Preparatory Actions and Special Events 2009 - 2013

Sport 2 2009 Promoting health and physical activity

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LEGAL NOTICE By the Commission of the European Union, Information Society & Media Directorate-General, ICT for Sustainable Growth Unit.

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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2014

ISBN 978-92-79-43703-8 doi:10.2766/8818

© European Union, 2014 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. 2009 3 Promoting health and physical activity Foreword by Commissioner Navracsics

Dear Reader, I intend to build on the experience gained from these projects. The EU's innovative new pro- As the new EU Commissioner responsible for gramme for education, training, youth and sport, sport, it is my honour to present you with this Erasmus+, will continue to support excellent pro- booklet summarising the key achievements of the jects and will provide a stable financial frame- sport projects supported by the European Com- work for new networks and partnerships in sport. mission between 2009 and 2013. I am confident that Erasmus+ will mark a new era of cooperation between the EU and the world European sports policy is still in its infancy. It was of sport. not until December 2009 that - with the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty - Member States For example, I will ensure that Erasmus+ supports legally recognised the added value of developing projects led by grassroots sport organisations. Low a European dimension in sport. levels of physical activity pose a serious threat for the health and the wellbeing of many Euro- The Commission consequently adopted a "Com- pean citizens. I intend to tackle this by developing munication on Developing the European Dimen- the newly created network of Health Enhancing sion in Sport” in early 2011. This Communication Physical Activity focal points and also by ensuring defined the EU's first priorities for sport and iden- that the upcoming European week of sport will be tified concrete actions to support them, and we focused on long term effects. This is not about have helped European networks of sport organi- replacing the excellent work already being done sations and public authorities to promote the by public authorities and sport organisations – we exchange of experiences and good practices in intend to give EU support where we can add value sport. to national, regional and local efforts.

I am grateful to the European Parliament, which I would like to thank the project leaders and their has understood the significance of the European 675 partners who have collaborated in these Pre- sport policy and driven it forward. The European paratory Actions I also wish to express my grati- Parliament initiated the Preparatory Actions tude to the many applicants whose projects could and Special Events in the field of sport imple- not be selected - the high level of interest in these mented between 2009 and 2013. The budget actions has shown that there is a real demand of EUR 37 million funded 88 projects aimed at for EU support in this area. I am convinced that tackling cross-border threats such as doping, the money spent on these Preparatory Actions is match-fixing, violence and intolerance; promot- money well spent, contributing to the promotion ing grassroots and traditional sports; encouraging of the positive values of sport and encouraging good go­vernance, volunteering, gender equality, the practice of sport and physical activity all over mobility and dual careers of athletes; and at sup- . I look forward to building on these actions porting social inclusion and health through sport. in the coming years. The first results presented at the 2011 EU Sport Forum in Budapest were impressive and the new, Tibor Navracsics high quality projects launched each year confirm European Commissioner that we are on the right track. for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport 4 2009 Promoting health and physical activity Table of contents

2009 Promoting health and physical activity 6

S²-PORT — Healthy Children in Sound Communities — Euro Sport Health — Becoming the Hub — SANTE — NET-SPORT-HEALTH — Sports Club for Health (SCforH) — YOU NEED EXERCISE! — ATHLE-SANTE

2009 Promoting education and training in sport 16

DC-SPORT — ATHLETES 2 BUSINESS — FIFPro online Academy — INTECS Network Building

2009 Promoting European fundamental values by encouraging sport for persons with disabilities 20

All for sport for all — Youth Unified Sports®

2009 Promoting gender equality in sport 22

WILD — Closing the Leadership Gender Gap in European Athletics — OLYMPIA


The XVI — The X European Youth Olympic Summer Festival

2010 Fight against doping 28

Fitness against Doping — The European Anti‑Doping Initiative — Strategy for Stopping Steroids

2010 Promoting social inclusion in and through sport 32

Join in! — Prisoners on the move — Creating a Level Playing Field — MIMoSA — Sport Inclusion Network (SPIN)

2010 Promoting volunteering in sport 38

European Cities for Volunteering in Sport — Dynamo Project — EuroVolNet — Training 4 Volunteers


Changing Lives — European Youth Olympic Winter Festival 2011

2011 Prevention of and fight against violence and intolerance in sport 44

ELYS — Prevention of sexualized violence in Sports — Pro Supporters — Pride in Sport

2011 Promoting innovative approaches to strengthen the organisation of sport in Europe 48

Sport 4 Good Governance — Good Governance in Grassroots Sports — CoachNet — European Governance Foundation Project — Improving Football Governance through Supporter Involvement and Community Ownership — Better Boards, Stronger Sport — Action for Good Governance in International Sports organisations — European Academy for Billiard Champions on the way to sport excellence


Changing Lives — RESPECT 2009 5 Promoting health and physical activity

2012 Fight against match-fixing 58

Keep Rugby Onside: Promoting Integrity in Rugby — Educating European Elite Athletes about match-fixing — Don’t fix it! An education & prevention programme — Building national networks to fight against match-fixing — Staying on side: How to stop match-fixing

2012 Promotion of physical activity supporting active ageing 63

Active Age – Capacity building for physical activity programs for aging people — Fit for Life Europe a local HEPA Framework for elderly in European cities & regions — Get Physical - Get up, get out, get moving — WAP - walking people, it is never too late to start

2012 Awareness-raising about effective ways of promoting sport at municipal level 67

Promoting urban sports for all — Sports for all: European Cities of Sport for promoting sport activities for citizens — Active network: European Municipalities and Sport Organisations in partnership — SportCityNet — Promoting social inclusion through sport

2012 Trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States 72

Fireball Europe — Running competitions in the cross-border region — Let’s Pull Together! — Football² - international youth football and education — European Para Snow Sport Youth Circuit — European Street Soccer Cup


European Youth Olympic Winter Festival (EYOWF) — EPC Youth Games — 5th TAFISA World Sport for All Games Siauliai 2012

2013 Strengthening of good governance and dual careers in sport through support for the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations 82

Make a European Splash by educating the staff of Swimming Federations — European Leadership Devolution Project — Improving player association support for dual careers — North-East parasport Exchange: effective management, good governance and human resource development in parasport — Networks of Knowledge — World Cup 2014 International Volunteer Camp

2013 Protecting athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions 88

“Safeguarding Youth Sport” — Pro Safe Sport for Young Athletes (PSS) — “Healthy of young athletes main goal of sport training and competitions” — ARISTO: a European Monitoring Protocol of Young Athletes’ health and training conditions — Health & Injury Prevention for Young Athletes (HIP Ya!)

2013 Promoting traditional European sports and games 93

Strengthening European Traditional Sports (SETS) — European Medieval Sport & Street Games Network — Europe is our playground — Recall: Games of the Past – Sports for Today


MOVE Week 2013 — European Summer Games 2014 6 2009 Promoting health and physical activity S²-PORT

Regional Ministry for Youth and Sport of Extremadura ()

University of Kent (UK); Pirkanmaan ammattikorke Main project outcomes: Duration a houlu OY – Dirkanmaan University of Applied ■■ Support material for policy-makers to gather 01/01/2010 – 31/03/2011 Sciences Ltd. (FI); Active Institute (DK); Foundation resources and translate technical knowledge for Research & Technology (GR); CONI Servizi Spa into good practices for health-enhancing phys- Contact (IT); Observatory E-Medin (IT); Business Develop- ical activity; [email protected] ment Friesland (NL) ■■ Overview of best practice examples for senior citizens in seven Member States; Website Total budget of the project: 288.219 € ■■ Creation of a European Network for healthy Of which maximum EU grant: 230.576 € ageing based on good practices.

Main project aims: ■■ Joint reflection to design a holistic method- ology to introduce physical activity as a new lifestyle to prevent disease; ■■ Identification of relevant practices in the use of sport for prevention and healthy ageing; ■■ Development of a holistic methodology based on sportive practices as a substitute for pal- liative care; ■■ The holistic methodology should be a useful tool for all kind of organizations. 2009 7 Promoting health and physical activity Healthy Children in Sound Communities

Deutsche Sportjugend im Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund e.V.

Youth Sport Trust (UK); Královéhradecká krajská (walking bus); a weekly lesson on nutrition; organizace – ČSTV (CZ); European Non-Govern- complex testing of physical fitness and motor Duration mental Sport Organisation Youth – ENGSO Youth development; feedback sessions for teachers, 01/01/2010 – 31/03/2011 (DE); European Academy of Sport (DE); Ger- coaches and parents on pupils’ physical fit- man Community of Darmstadt (DE); Drzonków ness and health status; dissemination of the Contact Voivodeship (PL); Willibald Gebhardt Research 2008 EU Physical Activity Guidelines in six EU [email protected] Institute, University of Duisburg/Essen (DE); countries. Charles University (CZ); Dutch Institute of Move- Website ment and Sport (NL); E. Piasecki University School Main project outcomes: of Physical Education, Poznań (PL) ■■ A multi-actor network strategy of local settings for active living of children that can easily be Total budget of the project: 364.484 € implemented in other EU municipalities; Of which maximum EU grant: 280.000 € ■■ The results and experiences (good ones and bad ones) are used to develop tailor-made Main project aims: health-enhancing multi-actor programmes for ■■ Transfer, disseminate and implement the partnerships between schools and sport clubs strategy, structure and experiences of the at community level in each of the participat- Dutch-German cross-border project to sev- ing EU municipalities, as a first step towards eral other local communities in five other EU region/nation/European-wide daily physical countries (CZ, PL, IT, NL, UK) as well as to other activity programmes. provinces/states/cities with relevant public and civil society stakeholders on education, health and sport; ■■ Promote and implement more opportunities for local children to engage in an active lifestyle as a means to counteract physical inactivity and overweight/obesity; ■■ Encourage the implementation of an inte- grated approach to different intervention ele- ments: 60 to 90 minutes of physical activities per day; healthy breakfast sessions; active breaks at school; active commuting to school 8 2009 Promoting health and physical activity Euro Sport Health

Diputació de

Belfast City Council (UK); University of Castilla la ■■ Create a network of territories in order to iden- Mancha, Research Group of sport facilities and tify and exchange best practices; organization management (ES); Budapest Associ- ■■ To implement the “Day of Sport” in the partici- ation of Sports Federation (HU); Azienda USL della pating territories. Valle d’Aosta (IT); Sports Organisation (CY) Main project outcomes: Total budget of the project: 299.760 € ■■ A methodology to define best practices in the Of which maximum EU grant: 220.000 € field of healthy physical activity; ■■ A “Day of Sport” that was implemented simul- Main project aims: taneously in the participating territories; ■■ Identify and exchange best practices concern- ■■ A European guide of healthy physical activity ing health promotion through sport for all at and sports programmes; Duration a local level; ■■ The Euro Local Sport Network. 15/12/2010 – 31/3/2011 ■■ Promote health benefits of sport practice and physical activity; Contact ■■ Encourage participation of citizens in sport as [email protected] a regular activity; ■■ Disseminate the values of sport as a part of Website an active lifestyle and its benefits for people’s health; 2009 9 Promoting health and physical activity Becoming the Hub The Health and Fitness Sector and the future of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity

European Health and Fitness Association – EFHA

European Observatoire of Sport and Employment Main project outcome: (FR); Verband Deutscher Fitness und Gesundheit- ■■ Based on the research, the report includes six sunternehmen (DE); Fitness Industry Association concrete recommendations for action in the Ltd. (UK) health and fitness sector.

