Street Art

Nome e cognome: Martina Milazzo & Alissa Piccolini

Classe: 2^G March

Week 5-11: search of the history of the Street Art and birth of the murales. Week 12-18: analysis of the types of street artists, of the examples of murales, Street Art in Italy and in the United Kingdom, . Week 19-25: analysis of the social themes, street artists and murales. Week: 26-1: reworking of the Street Art and murales as art propaganda .


Week 2-8: composition of the material and selection of images and videos. Week 9-15: design of PowerPoint Week 16-22: layout of PowerPoint. Week 23-29: study and preparation for the oral exam. • Street Art is a form of artwork created in public locations, usually unsanctioned artwork executed outside of the context of traditional art. • Many instances(esempi) come in the form of guerrilla art. • The work has moved from the beginnings of and vandalism to new modes where artists work to bring messages. • Today's street art, while common(commune) and growing in acceptance, is largely placed in a middle ground between an act that is against the law and a beautifully respected act of artistic expression. • Street art has received popularity in the past decade, with international artists like Banksy. Millo Sten and Lex

Peeta Street Art in Italy 108

Zed1 Blu Blu “the Anonymous street art Genius”

Blu is the pseudonym of an Italian artist who conceals(nasconde) his real identity. He was born in Senigallia. He lives in Bologna and has been active in street art since 1999. 108

108 was born in 1978. He has moved from working in traditional graffiti art to painting large and mysterious figures that invade public spaces. Sten and Lex

Sten (born in Rome) and Lex (born in Taranto), are two Italian street artists who have been stenciling the streets since the 2000’s. Today their art is part of the urban landscape in London, Paris, New York, Barcelona and in their home town of Rome. Zed1

Born in Florence, Tuscany. Zed1 aka Marco Buressi’s artwork is characterized by a good dose of humor, a very unique visual language and a distinctive personal style. Peeta

Peeta, aka Manuel Di Rita, has a been working as a graffiti artist since 1993 and is currently living in Venice. He has participated in multiple jams, festivals and art shows around the world over the years. Millo aka Francesco Camillo Giorgino

Italian artist Francesco Camillo Giorgino, known as Millo, paints large-scale murals that feature friendly inhabitants exploring their urban setting. Banksy

One of the greatest exponents of street art is Banksy. Banksy is an anonymous England- based graffiti artist, political activist and film director. His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humor with graffiti executed in a distinctive stenciling technique. Banksy Graffiti art on West bank Barrier. His works of political and social commentary have been featured(presentati) on streets, walls, and bridges of cities throughout(per tutto) the world. Banksy's work was born out of the Bristol underground scene which involved(coinvolse) collaborations between artists and musicians. Banksy mentions in his book Wall and Piece that as he was starting to do graffiti, he was always too slow and was either caught or could never finish the art in one sitting. So he devised(ideato) a series of intricate stencils to minimize time.

Banksy was inspired by 3D, a graffiti artist.

Stencil Graffiti

is a form of graffiti that makes use of stencils made out of paper, cardboard, or other media to create an image or text that is easily reproducible. Stencils are traditionally hand drawn before being cut out, then the image is transferred to a surface through the use of spray paint or roll-on paint. Because of the secretive nature of Banksy's work and identity, it is uncertain(incerto) what techniques he uses to generate the images in the stencils. Murals

A mural is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall. Some mural are painted on large canvases(tele), which are then attached to the wall. Murals are important in that they bring art into the public sphere. Murals are often used by totalitarian regimes as a tool of propaganda.

Murals can have a dramatic impact on the attitudes(mentalità) of passers. Street Art as Protest

Street art and graffiti have long been associated with political unrest(instabilità). From its inception(inizio) the very act of producing a piece of street art could be seen as a form of protest. • Street art is transient and temporary, and can be removed or dubbed(doppiata) over at any moment. This means it has to be bold(audace), eye-catching(accattivante) and have a sense of immediacy. It is designed to be accessible; street art offers a voice to the otherwise voiceless. Things have changed in recent decades. It has, to a degree, been assimilated into the art market and it’s more commercial. Pieces are frequently commissioned or completed with permission. The latest Banksy’s mural in New York

However, even thought one of Banksy’s latest mural may have disappeared as quickly as it was thrown up, if it inspired others to make their own interventions and if it got people talking, then it can be considered a big political intervention art Street artist A street artist is a person who creates their art or craft in public, most usually on streets, for monetary reward(ricompensa). Some artists also sell their art or craft. Artists include portrait artists(ritrattisti), caricaturists, artists who replicate famous paintings on the street itself or on large canvases and many others The term 'street artist' is sometimes used more broadly(a grandi linee) to mean any persons involved in street performance or busking(suonare per strada). These include musicians, acrobats, jugglers, living statues, and street theatre performers Street artists receive monetary reward for their art or craft either by donations being given in a hat, bottle or can or by the selling of their art or craft to the public. Some jurisdictions consider the selling of street art as street trading which therefore(pertanto) requires a license. Sitografia

Street Art

Street Art in Italy Banksy

Stencil Graffiti Mural

Street Art as protest

Street artist

PowerPoint 52208 Street Art for us is a very strong and impacful form of expression that goes beyond the barriers. It’s a way in which the artist can comunicate us freely and directly and this is wonderful because we can see and feel what the artist wants. . We don’t think that it can be defined an act totally against the law because in a lot of cases the artist has the permission to create his own art. Instead we think that Street Art as any form of art, can communicatet very important messages in the most immediate way