drug- lunday In town. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. •lumber at any time. Work Is Hrat-class. Prlct It is proposed to repair the old school gist will tell you. Sample free. Large la very yery low. : bouse, once Greenwich academy, in the bottles 50 and 25. , It looks as if we were going to have a No. 12 " Leuchorrea. I near future, but wouldn't it be better and bicycle race on the Fourth ot July. The by far cheaper in the end to build anew boys are practicing every night. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. Increased space in our show room educational building up to date in ever; BROADWAY. John Rush, of Washington, was tho No. 1B Cures Rheumatism._ _ T ~- pai ticulur. --Tlis-present" is "illy::adapter ucst of-his cousin;.Theodore Kirsb, a few --and-our immense stock of ready- for its use, badly ventilated, hot In sum- lays last week. here last Wednesday after spending three No. 16 " Malaria! "~ (Successor to Wm. Vanderbelt. mer and cold in winter, so that nt times weeks at Wyoming, Milburn, Springfield, Wm. Lafever and family and Miss Bertha No. 20 " "Whooping Cough teachers and scholars alike cannot with Short Hills and Dover and reports a splen- Gray, of Asbury, were guests of Elmer trimmed hats have given us nearly any degree of comfort remain during did time. , Woodruff and family on Sunday. No; 27 " Kidney Diseases. school hours, if comparisons were not BILLIARD TV odious we'would venture to say that the The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a lawn A party was given G. B. Dalrymple re- No. SO " Urinary Diseases double the sales of former seasons. and old school house at Stewartsville would sociable at Mrs. Philip Cook's on Wednes- sntly in honor of his birthday. A large _ I^ARLORS, suffer by comparison with almost any day evening, July 22d. There . will be urabsr of friends were present. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. school building in the county. But in good music, both vocal and instrumental. Oscar Edward and Walter Rush visited Sold by Druggists, or sent prepnid on There is hardly a thing in the Bontty Building view of the general condition of affairs— Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ervin visited Mr. the former's parents at Montana on Sun- receipt of price, 25c, or 5 for SI. - . and Mr3.-Johtt-Hold.cn, at Hnrraony, nn Next Doorto Post Office / hard times, poor crops and; universal de- day.--. :- ;•;. - -;•• .-•••". 1 pression—this is probably not the time ti Sunday. Miss Sadie Hulshizer, of Broadway, was BR. KUMPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC MAMTAI, Millinery line which you can't find agitate such an important matter. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shook, of your OF DISEASE MAILED FREE. ,he guests of her grandmother last week. 1 "We are right in it and the amount of borough„_,, _,spen. t Sunda„y with Mrs. S.'s par- Bnmphroys Mea. Co., Ill -WilUam St., N.T, six Splendid Tablee—Courteouo Mr. and Mrs. Marlatt, of Washington, in our establishment, and the Treatment—Full Stock of Fin) talk upon the merits and demerits of free j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dcrcmcr. isited at Lewis Rush's Saturday last.:; Cigars and TODOCCO. silver versus gold, tree trade versus protec- jjre Frank Housel and little son are Miss LizzieLanning,Miss Anna Wilkison, tion and the Republican ticket versus the | pngsing n few days with Mrs. Wm. Smith, and Robert Zulauf, of Oxford, were the prices you will also find very probable or possible Democratic choice, £f Good Springs guests of James Rush and family a few days Inst week. The Red Cross reasonable.; ..-'..• •-.•• Miss Mary Barber, of Port Warren, hns in the old days used to be on the ington Mrs. Rebecca Hulshizer returned on secured the position as school teacher for shields o£ the Knights. Now you A0TU0RIZED CAPITAL, 8250,000. Eddie Bolton, of Newark, is spendinga the next term. will find it on the face of Saturday from a visit to New York. week here with his uncle, Mr. A. E. st re .; We saw Miss Rose Weller in town on Mrs. John Hunt is spending a few days Johnson's Belladonna Plaster, Segulne, with her daughter, Mrs. TVIodavis, at ? Saturday. 'which cures all the pains, itches ° > X EASTON TRUST Wm. Ragains, of Jersey City, spent a Phillipsburg. The misapplication of Scriptural texts few days here last week with W. Beers. and distresses that cau be got at from the outside of the body. Even 431 Northampton St., Easton, Pa. y BUHOLAR PHOOP SAFE DEPOSIT. to the ordinary affairs of the day is so Mr. and Mrs. George Beatty,of Califon, WARREN PAPER MILLS. BOXES TO RENT AT LOW KATBH. grotesque that were it not for the honesty the leaping n»ouy of nenmlijiii dies ' ' •" • visited Mr, and Mrs. Henry Bryan last Miss Lizzie Drainey spent Saturday and of purpose evinced would be ludicrous. Tuesday. away uuder ."its touch. Yes,'ami We notice that the Old Order of Dunkards Sundny at Phillipsburg. imiscul&r rhcuniatism, too. Hotter Miss Stella Force, of Dover, and Miss COMPANY, held a conference the other day in Ohio, Britton Crouse is decorating his home than ointments or liniments. Ita : and among otber questions "is riding on a Malinda Housel, of Brooklyn, have been with a new coat of paint. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Housel. frieutls are all who bnvc nseil it. PAYS INTEUEST ON DEPOSITS. - wheel on any day permissible" came up Peter Drainey is at the Easton Hospital .TOirNSON" & JOHNSON, ADDHESS TIIE COMPANY FOB INF0UMA .: for discussion, and alter a lengthy debate Mrs. Emma Stowart, of Haukettatown where he has had an operation performed. Maniitucmriiig CheniiMs. Ni-w York. • • ' ,TI0N. •'"'•• ••••"• '-• ~ ""7 it was decided after a strange process of is visiting nt Mrs. Levi Inscho's. Miss Lena Bidwell, who teaches school reasoning "that the bicycle is unabomiu- Mrs. George Cook is confined to hei : alion iu the sight of God, for 1b is said in at Oak Orchard, N. Y., and Miss Elma EASTON, PA. home by sickness. Bidwell, a student at a boarding school at Luke xvi. 15, That which is highly esteera- -! Newman McCleary and Miss Delli YOUll BUSINESS IS SOLICITED. -j-'red among men is abomination in the sight Brockportj N. Y., are home for the sum- Amernian & Shurt Beidteman, both of Washington, were th( mer vacation. " of God." The