Total budget of the project: 224.996 € Of which maximum EU grant: 179.997 €

Main project aims: ■■ Demonstrate what opportunities and barriers currently exist for the fitness sector to collabo- rate in partnership with other sectors to get “more people more active more often”; Duration ■■ Review 150 research studies, national gov- 01/01/2010 – 01/03/2011 ernment policies and campaigns from seven Member States (DK, FI, FR, DE, NL, SE, UK); Contact ■■ Contribute to achieving the objectives of the [email protected] 2008 EU Physical Activity Guidelines. Website hubproject.html 10 2009 Promoting health and physical activity SANTE Sport Action Network of Europe

International Sport and Culture Association – ISCA

Czech Sport for All Association (CZ); Czech Sokol ■■ Promote innovative cross-sector partnerships Duration Organization (CZ); Danish Gymnastics and Sport to foster learning across Europe and recom- 01/12/2009 – 31/05/2011 Associations (DK); German Gymnastics Federa- mend future directions of health-enhancing tion (DE); FEPI (BE); Federaziona Aerobico e Fit- physical activity. Contact ness (IT); Foundation Inatel (PT); Latvian Sport [email protected] for All Association (LV); Municipality of Florence Main project outcomes: (IT); Lithuanian country sport and culture associa- ■■ Policy recommendations: the vision “100 Mil- Website tion Nemunas (LT); Nederlandse Sport Alliantie lion More Europeans Active in Sport and Physi- (NL); Scottish Association of Local Sports Councils cal Activity by 2020” was developed and was (UK); Sports Unit of (SI); UBAE (ES); UISP- subsequently discussed in a seminar organised Unione Italiana Sport Per Tuttti (IT), Faculty of in the European Parliament; Sport Sciences, University of Cassino (IT) ■■ A SANTE Handbook on good HEPA practices has been developed gathering innovative practices Total budget of the project: 369.790 € from all around Europe. Of which maximum EU grant: 295.832 €

Main project aims: ■■ Promote health-enhancing physical activity with a starting point in sport organisations; 2009 11 Promoting health and physical activity NET-SPORT-HEALTH Promoting networking, exchange and greater synergy between sport and health-enhancing physical activity sectors

World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, European Centre for Environment and Health

Palacky University, Olomouc (CZ), all EU Members Main project outcomes: States ■■ Establishment of the HEPA Europe – EU Con- tact Group; Total budget of the project: 320.832 € ■■ Detailed information about more than Of which maximum EU grant: 256.666 € 90 national sport policies in the EU, out of which more than 20 have been analysed in- Main project aims: depth with a focus on highlighting synergy and ■■ Strengthen networking and exchange between potential issues of coherence and consistency the main health, physical activity promotion with public health goals and approaches; and sport actors in the EU; ■■ Integration of more than 100 national sport ■■ Analyse approaches of Member States towards policy documents in the WHO Database on sport-related physical activity promotion; Nutrition, Obesity and Physical Activity (NOPA) ■■ Contribute to the development of more effec- ( tive policies for physical activity promotion; ■■ Publication of the booklet “Promoting sport and Duration ■■ Strengthen the HEPA Europe Network. enhancing health in European Union countries: 31/03/2010 – 31 /05/2011 a policy content analysis to support action” ( Contacts file/0006/147237/e95168.pdf). [email protected] NET-SPORT-HEALTH Promoting networking, exchange and greater synergy Website between sport and health-enhancing physical activity sectors Background Physical activity is a major contributor to healthy living. Its effective promotion is essential to prevent a number of non-communicable diseases and conditions and requires the concerted action of many different sectors. The sport sector has a key role to play in promoting exercise and health-enhancing physical activity. However, the potential of the sport sector to foster health enhancing physical activity is under-utilized and synergies between the sport and health sector need to be further developed. To strengthen the cooperation between the health and sport sector the European Commission finances nine transnational project, including the one-year NET- SPORT-HEALTH project, which will be delivered by WHO regional Office for Europe. Aim of Project strengthening networking and exchange between the main health and sport actors actively engaged in physical activity promotion; identify elements in sports and public health policies which promote synergy and coherence in the attainment of health-enhancing physical activity.

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Collection and content Support exchange on Dissemination and analysis of national sports health-enhancing physical communication promotion policies activity

Establishment of Establishment of a HEPA Collection of national sport physical activity Europe - EU Contact Group policies accessible through counterparts in countries online database Development of the first Collection and content work plan of a HEPA Final products available at analysis of national sports Europe - EU Contact Group website policies Regular exchange Meeting of national Policy briefing on the main between the networks physical activity counterparts results

Summary and scientific paper

Outcome By strengthening networking between the main players, making existing experiences more easily available, and critically reviewing the approaches taken, the project will contribute to the development of more effective policies for physical activity promotion.

Further information: Francesca Racioppi: [email protected] or Lideke Middelbeek: [email protected]

This project is co-financed by the European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture 12 2009 Promoting health and physical activity Sports Club for Health (SCforH)

Suomen Kuntoliikuntaliitto ry (Finnish Sport for All Association)

Federazione Italiana Aerobica e Fitness (IT); Acc- Main project outcome: ETTD- Cultural and Scientific Association of Tour- ■■ Advanced SCforH guidelines were published ism, Leisure and Sport (ES); Ministry of Sport and in September 2011. The guidelines are based Tourism (PL); Estonian Sport for All Association on materials from the seven work packages (EE); Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb and consist of ten specific guidelines on three (HR) project stages – planning, implementation, and documentation and communication. (Kokko S., Duration Total budget of the project: 90.880 € Oja P., Foster C., Koski P., Laalo-Häikiö E. and 01/12/2009 – 31/03/2011 Of which maximum EU grant: 72.704 € Savola J.: Sports Club for Health (SCforH) – Guidelines for health-oriented sports activities Contact Main project aims: in a club setting, 2011; Jorma Savola, [email protected] ■■ Develop advanced guidelines for sports clubs ■■ European-level networking started with TAFISA to develop health-oriented sports activities in (The Association For International Sport for All), Website a club setting and to help clubs to become ENGSO (European Non-Governmental Sports more aware of the positive health effects of Organisation), ISCA (International Sport and sports-club-for-health sports; Culture Association), EFSC (European Federa- ■■ Generate European-level networking in the tion of Company Sport) and HEPA Europe. field of health-enhancing physical activity with special focus on sports clubs. 2009 13 Promoting health and physical activity YOU NEED EXERCISE! Introducing every day Culture of Sport for Children in European Cities

Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Sportamt

Athens Municipal Creches and Childhood (GR); City Main project outcomes: of Copenhagen (DK); Stadt (AT); City of ■■ Guidelines for European municipalities on Rotterdam (NL) children’s physical activity promotion, which offer practical solutions for decision-mak- Total budget of the project: 263.311 € ers in municipalities as well as for sports Of which maximum EU grant: 210.649 € associations; ■■ Establishment of an online database with the Main project aims: most effective practices; ■■ Develop strategies to promote children’s physi- ■■ Continued use of the established network to cal activity from a municipal point of view; pursue the aims of the project. ■■ For that purpose, explore new forms of coop- eration within this network of big cities. Duration 01/01/2010 – 31/01/2011

Contact [email protected]

Website 14 2009 Promoting health and physical activity ATHLE-SANTE

French Athletic Federation

FIDAL (IT); Real Federación Española de Atletismo Main project outcomes: (ES); Hungarian Athletics Association (HU); ■■ Creation of teaching materials for young peo- Deutscher Leichtathletik-Verband (DE); European ple focused on prevention of injuries, healthy Athletics (CH) sleep patterns, nutrition, and prevention of drug, tobacco and alcohol abuse; Total budget of the project: 355.785 € ■■ Distribution of the material to around Of which maximum EU grant: 230.000 € 200.000 children in 5 countries. Duration 01/12/009 – 31/03/2011 Main project aims: ■■ Enhance health through physical activity; Contact ■■ Organise European Athletic Days, which aim at [email protected] sensitising a wide public to leisure and health- related athletic activities; Website ■■ Exchange best practices among participat- ing countries through common courses for coaches.

16 2009 Promoting healtheducation and and physical training activity in sport DC-SPORT Dual Career for young athletes in Europe

Bosöns Idrottsfolkhoegskola/Bosön Sports College

European Association for Sport Management; Main project outcomes: European Observatories of Sport and Employ- ■■ Awareness about the advantages of the dual ment; Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LV); career concept among partner organisa- Apaczai Faculty University of West Hungary (HU); tions among young athletes between 13 and Universidad del Pais Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Uniber- 22 years of age and sports organisations the tsitatea (ES); Leeds City College (UK); Democritus dissemination of information, organisation of University of Thrace (EL); Finnish Sport Institute conferences and seminars; (FI); Nicosia University (CY) ■■ Establishment of a self-study course for ath- letes in career planning; Total budget of the project: 253.176 € ■■ Implementation of “Dual Career Education and Of which maximum EU grant: 201.275 € Training” aspects in the curriculum of coaches.

Main project aims: ■■ Encourage and motivate cooperation in the sport field by developing suitable support and tools needed by young athletes to enable them to pursue a dual career.

