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C®Illlcdlcomnnfinnii.Unliiiil Jthtd~Unmm®IID~§

C®Illlcdlcomnnfinnii.Unliiiil Jthtd~Unmm®IID~§

t: Another Outstanding Cotmdominium

•p::e:t;y ~ THE CONDOMINIUMS OF 0~@0&~ (}G~~~@(UJ~ PHASE lilA

C®Illlcdlcomnnfinnii.unliiiil JThtD~unmm®IID~§

this J..!i!tpl~f)' ~repfred by ; c~~a«·2~~~te~IIle Beach,Fla. CONDOMINIUM DOCUlv\ENTS, Pt-t'\SE IliA c INOLX

I. Ottclon:Jti.:.o of Condominium

2. Exhibit A - l..e~l M$o:riptlon of oil land sub---nittc-d..-to con«m~inivm owrtenhip as l~ Condominium~ of lndion. Horbour, Phm~ lilA.

3. Exhibit ·a- legal des~dption or oil land aovarr.ccl by The Cl)ndominiums of l11dian Harbour Anoc:iotion, Inc.

4. b:hlblt C- Plot plan of The Conclominil)fT1S of Indian Harbour, Phan~ IliA, :rmd ~ectifiQ::Ition by HH',,c,..or.

5. Exhibit 0 - Artide1 of Incorporation of The- C01o~;;n1ums of lndion Hartx.ur As$0clation, Inc,

6. Exhibit E - By-wW$ of The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Anociotion, lne;,

7. Exhibit F M Rules ond Regulation$.

8. Exhibit G- Form of Condominium Deed for The Condominiums of lndion Horbour, Phcrse UIA.

9. Exhrbit H- Form of deed conveying property used for pool ond recreation area to The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Auoeiation, Inc,. inc!1.1ding COfreetive In~.

10. Exhibit I - Parl

11. Exhibit J. - Pfot plan of land and improvements deeded to The Condomtnit..nns of Indian Harbcur Association, Inc.

12. 8chibit I< .. Relinquishments of rights ond prMieges by the developer, a relinquishment of a ri~!'t to elect certain of the Board of Directors by the developers to the unit owner-s.

T~e Condominium Doc!.lmot1n ore reeorded in Official Rec::Ofds Book r beglnn ine ot Pog~ !Jl'i.>"'((rd Co.;my, F!or ida. ~ .. -966· "'·



· · -Hil:-€4'"-JmOMINIUM'S OF INDIAN 1-!A'RSOvr'<, PHASE lilA

CHA!{LES l. NELSON, 302 Palm Spdn~ fk,u!evord, Indian Horbovr Beach, Florida, the owner or th .. reo I proptlrty referred to ir. Article it hereof, who is herein­ after referred to ¢5 ''Developer", on beholf 01' ir,elf oncllts succoe-w~rs, grantee$ ond o111lgm, ond to Hs $11Ccessors, grontees .;.ncl ossigru, doe~ hereby declare that the lands h!!reid 5".:~1 I b11 dedicated and wbmlll~d to the e¢ndominil)l!l form ofowJ'Ietship O$ legolly authorized by the l.eghlr "" ·' •'·' <;vv· ~' "'· ·.• ,unuant to the provisions or Chapter 63-35 of the Genera I lr;;ws ot ; :-:."!~ ;;ntltled "Condominium Act", 0$ omendec;i, in accordance wiih the terms


T~ nome by which this r-ondominium ,halt be entitled Jhall be:



The lon!h owned by the Developer, whi-ch ore hereby submitted to the c;o11dQminium form of ownership, ore the following described lands situate, lying and being in Brevard County, Florido:

As set forth ln Exhibit "A" <~ttached hereto and mode o port hereof.


At ~d In this ~clomtlon cmd other condominium docvmenh, un!~~ tf.-e eontext otherwise requires:

A. Aues:sment means o 5hore or the funds reqvired for th~ paymiHlt of <::OrllmOn e)(f'eiUes which from time to time ore O$SU~~d ogai.1st the unit owner.

S. Association means THE CONDOMlNIU.V.S OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCL~TION, INC., which shall be the cuock:ti»n governing those condor,Jinlum 'l!fUJ'imft'lts whieh now \:Ire or ~y hereoi'to'Jr be lceotacl o.., t~-.1t lllnd Cl:l s~t fotoh In Exhibit "B" ottachrxl hereto ond l!l(lde o port hereof of which the iond by this dowment being c:onverted to condominium ownership, (t'l s-et out In Exhibit •A u is o port.

C. By~ltsws means the by-lows for the government of the eonclomlnium os th!y exist from time to time, D, Cmtil'IOl'l elliilil(lP,t~ """"'" thll portions o t e coodommmm property no Jnelvded In th~ ~,~n I~,

[, Co"lmon expensl!!s m~n the r.:tpl!rnc~ for which the unit owne~ c . .1 liable to the auoti<.liion,

-·F. C4:>rnmon svrph.rs rn~Wn• th.e ilXCcJS of (!II r"ceipis of the association, inelvdlng but n<>l limited to, os~c:s~menh, ri."lnts, profit!., ond revenues on occount oF the common element$, over the amount of common expenses.

G, Condominium is that form of ownership of condominium propf:fty undl!r which units of !mprovemel\1> ore subject to ownership by diUerent owners, ond there 15 oppurter.c..,t to eoch unit o~ port th~reof on uodivided share in the .;_ommon element.

H. Condominh,Jm porcel rn~ons au. ··• ~·&•; .. ~, ,.., >tl .n.;! o,moovlded shore In ihe wmmon clements which is appurtenant to the unit,

I. Condominium property meons and Includes the land in o condominium, whether or not contiguous, and all improvements thereon and all easements ond ri11hts ~;~ppurtenant thereto intended for use in <:annection with the condominium,

J. Declaration, or Declaration of Condominium, means the ln~trument, or instruments, as they ore from time to time amended,

K. Developer means CHARLES 1... NELSON, of Indian Harbour Beach, Florido.

l. Generol common elements mecm~ and includes all of the improvenu:nts loeah!d upo, the condominiUM property e:.tcupt those portions of the common elemenhi which ore lobe:lled os limited commor. ~lemMH.

M. lmtituthmol fi~t mori!)Oge mwns e> first mortenge ~;~rlghwlly exe.;uted Ul\d delivered too bonk, savings and lean osmciation or insurance company authorized to transact busin~s in the SIQte or F!orldt!, cr~ting a fil'$t mortgage lien on an oport­ r...~mt unit and on any intere5t appr.r.tern:111t to !Uch oportment unit, For the purpose of thi$ Oec;:larotion of Condominium, the Developer $holl be coll$idered an institutional IIIO(tg.:lgee and any mortgage held by the Developer,or its component corporations, which is a lien against any of the opottments in THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR, PHASE IliA, shell! be considered os an institutional mortgage.

N. limited common elerMnls meon ond include those common elements which cte re~rved for the use of o certcin unit or units to the exclt4ion or other units. This shall include the c:ommon elem<~n~ reserved for the v..e of on individuol oportment In one specific (lptlrtm~nt building,

0. Operation or aperotioll$ or the condominh.rn mean$ ond includes the ~

P. Owner or owners meoll$ the $0/TIC o5 unit owner Of' ownell.

Q • Unit· m~s o port of the condominium property which IJ to be suhiecl

~2- ''· ~ :v:: ~ :~ I '._I. •... ~fn'1655 rA(,t 968 R.. Unit owner or ~r of a unit moons the owner Qt a condominium parcel.

S. Wtn}mity o; majority ~:;~f oporhn~nt owners meoM Qportmtrnt crn>nen wltn 51% f"II;(Wo of th('; vot~M in the condominium doc:umenb, OJSigMd to the cpt~rtrnent ownen for voting purposes, ..,.._, .... IV., CONDOMINIUM DOCUMEI*r~~

"(he document$ by whrch the c:ont;k.Minil,ll71 wlll be established ere c~ follow;;:

A. le~\ description t>f the land a~ referre(! to in l>.rti~\e U of th~ l:H!clorotlon of Condominium, together with certt;Jin eosements, which is marked E,.:hlbft ..A.,, ond desc:ribes the lond being subml tted to condorniniom ownership by this docu­ ment as Pha$e lilA of several phases tho: will result in ~everal Declarations of Condo­ minium~, oil of whi~h shall be goveri'Jed by one association, THE CONDOMINIUMS Ot: INOtAN: \RBOUR ASSOCIATION, INC., whkh o:Mod<~tion ~holt 90"~rn oil of th~ condominium oportments from time to ti" ~ r"" · ,. · ~•~~"> •• " ·1 : _; to condominium ~wr~~hip in phusei *

B. legol description af land which sholl be governe>d by the Condominiums

of lndfan Horhour Assoeiotion 1 Inc::. os such land is from lime to time converted to condominiUfl'l ownership in phases, the legal description of which is set forth in Exhibit "&" (t!'le land in Exhibit "A" being o port thereof),

C. f'lot plan of property in Phase lilA submitted to condominium ownership puniJQM to the provisions of Chapter 63-35 Generol l.bws of Florida Qs amended dvly certified 0$ required under said Act, which is marked Exhlbi t "C ".

D.. Articles of Incorporation of THE CONDOMINIUMS OF tNDIAN HAR8()Ut ASSOCIATION, INC., a non""Prafi t Corporation, which corporation will odmtnister and operata- the f::ondominltlm! for t!-te use ond benefit of th~ ownel"$ of the incfivlduol opartmctnts, which were wbmttted to ccndominium ownership as Phose ,, PhaSC' 11 1 or as PMse lilA, or moy later be submitted as provided herein, and which is ~:-ked E~Mbit "D".

E. By~Laws of THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIA- TION, INC., o nOI"'-profit Corporatta."'• whkh i~ t110~ked Exhibit "E '' ~

F. Rules and Regulotions, whh;h h marked Exhibit "fM.

G. Ferm ~f condominium deed by which the Developer will convey portlcu- IQt op~:~rtmenb and oppurtenance:o thereto, in the condominium, to pureha$#!tS thereof and which will describe the condominium ap;:~rtmei'lt and the condominil,lfTI apartment building in which soid oPQrhn.ent ls located, A typieol condominium deed is aH"ac:hed hereto en Exhlbi t "G" •

H. Form of deed conveying f11operty used for pool and recr~tioncl area" and three laundry buildings to THE CONDOMiNiUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIA­ TION, INC., subject to certain rMei"'Vi:itions for i'h3 liS" and bcneflt of the OWner or ownen of tbe klncl ~eribe(J in Exhibit uoH whether or not such lal'll'J is hereafter *ubmitted -3- h Paddn5 plu:: f•: p;spe: r; go :c:::cJ h; ltll 'U'IiiiltiSQUif''l' 'M 5 0 5 IN'" At:'

1-to\RBOUR ASSOCIA liON 1 INC., os odopt!!d by thu..hitiol Dtrecl'u~ of the Auoc;iotion, see Exhibit "I", -~ ·· .. ~ .. ~"

J. Plat Plan of land, attached a~ hhibit "J", deeded to the Auociotion subjacr io cerklin r~?Servation5 for o:ID of land ow!"!CI"l Q( lund ~ct forth in E~o~hibit "B".

K. Relinqvi~hment5 of rights and privileges by the developer, c rei inquish- ment of o right to elcet certain of the BIX!rd of Directors by the developer> to the ur.itownersr ossatforth in Exhibit "K".


T~ reo! property which is herei~ ~vlwvitted t\J. ir.· -.e~.~·;nium ft;.rm of owner­ ship shall be developed and operated in accor&anc~ with the following pion:

A. lANO US~~ The roo\ proper'y submitted hcreln, which h hereinobo'lle fully described lnAri'i'cle-11 eof this D"clarotion, shu II be soldy for residential p,;rpo5CS ond activities associated therewith,

9. IMPROVfMEtHS: Tne improvemenh to be coflstructed upon the land submitted hetew1ih""t''ihe condominium form of own.;!rship os Phose IliA shall be as follows:

1. The condominium sholllnclude tw·o oparttnent buildings, for a totol of 16 individual apartmel'lt units, constructed in ¢Ccordonce with the plans and specifications prepared by Frank Benito, Architect, and numbered In accordance with the plot pions 11 11 mar!ced Exhibit C , and made a port hereof.

2. (1'1 addition to the oportmor.t buildings, said Association 1.hall assign the n~cessory parking areas and dtivewo~ r~ eoeh oportment unIt. The initic I Dir~cto:s. of the Association ~tabiM,ud a petr·itl!'lg plan in co:mcction therewith and allocated and assigned one (l) parking space Q;t no oddition¢1 charge to each or th() vnih in the r:ondomlnium. Additional parking ~poces $hall be cllocated O$ gueit porking ,;paces and shall be used in eommon by unit owners, gueits cmd invitaes, pursuant to reasonable nsft.S and regvlotioM to be adopted from time to time by the Association. Upon the Oirect

C. EASEMfNTS: Eosernen~ For publie utilities ond drainage will be gront.ed when necessary to public utility co;·•'lponlt


-4- IW1655 ~AGE 910

and o fir$t mortsoge recorded in Official RE"eo;d!. !look 159.3, beP~'ng ljt Page 228 ,

both of the Public Record~ of llfevord County, Florido 1 with respect to Sui lding A-ll and lts building dte loeoted at 417 School Road, \~hkh two mortgages enc:urn~rcd oil ·- of tho real property and individvol condominium units (apartments) togethor with all Of'PI.iftemneos jl\oreto, designated os Phose lilA and described in Exhibit ''A". The Oevelopar Is irrevocably empowered, notwithstanding t,mything herein to the contrary, to sell, leosc or rent units to any persons opproved by it. Said Developer $hall have. tho right to transact on the condominium property Or'IY business necessary to consummate

S(Jie of unit$ 1 including buf not limited to !he right to maintain models, have ~igm, em!'lloyecs in the oHice, use the common elements and to show erportments. Any ~le~

offrce1 signs, '""'~ture~, furniture- or other tangible personcl property befonging tc the Developer sholl not be eon~idllrcd common eletr><>nts ,.,. .,.f ,h.;.tl ·· •m.-.:, tl..,. , "Op;;rty of the Oev~lopcr. In th~ e-~~nt there are un~old oportmeu•:> ~~= ~h ~~-,etaper reacquires Qny apartments, the Developer retains the right to be the owner thereof and to sell, lca5a or rent said opartmel'lt unit:; without the necessity of obtaining the approval of th~ A$Wc.:io­ tion of the propOsed purchaser or lessee,

B. The Developer is entitled to elect members of the Boord of Directors in occQtdom:e with the provisions of Chopter 2-16, Conck>miniums and Cooperatives, Rule~ of the Deportment of Legal Affairs, State of Florida, effective dote February 1, 1974. It I$ planned to exercise his right~ in thit regord as; follows:

1) It is the d<.'l~ire (but not the obligoti.:.n) of the Developer to compJ&:e additional plnses of the Ccmclominivms of lrldian Harbour Anociotlon, lne., with o totot of 100 unit$ and all percentoges used in fhis article are based on thi~ total.

2) As o rMult o~ actions I'Cken c:ivring Pl-nse I and Phose II, the composition of the seven (7) member Soord of Directors is r.ix (6) members eleeted by the Individual unit ownen and one {1) mrunber oppointed by the former developer, Fair Builders# Inc:.

3) Within o re-cnol'l(lble time ord of Directors frott~ th~ Phose IliA owneB as the Developer mUy have·.

C. Until the Developer 1-:os sold oii the units In Phose lilA, the Developer $hall be cmessed on unsold apartments onfy FQI' i·kat port of the common expenses for

maintenance and operations which would be applicable to empty aportments1 namely ' for insumru:e cmd ground mointent~ncC!l, <1nd for $eWer tmd TV coblo expense. if payment Is required of the Association on empty opartm¢-n~, but shall not be ehclrged for pool maintenonc:e, woter, oeeovnting 01"' legal expemes, or forony reserve fund, but only on omo1.1nt that can be shown by the Association to he a eost during this uniald period 4.>f the Assoc:lotlon witt\ te~cet to L'l'lw!d t•1ih of the Davc!oper. mJi65.5 Mtt971 0. !he$ Article$..~!! not be ~-hft~et to omcn~nt e~..:ept os provided !n Suction XI, of this deeloratio."''.

Each eondominf\sm ·fiorcel or Clpar:t;.,ni vnit ~halnnClV.de' ihe'foHcWfng 1n't;;;:est,· rlghti, eosements and oppurtr:ncmce~ in the condominium: ·

...... !'"(fl ...... - • ...... ~ ...... _ •• A. REAL PROPERTY: Eoch condominium poreel (.::~pottmcr.t unit) togethet with otf appurtenances thereto, shall for all purposes con$titute o separate parcel of real p~rty which moy be owned in fee si~T~ple ond whkh moy be I!:OI'Iveycd, troM- rerred ond encumbered ln the some tnonner OS 'lOY other poreel of r(f(JI property independently of oil other ports of th0 condominium property, subject only to the provi~ions of the coodo.llinium docum.ents.

No condominium porce! moy be conveyed, ~~ .• ~ .. ,,.-:1, 1\'!:0sed or encumbered

except thot the party to whom the parcel i$ eonv~r· .. '".m~t, • ..-;,.-... 1 ·~$ed or cneumberecl ~hall 0$5Vme ofl obligation$' and res;triction$ imposed by tt\1!1 deeforation and documents l'~ferred to herein.

8. POSSESSION: Each apartment unit owner she. II be entitled to the excl0$ive po$$e$sion of hi$ apartment, ond ~he parking spac-= o~igned to that apartment.

C. BOUNDARIES: Each aportmenl· unit shnll include thot port of the buHdins contoining the apartment that lies within the bounclorics of the opartment;: which boundorle~ ore os. follows: ·

! . ~ and lower Boundories: The upper and lower boundaries of the apartment shotl ete following bOundories exte~1ded ~o on Inter-section with the perimetri c;ol lxtundori e$:

(a) Upper Boundary: T~ hcril:.ontd plann of the undercoot finished ceiling.

(b) ~~r ,Bounclory: The horizontal pkme of the upper surfaces or the

2. Perfmetrlcot Boundorie$: Thl! perimetricol boundaries of the cportment Jha II be the following bOundcrries extended to an intersection with the upper

(c) Exterior buildtng woll$: Th~ intenectiog vertical planl!! odjac:ent to and which includ~ the unfini5hed $Urfaee of the interior of the outside wafl:t of tha cportm~l buHdlng bounding on apartment and when there is attochecl to the bvildlng a balc:ony, loggia, tcmoce~ canopy, s~irwoy or other portion of the building serving only ihc t;~portmen~ ~in9 bounded, t~-u-:h ~uncloriM shall be the intenec:ting v~tiCCII plane$ cdjoeent to and which include oil of sueh structures ond fixtures thereon. tn the cos.tt of gound floor apartments, such boundaries shall include the terroce ond patio ffoors, patio walls and {Ptet serving SL•eh Opctfments.

(bj mterior building walls: The vertical planes of the lnterior unfinished Une of wall$ boundfn9 an apartment to int~rsecttons with other perimetric::al boundaries. D. APPt.mTENANCES: Subi~ct co r~~votlons for e~nements, the QWneMip of et:J<:h (:Cnd::lmh•ivm pt~rc:el {apcrtment unit) sho II irudvde: and there shoJI I»" with ®t:h e~mdomontum pore~ I e~ eppwtcnon<:e$ thereto, whettwlt ot oot ~.eparotely ~aibed, ~~~ of the dghts, tifJe Oi"id intere~t Qf c unh mvn~r in the eondomtnium property which $hall indude but not ba limited to:

,__...._,_.-_\., _.,..-,,~J.!f;tH~ c~~lll~tl},!.L_,f.;.qt;.~ .a~»rtmer.t bd ldi ng ~ha II be COni ide-red Ql a fimrted c:Ofllmon element for the exclusive 1,.'1><'.! of the ownon of aportrr.e·'ts focoted in 50ld butlding. ---- -.~ ...... -""" ... ~------2. Ge.,~~l Common Elements; Thr: rioh~ to v$c in common with other apartment owneN th0 general common efemenh whlc;:h s.hnfl be oJI parts of the condominium n:)t inc:lud~ within on individua I oportment or within a limited common element. The ownGnhip of eaeh apartment sha II include and there sho II po;\S with ea~;h apartment

appurtenances !hereto, whether or not separately de~cdbed, tll! of the right1 title and tntoreu of an apartment Qwner in the condominium property~ Each apartment unit shall hov~ on t! divideei share in ar.d to tfi.;l ~ommG.; c.trt!oli, fa.::il;·:..,,; C:"d elem the common areos, common facilities and cOmmon elements at'ld or the common expenses ond common 'urpluses as.signtod to eac.h apartment as hereinafter set forth os a frodior1 is as follows:

Eoch of the 16 apartments is initially having OM t.ixteenth undivided interest in the common areas, common foci!itie$, and common elem~nt-s of this phase ond initially wilt mare fn one eighty-fourth of the common expanses and common surpluses. The common expemes and eornrnQn surplu~ shall be amended from time tu time to reflect a frgction !r.

With regcrd to the oforementfoned voting rights, the owner or ownen of each condominium parcel {apartment unit) shall be ~ntlfled to one vote for each condominium parcei owned as more ful iy St!!!t forth in tile Artiele~ and By-laws d the Anodation. Vf1,ile there are only 16 apartments in Pho~e filA (see E:>(hibit 11A ") whech i~ being $Ub­ l~t h) condominium ownenhip THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIATION, INC., shall govern all thou: phases that'in;}.be eonstrueted (or hm (n the pad been constructed) on lend described in Exhibit "B" and eoch condominium parcel (apartment unit) that hos or will be eon,tro.;ted on th~ land de~eribed in Exhibit •a" lhclil have the right to one .vote in the Association.

In t~ event of the terminction of the condominium, eoeh owner•s interest ln the Q'll'l'lmon foeilitiet shall be in the proportion hereinabove set forrh.

E~ EASEMENT TO AIR SPACE: Th~ appurtenances ~hall include an eCMment for the U$8 of tlie air space occupied by thJ: oportment unit os its exists at any portiwlar tlme and dl the apartment moy be altered or NH::t'.)n!~lr4JcleJ from time t9 time1 wh;eh ~Mnt mali be terminated outOfl'ltltic.ally in any air $pi)~~ w:-.kh ts vacated fn)m time to tinwt.

F. CROSS EASEMENiS: The opj)\lrtenonces include the following ecsements from e

3. ~U_p£O_!t.: Every portion of on opo:~rtmenl co~ll'ibuting to the svpport of the opartmcnt build~l be butdcned with on eo~cmcnt of $Vpport for the benefit of all other apartments ond common elt:!mcnts in the building •

.4. Utilities: Easements through the oportmcmt~ and common aroos for eonduH~, du~b;plumbing, wi:lntl, O(od other foeitltic~ fvt !~ ~ ~.::-..,ishing of utility $ervlces to other apartments and the common elomcnn,. ,. .._·_ .:, ·.•. o·,.., -~• 1 .. , ... r such eolcments through an apartment shall bo only t:lCcording to th;i; p:om and specifications r~,. the oportmeM building unlc$s or-proved in wriJing by the owner of tho oportment unit.

G. MAlNTENANCE: The ref.ponslbiliry for the maintenance of th~ condo- rntntum unit and parcel$ OSffmay apply hereafter shall be as follows:

l. BY THE ASSOCIATION: The Association sh\Jll maintain, rep;peose:

(a) AII portion$ of the unih (except interior wa II surfaces) contributing to the support of the building, which portlon shall include, but not be limited to, the wtdde walls of th~: building.

2. &Y THE CONDOMINIUM OWr-IER;, The rosponsibilit)' of the condominium parc&l owner slmll be en fofJ(tWs'?

(a} To maintain in good condition, repoi~ and replace at hi11 expeoset all portions of the unit, exct'!pt those portions to be mointoined ancl repaired by the Associa­ tion. Such shall be done without disturbing the rights of other unit owners.

(b) Not to poi"t or otherwi-se decorc1te or ch~mge appearance of any portion of the exterior of the buildil'lg.

(c) To promptly report to the Associotion any dcfge~ o; need for repoirs, the responsibility for the .remedy of which h that of the Association.

\ ~\ No condominium porec:l owner sh(.lll make any ahetations in the pottiom of tJ...e building which are to &Je ffit)intained l:;y th" As~ciotion or remove any ~t:on thet"eof or make any addil-tomf thereto or &o

H. ENFORCEMENT OF MAINTENANCE:: In the ever.t the owner of a untt falls to maintain it os required obOve, the As~di'.Hion or other unit ownen shall hav~ the right to proceed jn a court of eg..uity to.f>e~k CQI'I ."'li~nel!l witQ. the foregoing provf5imu; or the Association sha II havt the right to casseu the unit owner and the unit

~ ..... " "",..""'~ .. ~~P"\1 f'1•..Y..r "("1 ...... d.--~~ r n ,~J.J-..•- J.l.- 'l~~· ~- ., N···-~ ... ,_...... ~~ j ~-~~1. -~I~ ...,...1'1t'~,.~,..~•"" •y 41 Aft~r such asseS$ment, the ~50ciotion 5hall have the right to huve its employees or !lgel"tt$ enter the unit ond do the nece~sary work to enforce c;omplianc~ with the above p«»vb.ion; however, o!"ly lender or owner in the event the Anociation foils to compJy with the terms and conditioi'Js of this Declaration or In Articles of Incorporation and By-.. laws may apply too c:ourt of competent jurisdiction for tho appointment of o !'ece!vei' f~r the purpose of CCU ryir19 OUt the ie~rns. ond w~"~: ~!!:"I"IS required to be per­ formed by the Auociation.

1.. PARTJTION: No action for partition ~h:rll lie in fovor of any of the owner$ so long cas this condominium is in existence, or arty other condominium that moy be created as a 5eparate phase on land deseribed il'l Exhibit 11 8" s.holl be in exis.tence.


Aue$smenl'$ ogainst the opartmenf owners shall be mode by the Association and $he~ II be gl)verned by the following provisions:

A.. SHARE OF EXPENSE, COMtv'\ON EXPENSE: The expense for the operotion and maintenance of the common element! (induding both general common ~lernenb and limited common elements) shall be a common expense. The Association moll hove authority to allocate common expenses on ihe ha$iS of totol condominium parcl'1s (apartment units) that $hall be members of the Association during the time period iR which sueh common e)(penses. are inwrred.

6. UA81UTY OF APARTMENT OWNER: Eoch apartment owner Jhall be lloble for his $hare of said common expens~, which shore ts expressed in pereentoge in Article VII, D. 2, said share being the 5Cime shl:lre a~ said owner'$ condominium parcel fs with respeet to the total number of condominium parcels governed by the Association. The As$ociation shall have the right and obligotion to asse~s for other c;ommon elements ln proportion to the number of condomir'li1JtT1 pare~ls that shall be members of the Auoc:iation during any particular period of time c;nd for property ownc=d or leased by the As50Ciation.

C. ACCOUNTS: All $Utn$ collected from osse!i5rnenh shall be helc:i in IMt For the apartment ownef'i aod shcrll be c;;redit..,d tc the aportment owner1s Clccoont ~CI'n which shall ba paid tho expen~ for which the rmpec:rive ou~.Jirr,ents ate mode. ( D. ASSESSMENT ROLL The cu~$$!Tients fOf common expen!eS shall be set forth upon o roll of the apartment, which shall oo ovatloble in the office of the Anocio• t1on for inspection by ~po1'tnlmlt ownen at aU teQsonoble time-s. Such roll thoU indicate

...... , ~ . · " . ; t . m'i1655 PAtr975 f..,t\•ucJ, OJ,UI'Int~l\t iltn 1101'111" onJ ooldrf'~\ nf llw OWllf'l\ l)r OWilf'l, tlw tl',\l•~t!!II~Mil 1111 oil puipOSfi!1, and tl,c amounh pai•l anJ unpo:d of all u~\·•'l\11'.:.-·r,h, Any pr-non oll•c-r tl•on lhl'l OJXlthucnt owncr to whom (I ccrtificat~ is inuctl may rely upon a cr·rlilkoll' which ~hllU bn mcdo f1om s,uch u•,<,t:S.~tl»l H)th hy 1\w 1rco\vtr:r ~ A.,;hlcnt lrr-u'·''H'r o( 111~ }(•J(OftliiiiJii fB jb ilth .ilihb hf ihi hjhiifWTFHI ;;;;;: 4' : ;; iiltl ' 1 ' rl 1 ·'t· vpan which It is dtdivorcd.

t:A ASStS'SM[NTS fOR IZECURRING [XPfNSl'S! /\;~chml'nls for rc<"vtrin~ e;rpctlsC'$ J?r-~h_ ';l,Sf!?·~, sholn~!='Ji~~-!J.~~{~po-':'~0+ chG·.~~obh.·-~o lht-.et.:OOt.~ ond a rCO$onoblo oliowoncc for eontingcncic~ 1 end (I tcasor.oblc <•rt!OJ.ml for d.:-frrrr-.d nwinl mode for thC' colond01 yC'm onnuolly 'in advance 011 O,·c<'rr'''"'. Is.;· (i:o-co:dtr.g tfw year ror which (')~~C'S~mcnl~ ore rr.(ld(', onrl luch • me )"t'Of fc.>r which the os~

Thl.) Boord or Direerors of the AHociol ion trtoy aho amend by O<::tion of 0 me~iodty of the Directors of the As~odation to adjust ony years c;·pcnse~ to roffcctthc c-,;Jiusimcnls .hcf ere nr.:<:cmory to equitably <.:~dju~t c>¢• tion d lha yc,.. · sholl C.eo d~o~e in C!quol monrldy in~t&:~llmcmts, on tl.e fir~t cf,ay of each m~nth rhc-,-::oft~r, duii11g lt.e y'!or for Vlhich ;cssmc:ot is mode. If an anriual cmessonont is not rn.:>clc or rQ.~uir~d, Q poym~C'It in the ~rnount required lly the lost prtt)l" O'>i<:'i'>ment !.hall b:::! due upol'l coc:h a~~eament poymcnt dale until d,onucd by u c~~c;;smon~.

F. SPCC IAL A$5[ SSMfl' ITS: Special a~sc~smcnh ethe-r than rho~<' r..·quircd fo,. rcc.urring e> lo rn~.:.-l' olh'!r ru.:eds or ltquhemcnh of the 1\,~oci~:~lion in !lac apc'l'c,titn a.•d nu•nt'l£!'-'•ncnt of lh.:­ l·~~cdotton wch us (or eupilol c;(pcndtlurt>S ond rcplaccm.:!nls. Any Sf-'·•cilt! O>>,:mmcnt in t-n umount cxc:ocding SSO.QO per /l ur p()r opa.in\r>lol wh~ch h no~ c:om.'i~k:.;:d o~ o r~curring l:!!!:pcnm, shall n~t he lcvi.:d vtilhout lho prio.· Clf'ljJIOvcl of ownNs h~win!J ot Icon 75% Qf the voting riuht~ in lhc AHocio!ion proviJ<}u, ho\..:cvcr t th;~t ctny aa~~s- f•1';;l'\t lcoJiotf vr.dct lho provi$lcms ~r P'lii:lfli":lh IX, G. 5 fa: I he p1.1rpo~:o of l'!.'con>~tiJdio,, or h:p1llr by Ihe t.t~oeivt ion of ony darn~.>go lo on o;lorlitwnt ct tu ;he- con .... on cl~r.1::.1~S ~~~eil no: r<;<;,uirc fhe consl'nt of 7~% of thu ownC"rs; furthc,· provi-1..:-~ 1 h:nvcv~t, ;-;,,~ ~ ·:L tl~!.··~~.cnf or cw·)~~n•cnl:!: muy L~ modi"' oat!)! if s11id ci.~o,l(·iiC' is ta ~:'! n·p~1ir<:>cl c:.r l'~~onstrut:lc.>lf, os prcvidud in lhc Dcelorctic.n of CoaJon1inlum.

