Record Of Meeting 

Case 06F.PC0156 – Continuance of use of long-term car park known as Eastlands Reference/ at Stockhole, Cloghran, Toberbunny, Dardistown Townlands, Airport, Description Co. Dublin. Case Type: Section 37B of Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended Meeting: 2nd Meeting Date: 5th June 2013 Start Time: 11.00 a.m. Location: Conference Room, An Bord Pleanála End Time: 11.50 a.m. Chairperson: Philip Green, Executive Sinéad McInerney Assistant Director of Planning Officer:


Representing An Bord Pleanála

Philip Green, Assistant Director of Planning

Juliet Ryan, Senior Planning Inspector

Marcella Doyle, Senior Executive Officer

Sinéad McInerney, Executive Officer

Representing Prospective Applicant

Yvonne Dalton, Head of Planning, Authority

Liam Gaffney, Lead Project Manager, Dublin Airport Authority

Niamh Roche, Project Manager, Atkins

Aiden O’Neill, Project Planner, Coakley O’Neill Town Planning

Martin Deegan, Project Transport Engineer, Atkins

Paramjeet Mankoo, Project Drainage Engineer, Atkins

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The prospective applicant was welcomed and the teams were introduced (Appendix 1).

The Board queried if the prospective applicant had any comments it wished to make in connection with the record of the pre-application consultation meeting held on 29th April 2013. The prospective applicant stated that it would address any outstanding matters in its presentation.

The Board advised the prospective applicant that it has met with representatives of County Council in order to obtain its views in relation to the proposed development. The issues raised by the local authority will be outlined to the prospective applicant at this meeting.

Meeting with Fingal County Council

The Board confirmed that it met with the local authority on 15th May 2013 in respect of the proposed development. The main issues discussed related to the zoning of the site, the temporary / permanent nature of the application and drainage.

In relation to zoning of the site, Fingal County Council expressed significant reservations in relation to permanent use as a car park on the part of the site that is zoned HT (High Technology), stating that this use is a material contravention of the current county development plan. It considered that the principle of car parking use was generally acceptable on the area of the site zoned DA (Dublin Airport). In relation to the area of the site zoned GE (General Employment), the local authority highlighted that this area has been designated for the preparation of a Local Area Plan (LAP) and stated that there should not be any conflict with the use of this part of the site as a car park on a temporary basis. Fingal County Council also referred to an objective for a Land Use Transportation Study on the site.

In relation to the issue of an application for a permanent permission for the proposed development, the local authority stated it would consider it appropriate to grant a temporary permission only on the area which is zoned HT. It stated that it would have significant reservations in relation to the permanent / long term use of this part of the site as a car park and noted that a temporary permission would allow for review into the future. It would see no difficulty with a permanent permission on the

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Record Of Meeting  area of the site zoned DA, and would consider a temporary use appropriate on the area of the site zoned GE.

The local authority also referred to drainage and noted that it is now largely satisfied with attenuation on that part of the site zoned GE. It was stated that works are being carried out to identify all flows within the Airport Complex and that its preference is for the car parks to follow a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) approach to drainage. The local authority stated that all drainage proposals in a prospective application should be fully supported by calculation.

In relation to water quality, the local authority stated that it would like to see more detailed information in respect to water quality, downstream monitoring, drainage and attenuation. In relation to potential impact on Natura 2000 sites, the prospective applicant was referred to Mr. Gerry Clabby of Fingal County Council.

In relation to other matters, the local authority was generally satisfied that there would be no impact on the route of Metro North. It was also generally satisfied with the prospective applicant’s approach to the environmental impact statement.

The Board stated that it would forward a copy of the record of the meeting held with Fingal County Council to the prospective applicant following this meeting.

Response by Prospective Applicant

The prospective applicant expressed concern over the local authority comments in relation to the GE lands, stating that this area of the site is outside the boundary of the Dardistown LAP. The information relayed by the Board conflicts with the information received by the prospective applicant at a recent meeting with Fingal County Council. The Board advised the prospective applicant to seek clarification from the local authority in relation to this matter.

Comments of Strategic Infrastructure Division of the Board

It is the preliminary view of the Strategic Infrastructure Division of the Board that the proposed development is strategic infrastructure development.

The Strategic Infrastructure Division of the Board also made the following comments in respect of any application that may be submitted:

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 In relation to drainage, the Board expect comprehensive results in relation to monitoring of attenuation and discharge on site. In this regard, it is noted that this application is for continuance of use of a development that has been in operation for 10 years and therefore the Board expects that significant details of operation and impact of the development during that period will be provided, in particular in relation to drainage, flooding, and water quality.

 The Board expect up-to-date information in relation to recent modal shifts and justification for the proposed development and the quantum of car spaces required. Information should include, but is not limited to, modal changes, recent drop-off in demand and modal shifts. This information should be contextualised having regard to trends in overall airport traffic and passenger numbers.