natural sequence follows, guests of Mrs. Mary Mutchler on Sunday the wheel being highly esteemed, etc. At The paper mills will shut down on the the same conference gold fillings In teeth Miss Mamie Hummer, of Cranford. spen Fourth. were also condemned as unscriptural, As Sunday here and is now visiting relative! The harvest has come and the golden Give special attention to the : the much esteemed dipt. Cuttle was wont in Washington, grain is being gathered in its fullness. HANCEBROS., to say, "it's nil in the application on it." Mrs. Chester Ileitzman spent last Tues- Ervin Mills, who was hurt some time Miss Mnttte Ease, of Ledgewood, is the day in your borough. ago in an elevator nt the paper mills, ir guest of her aunt, Mrs. P, S. Knse, and will Mrs. John Willever is visiting her daupch igiiin at work. • -;- • • probably spend a good portion nf the sum- tcr at Stanhope." " " mer in our village. Miss Ella Jiles and Charles Davis, of Harry Housel, of Wyoming, spent Sun Brooklyn, are visiting friends in this The attendance at the village school day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacol vicinity. during term just completed shown an Housel. average of sixty per tent. True, the Win. Mosson, of Asbury, is doing quite a ""Undertaking; .•„;.. :.. measles, made., a .protra«U'd «tny, b'.it tiio Mr. and Mrs. John E. Inscho were guesl business here in the insurance line. small per centage should not be charged f Hr. -and Mrs. J. G.;Axi'urd -'iiuur-you \Vhile~'Mr.~and Mrs.'Samuel "Stninets to that account entirely. We imagine that borough, on Sunday. were driving to Easton one day last week „... ..after, parents and guardians have looked Mrs. John Grolf is visiting 'relatives ; the hip strut) broke while going down a over the published list of "present and BetUlttlieiii."-:-'"""••••" •""• "~ ."TV" -:'"' hiil and"tlw iiuratj 'uUii'Ud'Lo both kick and • Iti» aololdd on aa Ruaranteo hy airdrujs-- absent" which is being circulated by the The next meeting of tho W. C. T. U run. Mr. Stamets finally stopped the " ts' ., IIt curecuress . jjjoipionIncipient ConsximptiConsumptioon school board, they will scarcely believe will be held in the basement of the cburcl: frightened animal but not before he had their eyes when they see just how many ili tho best Couch and Croup Cur*. on. Wednesday, nfternoonjof next week. kicked in the dashboard and broken tin Sold at Carter's Drug Store. absent; but the inexorable record tells the John Cole and family attended the wed- It would be hard to convince a mai PARKER'S CINCER TONIC . For all BILIOUS and NERVOUS storv, unpleasant and annoying though it suffering from bilious colic that his agon; ding of Mrs. Cole's sister. Miss Martha ntalca Lung Troubles, Dtbllii?. dlstrcwtng elomueli aifl be. The old and much used complaint of Ind la notk lor mnVi DISEASES. They purify tlie is due to a microbe with an unpronounc Housel, atBloomsbury, on Saturday last. fails. Every mother ami In incompetent teachers .as an excuse for ,-ible name. But one dose of DeWitt' BLOOD and give HBALTHV backwardness of children is nine times out . ARKER'S I Colic .fc.Cholera Cure, will convince him r "-•Wa'Stre-anxious ;l.o« do-:Rilittlo-good~inv PIUS "•of tbii'uujuat, aiid Is In roiillty'duc to Irreg- Its powenfto allord" instarit'rclicf. "It kill this world and can think of no pleasanter , .'HAlK-BALSAm- cS^DWPPSAfHEAr ular attendance, and those haying charge Ciesmci and Immimes tlio half. ain. F. N. Jenkins' Warren ..Count or.better-way.to/lo it, than by recommend- I'romotcs e. luxurinnt growth. CONSTIPATIONand "PIWIPtESr :;.. -----of children should insist upon regularity rug Store.. in'g'One'Minute Cough (Jure as a prevent- rtla to HCEtnro Orr.y\ B;i., •<•'-•• and punctuality, nnd we doubt not the B J ive* of.pneumonia, consumption and other '• • -• • *"~— ™—-resull-wuuM™ - be •••both- --"-«--* "0ALIl?O2i. serious lung troubles that follow neglected pleasing. cold3. F. N. Jenkins' Warren County That bane to farmers," ketchey weather" S The Special Inducements in BRLOBB^S BOOK FREE The oats crop in this vicinity •.•will .1: Drugstore. • • ..- ,, . ,--• • • ; '^ .:..,. lk ii e uirerere of EHH0119 OF VOU ia upon us to tho annoyance, and damage unusually large. ,....., ' 8 « : MST VlfiOIt and WISE AS tSJ OF BiaN to tho hay makers. Of course there is no ' AND WOillliN. 2JH pneca; ciotb bound ;M< use wishing but we would like to see iirsi Jlra. John Davis, who has been seriousl; " VIENNA. mnlyBeulcdundmutlcil/rM. TrotiDcntbymUl v ill for the past two weeks, is now slow], •trlctly conlldentlul, «nd a positive, nul<* tnxe \ class crops all along our lovely valley nnd The Rev. and Mrs. Wilnmrth and chil- Not one part but every piamntfltM. No matter bow Ions BtiinalDg, I recovering. 1 JFurniture During June. with prices for products to correspond. , dren, accompanied by Mrs.- WHmarlii'a •111 poBlllVPiy curo you. H,WrltP or colL " '"'"From best sources we' lenni that a stnnl '-The STAK was in gruiiL demand'1 mother, Mrs. Adriance, wife of the-late j; r^i'pGKch'crop tas.y be exp'Jcted'intthis aection- week. It contained the fullest and best Stephen.. Adriance. .returned ..to ..Vienna I. Goodsi Stored and Removed at Reasonable: Terms. 329 N.lSthSt. Phlla.Pa- but estimates by. the railroad companies report of the Hutton-Keed trdpedy atjiih laqt Friday. Mrs.' Adrin nee' will make her "tHe""perfect !, temperance "'• th'at'nre to handle the peach crop of Del- tion.- -'" • •-•••'• . • homo with her daughter in the future. 1 aware indicate that the crop this year will The funeral of Mrs. John Sutton, wh< Miss May Hibbler is spending tho week and healthgivirig drink. be enormous. Yet this year hns heard the murdered Martin Reed at Junction am with friends at Johnsonsburg and Marks- Mini* onlj tij- Tim Clmricf K. Illrci Co,, fbllmlelpbta. • same old story from the same State, then killed herself, wns attended by a largi boro. ^ "blight, yellows, buds nipped, don't expect number of people. Only a few attendee IT LC POOR DObLARi) Onice and realdenoo on Miss Esther Fleming, daughter of Albert more than a one-third crop" and so on. the funeral of her victim. Fleming, of Stcphonsbunr, is visiting her that comes to us afc tho cost of a customer's satisfaction. We don't Warren street, near j-x.The wonder Is why in the face of facts Bowlby's factory. l n 'Squire Henderson hns received hia cor grandmother, Mrs. David Fleming. want ib. .We try to make tho fair and squaro deal thafc brings you ^such-Stories-PT.e,:.t< !