. G. ASSESSMENTS FOR LIENS: All liens of any noturc, including tcn:;:s ond s:;.~<::\0\ c;l~~\.~(!0\!. ~~-;;;i.ed l.oy ~I)~C~nm~-~~lu\ (IIJihC.d\y t whkh 0(0:. Q ti(;'n U~OI\ ll\0,'::,1 thr,:m

- 1 t>- 111855 M£976 li'WM ·~l'hll~IOf11 01 tmy ff.nflkl'Tl i)' rh(l UtliUlK'Hl fJU'm ot fl*OjloCfly f'WIU>t\ •)I IMr.r•rt I'Y thr· 1\-*.ucbt!~ .!~I! 1m i'Nid hy iJm A.ijqdoticm ~ C. ~~mon cxprn5c Qnd ~lrol I lie u;scHcd t.{rci,ut tlto c.tpm"lment~ o'i ollributcd ~ thQ r.umJx.r of un;h tl1at oro mcml.;t"rs of ll.c: 0 "''·~h.li.m. ff. ASSUSM(NTS rOR tMER(i.fNCII:S: j\~t~cw~1cnts fj)r r;ornmon t•,:rcnse~ of &ooJncn<:t~ r~Gfflnirmmr.:t;av

f. lJADILITY ro~ P/1.'/f..~,ft-JT IN THE fV[t·IT OF fOI'lrCI O<;Ur.t-: 1,, th.· CV<:.rd of fOtcefci~:C-o( 01'1 ir1si1iuii01l'~T Hi7t(i';()~j~~:, 'uici:J lfn~.l i:i' i\:r it: I:. '(II />.I h~·o::of, .:;t'\<:;yn,!~..::do9 on cr ~:it s.uc;h \<.:1(• 1 hi'!. suct"(~·.;:;r ,,,. c~~·i.tr1; 1 !hall not b<: f•n!Jh~ (ur 1111;! $hare of asscsswcnf~ pcrtoininn to socii ClfH:Iif'l'('ill ~;h~u~.:dJ 1 ..: tu U11'l' fl,lllller owner of such oporhncnt which t,ocOtG•"" •I•J~ ,...,, · " ·~ \. · ' cc:lu.,l, i.l 1Ac d wch I.,J{Iut!mcnt. Su:::-h unp;~id ~hare uf ihc QSS('U.'' · :'' ~~ .. :: iJc d~c-,,,.;:J h' bu (':.,:•:•1'-::t 1 c::,~cn;.cf cotfc:·c:tohfa frc.m all of tire crpurtmcnt owncrs1 incluuing th~ l'l,n'C tu>c:·, h:, ~:Jcl:, ~!CiS or Yisiuros, 1\,c fcrcgoin!] !)rOvision shall oho uc tlpj'.l\ie,.bl" II.) th;! c~:w::yr 1'1:~ uf N1 ('1~4-:rlmcmt vnit lo o first tn01 tgugo it'l lit:!u of foreclosure. lira f ..... c-~1 v,n;, c~.,;;.r,·.p; ko1 :t:.• 1;'.1 )-'lll(.nl pf O!~~!rnc-nts is in oddition to end rto way restrictive of ih\! uJtJ;tj;~,1C'• \lXt.llipl1(.>n\ gran\cd l,e:r<.!if\ 'o motlgtlgcc~ ~:mdcr lh

J. liAB llllY ron ASSESSMENTS: Tho owner of "n aporfm.:lnt and his g•-·n~c ~~ thoU Le \oinlly-\JnJ"i'c;oli-y1f«X1(;10r oil unpaid oncs~m,•nts duo a,,:.; !i"''f'~•S!c o~ ;:,c u 1:ru"' cr () "-rlveyonce but vtiJIU)Uf prciudkc tC! the rights of (I gronte~ tu rlj1C;); .:-r :r.;.;,) 1!1~ trc-n1on the omounts pold by the grantee therefor. Such Hu~iiHy rr.oy n .... t b~ uvl>:t··~'C! l,y ''IOivcr of fho U$C or coioym~nf of any common facilitiC's ot by (.~on,'on.n .. nt e1 ~:,::: .;.pcrlmcnt (or which tho os·scwncnt is mode. A purchmcr of em (•p'-rttn.:.-nr <.H ~· ju:.i:~7:·' Wle OC' 0 n'IOd9Q90C! rcquirin9 title thctato by deed in 1\ou or fc.rcclost.r(..:¥ <;.n..tll '-':; li~.:,,.,. cnly ror '-'S:C.Sun

K. LIEN !=OF; ASSESSM£NlS: The unpaid portion of on ammment which ts c!oe, tr.cludi~y;~cco1miC!d punur:mt to proecding poro9r~ph E h~f.:Pf, dlall btt 'nc:ured ~y o lia:n upon:

t. 'fue cpottment and all Qppurtcna.nee10 t!'IC!rcta wh~n o noHce cloimin~ a liGil has ~n recOfcc:d hy lite /\~sudation in the Pul.Jiic Rt-Corc.l~ of er.,vcm.l C..tu.ll')'' Ftc.rido, whieh doims of !lon ~hoH nl)t he rccurdc·d uuril·th\• pt•)•mcnl h pct'il c!u,• ;._, a} l·;ocd lun (10) days und which lien slaaH be uffoctivtl us ugai11~t th,· C>\>'1\v''

2. All tangible pi3-sanal property l~cted in tl1c QJXII tmcnt c>:eL'pt thol i'Jeh Hen dtOH l;.c l!.~(cilmtl" t~ l'On:3 lick lien~ of rox:ottJ. ( ) L. -----COltE<:TIOr ~S: ~l. Interest, C)ppli~~:•tion of payments, ano$smcnis ond hstollmcnts pold on

-'' .. •tf• •rtt~Uitt• ' •";il'l~ • t ·· \1'1> nn ... \ If:• I'{\.• •nht'l" ~~ '""'• If•~ II• I• •.1111• 1r ' t~·•i! •U~lr·H'"; · t rtt• I-1 ••' rnf,• or.. •Ill!• fin• 1 on"- •·"" ...... ~ •' '1t.)JI u ~r.vr . ooi•.ttt•r moutll huttl tlw· tltrlt• mllil Ifllhl. Allp·•ruu•nh t>ll ftl 4 fntlll dtoll be a lied fin~ ~o lutl:!u.•d, H occru\\'d, and t!tcm ~a rha m·.~$~cnt poyn~r-nt fiHt d..,c,

2. Suii - Tho Ancefat n or~~c(ll ceHon or Ctny d~linqurnt 01.SCSJmcnt by suit at low for lha purposl! o\ ~curing money jud!)cmenf~ without in any Wf;&'( woiving ony licrn v.-hich sccur~s the :s.omc ond in such 1uit, 1f1c Assod(llion n10y J~c:OVC'f, ~rr.::u:klition to ony oncs.~nh duo it, lnt('l'~t ~hcrC"f..\0 at the rata of On~> and one--halF (l4%) percent pet monlh, and any and otl c:osh h1cvu·cd in connection wilh 1 S ueh Wtt t Ond Q fCIO$OODbh!- ottorn4)" 'i rae.

3. tn addition to any other rcmcdic5o ovoiloblc to the A\sociotion, th:.: Atsociotion may forclo~c its. lien for delinquent o~~('$smcnts in o ~uil brcuc:ht in lhc nc.mc or tFtc /,smdalion in like manner os the fort-do~urc of a mortgo0C' 011 r.:-ol pro­ r:cdv. 1r «;tny .. _,ch forcdomrn, •he ovmcr ~hall be rf'qvir<-ri lo puy Cl rC'm.oncb!;• rcnlol for tho condominium parcel (opcrtnt('nt v• .,, •··1 '··'· ,...... <~. ·- ~ ' _ ' • ..:•cl(:(¢d to bo t!quoi io the monthiy a:scmr.1cn1s, normaiiy cho~t~cc,l:,;;: '!:;::.::nst said o·.~·ncr, induC:in~ any mscssmcnt for general or limHcd o:ommon m:pcmc c~sc~~c:d O:Join~l said c:m~r. Th:.: hlt'eiotion in sue!. forcclowrc shall be entitled to the crppointmcnf of o rcc~·iY"cl' to colkcl ~o;d t{tr'lfal for the /l.~soc:iotion. ltl adJition thcomto~ the As~ociotic'' ~h,,ll bt' Ml il fed lo recovN in said forC!do~ure any costs incurred by lf in connoctia:1 :',.:-·c.,·.·Wl (I rco~OI\O!Jic allorncy's fee. The Association mcrt bit..l in the- conw.nin!\.1111 r


The administration or 1hc condominium including the oeh rcq'!ircd by the As«Kiotion by the condominium docum~nts, the m(li•ll(monc:c, rt'J)ait and op.:.•r'.tlic-•• of tl,c comtr10n rcc:iHt ics:, ond ll•c mqifiiCJlo;l(l('O and repair oJ all pn.·t!ons of e~p~ .. :m::mh. r~r1 uircd lo be mointai I'ICd by t lm Aswdotion ~t(JII be tile rmpon'.iibi I Hr or th~ A,~:n;;; i~­ tic.n and ,t,orl be govcrMd by the following provi~ion

A. The ksociation has been i~orpor~tcd under t:le nome, THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIAiiON, INC., as a cotl)()rotion not for profit un"':-,· the lows for the State: of Florida under the fl... rtidcs of tnc~rpo•ation, o copy of w:'lic!t is oHachr:d hereto. Any other fO-tm of organi2ation for lhc A,sociation tnCI)' bo sub~ sHhrled upon the opproval of a majority of lho D.:::rd oF Dircc:trns t::!nd ratific:otio,, by lhrc~·fo-.Jrths of the members.

~. The By-lows of the Auoeiotion arc attached heroto ond shall remain in effae:t until such By-Lam ore omcndcd as fhcm~i., provhk:d.

C, lh~ dulie$ end pbwcm oF th~ ~loti en shaU be, those sot forth in th~ c~ini\bft Coctlftil~nJs with lh~ powcn or\d duties wMch ore rcasor.ably impiiatl to effec:t the purpol~ of tho ksociation and condominium. Suc:h powo.-, ond c!utia• $ho.ll be (;~mierd out in o maMer sot forth in the ccmdominivm cktc:umcnts..

0. Notice for a spcc:ia\ meeting may be given by tho AnoeioUon to apart­ ment 0\'lflell cr.d by oportment owners to the: 1\s~odut;on in th~ I'I'I(U'Incr provi~d for notice to mcrn!:x:n by tl1c By-lawi of tho Aswdotiot~.

12:.. 1¥1655 r978 r. lnr.f. AU rum f.. CfltlJ lit~ , II II• I

F. lmu«meo •. Tha fnwranec- other ihan tillc insurance v1hidt sllllll he! • t o rt of tho ·tmcnt owner~

(a) Purthot.o. Aii ~rtwronc.; :--.:~licit.: Uf»n tl·.-, conr.lootinivm prt)p:-rly tllaH be- puyehuscd lty the J\$~odeHt:.rHinOt.lt1h 01 o>;: _.,, h'lvtn!J (I ~{Cit::f' ~~ l.lli~fj'h'\!. in t!1C State of Florida~ und shall he iswt'!d by on ir1>:·~ .. mec c::ompaf'l}' cuJth"d..-c<' 'to d.J l>us.iness In Florida.

(b) Approval. Tht! insuroncc ogc:oc:y and insurance compe~ny 5holl b:l ~u'~­ j (lf!et th~ fi!Cc.!ipt Of tho tequc~t; and if (I response flOJn fh1., mortgogC..! is n.:>t f"~::;:i\·~d wiih:n such le:n (lO) doy pcricd, tile rc<;Uc\t shCJit bo dcc1ncd IO bo appr..,v~.l. A1 \.f.'P'.:>Vol $1\otl hOt be unrcCs!.ooobly withheld or denis without nomlng th~tnf oud shaH tndud-.! 4h.:! tliC.'t~,r.l~~ ·; ~r opc.rtmcnts which oro lislcd in tho rostC!t' fif mort{laoe~s. Such rwli.:i~s shc,tl p.·ovic!_, l,hot poymerds ror losses the:reunckr J.. y the insur&.r sh.~ll he P"id h.l th.r Jmu;~;~,,e.:- T.-us:·~-:: h~ruiw.{i~r d~~\gn~tc.d, GM c\t rJQiict

(d) Ccpi~ to M;,rtgogccs. One copy of cad1 inwroncc p~H~y f,md of c;tll enc:fotsemcnts thereon, shatl he furnished by the A~sndorioo to ¢0eh r•JOI tIidcs.

(o) ~lty, All huildingJ ond improvcMt'nts vpon the land and all p:-r!;,n.;~[ pro~rty ir.dudcd in tlu: common ~'t."m~nt'! shcU he: itt~urcd ln. on !:'1li01.mt ClJU·:~I to th~ lt!(..."'(ifnUirt lnsuroMe •·~plc:~ecnocnt value, excluding foun~ikm ~ud ;e;:et~vativ•' C:)•ts~ os c:\;IC~rmlood cmnuoHy by the &wd of Oircctc;ri of 'ho Auociction. Suc:h covet'"-~" sl:.:aH olrvrd pro~ac:li~ usaii'ISt: -" ""i;":•1 t •·l.. 1 ?, 1 •• 1. I ffrA ~tf tfrlth« vi~ks en fromE!Mofi$'i!Jr;v~tcmorily co\1ercd wtth t'C~c:t to buUdinos drnit(lr to <"M"ilwcHon, lncntftlon (rnd u~o o~ "'" huii~Ji~ on '''" fmid, lnetu:Jiug, ln;i ;;el linci1c J Itt; o•t..I..Us~~t~~~M4...nt4''i c 1 au~ tt';'t'riu'

(b) rubiic liability in suth amounts ond with sud1 covcrogc en shall be required by thc:r Board of Director$ or the A~socioHon, including, but not limit<'d lo, hbcd auh)t"'o,h\t

(d) Such othc~ insurance o~ l~o Doord of Directors of the A$\Oc:iation · shoU determine f1~ time to time to bu d\!sitabta.

3. Premh;m. Premiums upon ihsutuncc J;oi'icic~ :.~ •1·-:: .;'\s~c;ciorion $hoH b;­ potd by tile As$ociotion as a common oxpcruc. Not fc$S tlion t-en (10) £!o~·:. prior to t~c ciole when a premium is duo, cvidt"mco of iUciJ poymcmf ~hC11l ba furnishC"'d by t!tc Aul)Ciatic.ut to each mortgagee listed in tho to~tcr of mort9agccs.

4. lnmranr:~ Trustee; Short::!s of ftroc:ecds. All insurance policies purcho-~..,d by the A$~ioHQn shall b~ for thll benefit or the Assoeiation al"'d the Qportm~n~ owr.ors aVId their mortgagees, ond tlu't Developers. ' cppeor, and ~ho!l pre­ vide that oil procc~:th covcrtng the losses shall be poid t_., the sun Firs~ Notional eon!{ of M~n;()urM, U~elbcurne, flo.dd~, as trur.tec or to such oth~ bonk in florida \'-'tth trust powers 01 mtty be designated as insurance trustoo by tha Bottrd of Directors of the Auoeiotton, which trustee is heroin referred to as the fcnuranc.c TrusJca. Tho lnsuronce ltustee ~au· not be liable for payroont of prcrntumt not for th~ ro~wat or tM- sufnc:inncy or policic~ nor for the fai1ure to c:oll~d ony inwrance proc:c-c-c.l<,. Th.:a duly of the lnruronce Trust shoiJ be to rcc::oivc wch proccct.h: as arc poid and to hoiJ the !t>Ma ln trud for the purpo!cs ohcwh,-re statt'd herein ond for the> bL'ncfit o~ t~-.'t' ~rin'lcnt own!'!rs, iooir mortgagees, and the OcvciOf'C!I', in the foflowinJ d1otcs, but which shmO'$ n~:cd not be set fCirth on the records of ffn:~ lnsurpncc Trmh:c:

(a) Common Elements. Proceeds on account of damage to common ciC"mcnts -

on undivided shore for coch apartment own~r 1 such sha;c being the some m the undividnd shore in tho common clements appurtenant to his apartment.

(b) Aportrnents. Proceeds on account of damooc t~ opertmonts sholt be held In tl~c following undividc:d shores:

1. When the bui ldino is to be restored - for the ownC1's of domogcd etpc~tt .. tnenfS in prc..portion to lha cent o( Ulpairing the damcg:. tvffcr~d by Q;;tC::h CpCI(tmcnt ~'11\M, wMct-J ('0$' shoU bo dctcrtnin~d by ,ha AslOdoHOtl.

2. W'hc:m the building is. not to be restor~ ""'an ~ndividcd share far eac:h apbtfment owner, such shore b~ing the somt'! o~ the: undivided share in tho common ol(tfrlcntt..owurtenont to hh oporimiml •

&! •. .. 1 ".-. t Ri655 ...~~9&J ---- (e) N'~t~.. h\ llt~ CVC'nt ~ MOfttP.'ec" ~\tk;r~fmt lt.tl\ btor.n hwr-,t m . to an C'ipMhnoot, du: ~oflfi~Tr. or V.·tt~~!ma!"!t ~'f shalll~ lmf,l il'1 tf•ur.; for ti.c-t MC)f'tno!}~ ond tho tfF1itmuilt twmcr ~ ehfm~t~ns~~r~ previ,fcd, ,,.,.-rl'c\fcr, tl.ot M ft.Ctl~ ~all h:.lvc any fight ro ckt~vruirnt C# parhdp<1to ;n tho detffrnination a,. to whorhar av neli' ortt ~ed ~tty shott bo reconstructed or rcpaltt."d.

9. OiUhMihdh of Proei'tid!. floecods of fffM'ttiFCC policies 1cceiuell h) lh• tnwrcmeo Trustee thoU bn distributed to- or for tha benefit of lhc bt:ndic:lal owner!\ In tho fol!owlna monncr.

(Q} ~Me nf tho TrU!t. I.U Q;t~n,cs. of the lo.wrotu:e T'tntce 'l.haU ba rln;t patd cr prffvisfon madt.t thcrcf01.

(b) Reconstruction or repoh·. lf the efamoge for whlch the procttc-ds cue pr~id b to bn repoi.rccl tiT foton.. true,cd, tho tcfi'Kl\nil'lg pi'Ot:ccd$, 1hoU bo pohl to '-~-";(1'' t"-:<~. •hereof l:ls. cbc.wht'rc ..,rovid.,d. Any proceed~ rcmwintng ofter dd.-O)·ing such en.:~ sh!1!l be dbttif:.u~t.~ €u the be:m:ficialllwncrs, rctniftan~c tn cpar~"'"'lt ow· M• ..,,....,, '' ·r mortsas~Qs being poyoblc jointly tQ thnr:n,

(c) failure to RC!i:M\truc:t or Repair~ If it is dchmnincd in the mannf.'r chc­ ,..;hcro prcvidt!d tl.ot the d~Jtnage fnr which the procc~.-·d~ arc paid $hall not b~ r".:o:lstr~.;ot"('! or repaired, fhe remotnina proceeds. ~hall bo distribvtcd to the apartment OW•1~/S_. provided, hOV!tMU' _. that said pracc«;\d$ slta11 fir$t he payable to ony mortgagee hokUng Cin

ln$lhutlt:rn~l morlgDgo on sttid opatlmcnt * In this ovcnt 1 wid pror:cod-s s.hal \ fi::!;t b~ utilized to pay off or b~ oppli~d agl'ltnst the mo:·tgn9c licm held by soid inst!tutional

moriA', Qnd tho bolan~Cr if (lny 1 shoU bt:i payable to said oporfment own.:;.

(d) Certirteote. In making dtstribution to apartment owne-rs a~d thc'ir insUtuHono' mortgcgGaf the tn~onc:o Ttus.tce may r1!ly ~pon a Cf!rt'm<:ot~ af th~ Auociatlon made!t by its ptflidettt and secretory as t" the fl(Jmetl of the: oportmcon~ owners and their respecti"e $hares of the distribution.

6. Assnelottcn OJ Ag~nt. Th~t A,soeiotion b hnrchy lrfcvCtCobly appoint~d ogcnt ror QOCh Opclt'trttont «w!Mr nnd for t:CC:h C"N~Cr of Cifl iostUutfcn"l rnor:ooo~ or other llen upon an oparhnent6 or their assigns, and for each owner af aoy othC'r interest Jn this r:oncbntnium property to adiud an dcdrns ~rising unde:-r in~uronec policlc:-5 pur­ chased by the Ass.oc:iation, tJM to execute and deliver rclco~.,, Upl)n th~ p~ymcnt of cloims.

7.. Bemtnt of /tlortgogDM.. Certain provislon1 ~n thb porcgrop!, "Ftt emltled, etfnwronca., cr~ fer the benefit of mort909M of cQnd"miniurn·parceis and aU of ·such p:ove•ions oro ccnwnar.tli fot she boncfit of any rnnrlgt:~g~ of on opottmont ond nsay bl cnfortod by such mortgagee.

G • -, Re~truelio.n or Rcpatr Aftet Cowolty *

t. De~erminatim\ to rt\t'Ms:lruc~ ~: f~k. If "fit peri tA lh(; ~.,..n&:...~inlurnr ~ny Uo.aU ~ domoged hy e0$Uoley, whet~\' or not tt ih~U be ve~O$\StNctoJ or .-.trod sholl be det~iood in the foUowlng monnl.'T. j .. (.,) ~ Elem~t. ff the dam~ lmprclvement Is Q CcmmO~ oh:ment, tbct ~-i ~ty si-.cn ba teconstruc:ted at r.,.cired unlcu lt h detert.'ii~ed ln. the (U I i"VK~ f'lnmortt·, tr tlu• cln:,~t!l•' i'Nl•,i\lt, nf GI.~Jltlilf" M f, .•. ~~. ti~un lirty 1~·r ~('f11 (W,M ot the GJ)l;fflmt•nt vr.lh lhat cur ttn'nl~\t•t:;, ol tim A·.~•;doli(ll> 1 tlll'll o.ul in thot II!Vcnt lht! ~gcd builciion ~hall be- rccon">lrvctc>d (It rc•poired.

«21 MaJor Ocmcga. lf moro than fifty (5CY:{;.) p!.'rccn~ of ll,o- op<~rtment unit' that oro mernbcrJ of the A'!~ocio1ion arc do.mogcd ond ore not tcnontoblc, then end in thot event tho Boord of Directors shall coli for o special mcctinn of tho own('n to dc~crmt(lo \'mcthct or not said domooe shall be repaired or rc:-tonstruttcd. In fhf' t>v('nt that 0\'llltm of 50vcnty-fivc (75%) per cent cf tho condominium parcel., (op(:t fmL'nt

unili) ag;ee in writing not to repair or reconstruct tho said buildings1 lhr:l and in 1:•::t event the c:ondofT't ·-iurn shall Lc terminated, os e>JsowhNe pro·tidcd.

{r;) Ccrtinc~;llto. Tho Jn$tJtQne(! Tnnt(!~ r!'lc~ ~- ..., ~,-p_,~ _.,_ c<:rtiti(:otc of th~ ~atio9 mod.l by ih Prosidcnt ond ScerC'tory to d.;Jt<'!rmino whether or n::>t t!w clamogcd ; ~tC!petty M. to be rccon$tructcd or repaired. / ~I . 2. Pions ond SpadFicotions. Any recon:;.truction or repair must b~ ~v!l~t.:m­ tiafly in ac:cordonec wilh lhn pion$ on~ "£pcc:iric:;otic,ls for the origin.:tl bui!di:t~~, p.ortfons of wf.ich hovo been dP.Iivcrcd by the Develope: to tho As~eiotio11 f.,-,;· 'SafckccpinS~.

3. P.c5ponstbility. If the damage i5 only to those ports. of ono oportmcnt For which the rcspomiLility of m~intcnanc:c end rcpoir i!i that of the apartment O\\l'n,'r, t!,cn the opnrfment owner s.hoil ba re~pondbla for the rccons.tructlon end rcpoir oftcr et4uafly. In .,11 other instances the rc~onsibility of rceonr.trtJction and repair after <:(&W(IIty shall be tho~ of the Association.

4. Estimote of Cults. lmmcdea~oly oftt!r a dotermh~ation ta rebuild or repair damage to proparty f.1r which the Anodation has the responsibility of reconstruction cr repotr, the As:sod~tlcn shell obtcin rclk.b!G Md datailcd estimate~ of the costs to rebutfd or rcpatr.

5. Auessn'lcnts. lr tha proco(!ds of iruur('lnCc (JJ'c nor wfficic-rtt to tlofroy 9h.e esttrnot~d c:osts: of rccom.truc:tion and repair, by the Auoc:il\ltie~, or if etf any time

dutl"g reeonstruc:tion ond repair 1 ot upor~ completion of rcr:on~tsvetiora ond rcpc:.ir, the funds for the poyment of •••c cosh thc:t(!Of arc insuffic-ient, a~~C'swcnts sholl bo mC'dc cgoirut the oportm~nt O'Ni\ors wllQ own lhc damaged apartments, Md cgc.ind all aparlmon! owners in tho eose of domogo to common oloolcnh, in suHidcmt amounts to p1Cvida runds for the p

6. Construction Funds. Tile ftJo

I .. 14- ----~------rt~rl . ?,:~:1,. 11· IW1655 PA&t9S2 (~) AwM·!nHm•. U dw ~~,d ,J mW".\:iW.wt! RtJdt• ..)' l!w ,\.,•.n• htHun Ztt '"'"" t~ pt

(b) lrmm:mte Truste

l. Auociotion .. len..~ Damt:~!)C. If I h«! amount or tho estimated cmou nt C'f r~condrvction and rcpoir which is tho rc~ponsibility of the /\~~odation is '"~~ 1!1an five 1houtcartd {~5, 000.00) Dollc:r::, then the comtruc:tion fund~ 1httH b~ di~bumd ;n P'YfMnt of $UCh r;.., ..fs upon thn ord!!:- Qf the Auocic.tion; ~o"i-:J~d. however, thot 1 upan request to the lnsu~anec Tru~tce by a mort gag _ •· '-' ' • '• - ~ • • • -· 1 _. em insuran(e poiky ttte proceeds of wi.tch ore ineluJ~J in thl.i :.t::::, 1.1dicm fund, $uch fund shall Lc disbun;~d in the mcnnl!r hcr

2. An<.ciotion .. Major OamtJge. If the amount of the estimated costs o~ reeonstroc.:tion ond repair which is the rc~ons~bility of the Anociation is mere then Five n.cu~ond {$5, 000.00) Dollars, then the cort~ttuction fund sho!l be dh~unccl in ,- ... poym~nt of such ecnhl in ~he mf.lnncr rcquirnd by tho Doetrd of Dircc:tors of the Am1.:iation ond upoll a?rroval of an arch!t~d quaUfiod to practice In Florldo and cmplorcd by th

3. Apartment owner. Tho portion or insuronec procaodl rt-pr4:.'scnting damage for which the responsibility of rec:onstrueHan and ropoir lies with a:l opa:-trnent owner shall ~ poid by the tnwrance Trudeo t~ the oportmcmt owner, or if thel'o b a liiorfge~g~ ~.:lt".Amont o$ io such cpo.rtmcmt, then to the oportmant ~wncr anc.l the rr,orfQaso;e jointly, who shalf usc soid proce~ds for the purpo~ of reconstructing ond repairing satd cportmcnt.

4~ Surplm. It shall be pre$Um!1d that the fil'!t mo11oys di-sbursed in payment of cosh of rec:onlfrudion oncl repair shall b

S~ Certlncote~ Nofw~thstondins the provfsiom herein, the lnu.1ranct'! Trv:otee du!U ~t be required to detmmir.e wht'!ther 01 no~ sums pr.id t;,y aportmont owners' ~·('IS~ shalt be deposit~ by &he Jw.ocja"ion wttn the IMUronc.:t "(ru\t>.H!1 nor to fletermiM whother the didwvscmer.ts frcm the construction Eund ore to be vpon the r ordet of the Anoc.iotion or upon oppro'lrt!l of 01'1 m-ehitc~. or otherwise, nor who thor o dhbunt::tnent b to be mode from ihe c:omtruttion fund nor to d(lH!rtnioo the poyl)oc nof . .. _ . ..mara~ ~.rl!fl eOm ttmcM'iG ••• 8H• ~wthl. ftf',h~"J, fhifJ&iidMv~hWJi··· )' r•·ly "P"'' ,, 'N '"" oft• lj~ vho A-s~latioo mnde by ih Prc ...iclc·n! uru.l ~··ctr.fmy tf!. ~n My Of all of i.ud, 1'unftpr" and Gtming tl.nt th~ Wflt1i to bn pnid urc ~fufl ond prop,•dy F-YoLln und ·.totinq tltf• ntllllt· .,, ffir.t.pa)'CQ &kl ih& (U'I'IOtmt to 68 po,a; provtdcd ihdi When a m&r!Jdfic 1\ Mft!!R h!ii\UFM to bo tiotnnd en poy~ tho, ~nwrancc: Trus~co s;,oil nl~n nom~ fhr- mnrt(lttClr"'' o•, rrw,.r nf ony distribution of lns~nonc:u proc:c,'fh tQ o unit owrwri nnd rut tlt••r provitbllht~t whrn tho ~~~~iotion~ or a mortg(l!){'C! which is the bcndidory of em insurance polky lhc PfOC'=Cdi of whi~~;h oro included in the comtruction fund so required, tlw cpflf"ovof of an orchaoct nomtld by 'he Asmdaticn sholl b~ first obtciood by the As.soc:iarion upon cllsbuts('r.lcmfs. In poymon' of cOSii of rcconshl,.lctlon ond rcpoir.

1. Anti..::. ·otod ta>ms. It h. ontidpotcd rhat tox!l's and sp""cial (W~r;-;~n"~C'nh upon rile aportmcnl and common c-lcm<'nfs will b{' OS'i.C'~o:ed h., tf.,p t

2. Otha cnM~cnts. Any taxc{ and s.pceit~l m~t!1'.irn~nts upon the cond:~minium property whic-h oru not as~('S$(ltl aoninst the aparlml•nt ownan shall be indu.:1c..'d in t!11~ budget of the /ls1ociotion os rccurri .... 9 expense$ Md ~hall be mscs-.cd agoirw the- op..:;~­ mcnt own~rs !(;,~ o common cxpct'lsc .


The use of the property of the condominium .shalf ~ i" cccordancc \vith t!-otc follow1ng provbions:

A. Nuisl'ftlc:es - No nulsoncc shall ba ollowcd upon tho <::ondominium property nor O«f u~ or practice wMch ~~ t(Jo sourc~ of (lnnoyoncc to resident!; oi which intcrf~ros with the P'tfSCeful ~1enioo ond proper usc of the property by its residents. All p::rts of the Pfoperty :i.OOU b(! kept in a dean nn...J ~anHary condition, ond no rubbis.h, rl:"fv~c, or gorbage ollowoa to acc!:lll\ulotc oor .11: fire- hoz(lfd alluwNI to cxhL 1~,... l..(•c-j"lin:, Chld core of pe:t5 sholf be rcgul~tcd by tho lui;~ und l~c:'gulotion-. c•f th(• /v.wciorion tti~(&c:,,.,l he:te1o as bhibit "F".

