t: Another Outstanding Cotmdominium •p::e:t;y ~ THE CONDOMINIUMS OF 0~@0&~ (}G~~~@(UJ~ PHASE lilA C®Illlcdlcomnnfinnii.unliiiil JThtD~unmm®IID~§ this J..!i!tpl~f)' ~repfred by ; c~~a«·2~~~te~IIle Beach,Fla. CONDOMINIUM DOCUlv\ENTS, Pt-t'\SE IliA c INOLX I. Ottclon:Jti.:.o of Condominium 2. Exhibit A - l..e~l M$o:riptlon of oil land sub---nittc-d..-to con«m~inivm owrtenhip as l~ Condominium~ of lndion. Horbour, Phm~ lilA. 3. Exhibit ·a- legal des~dption or oil land aovarr.ccl by The Cl)ndominiums of l11dian Harbour Anoc:iotion, Inc. 4. b:hlblt C- Plot plan of The Conclominil)fT1S of Indian Harbour, Phan~ IliA, :rmd ~ectifiQ::Ition by HH',,c,..or. 5. Exhibit 0 - Artide1 of Incorporation of The- C01o~;;n1ums of lndion Hartx.ur As$0clation, Inc, 6. Exhibit E - By-wW$ of The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Anociotion, lne;, 7. Exhibit F M Rules ond Regulation$. 8. Exhibit G- Form of Condominium Deed for The Condominiums of lndion Horbour, Phcrse UIA. 9. Exhrbit H- Form of deed conveying property used for pool ond recreation area to The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Auoeiation, Inc,. inc!1.1ding COfreetive In~. 10. Exhibit I - Parl<ing plan for property gov~rned by The Condominiums of Indian Harbour Assoeiotion, tnc. 11. Exhibit J. - Pfot plan of land and improvements deeded to The Condomtnit..nns of Indian Harbcur Association, Inc. 12. 8chibit I< .. Relinquishments of rights ond prMieges by the developer, a relinquishment of a ri~!'t to elect certain of the Board of Directors by the developers to the unit owner-s. T~e Condominium Doc!.lmot1n ore reeorded in Official Rec::Ofds Book r beglnn ine ot Pog~ !Jl'i.>"'((rd Co.;my, F!or ida. ~ .. -966· "'· DEClARATION OF CONDOMINIUM OF · · -Hil:-€4'"-JmOMINIUM'S OF INDIAN 1-!A'RSOvr'<, PHASE lilA CHA!{LES l. NELSON, 302 Palm Spdn~ fk,u!evord, Indian Horbovr Beach, Florida, the owner or th .. reo I proptlrty referred to ir. Article it hereof, who is herein­ after referred to ¢5 ''Developer", on beholf 01' ir,elf oncllts succoe-w~rs, grantee$ ond o111lgm, ond to Hs $11Ccessors, grontees .;.ncl ossigru, doe~ hereby declare that the lands h!!rei<WfiCO'r described ore or>d 5".:~1 I b11 dedicated and wbmlll~d to the e¢ndominil)l!l form ofowJ'Ietship O$ legolly authorized by the l.eghlr "" ·' •'·' <;vv· ~' "'· ·.• ,unuant to the provisions or Chapter 63-35 of the Genera I lr;;ws ot ; :-:."!~ ;;ntltled "Condominium Act", 0$ omendec;i, in accordance wiih the terms <md conc:iitiom of this Declaration as h$reinafter Jet forth: I. NAME T~ nome by which this r-ondominium ,halt be entitled Jhall be: THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HAR!!OUR, PHASE lilA 1!. lEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE lAND AND EASEMENTS The lon!h owned by the Developer, whi-ch ore hereby submitted to the c;o11dQminium form of ownership, ore the following described lands situate, lying and being in Brevard County, Florido: As set forth ln Exhibit "A" <~ttached hereto and mode o port hereof. Ill. DEFINITIONS At ~d In this ~clomtlon cmd other condominium docvmenh, un!~~ tf.-e eontext otherwise requires: A. Aues:sment means o 5hore or the funds reqvired for th~ paymiHlt of <::OrllmOn e)(f'eiUes which from time to time ore O$SU~~d ogai.1st the unit owner. S. Association means THE CONDOMlNIU.V.S OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCL~TION, INC., which shall be the cuock:ti»n governing those condor,Jinlum 'l!fUJ'imft'lts whieh now \:Ire or ~y hereoi'to'Jr be lceotacl o.., t~-.1t lllnd Cl:l s~t fotoh In Exhibit "B" ottachrxl hereto ond l!l(lde o port hereof of which the iond by this dowment being c:onverted to condominium ownership, (t'l s-et out In Exhibit •A u is o port. C. By~ltsws means the by-lows for the government of the eonclomlnium os th!y exist from time to time, D, Cmtil'IOl'l elliilil(lP,t~ """"'" thll portions o t e coodommmm property no Jnelvded In th~ ~,~n I~, [, Co"lmon expensl!!s m~n the r.:tpl!rnc~ for which the unit owne~ c . .1 liable to the auoti<.liion, -·F. C4:>rnmon svrph.rs rn~Wn• th.e ilXCcJS of (!II r"ceipis of the association, inelvdlng but n<>l limited to, os~c:s~menh, ri."lnts, profit!., ond revenues on occount oF the common element$, over the amount of common expenses. G, Condominium is that form of ownership of condominium propf:fty undl!r which units of !mprovemel\1> ore subject to ownership by diUerent owners, ond there 15 oppurter.c..,t to eoch unit o~ port th~reof on uodivided share in the .;_ommon element. H. Condominh,Jm porcel rn~ons au. ··• ~·&•; .. ~, ,.., >tl .n.;! o,moovlded shore In ihe wmmon clements which is appurtenant to the unit, I. Condominium property meons and Includes the land in o condominium, whether or not contiguous, and all improvements thereon and all easements ond ri11hts ~;~ppurtenant thereto intended for use in <:annection with the condominium, J. Declaration, or Declaration of Condominium, means the ln~trument, or instruments, as they ore from time to time amended, K. Developer means CHARLES 1... NELSON, of Indian Harbour Beach, Florido. l. Generol common elements mecm~ and includes all of the improvenu:nts loeah!d upo, the condominiUM property e:.tcupt those portions of the common elemenhi which ore lobe:lled os limited commor. ~lemMH. M. lmtituthmol fi~t mori!)Oge mwns e> first mortenge ~;~rlghwlly exe.;uted Ul\d delivered too bonk, savings and lean osmciation or insurance company authorized to transact busin~s in the SIQte or F!orldt!, cr~ting a fil'$t mortgage lien on an oport­ r...