|i^. 'ifl .nfrWlint.Jifinfif^l ia!aion-as:a:Jaat!*jeief^he;EeReec=He, ~:Hrr"ahd-Ivrf37-K-.~ F."'AiuerUo'uV-"'ur-itBw: In Buying a Piano HKorter' they can be. •xz:—-fco-us ithc" sccond~tmc.'~~-Ycii;T-V.'ili:. recogmze^t-hisrjiVSt-nnwimoHt- now ready for business. York city, spent Sunday with his parents, (1 forcibly in "'" ,, , Threatening weather (i on Sunday last Eddie Phtlhower is slowly recoverini Hon. anil Mrs. 0. H. Albertson. Sirs. Al- --'eiiUaed tho postponraont .of Children's Day. froTir a'sorious illness." -• •"" •.••-•-•_•- - •;• - bertaon is spending a fortnight in Vienna. do not faiHo uxamiiiii^ tlio l -Jsraor- -.i~-~.ir,?h=z.^ j services In the Pleasant Valley M. E. Ouryoung and enterprising friends.Cnri Si: Hamlin models. Recent improve- church until Sunday next, July Bin. Miss Amelia Floming started last Thurs- Apgur and Burton Crotaley.have purchascc day night for Rochester, Mich., where she ments render them unexcelled. Old the saw mill./at German Valley and an will spend the summer with Mr, and Mrs. fianos or organs taken in exchange, running it oh full time. ' Harry Jones. . ,, ,, Mrs. Ithodie Noah, of this place, was nstruments sold for cash or easy pay- Our stock 1B Inviting,.both in styles and prices—the upness of the, •• HELP WANTED-FEMALE! taken in the night with cramping pains Free silver has many advocates here LduloBtankoUls wngOB making gontlomonja Children Day exercises were held in the ments. •••',' first and the downness of the second.) Our sales justify our claims and tho next day dinrrhcea set in. She Postmaster John Neighbor is at tho heat Christian church Sunday afternoon. . The Catalogues find full information free. neckwonp nt homo by an easy motlioa. wo -took half a bottlo of blackberry cordial but of the movement. inclement weather kept many away but for they have been unusually largo in those lines this sprintr. -. Of^^;;.-~~ teach you FHKB audvfurnl-h^wort.all tlio year../,. • cot no relief. She then sent to me to see Pianos of reliable makers from §aoc Spud utnmp' for work" and' particulars at onco™- despite the rain''the church wag nearly upwards. ' -, ' Elite Noukwoar Co., Cnmdon, Now Jorsoy. , if I had anything that would help her, I Slled. Tho decorations were very pvetty rBent hor a;.bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, ; ,. Curo for Headache. and the singing and speaking of the little WASH GOODS AND SHIRT WAISTS Cholera and Dlarrhcoa Remedy and the As a remedy far all forms of Headache ones was beyond tho average and every- ^first-doso.relieved^her,^ Another of pur Electric Bitters has proved to bo the vorj thing passed off very-well indeed...... : V. B. ZfRttbdoh,' • ^ooikhborshad been"sick~ for about aweek 'brat—It oBbolH a. ptjnimii&'ut-euro ami the Vdfk had tried different remedies for diar- most dreaded habitual sioK headaches yiel Raspberry pickers are as thick ^as the 136 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. ana had tried different remedies for diar Formerly with Amermrvu & Sburts Eros. ; rhroa bbut t kkept t gettintti g worserse. I sent hhiim to its influence. We urge all who ai berries. It is quito the thing now to go rhroa but kept getting wo afflicted to procure a bottle, and give thi berry picking. thlthla same remedydy. Only four dosesofit 1 i H h remedy a fait trial. In cases of habitu Mrs. M. Holland returned home Satur- QALESMEN WANTED*. jp years' Experience, ::-were requireidd to cure hhim. Ho says he constipation Electric Bitte»*s curea by gi 'owes his recovery to this' wonderful rem- 1 day from a three ^weeks'-visit among Offlao, Shop nnd Rosldonce: ing the needed tone to tho bowels, and To friends in Hoboken,Elizabcth and Bayonne 5 NOK-HICOTINE MIDGET CIGARS. jw__M«i Mow Rihl«v.S;anav. Mich. For Burd'u Mow Building, WnBhtngton Aronuo, b~A.W. Crevelfnj; & Co., Washing- cases long resist the use of this medicini Uity. While absent Bhe also mode bevoral TBule.r7vr-wnimiosl>iDr^ Guuu eiiiu iiun. Sa,m- J\ K. COOKE. «J:: AlbrihAlbrightt , JtionJunction;; Frittes & I Try it once. Fifty cents and $1.00 at F. N visits to a city hotpital. We hope her ploa troo. AddroBa: .LandIs & Co., •Washington N. J. ' ^Aflbury. / ' j Jenkins'Warren County Drug Store. health will improve inconsequence. ^ Shlpponaburj, P. On,The Comer. JTHEJVASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY arrow that stuck la Luther's heart lander If, when otit hunting for tho GOSPEL ARCHERY. when he cried out, "Oh, my sins! Oh, bear, he should stund fbiverlng-with ^ my,sins!" It it strike a man lathe terror on an iceberg:? What would pyERWORK r Millions;. ,of., Souls r Ears :E: hffdd It kills his skepticism; If it strike have become of Da Challlu and Living- TTCTM. A. 8TRTKKB,- •'«' •_«- • - ~-J : . Saved by Its Maanfl. a man In the heel It will turn his step; stone in the African thlckot, with a TT Nc'lOE. Washington ATS., • ' " if It strike him in tho heart, ho throws faint heart and a weak knee? When a W ' - : up his hands, as did the Emperor Ju- panther comeB within 20 paces of you Nervous Prostration JThe Arrow of tho Gr'ipel Feathered from lian of old, when wounded in the bat- and it has its eyo on you and It has the TYIn* of th Dora o[ Uod'f tle,. cryingY "Oh, Galilean, thou hast squatted for the fearful spring, "Steady Spirit Will 7,£ llrlaff ttia • , World h conquoredl" therel" . '. '•'•• - •• •'*'%<( •••'.•••. There is nothing proposed by men Courage, 0 yo spiritual arehorsl Ayer's Sarsaparilla Laubach's 1878 that can do anything like this gospel. There are great monstcra in Iniquity Dr. Talrango preaches an encourap;- Tho religion of Ralph Waldo Emorson VSomo years ago, as a result of too 1 prowling all around tho community. T\AVID BARTHON, Ing sermon to those who aro fighting was the philosophy of Icicles; the re- Shall wo not of the strength of God go closo attention to business, my health in Ood's service and urfjes them to use ligion of Theodore Parker was a sirocco forth and combat them? We not only failed.. Ibccamo weak,"nervous, was The Fad of theiSeason, •*^ WuhlBSton, N. J. . ' ,. more vigorous measures to accomplish of tho desert covering up tho soul with need more heart, but more backbone. unablo to look after my interests, and AUOTner-nt.Isnw, SollclMr and .