8 •. Un10¥Jful use - No immoral, improper, offcm5ivo1 or unlawfol usc- shall be mode of thf) condominium property nor cmy PQJ'~ th~roof; ond all laws, :roning orJir.onccJ ond tcgulatiOI\$ of all gGYCH'Mt(!ntal bodie$ having jurbdiction thc:rcof shnll bt" ('Jbtprv('d. The rcspon~ibUity of mct:ting the requiromonts of govcrnnmntol bodies which rt'quiro mo1nlcnonc;, r.1odlfi::otion, or rapair of the condominiunt property $halt be th!."' t:u«l! C$ th~ r~pon,ibiltty for ~hi:! rnojntcf\l.lllco and rcpnir of ~he p:opotty conecrncd.

C. ~lotiM$- RegulaHcm cc•~ernk~ tho U$11 of th~ ton<30Jniqfum J)l'OpCf'ty . ha?,ta been odopied end are cUoehcd hc:tcto as Exhibit "f", and may ~ omC!ndcJ f,cm lime to finK! by the ·Bawd cf Directors of tha Aswc:iation; provided,. however, thot oU ' sueh atnC!'ncW4mi5 thet'OtC moll be opprcvcd by not lou thon $0YCI'Ity-fivo (15~o) pcrc:,mt or tho YOhts of the .,ntire memlxlfdlip of tha Anociotian bc:fore th(! ~~ ~oil become e«cc:tivo. Cop~ d sm:h rtQ9Uictieru ond cmtcndtncnb thereto shot! bo furnlmcd tc oil ~lmcnt~~. . ,, D. tl"'MV'f'ljftmt:•·-. - In hrt~'f fn ·.~. ~t~·· n rttomRt~Hiily nf n'll'l!tt"fttfll r~h1r•nt' tttltl JIM JWOfc;~t tlta ~lun Qf flu• ttpnrh;umh, th•· s.etr..,, le(t':.i~ and frn'ftpct(riuo uf n,Wfmrnts \ by arty ~oor alln:lr fl1an 11 ... O•·w·IC1jh't :.ll(tll !J,. '·"l•jN·I 'ft llu~ totl••·rir.:J Jlfovi:.io•l·. '.4' ~~8 a£ the Q?~mrnt buildi~ in u~aful cont.fiticn cxbtJ upon the lr-nd1 llttl!10:i:&:. • hD

{a) Notlro to /,~"1r.ioH0T'1 (mel Ocv~IPper. An op!;lttmc-nt owncr intt-ml!ni'} to mo~o Q Low fida ~ala or r.J 1.-ooo fir! ... lcmc 1or a pcrie~d oi l:-,;13~; :hon t'M )'Pm o\ :1:~ 0!-)c:JI'Imcnt br ot'ly int~rcn the:rcin shol\ give notice to ~I.e As~odaH;}n onei [),•vr1.l;,.:: of ~uch irl!cniionr tcga-thcr •nlth tl C: n.;::;r~ and cdJrt·~s of IJ10 pro;'>O:>Nl rurchoso: 0:' iil'ssc¢, tooCltlu:r with olhcr su.;.h inf.Jrmotion Cli tho Associotion ond o~-v~lopcr fliCIY require.

(b) flactinn by As~odotion ond Developer. ·»··:.: ..... _..,, .~lll uoys. oftcr t~~olp! oF :uch notice, tl,n A~~odt.tiort and Dev~bpcr must :::pprovc the h.:'!•hoc-tio:l or run'lith a purd.(lSCr or fes~CIJ approved by the Asmr;k.tion \'.hO \Viii oeecpf t.Jrlil~ 05 .. , ...... : u!..le to th~ scll(!r 05 tfu1 terms $fated in I he notice. Such purcha~cr or lcs'>cc fumf!llccl by ,,~ AHodotio;, and o~vcloper moy hciV(! not lcsl than thirty (301 dC\ > ~ulm;qucnt to tho dote of approval within whi<:h to dO'.i.c the transection. Tho app:ovo! of the A~~ociolion ond Developer slratl be in rccordobl~ form on!J c!clivorad to th!." pa.:.-d:os.er or lc~sao. In the ovcnt that the Assc.datioo onJ Oovcfopcr docs !'liJt furnfm o p;.~td\G1-er or lew.'1e opp(ov~d by lho Auociotion and Developer \',ho will ac:ccp~ f

t<'£1l cr lea~ hi$ apattmcnt to the propos.twd purcha'icf, or lr.nec 1 and the As~o;ioti.-:m and Oovolcper 'Shell provide tL•> purcha~er or le~SCQ of ~aid sale « leas.:s with en Gflpi'0\'01 tn recon!obiC!' Corm.

(e) In tho 12vent of th~ death of the owocr of un opc:srtmeot, his h~in,

devhce1 or the grc.ntec or th1:1 pcuonal reprcscnfotiv~ of tho t'ltote of w~h d~·ec~ad ~¢r shaH g'iv~ r.otkc to the Auociotion ond Oc:volopcr ~>f the i.;tcnt of ;1.1ch hc-1r·, devisee or grQfltee or the r<:rroool (Cpr4ncntotivc of the Qstotc to (JC:Ct.1PY ~ ~d opori'",.. ment together with the r.am~ ond address of the propos"d ocr:upant tooNhcr wit!' sut"b ofhor infermotion OS th~ Assoc-iation and Developer ruay rcqvi:c. WHhin rh!.~>· no'~

days oftor receipt of such notiCt! 1 !he- An"iotior. and D•~vcfo!'ar must ap!)l·~·vt' fit!' ceo«>por'lcy of tho Clpr:~rrment by wd• oppficaflt .or furnim tJ p•~rchascr who wiH pv-·eh!'sc Jllo t;p

(SO) days ortcr rcu:eipt ~r such nor ke1 then and in that tlVant t tnc As~eh:*ie"t'l ='ld ~v"':'t=Por f.hcH povido the proposctd tJCCl.lpnnt with on apprcwol in rccor~lo form, lftd toid occupc:~nt ~all bo c:nihlad to oecut•y wid apartme-nt. \ . ' (en le~~ tlo~tf•, Ul fl11• f't.•Yt•IIIJ"'i IJI'tt•in •Jtftllt l'll',tl allkt rStt• •.(llo• I ,J fht• l(f•,t ttt~nhw•ulunil uwnt-•ll,y ll"' l!o"'"'"lli't.

,; : l -:-;:,. "'t ~tgogc .. No opcrrtmrmt ownar moy mortgooo his apcn-tmcnt or cn;- J. ·lnlerait ~=~ wHhouf the ClPf'I'OVOI or the As~odotlen end Dt.ovelopN {'lCC('pt to n ' • :. I totl •.n i11t , owl lottttl o•.·.n.-italil"tff c; !he D,lv<:lnpN ilS •.k·liru;.-d in 1\tticlu Ill M.

a•.. li!ln~ .. .. - ·- ---··- 'm16~ ~..ct985 .... --- .. (a) Protect ion of Property. All H~ns ogains.t an oportmcr.~ other than for pc;,11uitfcd morlgogcs, toxcs or ipccial as~cs~n1cnts !.holl be sotisficcl or Cllll.-rwhc rt.. •~rt.. vod within thirty (30) days from tha dato of tho lien ottoc:hr.1cnt, All tcn:cs and !,~~uci(ll o~~CS!tTotmls upon on apartment !hall be paid bC!for~ lho:'y l>c~:oma cldiowt•.c:~:.

{L} Notice of lien, Ao oportmcnt own('<. ~hall Jiv:- :-::-?!ico to tho:! A~~ociation and Developer of every lien ogalmt his "'I" · · , .•.. , :,c . ...,~ ...... ~d mc.rt~o~us, fu}l;os Md ~peck.! m~ctsmcnts wi:llin five (5) lkty~ ~;;~ •. ; fn(' lien otto~h.:-s.

(c) Notice of Suit. An oportmcmt own cor sh(llf give notice to the A.. ,ociotion of every ~'Jit ar ollle:r procNding wl.id, meoy off~ct the tiilo to hi; cpm~rnc-.,t, SL·:=~l no!;c~ 1o ba :ivan witl.in fivo (5) cloys (.lftcr the Clpc.;trncnt owner rcccivm noHc.:• incrcof.

(d) Failure to ~· rrtply with th 1$ $Cdion concctning liens snail not ofFN:t tl\e volidUy of ony fudic ·of sale.

4. Judicial Soles. Except such judidal $ole as may be occa~iiCfled by tho rorcclowtc of Q fir$t mortgage.

(Q} Appvoval of tho Amx:iation. Tho sole is too purehoser opprovcd by the ~.uodotton which approval t•eolt Le delivered to tho purchas~r and rcc;o;ded in t!l~ f'&Jblit ~c::orch c.f llrovord Cour.ly, Florida; or

(b) Public Sale. n,c wlo is a publte $Ole with apen bidding; or

(c:) Should t~.C!I interest or on oporhncnt OI.Vnor bcu:~omc subjec-t to gn in~H­ tutlunol «rst mc.rlgogn os ~Ceutity in good faith or for value, the hoiJcr of such

rnct"S!jOgo upcn l.ccOOting the owner of such interest 1 through whotcvcr mcom:, :;hall havc lhe unc;uoliricd right to sell, lcow cr otherwise dispo~;) of soid iotcrt-d i•l setid C'pc,.·t­

li·,onf without tl.e priOJ' approval of lhc Coord of Oi;ecton of tho A;so.:-·~·~ ':'\ 1 em.!

wilf,out r

S. UMUtboth::Gd Ttamaetions ~Any soia, MOrl~ or l~ which is not oul~tz

6. CompliMCa ond OQfautt. Eccb oportmc:nt own~ $kQII he govwn~ by one full1 ~ly whh the tCffh$ or the cond::Mninium and regulntii)IU a.dopt¢d p~jtS.Uthlt thcra~o c.nd taid documents end rcgt:latlc,M CJI' thcy may bo arncmdcd from tim.: to timo. A c'.afwlt choU entitle!' iho A$i0ciotion or o]"or oportrncnt ownon to the following relief: • - 2li~ ..... II mz 4 I'M! l._.,'!Tir ;;; 1 S:i Prt=-;lW Qjf£W6tltc""'W"'i"*t.,._.. '*Mil''-' :ll"'ql :-:-il* A J:tsa - • (C) l•i ~ct.Jiw.r;. ruiiYrl' lo e(lfttf~ly wHh (Ul)' of ilw ft"ffm of dtl"! ~nmLtrnlnhrtn ·~~ :tttwnh ·~·~I ~· • 1 ul.,~.1~·1· •J_,,,.~J ... , ··u!t;tl tfu·tt·ln ·:l~•lt t ... !,httut·l·. ff" rttU••f, wM•It t ,.ht•l ifllti' '''( t.,.,,. l,ul •ltt1tl nut &,.\ llZ.BtnUH un u, "'"' lo ''"' ,,v•1 •.•.mn due fow ~m 0t lnjunclit.t() rctlcf or botit ond wlcid, odion~ n1ay be! maintaine-d hy ihc Auoclatl~ or II" a pr~r ease by on aggrieved opOrtml"nt owner • , 986 m1 655 ~ACE (b) NcnUocne-o. An

CCfCit"W'I~S 01' by IIJat of ony ml"'fnb~r of hi~ fomily Of hi5- ~ tht'ft !JUC">h 1 t•mployN•s, agents, or lct'SC!l.~. Such Uobiiity 'lhall ind11de ony i~·~ .. caR• i, imuror:c(! f -~~s oecmdoncrd by YW, miw~, occupancy or abandonment of on aparhncr~f.

-··-- '· (e)-Cmsl vr\s- ~-:-··m-cny fl"'Qeced-!ntJ erh~ J.:.~..n\1.\~;:: ~!. ~ll alleged default b)' on oporfm('nt owner, the prcvoilin9 porty ~hall be C'ntitlrcl to toc:ovor the cosh oi' tho proc:-ccdino t;md ~uch rocnonable otfC'rn-=-y's r~c-s tn raoy bn 0\'/0r.:!.Jd by tb:? Court.

(o) N«'J "' .:vrr of rights. The foHurc- of th<1 Auodotion or any C'partmcM Ownf.'!J1 fO CO(i)J'Cf: CJny 1:0\'CnOI'It 1 fC$frktion Or other ~·M--.":"•,..,,, '"-f tht ·~ t ol dueumt!nh s.hoH not c-on!.tiiuic a waiver of fh<> right to clo $0 ;:.~; "-::::'l.:r,


A.. Declaration of Condominium. fxc<-pt os here-in otht'rwisc provided, amendme-nts to the Dcdoration !holt bt!.- adopted ca follows:

1. Notice. Noi!t-(! of the 5ubjcd mutter of the proposed amendment shaH ~e tnclud~d in she notice of any mooting of wltich o propo~c:!d cmcmclmcnt is to b~ c~ns!t.!ercd.

2. Resotuiton. A rcM)Iution odopting a propo$ed amendment may b~ pro­ posed by either the Boord of DirectQI's or tho Association or by the apo(tmcrtt own~rs

meeting as members of the Aste)eiation and1 ortcr being proposed (!nd oppro\.'cd b}' one or $utb bediCH, it must be approved by the Clo~hcr. Oirccton and Op!lrtmc-nt owners not present at the ntoeling <:omidcrir.g the omondmcnt moy c>:pr~s thctr opp.-o\'ot or dhopprovol tn writing. Such approvals musi bo $CVcnty-rivo (75~~) par c:cnt of the Board of Directors ond by not less 1hon ~cventy-ilve (75%) pt'f cent of the rr:cmbors of the /t.s~iotiota, except o~ io on omonclmcnt altering the $harc1 of ownership in the c:omrr.on elements or the sl-: zrc of lhc common cncp~mcs of the condcminium or th~ voting rights of any of tho owncn of the condominium, any of ..... hich ~a! I require the approval of one hundred (100%) per cent of the ownt>n.

3. Copy or the proposed resolution' shalf be furni!.hcd vnto oil bontt fit!o marigagt holders; and the opprovot of wc:h morfgagec mu~t bo received i;, \'.Titing by the ksociotion befo:--e adoption by the Association bf welt resolutions.

4. RecorcJ;ng. A copy of each omendmcnt shall be certiFied by the- oFficers ~ of tho Ast.OCiotion os havi~ been duly odoptod antl sha~l ba effedivo ·,·.-hen recorded ~ ~M P~Uc Rccwcfs of Ckcvard Coor~ty • ·

\ 8. Association Charter and By-la'!Yt. n.o Artiel~ of lncctp.r.iation and the By-Laws of the Auociot:on may be amended in the manner pr()Y'idod by wc:h documents •

.. 21 .. tJm!l Jd ~.r nfi"Y ~ ,1.__.R5._; rl'~L U{J ~

Ptovided1 hnw~ver, thot no amcndm!ffot of ~;my condomlnivm ~nt ahfir iseriminate agoms any tmleu the pcrti~ shall eon~ent to ~uch amendment~

D. Daveloperl5 Additionol Rights: Irrespective of anything r:lse herein eontain~~tcf, no omendmentmay be made to this Deeloration of Condominium, the Attielel of lneorPQI'(Itioo of the A~eic;~tion, the By-lows of the Associotion, « the condominium de


A. Community Foeilhles. The prior developer, Fair Builders, Inc., ho$ with Its own funm consfructea certain community focllities, which it htas or will ti'QHsfer to the ~dtltion ond which they will operote ond re.aintaln at their own expeme, for the ~e and benefit of the owners of the various apa-tments in thi5 condominium ond oth!r opariment owner1, tenants or other parties in connection with ~he land set fOI'th in Exhibit "801 and deed to th.e Association. The continued operation of the community facility is dependent up<>n the poyments made to The Condominiums of Indian Harbour hsoc:iation 1 Inc. by ooc:h owner.

D. Restriction on olt ovtside ontenna or aerio Is. There i5 a redrietion placed on oil outside antenna or aerials. The Condominiums onndion Harbour Association, lnc. l1(I'S controcted with Florida TV Coble to supply television signal to certain points in the project and the Association hos the responsibility of maintaining the omplifien. and didribution s.ystem within the condominium complex.


Tho eondo.minhsm moy be terminated in the following monnet":

A. Apreement. Thn jcrml~tion of the condominium mo; be effeetcd by tht unanimous agreement of the apartmen~ ownei"J and all mortgagees, whieh agreement &hall be evidenced by em instrument execuled in the s.q;ne l'r'JUnner en required for the eG:RYe~nee of lond. The termination shall become effective when 'uch agreement ha$ been •eeordild It' tho Public: Records of Brevard Co~,~nty, Florida.

f). Dfl.tructlon. In the eveni V is chft11'Jrmlnod oJ is elsewhere PfOYided that ihe condominium shall not~ rebulll ofter de1.twcHonr... lhe coodomintum form of ownership • BU\'1655 l)fltt 988 alloU ~ temtii'itlted ond the condominium do.:umenh revoked; tt~ch ~t@rtniMtian not to rebuild shall be evldene;ed by o certifkote of th~ Anociotion 10:...-.tifying th~ focts f¥ffeetii\1} th~ termif'IO•ion, which certtfleo~e .. ncH bare-corded~ ~he PubHc Records of & eva• d &enI, flelise,

C. Shar•:!S of ownership ofter termination. After ferminotion of rl-;e condo~ cnlnium, the oportmen"i' ownt:rs dlCIII ;;wn the condominium property os tenonts in .:;ommon In uwJivided s-hores and their mortgagees and lienee$ sha II ~ve mortgog.,s and liens

upon the rezpeetive shores of the op<~rtment owners, subject, however 1 to the ri9ht5 of tf'Jh condominium or ill o$sigm, gs h~reincher set forth in paragraph "0" of this ortide.

_....., D, ~· Aftet..t~minot'oo...qf the condr.ttYJ.ini~ ••~iibft• '-ly virho~. .e~<::,greem~ in tht~ e'!~nt ~hot the condominium ~hall nol be rebu\h arter destruetiol"' the undivided interests os tenants in common of each of the oportment owners in the condominium pro­ perty, whether land, building~ or proceeds from any insurance policy or policies sho II ~ 5ub-i-J<:t fir~t to the intere~t of ony imtitutionQ: first r.. o!'~ . ..,.~; '~elcl by any mortgagee. The balance of said interest or proceeds shall be t-'""i'_:.· .._. :·- u\!,..'ltt<·. w• eu~;n opartment.


Notwithstanding any provision in this Declaration to th~ contrcry should the oolder of ctny ins ti tvtiona I mortgage on on apartment unit become the owner of .~uch mortgage unit by foreclosure of s\leh mortgOg1! or by deed in lieu of foreclosure then there sholl be no liobility upon $vch mortgagee for payment of CJny portion of the fees, to~ei, or other obligations which be~Xtme due prior to the acquisition of title by soid Mottgc.Qe~. Such unpoid $hOre of common expense~ or assessments sha II ba deemed to lH: common exper.s(!S collectible from all of the C)Wnerl of the c:ondominium parcels, including $Ui;:h oc;qoiror, his successon and ouigns. The right~ herein accorded to on institutional mortgagee shaiii'IOt include the extingui~hment of said lien held by the Developer and/or Mointenonce Contractor, if any. The ~ubordination of thl;;. Hen shall bo considered as confined to the abatement as herein pfOvided.


All provisions or the condomintum documents e;Qnstitute covenants running wtth the land and with every part thereof ond intere$1 therein, including, but r.ot limited to ~very opottment owner ond elaimant of the land or of any port thereof or interest the provisions of the c:ondominivm docurnelits. ·


Prior to the execution of· the Dec lcuotion For Phase I ond sulnequent to the odoptlon of the Piy .. \.ows and lhe A.rtielM of lnc~tlonL the ~iaticn, throvgh Its original Board of Directors and Officer, ~ntered into o certain Maintenonee ond Monoge111cnt Agreement with M intenonee Managemen~ : •.,c:. This controct hos been ettn..:eiled end no responsibility r~im on the part of Maintenance Management Inc. to provfde setvic:e. Th.a responsibility now vest'$ Sl)lely with the OHic:ers and Directon of The Condominiums of lndion Harbour A~odaticn, Inc:. to run and manege the offoirs. of the A$$0ciation. The AiSOCiotion ts appointed. ond shall ~ tha irrevocable ogent In fact, with im 1655 P~\.t 989 Ml pOWer of suf»Htvtion, Q( eoe'-1 ood every opartment OWMi for all~ to cb and perform each and ~very act ond thing required of oportment owr.en in mid document and eo CCilithi La and exeettle Ohj oad afl deeu;q;cJds; if ::eeaaaery; ta eUaatuste any and all cu::HvitiM necessory to manage the offoirs of the At~ociation and rnollQgement of the cortdominiums.


Tfwt invalidity of ony ~OVCI'Iant, restriction or other prc,-,...ision or any part

ther:Of ofhony efon_do~i~i_u~_2o__:~ent s.hall not .!~et th~_!!'!!~~~y of thc.r.!..ernainina. ___ 1 •• ·-· pnrhons t ereo • IN WITNESS HEREOF, the Developer has executed this Ocdoration the ZitJ... dcry .,.f July{ lY16, and eoL-secl hi; wife to joi11 for the sol ... ;:!:!~O$e: of releasing ony

cluims of dower ond to Quit Claim ony interest :.. · ·' · : :-~-. ~, . 1 •

Witness to all signatures:



I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this doy in the next above named state and county, before rl'll'l, an offieer duly authorized ond oetlng, personally appeared CHARU: S l. NELSON, ond MARGARET P. NELSON, duly known as the persons who signed the foregoing instrument ar'ld acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act ond deed for the USM ond purposes therein named.

My CoMmission Expires:·

ACCEPTANCE 4---IJI"f::::o"*~~

For gcod end -ygluable eon$iderations, the reeeipt wh~reof is hereby aet.:nowledged, THE CONOOMINIU\4.S OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florido non­ profit tnembf.nhip COI'pOI'Cition 1 hereby agrees to accept all of the benefits end all of the wtl~, fespon$tbilitiet, obligations and burdens iMp(Qd on it by the p;ov;sions of this Deelamtlon of Condominlttm. If~' 1655 PM [ 990 IN WllNESS WHEREOF, THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIA"! HAR..SOUR ASSOCIATION, INC. har cau~ed these presents to be s.igned in its name by the

President end il$ t:OrpDrote seal affixed1 otte1ted to by its Secretary the dciy ar.d year obove WTitten.

THE CONDOMINI~5 OF INDiA"!·· Signed, :sf)(':lod and ~livered ,. in tho p:~-nc;e of: HARBOUR ASSOCIATtON, INC~·

@ru.-11/~ ../)-1 2J I i:_---L--t"r - ·-ij . /- .. ,.-~""':'' . ~ ... -~ .... k;0tfu (_ j&_t~CL "-.


COUNTY OF BREVARD AtJGt;~{ I HEREBY CERTIFY, tl-,t on the .30 day of_.., A .D., 1976, before me pe~ally appeared Fi&:JAJK F. ,tl.t..fjfQ. NJ.t> G?eo~t:.,/A!Jl,q 1/I.Sfl..J../O Presu:lent ond Secretory respectively, o H~ C:e5f'JOOMINIUMSOF INDIAN !-IARBOUR ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida non"'P'""fit membenhip Corpo~t~tion, to me w~il known ond known to me to be the penons desuibed in and who executed the for~ing instru­ ment r.1d sev6f"CIIIy acknowledged the exKVHon thereof to be their free oct and deed as well offiee" for the uses and purpose~ therein mentioned, and that they offix.~d th!!reto the official seab of SC~id Corporation, and the $0td instrument is the oet ond deed ohaid Corporotion.

WITNESS Illy liand and offic:iol te(l! at Indian Harbour of Srewrd and State of Florida, the do:y and year last or ..

My CornmiDion Expires: !ltl'fi!IY I""'! 'I' r.fA'"" m· ..,nrr•u , , •• IJfr MliUolt'S!Itr+l Rl'l'lt$ /A A.Y ! SlmD Tllllll li[l(ti!AL l,.'i5. l!:.:tl.i\fl., RS

.,. -~~~- liAl£ JOINOfR Of MORTG.o\GU mt1655 991

FIRST FEDf~Al SAVINGS AND lOAN ASSOCIATION OF TITUSVlUE, n corpomtion m·gonl1.crd ttud f'~lllllny undur lim lowt. flr lit,.. Uuitrd ~tttltJ'\ l'Jf An•t•th:u, ht"Jtoh"-l'lcr cutlnd tbn MwJwqc;q. tim gwner an..f holdc! of a certain rr.ortrese upor pert of the loMb dt&l- eribed in Artkle II of the Declaration of Condominium of THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INOIAN HARBOUR, PHAS£ IliA, which mortr:'"',;~e as doted end recorded as follows:

Doted the 28th day of Moy 1975, and recorded in Offielal R~corch Book 1531 1 ot Page 698 , of the Public Records of Brevard County, Florid!:~, joins in the mo~ing of the forego~g Det;lomtion of. ~do'!l.i!.'l.hJ!.l\.. Ql.)~~~ Mr.l""~5f'~<:$ _...... ,._

I ...... th.-r~ »en urmu mortgage~ I hereofter be upon a It of the oportments and the oppurterlanc:es thereto which are c.le$cribed in Article VI! of thl~ Dadcration, which ore applicoble ta those unih in Building A-10 Cit 415 School Road, Indian Harbour Beach, Floricb, nomety units numbers 65 through 72.

F~~~.:; ... :-· "_~~:'.• ~' ~·t· ,:...,.., ..... ~ ... 0 LOAN l,.:..;;c;-. OF TIT Vlllf




7'. _BeFOjt~ ME_, tho undersigMCI authority, persanolly appeai"----- ...Li..~-PtUt..,_ ,ti{~~~ ...... _.. .-.. and . 01 Prosfdent wid =.: hiitbvy;respectfvely ~:.f Fl)I.Sl FEDEitA(l,AVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF TITUSVIU!: o corporation organiz~ ond existi(Wg under tf. b;:n: vf *-~United Stat~S of Arnerico, and they O(;knowledged to and befor~ me, that tr.ey ,. executed the foregoing instrument o!i 5Uch officen of soid corporation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 I have hereunto set m~ hand end offidot Seol ot Titusville, County of lk'evord, State of Fioricb Otl this -'/a. doy of~, 1976. ~;····:-;. Now, ~tilij. ... ~ ._· '1

...... JOINDER... ..-._ .. ___OF - MORTGAGE£. ·-- ...... •

SUt_, FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of MELBOUHNL o cerparati0r-. or~hized ond exiitin9 vnder the laws of the lM lted Stotes of America, hero- inc fter ca ~ jed the Mortgagee. the cwner and holder of o certain mortgage upon par1 ~f the lands described in A.-tide U oF the Declaration of Condomini~,~tn of THE CONDOMINIUMS CF INDIAN HAR·· BOOR, PHASE IliA, whh:h mortgage is dated ond reco;dad os foilo\Ort:

Doted the 22nd d:ly of January 1976, and recorded in Officio I Records Book 1593, ot Poge 2 .3, of the Publk lecords of Brevard County 1 Florida, joins in the making of thfl fOregoing Dedarut .m <"Jf Condominium, and the Mortgogt>e agre~s that the . _--~--~ ... lien of said mortgnge :.iY... ~ l._~_ -:.r~ft~r_be. \lp:rlr.\...Gll .c~.t.-hc aportrrn:nls on'd the appur'1ei\once~ theretO which eire· aescrib~d in Article VII of this Declorotion, which ore applicable to those ur~its in 8vilding A-ll at 417 School Rood, Indian Harbour Bcoch, Florida, l"tC!meiy units numbers 73 thrr>ugh 80.

Witnet.s: SUN FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ot Mi.~llOURN E By!Q"'"~ $for. tJ Att ~~au.,.e./c __ STATE OF FLORIDA


BEFORE ME, the unde,.lgned outho•lt~~ppccred ~ and 8-J, :: .. · t nta f,i ·J1':flay, respective yo SUN FIRST NAHONAL BANK ~~: a~~t1onf,~;nized end existing under the laws of the United States of Amt'rico, and they acknowledged to ond before me, thot they executed the .. foregoing instrument as sueh officers of said corporation. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hove heteunto 5et my hand or~d offictol seat • r.. at Melbourne, County of Brewrd .. State of Florida on this ~ da1· of July, 1976.

My Commlssion E)(pires:

•• ~cc lf.m! Of 111.~ " u.tlfiill 1iA' ~~ mtllll MAY I, IWIJ ~ .. ~mw~~~ ..


~ tnA, Parc:Q'11 I (Building sit~ of l!uildiflS A-10)

!e;JMll'\9 ot the SE comer of a poreel or fond known "' Phose 2, Pc:lrct!l 3, '" the some k dfl<:tibed ;n 0 .R. 8-aok 1430, Page 512 (ond as wrvi!!'yed oecording to c copy of sur­ vey In O.R. Book 1430, Poge 520) as the point of beginning; thence as o first co\l"Nie, northerly along o lin~ hrJ,..tng a bearing of North 0 °32'24" Wt:st " di'stanc:e of 123,0 ft.

to a pQtnt (which fin• is the East boundary line of Phose '1.1 Parcel 3, as dt'!$eribed in O~l. flook 1430, Pag4!! 5\2); thence, as. o ~eeond cours~, (':Qtferly ol~'\g.g_liQ~ ~.:.wtn.g ~lrg.o!North 890.2-7·'·36" Eo$r,-cnl'is'fonce·ot 115.0S ft~·,., a point (which line is ~ 'S

fndioo Horbour .Anociotion, Inc. by deed recorded in O.R. Book 1516 1 Pog~ 712, und e t.hown on o Plat of Survey f~(;.orded in 0 .R. Book \430, Poge 560}; th(;!nce ot o ~hifd

WUNe 1 Southeriy oioNg a line hoving a beoring of Sovth 0032'24" East a dlstolice of 36.61 h. to a point t,.. hien lo!.t nomed line is. the s.om~ '$ the We~t Hoe of o Southerly lndentot;on ot' the cer'lfral parking area which Southerly indr-r'K-Iion -·t1t. mod,. •.- include Clone itory CBS bvUdiog used os o cenh·ot laundry foci\;:{ '-'/ H ... ,. ~:~r;Qcorninh)rr.; of Indian Harbour A5sadafion, Inc. end which Indentation and buildil'lg appear on the Plot 7 ~JtVey of the pruperty deeded lo 1he Condominivms of Indian Harbour Asmdotion, Inc. and recorded in C. R. Book 1430, Poge 560); thence en o Fourth course, Easteriy

ctlong a line having a bearing of North 89¢27'36" East 1 " distonce of 12.665 fl. to a point (whieh point is located mldwa)' Easterly dnd Westerly on the South boundary on ct Southerly indentotion to encompass the one story CBS building previously referred to os shown on Plat of Sutvey recorded in 0 .R. Book 1430, Page 560); thence as c fifth course, Sovtherly along o line having a bearing South 0032'24'' East, o distonc:;e of 86.33 ft. to the intersection ..... ah the North boundary line of School Ro~,~d (a privote tOcld) as shown on the Plat of Survey recorded in 0 .R. Book 1430 at Page 560); thence cu o sixth course, Westerly olcmg a line having a bearing of South 89°27'36 11 WeH, a cfl.stonc:e of 127.745 ft., more or leu, to the Point of Beginning (whic:h Ja$t line is the some Qs the North line of School Road a$ the 50me is deeded to The Condominiums of lndiato Harbour Association, lne. by deed recorded Jn 0 .R. BQok 1516, Pcage 712 ond os shcwm on the Plat of Svrvey recorded in O.R. Book 1430, Page 560). The afore5Ciid

~!y h !ocoted in Se.:tion 12, loWf'l$hip 275 1 Range 37E, in the City of Indian Harbour ~chf Brewrd Covnty, Florida, and oil references to 0. R, SQolc reFer tCJ the Official Rec:ords of Brevard County, Florida.