Duration 01/12/2009 – 31/03/2011

Contact [email protected] 2009 17 PromotingPromoting education health and physicaltraining inactivity sport ATHLETES 2 BUSINESS

EU Office of the European Olympic Committees

Finnish Olympic Committee (FI); L’Institut National ■■ Improve the potential access for athletes to du Sport et de l’Education Physique INSEP (FR); the labour market by specifying an enabling Olympia-stützpunkt Berlin (DE); German Athletes environment; Commission (DE); Semmelweis University (HU); ■■ The ultimate project aim was to support ath- Dalarna University / EAS Network, members (SE); letes by improving dual career opportunities. EOC Athletes Commission (DE); ENGSO (FR); Euro- pean Athletics (CH); Adecco Management and Con- Main project outcomes: Duration sulting SA (CH) ■■ Realising a dual career in higher education 02/01/2010 – 31/03/2011 and sport is a big challenge but study visits Total budget of the project: 251.378 € and good practices in a number of Member Contact Of which maximum EU grant: 201.102 € States (e.g. , UK, Germany, Finland) indi- [email protected] cate that a systematic and holistic approach Main project aims: starting from the interests of the athlete can Website ■■ Bring together different stakeholders in the be fruitful; field of dual careers: athletes, businesses, edu- ■■ Transitions from sporting careers to a new cational institutions and sport organisations; career are difficult and have to be managed; ■■ Promote the concept of dual careers in Europe ■■ “Athletes 2 Business”-Guidelines targeted to by improving the knowledge base and sharing athletes, sports organisations, educational of good practices; institutes and the business world provide use- ■■ Identify good practices from an athlete’s point ful recommendations and guidance how dual of view of institutions providing both educa- careers can be promoted. tional and sports training at tertiary level and athlete’s career programmes; 18 2009 Promoting healtheducation and and physical training activity in sport FIFPro online Academy

Fédération Internationale des Footballeurs Professionnels (FIFPro)

Spillerforeningen – Danish Football Players Asso- Main project aim: Duration ciation (DK); Jalkapallon Pelaajayhdistys ry. (FI); ■■ Establish the FIFPro Online Academy, which 01/12/2009 – 31/03/2011 Union Nationale des Footballeurs Professionnels offers the prospects for professional football (FR); Professional Footballers’ Association of players to continue their education on-line Contact (IE); Associazione Italiana Calciatori (IT); without interruption even if they move to [email protected] Vereniging voor Contractspelers (NL); Asociatia another country. Fotbalistilor Amatori si Nonamatori (RO); Sindikat Website Professionalnih Igralcev Nogometa (SI); SFS Sven- Main project outcome: ska Fotbollspelare (SE); Professional Footballers’ ■■ An online academy with interested provider Association, ; Professional Footballers’ University College Nordylland (DK) and with Association, ; Norske Idrettsutoveres Sen- EU Athletes that gives sportsmen and sports- tral Organisajon, Idrettsutoveres Fagforbund (NO) women the chance to receive a BA Degree in “Sport Management” next to their active sports Total budget of the project: 237.175 € career abroad. Of which maximum EU grant: 189.675 € 2009 19 PromotingPromoting education health and physicaltraining inactivity sport INTECS Network Building Preparatory Actions for Establishing a Network of International Training and Education Centers for

Rovaniemi Municipal Federation of Education, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Schi Gymnasium Stams, (AT); University of Tartu, Main project outcomes: Faculty of Exercise and Sports Sciences (EE); Ober- ■■ Cooperation model for winter sports centres Duration schulzentrum “Claudia von Medici” Mals (IT); Acad- within the network; 01/01/2010 – 31/03/2011 emy of Physical Education and Sport Gdansk (PL); ■■ Knowledge about specific problems and good North-West Regional Development Agency(RO); practices in dual careers in winter sports; Contact Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of ■■ Dissemination of information to relevant Heikki Hannola, Physical Education and Sports (SK); University of stakeholders of each member institution; [email protected] Maribor (SI); Lulea University of Technology (SE) ■■ IT-supported learning should be further devel- oped in a framework for effective IT-supported Total budget of the project: 194.733 € learning in the area of dual careers, including Of which maximum EU grant: 155.786 € a transition of the teacher’s role from mediat- ing expert to facilitating mentor. Main project aims: ■■ Address the problem of the lack of dual career opportunities for young athletes, in particular in winter sports; ■■ Create better networking opportunities for educational organisations that are active in winter sports in the EU; ■■ Make it possible for young professional winter sports athletes to follow a dual career. 20 2009 Promoting Europeanhealth and fundamental physical activity values by encouraging sport for persons with disabilities All for sport for all Perspectives of Sport for People with a Disability in Europe

The European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE) and the European Paralympic Committee (EPC)

Chaire Olympique Henri de Baillet Latour et ■■ Cross-link the single sub-sectors and stake- – Université catholique de Lou- holder groups involved in disability sport at the vain (BE); University of Leipzig (DE); Secretariat European level, and provide these stakeholders General of Sport (EL); Hellenic Paralympic with a better platform for exchange on and for Committee (EL); University Claude Bernard Lyon future development. 1 (FR); CONI Servizi-Scuola dello Sport (IT); Lithu- anian Academy of Sport and Physical Education Main project outcomes: (LT); Portuguese Sports Institute (PT); Stafford- ■■ Mapping Reporting Factsheets on disability shire University (UK); SkillsActive (UK); The Profes- sport in Europe in the categories “disability sional Golfers Association of Europe Ltd; European sport policies”, “disability sport participation”, Health and Fitness Association; European Disabled “disability sport human resources’, “sport facili- Association ties and infrastructure” and “disability sport events”, as well as on “golf for people with Total budget of the project: 188.000 € a disability” and “sector challenges as seen Of which maximum EU grant: 150.000 € by the EPC”; ■■ A Summary Report to the European Commis- Main project aims: sion highlighting a possible future direction ■■ Map the status quo of the disability sport sec- and perspectives of sport for people with tor and provide information on future chal- a disability in Europe; including consolidated lenges and recommendations for aligned conclusions, guidelines and recommendations activities in the sector at the European level; for aligned activities in the disability sport sec- tor at the European level.

Duration 01/03/2010 – 28/02/2011

Contact Matthias Guett ([email protected])

Website 2009 21 PromotingPromoting European health andfundamental physical activity values by encouraging sport for persons with disabilities Youth Unified Sports®

Special Olympic Europe Eurasia Foundation

Special Olympics National Programs from Bel- Main project outcomes: gium, , , , Finland, Poland, ■■ 2837 young people engaged in 251 Unified , Lithuania, Germany and Romania Football and Basketball teams that were established in 113 communities, cities and Total budget of the project: 558.900 € regions in the ten participating countries; Of which maximum EU grant: 447.120 € ■■ Organisation of 562 Unified Football and Bas- ketball competitions; Main project aim: ■■ Educational brochures, guidelines and vid- ■■ Bring together young people (12-25 years) eos for the education of the public as well as with and without intellectual disabilities – for the training of coaches and teachers in called “athletes” and “partners” – through sport 12 languages; as equals. ■■ Networks among players at local, national and international levels. Duration 01/12/2009 – 31/05/2011

Contact [email protected] 22 2009 Promoting healthgender andequality physical in sport activity WILD Women’s International Leadership Development programme

European Non-Governmental Sports Organization (ENGSO)

Czech Olympic Committee (CZ); National Olym- ■■ Strengthen networking between women lead- pic Committee and Sports Confederation of Den- ers, both nationally and internationally. mark (DK); Finnish Sports Federation (FI); Comité National Olympique et Sportif Francais (FR); Hun- Main project outcomes: garian Sports Confederation (HU); Department of ■■ Six participants from each participating coun- Human Movement and Sport Sciences, University try were trained at European and national of Rome Foro Italico (IT); Swedish Sports Confed- sessions in topics such as leadership, chairing eration (SE); Central Council of Physical Recrea- meetings, media training, conflict prevention tion (UK) and resolution; ■■ Establishment of a network for women’s lead- Total budget of the project: 318.415 € ership in sport; Of which maximum EU grant: 254.665 € ■■ Production of leaflet providing an overview of best practice; Main project aims: ■■ A number of women have been promoted to Duration ■■ Increase representation of women in leader- leadership positions in sport in their country. 01/01/2010 – 01/03/2011 ship positions in sport in Europe; ■■ Provide participants with training in the skills Contact they need to reach leadership positions within [email protected] sports organisations in their countries;

Website 2009 23 PromotingPromoting health gender and equalityphysical inactivity sport Closing the Leadership Gender Gap in European Athletics

Royal Dutch Athletics Federation (NL)

European Athletics (CH); Danish Athletics Federa- Main project outcomes: tion (DK); Oesterreichischer Leichtathletik-Verband ■■ A statistical picture of attitudes towards (AT); Slovenian Athletic Federation (SI); Federation women leaders for athletics as a whole and Francaise d’Ahtletisme (FR); Amateur Ath- for each country in Europe; letic Association (MT); Estonian Athletic Federation ■■ A set of tested tools that can be used for (EE); REAL Federacion Espanola de Atletismo (ES); interventions with (a) the general population Swedish Athletic Association (SE); University of of athletics and other sports, (b) the current (CH) and future leadership of the national athlet- ics federations and (c) future women leaders; Total budget of the project: 397.586 € ■■ Awareness training for the athletics popula- Of which maximum EU grant: 215.486 € tion and the current national federation lead- ers as well as skills training for future women Duration Main project aims: leaders. 01/12/2009 – 31/01/2011 ■■ Develop practical ways to increase the num- ber of competent women sports leaders across Contact Europe for the benefit of athletics; [email protected] ■■ Provide leadership to other sports organisa- tions, and society as a whole, by sharing these as examples of good practice. 24 2009 Promoting healthgender andequality physical in sport activity OLYMPIA Equal opportunities via sport and within sport

Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti – UISP

Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Anti- ■■ To actively involve institutions and associa- sémitisme LICRA (FR); Vienna Institute for Inter- tions through the building of a network able national Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC) (AT); to promote analysis and research and define International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) new organisational models in function of (DK); Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, criteria of gender differences, best practice University of Copenhagen (DK) exchange, problems exchange, and informa- tion about existing laws on the topic at national Duration Total budget of the project: 274.100 € and European level; 07/01/2010 – 31/03/2011 Of which maximum EU grant: 198.700 € ■■ To implement actions that promote partici- patory democracy. In the construction of the Contact Main project aim: models for the experimentation, women’s active [email protected] ■■ The renewal of the Charter of Women in Sport involvement (information, training, participa- adopted by the European Parliament in 1987. tion) was of primary importance. In this con- Website text, a relevant element was the renewal of the Main project outcomes: Charter of Women in Sport that UISP promoted ■■ To collect and disseminate evidence, starting and submitted to the European Union in 1985. from targeted mapping of the existing realities The idea is a multi-ethnic charter of the rights across Europe, on barriers that deny women of women in sport, able to represent the role access to professional careers in the world of and position of women in and for civil society. sports;

26 2009 PromotingSPECIAL EVENTS health and physical activity The XVI Mediterranean Games

Comitato Organizzatore dei XVI Giochi del Mediterraneo – 2009

Total budget of the project: 1.324.016 € Main project activities: Of which maximum EU grant: 1.000.000 € ■■ Competitions were organised in 30 disciplines and 6.000 team members participated in the Main project aims: event; ■■ Organise the XVI Mediterranean Games in Pes- ■■ Opening and Closing Ceremonies; cara (Italy), 26 June to 5 July 2009; ■■ The journey of the Mediterranean flame; ■■ Promote the legacy of Mediterranean culture ■■ Creation of eight Virtual Sport Villages; in the EU. ■■ Exhibition “History of the sports disciplines”; ■■ Magazine of the Games; ■■ Exhibition about the philately of Sport; ■■ Seminar UMAR on Mediterranean architecture.

Duration 1/05/2009 – 15/10/2009

Contact [email protected]

Website 2009 27 Promoting health and SPECIALphysical EVENTSactivity The X European Youth Olympic Summer Festival

Hämeen Liikunta ja Urheilu – HLU ry

Total budget of the project: 7.993.500 € Main project activities: Of which maximum EU grant: 1.500.000 € ■■ Competitions were organised in 9 disciplines Duration and 3.500 team members participated in 6/04/2009 – 31/10/2009 Main project aim: the event; ■■ Organise the X European Youth Olympic ■■ Opening and Closing Ceremonies; Contact Summer Festival in Tampere (Finland), ■■ Olympic Village in Hervanta; [email protected] 18 to 25 July 2009. ■■ Leisure time activities for young athletes in four areas (handicrafts, stages of performance Website and participation, sports and games, theme concerts). 28 20092010 PromotingFight against health doping and physical activity Fitness against Doping

European Health and Fitness Association – EFHA

Fitness Industry Association – FIA (UK); The Inter- Main project aims: national Sport and Culture Association – ISCA (DK); ■■ Establish a network of partners representing Instytutu Sportu (PL); Anti-Doping Research Cen- the health and fitness industry, sports asso- tre – DADR (PL); Hungarian Coaching Association ciations and international law enforcement (HU); Associação de Empresas de Ginásios e Aca- organisations; demias de Portugal – AGAP (PT); Bulgarian Asso- ■■ Establish a network of partners across Europe ciation of Health and Fitness (BG); Danish Fitness and with other international organisations that Duration and Health Organisation (DK); Arbeitgeberverband have experience and knowledge in the field of 01/01/2011 – 31/12/2012 deutscher Fitness – und Gesundheits-Anlagen – anti-doping; DSSV (DE); Fit!vak (NL); Schweizerischen Fitness- ■■ Though the network, provide researched Contact und Gesundheitscenter Verbandes – SFGV (CH) information on the extent of doping and cur- [email protected] rent anti-doping policies affecting the fitness Total budget of the project: 283.074 € industry. Website Of which maximum EU grant: 228.116 € Main project outcomes: fitness-against-doping.html ■■ A network of best practice on anti-doping throughout Europe focused on the health and fitness sector; ■■ Best practice approaches to tackling any dop- ing activity within the European health and fitness industry; ■■ Research results providing an evidence base for future targeted interventions within the European health and fitness industry. 2009 29 Promoting health andFight physical against activity doping The European Anti‑Doping Initiative Creating a transnational network to develop and encourage anti-doping education in organized sports

Deutsche Sportjugend im Main project aims: ■■ Establish a Europe-wide “Anti-Doping Mental- Duration Deutschen Olympischen ity” in the youth sector; 01/12/2010 – 31/03/2012 Sportbund e.V. ■■ Create a transnational network to develop and encourage preventive anti-doping education in Contact Fédération Internationale Catholique Education the youth sectors of the partner organisations; [email protected] Physique et sportive – FICEP (AT); Federazione ■■ Find and implement strategies to motivate Italiana Aerobica e Fitness – FIAF (IT); Olympic young people to pass on this message to their Website Committee of Slovenia (SI); French National Olym- peers, thus creating a self-perpetuating, mul- pic Committee (FR); European Non-Governmental tiplying effect. Sport Organisation Youth – ENGSO Youth (DE); Zentrum für Dopingprävention der Pädagogischen Main project outcomes: Hochschule Heidelberg (DE); European University ■■ An online training tool to educate Anti- Sports Association – EUSA (SI), Österreichischer Doping Junior Ambassadors; Leichtathletik-Verband (AT) ■■ A Europe-wide network of Anti-Doping Junior Ambassadors. Total budget of the project: 338.910 € Of which maximum EU grant: 269.910 € 30 20092010 PromotingFight against health doping and physical activity Strategy for Stopping Steroids How to fight doping in fitness centres

Anti Doping Denmark – ADD

Anti-Doping Authority the Netherlands – ADAN Main project outcomes: (NL); Stockholm prevents alcohol and drug prob- ■■ A report that illustrates the current situa- lems, Centre for Psychiatry Research – Karolinska tion and the work performed in relation to all Institute/Stockholm County Council Health Care aspects of fitness doping; Provision – STAD (SE); Polish Institute of Sport ■■ Recommendations on how to influence behav- (Polish Commission Against Doping in Sport – iour relating to fitness doping. PANDA) (PL); Cyprus Anti-Doping Authority – CyADA (CY)

Total budget of the project: 290.000 € Of which maximum EU grant: 232.000 €

Main project aims: ■■ Collect relevant data on doping in fitness cen- tres and gather this knowledge in a final report on status and efforts made in the matter so far; ■■ Engage organisations and persons relevant to the work against doping in fitness centres Duration: throughout Europe in networking and shar- 01/01/2011 – 30/06/2012 ing relevant knowledge and experiences with a view to qualifying existing and developing Contact: new initiatives. Jakob Berget, [email protected]

32 20092010 PromotingFight against healthsocial doping inclusionand physical in and activity through sport Join in! Social inclusion of migrant youth through sport

Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Bewegen – NISB

Universidad de Extremadura – UEX (ES); South Main project outcomes: Duration: East Wales Racial Equality Council – SEWREC (UK); ■■ National action plans; 01/01/2011 – 30/06/2012 University of (UK); Federazione Italiana ■■ A description of eight good practices with Aerobica e Fitness – FIAF (IT); Deutsche Sportju- a focus on migrant youth; Contact: gend – dsj (DE); Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sport und ■■ A digital social network of European profes- [email protected] Körperkultur Ostereich (AT); Waterford Institute of sionals working in this field; Technology (IE) ■■ A catalogue of key issues and best principles Website: to achieve social inclusion of migrant youth Total budget of the project: 308.614 € through sport. Of which maximum EU grant: 246.891 €

Main project aim: ■■ Initiate and sustain a network involving pol- icy-makers, researchers and professionals to improve social inclusion of migrant youth through sports. 20092010 33 PromotingPromoting social inclusion health andinFight and physical against through activity doping sport Prisoners on the move Move into sport, move through sport!

De Rode Antraciet vzw (The Red Anthracite)

Sport et Citoyenneté (FR), Sports for Solidarity – ■■ Facilitate cooperation between the fields of S4S (UK); Universitat de València Estudi Gen- sport and detention to set up common sport eral – UVEG (ES); Ministry of Justice – Prisons initiatives; and Probation service (DK); Centrul Roman Pen- ■■ Make informed recommendations to decision- tru Educatie Si Dezvoltare Umana (RO); Federale makers and prepare future actions in the field Overheidsdienst Justitie (BE); Internationaal Cen- of sport and detention. trum voor ethiek in de sport (BE); Agentschap voor de Bevordering van de Lichamelijke Ontwikkeling, Main project outcomes: de Sport en de openluchtrecreatie – BLOSO (BE); ■■ A SWOT analysis showing the possibilities for FROS Amateursportfederatie – FROS (BE); Open setting up cooperation between the sport sec- Stadion (BE) tor and the prison sector; ■■ A promotion film giving a picture about on the Duration: Total budget of the project: 253.880 € one hand the various facets of detention and 01/01/2011 – 30/06/2012 Of which maximum EU grant: 182.296 € on the other hand the different functions which sport can have within the detention system; Contact: Main project aims: ■■ An overview study of sport projects running in [email protected] ■■ Collect, share and analyse sport programmes European prisons. and social inclusion in the field of sport and Website: detention; ■■ Examine methodologies and strategies which build up the social competence of prisoners through sport; 34 20092010 PromotingFight against healthsocial doping inclusionand physical in and activity through sport Creating a Level Playing Field

European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation – ENGSO

Bulgarian Ski Federation – BSF (BG); European Main project aims: Duration: Network Against Racism (BE); Finnish Sports ■■ Exchange best practices in a sustainable man- 01/01/2011 – 30/04/2012 Federation – SLU (FI); German ner through peer learning among partner sport Confederation – DOSB (DE) LIKES – Foundation organisations and other organisations working Contact: for Sport and Health Sciences (FI); Norwegian in the field; [email protected] Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confed- ■■ Develop actions to promote social inclusion of eration of Sports – NIF (NO); Olympic Committee migrants in and through sport in their work Website: of Slovenia – association of sport federations programmes; (SI); Regional Government of Steiermark / Amt ■■ Create an analytical framework on the trans- der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung, Fach- ferability of best practice examples. abteilung 12C-Sportwesen – FA12C-Sportwesen (AT); Regional Ministry for Youth and Sports of Main project outcomes: Extremadura – CONS-JD (ES); Semmelweis Uni- ■■ Policy recommendations on social inclusion versity, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport through sport presented to decision-makers; Sciences (HU); UNITED for Intercultural Action (NL) ■■ A book of good practice and an analytical framework. Total budget of the project: 274.650 € Of which maximum EU grant: 219.720 € 20092010 35 PromotingPromoting social inclusion health andinFight and physical against through activity doping sport MIMoSA Migrants’ Inclusion Model through Sport for All

Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti – UISP

International Sport and Culture Association – ISCA Main project aims: (DK); Wiener Institut für internationalen Dialog ■■ Build a transnational network between sport und Zusammenarbeit – VIDC (AT); Deutscher organisations, national and local authorities, Turner-Bund – DTB (DE); Fundacion Red Deo- and universities; prte Y Cooperation – RED (ES); Foundation Policy ■■ Through exchange of experience and assess- Center for Roma and Minorities – PCRM (RO); ment of best practices, elaborate a model Fondazione 20 Marzo 2006 (post Olympic) (IT); of social inclusion and empowerment for Provincia di Gorizia – ProvGo (IT); Centro Region- migrants and other groups (refugees, asylum ale Contro le Discriminazioni del Servizio Politiche seekers, Roma, women refugees) based on per l’Accoglienza e l’Integrazione Sociale della sports, both mainstream and marginal; Duration: Regione Emilia-Romagna – CRAD (IT); Region ■■ Promote the empowerment of migrants in 01/03/2011 – 30/04/2012 TOSCANA (Italy); Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscirmi- sport. nazioni Razziali – UNAR (IT); Dirección General de Contact: Coordinación de Políticas Migratorias, Consejería Main project outcomes: [email protected] de Empleo, Junta de Andalucia (ES); University ■■ Publication of an Ethics and Corporate Respon- of Molise (IT); Taller de Antropología y Ciencias sibility Code; Website: Sociales Aplicadas (ES) ■■ Guidelines on social inclusion of migrants for sport associations and local authorities. Total budget of the project: 267.833 € Of which maximum EU grant: 214.267 € 36 20092010 PromotingFight against healthsocial doping inclusionand physical in and activity through sport Sport Inclusion Network (SPIN) Involving migrants in mainstream sport institutions Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation – VIDC

Camino – Werkstatt für Fortbildung, Praxisbeglei- Main project outcomes: Duration: tung und Forschung im sozialen Bereich gGmbH ■■ Increased networking and sharing of best 01/03/2011 – 30/04/2012 (DE); Unione Italiana Sport per tutti – Comitato practices among European and national sport Regionale Emilia Romagna – UISP (IT); Liikkukaa stakeholders on how to pro-actively involve Contact: org (FI); Football Association of Ireland – FAI (IE); migrants in and through sport; [email protected] Mahatma Gandhi Egyesulet (Mahatma Gandhi ■■ Greater awareness and knowledge about Human Rights Organisation) (HU); Sindicato dos appropriate methods among sport adminis- Website: Jogadores Profissionais de Futebol – SJPF (PT) trators on how to counter the social exclusion of migrants from associations and clubs; Total budget of the project: 272.964 € ■■ Transfer of knowledge from football to other Of which maximum EU grant: 218.372 € sports on mainstreaming intercultural action and equal opportunities policies; Main project aims: ■■ Establishment of migrant football teams and ■■ Promote the inclusion and involvement of initiatives including refugees and asylum migrants and other third-country nationals seekers to participate in regular leagues and (including refugees) across Europe through competitions. and in mainstream sport; ■■ Promote dialogue between long-standing sport institutions, migrant sport organisations and national/local authorities; ■■ Raise awareness about the problem of ethnic discrimination and racism in European sport and foster equal rights in sports.

38 20092010 PromotingFight against healthvolunteering doping and physical in sport activity European Cities for Volunteering in Sport

Association for the European Capital of Sport – ACES

Ayuntamiento de Puertollano (ES); Ayuntamiento Main project outcomes: Robledo de Chavela (ES); Comune di Busca (IT); ■■ Mapping of schemes and national policies, Comune di Loano (IT); Shannon Development funding and general structures promoting Ltd – Limerick (IE); Preston City Council (UK); Ant- and supporting volunteering in the countries werpen Sportstad vzw – Antwerp (BE); Municipality represented in the project; of Iasi (RO); North Lanarkshire Leisure Ltd (UK) ■■ Best practise guide that includes indicators to assess and benchmark the impact of national Total budget of the project: 230.000 € and local policies and actions on volunteering Of which maximum EU grant: 180.000 € at local level; ■■ Policy recommendations for the promotion and Main project aim: support of volunteering. Duration: ■■ Use the experience in supporting volunteering 01/03/2011 – 30/06/2012 of the cities and towns of the ACES network in order to define best practices and to dis- Contact: seminate them at European level. [email protected]

Website: 20092010 39 PromotingPromoting health volunteeringandFight physical against inactivity doping sport Dynamo Project Support to Volunteering Management in Sports Clubs

Vlaamse Sportfederatie VZW (VSF)

The Sports Council for Wales (UK); Liikkukaa org. Main project outcomes: (FI); Cyprus Sports Organisation (CY); Ministry of ■■ Recommendations for implementing a sustain- culture & tourism- Secretariat general of sport able European platform for management sup- (EL); Sport Unit, Ministry of Education, Science, port of board members of sports clubs; Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (SK); ■■ European network for management support to Snowpolis Ltd. (FI); Semmelweis University, Fac- sport by volunteers; ulty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (HU); ■■ A project website with information and practi- Landessportbund Brandenburg e.V. (DE) cal guidelines.

Total budget of the project: 206.052 € Of which maximum EU grant: 164.842 € Duration: Main project aim: 01/01/2011 – 30/06/2012 ■■ Foster exchanges of best practices regarding legal, fiscal, administrative, funding-related Contact: and other relevant aspects of managing [email protected] sports clubs within the EU by voluntary board members. Website: 40 20092010 PromotingFight against healthvolunteering doping and physical in sport activity EuroVolNet A network for developing voluntary competence in sport organisations

International Sport and Culture Association – ISCA

Sport et Citoyenneté (FR); Norwegian Olympic and of voluntary activity in sport, faced notably by Paralympic Committee (NO); University of Kent – actors involved in the management and run- Duration: Center for Sports Studies (UK); HSE – Community ning of national sport associations consisting 15/12/2010 – 15/06/2012 Games (IE); Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti – UISP of local sport structures. (IT); Deutscher Turner-Bund (DE); Estonian Sports Contact: Association JOUD (EE); Czech Sokol Organisations Main project outcomes: [email protected] (CZ); Union Francaise des Oeuvres Laiques et ■■ 11 new ”voluntary services“ action plans; d’Education Physique (FR); Scottish Association ■■ Volunteer Services Tutorial, including best Website: of Local Sports Councils (UK); Danish Gymnastics practices that can be used as a public resource and Sports Associations (DK); Czech Association for European sport organisations and stake- Sport for All – CASPV (CZ); Latvian Sports for All holder associations; Association – LTSA (LV); Netherlands Sports Alli- ■■ Partner recommendations for future actions ance (NL); Sports Union of Slovenia (SI) to further strengthen competences in volun- tary work. Total budget of the project: 223.801 € Of which maximum EU grant: 179.040 €

Main project aim: ■■ Foster the exchange of best practices regard- ing legal, fiscal, educative and political aspects 20092010 41 PromotingPromoting health volunteeringandFight physical against inactivity doping sport Training 4 Volunteers Mapping Strategies and Good Practices of Human Resource Development for Volunteers in Sports Organisations in Europe

Führungs-Akademie des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbundes e.V.

European Observatoire of Sport and Employment – Main project outcomes: EOSE; SkillsActive UK (UK); Centre for Sport, Health ■■ A comprehensive framework for Human and Civil Society, University of Southern Denmark Resources Development for Volunteers (HRDV) (DK); Bulgarian Sport Academy – NSA (BG); Lithu- including the individual, organisational and anian Academy of Physical Education – LAPE (LT); societal level; CONI – Scuola dello Sport-Servizi SpA (IT); Kunsill ■■ Guidelines and models of good practice to Malti ghall-iSport / Malta Sports Council – KMS improve human resource development pro- (MT); European Paralympic Committee – EPC (AT); grammes for volunteers; Duration: European Women and Sport – EWS (UK) ■■ A follow-up structure to monitor and promote 01/01/2011 – 30/06/2012 HRDV in sport in Europe; Total budget of the project: 205.577 € ■■ Mapping of the supply and priority setting of Contact: Of which maximum EU grant: 164.442 € HRDV within the sphere of sports organisations [email protected] and within the social and political environment. Main project aim: Website: ■■ Explore the current situation of education and training and the more comprehensive aspects of human resources development for volun- teers in sports 42 20092010 PromotingFightSPECIAL against EVENTS health doping and physical activity Changing Lives

Special Olympics Europe Eurasia Foundation

Total budget of the project: 7.500.000 € Main project activities: Duration: Of which maximum EU grant: 6.000.000 € ■■ Core competitions in 9 sports, Opening and 21/05/2010 – 31/12/2010 Closing Ceremonies; The main project aim was to organise the Special ■■ Test events for 2011 Special Olympics World Contact: Olympics European Summer Games in Warsaw, Summer Games, and for Opening and [email protected] Poland and to undertake essential preparations Closing Ceremonies; for the Special Olympics World Summer Games ■■ Specific sports programme (coach courses, Website: in Athens, Greece. A range of sporting, social seminars, conferences etc.); and community-based activities for people with ■■ Training of volunteers for Poland; intellectual disabilities from all over Europe was ■■ The Special Olympics 2010 European Youth provided. Specific aims were defined as follows: Summit (Athlete Leadership programme; Fam- ■■ Promote opportunities for people with intel- ily Support Network; Special Olympics Sympo- lectual disabilities to participate in sports; sium etc.); ■■ Promote social inclusion for people with intel- ■■ The Law Enforcement Torch Run; lectual disabilities; ■■ PR workshops for 27 programmes. ■■ Promote active citizenship in European societies; ■■ Create synergies with EU policies. 20092010 43 Promoting health andFight SPECIALphysical against EVENTSactivity doping European Youth Olympic Winter Festival 2011

