The Frisco Employes' Magazine, February 1927

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The Frisco Employes' Magazine, February 1927 Frisco Apprentice School at Springfield, Established in 1 924, Closes Third Successful Year Fifty-nine Students Receioe Instruction at WeeJ1ly Classes Conducted by J. A. Pullar HE apprentice school at Spring- the shops in the daytime, which nlakes states, have advanced in drawing to field, i\Iissouri, has started on its the work more interesting and his the extent that they can draw a com- T fourth year, under the capable application to his school work more plete locomotive, which teaches them instruction of J. A. Pullar, and the intense. They are classified sepa- thoroughly the names of every part. meetings held at the Central high rately and are not held back if they A review of the grades made by the school each Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- are apt and learn the work quicker apprentice boys studying in this day and Friday nights from 7:00 p. than other members of the class. school, shows the close application m. until 9:00 p. m. are attended by "We find, through experience, that which they are making to their stud- fifty-nine interested pupils. the knowledge obtained in school ies, and the name of the student, the work he is studying, and the grade of fifty-one of them are shown below: A. C. Everett, machinist. 89; Claud Willis, boilermalrer, 97; Claud Bright- well, boilermalrer. 90; Machinist Ap- prentices Chas. Blaclrburn, 97; Roy Putman, 99; E. S. Wood, 98; L. L. Red- diclr, 90; W. 6. Breashers, 97; W. R. Post, 90; H. E. Rauch, 94; C. E. Main, 90; C. A. Field, 36; A. P. Hasler, 97; F. W. Huff, 93; R. M. Brown, 97; Ed- gar hIcGrawhan, 92; John AIcLaggan, 90, and Arthur Bell, 95; Willie Ray, patternmaker apprentice, 37; Arthur Burkholtz, machinist apprentice, 99; Henry Prugger, machinist apprentice, 95; Machinists A. P. Revis, 90; Carl Oberlander, 99; Ti'. C. Thompson, 98, and Lester Barnhart, 98; .John Hop- lins, boilermaker apprentice, 94; Ralph hlitchell, machinist (south shop), 93; Arthur Thomas, boilermaker, 94; Fred Cantrell, machinist, 92; John Evans. machinist (south shop), 97 ; Jack Stewart, machinist (south shop). 98; C. A. Hastings, boilermaker, 94; Rus- sell Todd, office boy (west shops). 93; R. 11. Galbraith, machinist, 90; Chas. Patterson, boilermalrer. 89; Ralph Harrison, boilermalrer apprentice. 90; 31. R. Kunzelman, machinist appren- tice (Hugo), 89; Kenneth Adams, wa- ter service department, 90; Guy C. The npprenfices nttrrldiilg school at Sprirtgfield; left to right, bottoirt row: Burrdren, boilermaker apprentice, 89; J. A. Pdlar, imtrtrctor. 0. hi. Wright, Guy C. Rt~~tdrrrs,TVajvre Iwbodim, 111. H. Harvey Bullard, blacksmith (south Krrrldenm~t, G~neAllen. C. C. Vtrssar, A. B. Nol~rcqliist,B. B. Blrllurd; stnrldir~g: shop), 90; Lester Murrell, machinist, Artltrrr Tlto~rms,Jnclz Stewart, L. M. Barnhart, Lester dlurrell. Cltas. Blackbrirrt, 89; B. E. Balland, boilermaker, 98; Rolln Gartoil, Roy Prrtrr~ait.Rzlsscll Todd, J. C. Brig/tt+~ell, nud Ralph Harrisort; R. C. Jones, boilermaker apprentice, third row: A. C. Everett, Fred Carstrell, Kersitetlc Adawrs, R. C. Jorles, aud B. E. 99; hI. K. Underhill, machinist, 90; Rallard: fowth row: A. P. Ilnsler. Nordeue l.l/ilsoa. !V. R. Post. Hrrrrv Prwoer. R. I<. Indermuehle, miilman, 96; 0. A. avd ~hn;les LeHart; fifth row: Bdw. Hasler, lohir Ezvarrs, ~u;rlesili&an~&ll, hIcCullough, machinist, 94; H. L. Cox, II. I,. Bdard, Claud bVills. Wood, arld Otko Tlroirzas. E. S. electrician apprentice, 95; D. Ander- son, blaclrsmith, 90; L. N. Stenger, Mr. Pullar instructs the apprentices work establishes a confidence in them patternmaker apprentice, 97 ; J. C. in the subjects of arithmetic, mechan- when performing their everyday Heyth, machinist, 89, and 0. Wright, ical drawing, blue-print reading, valve tasks such as reading blue prints and machinist apprentice (Hugo), 89. motion, shoe and wedge, machine and laying off new work, whereas it would The boys on the bottom row of the floor work, boiler and sheet metal be a most difficult thing for them to picture have been transferred to lay-out work. The classes of students do had they not acquired this special Springfield from points off the line who are attending the school are first, training in the night school," Mr. Pul- to finish the last six months of their second and third-class mechanics and lar said. time in the west shops. Mr. Pullar apprentice boys. Blue prints of locomotive parts and states that all of them have enrolled Each student is given the same small models are used in the school; in the school and are advancing