( P~s-0 UIA, ~eel 2 (Building ~tte of Building A-11)

Bsgirvaktg C!t the Southe<~st eorner of tf;(it por¢el of lond Micrtbed 3i FlldaJ 2. f'fii eel 3, in oceordonee with the legal deJcription recorded in ORB t 430 ot Page 512 (ar.d O$ wrvoyecl in g survey recorded in ORB 1430 at Page 520); thence, Eo:s.terlyolong a lint! ~log a beoring of North 8~7'36" East o distance of 127.745 ft. too point (whic;h p!lint lies on the North boundary fine of o private road known as School Road 01 the sold property WQS conve'.lyed to Th~ Condominiums or lndiqn Horbour.....(>.ssociotion., ....lN-:.__ .. by deed recOrded ln ORB 1516 ot Page 712 and os shown in a survey recorded in OR9 1430 at Page 560) which point is the Point of Beginning. Thence, o,s a first course, Northerly along o line having a bearing of North 0032'24" East o distance of 86.33 ft. to a p.oint (which point i$ the midpoint on the South tine of o Southerly projection of th1e middle parking lot orea which projection was made to encompass a one story CBS building osfld os a centro I laundry room facility by The Condominium$ of Indian Harbour A~soeiation; Inc. IJ:I shown on o Pia: of Survey rerorded 1ft (}ll~ 1430 ot Page 560); O$ 1 ..., •, .... • _,; .. , • - 1 11 ehence ~ o second CQ1Jf5e I Easterly along a line J- • ~-. ,..,-:~ ..J "'027 36 fa$t a diUonce of l 2.665 ft. to a point (which point is the ::.;:;:.;::-~eo$t corner of the S-:»Jtherly projection previously referr~ to); thence, as a third course, North 0032'24" We$t a distam::e of 36.67 ft. to a point (which point is on the Eouerly line of the afore­ describ~d Sovth~r!y profeetion O$ shown in the Plat of Survey recorded in ORB 1430 at Page 560); thence, as a fourth course, East~rly along o line having o bearing of North 8f1027'36" East a distance of 118.92 ft. to a point (which last described line is the Eost~mmo'l>t 119.92 ft. of the SouJh boundary of the central parking area as shown on the P1ot of Survey recorded ln ORB 1430 ot Page 560); thence os o fifth eoune, Southerly along o line having o bearing of South 0032'24" East 123.0 ft to the intersection of the North line of Sehcol Road at its Eastern extremity as deeded to The Condominiums of kedlon HorbotJr Association, Inc. by deed recorded tn ORB 1516 at Page 712 ond $hown an the Plat of Survey recorded in ORB 1430 at Pag.e 560; thence, os a sixth course, Westerly along a line having o bearing of South 89027'36" West a distance of 131.585 ft. to the Point of Beginning (which last named coLirn': lrf:$ along the North boundary of Sdlool Rood as it appears on the Plot or Survey recQrded in ORB 1430 ot Poge 560. The aforesoid property il' located in Section 12, Township 275, Range 37E, the City of lndic:tn Harbour Beoch, Brevard County, Florida, and alt referelices to ORB refer to tha Official Re~ of Brewrd County, Florida. Conveyonce is subject to oil eondition5, ~ents and restrictions of record ond easemenb for existing utilities ond to local zontng ordinanc:es.

m1655 P~Gt900


1 ~by certify that t~ su~y plot plans &nd floor plena ickintifi.d as Pha.. IliA, Parcel 1. tcpther with tba wor-ding of the Decluation, h • eornc:t nphl•entation of the illproveaentl d:elllCdkd ad that thllre een be deter.tned then· ~ tbs 1delltlficadon, location. dlmendona. Ed d&e of tM co:aon elMEnta of o.aeh unit.

Qtp: My 21. !976 H. J. SM111i-IMD SURVEttr«;

Pala BtY, F~orida . I . 8~ ;$ ~"1&!'1"'??'~/~,. rtortda Jsaiete~d Lad SlJnoe)IOr Ro. 1761

EXHIDil "C" 1'!:1911 t of 8 ~ J?P.Mm u:u. Pi'~ l BU!Ullim Sl'ltl BU!Lml'm tl•l()

~4! G>:) II'~ 512 (md as SllltrV€i~cl IM!(;c:;i'~lllg t~ a copy «~f ®ut~'' EMt, a diatm.nce of 115.00 ft. t~ 1.'\ pntnt ('*'ic:h lioo it tb\1!! e/W31 liM mtt t~ iiWth bouauU!,cy of li pilJ:king l!l.'ett ®eded t~ 'lh!ll CQn¢.o-ildni~ Qf lndiM HArbGur Aae~I!H:i~ otion, Inc., by ~~d ~c:oraod in OIB 1516 Pag~ 712, and M ~h0'1m 0.1 a Plt~t of Su~y ,;ocorded in ORB 1430, P&glil 560); t~·~c~ ae a third ¢o~0a, Southa~lv along~ lin~ naving a bearing of South 0032' 2'~" Er.>.,r "' '(!; .,.~,.h"' ·"' 36~67 ft. to a peir.t {which l$at n~~:-~ A~-~ ~~ th@ o~ aa th0 ~at line of a Southerly indant$tlon of the centr~l p~king a~e& which Sout~rly indentation w~o ~ to include ~ on~ story CBS building used ae ~ c•ntral laundry facility by !be Cond~nl~ of Indian Harbour Aaeoci~tion, Inc. and whi~h ind•ntation .md building appeu on tM Pbt of Su~~:V!iiperty dellldt'ld to '!'h3 CondoainiWltl of Ifl.diM Harbowr Au~b.don • I~. and l'

.. ... !!X.,HIDIT "C" ~ 2 af 8 p-aps . . '." ... Of !HOlAN

;_; ·----~.:L-1IC1.7' !! M r~··· o.1·.-·-·----· IHf ~ ....I I ·..

~0 f~.:QQGt. ~: ,I.U. ~ --~ ~ Pl•m••~ ~ II!WM ~

--~---- ·--···-

-~~ 1.--.!.:ll'Z~·CM:..:,______.!I.;...~...!fUI»~;.._---l a.6VA..jl~ ~ ···~t~'

Pt.-'"'pnmd by: m.a:;e .:.lll!.w, .m. n.Gili!A mlSlftnED ~.ArM ~ Wi). 1761 __._..,.,... __ ....~-P-t.._.. .. ,.--

I i ;?; ~- • I tl ~~· I ill 'b 'I ~ b= I tl) ( 6 ,.,.. '27' !£...... I ·o 0 1 li ~

Plat •f »U1.'VSY sf: THE COHDOmNl.tmS OF lMDIAlt ~ Pl:t~.!:E ItIA I PAI.CZt 1

C.~ifi" corract c:uui t2'1Bll to the b<:!lat of lilY luwwl.. and ~U.of,

Sc&l~: 1" .. 20' Dd.ti! : m\'1655 PiG£1000


·pHASE IliA-. PARC£L 2

t he'Nby eort1fy that: the aurw~y plot plana and floor plBD& identifl~d aa Pbas~ liLA. Parc~l 2, toptbGI' with the wordi111 of the O.d.aratiQQ, b • ~t s:epr.MtttatiooP of the iaprov.-nu ._dkcl Mil that tMH can be detendtwd tbllre~ &a. the ' lcNlt1fi.eathto, locotion, dbllneion•, llOD4 dao o ~ tba e~ el.lH!Iiints of •ach unit.

¥Jit.Jub 21. 1976 H. J. SMITH .. L.AHD SUilVEYllll

Palaa hy ~ Flol'ida I . . BY~ ~a;~~ ;A.~ .~· ~:/ .

Plorl4:t ftqbtued ~ SUrNJitr !lo. 1761 P}"~E UU., P~.RC!!:L 2 fim'1655 1¥&1001 lllllLDiim SITE fiU!LD!~ A- 11

fiagi~r...niag .at the SootheaBt: corn4lr of that pl"::col \!)f l~md ilsscdlsad eo lflcaew a• Ptt:c l l 1 b a un••l• sa u'th tha lmag! ~~~~1pti@U ~eo~d®d !n ORB 1430 6t Pag~ 512 \~d a~ @U~ycd in o su~y reaorded in ORB 1430 ac Pug~ S20); tho~~. ~nat0rly along a lin~ havtng a bearing of Ncrth 89°27' 36" EMt a dhtan.cCl of 127.745 ft. to 1:1 p;!lnt: {~ll.t>:h gt;Oiat l1o1J tg of tWrth 89°27 1 36" Eal}t a diG~~ of 12.665 ft. bW a p@int (vhi~h point i~ th~ ~~i!lti: !!:tJmx- of tm Soutmdy prnjocU~ p~j8.vi~NSly tref0&'&'04 tc;) ; th1lMc~. !AS & thLJ.'d CQU1C'SI1l. Norr;;b 0°32. 24" t.~Gt g d!l.~eaneo Gf 36 < Ei 7 ft. to e PQint (lllbieh ~i~t h on ~ 8-.qa~dy U.m€1 of t:hm ai<:~redGG<~:l"iood Southerly projeetien se sbsa in tM Plat of Survey rQc:CJrdilld in OM 1430 at: Pap SiG); ~e. u a founh IC8'U1'M, Eastedy alf.Ml3 e lice ~ _. btulrlDg of North 39027' 36" hat a Giatm:u:e of U.$.92 ft. bl A pidut (which last tkuu;:rlWd lt.~ :l.IJ thil B£ste~t 118.92 ft. ef I:M South ~c!uy of tha Cli4ltl'Al ~ aNa ea slrwa @U tba PJ.at of S\lnlfly ncc.l"d-id il\ OU !~ &t .P~ 560h ~ a.a ~ fifth oourse • Sot.'"tMdy .tW . . ~a U.m M.vii\t& a beu1n3 of &~Nth Ofii32'1.4" ke\'t 123.0 .f~ll! w lthr2 [email protected]@'il ~f tiw Nfn'a:h linD of Slllleel Rc~ul at ita Eoou:em l.'mt~ty 4fl ~d to The ~UII!S of !Dd1w ~ Acu?oeeill~lon~ lae. by 4efitd re~ iii OaB !516 Qt P~ 712 lililCl a~hown oo a:M Plflt cf Surwy rtacerdad .!l..r5 on 1430 at Pap 560; ~G, Qf;l .. lllhtb courH ~tAldJ ~ G liiW 1\4~ .2 b=tlrill3. Df Sov-th 89,17' 3611 9.\\!at a dlot=~o~:• •f 131.$15 ft. to tba F~iftt of tos,mtna (uM.eh lest~ course lieo al.cna the Nerth ~of ~1 ~ .1W ill: ~ID:13 ~ ehcl P!a.t' of Strtvey rK~~d iD OU !430 et lPr-4)6 5€<0. ~ af{I!Hataid pnporty u loc.Gted' in SM. 12;~ ~~ 21$, ~"='· 37JZ.. ~ Ci~y ~f ~liO!'a ~ ~. ~~ ~ty • Flarida, i!md ell mfe1.'!91lceo bll OU refev: te t:M C)ffidal Recm-& of !nv&nl Ccooty, Florio. ~~ itJ subj€lct to ~! 4"-::;00id(!IM, M~~e and Jreetriettma @f record cmd oa~ts fer ftbtf.ns utiliti•o md to !$eel ~ ordinaMo•.

EXHIBIT "C" fogs 6 of 8 I'Jo'!~ CbrJ.DONNIO/k6 OF IHD\tJ-.! ~soue lt\'1655 f'll!l£1002 ~ IliA []

..., .... ~f' -1·

~I'( 17 ~'. ~ ~ I


l !

1 s: ~~~ ~- i'""•M:!' ~ !W"~ ~ H.A~. ~ ~ ~ ~0*'-

~r~d by: HOOtt mm, .m. P'LOUD!> 1WG IS'M&ED LAttD SUTlvm'O!l lliO • 1 761

na~: 21 Jl.ily 1976 Paw Bay. f!'lorld&: t ~ ,,;..;. ~. 1!1#4 lb.• II l I.

b t

. 0 i


P'it.lt of a=".n}f ~~:: 'l!'m1 ~ or IWI.III UUOUil ~ nu. PMGRL 2

~<54 eftlrMt; lllH t:na .tAJ • 'boln af tiJ' kiM~ _. booUd. EXHIBITD


[SEE "Phase IliA - Articles" TAB] EXHIBITE


Official Records Book 1655, Pages 1011-1020

[SEE "Phase IliA- By-Laws" TAB] EXHIBITF


Official Records Book 1655, Pages 1021-1022

[SEE "Phase IliA - Rules" TAB] • 'SAMPLE WAimAt II Y I tl fll ., '

TtUS lNOENTURE, fl*~de t~is day 'of. . ,. ,· . • 19761 between C~IARlES . l. NELSON, foin!!!d by his wff~~ ~ftGARET..P"".{'\.El.S.9N, whose odaren is 415 Pclfm

Springs Souievard, Rndlon Ha1'bow- ~oeh, of~~~ '(:l!)t~Mtf of 8rcvord1 Stato of ff'Orido, grcntor, (Party of the fint pC1tt) • 01'\d (Part of the see~d part)

whQse p»t offiee Gddrest is

of tho County of Brevard, State of FIOf'ldo, gi'Qntee,

WITNESSETH~ that said grantor, for and in eoruid&rot1on of the Nm of Ten ond 1 00/100 ($lO.OOT Dollars, and oth.ar good and voluoble comlden.Jtions to ~C~id grantor in ·l hand pald by ~.,..id gronht0, the rC"Ceipt whereof is. hereby oclmowledgec!, hos grantocf, :' ~~Qi;ihw& lllnd sold to the S(ltd grnnteft, ond grtmteoc'!l '... ~!,.., o<>·~ Q1.<,tqn~ f(li",.....,t'l'r, the . fQilowing del~ibed land, situate, lying and bcm.;,; •·. t~nll-111;1 r ~s•.>ttty, Florida~ to-wit:

Apt. No. of THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INOfAN HARBOUR, PHASE IliA, --...l--fi"'IUM ftl"'t"'ftJ"d:...... , ..,.,_ >.!,....., ~uu-~..._.: ...... ~,L_.~~; _,~_..._ .... AL- _._'1 _tt •u· 'y ..,,..7'7.101 a ~ .. ~~ _...... _ ---·-- d .-...... ;...... ,.,. • ...,...,. ... ,W"'' • .. n ..... ''i••·.u ~ "''tvv n"' QIQ vr ..J 1 • ,

r&COtded in Oftic:ial Recorch. Book 1 ~ge ~f the Pu61fc: Records of Brta'V1:2rd

County 1 Florida 1 together with oH the ap,..'urte~()C~s therett 1 oil according to sofd Oeclfl'!"·~t~on of Condominium ond exhibits oh~Ghed !hereto.

SUBJECT TO all of the tenm ond condition$ of the A~TICLES OF INCORPORATION of THE CONOOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCiATION, INC., Oeclau.dion of CQOdominil.IIM for PHASE II and exhibits thereto, ond oH restrictions, reservations, ~.._h; ond limitatiorn-of rt~:eord and suh;ect too restriction on the instalkation of any outside 1V OT radio tower or ontll!'nna, ond s.ubtect to kuces for 1976 and wb:teqm:nt yeon.

and said grantor does hereby fully wom~nt the title to said land,. and wiil ct.f•nd the ~· ogalnst the lawful duims of oil penons whom~v..,r.

INWITN ESS WHEREOF, Grontor hos h~reunto Mt grantor's: hand and seal the dtrly ond yeor fint '!:Jbove written .. "· . •' WITNESSES:

. ' • MARGARET P. NELSON, whO i...,ins for tire pUtpOSe of releme of tbwer end q\.Jiit ,, ·:.. cia im or ony interest in property •

.. '•

~: - ... ~ ...... ~-~---· ...... ~-'

' r i '. ·,, , ' · ,. "' ;~)'t ·n~·' ., t-,:.:,, , .. 1 , : r


I HERE.aY CERTIFY that on this day, b.tfore me, on officer duty authoriz_,d ira the StQte ond County aforesaid to toke ocknowledgmenh, personally appeared CHARLES L. NELSON, fcin...d by his wife IMRGARET P. NELSON, w~ll known to me to be tna ~named as grantor in the foregoing d~ .. and thl:lt they 'UI'ver~Uy odcnowledgad exocuti119 the $(lft'le in the presence of two subscribing witneues freely ond voluntari iy for the put'P09...eJ expreued ther~in.

\VtTNESS. my hand and official seal t':'. ,: .e C~:.onty and Stat~ lost afore-said t*'ls doy of July, A .D. 1976.

Notory Public

( •' )

...... ~·

, f EXHIBIT •G" ~ 2 ·- ~U137J ~ ¥ 1 l!t'i055. PAGt1025 WA!H~ANtY OUD

INC., c fhr!..rlil ~roo ~ fe:t ptcllt, ~~ ~' mnt6 sd!I.'"Ii$J ~ 415 P>llm •i"''J$ """~' Woo ft:rN-...::r ~. ~i®f• et.!m~tlcm to ~r.~ld ~ret r,. ..,... ,.tel~ toit.l ~~. ~oo tG-eQ[pt ~ b lmcby 12clrnowl~. ~ ~hd, ....5f*'.ni klfd to thn j;rjlcf ~~ ~ &m~~H'I ~~~ ~ onlgM f~. fht W ..... lilln.alk4 ~. &lhf.l~1 lyt~ cmd b!il\-fl 11'1 l"t~ Ctwnty, F!otldcr, to •lt1

F"tteR ~s.w.~ c1 rhli N.w.! $q~fe<'l 12, TCi~Hi'mrlbtid prn- evi; ~ rtm s 0?20'01 .. E., ls-5.~ rt., l'hm-ocf;l ~ N WV"36" t., ~5v® n., n.~"!l:;;) F;M f ~·~~" "·t 50.47 ft.;: Thut~o nm s ~36· w•• p~ -~ f!•. ~ ...... ,...,., , .• If Fl''>"' ... h • 36.67 ft., ~tu;!l ~ W'Q'oh.• ,·•. "':*·_'"".!t.-.• -HIVf!N M1 r.f d'l2'24q W, ~.Q' ~.; ~ee fvn $ GrV'J6" W., 200...54 ft.;~""" s 1"~1" ~-~ 100.21 ft~ ~ ~ P., c~ 4}h ~ ~ !M s.e .• hlmi'IG' f!l ~ua t;~IS.O ft., a ¢U11trol CH;~Io of lf1'1l'2l"; ~ '"" e~ uti"~id ewvo 23.35 ft. eo tha P~m rATa~ TheM• 1'1.111 N 8'?''l1'llt .. !, 32fl.3a ft.";~""' s V'36 w. 17$ •.46 ft. fl:) ~Po

~ ~ ffLo N2 ~ cf Let tO. ~ ~ Af.lfAIMtWn ~ ~ Pbt ~ ia.,. top 11.,. r:.1 me Mttc a.c.. of~ c.u.tty,. ~~~·~~~fGtlfnoofWIOo~tttl ~.Je ft.,~~~~ lM SE ~ o6 tald Let 10; ~ .::rmart, ebfeu Clr4 bwlftt o ~ N ~·1 o 4btGnca 4 1CII t.,... e em b lh ~fu;n t:l ~w ·~ "lll'l'~ efta ~riGht d..., liae d~~~m~t;o~ofT~~ .. s.c­ b ~ "'~ 0::~ ~. ~ ta a~~ Pllhlk ll~ Iii~ ~)r~ ,~;;.;b; ~AI ~-Btt kb:na ""'~ wi~ fJ'i \Wj' b & ~ Sflll~ h) th$ 1\)&nt d h;IM&~g • ....

.. iiig$ Pa(WEUV h ~~""j iJ~~ ~jec:t ta ell o:~tlam, rmwlcflcm, ~ .. ~ ~ llml~~l,;a oft~~.: end I!O~tt fm th9 tM ~ .r.i:~ltrtem~(t of .,n ,n:;h:tl"9 wtll!~ eJ oo ~,-,..q.;i ;, fl.,or.;r ~ FAS~ BUILCf.~S, tNC. fOr"' fV Sl\;flt'l! DWrRMlllll ~~em ~tf.« .... ith tlw rl9hl or ~~~ fat 11\Q ~pot~ of main~~- " • kol!::~ ~~fl!Jond

1. A ttcst«Vt. !tON In 1'-Qitt)'" tJ tho Clty o1 eMion ~~ lnoc:h

J. A ctES!ffiVATlCN ~ tlwo Uf.C of tf.., ,, "'"= . t ollthe ~t)l', th!llt llnQI\Jm 0'-ScM,ol Rood ~~ l\~

~" i~ i$ ALSO Jl.ttSEBVEO o rir;hl- ~~:n fu!:l p..m <>f ~ pmputy ~. ~ ~ ornt e»~ Oftd ~ c!aiG:Ing ~ « ~ ~ tow. the ~"'D SfXJ"' en prwtdlid ~I:NI, c:u41~=t tc ~ cfcrcsaid rodv=m aract ~ Jb ~ cF JIC!!Mfi:SI .. t:hid"' (Wl any land \>lfth:h h mcfudi.f 1n tt.o ~kli d &tt~t "'J'" t%11 ~ O.CbMICII'I ~ ~MI ~ !o ....., ~ ot nd toid bll&l dlclll b. vrdw ~hlum fen~ of ~ cmd 1b. untt ~ tfloll ~ !MIIlba& of~ O;indcmlnii.WQ t:l ~ ~ ~tian, Inc:., thcl~ fhtlr right to ttl• N:k p.iri1n; Whiles wil be IHait.d tn *"'c:h rpac~~ cs tho ~tm~ ol hldion ~ .Nooc1otlon~ in:. ib:lU amgot~ v.t.ich P.,Jt ..-k b.s ~ GN ~ ~ i*' ~nl'l:tllll unit (It b rho fnt.nt of thq ~tion tv ~ l1ll ~ ~itlii!S 'Of lrnlloft ~ 1\ssockltiol't, UM: .. 0 pi~ ~ .!dd• i• em ~io;'l '1:11 Schcol Read to tM Aa.odotion which •hall blil dte ~ ~ (II!Jlnlotn .-1ld ~a a P'lvo.-. ~ d4w to th, rifhta r:;l &!10 ~..I~~"'~~ fno:!iGn ~, . e.t ..... - ~ 1-o ~t ~n{\!111 ~ifl af Q ~ 10).-unit ~nhn prafed - to usc tf'!l1 strc~~ ~ ,..,,~ th~ t$/Et.OPER ~ hit ;tontea ~~-!) ~ m"t In _,~len ..-itlt bvtako ~ m ~ G'l'J .-to qfq ~ el th. ~ ~ Edst cf th.ef~ ~~ ~ h!td it ~~~g d:w~~ \'!II ~ ~'il'llum pi'Qj*Ct 10 ba kno.tm =­ ~IIOVAI.!COMP~=·.:-M¢,ct-~~~:n~of ~~~It b.~ th3U ~Do Q ptl..ote ~t wldt a ritkt Gf ~ l~tu! tG ~ eo!fthiNd ~p of ri"'l 0W11M of tM ~~AI~ ' d! ~ ~ IS1d Hw tbrbowR~ ~ntu.. ~. Tho rt;ht, ~"' t'll '-~ ~ pm'.drJg pm~>ld!e;4 m:iace11t ~ thl• pd~ meat (whic:>h ~ll!lJ ~ &-"all be 12 fNt' ~ IIG'-h ~of thfl Cfln._ lfna) h ~dMf Cohfodt ~ cf ~~of~~ of tOte ~1'1&,.1 ol ~ ~. ~ t oa utd\ ~~1119 fPili* M1 be t.dtliSI1ft• essll.'ft*d hy tM ~InfUIM of hfbn tbf»aut Aue;:Ja:N1rn, ~. ~to~~ :::1 tM !o~ eet timft 11'1 EJ&i'IWt -t• of the ~Cift of ~~~tM ~im~c.:~~. ~ Q

S. YHE~t: IS AlSO HSE«VED to the Pf~f' ow'*" cl th!: pt~ty llet ferth b. EXHil!T ·~" €1 lht D~rcbrotiC;Jo'l of COI'HII~Inivm of tm Condominlt.~~m of tndl~;~n tbrbovr, Ph~ I 1 lha right for th¢mlelv"• tMir svcci!uon ~rod $ronlef!} to till!' thl!' lo:;vndry rorn'l1 fot:ilitie1 ~ontcd by this ~cd provtded, kQWrYet, tN!t ~hey ,ha11 FY to IM C(l('lliomlnit.mi of lndion l-lorbwr Ai10eioli

6, A.N fASEMENT tS RESERVEO for FAIR 8UILD~S, INC., lh wccenon ot'l-d r 1 ~>-f1Jl., i01 It,~ purpma ¢.! Nflrtlng ur7 QdA;ol~l utilttiC:J bf drr;ll'ICIQe lor th& IM."'IIattor-, af a TV Si~l r··•-:~o. .• •,...., ~.~,....., fj- ' ,,._. ,,. ' ..,,, •• 1: m:t~UQf)' ~r ~ltcbl~t In th• -developmt:,t oft;,,. ;.,..;-r....u """"~-

7. THERE !$ALSO !!S!RVE!'I t~ ~~ aJ all th. dratnooe focltltin patsifln t~ the IXcPmr beinv ~qd by thla Deed for ~ Ul.tt and bWfit Qt t~f PfOPCOY th:lt lfH W(;Jt of Polnl SFI"1P i}f;l:ulrmfd os ~tly c:omtructll:d South cf Gvyonnt~ l!ool~, HI:W't"-st of le>Ml• Drive end Eost of the land net f~ In Elthibit "B" of the ~lorot1011 J (;,ndomtnlum of th. Co:ndcr411"Jh117t) o( lnG'wn IW.-~ I ~~ I n,. ;, tlw intB~tiO!t ~ pt11ftlf she pt~ bei119 devt,IL.1ped 01 tbbM ll.o)'Dita Cmdornin1um ~lell tu O.Oin ~ ,f,n,l" ~tro•c-11""" tf.ot ho'"'' ~ frwtalt..d In ~ ksnd ~ iM thea C~in11at'4 ol tndion ~ ~iatiOh, lr.c., Mit ~!.!ding the tight to""*"' for I'M~ ,of mclinfOitting ta11!4i.). • •

ov.d add (lfOII'tU • tubfcct ~ QU d ~ cbtwco ct:MUJoos, OOr;. her•br Ml)" ~nunt 1M title to ~aid bld, C1ll:f will defend fhlt ~ UQC~imt th. lowful cbii!IJ .n o11 pcn«e ~eve~. eN wnNEsS WHEafOF. Gm~ ~.as herwnt<~ set grantor'• hand und M:Ot 1M dlly Qnd ,yot# ittsl abwa ~f1cn.