• their noble purpose. Tho text ho chose dry sand; the religion of Kenan was What Is the Church of God, that it manifested all tlio symptoms of a de- TUaaterin Chanc«rr* Was Genesis 10: 0: "Ho was a mighty tho romance of bellying nothing; tha should fear to look in the eye any cline. I took 'three bottles of Ayer's NOTAKY PUBLIC «ad .hunter before the Lord." DKALEIt IN BKAL ESTATE 1 religion of the Huxley a and tho Spon-1 transgression? There Is the Bengal Sarsaparilla, began to iinprovo at once. -' In our day, hunting is a sport; but in ccrs merely a pedestal on which hu-j tiger of drunkenness that prowls The "Arlington" Offlca next door to tho St. Cloud Hotel, the lands and the times infested with man philosophy sits shivering In tho around, and instead of attacking It, Woabington AT«nae. wild beasts, it was a matter of Hfo or night of tho soul, looking up to tho how many of us hide under tho church- death with tho people. It was very dlf- stars, offering no help to the nations pew or the communion tablet There Is TTJANXBL VXiIBT, 1 ^ferent from going out on a sunshiny that crouch und groan at thu buse. Tell. so much Invested in it we are afraid to Shirt Waist. tt'ternoon with a patent breechloader, mo where there is one man who has assault It; millions of dollars In bar* Attornojr-auKiaw, ; ,to shoot reed birds on tho flats, when rejectej d d thah t ggospep l fof r another, who is l in vats,, in spigotspgs, , iin corkscrewscorkscrews,, [Pollux and Achilles and Dlomedcs went - "We have made arrangements with one of tJoIldtoraodUosterln Cbancarf,:. thoroughlthhl y satisfiedtifid , and hlhelpedd , andd: in gin palacel s witith marblble floorsfl and (out to clear thu land of lion a and timers contented in his skepticism, and I will Italian-top tables, and chased Ice-cool- the best. Shirt Waist manufacturers in the (V: and boars. My text sots forth Nimrod take thu cur to-morrow and ride 500 ers, and in the strychnine, and as a hero when it presents him with miles to see him. Tho full power of tho logwood, v.nnd the: tartario country to produce for us a line of Waists ^road shoulders and shaggy apparel tho gospel has not yet been touched. acid, and the nux vomica, that B.SMITH,M.D. : and sun-browned face, and arm As a sportsrran throws up his head go to make up our "pure" American which are proving very popular to all who jbunched with muscle—"a mighty hun- and catches the ball flying through I drlnke. Through the press, through %V»«hlnrton( N. J* (ter. before the Lord." I think ho used the atr, just so easily will this tho pulpit, through tho platform, you have seen them and worn them. They are f8tofla.m. (the bow and the arrows with great gospel after a while catch this round must assault it. Would to God that all Office Hours,-<1 to S p.m. " ' success practicing archory. " world flying from its orbit and bring1 it our American Christians would band made of materials that wash well. They are (5.30 to 7-30 p.m. j I hare thought if it Is such a grand back to the heart of Christ. Give it together, not for crack-brained fanati] OiUce and residence one door below frwbf> |thirjg and such a brave thing to clear made to fit well, with attached or detached col- terlas FarsonaKe, •-... ; full swing, and It will pardon every clsm, but for holy Christian reform, Telephone conneotlon. •" . ' jWJld beasts out of a country, if It is not sin, heal. overy wound, euro every I remark, again, if you want to bo a better and braver thing to hunt down lars. The sleeves are the full bishop sleeves. troublo, emancipate every slave, and successful In spiritual archery, you ami gradually increased my weight from and destroy those great evils of society ransom every nation. Yo Christian need not only to bring down tho game, P. M0HXN8TRT, M. D. jthat aro stalking the land with fierco ..ono hundred nml twenty-ilvo to two The yoke is a new style, the collarsjthe latest men and women who go out this after- but bring it In, I think one of tho most hundred pounds. Since- then, I and ray ©ye, and bloody paw, and sharp tusk, noon to do Christian work, as you go beautiful pictures of Thorwaldsen is shape, and everything which makes it a suc- and quick spring. I have wondered if Into tho Sunday-schools, the lay his "Autumn." It represents a sports- family have used this intsriicino when needed, and wo are nil In tho best of (8 to 9 *. m. 'there Is not such a thing as Gospol preaching stations, and the ponlten- man coming home and standing under cess. Samples of materials from which they oFno* B n.-ii to8p.m. archery, by which thoso who have been tiarlcs, and the asylums, I want you to a graporine. He has a staff over his health, a fact which wo attribute to UtoTdOp. m. flying from tho truth may bo captured feel that you bear in your hand a shoulder, and on the other end of that Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I bcliovo my chll- are made will be furnished if desired... Telephone Connection, for God and Heaven. Tho Lord Jesus weapon, compared with which tho staff acohuugu rabbit andahraee of ,_(lron would have haon fntliorlosa to-day in his sermon used tho art of angling lightning has no speed, and avalanches birds. Every hunter brings homo the liad it not been for Ayor't) Sarsaparilla,' Prices are $1.00 and $1.25. Mail orders for an illustration . when ho said: "I have no heft, and tho thunderbolts of game. No one would think of bring- of which preparation I cannot say too TT M. COX, M. will make you fishers of men." And heaven have no power; It is tho arrow ing down a reindeer or whipping up a much."