~mt unit and on any intere5t appr.r.tern:111t to !Uch oportment unit, For the purpose of thi$ Oec;:larotion of Condominium, the Developer $holl be coll$idered an institutional IIIO(tg.:lgee and any mortgage held by the Developer,or its component corporations, which is a lien against any of the opottments in THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR, PHASE IliA, shell! be considered os an institutional mortgage. N. limited common elerMnls meon ond include those common elements which cte re~rved for the use of o certcin unit or units to the exclt4ion or other units. This shall include the c:ommon elem<~n~ reserved for the v..e of on individuol oportment In one specific (lptlrtm~nt building, 0. Operation or aperotioll$ or the condominh.rn mean$ ond includes the ~<bimstrotion and management of ths condominium property. P. Owner or owners meoll$ the $0/TIC o5 unit owner Of' ownell. Q • Unit· m~s o port of the condominium property which IJ to be suhiecl ~2- ''· ~ :v:: ~ :~ I '._I. •... ~fn'1655 rA(,t 968 R.. Unit owner or ~r of a unit moons the owner Qt a condominium parcel. S. Wtn}mity o; majority ~:;~f oporhn~nt owners meoM Qportmtrnt crn>nen wltn 51% f"II;(Wo of th('; vot~M in the condominium doc:umenb, OJSigMd to the cpt~rtrnent ownen for voting purposes, ..,.._, .... IV., CONDOMINIUM DOCUMEI*r~~ "(he document$ by whrch the c:ont;k.Minil,ll71 wlll be established ere c~ follow;;: A. le~\ description t>f the land a~ referre(! to in l>.rti~\e U of th~ l:H!clorotlon of Condominium, together with certt;Jin eosements, which is marked E,.:hlbft ..A.,, ond desc:ribes the lond being subml tted to condorniniom ownership by this docu­ ment as Pha$e lilA of several phases tho: will result in ~everal Declarations of Condo­ minium~, oil of whi~h shall be goveri'Jed by one association, THE CONDOMINIUMS Ot: INOtAN: \RBOUR ASSOCIATION, INC., whkh o:Mod<~tion ~holt 90"~rn oil of th~ condominium oportments from time to ti" ~ r"" · ,. · ~•~~"> •• " ·1 : _; to condominium ~wr~~hip in phusei * B. legol description af land which sholl be governe>d by the Condominiums of lndfan Horhour Assoeiotion 1 Inc::. os such land is from lime to time converted to condominiUfl'l ownership in phases, the legal description of which is set forth in Exhibit "&" (t!'le land in Exhibit "A" being o port thereof), C. f'lot plan of property in Phase lilA submitted to condominium ownership puniJQM to the provisions of Chapter 63-35 Generol l.bws of Florida Qs amended dvly certified 0$ required under said Act, which is marked Exhlbi t "C ". D.. Articles of Incorporation of THE CONDOMINIUMS OF tNDIAN HAR8()Ut ASSOCIATION, INC., a non""Prafi t Corporation, which corporation will odmtnister and operata- the f::ondominltlm! for t!-te use ond benefit of th~ ownel"$ of the incfivlduol opartmctnts, which were wbmttted to ccndominium ownership as Phose ,, PhaSC' 11 1 or as PMse lilA, or moy later be submitted as provided herein, and which is ~:-ked E~Mbit "D". E. By~Laws of THE CONDOMINIUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIA- TION, INC., o nOI"'-profit Corporatta."'• whkh i~ t110~ked Exhibit "E '' ~ F. Rules and Regulotions, whh;h h marked Exhibit "fM. G. Ferm ~f condominium deed by which the Developer will convey portlcu- IQt op~:~rtmenb and oppurtenance:o thereto, in the condominium, to pureha$#!tS thereof and which will describe the condominium ap;:~rtmei'lt and the condominil,lfTI apartment building in which soid oPQrhn.ent ls located, A typieol condominium deed is aH"ac:hed hereto en Exhlbi t "G" • H. Form of deed conveying f11operty used for pool and recr~tioncl area" and three laundry buildings to THE CONDOMiNiUMS OF INDIAN HARBOUR ASSOCIA­ TION, INC., subject to certain rMei"'Vi:itions for i'h3 liS" and bcneflt of the OWner or ownen of tbe klncl ~eribe(J in Exhibit uoH whether or not such lal'll'J is hereafter *ubmitted -3- h Paddn5 plu:: f•: p;spe: r; go :c:::cJ h; ltll 'U'IiiiltiSQUif''l' 'M 5 0 5 IN'" At:' 1-to\RBOUR ASSOCIA liON 1 INC., os odopt!!d by thu..hitiol Dtrecl'u~ of the Auoc;iotion, see Exhibit "I", -~ ·· .
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