I I • ·I -· 71 ... ~: itf1516 PQ 712

THI$ C~NVU!t, ~ m~ ~~ ~ rA Motcll 1915 .. tn~wot4i' ri-IJ iUil&l$. INC., s Fi&'IQ l®fFJdi&lk4'1 .. ec eft& 4!JWIUt• at lee e•Jr i•••• _,tHe 'tr •" i"'"tr.W' ~ UtE CONOOMtr.lrtJMS Qf tl"..IDIAN JWtWU!t A5S0ClA. TIOH f INC' I 0 fbi~ ~·Wrt r..:Jt fOI' l~'t•m. ~~~·om~ ~tm it c/~ Moin~~· ,~!711\'ft•. me., P. o. &~" .-UJ, Sot~tUtt., m~. t~or•• nv.n CC11111)' or "'•~d ~tQ'""'• 0\ £.hlbit ·~., t0 tho ~!.atotkl:l cl ~IA:imin~ of THE CONtfOMINIIJMS OF I"'DI.:..N

HA!ecli.R, f'HAU 10 "'Melt Oec!o:G;ttoro ;p·~6td in Omc:ol Wr:tOI'd1 ~k 1313. bogi""~ o• ,. tm of I~ i'uhlic ft~~ of lrev«d' ~ty, Fbi!h, ~;;f l"~i"no~ fur itit CONOOMtNJUMS OF INDIAN HMeClfJi(, fHASC II, ...+ ·~._ D.vt..,....t-o:!~rt ~~ ,, ~ ~ CfTJ~,(!I ~--c(ll'l& ~ 1430 bf.olltnin; ot ~ 412 di tf'G ..-~~::. ·-~ ~ ..,..,. ....:.-:-~ ~i'• Fbltu. '1M ~,~ "'.,.,.. C!t"i~l ~ Jt Itt~.. »» ~, ,~, ~.,t;r~JiM r!Pfll't.t•d Wt ~ tfi~;;..,..~ ~ ~~- QO!. (!> ~~ ~tplioft ift 1M P!OMJNIUMS Of INDIAN ~l!Ot,Ja .ASS.OCI.al fON, INC.. T1o.U ~lot t>f Stave-y l:lrld ~I Ow"".ctil;;21c:t ~ .. ~us Eld'llblt "k • of 1M Deelomtton of ~ini~m for THt CONDOMINIUMS Of rNOtAN ~liOIR. ,...,_,~ J, '1111'111 e~ W.ibit "K .. I'« thtq lrocbtotlon of C~"'~ lot tHE CONDOMI~IIJMS Of INDIAN HAR&0Ut 1 PHAS£ II. lt.h ~if ti..- to~~ the et-lQinol Ynwr011•• O.ed OftCf gfw tf,q c.CFt~' icp! ~iption ()( tiRr ~ C"OtWeyH b., Mfll 8UHOt«5, INC.. Oc.1Hf CON.OOMIN~ Of !NOlAN HAIUiO~ AS5()CIIiTION, INC. on raf !k. tf-11 t!w ttf A~ lfJ73. -· • WHto,iiSS£nt, ~~ co!() Sf"O""h.N ," ~ ond In COI"ItcW>'Qtiorl _,g ~ CU1a of , T~ ~ OQISOO {$1~,00) tkJiol'f., w-&1 Gtlwt- F "<~"'~ "()l~a.,. ~'idvttlt~ Mr 110.1d ~ &.. ~~hi by ~ {JI'o.>te.. ~ ,.c::•itt• ,.,...... tX'If n .,...Hir oc:~~. 1. ~. t.er.,itmd ~told ~ ~~ .... ~ pttft', ~ ,rtQI'Illto'\ ,...,;11 0<'11 ~~ ~ ...... tlw fo&wq ~J~ ~, ~~~;. 'r~ Qllld "'-~ '" !lr.--d ~·•· Flora.. ~if, .. - ~~ tf.2 \*c t:eM0r of rf:w N!#l f/.C~ S.c. 12, f"'P• ffl, *"'*· m, ft>."'t ""a-~01" w ·~ ttu. w-.r liM cJ .... cd~t~ NV/ 1/4'; I !I.'! 11.0.f~ f{tfl H IW?7''U"l• 20.).Q1 h, ... tfwl . ~ cf hcl-"'tl ol tbi •

. EXHi8ii e~ij' COt•-ifjNUED .. 15il.43 e~.; ~a tun N ~57'1~~ w. 2"1.GY it. to c J»ir.t on o; .:"""""'• l;<~t~ln;;p g r~l1.11 ~f\'3.0 ft.; tl--'1'1\~\l (l!w.g f~ ofl1"~toid c"'"'(. lo tl.• NW ~u e ~ttol ei'<~' of ~.sa'IS", 0:\ ere ~11'1. cl69.2l Vt, 6 ftl ~ F.. t.~ dl!Zflct PtJft fJ l&ffl'bl w.? 148.00 h .. ; ffG1c. run$ ~1"36W w. t!l.$'0 ft.; rh..,c. H.5 $ ,~, .. E, 7.17 ft.; llwM• rl;!(l S !W'027'36" W, 25,17 ft.; tkneo fiSI?I N l<>iO'OI· W, ll.ll ~t.: r~ee ""~ N ~7"36· f. 25,17 fr.; ~~.:-:~ •!.lfl s 1~'01" 1!", 9.17 ft.< rrn:n~:lli"Uft N fW0?7'S6" E, 69.~0 ft.: rkn;:r.? rvn N eoao•oJ• w, lM.~ fl.; t"*-.:v ~ N £#'2~'3.5" t. 78.01 rr. ID ~ ,,0.1., ~ I.I:Jtt Niae t'f) al>lf t.tn [IOl e:.f S{MINOU HfiOHTS fliSi .AOOitfON, P .B. 20, P, ~~ of tht- Pvbllc R4'totd' ol flrrvord (C~.mty, Ff~ •• .-1 the- follo-wing drw:ribt!d pc>n;el:

~bmiw.J at the Ne COO'Iar of let t(l, SEMINOlE ~fiGHTS FIRST A(!t.i~ · )N, ell p..-.r P .8. :«!, 9, .2a oft~ l"ubllc !'"iotch of l!..rJovauJ Olf._...,f)l, Fb,, tltenc~:: SO.,t~rlr olor11; IM EUt~tlr oiMg o Ji .. e htwi"D 1;1 b!.!wi~ N ~1·~· i .;. dll~. Qf 103 ft., "*·Of ee~. ~ lfw int•n~-c:tiCH't\c.t ..Old li~ with tWil ~ ejW lin• of Clit\-'ENNE tU.VO. ~ piG!t«< fr~ o f'lot ol TO\IOUSE ESTATES, SECTION TWO, in P.l. n, P, t38, ef fu:J f'ubflr;: fittWII'dt of.~eward Ow!!ty, Fla., th!-t.~ Notn....•s'-"'1~ obJtl if.:.. $o:,th 11/W Uft!l of CH~vtNNE 8LVO. m tl,. r.O.O.

nus F'nOPmTY II bell19 ~"'«~l'lhie-c:t to oll~:cmdltiom, f'n(;lf ()I all ••''~itlg utflhf;m, OOd m -.t in ~vor 91 FAit Wtl0€1tS, INC. FM a TV Sro-• D~ibut~ Syttcm ..thtr with !h., right of t<~try f« tne f.'lVI'POU' of II'IOint

I. A lESflt'IAlK>N ill fo\IC' of the City of 10\di!ro tfllrb:wr ~h ,;wJ. · <=II ~y ~ ~ C1l herCQftet '*.oil\lr.; ~h n eci~ln ~i!IQf=l l\1nldure logJttcf pr~ily 011 lolil 9 ond HI cf ~tf!')l• twl;ln, Flu• Mdifhm et par PK!t ~ ~ ~ ~cl tM P....bllc Rf'thfdt of~~. Fboldo, ~~~h ~~~ 1H fm !:1 dt~ of 2f) f.-9 1,1!t oodi JH:Io of t[w ecnt~tt U.,. ,...{ ti>2 told ~ol~ t.twchlfll bt th ~ til dtolna::Je ond few t."a flt.""il~ !!)f ll'l(li~len(JMe ol ~ ~~ ...... - 2. Ait~saYIUION b ~·.,Of !M~n o'loll tho piopmy, ht.-·~~ - ..~. epm.t ~ U.V{;....,., of onr ~aperty wt both M blAh •••. "' 0 ~bbtkit! oi ~ir>h.•il of i"~ ~llll\tlm cf hdbl Ht:r~, ,.,.;_ I ; oru1. olro rt.t t'h:; =r ~ ~fit of th

J. THaE ti Al..ot.O RES£MO o r¥1 Ofl ~FOri di ~ ~ ~. ~ -In Cfd -~ Clnd thole cfD&m~ ~') 10t uMM ehen 1<2 ~~t~t eM fo:dclrlt $pGCfl GJ ~lib;§ ~ly ~· io tt ... .,JIIft]ht f'll'"- ~ l!ot thO ~ ~ pcficln;) "'*.k~ l;Jit c:ny ~ whl.:h b ~ Ml ~ ll)paolptkln d ~~H '"6" cl the Dttc:~~ ol • ~ I' •. • < '

~t~'roi'.,-..~ :w ~. ~~¢t ~ ~ ~~ ~" ~ ~ ~l~ l¢m lJ! cw--~m.l~ ~;%). ~~~ (j'#I\Hf 112=111 ~ ~$'ill r,;1 tT.w C'll;ld=tfl~~ el 1:.~.4"2~!4!1' ~; JM •• . ~ ~& r;fJIJ ~ ~ ~ ~Ir.a ~t~iu thmll" l"ti!~lt~ lu ~h ~f' 0) f\"4 ~Jr>ia.-":W ;;A tfiC!i!Pl ~.w ,f.!f/Xh~tlon, Inc. d~GII ~•1@'1 ~~.ddl ffi}f w ~~ ~ ~ potklflt ~ pr+J tQ;;~'Jii."'iU~W~ •· l~t ~ fM» «~~~~ 1:) =:we,~ th!:' ~~"~ ' . of St+mol ft~ to I'M A~iDt>un ~hkb rhl:lll 1:11; tM! O'tW'Iat otod nta~lr.toift ll:lld o~t ¢l .., ~lvot0 ~~ ~I ~Jet IQ til• right• of IM ~ d ..,._ CeNfarnlnil,l;\\1 cf lr>d0¢o'l H.ttrboot-1 1"00.. I ·- o 3-!lo"'Vfth QJ~ini_.. ·~ Qf ~ ~d tOO-unit ~inlum projac:t'~:. t=- uio the ~rnt ~t~ ~i"' lM OEVU.onn Olld his 9f0'1'4'71 ~ ouiiJI'I& e1 o pr;vo,• ltfevt in Cl'ftjtJftcfiCI'I wi1h b:vt 000 open b il'lp'-" Oftod tCI'I!U to lftR ow~n M·tba JMd fOCQtotd Eo11 af tM ~lei ~ty, ..,hic:k ~ h bo<~WI~ os t1 con.dottii11~ ~' h:> ~ !.rrown 01 HARIO•_=t( 110VALE COMPI.fX Wid "'Mch e~ho ~&N «t a11tO'ftsion of Sc:fQol , ll.~ ,..f.,!.:,~ ;t ~~ p.~d 1t"'ll o!-.ll l;.c: L ptl-; ";':; ~·,:~gt wi?h o ,;,_ht of. ' '• J:U:¢ll'i:ll~it.d tc thtt c:omhiMd • ... ~'-· ~.,·~-~·- ~ ~t: v ·· r" >!l{oiurnt . Gt~ ~ Ofod the~ l'it:t,.u.":' ·~""-.:.. (..~pl~ll. ;the ·. ~; ~. to cnq the porlo:ing ptcr;Uocf lldj~ ~ ~i1.pn~ ~t {~~ F~~ *~~ *'U ~ t1 ~ ~ ~ ~dl! ~ fh. cenlar I~) b rotStric;tled ~ tha unH CiWim'I cf tfle Decttll\:lfi='! of ~lotu.M of~ Condomini~~:"ftfacdJ.tb ,_,.. ~ fC4'oU ~of~~ (:y.-,.!;;:;olf;~ ~ ~~ ~~.

4. IT ts Pl. CON1>Jn0N·, Mw.~, cf ihis ~~ton of tt.. ,.Jc#lt . ~~flwtti::l!~br~~~~lbonw-..~~g,~~ aft~ ~tnTlm!l of l...d~ ~ ~GcltiM, Inc.~ wiU b. wb!ee1 Dn tlr.ttr poyl"'f of the ~ir.f... ~ af lr.dioo tbLout Astociotaon, ·~ ~•• ~ bl. 110 tJ,. ~~I whir..h ~)'~,of tM A~tiOG ~ ~ b t· " pur~ d lllldnii;!QQnC* cA the oW"Av. tkscn"L.d ptitc'l:lft.• '~ ' toeid oncl ~~ G?lti'!l. f

S. tHfU /il.SO RUE:RVW -..-~y ~u or tt.e. ~ty I ' •'. •,'+ .. Nt ~ fll~lt "6" cf ih. ~iotf ti' ~iriium of tht­ CoflrbtlnbMn~ ._.dl Hor~. ,...~I. ~~ii'f·.for..~lve~, •• ...,. W(:Qt,,... .,rtd ~~ i!.'i.cn. fue ~')' tOCiilt ~ ~Un!nino ,. P"' .-i r~~ foctutkr!: ffiOO;;;.l W dii1 ~ ~~~ ~~!fd', . that ~ ahatl P'Y to~~ ~In!~.~ !l!!!faclfl ~·Anocfotiot\, · tne. ~ le.a t'ct eM !II'J.tr d NCh &crnue~o wMm will be ~to tJn . ~ ••f;flllllN!d to h o ~te pat~~ ea;t r.of moinkliri~ ~ ~tias en t~ balb of tl!'l' totc-t ~of ~.mitt utlfrO -ttJot . iPdUtf~ ~h mOnth.

-{J. ·AN W£1MN1 IS ltfWtVEP lr:lt fAIR WILOU.S. eNC •• ib ~Mel ~frs. b h ~of ruf:nlftg ~ ~tlonel 11t~I1Ua or dro~ 1« tlt5 tnuo:Jiaotkln of cr tv Stp..t t>iwibutfon ~- bMtutnn~r,:~«~--~·w-~ ttL thl ~· tlllftd. 1. -~~ ~tso ~o lltQ ~~• ~ cW~~~ .:.r:mt~ ~ ~.th.~ iM-in$ ~·i!!fd.~ thl..l ~ f« """WoW CiM bMent Cllf·ll=e ~ d'd IJu. WUt ~hiM~ l:oultrVI:IRf .- ,.. Ff~11 ~. S=Nth ctf ~lout~, No..t~ cf

.. ,.. • ~ ·~~1.~ mt1031

ltOMJ. DtR...;, tw .r ~hoe ~Met .., ronh ~ bhibit •t• of ~ I l)(.c:IM:It~ ef C..~lrH~;P."' ~~~~~~~of !Mkm ~~, ~I, (It b tM lntarJtbn to Pf:M!lt ~ f!iGF!f bctMo ·'"~ l;l:'l ~·to,m ~"'~~~tv.! to droit~ t~ 6rvitl i~hlrti tf.Nt ~ '-" lnncdW Jrl fht; land p~ fo, tM mlnro;t (Ill iftdHM W AiitR•&iQ¥ ME~, JHEI&bihij i¥4 r;pt to ""'Of b tl.o- p.KJI'I»e ol ~alnt~ -.).

WnNfSSES: FJI.III ISUILDEPS, ,, :C. o Flofidv Ccrpotl)tiOr. Q/l~LM~ - ·.4./.UJ... I $TATE Of FlOiliOA COUHTV Of! .!'IMD

J HEIOV COVIFV tJ»t 011 eM~~"· bel'tw• .ne. 0J1 offic11:1 duly quolif~ k1o • ~SedpMII, ptt'I!!Mffr ~ed JOSEPH f._11UIIlN..:S, Presi!kllt, ~ ; .!UAlDtNf M. PANklATZ, S.cretory, k» Milt lti.JIIDERS. INC., o Flori® cOI"pQ'Utton, Uo ,.. ~ -. be lht penoorn ~ibcd in ond w~ iltlle®tc-d the! f01egolft9 lft'ltr~trt~l cllft.t ~~ be•=- 1M thot tt..,.y newted !tie ~. I • ~ ~ • flo O. S.~t ~"'lru -fulldi~N~ ~ o~;r~~ Pm>ktr.o ~ - U.~s~~~ P~!~


.,I I • , II .... .• -- •

.. j a • fl:- -- t:oit~

\ . :@~ ~ ~ -- " - J"ltl ~.~· .. r ... ~ t:J'J·~~ -~-...-~. ~ f ~ ·--, ~ ~ ~- - ~

...... ~ ... ~ {§ ( ~ ·a ~ ~, - ~ f i1 ~ ~ • 1-etc B ~ . . . I 11 ""'! . --' is ! r;, ~ "' • ' (I c • ..Jll 1 i ..., I~ II ., ... ~HIBtT ..J• ... I' " • lr

EXHI!liT "K 11 l0 _THE DEC. lARA TIOf'J OF CO!'.JDOMINIU,'A OF TH[ CONDOI'.\ll'IIUMS OF lt..:DIAN HARBOUR PHASE lilA • t. •.. • REliNQUISHMENT dF RIGHTS /\ND PRIVIL[GfS BY HlC .OFVHOPER ·-· ------.--..-...... -- -~ --- ~--.....- ..,_ ...... _.

WHEREAS 1 the Stote of Fla-ido Rule, of the DeportmE-nt of t~gol Affoirs, Chapter 2-16, titled CondC'miniums end Coopcrotives (CH:tptcr 51QFS, Unfotr Trcde Proctices Act), ~toblished, effective 1 February l974, the folJO\ving formula for tron~fer of control unless tho Developer con show he hos a sub~tantiol economic: intert'!d to justify retaining conf~ol.

"v.. ne-n unit O\''l'ters 0tl-.er than the develorer '"":::: 15% or more of the vnits, the unh own!!r shall L , - ·· ·: ~- ~~'-; .. : .... ., than 1/3 of the merr.bers of the directors. \.;;;;; ~\·mers other thon the developer shell be entitled b elect not leo;.'> than o majority of the members of the directol's 3 yeors oftE'r sales by tfle developer have beeo clomd on 75 >:, of th~ unih, or 3 month'S ,..fter soles ho'le been closed by tho dcvelopE>r on 90°o of the units, or when oil of the units have been c:ompfeted and some of them have b~en 1>old and none of the others are being offered for sale in the ordincry course of bu~iness, whiehever ·' ... ~holl occur fir:st;" ond

· WHEREAS, the Dtcloretion of Condominium of The Condominiums of lndion i Harbour, Phose I, dated the 2ht day of August, 1973, nnd reeorded in Official 'Record Book 1373, beginntng ot page 488 of the public records of Brevard County, Flortda, and lh ottcehed Exhibits, contain formulae for transfer of control of I The Condomlniums of Indian Harbour As~oeiotion, lne., which are at variance with the forrnulo contained in Chapter 2-16, Rules of the Deporttnent of legol . I Affdn; and I WHEREAS, the fi;)J'mulae for tr<~nsfer of control as contained in soid Dcdoratlon of Condominium of The Condominiums of Indian Horbour, Phose i, wos officially • adopted ond recorded prior to tha effective date of the formula contained in I Chapter 2-16, Rules or tl-.r.t Oepcrtment of teg(JI Affairs, S~de of Florido.

NOW, THEREFORE, tb Developer revises the formufo fer the tronsfor of I control of the Boord of Directors of the As~ociotjon so that H will eonfortn to the wlc$ contC~ined In Chopt~r 2-16, Rule~ of the Oeportroen~ of lc:Jol Affairs, onJ ! stated above. ·. 1 I The Oedorotion (lf Cor.do •.•inium of The Condominiutr.~ of fod7or, Harbour, t I

EXHIBIT 11 K" J il =~ ~ .... ~


Jlho~<\.1, nnd ih otlorl,~d C)(hil1ih, provith· f01 u fluo1J ol Oirt•clon pi ll,rcf! (J) ~ :·. !to 11im! 00 ~Gmbcr~. Tlotl 6no;J of !)irt·clrw, f'f'Hl~i·.h•d of fol•f (.1) n~t•mlo":rs: ; ' Cf.arle1 L. Nel!on (appointed by Dcvciopcr} Joseph ih fli:~c;.~l:s (lllf!l'ptfli d111i II) o, ; hp r ) 11\'1655 PAGE103Sf'krgoret P ~ Nelson (oppoint.Qd by DcvelopN) lyman S. Robbim (dactad by lndi·,iduol Unif Ownt>rs) • h was the onnouncl!!d fX!lity of tflc Dcv· 1oper tho~ o second 'm>:'mb~r of the 8oord of Directors. would be elected by the individuol onit owner5 whan the $ale of fifty (50) units I h~ been dosed Otid that c third member wovld be elcctl!d by the individuol••n: . ..-mers when t~e sole of 75% of the units ore clo~ed. At this time it w~ plon.-1'"ci l,ot the Developer would appoint on additional member $.0 thot the co"":lr· · , Jn (\~ the seven (7) m~mber Board of Directors wovl.d be three (3) me:-mbers ell'~ ted by the individual unit owners and four (4) members cppointed by the. Developer,

1 !t is the intent of the Dev~loper !u • ' ~·~ (.,. r''q;K;';, of The Condominiums of Indian Harbour with a total of 100 unih. in C~ ..:ef to be in conformity with tl-lfl: Florid.::! Rut~~ of tho Deportment rif legol Afforis $toted obove, the D(l'veloper estoblisf.es ,1-le follo 1iling formula for the transfer of central of tha Boord of Directors of the Association:

l) Margaret P ~ Nelson (appointed by the Developer) resigns os a member of the Boord of Dire(:tors. This action reduces the number of members from four (4) to thre~ (3) ond provides the individiJal unit owner~ with T13 representor ion · Qn I he Boord of Dtrectors. ·

2) Within o reasonable time after the Condominiums of lndion Harbour 1 Phuse II h~ been completed and sale£ hove cl~d on 50% of the units, the Developer will delegate to the individual unit owners of Phase It the risht to elect o $econd member of the Board of Directors from the Phose II unit owners, and the Developer will appoint on additioHal member to the Boord of Directors. The resulting composition of the five (S) me.-nber Board of Directors will be two (2) meMbers elected by the individual untt owners and three (3} memben appointed by the Developer.

3) Within a reasonable time after The Condominiums of Indian Harbour, Phose HI hos been completed and sales: have do~d on 50% of the units, the Developer ·' .... . ; • wilt ·delegate to th(! unit owners of Phase Ill the right to eled a third member of the Board of Oire<:tors from the Phase Ill unit ovmers and the Developer will op~otnt on additional member to the Board of Diredor!i. The resulting composition of the severi (7) member Boord oF Directors will ba three (3) mc~ers etee~cd by tb indi­ vidual unit owners and four (4) member$ appointed by the Developer.

4) Not later than three ('3) ycors after tho sole of 75% of tho unit!o of ell pho~es hove been dosed, or not later th'Jr. t~TCe (3) month~ ort~r tho sofc o} 90% 1 of the units or all phu!les have beer. closed~ or wh;";n eli of tht! unii:; hove boen com_:)letcd and ~ome of thnm hove been 5old ond non~ of the ol'h~;s oro boing offered

-2- -. ' r • •U1 . · 'nn

for sole in tlu~ ordina. y covrm nf busin<'H, whide("tCr •.!ooll or:r 11r fit·.r, tlu1 foll()wing will tol:e place;

:A:; lno fl!) :::ednu of ll:e Quurd of filileclo;s oleo oUOil! l!ljDf!lllht ~"k'; tl: . B. The composition of tf-e five (5) mE-rnber Boord of Directors will be three (3) elected by the individuC'll unit owne-rs and two (2) oppointed by the D:!velop~r.

5. V/hen the 5ole cf the lo~t unlt ho$ been closed, the remaining two (2) members of the Board of Director~ who were appointed by the Developer wi II rc!!-ign.

This voluntary relinqui,.hment of rights ond privlfcgcs by the Dere!opar pertains solely to the formula for the tron~fer of control of the Boord of Directors of The Condol"'tniurm of Indian Harbour Assoeiotion, Inc. The Developer retain~ c:l ulher rights end pdvifeges contained in the l.ll'r:-~. :at;. , of ,_ondominium and its attached exhibits, which are not s.pecitlct.·'•;· -.,.,J,,... m tl'\1$ rehoqui~hmen~ of rights ond privileges by the Developer.

INgWJ.!NESS WHEREOF, th~kve hereunto set their hands and seals i i the_ 72' day of _ l\..... , 1974. i ) ..-signed, seeled end celivered i - I ~ ~ "!K. in the presence of: ... _,. ~. I • ,-r; ;, .;. i' '·' ~ t) ' t; ...



I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above named $h:~te ond county before ma, on officer duly authorized ond acting, personally oppenrad JOSEPH FAfRBANI' then affixed ther~to the official ~ool of :mid Co;porotion c::r.d that the ~d in~trJm"Gn~ is tho oct O"ld d.:d or said C..>rporatl'on. . ' c Commhsion Expires: My . ' tJ;l:l 1\!ll~ ~!I! cl H~~:~~.. •

Lly C·.:t..tJ:&~;:t t~::,.,~ ~-~. :·. J r ..:..J er ;.-.""'"• •• , ~ .. , .. /. ••# -3- m~'1G55 rA&£1037

T~ infoii"i'il;tivn ~4ihll.rr$d in Pagn 1 ~3 of the fu,eguing El\hiblt 'JKu W(i$. inCOtpofated as an eithibit in the Daclmotimt of Conrkmlinium cf ThG Condnmif'lh.lrm ~f Indian HOTb01,1r,

Pho~ II, end rtlptoMmtoo rh;;, acticm takrni by th:! form~r dav~loper, Fair 8uil&n1 lrrc., to relin ish its ri hrs and ~il as to cppgint directoo to The Conoom;niums of lndkln Hoorbour Assodotion, Inc. T erua setuot1on e1u~ti; Gi o u Y. , m w •c 1 ''

ettablish~d that Feir Sulltnn, lne. 1 tho fomor d.avelop4)1', wcis u,;ablo to eomploto the four a unit bvildintp con$isHng of thirty-two (32) unitf. which hod originally b~en plant~ed os P~w Ill, and Churleg l. Nelson ha:~ acquired title to th'*a lP..Iildings, two of which (16 onit!) Me CQmploted Q:nd (Ira tho subjf!c:t of thi'! D!tdaroH~n of Condominium, ond ore known us Th" Condominiums of Indian Harbour, Phase lilA~ and at i'his time it is not knO\\-'n wim c:crtoinly wheth01 ~o other two buildings will bo eomplf1tad, o:r, if compfe~ed, will be ecmv~tecl to :::cn'ldomit~ivm'; ond if f:OI'IVI'rted to !COndominiums, will be dorte affiil builclin~ at a ti!'ffll (i.e. eight unit5), at both bvUdillg\1 'ce.ii'lplet-Uid ond mad• ~"~ sinttl(' oo•. Mional p~ of ~he Con®mrnhm$ of lndi""" ~rhavr (~ Pho:¢ I liB}. As of July 7, 1976, thl'!! formsr developer, F ·.b.'·-~ ...... '· · , .... : ., 9 uMOid c:o-ndominiYmll in Tho COftdominh.rm~ of Indian Horbv--;;;; ~~-~II, and .kmph 8. Fairbanks, preiid~t of the fatvimr d$valoper, is an appnintttd direc;:tcr on the Boord of DlroctoN of Thtl Cc:mMtniums of lnd!OI't Hl:lrbouf At~ciation, Inc., which now h

rbr!xlw, Phaws I and II. Ch:tTim: L Nelsm1 en the devct~ of Pho,e UtA, b pre­ ~rod to hwo .Josoph Fairbanks repmzant hi!J thtCf'mt on tha Bocrd of Directots of ~:~ Condaminiu:rM of llldtan Harbour 1 Phase lilA for ~o long o time a~ Mr. Fafrbanks •.;; hi11 Gppointed wc~.;;r by the fcmnm- d"velcpar, rarr.oins on tho brd of DlrecCO.is by virtoo of t:r-Nnershlp of Ymold condominiYms in Phasft If; and rubjec~ to tl-ie cootinued dght of Hw nsw dev&lop$7 to oppoin~ onr& (1) membm- of the Board of Directan of The .. ~inhnl'f~ of 1nd'le!n Harbcur Alli.OciatiOI'I, Inc. for so long o time 011 the cunent ...,ola:pa:r 1-~ t.JJUOid condominiums in J;haie UtA or any .;scceuive ptlau (thtt two ~fnh19 8 •tnlt buildingi) til mvy bo ~ ei)flithJeti6n, or deelwud a condominium Olld th® d6wlop~H" rrmy retaln umold ap!lrlmcmts th6reln. Sfnc~ 1ho ~t dstvelapet" b not in control of The Cond!:mi11iums of l~ian H~ AS!OCiation, Inc .. ; and sinc:e, ot the p!'~Ment tirna, the nuntW cmd compositte~~ of any future pht.IMJ ia uncertain, the rights of tM indfYidual unit OWMn of~ Concbninh.mt of Indian Harbout-, Phus lilA, and any succm.s;iv1'1 phoM of <;cndominiums that moy b~~t filed shall be dohmninec:l fn oc:cGrde~ lO'lt wi~h the pl'Cvisiom previOt.l$1)' reeotdad in The Condomirliu;m of indian Hor­ bour, Pl10itn I ond II, ond tM action takli!ll by The Condominiums ~f ~ndian Harbour A®clatton, Inc. with r~sp0ct to the righto-.~ e~r.:t dit~c:tors .. (It is the hopqt rutd onti­ cipation of th~B eurrent d.&valopcw that the '-"Vani's wilt bG such that the remaining two buildir1gs can ba compl~ewd end modo Into OM c;o.mbminfum to be knc.wn as Th.. Ccncbninfum of Indian~' Phaso UIB whieh wilt COO'Iplote- 1M proJect, thore is no c:ertointy that this will hgppttn. It would be the cumgnt davaloper's hoJM! but the current developer has no power to osw~ that under these ctrcurnJtances the composition of the Board of Directms of The Condominiums of Indian 1-kirbow Auoeiation, Inc. might ultimately ccmis~ of two directors elected from Phose I (36 units), two dir~actcr: o!ecred from P~ II (32 unfhL o"'l~ dira!:mr elect&& ~ Pb$f.l HIA (M uno~) and one dire<:tor all}cted from Phoso 1118 (cu.-ttMn('fd 16 unft1.) wtth cma director elected from oil of th\t amdc:l'ffliniUITI$ ot largo) It is a~in ernp~iud, how1!W0r, th:lt finol deter­ mination of the method of electing directott will dep.and upon c:xnGful examination of prior c;:ondomh'ii~ documents and oction taken by The Condc:miniuiTI$ of Indian Horbou> J


:• J Auoe;otion, Inc., it being tM pre!41nt d&velop0t' 1S stoh!l-1 ~to rouncr.,ish oil righb fuQt he may hctvo with rt!r~ct ta the appoinl'mmlt or oleetlon of tho ~of Olrecttm, oxt:opt roservlng the rlght, upon ~he oxplrotion of tho ; ight of the prior dov~, Foir BuildGn, Inc.,. to QJ)pOiM '"'*member of the Boord ()f OiradOn f;:'l them,. to retain this riQJlt of appointment of on• memBif of ffli B&iid Uritil all of the units in thb phgMt, ond any wcccuiv

Nothtl'f9 heoteln is intonc:hd to altor or effcet the rights of the unit ownan of The Conde· miniu.nu or lndion Hl:lrbourt Phose IUAI to ii,tlet::t diroeton h) Th. Condomlniumt of lnclton Harbour Auociation •. Inc., os provided by thjs condominium ctoeurn.nt and documents Qf pl'lt'Yiou-.f phasM, but h ltlll•ly to establish that the undersigrl- developltf relinquishes his righh to tf.r..t appointment of diroctcn e)Ccept os ptovided h«etn.


-5- ( ·:' ... ,.~ ·~

I. RICMARO IDICKI STONE, Sl the Sutoo 6f flotldl, do I>Mtry wnilfr-"" fvllawll!f b.-""~'~·""" ..,. --.·l>f C£1\Tif'ICAo.-:' :=~ ~..<"URATION


•_,..,mlllll 1101 fot ll«

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...... :-~ ..

·-· .I ' Mlfl:;l[ I- NAI,Il

Jl.t. ...,.... of '"• Co:po.otiC>ft .t...ll IH · IH£ CONDOMINII.IMS OF INDIAN lfA.UOUft ASSOCIAYIUN, INC, .._ ..., :: '• _.,"""":e •he ... ,..:.,.....,. llllilh lo!s'"'-tf oa tt.t - """ ·~No~ ~liM~~~ ~ ~;...... , • f.f, "" p .um:u ,, • ,'~·, ....-?:: ~:.. ~ a n.:t ~w ~~ ..... rr~ tho ..._IGIIu.. I• ~r't

A!fiCt.£ Ill • I'OWfi!S

A. Yo ~o 1N1 ~ o con.b;tlft!.,. ~ IDIII4;ng -~ ~llil~ ~~-_."-'it ef lllo IIIIA.v~ ~.,Ill. -da•IMA prulo ~ !101lh,l"" tloo c;,n-d ef Cilld ~. '

11. To~_,._,. ell of~~ -.;.t;., -.4 r... !I-...... O.C'-tleoo ttf ~_,a,-~ ot ~-.....;..;-, .. to.. , .....of IC'Q R:z.IQ:tn.lusu ..

c. II» ~loft""'""" ~t4'111,., _,... -...,.,.It .. .-. ,_-o, '~ CftlltiH ~~ ew-lort 1'41..,.-l',!i.'fif", ~ =t.:. ....'t .. In !Oru, -b ..... ell e1 ~ ~-.,._.,. .. cmry twt "' ,.....,._ .. • -e ,_.,..,oar -..w •· 'I· -• ; I D. lh.e ~IOtotllk!l t:.. i11011MI~o4 to (I~~~ 4N -lor ellc&e f. ~. '~"eo<~~ Pft\11~· ~~""''<)It to ct t:ol"'fllti'IJ~ ~ ~l:!m. 0 o.bllao •· ~ lit lf>e fii\Wltlcnc ef O>G,+H 63--33 of tilt. o.-..1 '-""" fA ..VItleol. i •r~~e ea-e 1 .,..,. .t.:t", - •1-.wte~tot 111 ~. '*'*·

1!, ,.,. ~-lkii ... IJIIIH' ..... ~-lot teo&k> *""-. ~. ~Ia."""" k paid"'. Oit«tof In~~:...... ~ltr Oil­ ~ er ~ 01 ew ~ SOtvl1:9$ r~ eo c&e ~In ~fa! t.1a $t !>cot Ql;;litf a" Dlraclof, h tl\!1 -· "-"-• ad ~--flo~ Ia ~ ~ fl•• eo...d llf l)j,oe~ort lllld llwo ~ 10 ~"" "'• u ~:;~JiiliiiM !Mil ~t;.- ~~ iO~g.:.. 1131<1 ~-. ~ ~ o!dl ~ .... ~,. .... ~ ,.,y e1t Hllfll~ or ~leH 10 bo ~ te 'Jffl .,._ ~., ~~@ --.,...... '""''~~ re., ~.

~·~-·~Iii lot ot dip-~ ... ~~"'"~ tllioll Old !too~~.'· tl-411 L.l.of4 ~., ltvtl ,.. '"" -.., ~ ~- t L. .,. 1 illlf • ~tl ft.,cpftt I""'" .tfl!lt\, tti h-.1' • ~ "•I .. , " 111ii1 fl. ~''" l- • t, • •dJ.oi f)!i ,, ,· 9• .. ~ "-a•.W i~ "'"' f ~•t ,. t (·wffu•• ft:t.- ,.. .,I,.