rap work in school that he is doing in and several students, so Mr. Pullar idly. Pnge 40 were with him at the time of his death. Besides the immediate fam- WHY I AM INTERESTED SOME "DO'S" FOR ily, he is survived by one brother, SHOPMEN Luke Calvey, of Springfield, Mo. By S. FRANCIS COOPER I The following resolution was passed and forwarded to the family by the I am interested in the welfare of A series of "Do" instructions will Frisco Employes' Association: Whereas: The Great Supreme the Frisco Lines because the pros- run for a limited time in our dloya- perity of the Frisco governs my zitre, twelve instructions to each is- Ruler of the Universe has, in His in- finite wisdom, removed from among prosperity. I believe that the Frisco sue. Watch for this column, as it us our beloved fellow worker, Mike Lines is progressive, and that by do- may help you to perform your own Calvey, coach painter, in the west iw my bit to help it prosper I, too, work with safety to yourself and to shops, shall profit. others. Here is the first group in the And Whereas: The long and inti- I am interested in the Frisco As- series: mate relation held with him in the sociation of Metal Crafts and Car De- 1 artment Employes for several good 1-See that all guards and safetv faithful discharge of his duties in the appliances are in perfect condition be'- reasons. First, of course, I am a fore starting a. machine. shopman, and naturally should be in- 2-Use a stick to shift your machine terested in the organization that es- belt when machine is in motion. Stop tahlishes and maintains with the of- the machine before attempting to shift belt with your hand. ficials of the company, my working 3-Keep hands off long shavings conditions and my pay check. I be- comin~from work being turned on lieve that in taking an active part in lathes and other machines. You arc, this organization I will have oppor- liable to get a badly cut hand or fing- ers burned. tunity to gain knowledge and ideas 4-Use only Ales that have handles oi' value from others, and that per- whether on machines or working at haps I may be of help to my fellow bench. workman. 5-Use a broom or some similar de- vice to stop flying rivets, being cut This organization, as well as other or knocked out of holes. co-operative labor organizations, is 6-Use hand tools free from cauli- the natural outgrowth of modern in- flowered heads. dustrial conditions. History of Amer- 7-Use wrenches with square jaws which fit the nut. ican industry teach us that capital 8-Call the electrician to apply new and labor have had a period of rule. fuse whenever new fuse is necessary. Complete control of industry for their 9-Insl~ect your electric extension own selfish interest, means destruc- cord before using it. Eliminate all de- fects tion and the good old public pays 10-Place the hood over your head the cost. and eyes before using electric weld. The railroad is one of the basic in- 11-The electric melding arc will dustries of this country and the la- cause severe sore eyes hours after the eyes were exposed to the arc. Look bor organization that will co-operate the other way from all electric arcs. to increase efficiency of transporta- 12-Pover drop pits when not in use. tion service, is not only promoting the cause of labor and aiding the stockholder to profit, but it is increas- MIKE CALVET ing the prosperity of the country, and DEATH CALLS MIKE CALVEY the public is receiving the service it association makes it eminently fittiny so rightly deserves. This. it seems to me, is worth a Coach Painter at Springfield En- that we record our appreciation of him. little effort on my part. tered Frisco Service in 1895 Therefore Be It Resolved: That the wisdom and ability which he has THE SONG OF THE ROBIN IICE" Calvey, painter at the exercised in the aid of our associa- Where are the snows of yesterday, west shops, Springfield, Mis- tion by service, contribution and wise That covered the hill and dale? souri, died on January 7, counsel be held in great remembrance, Where did the north wind go to play. last, at his home, 1130 North Grant and that the sudden removal of such As the robins now southward sail? street, Springfield, Missouri, after a a life from our midst leaves a vacancy Soon he will build his home above, long illness. and a shadow in our lodge rooms that In the leafy retreat of the elm; will be sadly mourned by his many "Mike," as he was known to aJl his To give us a morning song we love, friends in the association, as well as As the sum peeks over his realm. friends, was born in St. Louis, April in the home and comn~unityin which 22, 1874.
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