—H. O. IIISSON, Postrnaster'and carefully attended to. Ask for the "ARLING- so I think I have authority for using of tho omnipotent gospel. Take care- stream for trout, and letting them He Planter, Kinard's, S. C. tIng-ton, N. J. hunting as an illustration of gospel ful aim. Pull tho arrow clear back In tho woods. At evowtido tho camp is TON" Shirt Waist. Every genuine "Arling- truth; and I pray God that there may until tho head strikes the bowl Then adorned with tho treasures of the forest f 7 toOa-s be many a man to-day who will begin lot It fly r And may the slain of the —beak, and flu, and antler. If you go Ayer's ^s£ Sarsaparilla ton" Waist has this trade mark on the inside Offlue Hours \ 1 to8p t to study gospel archery, of whom it Lord be many I •. out to hunt for immortal souls, not lr»9p.ii may after a white be said: "lie was a RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. of Waist (printed in red): Again, if you want to bo skillful in only bring them down under tho arrow Blighty hunter before the Lord." 1 spiritual archory, you must hunt in of tho gospel, but bring them into tho AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills. T> N. JACOBUS, M- D. How much awkward Christian work unfrequented and secluded places, church of God, tho encampment wo there Is done in the world! How many Why does tho hunter go three or four have pitched this side of the skies, For Year Protection H. B. Avenue, 'CVaBgb good people there aru who drive souls days in the Pennsylvania forests or Fetch thorn in; do not let them lie out wo pooltlvoly atato away from Christ Instead of bringing over Raquette lake into the wilds of in tho open field. They need our pray- that this remedy does CATARRH Thursday forenooo and Saturday. tho Adirondacks? It is the only way ers and sympathies and help. That is them to Him! "All their fingers are notcontainmorcuryor Eaaton, Thursday evening and Friday at thumbs—religious blunderers who up- to do. The deer are shy, and ono the meaning of tho church of God— any other Injurious For further particulars apply to us. Souttuwflst corner South 3rd and Ferry Sta set more than they right. Their gun "bang" of tho gun cloars the forest help. Oh, yo hunters for the Lord, not has a crooked barrel, and kicks as it From tho California stage you sec, as only bring down tho game, but bring ELY'S CallBuutelde Unecessary. goes off. They are like a clumsy com- you go over the plains, here nnd there, it in. rade who goes along with skillful a coyoto trotting along, almost within if Jiithrldates liked hunting so woll T~\R. P. J, ECKEL, hunters; nt the very moment when ho range of tho gun—sometimes quito that for seven years he never went in- Wm. Laubach & Son, ought to be most quiet, he is crnckiing within range of it. ,,No ono cares for doors, what', onthuslasm ought w« to I an alder, or falling over a log .and that; It Is worthless. Tho good game havo who'aro.huntlng.for.immortal- r >~ := -."326 to 332 Northampton;St.r " ;— = : r • Washington; N. J. ~ """"friy'liluuiiijf iiwiiy tho game. How low IH hidden and secluded. "Evui'yUuutur EOuIs? If Domltianus practiced arch- OfQce and residence Christian people .have ever learned tho knows that. So, many of the souls that ery until he could stand a boy down in lesson of which I read at tho beginning will.be of moat worth for Christ and of the Roman amphitheater, with a hand IT WILL CURE COLD'N HEAD Opposite at. Cloud Hotel. ] i&rticio la nppllflil illrwttf Into Iho anatrilL BASXON, F.A. v .of this service, how that the Lord Jesus most value to the church urn.urniinfled. ; Out, tho fingers liku that, and then the nnd IB agrooablo. I'rlooCO cents nt Srucglstsor .. Christ at: tho well went from talking They do not come in your way. You kinki g coulldd shooht t an arrow bbetween the by mail. £LV BItOTUEKS, OC Warran St., N. Y. about a cup of water to the most prac- will have to go where they are. Yon- fingers without wounding them, to T~\R. F. PIERCE FABROTV, tical religious truths, which won the der they are down in that cellar; yon- Wlmt drill and what practice ought woman's soul for Godl Jesus In the J— they are up in that garret, not we to subject ourselves in order to wilderness was breaking brend to tho away from the door of any become spiritual archers and "mighty WASHINGTON, K. J. .people. I think it was good bread; it church, the goa^l arrow has not hunters before the Lord?" Uut let mo It was very light bread, nnd the yeast been pointed at them. The tract say, you will never work any better OFFICE Honas, tJJ5fc j had done done its work thoroughly. distributer and city missionary some- than you pray. The old archers took Second floor,th o Smith Building. ... -Christ, after lie had broken the bread, time witch a glimpse of them, as a the bow, put one end of it down bo- said to tlm people: "Beware of the hunter through the trees gets a mo- side the foot, elevated the other end, yeast, or of the leavon, of the Pharl- ; mentary sight of a partridge or a roe- and it was the rule that the bow should p\B. G. T. FOX, sees." So natural a transition It was; buck. The trouble is, wo are waiting be just the size of the archer; if it were Offlco and Residence, Grand Central HOW amlliow nastily they all understood Him! for the game to como to us. Wo are just his size, then ho would go Into the BLACK and 7TASS ALI,ENTOni>, PA. Hut how few Christian people there are not good hunters. We aro standing in battle with confidence. Let mo say who understand how to fasten tho some street or highway expecting that that your power to project good in the Office Hours—From 9 a. m. to A p. m. Fraotloi 1 That is the way the favorite fairy tales Not Dogs, But Shoes. limited to diseosea or tbo - truths of God and religion to tho soul; tho timid antelope will como up and world will correspond exactly to your . of childhood used to end, and of men. Truman Osborne, one of tin' eat out of our hands. We are expect- own spiritual stature. In other words, Q that is the way the buyer's A new and very attractive invoice was received on u, 1 evangelists who went through thijia ingthat. tho prairie fowl will light on the first thing in preparation for Also, Refraction of the Byes for the fid. ChU r C I St 1 C hristian work i3 tale of trouble ends _ eountry7elirs' go,haraj^ou7e^furart °^ l , !Sl^ "J*?.^^!