Julianstown Road Upgrades, R132 Co. Meath North to South Townlands: Smithstown, Julianstown, Dimanistown East, Ballygarth, Whitecross
Julianstown Road Upgrades, R132 Co. Meath North to south townlands: Smithstown, Julianstown, Dimanistown East, Ballygarth, Whitecross Site Area: Upgrades over 2,100m of existing R132 road pavement plus tie-in works at four side junctions ITM: North: 712994, 771138 South: 714215, 769572 Record of Monuments and Places ME028-007: Wayside Cross (‘White Cross’) and ME028-067 Battlefield (general area for skirmish along R132 / Julianstown Bridge in 1641) Architectural Conservation Area Julianstown Architectural Conservation Record of Protected Structures Julianstown R132 Bridge RPS MH028-212 / NIAH 14323002 ITM 713403, 770371. Also proposed works on terrace of 6 houses RPS MH028-205, -206, -207, -209, -210, -211 (all NIAH 14323004) plus associated 7th house. Vicinity of Julianstown Barracks, MH028-202, Courthouse MH028-204, Old Mill Building MH028-208 Bungalow MH028-217 and Milestone LA RPS ID Draft No: 91563 Heritage Desk Based Review and Assessment Niall Roycroft, 19th February 2021 1 Non-Technical Summary Meath County Council is proposing to upgrade the R132 and the four associated junctions at Julianstown, (ITM 713403, 770371 centre) in Smithstown, Julianstown, Dimanistown East, Ballygarth, Whitecross townlands, County Meath. Road upgrades are over a distance of 2.1km and include improving road paving, footpaths-cycleways and kerbing realignment. The present R132 is the previous N1 Dublin-Belfast road via Drogheda and has been extensively widened and straightened in the later 20th C. Since the opening of the M1 in 2002, further traffic calming measures, footpaths and central reservations have been installed. There are four significant R132 straightening sections involving cut-off sections of the old road and the whole R132 has been widened over any previous roadside ditches and grass verges and almost all of the present roadside boundary is recent (apart from the cut-off sections).
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