Ci. AU ljf ff•e-. h~6 •• r ''·i\ c~--~··11' o~-oou lA ~~~~··I tn...., hi • • ·' l ;,, 11~1 ' "" "'ifl• ti,. r r ,.,IJtunl •.) ,,... l,.lo I""'J•

1•. h ~ ..:: ... 1 o~:•~IIP'I••· :'11)1 .. Ot.tfh.orru" ro tt,,,_, krr '""' ~~ cr d·• Cf'lf'•(""h'"ofto 'l"d 'o d11l.r·:tt• ...., ,.~ _,...... ,...,. .... ! titc:l< pr.."""'" """ .&,tl" -ot thr #.,"' i'i"lnrl •i •11 ~"' -t.e-l~t ;II t~ t!plnl.wt rof •lr :>:• .. c•on oi 'lb. ~V~CluJIM'! ,..., '~ ~

t. n.. C'OJ~ieA ...;.U (~,. ~• .,,,..j to ~t.tUito ~,.,., U\f-1:1 ~~·• ...... -,,if IO!:~~;Vi,ot 'lt<"..Ql,.,t~, ... ..,..,,,.,,1\;P' or clh..r P'lt'-ttWo>)' iJil..,... IMHP.tl• Jn '""~ ~ ~~mHn ~l.vlll"'>t.u• .._ f<.,.a .. tt 1:, ~~hAl., pit ~ct~.. ~·~· ..,1-lr<. ~~ w ~h~;; ~<'4''"'"11~"' :~:t:!; .. , ~tl\.,. '!: "" •. "~·ft.~ fO t!t9 IQ!Ido rt:f lh• c~b~. l"''""'d.-d t~~o ~nto 1.- • •' •• ,~>::-·;~ .• ...., .,...,. ..,.1 ~nt of tl.c> ..,,,, ~'ft'tt •

.t. ~ ~lOri thalli» ll'll'p:'btt~ t• ~ II*I'Wit1MI te petferrtl ~ 'wWtft rcq.J!1~ ft» ~ QPHUiioo\ t>0 !hot ~~~~. N«CU lV.,. fJ.(MUtS.M"

~ ~hf"«ttitt~Pt iA ~. ~ ~ cr ~ MlmD'Il'llrtll fllllftl"ff ... ~~~I bq ea fot'-s; A. yt..1, ~14Wt ~~~be~·· f:'l wl~ cqo c.tq!Jf

t.. ..\iO tift~ ~~(>I ~'- r-nl• if' ..,. ~I"Df"''"" ~Mr. h~~ ~~~lwl_., -~ ~·~ ~itl.-.'holt ... •UtW !'Ill •"'.Lnt.!r ~"$'#~~~~~ ~. ~ WiiHI illd'l ,;.... ,. """ DKts•..- ct1 ~.iftll!flll fGt t'l• ~'-hilt MIWII pkiriHI ef NCCtd lfllfw Malt: lteeiNt., '-1!148 ~,. ricrr~.e. lho ~ .. ., tt.t ._. ~ ~leh Mid CGM~a"•""- ,....,,..... ~~,~~ott~~~ ~ihltt ~~oliN~-. I c .. ~""4tlr"" ctv, ~~ .Maa b ~ t.,·~w._..

t. :.• ~ .. ~~ ... ~~JdltM---~h ...... , ~ !lf&:.ttl b. ~ el N C#PIPfllllel! until I!I.!Ch •iat .,. t"- OK..... of ~ t.oi ~ ~. oft"' ..ftldl r~ ~ir ..,.....nk!p ~~~ t..,, ~.. .,.,. &t '!Mil~~ ~·th tof~ fg ~ Ja::i~ C.ltc 1151111• ~· tl"' ~"',.... ~ef ~ wtd ''""· z. Othm>~liMIIbllc~~of~~--C.,.-•.-A~t b .e.. Mlk ~~· ef ~ C:O...,.,t'• Fklfldo, .J. a 'DHd

&. Sk)~lfll~~~li/Wf,_.~-~~-QNr;g, ~D'

I. '!kilt;jp ~ ;~ ~ ef N C~~ ~ et. eHelft ef ~ ~._# ..-... "" C1l tfte.lr;fttt. e# ... 'IICte b th -=- • __,. ft6 ... ~$$11$111""1 ..~"· ~~ U

I' ···-""·----• . •fA 1 7 I ~ £ A. n.~ ~''~ ~ft be lR!o ~I'Jit'Pf'C" ~~ ~tpttvl~ ,lfd~"W lllf ~· t ti"" .. ift t~ fut~Jt th ~i"'i""" rt·i•'' ...hid 11 """"f.-~ to Uo~M HU ttHM f •• ct:i;t. ~ ~ IN Corporattlolfl Q¢)r ~ tOt•lnotwdlty f~t!Ot'- clftofl c~AiUillf f. tft c::~;t;:Q !t!!lll'l th111 ~,..,. .n ... , fentt a... ttte. G:MI.-ct., e~ c~~~IMI't. ~ I; Atn(.U VI .. ~fOU ~ ""'"'l'l:tn•JIS! ...... ,..... ~ ), r... 1M b:.WMQ. .o>f lhil (~...... ·- - ,...,.,, .= ,<>= kt~ ~ a liilN:nf e;l ,, ._,.,...of .... W ~ tkHI fl) dlf~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~-!.t ~ r eJfllttc~ .. k fi•od.., Hr. t(uL'Ml cf ft..~--· ~ .-cl.,.....,. ~ ~: *· 'n.t~ •JKfion of ~irHtsn., ~ ,..,.....,, w tho VUlln() of ¥Gft

!!!...IC:.,;:;lf;,;,.,....;.V-.11_·..;o.D.;,;,;tlf;.:.;C;.;I•Oft~.S;;..;AN...;.,;;.;;O...,Cff...._..,;;tC;;;P;;.:;S r(. . [ tho~~ P!M' ell leo ~~of~ f~ ~ wf Oir~r

lteo 1¥-l..t:wt 1Jt1 ~,.,_ (#porctJD thMI b.>. ..,.CI4 ir .. Goctd of Oir.tcJQ."t. nt .. ateH~tbn • ro-edll!iorl ., !Mtid tt-'-m Nil M f.ft t~~~t~...,. -.. "*" ... iJ~ .... ,..,~ ei.W e,.r.s..._. "!\' ~ ri: .. A. ._ ~lid~t ef ~- rrej i= ~" litlt ~ 1/1 CD ~ ' ' ~ ce:~PW ~~ 6'c1 EUdl ~' llliHh'JQ;4• ~~, ~ • ...... Itt .WI --.... ~·~lay 1!1 ~~ r:f ... ~el tb lb'.~Nof ~~­ t' u~ INiriotw ~ ~ ~ ;s"'- t-~ iA.:ct ~ kl .tot ~ "w ~ ~ ~ ~-~(etC tr.._. NotlCJJ !If~~ .m. fit#_,, ...,.._,.,.., ...... eb~d-tM.ci~ci4R)'~-~-~-·t*-'11ti,llll .....

f. [;; t.~

A. All tn'4 w••l'n•t pc~l•t bt tilt f'"V'CY1 &f tOI•®.-rrl,..tL"" fiU'C iJo411f lw utlli1.-d h; tl,.c C. • · · ' , i~:a ,._,,. toM" tl" r(ll~ "' ~. J ...._. .. ,. "Q'll!f cr.d •:r.~«'SIU:!n, 'nto wpGI'CII'- t! 11il ~ ... 110 in'I''H 1,. qr.y ~yt"4 trt.f';..,, ~ t.y •' fhiOI.I'Jh c·.·~~~•J .,...,. th• ~ (!If on<,'h :..!.111 l;,.....~il"'t.- rmc:•lt fCIJtllool•t'rflt ~Ott I••( tP' t~ ~~ ••,.,, MU'IWW)' hi c. •"Y)' wt tho~ ~"'"n .,e,trd in it et .,.,~, lo. toid IY!f:~•,

i. it!~~: .,.,~1"1~ of"""'""" ontW~~I"\tt to eft ~ IJMIYif!O rfl., ~~t~rra Mtl r..:~c:;; ~!:tvlt o dhhltNt;Otl of lr~~.

C. Mr f<~~'dt h•l-d IJy '"• CCI7JI('fatt0111 fr...... lh tiJCOIJJfl. ov~ Ol'4-ld f« fhit ltllt .nd J;.r'\r!.. ' · '.. , <=...,;;,..~;..·""''· ..... rhe J!'!"CI!ftl• I of t ... if ~ip itt the IPI\it!K! Gnd g,tt'tfol COot•':':-:-~ ..:.•:.:..,:;;...-. Ill tM c~l~iwt. ! 0. Upeft '""";""''"" of ~ ~daminlt~~M fWf di~'- e>~ ftMI llqt,IINion cf Jhh ~ion. tM cft,rrU,.,trt~n to,._. filet""~• of rflh ~loft of rh. t:QII'Ir/!Oft ~~'-" • ~10'1 t.:t thla Hft:lilft1Ggt of tl'o•ir ~~, t. ~hot lj.,~!Jt.,d eM ~I CQfMIQft •1.-..ts W..OII l!iOt cM~;tiM• or h dtc-.H N bs o ~~ Cllt' 4btrlbutletl fl ~. -AtTICU XI- I""'D£Ml'o-.lf!CATION I ~~ ~ ~ ...-y off< .ef C~!on ""II k ~f1a of""" ~ h ~l.arl ~ all·~ 15-d U3mn.~. iM~ PTX"dl,... to ~;_. ho filii'/ be 5liJifii"W, 01 ht -t.h;h h.llll!y S.tcOI'IIQ tn¥0iwd, ~ r~ of hit biil'lf w hiiwiRg bMoft • 41tfltor..., .tnc*' of~ .. C.c~p:mll~~~n. "~ •ttlll'ltll:nt ~~.~till fiGt tte q til tiftr~;-,rQt or officllf crt thtt time tUch ail~ w~ ~ ~Of l.iJre~IOft GJIP•HI wciJ MJ;~ n r.~ OJ bowll!lj) fcv 1M bm Wlll'!:'a1$ ef IN \"'.orj'tOf'C._.. n.. '-c~ rlflht ot !~Hicat~ Hll .._ itt ~·• tol!llld fiOt ou:~~ .A .U .,.._. t'l$hh lo wtddl ...dl dtf'cctw 11!1' ~~ teat bl, aMiflwd. AITICU XII • SiJISC:attEl$

n...... Ol'lo'l 1JCM1 ~. ~ ol eech c.•'*'"- of ·~l!GN- Mka. ol --orpo.rot~ or.: CHAII.U L. NELSON . m School Rood ~ ~ ~. fw'lde 32n7

II\AIGAUT I'. NILSON 20S$dw:d lll!lld w-~ ~. , ...... ,20"V

JO!IPH I. ,AIUANKS 216~ ...... ~~ Ctll'Kl Mad.ur,.,.. Featn 3"""

~GNEU ANO UAUO nni ., st •m~ hr.-..~ INch, fblda .. (_ ;· ... II" ' "'• c(.. • .: ...... CHDtJs l. NiUON ! ,.., I · I " •/11 a I ,".L1 4' ' .. ( .., +..... 1!!!exttr~• i'J. lM~----- ' • . , , .....I . . !. L.. ~t~:=:c.~...... u .... ~ ...m--...., __"-'_ • .. . . ·-·

...... 11]1~"'-- .. f ..... _...... ~ ..f

'tittnY CUftt _, thlt "*t fit"'-....,., .t.·.,. IMIIM'ti .._., .-.4 ClliiifttJ' ~ct -.# 41"1 of0e!tf' u. ! CNttMitlbd w ecu,.. fNI'Il wJt, ,.._..., CHAJU.U t. NEUON, #MaG;A.REJ P. NEI.SON «N JOt..lPH , .• f~NKS I .W, ~ ~ ~ ll'lftOf'l ~ ....., t"- fGtlfgOlntt ifltol,_... ·' _. efUcen . r.tfiiCl~ ~..--*hie~ .... ~ ~M «:t Ol\lll.•ftd M .... tnttR ~ .tttt111W1 81QlW'-H- '•t t '\ • WllNE.U MY HANU I.ND Of'ltCtAL SIAL / lM I ~ ., ., j,' A ·1 , tm. • t ' . l ' J .• .- ...... _..... t I •. :· i i' 1 . 1 : - ..

:. ,; t J r' ' l ..... - ----.. • • ...... ,.,.,...... k ---..-...~ ...... ,. ... _.,.""G'Q'Y- ,.._, - .... , •. ,.,..., ... ~ 14. ~ = , .. IIM>d; ----~------~~-EXHIBIT A TO ""'-~ & w:•·.~·~-Jd__-.,...... ______...• ARTICUS OF INCORPORATION

CONDOMINIUMS OF fNDIAN HARBOUR, lt~Cu:·, . ,11,..1 !t. ' ! / ,· t •I ~ to aa • .. ) ' I -n·1oa~ fMl10J.O···· - Slt: PAtl 5'21) Port 1 13 73 Lot 9 end lO,·Seminol~ Heights first Addition os per Plot Book 201 i?~ 28, Poblic Rt:!cords oF Brevard Covntya florida, less ond except ~ent ror major droin facilities possing 9hrough :s.aid )(lh and 1,-:u as1d except casement for IHt station artd oppertenances ;n lot 9.

Port II I' f:l.<)oginning at the NE corner of lot 10, Seminole Beight:. First Addition 'I os fAW Plo~ lliwk 20, Pugc 2S, Public R...:r~ .;, ~~ Brevard County,. Florida; thence ~outhcrly along the eos.e 'oi ~ .• .,_ ,,, ~ ..... ~ lj ~ "-'''HUtu::t~:: of 44.70 fr. m««t or lc:.s to i~e SE e.orncr ofsuid Lot io.; thence r::os?vrly okmg G -·..• line hmring g beoring N 89°27'36" e0 dh.tonce of lN~ St., MOte or . ~ess to 9he inter1~c:tlon of 5ald line with the Sooth right of WCJY Hne or Cheyenno Bcu1cvard CH plaltod In a Plat of Townhouse Estat&$ Seetion Two, in Plm Bock 22, Page 138 of the Public:: Record$ of Brevard County, F.loricla; th~nee northwesterly olong the south right of woy Unc of .. Cheyenne Boulovard to the point of b~ginning ~ ~ obcve descri,tion is a pseudo triangular shaped parcel with tho hypotenuw the arc of a circle w,ith o Radius of 171 .. 173 ft. and lenot!1 of 126 .. €,89 ft.).

Pcrtlll . A poree1 of land whose de~criptfon Is as f~lloM: /14 a point of l:mg1nning begin ot tho 1ntcrsc~tion of We'$t ltfl" oF • Sed ion t2-275-3iE wi\h tho ~in~: thot $cparates tho NW .1/4 cmd ~ho SW 1/4 of tlae said s.ection, ~hcnco N 01°20'01" W (o1ong the Vl~fJ Urt" of tho S.cctiora) a dl~tonco or 15 f'~ot; thence N t~~27'36" 11 · E Q distance cf 550.65 ft ,.; ihenco S 0°32'24 E o distcr:co oF 36Q. 99 n.; t:.cnco s 89°27'36 .. wa distance of ~A feet moic Qi' ICC"A to t~c inf.er:cctton of a line having a bcartns of S 0°32'2·l0 E \':hich Ia~ · oomcd fine intcnccb a ltna havtno \.1 b~~r~ng of S C9°2/~36n E b~inz ~ciOtlct to end 531.93 South (os rn:-:ozurocl t!long ~·:,.;:): w~t ~eticnD . iino) of du:t- North boundary of the :ooirJ propc.rty; thcmco along the ta!d • (ing i10vlllg Q beari.-tg of 5 01)32"' ·~ i'CUih:Jrly to th:.l !~it~;·.:-~titton with ~ha aforcmontion;;d ltno havir..o o f;a: ht;J CJi S Ct"'~:i''3·.'i 11 E; then~a ~dt-etiy c1cng r.;;id Hue. ~ ~hit·· nco cf !·::?4. 96 n e tQ I h~ ! .. h::r$:3CUc.n wUn ttle West soc:tion li.-.o; ,: •..:nee n~;il.c.rft~,:tong th.J Wu~t !ccH.::n • itrte Qu;;ving o btZc.rlog r..f N Ol. ~i3, n!i:l6 37l, Ci. 5 .~J t=crcJ., m~ro or le:s). . · · .J ...... ----...... --. ~. -- ... ----.... - ~· . ;· I ..: ' a

\4 lt\'165.5 PAG£101 1


C. hll prlncTp::d pl.~o of bntr.qn ~II btllct:ctcd et: ~ 415 tab Sprl~ f;al,fe\ICtd '1 ~~ }i~'f Qrryeh ,:l,..ldn 32937' l \IQtJI ~-ll"" Ar-->.•<;>-?1!~

A. 1M~ fM vmit:h tho cmx:latlett h c.vpl~ h to ptovlcb !!In ~~mtity ~t to S«c:n~ Twelve of thu Cor.dor.lii\IVM Act1 whlch h Chl.tfl'ter 711, florJdcl Srvtut~, t963, Cd 01n~ inlttdlly F« 1~


A. All of tfM O'M*'5 o! ~tnlum parcok (aparl11'4!.t 1111lh) shoJI bit ~ (If eMs Oltpotatlon. tlpMI ~Kn~ Qf a deW or tumllhlng of other .,-idau:• of dwtp ot rftOn! tltlo to tho ~tn1tll':' patet~f, and deliv.y tl) h C~tian fA c:Mtln.d ccplu of ~ld l~t, tbir Mw cnmM ct.ipted by tc1id i~t thull bta!me Q !ZMII'IIber of *'- Corpotatlon.

dloU bo ~ tcftlllno~>td, FfM~Idod, .,_,_,~, that to.2id h'Gnlf«, d&vi141 0 ~~tfc: ... shall iAI ~~~~ ln cr.::::~ witt. fM term~ Gild ccmditlar.s of that OK!a.'oltf~ of ~""- ro~at~nu to tho ~ttort.

8.. ~by tM ~ vf ~ ~~~~~ !l'l tf;~ c;P.=;r: of~ Ca:p;:roth~;~ shoU be on tl1« bcnl1 t:l Ole vot• far lho OWMr of eoch ~nt~Pt po1'Cel, (aportlllfftt -*t), IK\1¥ 01 hartol'tt! ~ed Clll 1M bftd dntgnahd fn bhiblt 11&• ondl.,ttod Ia ~ fQml t:rf ~p.

If"" ctfiOI-- b Ollt'Md b1 CM ~· hit rigbt tv 'II"CQ ..II - ~·i~ 117 tN l'tJC;01d tUto to tflh ~ • If an cpartml!t'lt is ~ by ~them ~ [NnOII. t:Jf l; ~ ~~ rfro ~ MltM«d to CC1U u ~of« th$ ~t doll IH1 ~;nattd tr, CGiftiftccn Si~ by Gil of thJ !"~C(rd !>\meR oflha GpQII~t ~ rJ~ wbn fho $oc:;r,_ M)' d IIMt Cl!!'lpOI'Cltiort. If an~ h ~l'lod..,. a ICOrpC'ollltk:ln, th6 p!::nCft Mtitlcd ~ m:t o wto fct ttKr ~shall bel dcr'Jpkv:J bt o111 ~rtilim• ~~~ by tho PtosJ .. dmt g VfcrPml~ gnd ctt~cd by tbn So¢totaly ct AuistcM Socremy of tho c:c:r• porotlaa Ol'llll filod ~o·1lth tho Seer~ of thh COJpa•h!A• Svch ~Fir;r;ato shall lJa . wtclwt;l ~od 'Cif V"'lll ~ecdQd by o ~ cwlfl~ t~lllltil thcro II • dMp ln iM 0\Wicrthlp of il~a ~hl'lc;nt l!:~. I. eouific:oto dc~potTng g;., pcwG~t cmlt!M ~ cv.t

( ... ·~···..------... ---. . _,._ ----- ·-----·--.~

•.• ~a. mc;y t,.q tel f~th 1:1 ~ NQtlcq ql tht: nt«"fift!!• N web m.;clll'lll tha _,._, ' ' -~"litCt ~lrcct®a to tct"¥9 1.'1"1111 rt.o M1d ~wol ~tlf\!1 1'4 rlul- ,.,..erll'!f *' tt. ~fit ~mtlltk~lt Wt:~l ~ld In- dvly IJit>Ctcrd Olld qvt!lln~ lli!"'J fJf Poldt ~ ~III!HS m mey be GiUfhtwlzed ~bit tr~tvd wtf-.w ~.

'Hie flnt ~~ II'Jtot!"ll &II bl i:id 011 thCJ third my i11 JCiftJ&'f 01 191..t, U..ltold'<~g t:f thu t'tra me-ting-_, bo t,J<:t:el~t~ if In thcoplniml ol FAiliiUIL0£115, INC., hf!l'eir.::~flor rofam:d to os dliwfopt"t, tMt• h o wff'lclri ~ Qi ~~• tl'll'ltllk!hlo til hQid auld mvellnc.

B. A fiP«.Id ~etlng or tht m~a ro k h.kl ril 'M ~ pl~t o. tflGl ~1l'lle¢llrtg Of w-:h otftM plotf OJ fl'rCf ~ -~~ fwth 11'1 the Noti~• or Mld ~ms, n\01 ~ c:nllt;d or any lim:r b; ''"' Pren.ldant 01' In hi~ ab~co, by lhu Vice-Pr(ltid~t, or l>y o ~to:ti«ity Qf 1M~ 1;11 Dir•¢:ton, It Jh~JII b.lbt dolly Q1 1~ DlrCK.t.m1 I'Jfll~t c. V>ce-f'red~l to eel I wch a mntlng whlmcv~ -ii to<:-~!.•4 &; 11\f;~. fK~IdiJ19 11;.;1 ~~,.,~~ ;:~,.em '>Jf 1110t• of tho voting rl$hfi In the COI'pCJfOiiO!'• &;~i4 r«, • ..... • ' ....,..,,, -

· C. NotTe,. fA~~~ lhtio CiM piCKc of oil (tO) dqJ prior to rho dot~ of trot:h ~ling, to the addrtm of J!CIId .....,.• u Cpp.toH llpOft tho bed• of tho Corpofotlon. A cmiric:at• of em offi"' e;r.alllr.s~ md ~tieo ~~~ 0. P"~focl1t proof thrJt ~d 11'7tlr;• wot olven.

D, 'I'M 1\-e.ld

e. A qi.IC)ttMI for ~ M(ICIIIIIO' sholl consbt of P'lf'ort$ entitl«< to cast flf'ty-oM (51%) pti'C(mt of 1M vctot of the ontlre ~ip. In tM ""'* th<:t a~ hoot pr~. t~ membmt f"cn.cnt Cll r;lf1)' rrwratlng, thouGh ka ~ a~· lfl01 Gdfoul'l'l '*'• INOtits.a ~ o M'U1'41

1M tOO:cutkm t.y or.t ~ of Q CCi')' or tho M!nu~al thoff C!Oitiflt"to .,_ ~ cf ~ ~ fct !he P'I'I*O of ~lldctlna dl a, tho ~IOns t:t!t= c:t =W ~·~· f. Vritm Dtl'f b. ed In,..._ or b, ~~ AU pt~ .holt &o an wJflAQ and mU bG tiltid lllriJb the s.emttary em .m.ted In recDid in the MirMtNt oltheiiiMll~. Nl) PfOJif shalf lxt wild unless tho~ h Gecuted t,.llll ~ Ol!rfti!'!Q my fnh:!IC$t in an~ -.ntt.

G. ~ ot tf*IOI ...,.til9 of' ltra ..-.,.IN)' .. h.ld al' 01t1 filM or paoc. wl~t I!Ofleo, wllh the •·ittC~P ~ ol oU ol tho ~.

H. 1bt ~ of budneu ot oil mooting~ :tholl Lo:

t. E!miOft fiJf Choti"'NW1 of the ~ttng. :?. Calli~ tJf llie toll. 3. p,oof cl nut&o. • .... ~d~... $. ~..ponQ/~. 6. RnpM-1 gf'~ttl!f!S. 'I'. ilcd~ of lm.~­ a. ~k.;liO

.! A. ~~~crmoifcm¥f~~~~~lftt~bya~ d Dl~W'e ·!i-~11 b'il cb:tc!Jl by tb::J m~ by pli)ml.!f)l ve-ta. So-d 9=2-d t • l'hm tmo ~lm(JI'!5 f1lilt PY.Wo ll-t!ffi r.ine:. ThY ~~~c. eir~t= n a a di fl/1j~'dlreeicm. Tho ~ ... ~~toper .0011 hov., f~ right to ok:ct o 1':1Qj~1ty of t!Tll:~ fl!~ r!l tho &md o1 Oire~ C!f ~ ~mlrr.'l~tr~fii wc:h tlma Ql Ci"4 ~ fv::R ~Mf (100'%) rfJ thl) ~~ ~ unlll m t~ ~ ~~Md m e.MfbU -M• ~ ~ oolll~ Direct~ o~ad by tho d~• ~~~ ~ iM llol'rl to wnru \iiirii ft.ot ~ ~tlr~g tmd vntll tlwir wccertm t.=vo b<·en clvly efKtcd =d ~lifled, ~ ~~ thQ ~• "' fooh ~ Mi bun fc:cdtotd dut'ing t~ pm-lcd ptlor to~ ooa"me fA" ~d ~· fMtt1r>ao

U shall ~ ~ ·"«~ f« o ~Mmbtt rfi tfl(l ~ t:J. Olmtton to be th• CWMt fi1 Gil ~ivi~t ~ t~Hh "vit~.-~:tltd ~r t!..:, :,.,...;.!~. t.J pr.W.dcd ~. 1 U~llb3r... '«t~ b rmy ~,: -·' ·> • "· 11.-.. ' .... • .abe tt. 4"WMT of CH lndlvtdval opom>ont ut~it tA Vt'l .;;;:·: ~-= -' -, ~tlan UM~'!ng on tn~\.~1 ~ vttlt.

~ ~~ret~~~ llo='d of Dfreetws ~U b. mos. .~t«d at ~ ~ ~iflg et ~ ~ cf tha co;ld!;!Min·~ by lite dweloptt wM mulf MM om.,. ~tl tha nm ~• muting ~ 1ho ~. At 1M nnt tllffl!J31 llilntine cJ tk<1 ~ Gi ~"rn!l.d l1'l ~ s~ Qnd ~rm tfo..e cfi'V(:h::n dlc!U be ~It:~ OlWWI!y by tho ~.ben ~d th. ~~ wlu:1·l! Cjlpticoble~ at ~ld ~~ llmfit~ cmd sold dtlOCtm ~~~ $.11011!1 mtil thl rutlCt aMUul m!llcAlAI} o; urufl 5hW ~!MHOII m1 dilly \.~tad and q~~Uiirtli!d tit W\tilth-q ~;n ~ in ·~ ~ pc'O'Wld;cl. (;. llR f~ ~~ cf, ~ 6«t~Rino '~'~ the ~ cl Dlrflcton tOf Dfrt reg. l'«'' ~~::. P'flet to tho lilr.at Ml\\tlllra~ d.~;".>:~~, th:t wnalnlng ~m ~~~ 0f.m a QmQl cd •' 0#3 w ~rna dil't!C;tQ' r~ tlttt ~.,d ~~ tJ1 ~ ·~ cl ~ ~ dlfod'~. "" 1M event of ll'JOdmf;y ~1n; if'l Itt; bid~ ott.:rc;.u rw OFf~~ crtar If» tim ~• meeti"'J rif ii.t~, ~ ~lni dim:tvn s!:=ll ~!=t ~of •~ '"~to ::ervc; Ql; a ~.. n ~ ~ b brw9ht ~r by tdption Q( ~ rc:non of Cl ~al ~~of Diredcrs ... ~ .~tod by fhe.d~~, pdw::r • tho~~ tM ~ Qbt all el tho du.ctan.. than t:md In tb:rt e't'Cllt• tkrl,ckwlapere !llloll tuvo lt'lll ri!# to Ril dd ~ tn -~ wta. tho ~GI~~.

@)., Mt!!r ... ~ flrlftUG11'Metltrg « 1M ~~ " ~ fft:r'J &. ~ hal Jllft ..tJh r:l ~ COIU$II by"" ~Jcrity of lhe ~ c: «

2. ~ ~iC!l th~U be paid ~ ~ IGt INm ..M~Mo = ad'eCh:ll.. ~~~ =r ~ p<.lid to u ~In hb « ho;< ~ityaso.., oftlt¥ ct _., ~ b!' b~ ~~to the ~t«M wi-r..id-:1 tl bb et t.t 6ri1CJ ~t!.~~. lo\~b ~. ~v r;m-:t ~Qnt*r'.t ~G~[acthlan:o ~~~Iii~ O!:;.:..;;:.;.:e~ ~~Cil' torocuW.~~o~ ~~t~ ~~~ ~ba ~ill! wm r:n caM .c~bh. 1Q ~&kill h:IV'IJ t~ ligJit to sot aid vw oil J;Qfcr~ or ~~~-t to L:i~W to ofiict..-s,. CII,;Ilo-J12~ c: ~ er ohC:LtOjlt fer ~levi ruYI'Ik:Je:d to d!o co.~tiM. Thi1 rt!jht u~r bo cf1~ to ~~~. (!~';., 01 olhct ~~o~tfct~.

f., 'no Rr!:t ~ ef 41> ~a~ l!acrd tl Dtrodcn .:W,U "*bold wi~ ..(10) ~ ct ~at-..-~ 6.1;11 bo lim~~ cliro=rcn GJ tho ~~Qt~~~\'IU'Ctob:tcd, Qeil M~k~;~ ~II ~ft¢CIH:tll)' Ia • ~ ~!y *~ di~m Gn arrkr ..tt to ~~tufO~~~tl'l"-u ~g 1!1 aJ«rity cl ~ dlol.l ~ d!Gll bo pr~.. • ' ...... - .. _.,_.,.,...... _ ---• -,. ~ """ •"" - .. -~. r•,.•.•

' ·. •.'~<,~·~ai ,a.;~-~'.i!..l"~ ~.,...v»-" f'~'ll /!' :w.1313 fir a.;;a 1 G. ~~ ~t~ of i'mt ~d fJf Ditg~ ~ b:o hillel et ~ t~ ~ ~ a5 ~~~ oo 63r~IMd f~ t~ tQ H.'l¥a ~ o ~iOf•t~ of th.t dirwcr,. N~Fiica of Npft= kWiif~ lilf frov ~ vf Dim-~• F.=U ~ v:~ to ~-a dil'ftJot ~!lr f'!' by I'MIII, td~ ot t.~ht "" lett fiv• (~ ) doyJ priM to tkt _,. ~ f'llf' atd1 Pntfi'9.

the ~ d l'h!ll ~t~ t::td r.o ~

H, ~t.G1 ~t~~ of tho ho!:td of D~B ~ IMJ c:olled by the ~ ~!'!' tllree (3) day~ r.oflC(J to liOCh dil'l.'l(:fr,lr~ gfwn ~Uy « br 1110ll, lil~ 01 fgf~, t•-hleh r~Qtb;:o shall IICII!t f~ rbnt;t cod ploee (t~t '-aiti­ filoYII ~.:k-J) ~'lli..-~ 6f f'.\~ ~ilf'l'i• Sp,...:~~ ~;:~11!:;5 of~»~ of ~~!Mil bil ccfl~ by 1M ha$1~• · L...- ,_,..., 'lfll \flv · ~~ • • -~-~ .- ··~ f4tlceOH ~mJften~..!4M of r:11 ~ e1 ~··• -• ""'- .w....~~.,.

a. ~ s ct v.-1 ~lt~SJ cJ tM. ~ d Dffllmr~ gJfJf dltect« mor "' ~1ti«1Q. W41ve nootke af ~ mMti~~t, end evdJ woi!J'« sholl bt ~ .Jwkrtt till ifle GMna ~f such ncstlcCil. An~ by c dirii'Cf't:lf' ett 01J7f -.tine ef 1M hod ~; bt c:a walwr or ••• &:.,.. hiM ~ th~t ~ill'll QCid pic:.:• ~f .. If all ~foe dtr~ cro F~ at any IM!Iting of tft.o, btlord. no mtb ~II bl ~ cml Cifi}' bWI'i~&'U IIAG'f b.» ~- at u.ch I'IMtlnQ.