Liberec Region

Total budget of the project: 2.606.580 € play, tolerance, solidarity, mutual understand- Of which maximum EU grant: 2.000.000 € ing and friendship; Duration: ■■ Motivate children and youth of all participating 1/09/2010 – 30/04/2011 The main project aim was to execute the European countries towards sporting activities. Youth Olympic Winter Festival (EYOWF) in Liberec, Contact: Czech Republic. Specific aims were defined as Main project activities: [email protected] follows: ■■ Programme of competitions and entertain- ■■ Present the European idea, the Liberec Region, ment called “Europe in the Heart of Europe” – the Czech Republic and Czech culture and hos- core competitions in 8 sport disciplines; pitality to all participating nations including ■■ Opening and Closing Ceremonies; Flower Cer- EU member states, accession countries and emonies after competitions; others; ■■ Olympic Village; ■■ Inclusion of population and volunteers, sports ■■ Accompanying school programme “VyCOOL environment, clubs and companies in the prep- se!” to encourage children to participate in arations and organisation; physical activity; ■■ Education of children and youth trough the ■■ Conference Europe – Youth – . additional educational programme for schools following the Olympic spirit and values: fair 44 20092011 PromotingPrevention healthof and andfight physical against activity violence and intolerance in sport ELYS Educational LABs for European Young Supporters

Regional Committee CONI – Lombardy

Commpact Europe (UK); Hellenic Regional Devel- Main project activities: Duration: opment Center (EL); GEDAZ, Gestão de Equipa- ■■ Preparation of common guidelines and mul- 1/01/2012 – 31/03/2013 mentos Desportivos de Azeméis (PT); Netherlands tilingual educational kits to carry out “Edu- Institute for Sport and Physical Activity (NL); NGO cational Laboratories” in project partners’ Contact: “My World” (BG); Romania National Institute for territories; [email protected] Sport Research (RO); Diputación Provincial de ■■ Organisation of local workshops and aware- Albacete; Cluster del Deporte de Extremadura (ES); ness raising campaigns with local schools, Website: Värmland Sport Federation (SE); Foundation for sport organisations and other stakeholders; Youth ELMI; Province of Milan (IT); Associazione ■■ Organisation of Educational LABs consisting of Comunità “Nuova Onlus (IT)’; Altropallone ASD 4 education units, lessons on sport, non-formal Onlus (IT); Adrenaline Alley; City Council education, creative working group, games and (UK) sport activities with young students, events and workshops with sport experts and testimonials; Total budget of the project: 250.000 € ■■ ELYS Transnational Open Days (ETO Days): Of which maximum EU grant: 200.000 € meetings and events to share experiences, to transfer best practices and disseminate the Main project aims: project materials and results. ■■ Prevent and fight against violence in sport through educational activities targeted to The main outcomes of this project young students; will be: ■■ Promote a renewed “culture of sport” based on ■■ ELYS Manual and common guidelines for true sport values (respect, fair play); implementing Educational Labs at local level; ■■ Promote sport as a vehicle for personal, ■■ 14 Educational LABs with participation of social and cultural growth, social cohesion schools and sport organisations and more than and inclusion. 3,000 youngsters involved in project activities. 20092011 45 PreventionPromoting of health and fight and physicalagainst activityviolence and intolerance in sport Prevention of sexualized violence in Sports

Deutsche Sportjugend im Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund e.V.

The Youth organisation of the European Non- Main project activities: Governmental Sports Organisation – ENGSO ■■ Create a transnational network of experts and Duration: Youth(DE); European University Sports Associa- organisations on the topic of the prevention of 01/01/2012 – 01/04/2013 tion – EUSA (SI); The Association of International sexualised violence in sports; Sport for All – TAFISA (DE); Eurochild (BE); Euro- ■■ Compile the status quo in several European Contact: pean Confederation of Modern Pentathlon (RU); countries and a catalogue of good practices [email protected] Fédération Internationale Catholique Education campaigning for an open dialogue regarding Physique et sportive – FICEP (AT); European the topic and gathering impulses for a Euro- Women and Sports – EWS (CY); Child protection pean sports policy; in Sports Unit (UK); European Paralympic Commit- ■■ Stage a European conference; tee – EPC (AT); European Basketball Federation – ■■ Draft and disseminate recommendations to FIBA Europe (DE) policy-makers in order to multiply the preven- tive measures. Total budget of the project: 254.435 € Of which maximum EU grant: 200.000 € Main project outcomes will be: ■■ Prevention of sexualised violence in sports by Main project aims: including and addressing the topic in policies, ■■ Awareness raising of the problem and sensitis- programmes and guidelines of local, national ing at all levels of the European sport structure; and European sports organisations; ■■ Create a sound foundation for the methodi- ■■ A formal European network to prevent sexu- cal elicitation of relevant data to capture the alised violence in sports; dimension of sexual harassment and abuse ■■ A catalogue of good practices on the preven- in sports. tion of sexualised violence in sports. 46 20092011 PromotingPrevention healthof and andfight physical against activity violence and intolerance in sport Pro Supporters Prevention through empowerment

Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation – VIDC

Football Supporters Europe e.V. (DE); Football Main project activities: Duration: Association of Ireland (IE); Irish Football Associa- ■■ Development of a Supporter’s Charter by an 01/03/2012 – 30/06/2013 tion (UK); University of Durham (UK); Franprojekt expert working group including football clubs Slovan Liberec, o.s. (CZ); Federation Internationale and associations and their fans to develop Contact: des Associations de Footballeurs Professionnels each other’s rights and obligations; [email protected] (NL); Loughborough University (UK) ■■ Development of a criteria catalogue by con- necting fan projects throughout Europe; Total budget of the project: 249.682 € ■■ 3 round tables with relevant stakeholders; Of which maximum EU grant: 199.745 € ■■ Organisation of a European seminar to pro- mote the findings of the project; Main project aims: ■■ A monitoring and evaluation brochure on the ■■ Develop social preventive measures and social outcomes of the project. dialogue to tackle football related violence and to address the underlying causes of violence Main project outcomes will be: and racism. ■■ Participating fan groups feel empowered to ■■ Fans’ empowerment to self-management and take self-regulation measures for fans by fans self-regulation measures, and become initiatives for creating or enhanc- ing a sustainable, positive football fan culture; ■■ Governing bodies are promoting actively dia- logue with fans as an integral means of pre- vention of violence & intolerance. © FSE (Football Supporters Europe) 20092011 47 PreventionPromoting of health and fight and physicalagainst activityviolence and intolerance in sport Pride in Sport Preventing & Fighting Homophobic Violence & Intolerance in Sport

European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation

Fédération Sportive Gaie et Lesbienne (FR); Sports ■■ Produce a series of fact sheets about Association Out in Slovenija (SI); Frankfurter Vol- LGBT exclusion from sport, violence and Duration: leyball Verein e.V. (DE); Atlasz LGBT Sport Associa- discrimination; 01/12/2011 – 30/03/2013 tion (HU); FARE Network (UK); Pride Sports (UK) ■■ “Against the Rules” Exhibition in London during the 2012 ; Contact: Total budget of the project: 199.769 € ■■ An Academic Colloquium “Sport and Homo- [email protected] Of which maximum EU grant: 159.815 € sexuals, Sport for Homosexuals: Models of Integration, Examples of Rejection”. Main project aims: ■■ Raise awareness and understanding of hom- Main project outcomes will be: ophobia and practice which discriminates ■■ An online educational “game” teaching young against lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and people about the value of diversity and inclu- transgender people in sport; sion in sport; ■■ Promote transnational networking and ■■ A good practice guide for challenging homo- exchange of good practices to challenge phobic violence and intolerance in sport; homophobic violence and intolerance in sport. ■■ Fact sheets for governing bodies of sport which highlight barriers to participation by lesbian, Main project activities: gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people ■■ Development of an online anti-discrimination in sport and offer practical solutions; education tool, designed for use by young peo- ■■ Increased awareness of participation in sport ple aged 11-16; by LGBT people throughout Europe. ■■ Provide funding for up to twenty local good practice initiatives; 48 20092011 PromotingPrevention healthinnovativeof and andfight approachesphysical against activity violence andto strengthen intolerance the in organisationsport of sport in Europe Sport 4 Good Governance

EU Office of the European Olympic Committees

European Non-Governmental Sport Organisa- Main project activities: Duration: tion (FR); The European Observatoire of Sport ■■ Peer review meetings to get in-depth knowl- 01/02/2012 – 30/06/2013 and Employment; Chaire Olympique Henri de edge on governance and good practices identi- Baillet-Latour et Jacques Rogge. U.C. Louvain; fied on the basis of a questionnaire; Contact: Scuola dello Sport – CONI (IT); German Sport ■■ A “Guide to Good Governance in Sport – how [email protected] University Cologne (DE); Führungs-Akademie des to implement” will give support to implement Deutschen Olympischen Sportbundes (DE); The good governance principles; Website: NOC and Sports Confederation of Denmark (DK); ■■ A questionnaire targeting national sports (CY); Estonian Olym- umbrella organisations and national sport pic Committee (EE); National Olympic Committee federations will collect relevant data on good of (HR); Slovak Olympic Committee (SK); governance systems and models of good Netherlands Olympic Committee* Netherlands practices. Sports Confederation (NL); Amt der Steiermärk- ischen Landesregierung, (AT) Main project outcomes will be: ■■ An overview of good governance systems in Total budget of the project: 249.998 € Europe including best practice examples; Of which maximum EU grant: 199.999 € ■■ An educational tool to implement good govern- ance principles in sport organisations. Main project aim: ■■ Analyse and elaborate on the Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance of the Olympic and Sports Movement. 20092011 49 PreventionPromotingPromoting of health and innovative fight and physicalagainst approaches activityviolence to strengthen the organisationand intolerance of sport in in Europe sport Good Governance in Grassroots Sports