- ' . Personal consecra- Tuesday, and we have some trade-winning values to luermeot of glasses. in the right directiona . He came to my haWtltf . rIfr thol o church should W ten when he trades Constantly on band tb* Larsest aflsortmant 01 show you. ; SPECTACLES and J1YE3 "'•""-" -In th- i father's house one day, and while wo milliousof years for the world to como Oh, for a closer walk with God, with us. Lehlgh Valley._ At EASTON.Franklln House, TUESDAYS were all seated in the room, he said: « and be saved, it will wait in vain. A calm and heavenly frame, Telephone Grand Central Hotel. . "Mr. Talmage. are all your children The world will not come What the A light to Rhine upon the road 11 1 wa ts ow to lU i ta fcot Ttiat leads mo to tho Lamb. Christians?" Father said: Yes, all but f ™ } " ° > f M THIS IS NO FAIRY TALE, rom - I am sure that there aro some here De Witt." Then Truman Osboruolooked f damask.ottomatis and put them Ladies' Black Oxford Ties, I5c. up who at some time have been hit by the down into tho fireplace, and began to in tho stirrups. Wo want a pulpit on Waste makes want and want makes worry. One way to stop waste is by Tan Shoes, high.cut, for Men, Women, Misses and Children. For Misses and Children we have them QT.CIiOCTD HOTEL, Ecomomic Trading in both lace and button. Our line of thes"efifoods is ho?ool-ed me utlluye IsLldlmve latanti s D(r lo shirt in. 1SpR HOUSE, thcmauer. UIL old books gave spo- ,„a MM]a,ntt xr KttnMo ,„n tth^ __;baclcwoods?_.lt ..house, anyone .whojcam .refuse, the: offer Coffee 25c League. We sold a great many pairs last year, and . •-••-61 I ^k ikT!f|;S|lj..^TJ.o:;iuint^s £ .^ ., - that coines'from the heart'."6t th'c (lying Good " ' 22c ~ they give excellent satisfaction. J. ROSS f^AKE, Prop'r. tta'hf and •""•">"d ouL Wtat Sou of God? Wiiy, do you know that Fancy New Rice 5c 1b, 6 lbs 25c "^ tthe» y care JLtif thel y hhave ..wet :.fcet, .or. if.V-there arc, in.tho bsm is lied-world, souls ^Finely. arrango(i,..-epftClou£.--,-;sronafiS,;:. ,° they have nothing but a pine branch']1 that, for that offer you get to-day, ooil Cuuking Raisins 5c"lb'|'"0' lbs" 25 electric llgbts, steam hoat, free bna * to !11 Oat Flakes, best quality, 3c'ib * - — -"'"r the northeast storm? i would iling tho crown of tho universo (; and from all trains. A pleasant flam- darkness steps into ! at your feet if they possessed it? liut " ."•' " "2 ibpkgSc merrotreat. • ~_ L'. "^ .'...... ke^to^.dr!nk;~they;hear^it~right :.j~the3V.veat.!routxa™tho~n3oun tains,1-the " a loon cries in thu moonlight storm took them, and they died. rood new Lard Sclb So iu tho service of God There is in a forest in Germany u Lenox Soap 4c bar, 7 for 25c Wo have got place they call: the "deer-leap"—two Oleine Soap I ,.it._.-Wn.._nrni-"flrnjjs~.n.ltniit. -'is~f«ot_ti.nn.rt,- bcbwoen ii; : putting;; ull our. euro,on .the .people , them_a.fearfuLchasm. .This is called- Blitzeh"Sbap--- 3c bar, 2 for 5c 1 care -we -exercise!—How often Gold'-Dust'- ••••- our arrows miss the mark! Oil, that who' comb to our churches. Wliat" are tli^"'Mecr-le:ip" because once a hunter •.4"lbpKg72dc ith'cro were more institutions estab- we doing for tho thousands upon was on tho track of a deer; it came to Canned Corned Beef) KiiHitrauco and Itonl Estate J j-^j:;J:.JishcJishcd inalltho towns'an'd'citietownsaiitl cltias of o


    HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. 'What wo Owo to GoAornmont." 9ho Tho Republican SUto Committee mot Bald our got eminent protects our political, for organization In Nowark on Tucndny, social and religious rights; It sends our Tho lollcm I lie wero otcctcd of fleers. Music Hall Packed to H^nr Ui*» Intor- loiters, owns our. roads and builds our Fr-nkliii Murphy, chalrnmi, E J. Ander- ^:e8tlng.KxerclM»8»n Which Eighteen Ughhtonftca. Tho government depends for son, Vice Ghfifrman;John Kean, Treasurer; G-LOBB STOEE •,' .^X'i I. GraUutttCrt Participate. ita stability upon the education and Intel- John Y. Foster, Socrotary; W, U Snyder, Great Combination Sale " Tho commencement exorcises of theligence of the people. Miss Thompson, as Assistant Secretary. class of '9G of the Washington High School valedictorian, in behalf of tho class, thank- were held in Musio Hall last Thursday ed tho Board of Education and the citizens Bicycle suits, hoso nnd caps. B. & \V. . evening. Tlio event seemed to bo more of for the interest shown In tho school. She fin attraction thnn in former ycnrsnnd the thanked'tho teacbers for their devotion W f • •• ••j •••' Figured Black Brilliantine Dress Skirts, 1.98. numberprcsent to ffreet tho graduates waa and the,attention given the class. She : probably never exceeded in the hlatory of spoko words of encouragement to tho Sheriff s Sale. •"I 'f\V Figured Black Silk Brilliantine Dress Shirts, in embers of-tho junior class, and closed DRESS FABRICS. tholiaU. Tho numbertumcdawfiyiiearly In CnniikMJ'y of Now .lorsoy. *-'"*Vv""* 5.59; worth 8.50. Grass Linen Skirts, 75c. equalled those who obtained admission. ; with a few kind words to her classmates. Ilotwoeti William Ilwitty. «mii>ltituant, mid Tho crnduating class numbered eighteen, Prof. J. U. GrlUlth, principal-of tho Gideon O. Gerard, ot. nl., cluft-iidiuitH. H fa. We will now reduce (to close out entirely) several lines of season- • • _ o :^ Duck Skirts, 98c. Lawn The charming appearanco of tlie young school, delivered a short address nndthon ; IMvIii lifirtron. Solicitor. :• Itidfcfl was tbo subject of eouaidemhlu t'av presented each graduate with a diploma. lly vlrtiio a! n writ of Ro-t faolas to mo direct able fabrics. Many lines will be marked at less than W/£3kdTM 4" n CkV Wrappers, 99c. instead of 1.25 orable comment. All wero gowned In Itev. O. W. Hnfnes closed the exercises -d, hdiiln* otitvlthti Court ol Chancery ot Hew white and tho details of their, attire were with a benediction. * Jersey,1 will fxiioso to Bfilu at public vontluo ou half last month's prices. • T VClUlCl Laundreed Shirt Waists, 25c. in excellent group of yoimgltaste. The Tho exercises, while occupying con- MONDAY, JULY SO, 18'JO, .. Laundered Shirt Waists, 50c, • people was well set off by the surround in j; siderably over two hours, were of a very it tho hour of two o'clock lo tlio afternoon, at poima, ferns and tlowew, which were nr- interesting character. tho St. Cloud Mote!, In tho Itor mull of Wnsh" GOODS wA mi (i worth 65c. The best Shirt Waists nmged in prolusion nil about them on the ton, In tlio County o[ Wiirreii niul Sintu ot 1 L-Ba of coat, to Jersey, nil (tint Irani oriuircul of Inmlniitf prom- C1OHU HI UllL'n. - • Tho Inrcnat ftCHortiii oweot prk- in Easton for 1.00 and 1.25. Silk atatio. The tlgurcs "00," formed of green •HEAVY HITTING WOX. ises horclnjiftor inirtlcultrly detwritieil, ultunto. 1 lot bn.-t l)(iniOBllcCliftlllcrt|linlf ever fxlilbltPtl, at HI KIH trmlu. mid while (the class colors) ferns mid If li'K nnu bolui; In tlio Borough of Washington, vtml, vnlun Vic yard, nt 7KQ. tlie I'lmory of DID dry l Waists reduced to ,1.49,: 1.9S, 2.56 flowers, were In the background. In tho County of Warruti an I Stnto of Suw Jor- Ifo-t FroiR-U Clialllox, nil wool, Odd lot.comprUliu'lltu'iiO li>'- ' The program opened with music by theWashington Mulces Numerous Krrors poryml...... ;...,; ;...... 