 The Board consider the application for use of the site as a car park on a permanent basis should be justified.


The prospective applicant gave a presentation to the Board in relation to the current status of the proposed development (Appendix 2).

As previously noted, the proposed development is for continuance of use of existing “Eastlands” temporary long-term car park at Dublin Airport which comprises 10, 200 surface car spaces. The application also includes a proposed overflow taxi-queuing area and additional drainage works and it noted that landscaping is not proposed (this will be carried out as part of the permitted R132 upgrade works). The prospective applicant is seeking a permanent permission for the proposed development.

Further to the first pre-application consultation meeting held on 29th April 2013, the prospective applicant noted its obligation to provide car parking at Dublin Airport and referred to the States Airports Act 2004 which provides that the Dublin Airport Authority shall ensure that the necessary facilities are put in place to operate, manage and develop its airports.

The prospective applicant provided an update in relation to consultations held to date. It stated that it has met with Fingal County Council on three occasions and the local authority consider that the proposed development should be considered

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Record Of Meeting  strategic infrastructure development and a permanent permission is acceptable in principal. It noted the HT zoning on the site and considered that renewal of the car park is appropriate for further consideration, and that it was open to the prospective applicant to make a case for same. The prospective applicant has also met with the National Transport Authority (NTA) on two occasions (with the (NRA) in attendance at one of these meetings). It stated that the NTA has no objection to an application for continuance of use of the car park on a permanent basis, and accepted the current quantum of 10,200 car parking spaces within the application. It was noted that the NTA are prioritising public bus as an interim measure pending delivery of Metro North and this should be considered in any traffic and transport assessment. The NRA require that the application address the proposed development’s alignment with strategic planning policy.

The prospective applicant set out the planning framework for the proposed development. In this regard it stated that the car park is a long established existing ancillary use of the Airport with the proposed overflow taxi queuing area also an ancillary use and of similar nature. Car parking has previously been determined to be of strategic importance to the Airport. The Master Plan for the HT zone is advancing to procurement stage and this will prioritise regeneration of the lands, as market dictates. The use of car-parking on a permanent basis in the GE zone is considered acceptable having regard to its location beside the cemetery and it is noted that it is outside the area of the recently adopted Dardistown LAP 2012. The GE zone and DA zone are located within the Airports outer public safety zone where car parking is permitted. The primary objective of planning policy for the Airport is to ensure efficient and effective operation. The permitted number of long-term car parking spaces is 26,880, as set out in the planning permission for Terminal 2 (appeal reference number PL.06F.220670). The car park is managed through the Airport’s Mobility Management Plan and is consistent with planning policies of the Dublin Airport Local Area Plan.

Matters Discussed

The Board advised the prospective applicant to ensure that any studies carried out in respect of environmental impact assessment and appropriate assessment are robust. It referred to the first pre-application consultation meeting and noted that the prospective applicant does not intend to proceed to Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment. The prospective applicant stated that it has reconsidered this matter and has decided to adopt a precautionary approach. It will now proceed to Stage 2

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Appropriate Assessment and will submit a Natural impact statement with the application.

In relation to drainage, the Board queried what works are proposed as part of the development. The prospective applicant stated it will assess drainage across the entire site and works will include upsizing some pipes in order to increase attenuation capacity, but that no increase in downstream flow is proposed.

The Board noted that there is no landscaping proposed as part of the proposed development as this has already been permitted in the application to upgrade the R132 road. The Board suggested that the application include details of permitted landscaping for information purposes, but to clearly state that this has been previously permitted and is not subject of the current application.


The procedures for making an application under section 37E of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, were set out. These are summarised in Appendix 3. The Board undertook to forward a sample application form, a sample public notice and sample notice to issue to prescribed bodies to the prospective applicant (Appendix 4)

The prospective applicant was informed that it is at the absolute discretion of the Board to hold an oral hearing. The Board will review this matter and make a determination on whether an oral hearing is required in respect of the proposed development upon receipt of any application.

The prescribed bodies to be notified of any application are set out in article 213 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended. A full list of prescribed bodies to be notified of any application will issue as part of the Board’s final notification letter. A preliminary list is as follows:

 Department of Arts Heritage and Gaeltacht (Development Applications Unit – please note that the Regulations cite Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government and heritage function has now been transferred)  Department of Communications Energy and Natural Resources  Fingal County Council  National Roads Authority  Inland Fisheries Ireland

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 Irish Aviation Authority  Córas Iompair Éireann  Railway Protection Agency  National Transport Authority  Department of Transport Tourism and Sport  An Taisce  Heritage Council  Dublin Regional Authority  Health and Safety Authority (if Seveso site is involved)


The prospective applicant will seek clarification on the matters raised during the Board’s meeting with the local authority and it will revert to the Board when it wishes to close the pre-application consultation.

______Philip Green Assistant Director of Planning 25th June 2013

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