International Sport and Culture Association – ISCA

Transparency International Deutschland e.V. (DE); Main project aim: Sports Union of Slovenia (SI); Association Sport et ■■ Increase the capacity of non-governmental Duration: Citoyenneté; Deutscher Turner-Bund (DE); Dan- grassroots sport organisations in Europe to 01/12/2011 – 31/03/2013 ish Gymnastics and Sports Associations (DK); SO govern in a transparent and accountable way. Europe Eurasia Foundation; Danish Institute for Contact: Sports Studies / Play the Game (DK); City Council Main project activities: [email protected] of Pärnu; Commune di Casalecchio di Reno; Fed- ■■ Training modules; eratia Romana Sportul pentru Toti; Estonian Sports ■■ Workshops; Association Joud (EE); Polisportiva G. Masi a.s.d.; ■■ Consultancy panel meeting sessions; Czech Sokol Organisation (CZ); Union Française ■■ A project kick-off meeting. des Œuvres Laïques d’Education Physique (FR); Unione Italiana Sport Per Tutti (IT); Department of Main project outcomes shall be: sport and health Sciences, Università degli studi ■■ 7 tangible deliverables; di Cassino; University of Wales Institute. Cardiff ■■ An organisational framework to continue pro- (UK); Semmelweis University. Faculty of Physical ject activities (training modules) in a sustain- Education and Sport Sciences (HU); Belfast City able way beyond the project life time. Council (UK); Union Barcelona of Association of Sport (ES)

Total budget of the project: 252.145 € Of which maximum EU grant: 200.000 € 50 20092011 PromotingPrevention healthinnovativeof and andfight approachesphysical against activity violence andto strengthen intolerance the in organisationsport of sport in Europe CoachNet The further development of a coordinated network for Sport Coaching in Europe

Leeds Metropolitan University

National Olympic Committee, Netherlands Sports ■■ Develop an interactive communication plat- Duration: Federation (NL); Suomen Ammattivalmentajat form for coaches to provide up-to-date infor- 01/01/2012 – 30/04/2013 SAVAL (FI); Confederação Portuguesa das Asso- mation on the latest developments in coaching; ciações de Treinadores PT); German Sport Univer- ■■ Identify best practice in the organisation and Contact: sity Cologne (DE); Hungarian Coaching Association representation of coaches at national and Ladislav Petrovic, l.petrovic@ (HU); Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et European levels; de la Performance (FR); Institute of Sport (PL); ■■ Examine models of best practice in the opera- Coaches Academy Cologne of the German Olym- tion of associations of coaches and of the inte- Website: pic Sports Confederation (DE); Consejo Nacional gration of coaches into the decision-making de Entrenadores Deportivos (ES); NLCoach (NL); and democratic structures at national and European Athletics Coaches Association (UK); European levels. Royal Spanish Tennis Federation (ES) Main project outcome will be: Total budget of the project: 241.704 € ■■ Reference points for the education and devel- Of which maximum EU grant: 193.364 € opment of sport coaches, as well as providing a focal point for representation, research and Main project aim: communication on sport coaching issues at the ■■ Establish a coherent and inclusive mechanism European level. for the coordination of sport coaching at the European level to include stakeholders in dif- ferent categories.

Main project activities: ■■ Establish a comprehensive mapping process to consolidate the current European Coaching Council network; 20092011 51 PreventionPromotingPromoting of health and innovative fight and physicalagainst approaches activityviolence to strengthen the organisationand intolerance of sport in in Europe sport Governance Foundation Project

European Rugby League Federation

Česká Asociace Rugby League (CZ); Rugby League Main project activities: Deutschland (DE); Federazione Italiana Rugby ■■ Seminars with all partners (mentors, learners); Duration: League (IT); Latvijas Regbija Ligas Federacija LV); ■■ Mentors will send qualified staff to their learner 01/03/2012 – 31/05/2013 Nederland Rugby League Bond (NL); Svensk Rugby partners to assist with their planning and League Förening (SE); League; execution of the general assembly and any Contact: Fédération Française de Rugby à XIII (FR); Wales subsequent meetings; [email protected] Rugby League; (UK); ■■ Utilise partnerships with football to explore (IE) and cultivate good governance, using a series of seminars, technical visits and on-line tutori- Total budget of the project: 129.791 € als and resources such as e-learning; Of which maximum EU grant: 103.831 € ■■ Membership audits.

Main project aim: Main project outcome will be: ■■ Disseminate best practice in the area of gov- ■■ Strengthen capacity building and elevating ernance throughout the membership of the learners from “bronze” to “gold” by project Rugby League European Federation by utilis- completion, which requires fulfilment of cer- ing a mentor-learner system among partners. tain criteria. 52 20092011 PromotingPrevention healthinnovativeof and andfight approachesphysical against activity violence andto strengthen intolerance the in organisationsport of sport in Europe Improving Football Governance through Supporter Involvement and Community Ownership

Supporters Direct

Vzw Eskabee 1935 (BE); Svenska Footballssup- ■■ Carry out a needs analysis to inform the pro- Duration: porterunionen (SE); Federación de Accionistas ject of needs of supporters” trusts/groups in 01/03/2012 – 30/06/2013 y socios del Fútbol Español (ES); Unsere Kurve relation to the governance of their clubs and (DE); Friends of the Rebel Army Society (IE); Asso- national associations; Contact: ciação de Adeptos Sportinguistas; A la nantaise, ■■ Organise workshops in six countries and a final Antonia Hagemann: antonia. l’association des amoureux du FC Nantes (FR); conference; [email protected] Unione italiana Sport per Tutti – Comitato Region- ■■ Publication and dissemination of eight national ale Emilia Romagna (IT); Coopératives Europe asbl tailored toolkits and a final report. (BE) Main project outcome will be: Total budget of the project: 253.159 € ■■ Eight toolkits providing practical, actionable Of which maximum EU grant: 202.527 € advice and guidance on increasing opportuni- ties for stakeholder participation at football Main project aim: clubs across Europe; ■■ Help building capacity on local, national and ■■ Benchmark for future developments in European levels; create strong partners in dia- good governance, policy development and logue with football governing bodies and other research in the field of supporter community stakeholders to improve good governance by involvement; democratic supporter involvement aligned with ■■ Increased capacity across partner countries EU values. and a stronger European network; ■■ Improved relationships with stakeholders. Main project activities: ■■ Exchange of experiences and assessment of best practices; 20092011 53 PreventionPromotingPromoting of health and innovative fight and physicalagainst approaches activityviolence to strengthen the organisationand intolerance of sport in in Europe sport Better Boards, Stronger Sport

Sport and Recreation Alliance

Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of ments of each corporate governance code Poland (PL); Estonian Olympic Committee (EE); produced in each partner country; Duration: Just (IE); Suomen Liikuntaja Urheilu ■■ A survey will be developed and used by each 01/12/2011 – 30/05/2013 SLU ry (FI); Nemezeti Sportszövetség (HU); Euro- partner to consult with sports organisations in pean Athlete as Students (UK) their country on the key features of an effec- Contact: tive board; [email protected] Total budget of the project: 157.275 € ■■ Each partner will identify and create case Of which maximum EU grant: 125.775 € study examples from each partner country with action points; Main project aim: ■■ A list of tools will be created that may help ■■ To provide sport organisations at all levels boards to achieve the features; with the resources to maintain, create and ■■ Dissemination of the results. develop effective boards. This will improve the organisation of sport in Europe and pro- Main project outcome will be: vide a platform for the development of future ■■ A “Better Boards Stronger Sport” Toolkit governance projects. designed and created by the sports movement across Europe containing: Main project activities: ■■ A list of key features of good sports boards; ■■ Identify and agree the key features and ■■ Case study examples from across Europe; requirements for an effective sports Board ■■ Resources & tools to help achieve the key across Europe; features. ■■ A country report will be created for each part- ner country, listing and explaining the require- 54 20092011 PromotingPrevention healthinnovativeof and andfight approachesphysical against activity violence andto strengthen intolerance the in organisationsport of sport in Europe Action for Good Governance in International Sports organisations

Danish Institute for Sports Studies / Play the Game

Research Institute for Work and Society Univer- Main project activities: sity of Leuven (BE); Utrecht University, School of ■■ Prepare a global index for good governance Governance (NL); Swiss Graduate School of Public in sport; Administration (CH); Institute of Sport and leisure ■■ Carry out a thorough empirical analysis of Policy, Loughborough University (UK); Institute of the state of governance in a wide range of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies organisations. at German Sport University Cologne (DE); Euro- pean Journalism Centre, Maastricht (NL); Faculty Main project outcomes will be: of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (SI) ■■ Guidelines for good governance in sport based on the best available knowledge and best Total budget of the project: 247.745 € practices; Of which maximum EU grant: 198.196 € ■■ A measuring tool which can be used by sports organisations themselves or by their stake- Main project aim: holders to discuss the governance standards Duration: ■■ Stimulate knowledge, awareness and public of the organisation; 01/01/2012 – 30/04/2013 debate about issues related to good govern- ■■ Frameworks for qualifying the ongoing pub- ance in sport through extensive use of the lic debate about sports governance in the EU, Contact: communication platforms of Play the Game through the media, stakeholder networking, [email protected] and its partners. educational activities, seminars and other events. Website: 20092011 55 PreventionPromotingPromoting of health and innovative fight and physicalagainst approaches activityviolence to strengthen the organisationand intolerance of sport in in Europe sport European Academy for Billiard Champions on the way to sport excellence

Bulgarian Billiard Federation

Polski Zwiazek Bilardowy (PL); Federatia Romana ■■ Create a European Youth “Billiard Academy of de Biliard – Poo (RO); Ceskomoravský billiardový Champions” as a structure that will continue to Duration: svaz (CZ); Slovenský billiardový svaz (SI); Para operate after the end of the project; 10/01/2012 – 09/01/2013 Sport Club (CH); Association “Social Initiative for ■■ Develop a manual on managing sports Personal Alternative’ organisations; Contact: ■■ Shoot an educational film; [email protected] Total budget of the project: 166.327 € ■■ Promote the results achieved through an aca- Of which maximum EU grant: 133.061 € demic internet platform for exchanging experi- ence and sharing of results. Main project aim: ■■ Establish a pilot model for improving the Main project outcomes will be: organisational and institutional capacity of ■■ Project participants will acquire skills for bet- sport organisations in less popular sports ter management and will learn proven best by building a transnational network for the practices in joint seminars; exchange of best practices and innovative ■■ A sustainable European Youth “Billiard Acad- organisational approaches in the field of emy of Champions” will be created; billiard. ■■ An educational film “How to develop a suc- cessful sports organisation?” will be produced; Main project activities: ■■ A manual on “Innovative approaches and best ■■ Conduct joint seminars where project partici- practices in managing sports organisations” pants will acquire skills for better management will be developed. and will learn proven best practices; 56 20092011 PromotingPreventionSPECIAL EVENTS healthof and andfight physical against activity violence and intolerance in sport Changing Lives