29C eil Dottt il HWIM, I.IIWIIH, I'l'iucx, , i*>\ Mitteil unit Ixmmti' I nn follows: , . ^txruir.oi Drot etc, fnrm> r jirla-a lUe to itK pur and 3.9S. One lot of Challies, good styles/only 3c. One lot Washington orcheatraof nine pieces under lint ItutU'tl Out mi Kusy Viirlory ll^liiultii; nt n corner of .-itlil Voutfh nn t .Iiitm I ynnl.ikll nt... 5C the leadership of Mr. John L. lligKins, It. Ilnnirt'lot In DuvU'ii Yoiimnn's linonml mr - 1'ltitilH, CIiockH nml .Mixtures, r-(fc W I>IIM-I'H (Itio a-In. Uwn ll.-ur- of Lawns, choire styles, 5c. Dress Dimities 7%c, worth I2j^c and several new and pretty selections Over thi' Huston Team. [1] north fmt-iity-fimrniiil tliruefliinrtertlrKn tu Tr>c <, all per yard 30C c The prettiest Lawns, Mulls, tic. ever shown, at 12 We. White were rendered during the evening. Dr. llionce [-'] HO .tli llilrtmi iliTim-eM en»t ono liiin- WJ In. wide, value TSuto $1.IX>,nt.. 50C mill l.nwiiM. per yard IOC England made ft lervei.t opening pniyer. was cancelled last week and tho West ilrcu nml Blsly-llvi>)iH-t tonctn1!«lor ii itirnur; ; tll.ACK OOODS. :«.ln.i>itk unit f.lnhn liatbto, French Organdies, 35c. instead of 50c. Ladies fine Black , EiidsofEustoti came here on Saturday to tlul(n_*u ['i] tfOiiili bovniUy-fitiir mid tliroi'-fjufirtor •2 ttntvlal lotx, wondurful valuuit. vnliior^ynnl.nt 25c Mr, Tuoiuas D. Murphy delivered the play the homoiitue team. TtThei y camme without ili*(lrt)e* wi»tit fortj"-oli;tu foul to aii"tlior cornor Lit l-rinin .llolmlr, Vlcnred ] tut ftmcy silk mid l.liH'ii.Mfx- Drop Stitch Hose, I2^c. Ladies' fine Black Lisle Hose, drop '""••inltitntor- y miand oration entitledentitl , "The todr str mg pitcher, McPhc and of mid Votititi'ti lot; tlmiH'ti [4J by a Mi" of tlio Molinlr, Ulnck Picurud I'luilllii, tiirpt*, -M! h i>mt)ioldi)red dotw, • GoliGolilt3oldcl n- Menu." This Intellfg-„--it - „ principally on this account another unin- *atue north tliirtooiulocrees west ©'«' liuinlred l'n.-ticli HutlBto, l-'ik-ired t'u'ia-li vnltio Cite yt!.. nt 38C stitch, 25c. White Parasols, 1.49, 1.9S; 2.50, etc. Extraordi- ;cnt young teresting game was the result. The old- nnd »Ilm-e of In'^liminj;, DJngonnlti, nil per ynrd 29C : ]le»l iiuiillty Irleh Dlniitlon, man graduated at tlie htaii ot* his irontninnIK flxiucn limul rt-.lt I is of tut neri'.tju tho Lot 2—Hock CIoili, ArinnrcM, per yard IBC nary Bargains in Laces. Special Bargains' in Swiss Embroid- with it jturcentugu of .W. He delivered his timer, DeWitt, with his glass arm, at-same nioruor JIM*, liuliij; tin! wiunu lot of land CrfjioiiH, KUKUSII s«rco, Storm rKd. Sur e, I'lnlnnud FlKurod.Molmlr, • Jlesll'ruiidiOr'aiidli-rtrt-rlnies i oration In good voice and with a conl'dent tempted to pitch, but a fusillade of nluu i-oiivpjvdbylrnC. VoiipU niul wife t» "io wiM B Ktyk- 0yard, at... 2ZC Bargains in White Fans, at 50c, 75c. and 1.00 . air. In his greeting lm spoku of the pro-hits in the second innintc drove him out of Wllilntii tiurnMlnmt lil.U-o.O. (iumrd l>y tltiud nil porynrd 49c gress of ttio public .schools and the .system the game. He took the bench and Glcitz, tlie Washington substitute, tilled his place ..,'IZMI tiHtlio property of tlio ilorenilant«. ... in Washington. In his oration lie told tlio fliiit of th>j ctiinitlnltiiiut, nml to be fold for what constitutes ambition and Iruu citizen- and went into ceiitrelield, while Martin wli by ship, holding that charity was a most was taken oil*third base to do the twirling. WILLIAM A. MOltlH'W, HEATH & DRAKE Allen Carpenter, essential quality. The latter did fairly well. GlulU played a Sheriff. 7 Misi Clara Stewart's essay wns on "Lit-star game in centre Held and made an ex- DnteJ Juno 17,1K91MS.10. 777 and 770 Broad Street, NEWARK, A . /. tle Tilings and Their BirccUt." She hudceptionally good catch on which a double UEI.OW THE her subject well in hand and rendered it pl.iy was completed. QUAKE. 229 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa. in ti fiiultletw iiuimer. It bore upon the Tho visitors are good ball players nnd iliiiil results of littlo acts, and slic illus- would have won easily with a better trated by showing how her class had been pitcher. Our team nlayed a miserable formed years ago and had advanced from fielding game, having ten errors, many of beginners to seniors. tlicm being of the rankest nature. In Mr. Juhn II. We 1 lor rendered tin oration spite of all these errors, Uhlc held tho AMERICAN in a miinly way. His subject was "Ourstrong hitting visitors down to fsix base Country's Resources." Uu thought that hits—a remarkable record. A Perfect and -••-tht'e'.fiK'ftttonn] resources of. this country- - Nouool' tho ulnyersof either side did SILVER wero fully on a par with any other coun- uny distinguishable work. Ulcitz nnd try's, lie spoke well of the man who helps Smith each muriu a pretty and dHUeult Comfortable Fit TRUSSr education, and .said tho litter is more to bo catch In tho fluid. Tho Washington team blessed thnn he who scltlshly •luiiird.s his did nearly nil tho batting, linnrion money. To our educationiil resources, he made live hits, one each time that ho JL said, arc due the advancement of science. came to the bat. Smith was next with Guaranteed MlsiMaryM.MUlurspokoof"The Value lour hits, two of which wore two baggers, S^^ LIGHT, of Character." "As the twig is bent the Ervin, Craft nud Christine also used the ~ COOL, The People are Talking , tree's inclined," wns the familiar quotation stick with good effect. in SILVER, : . The score is as follows: Easy to Wear. she used to express her thoughts. A man CELLULOID, Retains \f No pressure oa or woman's character is generally shown WEST END A. A. About. in childhood. She presented her assay Severest V Hips or Back. readily but in a rather low and indistinct A. B. n. 1 A. E. HARD RUBBER, Hernia 1 No understraps. voice. Ebner, 2b 5 1 i 1 2 LEATHER nrlth Comfort. 1 Never moves. The subjectof Mr. Harry II. Jenkins' ora- Myers, If, 3b 5 0 1 0 1 UAhUFACTURED AT tion was " SLuum SuporebdedSuporebded.. " He spoke DeSVitt.p...... 1 Of 1 n 290 Haiti St., BUFFALO, N. Y. The Unrivaled Cheapness of our well and witithh apparen tt easee . He tolldd hohw Martin. 