J. At en ~t11'9 of tht. ~of ~. f) -iarity of t'-e dhdcn dlall CC!fflt~Mc Q qoonwn fer the tro'lSGdkm cJ lr.nilw#, ol'ld rM ~ ~ tn

K. the ~ fil ~ •ni!OW1 aH c1 ~ p:nrsra ~In 1t urut ... r c-L., cm.i p!lt1UGr.t- t1K1 !WM~ of ~ !117 ct H~~• Fk.tda ~ ~ ~cr 63-35 cf tl!ft c;..n.t La,.. of thea $of. of Flarldclb dw, rea' ~t:l63,. OJ~ In 1965-, ~fMt wUb '1ft':f ~ ~ to It p#WOIIIt II)~.., cf thw Artltdet of f~ion of 1M ~;Dft. CMd the CIOitllbe111Mlt ~ Mt!lCt cmty to Mh ~ t;Jf ~he~ oflndl~ ~ tllifb" --t M ..,qulmf ~ ~ ltir'~ thl Atlldn of ~ion end '-a~~. .

Seidl fC**'-1 ~; ~~but~~~ lid .. ~kid~ ""'fol~l


2. tei!Siike or14 c:clldt~ ~ ~ f« tho~ .t ~ ~ llfttdatgfnt"liil ~ 44=~5r".U.

3, V'.oo ~~, ~~t~olth.~~ •

•• 1M~~ el ~llilllfth dt• eiiiJI ~.,. «llll h furtMt ~fG .. ~~

s. The Mritlo oncl ~ ftl tllrf '-'•I'AY ~ ~.-od to .r.::dtlfo!A em!~&~. ..- 0 j

.~ .. . :m1373 mr s.as ·:i_. ~ .. ~i-101 ...~

'1. 1'Q~&Gl~~~ft ...... ~~ • ef ~ ~.J ~tC, tfl !M ~ ~~ ~~~ I~ ~lmllfh!n cf ~fnW..

o. tG ~ ~ ~~ *-~ f."!Nlmlloml ~ [.Um ~tilt fN;' bit ~iwfl ~ (!k.~ ~'Jfl ~~~of~ un-4n • m. ~leu UQoitl~ .. Wetr G Sij llaflllh; IO il:tt:d pillliM

9. Vo l'illf;f~ G~ o;m !lit a ~lv.n ~JtshodC:r;· ~ llmd til ~{WJ- tv d.:!~~ tQ ISlld ~k ...~ wch pQWt!fi 0!00 Gt;dlm! <:) (ne coon~ !hell Ollfh«lz. ~l!:pt ~ m l:!l* ~fl~ly fll'fllllttd ~0 n ~IRd by tkt> Bocrd of Dir~ie~ ef lho ~~Jp.

_ tc. To~ by tOWll ~~~~of 1M ~ftt~~m dc:iat- ~~ ~ AAielrn of SrttA:irp:~«.~ti~, ~ !;-Lows of fh. ~ten ond thu! rctQ~JIG­ tbt:s for the,~ of(..~ pl'~ In t!-M ~~~.

H. ToM M'f tmm C11 ~L. w • '" --:~ ": • , t•lt whln fblt ~ GfO ht dcfwlt ond ro~ tmi :---= ~ fu.il ~nt 111\it Mf-ct ,., sold ~ Qnd llcrq.

le~ M1 ~(It ~tol ~~Cit'!~ c.!nfh oc:~p.~lmd b, ~ ~ton ~ the en!l3r~ oJ cmr Uo:llo&d by the Corpo.-Gtion .M !>.ild ~ tmltJ.

Ia. 'IJ'o ~Yrtl m. tHie by bocfowtq or h)' !lk·:.-.1 of~ to orty ~lnt'* ~i'ltiMt Ff~Wio.d, ~, t:hat tho, tbla to '11M ~t ono:.:l en GFPI'Jf~• fn connection thwCYllflth :hall bo h4Jld rn truat fo1 thlt UJa - ~nt d oU tk$01111'1eN of~ Jn tk c~Uil\.

ts. 'kl C06trGct b lfm. ~of th$ ~lnlual Md to dlll-soto tiP d ~ oU Pldl powa:rs end dutft:t of flwt ~~ ibc:t e:o ~U«Y hi tl~~~t cptnlon of eM Olr4d-.n c::aF tM h$0clQt£M. f:rr ~ m!U'P::~ tc eff~tlnl; ~th!o!M~~N.

. ' A. 1h;! pf~1 officers of ~. ~en sldl b. c fteddant, a ~' e $.::(tch:ly &.md o T~. oil ttl..._ -man bo eloctcd by .,., ~1M 6acn of owem.n. iba Dirtr.tm ~ ~tan outstant ~ -~~~~ ~ SP!::wtO'IY' lll1d tudt ~ lllfik1m us.,. th~ll ~ ~ bo ~~· 1M Qmetl: cr tho ~kzfy una lr~ ~ !» fUk:l by tho SQtiMl Pd'UI't•

D. 'iN~cf~~~lhoo~~lyf,ytM~ d ~ tli ~ ~ ..._..&Ia Cld-.b~ ~ Qll"~thlalll!otd ohi=a cmtil dt, f!l""...;;t ~ lilti¢'1100 of 1M~¢:~ OOI~W' r;t N~Mll t:wlr ~,Gil cWt ~~ &d~e;l ~~ D"*~tnof'W' ~

c. ~$~1-I;C;I~cf12~U,el~~~fk~ fA~ CIJ ~ 1111!2?'- ~Ciltlw ullb « \lfju....t ~~Ida l"!Cco:tO" ~ ot ll:lt'f ~ ~Jol<:.,iifl!) of ttl~ ~-d of D1r"'*'t1 Jt at ~ .padoJ ~!A- Dowdof t»r~ "lied fct- ~·.. o. 'flllt ~ s&dl .,. tho~ Cl!OCUIJ~ QfflCd' Af tM ~-· &&! ~I~ C!it aU ~ar. of~ ~otbi Mel~~ of t)lr,.)~. Ml ~· llznw~ d ik ~~ po'.-ctJ C!nll Wt~ d!kih co~;, wo-.Jcd In ti.1l ctrrco d ~ ffi•I!CitpCKitlon1 I~ l:ut lid l.atcJ to lho ~ cA ~?in~ ~httm ~ ~ ttnl ~.... ~ ~ t~ eo t~ 4:11\ ~ f1ll:l'j"' Oils~~~ h t9~teta f(l> rut~ t.1 f~ ~of'~ of'~~ d ~ ~fan.

~. 'i\Q ~:\mlkhm ~II tali:eJ ~ pJat;q ~Itt. r\o'.M~ M1i f.!W._ MJ &Jtl~.-d-~.1$7 sbq ~t tJwl! ~ ~ IR ~ M ~1. Cf Mfthu' 11M Pttttlmnt oor ~ Vfc:V<'Prnsl~r h ctbl" to mt • the ~ c;Ji OJr~ sfoy,ll ~~(;I'M/ ~ l'.lf th4 ~ to .,_.1!¢ on~ ""*'~ Wiit. The Viee­ ftcnt~ then ~~~ ~ ~l;h d\ltlt;t oa m.;u ~ ,~ f4ll tima t.R ~~upon El'!la b, ~~of ~ten.

F. ThrJ ~trtCIJ}' ~~~~~ I"Nh::!f of c:~lf <1lr«tl)I'J ~ ~ ~9fl1"191 - dtcll $~ tmd ~~ ~~ mir.ut(B of tiKI iff:..r.tJ ~· :.--.".!fll ct~ of ~u ~lilt· ~~ ~ ,::~fid ~t; tholllm ~"'"'"~·- , -, ~-;~.:::;I(.,-'"''; ~.-_,h .Hfaf utltn hb t1~e ~ I~ wllh d'tll CnrpcJrr.i.; ~ ::; .:~ rrnd ofuQ' ~ r~Irod to be st~ on ~~If of rh• C~ton end rhall ~form ~ ~ \M~u m atct t~tciltrtt ro b'lh offiet!!. 'ih(l t'M~ of 1M hdmw s.~ ~! ~ ~...,..... !i'!'!! ~ -91 ff>o ~e~ Ill t~ ~ ef th.e ~I!!~.

O. ~ Tfi!~t~Wrff st.~:~ll hovo ~ pomlbnttv rot C«porat.11 tiri'\di Olrd ~~ R thoU ~ r~..:.mlblo fer h~pltlfl Ml end~· oc~01.mtt> of all ~Old ~ts In~~ bo!~ing to f~ ~lon. f~ sho.ll bo ~le fot the ~It cf oil ~ft~a and othet V(l!loll!llblo cftQf:.t• In tho RIII'M ~ till «h. crcdlt of tho Cc.r-pmntiM Jn wch dq'JotlfQrleJ tn IIICI)" fr(:llll tlmo to tt.. ~~by t}iq ~

~. kl'/ ~ tn IM ofn"' of~ Pruict.mt. \r1co-rt.t!:Jvnt~ Soc~~, fJf' ~SJaaiOI')'t Cit' lri:(IMCF aT~ WMr Qfflc:er f1l e.mployo:; mr CiltY ~ ~ IYIQ)' bo fltk!d !'l1tbe ~of Dk~ at C1ftf r()QIIIc:r IM'ttil"f 01 ~ ~tng, end suda we~ hJ lh& ~ Cllffice shall ~d ..mce fat ~~of the ~~ad tm:u. AITICI.I VII .. fiNANCE

A. Tho ~ of tl«.t ~CI:II -JI boo ~J-- 1ft (I fntnlc In llntwlrd ~. flwtM,. cmd nbutl bt wU!Mh:wn only~ cfTodc Qtr ~of we. oiiJ~, ~-~ os «o01 ~ br radt.fiGooliM llxbd 'Of~ ~e!=t!i!lf!-.~

e. for ~nttl'lg ~. 'M ~~~ moll opm!hr upcr:'l the ~ pc"!T bcstrnriiJ ab rw d#t dJ ~one~ endlno tho ab.t f!nt ot ~of~ye«.

C. h. .lll.ll!lt o1IM ~ cf I'M ~~~ tha11 b:t IIIOdo arr.vo!Jy ly ca~ ._, c Cil9Y oi dtSlll ~ dtclt~ ba btllme.d to ~h ~nat ~bn ~ 1111' fA tho~ fotkwdrtl) ~ b whkh tl» ~ ,, Mdo.

@. 1Im llo!mi ¢11 ~ r;!l eM ~Jon fM!J QQJOO;Jin a tot ilf ~ t;/~ t'zr ~ ~ d,ldl ~I dtaw ~~ lh:. recei¢' ~ ~ dJ ~ ~~~. cll "'t-<4lleh ~~· 00 'l~~.w ~~~~~-:IS, I'V!ddl ~~~~~~~,~~

•• ~ ~-hi h\dlwtwf cc:caum b OGdl 'f1l ~ ~ t!4 ~ & ~ ~' ~leb cceouat tbtl ~., tha ~ a."¥1 -.ei6.$0Miet M ~. ~ OlhOIMt d com CW~ ~tim 0'~, ~~-~In ~lkh lh• ~ ~GDO doi;J1 fh~ a~oiDI.JAh plZid ~ .. ~Vfld vOO ~ ~~ tbo¢!t.O~.W~. " ~ .. . ~. ~~· Vi4l!eh t:ho!IIMklcb ~I~ 11M~~ · ~ t.lll'GIIIe Qffif.i Yi»iVo. ~ t!lo ~~ b ~. ~no o ~w. ~ ~ C0!!'2'~M (!t1rlf md;.ffi9 llllfb, e~"\1' ~hlt:-s cM.p.~t.. ifi·~ertO~t~ ~. ~~ latt.h furdt;:lb;.w ~ d ~ ~ ..ml! W eowUd ~ r~co n~ ~~fur e.u;,..,u e>~lll:.n ru tl\o ~r;e fW'• ~ l!r#f ~ t"Qt~d ~~~dy til ~!::h JA~j ;l. .~m fur Qsi~mlrJs-~ V.'ltldt ~II ti'I(Mb ~'fir:- .tn­ ~ ltcw; t~ ~.:ur ~~ freGL>

il. &lftt:tmrn:Jt:io \'T'bteh llwlf lru:lu;:IIT th~ fw.:fJ 1<:1 b$ ~ ret CT~I tt~!­ fwu ~ ~Uo.wl ~~or ~ltlcnol ~I~ tl;:;t will~ F0'1 'll lho ~ v~..n.tot.

E. Tho ~of Di~ttm ~~~~ ~t Cl ~ riJII ood-1 CCI~ ~ thut ,.n..,urndudo tht r~ng ~!li.Uib ond r.MtV~ l.'leeardlng to ~ c:CC'.-"'>~1"'9 pMetl~ m r4}1k>m:

,_ ~ ~ (!liiOt,lllt to "" ~;«~ b/ ~b~ Ooard of Pire<::oo FCf wrr~r:t c..pemcJ end r~ (ar dofe1rtd ~In~ ~~II mrt rmctlt:l! 150',<, of the l:).~'w- .. .:.,. ,;~, o.::»o,ont for lkG priM yiiOI'.

2. ftey,wve f« Rtekls~m lj!~~;;;::z:~ 0\4 o~ o6:ptod In t~11 ~· by thoc ~d c.f DiroctQn. fQt ~* f~1 rep~C~:MC!I'lfiand baftm,oonb YJh!cll illclll frlc ... tfw;, w~ tc bit uud ~~ r:oapltol ~ihRU « tot oddltiGI!Of 1~emenlt fK ~r;.,fi:ie ~~ ~~-:,. ~ ~~~ ~ l:l ~ ot ~.. _p '!~, ~~~ 1a ~ 01 'P'!c:fol o1s.mm11nt. cm.i thGII 110t t')l;~ tial ~ of SSO.CIO per }'li(P' p:;It opart_.nl1 t.m~ tho tc:n:'l M; ~ ~ 1iy ~ GYI1ilft!J ot ~~ 1~ of the undlvldd fntL~ Ill thol e:.mmon c.ltmcnn of~ <:aru!(ln'lilll~ povldfd, ~. tMlll!Jid ~a2 end ll1il' amumoot ~ltrd in ~rc:n t!mtowifh ~ rc~M or r~i'r ur.-hr tt.o F'""'i~iOtU of Mic~ IX, G.!S of the ~k:rotlct1 fA ~ltlhn ~!~'all n« be whloct On thit rcmlctlon1 rf It has bacn dttt:f'l'llnzd ca ptO\rk!ocl in .aid 1hc:Jcwc.tl~ of CorWCilllnlVlll, to npolr f;llf ~ln.lc:t ~lei~~ ..

~ad. ~. okt ~ ~ f« .t.edi ~I~ moy bo incrc:lf'Jd e;.se t.'fi ~ limUatlcn ~.on~ by ~ont Q\'men .Wit!ed te> en•• not lett thM 75% uf tho ~ of tho ~tiro mt!!nhcnhip ol ~ A~c:lotian. CcplcJ ct1 ~~and~~ wll t1o ~thld"' C!C~Cfti'II'Jm~J;;~ e.; cr &dc.-o ~ 1S4h, pt«Xdq ttw yP" for \'lhldi th.t ~ b tR:Ide. U the IAAfr.t fs ~~tv. Q ~ cf 1M~~ cnull bo fumt~ towd.~.

f• 1b e• of OkltCton RIC)I ~tt. that 1:1 fldollty ~ b;~ o!»mtMd fl'CIII oll afn'*' _, ell'lj)~ ol tiMI O:tporotio::n h:Jn.I!Jtng cr r~lo kl Ce:rpc;"Gt;Cii\ fi.::-~~o ~ ol:IMGlmt of rvt:fo heM sl.aU bt ~tMm1Md by ~ c..:.srd r;J Oitooett;;:•ll, IMCf tho ~.,.... •bill oa wc:h bond& smr.u bo pJd llf tll-(t C.c·r-~01\ m M H,;);l'j r# ~· ~e~.

G. Ar. .an~ p:otd t;;~...... t.:::; lllf t!= ~~ r~ t~ ~t~~ m:J q)etUfiM r4 tho condco~Wum ~II ba uHIIz~d by th• Ce."potatia.l r.,~ t~ ~;p=:o or crtd ~· hvf t;::«:cu cf MColllc$ •~alvei {r"' ::.fJ o:~J;.:.n~"lll paid b)o cny ~ r:holl bo 11ol'l!cJ by rtm ~I Cit fe1 tl-.o ~ (M:i b.:n .. r.t of tho tnt.71h-'..t.:. Ar:.y ~ 11=1<5 by tt~~:~ Cc!:-pa:~~TOI'l ofte:r- t~.1.1 paymrot m ~~~~~ f,t rtiClintalntnu on~ ~· tho li.n.llt!d Mel I -... 1 ~tllwd'-', cl;.mo.lh VIOl !I h t;(.,-d.bf.:d ~ o:r~-=1 Mplwetftll hltW fo:t th:ll..,mUt el oil;} tho~ •


A. ~~~with tho Oflntl cf riA D~l:roti~ of Co.odc."lllnlu. t~ A;:c::::!c~tel' ~ &r.et\t end bt.!Ji.:lfc{".cJ\C:.O Ar,:nn:-~te..\Ji wfih 1\'.;intc.r.:H~ M:r.:~~~.;.~, ~"~" ~dst tllll IJ,:;..'Ilt of O!r.::c:tCi' ln llull\I"Jl~.;U fYid m:.int.:!•>:l•l:, c:.i til:> ,\:::!::::z­ tlCil'l ~ OWl~ d.::mcllft cmd t:C>~l41t.mlly f;~.dliH.::l. S...... id h~::.'l:.:£;.1\C>-~ or.d ;\~:r.:-~=r.:: ~ tQ!llolfl\..1: tl.o f,l!flvl.luo-JI unit ~.~;n;n lO UJab hi~ ~~ h.;;r n.cf.f:.ty FJtn!:J;!:I :::: ~ ond !l;o;nt.;..-.~ Ufld:.r ~id 1\J;:tcl:!llll;..:;~ ._, IM I\~;..3C!-;:lcn. t:,!!l c·.:::;r ;;1 ro:rd1 of :old Clpc.~lmcn~ In tl.., C(;nd!;.nl.li~~nl ~cr.:~Jed~s 1!·.-:.t 1,, ~ rcc:l c:.-.:l ~;:,:!::-­ c:t..'14.oU tb:~t~~o-" or.d cc:rn.li,ic:.•l1 of •~iJ l.!:~n~ll"'~L .. l Cl'.:.l ;:.!'.!rJ,.:.. ;.;'Ir;.J ~.;::;;.;~r.. •, 1Mfudlf'l9lho fc.d il.c.t ~lei n.lolh•t.:lllGn~.;J l'/~l!.fj:M:O'\t 1 J111:., h:&l b-.,.~il c.oo::;x:::;;;;J c...:oJ Gl.ll:l!ldza€$c dhe~tUoot~ o•.d k;,J!,1iut.:~ m.y (.: ull ~f tl•:t ~:..;.-~·lc:-.: tl-at t:t~ 5h~·1U:·J

" ...:'· -··

...' ' .•


C, No fftlmfl11' of M tflrlllfldool ~ li'Dn! vn ~by de-.d « by other m;om sklll bi\'1 ~ Cl' effected vnlcu tho J"romr(:!: h in ecc:~cc "'llh tho ~ ~ ~fl~ of th!J tm~tiOtt of ~lnlurn cm61Sy•la~WJ.

0. fj ts i(~Klilc!.dly fe(:o-,.; •.. · ~· 0• - ,~ •• ~ .. C~"fhi«g 1M Cl&'~llb:znf of Dire<:tOH al'!rl If»~;::.:;~ "";;"• ~iOCI =-e, cr rr:t:zy ·1!1J, ofn«n, md/Oi' direct«$ CtM:V'M atockhol!kr$ Qf tfw: tbw:Japttr om{/~ Otfian at#OJ 0~ orrd/r."'l :todtl.oltko of MointCMI".«~ ~cmcnl, IAe., tMt sveh ~ ~u ~ ~ o:--!U ~~~a conslck!red en o br

A. Cft ~ QWli'lt .m owmr of a c.:.ncbninl\1111 port::ol do:n nt1t p

!f ~ ~tlon ~ ~~ 0\.imCJ cf Q ~bt'fulwl ~IR:J· bt r::=n a1 ~k$ft, U ef.:fl (!(fiJI' f.llid unit fa l')f.J and ot $Udt H1110 01 a Pl. b ccn~h::l, : ee ~u &::dutt ~ web pr~· giJ SWil of~ w.:r Jt f41 ~no.. ,thlv em..~"* ai"A ~ .. aU ~~s lrn;-.r.:.:td in tlw b i.~n!J or tha feto!ck;.,;,) suit, lncl!r~ ~~ ~~~ fcH1 und o.:ty u.-.d "II O.':J~ ~ul Itt ttu ~to .d fbi) ~lllwl pcv~ lllihtclt llhllt l.;.r;l~, lmt not ho lil!li~.:.J to, M~ GXF.:l1.::J, tcGI ~ ~ fc:e1 0111,( ~~:l ~1 fa.• th.! t .. p..:tinn MJ r.l"-u.YtfnJJ oJ ~ ~~UIII pan:u1 j,, (j!IC:ti<..h /'.IIIIICrdc;.s r~hlk•tJ of1.•; c!.-!IJ:!ina t:U fc:..t- ~ h.- tJ6 ~WI dYJU b1J r..turnf>d lo th.l fQi~A-W• (ll.:.u..:f t.c thot c::.'\J...b1t,!wl r:~:.::ol ) ~~-· . ' ' •

. '. ,, . . . ~.• .. .. - -·-----~ ~------··--- ·--

ib !;?) em ~t Gf m~.;.q ril t!wt rmntlt~ or tSt. ..-4btr"9 ~t=miCI:'I, ~~ Mh:~ m ro;;wldl~ atd VJy...f.mn rn th" ~ G;;(l! mHr « ~ tMIM!tt.r U ~~~ 1 E!>.il (~&len~ MItt ®"n ~IF, fU'f lwlft0 ~k."b ~ ~. ~:r&.:! ntd! l:f.:;.bHC+'I cr fQ cmkic:a ~M pN",Nelcm• <:4 ffNt ~·Iff h!:fitli~ •m l ': M RM' M bar' £of Wt qll S''h 'ifw irrel X& ij fPr liesll

~· ~ ~ t>l wd. S.J o~:t'an ~ Ojjll»>;~ a ~um parcel 01me1# 6t-~ ~r;; ~f~t thtJU pqy t~ p!.altitirt't~"C()::.><"Itibf.o ~:ttt~• t'~J4J WlniiA ~ ~~ ~ ~ ol o ~IV'IIum pat~:~tl, for hfn>Yif, hit h. In, ~ OOid ~;n:3 1 ~es t~ tM fMegalng PfO¥bimJ ocrkring to dlwlwh and ai;.;JtcmQII"It of ~ .. ~1m cf 1M~ '"gq~.,wul~ .. ~ ~tll)lt, 8:1dl'qi!Citd~ of iJ.lo OYtlt~hUity o'l th ~~fly~ ..~ ~· ttb~i..~~d"cll~cfe~~FC~oP!tt.s*w~~~=131~ lt:Ait ~ ~ldt wUI m:abt. it at all HIIIM t<'J Clp«;9flieJ dva ono:i wtng l~ ~ ...... "" ~· .:-> ~w- f:U~h ond to~o::ch fT;Itflet1$tight to [ ...... ' ..... ~ .. -·· -·, -~" ··~" ~~~. Nlfi'Q!nt end nuio:nce. ARTICLE X - Atk"'NDMENTS

A. ThiJ Mh:ln rA lnWPO'QtiQn of tlw n.(:lt"Pf'ullt ~ MQy b. ~ tft tht mcm!ml at a dl.tly C!XH.tl~ AQ1ttiftg tar NCh ~. pro~t~lded, ~.:...... -.::, ~ n.;;o ¥m~ $!-411 t.;;ko ~r«t ~om~ ~t:d h)'~ ~ng fll ~ ~ til tht 'ttOt(lf In the c~~1r.1t,~i¥i, ftt «d forth In ~ OfJcl#;:Qtiaft of Oat~.

fj., ~ ~_,.be~ by rile Cclp.orGtfo:. oat. dult CCinlttl"~ ~ b l'Udt~,. p;~cwtdm:l ~. tMI noCI!~t shall tak• •ff(d ~eppcwd b)'~ fept"'".enttl"'ll at ·~t 7$~ ci the..,., ln tho~ ~~, ~ * ~ft In 1M Dac:battM ttl ~m-.

C. '6be ~~(It of ~lnf"I0111 J1111Y bo ~ 11'1 OUI;II~ W.th the. ~rAihwl ~~en 1.1 ~w-.

D. 1'41~ to lkl Mh:S.. of ~~t1an, aha~ r:l ft. DtcbctkM af O:ndlijtlilniU!It wll bo wlllf unlctu: oppnwed C,.II'ICIIIOm ~ 1~14 thtJ Wlfot rn tho CO*dcm1nillftl ~ d blh In ihe ~~ ol ~-, m m_, af tho follo'llltn,z

E. ~anr ~ $MJI bo .n'oetiVtt, It tftqll cdw h.~ by a ~ty fJI tho~ of 1M lb:rd tA ~.

F.. Nntfe~ olths Mbf~ mott~ of cny pr~ ~-~~be rncludcd Jn thonotlot r;l*"f ~ng at whlc:h opt~~ If~.

G. Ho ~t to thtt Mtc:llll of lntotporotf011 ot ~ ol tho ~don ~ d\OikicbttJtlon ol Condomit!Mt lha!U N ~YO !Mtli tl!oa 11W0 bm !m. ~ wtlb Ob ct.k of .. Chcutt Goc.d' ~ Ct~ County.

H.. ~~ t'O IMArlicJI,s of ~ioll « ~ tl&h& ~ tiM~ 1M O.cl:.roflcn cl.~um shclll ~ ClflediW) wlthM- tM wrfttm ~ ~ d ~, $() 1¢'19 Cl$ ;t ~~ ~ owner of at1y d tit, "'"•-'M!!'~ p:rcols e f!iWJ bld ~ !fl ~Mbl~ -a• Ud it~ w li!U1 ~er be submiJtc:J to ""~~ s:.:· ~ ~ -.:;~ e;--...:c'l=o.:::. '. ·t. ~~...W to iN Articles of lt1c:~ion f:f! 1M~ of 1M ~t!M tl Carocbnf,lilllll wh!eh ~ly Afled Jho righb of liltl)' WtiM~1 ~~ .mu ba effedlWI wtthout lh wn~ ~·


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lllfllll~lf 11111 ~111/lllllllfl/1111 ~/lliiiiiii~IIJIIl/111111~ II II ~ CPN 99232894 12·03-99 02:17pm J... ' OR Book/Page· 4098 / 0779

~ Yh.at·n ....J o~ t-Dcl "( Wd.I.:) SandY Crawford 4o3 Sc.J\.ISO C R{> ~ '¥ t- &/ Courts Brevard County Clef!~. Of • ~. Jl.,__,. &h I~ r"151 #Pgs·. 11 #Names: 2 SeN: 0.00 r: Rec: 45.00 . . 0 oo Trust 6.00 'EXCISe. • "'~~~· c.oo niTa>:: 0.00 TillS DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY: Mtg: 0.00 David G. Shields, ESQ. Clayton & McCulloh l 065 Maitland Center Commons Blvd. Maitland, Florida 32751



Thatonthis--3-dayof lJLL- , 1999~ the undersigned, the CONDOMINIUMS

OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIATION, INC., pursuant to Ch. 718, Fla.Stac:, and the Declaration

ofthe Condominiums oflndian H~ur Phase 11, (hereinafter referred to as the "Declaration"), hereby

certifies that the Declaration, specifically, Exhibit."F' thereto, specifically including Rules and Regulations?.

9, 16, 2 J and 23 ofthe Rules and Regulations, which Amendment is attac~ed hereto and by reference . we! ~ made a part hereof, was duly adopted on the ci' day of~-•. 1999. Said

Amendment was properly notice pursuant to Axtic1e IV, Section C ofthe:Articles oflncorporation ofthe

Association's Bylaws. Pursuant to Article X, Section C and Article XI~ Section 2 ofthe Declaration of

Condominium, said Amendment was approved:

Page 1 of3 Pages \\~ ::FN 99232894 )R Book/Page: 4098 J 0780 (a) By not less than seventy-five (75%) percent ot the Board of Directors of the

Association; and

(b) Bynotlessthanseventy-fivc(75%)percentofthevotesoftheentiremembership

ofthe Association.


Association created puciuant to Chapter 718, Florida Statutes. The Declaration is recorded in Official

Recc-rds Book 1430, Pages 484, ct seq., of the Public Records of Brevard County, Florida.


INC., has caused these presents to be executed in its name, this ---.::3'-'·'---day of ~ '1999.

Signed, sealed and delivered 0/ CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR :;::nee~~ ASSOCIATION, INC. BY: ~?1/MjL~· (sign) (sign)

Bonnie B. Sweet Rose Mary Nicodemus (print) President

1 Address:_!/'-'-tJ_3~~~·~~·:;_....' --""'-'.C;if..:.:..:... __;;d...... :_/~

~ ~£~ 7lt;4s,tY3/ (print}

Page 2 of3 Pages Bonnie B. Sweet ~T=ho=m=a:=s_,.C=o=lli=er"---______(p.rint) (print)

Title: Secretary \l\l!lll~lilllml~~~m~l~~~~~~~~mlll (;Ftl 99232894 . Address: (tJ :55{?~ ~ #J.f- c;>R Book/Page: 4098 I 0781 ~~~~ R .J.z937


The foregoing Certificate of Amendment was acknowledged before me this 3 day of . k, , 1999, by Rose Mary Nicodemus, as President, and Thomas Collier, as Secretary, of the CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIATION ,INC., a Florida corporation, on behalf ofthecorporation. They'are persona11y known tom~ or have produced t;L b L as identification.


(Notarial Seal)

State of Florida at Large (Seal) My Commission Expires: r The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Association, Inc. I 111~111111111 ~111111111111111 ~111111111~ 11111111111 ~ ! A 55+ Community P. 0. Box 372713, SatEcFN99232894 OR Boo!VP

I· No sign. advertisement, notice or other lettering shall be exhibited, inscribed. painted or affixed by any owner on any part of the outside or inside of unit without prior written consent of the Association. No e.xterior antennas and aerials shall be erected except as providecl und<~r the uniform regulations of the As~ociation.

2· No owner of an apartment shall make structural modification or alterations of the apartment. Furthermore, no owner shall cause any improvements or changes to be made on or to the ~xtcrior of the apartment buildings. This includes painting or other decorations, the installation of aWJ1ings, shutters, electrical wiring, air conditioning units and other things which might protrude through or be attnchro to the walls of1he apartment building not wholly within the boundaries of the apurtment.

