China Were Taken from This Review
50 Cage aquaculture production 2005 Data were taken from fisheries statistics submitted to FAO by the member countries for 20051. In case 2005 data were not available, 2004 data were used. 1 Data for China were taken from this review. Map background image Blue Marble: Next generation courtesy of NASA’s Earth Observatory 51 A review of cage and pen aquaculture: China 53 A review of cage and pen aquaculture: China Jiaxin Chen1, Changtao Guang1, Hao Xu2, Zhixin Chen2, Pao Xu3, Xiaomei Yan3, Yutang Wang4 and Jiafu Liu5 Chen, J., Guang, C., Xu, H., Chen, Z., Xu, P., Yan, X., Wang, Y. and Liu, J. A review of cage and pen aquaculture: China. In M. Halwart, D. Soto and J.R. Arthur (eds). Cage aquaculture – Regional reviews and global overview, pp. 50–68. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 498. Rome, FAO. 2007. 241 pp. ABSTRACT Cage and pen6 culture has a long history in China, but the development of modern intensive cage culture for food production and ornamental purposes dates from the 1970s. Cage/pen culture was first adopted in freshwater environments and more recently, in brackish and marine systems. Due to advantages like land and energy savings, high yields, etc., cage/pen culture has quickly expanded countrywide since the 1970s. In 2005, inland cages and pens occupied areas of 7 805 and 287 735 ha, respectively. The number of freshwater species cultured now exceeds 30 and includes fish such as carps, tilapias, breams, catfishes, trout, bass and perch, as well as crustaceans, turtles and frogs. Cages and pens in freshwater lakes and rivers yielded 704 254 tonnes and 473 138 tonnes of fish and other aquatic animals, respectively, in 2005.
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