3b, p 5 1 ( 3 0 or ELASTIC TRUSSES, steam as a propelling power WHS being Arnold, ss 5 1 ( superceded by electricity, and predicted Hoy,c •! 1 1 0 1 DUPcrUVULdful Uresult U^ U1VULs fromI lUll Its^ , develItllll JJ1CULUt I Sweitzer,rf,lf..... 4 0 { 0 0 ************************ wonderful results from its development. Smith, lb 2 2 1 1 0 Most Colossal Clearing Sale in " It Happened So," an essay by Miss Soip.cf.lf.ss I 1 l 1 0 lio.oo SUITS lio.po Clara L. Fulper, was one of the best ren- History, One Week Only, dered duriiiR tho evening. Her subject Gleltz, cf. 3*0 1 1 0 turned upon the wonderful results of : Commencing Monday, Our Soda Water things vvnich inadvertently " Happened TOTALS 3S 7 July, 6th. This is the Decision of Every Buyer. We term them the So," and how different countries would have heen hart things happened otherwise. WASHINGTON. Our groti) nitcrntlnn t»nl»« inorcod It- is a trade winner. We spare no expense or pains to produce It happened that Columbus discovered solf Into a ptlll (,'rt'iitor Half yearly cloiir- -.-_Amcr;ca;.that.the.P^ritar.s:!a::dcdat:Ply- io. rf...... 5 lUK aulo, making u L»la ov^uL ot tlio 1 crcnto.-t itniiormni.'c. Kiien oi our uioitr- ..... -,...„:,„.- {i,c..r:chest-nyrups-andr-dispense—rr—rrtr:-™--:: mouth Rock; that other discoveries were 'or™™7.~™~3-—3" 0—12—1---1 Int: WIICB for lOyeurs jiast lias over tup- made and settlements established through Smith• , If•-. G 3 •1 1 0 o ped tbo jirovloiii* oiio.' 'I'lila cups tlio no particular foresight of the founders. It Crafl, lb 5 1 2 10 0 0 cliinns of tlioin all. Every rcdiiwd price the best Soda. happened tbut our county was mimed nfter Erviu,2b.... 5 3 2 1 1 offer is rei:uliir a'.ock - not a eliuiil* Job- ' and so will you. a horo of Bunker Hill and our town after Flann, lib 5 1 1 0 3 lot bouflit for bull. the Father of Our Country. We, as citi- Hiinnan, ss.; 5 o • 5 1 1 zens, should honor those names. Christine, cr. 4 1 2 1.1 11 1 Every Price in Every Depart- Mr. Chas. B. Thoinp»ou's subject, was Uhle, p 5 0 0 0 2 2 Warren County Drug Store, "What Our Country Owes to Imiuigra- ment Reduced, tion,"nnd he presented some good points. TOTALS '13 15 17 : except ii few items i cttrluteil by contract. He thought that i mm ignition to a certain scons BY IXXIKOS. The following atfirVllnc opportiinltlw, picked at nmdoin from ttiousiLiuls of F.•!¥.- JENKINS." PHARmACIST.- Goldsmith Bros., extent wins a good thing; but he agreed with a majority of all citizens that the West End 04010100 1— 7 others, give )>ut a fnint Idea of this pauper should be excluded. His orntion Washington... 1 0 10 2 0 2 0 x—15 wonderful week's sellltif. 222 and 224 Northampton Street, EASTON, PA. hud been well prepared. EnriKKl runs Wasbington 12. Enston 0. Floor Mattings, Miss Eva Crotsley had a good word for Two base hits Smith 2, Ervin, Kami, Han- riipiuicto Cnttoa Warp, tho journalists. Her subject was tlie "Iiilluemje nnn, Christine. Stolen bases Washington lJ of the Newspaper on the Community." 4, Easton 1. Buses on balls, oil" DeWitt 1, She illustrated good and bad journalism. oil"Martin 2, off Uhle 2. Passed balls Hoy IQC The sensational newspaper tilled with 2,Cnxl. - divorce court proceedings and social scan- Window Shades, HURRAH THE BEST OF THEM ALL dals, and the Sunday newspaper, were NOTES. Opaque llolhiml, best sjirim: roller,' curses and should be suppressed. The The attraction at the ball grounds on f good newspaper was the one which truth- the morning and afternoon of the Fourth fully reported public proceedings and will be a game between tlie Norwich Pillow Shams, Reputation Unsullied by acci- §g|js - doings and kept in harmony with tlie beat Athletic Club nnd the home team. interests of the church and State, Hemstitched, alzi; 3Gx-13 Are you ready for the coming celebration? "We dent. The Athletics went to Dover on Satur- 1 The oration by Mr. Edgar ,Olander was day and were defeated by the Institute Nightgowns, are, and Imyn lots pfj) reworks to spare our neighbo '?: entitled, "The Corruption of Politics. He team bvji score of 7 to G. Burd played Kiiibr-.Wored Yoke, good .Mmlln, spoke of the difference in' politics of years third base for the Athletics. uliettptitS c. The boys—Young America—of all oblicrs will want to ago and now. Then the oillce sought the ''man; now the man seeks the oillce. He 34C honor our nation's birth. They have learned that Safe as a denounced the unlawful use of funds, the New Lud-ts Olllcunt. this is the best place to get bribery and tlie blackmail which is now Warren Council, No. 1(5, Jr. O. U. A , Ladies' Waists entirely too prevalent in pulitics.' He elected: the following ollic'ers Monday Sold for n dollar rlK'it along... Coal Stove spoke very rapldlv although distinct. night: C, D.ivid Dilts; V. C., Clark Blazer: Fireworks of All Kinds, " The Grandeur of SeH-stieriuce," was R. S., L. JI. Shrope; A. R. S., R:tndolj)b the snbjeiil of MUs Jennie II. Crime'sessny. Weaver: P. S., Geo. F. Snyder; Treasurer, Ladies' Wrappers, Crackers, Torpedoes, Improvements on this The meaninmeaningog of her essayy was illustrated ir H. W. Alleger: Con., Hurry Alllhiim: W., I Itogular $1.00 to iSl.'.O goods;... ilice of theJacob Reed; T. S., A. J. Smith; O. S., Elmer years's production. Come -• thteen nobl , wheo exampl volunteeree ofd self- thei; r services ii Snyder; Trustee, Ii. F. Hummer. Roman Candles, wiir; ui m' e uti' u .. '«v . ... tn. Oj.<-ti quarters for Bicycles and Supplies. vGrace-W. Vnundt.. - " Atomm-ifis. of.nt.hnp liaraaTuesday.!!'.ll.lliKlll" lit,.t,.iUo-. •..sei've:5W,c..1ibr....lvl.iatt li-..e .-.nextireil., aisi,x. 011 ovciiiiis previous,. Days," was her subject. Hue reviewed the months by- Liberty Commit, No. 15, O. U. LRE GOOE)B work of ber class without the usual strong , A. M.: U., 'S. P. Laubach; V. C, G. M. rcbuko to the deaertei-s. To those who j Yoimi " "' ' * ' " ~ L. S. PLAUT & CO., W. W. Christine. still continues with marked interest on the part of buyers, be- : : ror to 721 Broad Street, " Two Doors West of the Square. cause of the very low prices. Goods damaged ^ by water only.

    said, was not receiving tlie credit due Last Friday night Vie Tribe, No. SO, Imp. .tlietn. Jlen great in other pursuits bave ... Ii:- At, .i>lp(.t.oil-Ui

    '••§•• A)s ;••••- j»?gMki;