3~ All trash, garbage or refuse shall be deposited by the owners in a central location by the Association. No trash, garbage or refuse shall be deposited or be pcrmi1ted to stand on the exteriors of any building or in any hallway or 51 airway.

4~ Only dogs less than fifteen (15) pounds, cats, birds and fish will be kept witr.ln the confines of an owner's apartment, except when the same are walked on the streets and curbed by a leash. Any pet constituting a nuisance shall upon written demand of the l3oard of Directors be removed by the o·wner within ten (I 0) days of such notification.

5- No auto parking space may be used for any purpose other than parking automobiles which are in operating condition. No other vehicles or objects including, but not limited to, trucks, motorcycles. recreational vehicles, camper, busses trailers aod boats will be parked or placed upon any portion of the condominium's property unless permitted in writing by the Board of Directors. No parking space sb.all be used by any other person than an occupant of the Condotninium who is an actual resident or by a guest or visitor end by such guest or visitor only when such guest or visitor is, in fact. visiting and upon the premises. Each owner shall be assigned a parking space for his or her vehicle which shall be the exclusive space of snid owner. No other owner, or guest of any owner, shall park in said assigned p~k.ing space. · ·

6- An owner shall not place or cause to be placed in their walkways or \ln any other common areas and facilities, stairs or stairwells, any furniture. packages or objects of any kind. Such areas shall be used for no other puipOse than for normal transit through them. All under-stair closets must be empty at an times.

7- Each apartment is hereby restricted to residential use by the O\lt'ller or owners thereof, their immediate famiiies .and guests. Each one­ bedroom unit is restricted to no more tban three (3) ocoopants. Each two-bedroom unit is restricted to no more than five (5) occupants. No guests, including children who are guests. will be allowed 10 occupy one or more Units collectively for more than thirty {30) days within a year.

8- The apartment may be rented provided the occupancy is only by one (I) leasee and members ~f his immediate family. Leasing of apartments for less than three (3) montbs is prohibited. No rooms may be rented and no transient tenants may be accommodated. Time-sharing of apartments is prohibited; also ownershlp of an apartment on a weekly or monthly basis, as weU as sub-leasing of an apartment is prohibited. All leases shall be in writing and shall be subject to the Articles oflncorporation, By-Laws and the RU.Jes and Regulations of~he Association.~ No lease ofan apartment shall relens.e or discharge the owner from complying with these regulations or any of his other duties as an apartment owner. Ail owner of an aP,a.timent who rents his unit will infonn the tenant of the Rules and Regulations of the Condominium and of the obligations of a tenant and give to the Board of Directors, within seven (7) days of o<:cupying the uah, a written statement containing the names and legal addresses of all persons who are tenants of a unit.

9- No immoral, improper or offensive usc shall be made of the condominium property, nor any part tbereo( and all laws, zoning ordinances and regulations of all governmental authorities that have jurisdiction of the condominiums shall be observed.

10-- No nuisance shall be allowed U.> be committed or maintained upon the condominium pr<>perty, nor any use or practice that is the source of annoyances to residents or which interferes with the peaceful possession and proper use of the property by its residents. No loud noises or music after ll :00 P. M. and no music that CllJ1 be heard outside ofthe units at any time. A11 parts of the properly shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition; no rubbish, refuse or garbage allowed to accumulate or any fire hazard allowed to exist No apartment owner shall permit any use of his apartment or use of the common elements that will increase the cost ofinsurance' upon the condominium property.

Pt~ge 1 ofRules and Regulations revised November 1999 Th~ Co:dominiums of Indian Harbo~r Association, Inc. _J~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~ i A 55+ Community P. 0. Box 372713, Satel/itfJRBaokiPage: 4098 I 0783


ll- No unit owner shall allow anything whatsoever to fall from the window, patio, balcony or doors on the premises; nor shall he sweep or throw from the premises any dirt or other substance into any of the corridor$, stairway, balconies. terraced, porches or elsewhere in the building or upnn the grounds. The unit Qwncr shall not place, store or use any item upon any balcony or terrace without the approval of the Association. It is prohibited to hang garments. rugs, towels etc. from windows, patios, or balconies from any of the buildings.

12- All electrical disconnect boxes (below meter), air conditioning units and air conditioning disconnect boxes, all S(~recns including patio screening, front door, outside door tight and changes to the existing patio; dosed-in patio structures are responsibility of the unit owner to rmunta.in, repair and replace (except outside paint) but must meet with the specifications of the Association.

13- The Bo.ird of Directors or their agents and employees of the Association may enter any unit at reasonable times for ihe purpose of maintenance, repair and replacement of improvements within units or the common property or in case of emergency threatening units on ~he common property.

14" No condominium parcel owner shall be permitted to install or use any gas appliances or make usc of any gas facility \vithin or without the condominium urnt or store inflanunable liquid on premises.

15- No peddling, solicitation or commercial enterprise on any kind is allowed on condominium property.

· l 6- A resident host must accompally all visitors and be present v..ith visitors at any of the community facilities including the pool. No one twelve ( 12) years of age or younger may use the pool without adult supervision. •

17- Before selling a unit ofthls condominium, the owner will inform the Board of Directors of his intention to sell. Upon closins a sale. he should inform the Board of directors ofthe date ofclosing, the name and address ofthe new owner and will insure that the buyer has copies of the Rules Md Regulations and the Condominium Documents and all necessary keys. The seller should also insure that there is a clear understanding about when the buyer will assume payment of maintenance fees and assume other obligations of ownership.

IS- No bicydes, scooters, skateboards, tricycles or small cars are permitted on sidewalks, in the pool area or on other common grounds.

19~ Stairways, balconies and mai~box areas must be kept clear at all times. This includes, but is not restricted to, storage of bicycles, strc.>llers, carriages Md other recreational equipment.

20- No permanent or temporary play equipment may be erected or left on common grounds or in the pool area. If so, it will be removed,

21- No toys, (]oats or balls may be in the pool. Jnthepool area all children under the age of twelve (l2) must be accompanied by a resident adult. No running or roughhousing in the pool area will be pennitted.

22- No loud noises or playing on common grounds will be permitted, No running up or down stairs or ball type games will be permitted in street or on common grounds.

23- See new rule #23 in attached amendments.


The Declaration ofCondominium offhe Condominiums oflndianHarbour, Phase l, Declaration

ofCondominh.un ofThe Condominiums oflndian Harbour, Phase IT, Declaration ofCondonriniwnofTile

Condominhuns ofindian Harbour. Phase IfiA and Declaration ofCondominium ofThe Condonriniums of

Indian Harbour, Phase lliB (hereinafter, collectively the "Declaration''), specifically, Exhibit "F' thereto,

and the Rules and Regulations ofThe Condominiums oflndian Harbour Association, Inc., are hereby

amended as follows:

By deleting the last two sentences ofRule and Regulation 7, as follows (note that strikeouts identify


7. Each apartment is hereby restricted to residential use by the owner or owners thereof,

their immediate families. and guests. Each one-bedroom unit is hereby restricted to residential use by the.

owner or owners thereof, their immediate families and guests. Each one-bedroom unit is restricted to no

more than three (3) occupants. Each two-bedroom unit is restricted to no more than five ( 5) occupants.

No child Mder sixteen (16) yel!1'8 ofage may be aperm:anen:t :resiclertt efsaid apttrtments:No guests.

including children who are gw;;sts, will be allowed to stey occu~ one or more Units collectively for more

than sixty (60) thirty (30) days within a year.


Page 1 of Amendments to Rules and Regulations revised November 1999 The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Association, Inc. cFN as232s94 A 55+ Community P. 0. Box 372713, Sete/IJOR Book/Page; 4098 I 0785 By correcting the scriveners error ofR ule and Regulation 9, as follows (note that strikeouts identify

deletions and underlining indicates insertions):

9. No _immoral, improper e-fQ!" offensive use shaH be made of the condominium property,

nor any part !hereof: and all laws, zoning ordinonces and regulations ofall governmental authorities that

have jurisdiction of the condominiums shall be observed.

By amending Rule and Regulation 16, as follows (note that strikeouts identifY deletions and underlining

indicates insertions):

16. A resident host must accompany all visitors and be present with visitors at any of the

conummity facilities including the pool No one~twelve (12}years ofage or younger may use _

the pool without adult supervision.

By amending Rule and Regulation 21, as follows (note that strikeouts id~ntify deletions and underlining

indicates insertions):

21. No toys, floats or balls may be in the pool. In the pool area all children under the age ·

oH6 twelve (12) years must be accompanied by a resident adult. No running orroughhousing in the pool

area will be permitted.

By deleting existing paragraph number 23, as follows (note that strikeouts identify deletions):

23. At least 80% ofaH tl!Hts ofthe eondeminium sh1tH be oeeupiod 'by at least one persen -.-.tto


Page 2 of Amendments to Rules and Regulations revised November 1'.199 The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Association, Inc. ::FN99232a94 A 55+ Community P. 0. Box 372713, Satelliti/R Book/Page: 4098 I 0786 i8 55 years ofage or older. 'fhis io3 J.ntr:SttMt the Hewing fur Older Persons ,.._et ofl995, Public Law 104 ·

76, Seetionl 00.305(8) whiehsttttes •:morder forahotlsing facility oreomnnmityto quality as a 55 or- . elder housing, at least 80 pereen:t efits oeeupicd ttnits must be occupied by at leat!t o:ne person 55 yefl1"S

.of!ge older."

and replacing it with the following (note this Amendment is a substantial rewording ofRule and Regulation

23. See the above provision for the existing text):

23. It is the intent ofthjs Rule and Rewlation that The Condominiums oflndian Harbour

Association.. Inc. (hereinafter, the "Association'), wiH comply with the Federal Fair HQusing Act and any

other applicable federal or state law or regulation, a.<; amended from time to time: which allow the

As~ociaJion to restrict the occupancy offue Condominium •s Units based on age provided certain criteria

ro-e met.

. a. At least one person who is fifty.five (55) years of age or older shall occupy

pennanently at least eighty percent (80%) ofall the Condominium's !lnits. subject to calculation as

delineated in Title 24, United States Code ofFederal Regulations. Part 100, as same mav be amended

from time to time, which regulation shall apply to all

Such occupant shall be a Unit Owner or a tenant ofa Unit Owner. Persons under fifty- five (55) years Qf

age who are also age sixteen (16) years or older mav occupv and reside'in a Unit if one of the other

" peqnanent occupants ofthe Unit is age fifty-.five (55) years or older. Persons under sixteen (16) years of


Page .3 of Amendments to Rules and Regulations revised November 1999 The Condominiums of rndian Harbour Association1 Inc. C:FN 99232894 A 55+ Community P. 0. Box 37;2713, Satellite QR eooklPage: 4098 I 0787 age shall not permanently occupy a UniteXCf!i?t as set forth ill...Qaragraph 23.c below, but such persons age

sixteen(16) years or less may occupy a Unit onlv on a temporwv basis, notto exceed thirty (30) days in

any calendar year.

b. Notwithstanding the requirements ofparagraph 23 .a set forth above, and exc§!?t

as set forth inparagmnh 23 .c below, the following exce.12tions to the aforesaid age restrictions shall apply

as permitted by the Association's Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis:

1. Ifmore than one person owns a Unit. and the on1y co-owner who was fifty-

five (55) years of age or older dies, then the Board ofDirectots may waive the requirement for one

occupant of this Unit~o be a{ie fifty~five(55) years or older. J]lis exception for each such Unit shall lapse

·upon transfer of the Unit to a J]erson who was not~ co-owner with the decea§ed Unit Owner. For the ..

Board to consider this exception, the deceased Unit Owner's C()-ownedslshall notify the Associa.tion,s


of'!ge. · '• ii. Therestrktiononoccupancybyp_ersonslessthanfifty-five(55)yearsof

age shall.not apply to those Units in which no person age fifty-five (55} years or 9lder occupies such Unit

as ofthe gate of adoption ofthis Rule and Regulation. for as long as such Unit remains permanently

occupied by one or more ofthe same occupants. This exgxption for each such Unit shalllgmse umro:transfer

of the Unit to a new Owner or tenant.

iii. Ifa person under eighteen ( 181 years ofage is or becomes t.l-te legal ward

ofa Unit Owner who is age fifty-five f55) years or older or ifsuch person tmder eighteen ( 18) years ofage

is or becomes otherwise economically or medically dependent upon such Unit Owner, the Board of


Page -4 of Arnendme:nts to Rules and Regulations revised November 1999 The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Association, Inc. cFN 99232894 A 55+ Community P. 0. Box 372713, Sate/liaR Book/Page-: 4098 I 0788 Ditectors may waive the thirty {30) gay limitation for occupancy by such underaged person on a yearlY>

C?.§e-by-case basis. However, this exception shall only be available for Units occupied by the ower

thereof who is fifty-five (55) years of age or older.

iv. The Board of Directors may consider other exceptions for hardship

situations on a case~by-case basis.

c. None ofthe foregoing exceptions delineated in paragraph 23.s shall be permitted

wijere granting such exception wiiLresult in the Association violating the Fair Housing Act or its

jmplementingregulationsorwhere granting such exGq?tion wilJ result in theAsso£iation losing its right to

enforce its Rules and Regulations. It shall be the responsibility ofthe ;eoard ofDirectors to determine

whether eighty (80%) percent ofthe Units subject to calculation as delineated in Title24, United States

Coge ofP.ederal Regulations. Part 1Q!). an; occupied by at least one person who is age fifty.five (55) years

or 9lder. The Boa:rd ofDirootors shall have the sole and absolute authority to deny occupancy to any

pemon(s) seeking occupancy after the effective date ofthis Rule and Regulation where such occupancy . woutg cre;ate a violation ofthe required percentage as set forth in Title24, United States Code ofF ederal

B.~.g:g_lations. Part 1 00.

d. To implement this Rule and Regulation according to the F@eral Fair Housing Act

and all amendments and implementing regplations thereto. the Board shall undertake the following actions:

i. Jbis RuJe and Regulation shall be published to all Unit Ov:..11ers and tenants

to gemonstrate this Association adheres to policies and procedures intended to provide housing forp.crsons

fifty-five (55) years of age and older.

ii. The Association shall complywith regulations issued by the United States .


Page S of Amendments to Rules nnd Regulations revised November 1999 ' The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Association, Inc. A 55+ Community P. 0. Box 372713, Satellite Beach, Florida 32937-0713 Qepartment ofllousing and Urban Qevelopment and set forth in Tit1e 24, United States Code ofFederal

Regulations, Part 100, as same may be amended from ti.'IIe to time, for verification ofoccupancy by reliable

surveys and affidavits and forfue maintenance ofrecords demonstciting that at least one person who is age

55 ~=· or older occupies at least 80% of the Condominium Units · ll~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~iiiOOI~~~~~

::FN 99232894 )R BooJ

Page 6 of Amendments to Rules and Ret,rulations revised November 1999 I • ·' I II~ CFN 99240209 12-17-99 01:32pm ()R Book/Page: 41 02 / 3606

Sandy CraWford Clark Of Co ,. #Pgs· 4 u.,s, Brevard County Trust. 2 so #Names: 2 ,.._ . .,. o:oo Rec: 17.00,.. Serv: 0.00 Mtg: 0.00 :xcfse: 0.00 nfTax. 0.00

TillS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY AND RETURNED TO: L14~fcl~~~/~~- !!'o& .37~713 · ~~~FI- 32137-o7l3 I ~ ------



That on this /7 tJ.. day of At~ , /tJ99 , the undersigned, the COl'IDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIATION, INC., pursuant to Ch. 718, Fla. Stat.,

and the Declaration ofCondominium o fthe Condominiums oflndian Harbour, Phase I, the Declaration of

Condominium of the Condominiums oflndian Harbour, Phase II, the Declaration ofCondominium ofthe

Page 1 of 4 Pages Condominiums ofindian Harbour, Phase TIIA and theDeclumtion ofConc!ominium ofthcCondominiums of Indian Harbour, Phase IIIB {hereinafter, collectively the "Declaration"), h~reby certifies that the

Declaration, specifically, Exhibit "F" thereto, specifically including Rules and Regulations?, 9, 16,21 and

23 of the Rules and Regulations, which Amendment is attached hereto and by reference made a pan hereof. was duly adopted on the :<1 day of l{trp-e4n6u_ , !f'l?. Said

Amendment was properly notice pursuant to Article IV, Section C ofthe Articles oflncorporation ofthe

Association's Bylaws. Pursuant to Article X, Section Cand Article XI, Section 2 of the Declaration of

Condominium, said Amendment was approved:

(a) By not less than seventy~ five (75%) percent ofthe Board of Directors of the

Association; and

(b) By not less than seventy~five (75%) percent ofthcvotes ofthe entire membership

of the Association.

This Amended Certificate of Amendment amends and supersedes thc'Certificate of Amendment previously filed and recorded on December 3, 1999, in Official Records Book 4098, Page 0779 of the

Public Records of Brevard County, Florida.


Association created pursuant to Chapter718, Florida Statutes. The Declaration ofCondominium ofthe

Condominiums ofindian Harbour, Phase I, is recorded in Official Rec0rds Book 1373, Pages 488, et seq., the Declaration of Condominium of the Condmiiinituns ofindian Harbour, Phase IT, is recorded in

Page 2 of 4 Pages l~l~lm~~~~~IWI~illlllllm IFN 99240209 lR Book.'Page: 4102 1 3607 Official Records Book 1430, Pages 484, et seq., the Declaration of Condominium of the Condominiums

Declaration of Condominium oftheCondominiums oflndian Harbour. Phase IV. is recorded in Official

Records Book 1778, Pages 880, et seq., of the Public Records of Brevard Connty, Florida.


INC., bas caused these presents to be executed in its name, this __l}_ day of ~An~

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIATION, INC.


Rose Mary Nicodemus President

(sign) -;;/11116 c C2~.~¢.K

Thomas Collier 7itollflk. Cu,.Gf!. (print) Page 3 of 4 Pages J!~~l!~I~I/N~/11~1~~~ OR ~Ok/Page: 41 02 I 3608 I ,-· '. Title: Secretary



\\II~\W\~~~~\I~II!~llil~\ll\i~ll~\l!ll\\ CFN 99240209 OR Book!Page: 41 02 I 3609

Page 4 of 4 Pages . The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Association, Inc. A 55+ Community P. 0. Box 372713, Satellite Beach, Florida 32937"0713

RliU:S A~ I) RJ.:(;l't.ATIONS • RI:':VISJ.;D MARCH 1999

J" Y..:o sign. ttdwrtis~m~ot, notice or oth~·r ktteriog shall be exhibited, inscribed, painted or affi'-:ed by any owner on any part of the outside or insidL· of no it without pnm written consent of thl.' t\ssociation No cx1eriot antenna:> and aerials shall he tl el.'t('d e:-:-.:epl M> provided under the uniform re~ulations of the As1-ociution

2· ~o ndtt'totl'tng unitll and other things wl1kh might pwtnu.h: through M be uttachd to the walls of the apartment building Mt wholly within the boundaries of the apartmenr

::1- All trash, garbage or refuse shall be de;>Qsitod by the ~'w•~cr:; m a ccn1rallocation by the As~odatiC shall be deposited or he pc:rmitted to stand on the exteriors <)f arw building

4- Only dogs less tban tiftccn ( 15) pounds. cals, birds and fi.~h will be kept within the confines (lfan owner's apa:-rmcm. except when the same are walked on the SHeets and curbed by a leash Any pet wnstitutmg u nuisance shall upon w:itten :iJd of Directors be removed hy the nwner within ten (10) davs of such notificat'ton

5- No auto parking space may be us~d for any purpose f>thcr than parkin.g automobiles which arc in opcn11ing ..:t)ndition No other vehicles or objects including. but not limhed to, trucks, motorcycle~. recreational vehiclc/1, camper, bus~es trailer:; and hoat~ will be parked or placed upon any portion oft he condommiurn 's property unless permitted in writing by the Board of Directors No purkinp. space ::hall be used by any other person than an occupant (lfthe ('ondCimin\um w,o is an actual r~sidcm ()r by a gue-st or visitor and by su<:h guest or vis11or only wlu.:n such guest or visitor is, In fact, vi6iting and upon the premises Each owner :;hall be ass1gned a parking space for his or her vehicl~ which shall be the exclusive space of said owner No other O\•;ner, ~:n gue~t of any t)wner. shall park m said assignee: parking spa<;¢

6- An owner shall not place or cause to be placed in their walkways or on any ocher common areas and facilities, stairs or stairwells. any fumiturc, packages or nhjcc\s of any kind Such areas shall be usl.'d for no other purpllSe than fi1t m,m,al transit through them. All under-S1air closets n1~1st be empty at all times

1· Each apartment is hereby restricted to residential use by the owner or owners thereof. their immediate fam1lies and guests. Each one­ bedroom unit is restricted to no more than three (3) occupants. Each two·bedr~l(lm un\t i:.< restricted tl) nn mor~' than five (5) occupants ~o child under Sixteen ( 16) years of age may be a permanent resident of said apanments No guests, including clllldren will be allowed to stay more than six1'y (1)0) days within a year

8- The apartment may be rented provided the occupancy is

9- No immoral, improper of oOcnsivc u~e shall be made (If the condominium property. nor any part thereof. and all laws, zonin~ ordinances and rcgulatkms of all govemmentnl authnritiel' that have jurisdiction l'f th~ C(llldominiums ~h:lll he ohser. ed

I 0· No nuisance shall be allowed h) be t:ommitted or maintt~ined upori the condominium property. nor :l.ny use or pr;~ctice that is the SA.lurce of Rnnoyance~> to re~idcnts or which interferes with the pi•.aceful possessiOn and pmper use of the propeny by its residents No loud noises or mus1c atler II 00 P M and no music that can be heard outside of the unil!\ at any rim~ All parts of the property shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition; no rubbish, rcfose or !Wbage allowed to llccumulale or any tire hazard ?Jlowt::d to exist No apartment owm.-r shall permit any us ... of his npanmcnt or u~c of the common clements that will increase 1he t:n~t ofinsurar~e<: upon the c

Page l of Revised Rules and Regulations. March 1999 1~1 illl~ll~llllll\~l~i 1111~11~ I~1~111111~111' ..,, 3 CI!~J~f~~~:~~~"'' CFN gg051436 03·16·99 10.3~ am lt\JSI 2.00 Rec 13.00. Serv 0 00 OR Book/Page. 3980 J 2607 ~;~:~ ggg ~i~!~ ~ gg •' . The·Condominiums of Indian Harbour Association, Inc. A 55+ Community P. 0. Box 372713, Satellite Beach, Fforida 32937-0713

11- ~o unit owner shall allmv any1bng whatsoever to fidllrom the window, patio, balcony ot doors on the premises, nm shall he sweep tlf throw rr~)m thl! fl1t111\l$c~ llO\ din or other SU~Stnnee inlt1 any Of the COrridors, stairway, bal('

7 1 the building or MP9P the grqunth The ppi! qwqrr d .. ryu pqt p'acr §'Oft~ or 11 $@ ''9)' iteg' "POP ?PJ ha'rony or $796 u·i·bont lho approval o{(he .t..ssociatlon It b ptnhil>itl)d (<> hnng gam11mts. rugs, towels etc. from \'vindows, patios. <1r balconic$lhlln any of the huilding!'.

12- All ele¢mcal dJ!;(:onncct hoxes fbel()W mt·rcr), air conditioning units and air conditioning disconnect bo:-:cs, all :;cre~n:; inc:udin,g patio scrccnmg fn:>r.t dnN, out~:dc: do;1r hght arld chang"·' Lo the e:f.isting patio, clw;cd-in pn!lo stntCI!JTC~ are re~pnnslbillty M the unit ov..ner to maintain, repair and replace lcxccpt ~\ut!>idc paint) but must meet with the specitkath'ms of the Ar.socmtion

I 3- 'The Board ofDuectN:, m th<."il' ag..-ms and employees of the Association may enter any unit at rcaslmable tinws for the purpose of maintcnatlcc, repair and replacement of improvements wil hhl umts or the commnn property or in caKe of cmcrg~ncy threatening units (10 the .::ommon property

J 4- No condominium parcel owner !>hall be permitted to in:, tall or use any gas applianc~s or make u&c of any gas fi1dlity within or without the condominium unit or store inflammable liquid on premises

15- No peddling, soli~;ha(ion or commercial enterprise on nny kind is allowed on condominium property lo- A resident host must accompany all \oisiwr.<: and be prt'M.•nt with visitors at any ofthe cl>nUHunity ti.tdlitics including the p0{)). No one si:-.1een (16) may u~t' the pool without adult ::;upervisi(>O

17- Before selling a unit 11f this condominium, the owner will inform the Board t'f Directors of his intention to sell. Upon closing a sale he shment ~)f maimenancc tees and as!>ume oth~r obligations of ownenhip

18- No bicycles, scO

19- Stairways, balconies a11d mailbo:oi w cu~ rrmst be kept clear at all times This mcludcs, but is not restricted t\'0, storage of bicycle~;, strollers, <;arriagcs and other recreational equipment.

20· :\o permanent ()r temporary plav equipment may be trected or left on common grounds or in the pool area Jf ~o. it will be removed

21- !\o tvys, floats or balls may be in the pool in the pvol area all children under the age of 1f> must be aceompanied by a rl)sident adult No ruru1ing Cll' H)ughhousing in the p011l area will bt~ permittcll. ·

22- )'.;o loud noises <>r playing on common grounds will be permitted. No n.uming up or down stairs or ball type gam~s wtll be penniued in Weet <1r (ltl ~ommon grounds.

2.1· At kust 8()% tlf all un:t~ ~>f1hc t:ondvminium shall be 1>ccupic..t hY 111 least one persou whl.l i:; ~f. y<'llts t•f n~1c or ¢lder Thi~ is pursuant to IM Hou~ing fQr (>ld~Ps.~~.Qlli.L\c~ Q[ I r,t()~. Pubiic Law 104-76 Se<"-tion l 00.3(1~ (a) wh1ch ~tales "In ordc:r 1\>r a h()us'mg facility ot ~,:ommunity t1> qualit)· as a 55-or· older housing, <>I least 80 pcr<:cnt of its occupied un.its must he oc<:upied by at least one person 55 ye:ar!'- of aJ!.e Qr older"

\\11~\~~ i~\~~illtllll\11111~\ lltl\l~!\11! CFN 99051436 OR Book/Page. 3980 I 2608

Page 2 ofRevi$e

Section I Pursuant to Artick X (r) of the Dt•daratlon ot'C()r.dorninlum of th\! Board ofDlrec:tM$. amends Exhibit .A.., Rule~ and Regulations of the De<.!laratinn ol'C~1ndomlniurn. hy adding n new paragraph to h~ numbered ::n whh:h read~ as t\1llows

At least 80% of nil units of tlw condominium shall be o<:cupied by at least one pcrwn who is ~S year~. vf nge or <.,ldcr This i~ pursuant to Th<; U.o~~jn,g. foL~ersom. t\(.;t of.l99~. Publk Lnw I 04. 7o Section l 00 305 (a} which state~ "In order !bra housing facility M cmnmunity to qualify asi'l 5~-nr-older hnu~:ing. atle~tst ~0 percent ofits <,lc.¢upied units nm~t be o<:cupied by at least ()ne per:>on 55 years of age or older ..

Section 2. This shall be cffcct!vl' upon npproval of7:'~ ~ of the Unit Owners Adoptt>d at a meeting of the Boa th• .fl2_.'' day of "arch 1090 l /J( •d' /} ' ~4:~~'~~1-·'9. L-.d!I!.LP~~.- Thomas G Collier. Secrela.ry

Unit# .. ~~--· J~D,~~~~~IIIIIIIJIIINI/II/1/~I OR Sook/1->agr:. 3980 ) 2609

- ~· .. ···-~------·-- .. ---· RUW AND REGUlA 'nONS t.: ..... r. '. J j ... OF . -·

• OOiffiN29!i!ltfiUM§ Qf !NWfH?' H&B2911 AS?fi?QbJIQN 2 'tik· 19 No lliQfi.- odvertt~t, Mtrc\t or. o~ let~ring ,~,arr ~ eJr:hiblte-d, lnl<:rlbed, p:Dfrtfod 01 of'fl.cf by cny OW1Wt' m (lfty port of the OI.Jhidc. or lnttdtl of unit 1r11thout pirlor 'Written ~t of tho ~ioHon ..

2 o No lm~*"' cr-~ k ~mswctoo Ofl tM e~twior of thtt bvifding Of" thftt fond upon whldt lt b loeoted without t~ wrltttiffl eor'lst.mt of tho AHOtiotlon. Thts ~~~ 1r.clud!t, w~ flO.t be Jimhed tc_, ClllY cdditi.Qf!QI bvUdlng1, t~ns, $irlowolks, dt1v.,.. ~ .. woll~, fenQR, cmd shall o1so incl..,d(J, but not bo ltmltod to ony sWv~e o~hli!d ~ ":f' CCitdtwctad upon thu outside roof or oxtorlor of tho. bui I.:ling, inc:luding

etny a.mlna, wiru:fow, ~~ ac:nten 1 joiousl~, wofC ~ ·.~~~ tml)l~nt.

3. No ~~mw p:.lnt shoU w cppliOd upon ony huJidii'7!:1 w•rhout tho ptiot wrJthtn c:oment of eh.a AssoeiotiG.,.

~. All trosh., ;a~, or refuse mff be dcposita:l by tho OWMI"f tn a central location piOVicfed by t~ Association ond no trash, gorbco~ or rdus0 shi:slt be dopotiled or be pemtitted to s9and ¢n th,•htxtcwiM oF ony wilding or in

6,,. N~ ~1~ ot fPWvi'f~ "Cft1f wirlng for C~my ptttpOSC ~ ~ ~mfl'lied on tM ~t-..:wil>! of a t;v;ldinu witho.t~ th-e writtcm ~"*r''t of the Auoclotion.

1.. On I~· &mDtli ~, •~i

e. N4) fl\l~Cb, troilentl beats.,~ or other typo of work vchi(:tu or truck 5h.all be permitted to be porkecl withtn the boundorics of the eondaminium.

9. &ch owner thaff be mlgmtd o perking spc:cc for his or h

EXHIBIT_,_ "f• 11. TeliDVII~; ~ VnJ ~co· lM~ ~ ~ ~ Gt ~h tiiMS OJ wm provfdi:J e» mlnf~

12 .. No childron Ul"tdw 16 yeon of c:zg;a s pem~Qnent f4tSI.,_II.

13.. No peddiln;f aohcltino, or ~lal '"terpflse of ony kind ollowtd.

14. No OM It p::., ~ 1Jn.d fn P"l G.lono ...,,_ o ,.J6nt udutt f)D)'I ~ ..

i6. No fJ'*t (lnc~n; ehlldNn) ahall bG ollcw~ toW)' rrw« thon sixty (60) fiJ)'J in ony .unit.

11,. No l>!fw Sal•~ or "For Rent .. sfgru mtJY be dhpfoyed on the! property, elit~t bytb.O.Walt=per~ ..

f8. No trawl mri~, Ctlii!PJfl «other typtrs of trollms, wl.ettt.r tctlkontoi,..J or not, $1wll.,_ allcwad to pork ow th. PA~ftlses cwemight.

19. AJI ~, wi~, • ~lor ckos of a ~~nn (except for cubicle paint) cw ~ ~lblltty C!l tm unit~ 1o 1'11!1!11nlcdn, ~1€',-and ffiPictce, but must be mot""' Ml*!ld GfMI r.pfaad .rth IM:brlok -whlcb-. of dto .-. design, color cmd qua-lity which otltlnraUv ....,. instaltid un~ oftwwtt. tNthctt.ct by tM Alsodotif!M~e.

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