Special Olympics Europe Eurasia Foundation

Total budget of the project: 5.000.000 € ■■ Global Youth Summit, bringing together 30- Duration: Of which maximum EU grant: 4.000.000 € 35 youth pairs, ranging from ages 12 to 17; 14/04/2011 – 31/12/2011 ■■ School Enrichment Programme to develop Main project aim: among pupils a positive attitude towards peo- Contact: ■■ Organise the Special Olympics World Summer ple with intellectual disabilities; [email protected] Games in Athens, Greece. ■■ Family Forum to enable family members to connect with each other; Website: Main project activities: ■■ Global Policy Summit to discuss the challenges ■■ Competitions in 21 Olympic-type sports, Open- and opportunities for full inclusion of people ing and Closing Ceremonies with intellectual disabilities; ■■ Μotor Activity Training Programme – non-com- ■■ Special Olympics Festival – a series of cultural petitive programme that aims to improve the events. physical abilities of the participants through circuit training; 20092011 57 PreventionPromoting of health and fight and SPECIAL physicalagainst EVENTSactivityviolence and intolerance in sport RESPECT Euro 2012 Youth Initiative / Eurocamp

■■ Promote networking among local organisations 2012 working in the field of Development through Duration: Streetfootballworld Football. 1/12/2011 – 28/02/2013 gGmbH Main project activities: Contact: ■■ A preparatory meeting that will allow involved [email protected] Total budget of the project: 553.909 € youth to take responsibility and ownership of Of which maximum EU grant: 384.000 € the planned activities; Website: ■■ Eurocamp 2012 including an international Main project aims: youth camp on topics such as social inclusion, ■■ Promote integration and diversity by provid- intercultural dialogue, youth leadership, par- ing structured opportunities for intercultural ticipation as well as health; dialogue, team building and shared learning; ■■ A streetfootball tournament using the “Foot- ■■ Develop young leaders by letting them effec- ball3” methodology, which is designed to fos- tively design and run the Eurocamp 2012; ter social inclusion, intercultural exchange and conflict prevention. 58 2012 Fight against match-fixing Keep Rugby Onside: Promoting Integrity in Rugby

International Rugby Board

Fédération Internationale de Rugby Amateur - and women’s game, coaches, referees, match Association Européenne de Rugby(FIRA-AER); officials and administrators) on the threats Féderation Française de Rugby (FR); Nederlandse posed by match-fixing, corruption and illegal Rugby Bond (NL); Federação Portuguesa de Rugby gambling; (PT); Deutscher Rugby Verband (DE); Česká Rug- ■■ Recognise approaches, understand reporting byová Unie (CZ) mechanisms, disciplinary procedures and how Private third party providing co-financing: to get help in case of suspicion about the integ- Six Nations Rugby Ltd. (IE) rity of a match.

Total budget of the project: 100.000 € Specific Objectives: Of which maximum EU grant: 60.000 € ■■ Engagement of key stakeholders from the Duration: European Rugby family to maximise the 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2013 Main project aims: awareness, reach and impact of the match- ■■ Prevent match-fixing in Rugby through gener- fixing prevention activities through www.irbin- Contact: ating awareness amongst Rugby stakeholders; [email protected] and the education of identified groups (includ- ■■ Sharing of best-practices. ing elite and youth players, from the men’s Website: 2012 59 Fight against match-fixing Educating European Elite Athletes about Match Fixing

European Elite Athletes Association (EU Athletes)

Associazione Italiana Sciatori (IT); Associazione Specific Objectives: Italiana Rugbysti (IT); Giocatori Italiani Basket ■■ Teaching more than 16,000 professional and Duration: Associati (IT); Associazione Italiana Pallavolisti young or in-training athletes about their sports 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 (IT) ; Asociacion Baloncestistas Profesionales (ES); rules regarding betting and match fixing; Asociación de Jugadores de Balonmano (ES); Aso- ■■ Training the trainers responsible for the face Contact: ciación de Jugadores de Fútbolsala (ES); Asso- to face education of players; Contact: [email protected] ciassion des Ciclistas Professionales (ES) ; Irish ■■ Teaching athletes about the issues surround- Rugby Union Player Association (IE); Gaellic Play- ing match fixing with a particular emphasis Website: ers Association (IE); The Rugby Players Association on the abuse of inside information and how (UK); Professional Players Federation Ltd, (UK); to recognise and report a suspect approach; Professional Cricketers’ Association (UK); Union ■■ Specific Training delivered to young athletes; Nationale des Cyclistes Professionnels (FR); Asso- ■■ Implementation of an addiction survey with ciation des Joueurs Professionnels de CRJE research center (FR); (FR); Union Nationale des Footballeurs Profession- ■■ Publication of a revised EU Athletes Code of nels (FR); Syndicat National des Basketteurs (FR); Conduct on Sports Betting for players. Provale (FR); Handbold Spiller Foreningen (DK); Latvian Trade Union of Sport and Tourism (LV); Sindikat športnikov Slovenije (SI); Deutsche Bas- ketball Spielervereinigung, (DE); Gemeinschaftli- che Organisation Fur Alle Lizenzhandballer in Deutschland e.V (DE); Svenska Basketspelares Intresseförening (SE) ; Swedish Icehockey Player Association (SE) ; NL Sporter (NL); Hellenic Profes- sional Players Association (EL); Lietuvos krepšinio profesiniu sąjunga „solidarumas” (LT); Private third party providing co-financing : European Gaming and Betting Association (BE); European Sport Security Association (BE); Remote Gambling Association (UK).

Total budget of the project: 498.741 € Of which maximum EU grant: 231.741 €

Main project aim: ■■ Help fight match fixing in Europe by educating elite European athletes about the issues sur- rounding match fixing. 60 2012 Fight against match-fixing Don’t fix it! An education & prevention programme


PFA Scotland, Panhellenic Professional Footbal Specific Objectives: Duration: Players Association Short, SPINS, Asociatia Fot- ■■ Raise awareness of dangers of match fixing 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 balistilor Amatori si Nonamatori, Birkbeck College amongst players, referees, officials and admin- Sports Business Centre, Professional Footballers’ istrators in professional football Contact: Association, NISO, Jallkapallon Pellaajayhdistys ■■ Increase the ability of people involved in [email protected] RY, HLSZ, Associazione Italiana Calciatori professional football to take effective action Private third party providing co-financing: against match fixing; Website: Union of European Football Associations, ■■ Establish strong and relevant networks at national and European levels to take the lead don-t-fix-it/about-don-t-fix-it in the fight against match fixing. Total budget of the project: € 299.126,00 Of which maximum EU grant: € 179.166 Some results: ■■ Questionnaire amongst players (2100). The Main project aim: outcome formed basis for further steps. ■■ Reduce the incidence of match-fixing and the ■■ No one size fits all was applicable, specifi- potential for match fixing in professional foot- cally with regard to education modules and ball in Europe. reporting tools. ■■ Player unions developed therefore different reporting tools ■■ Each partner organised a national task force with relevant stakeholders to discuss the fight against match fixing and per coun- try a tailor made campaign was developed. ■■ On the European Level a joint working group was formed with representatives from UEFA, ECA, EPFL and FIFPro to work together on an action plan. ■■ FIFPro introduced a Code of Conduct which was adopted by the stakeholder. This Code of Conduct will be distributed in Europe and will be applicable to anyone in professional football ■■ A good practice guide was made and pub- lished at the concluding conference in Lubljana, Slovenia. 2012 61 Fight against match-fixing Building national networks to fight against match-fixing

Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques

SportAccord, Switzerland (CH); European Non-Gov- ■■ Integrate public authorities in the prevention ernmental Sports Organisation (FR), France; Sport of match-fixing. Duration: et Citoyenneté (FR); University of Salford (UK); De 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 Lotto (NL); Veikkaus Oy (FI); Sazka (CZ); Santa Specific Objectives: Casa (PT); Szerencsejatek zrt (HU); Hrvatska Lutrija ■■ Raise awareness and inform the sport authori- Contact: (HR); Nationale Loterij (BE); Française des Jeux ties about the risks linked to sports betting and [email protected] (FR); Lotto Hessen (DE); Lotto Niedersachsen (DE). match-fixing and about measures that can be Private third party providing co-financing: implemented to protect sports integrity; Website: The European Lotteries, Switzerland ■■ Receive information about national contexts and existing initiatives in every country, in analysis/en-sport-national-seminars. Total budget of the project: € 405.015 order to identify and compare good practices, php Of which maximum EU grant: € 275.015 and prepare possible future harmonized poli- cies at EU level; Main project aims: ■■ Create a plate-form for a national dialogue ■■ Mobilise the entire sports sector in the preven- with all relevant stakeholders: sports authori- tion of match-fixing; ties, law-enforcement, and the betting sector. 62 2012 Fight against match-fixing Staying on side: How to stop match-fixing Transparency International

Transparency International (UK), Transparency Specific Objectives: Duration: International Italia (IT), Transparency Interna- ■■ To establish partnerships between leading 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 tional Deutschland (DE), Transparency Interna- anti-corruption organisations and professional tional Greece (EL), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa football leagues as well as other relevant Contact: (PT), Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociolo- stakeholders in six EU Member States and at [email protected] gia (PT), “Transparency International” Lithuanian the European level; Chapter (LT) ■■ To raise awareness among key stakehold- Website: Private third party providing co-financing: ers (officials of national football leagues and Association of European Professional Football federations, clubs, players, referees, coaches, whatwedo/activity/staying_ Leagues, (CH), DFL Deutsche Fussball Liga (DE) heads of youth academies, technical staff, the on_side_education_and_ media, supporters, etc.) and the general pub- prevention_of_match_fixing Total budget of the project: € 486.447 lic about match-fixing and the risks and costs Of which maximum EU grant: € 291.868 associated with it; ■■ To pilot existing and develop new approaches Main project aims: and good practice in preventing and tackling ■■ To advance the fight against match-fixing in match-fixing in six EU Member States and at Europe by helping protect the values of fair European level; play, integrity and good sportsmanship in ■■ To develop and test materials (flyers, bro- football. chures), tools and models for country-specific workshops to train officials of national foot- ball leagues and federations, clubs, players, coaches, heads of youth academies, technical staff and referees in how to avoid being part of match-fixing. 63

2012 63 Promotion of physical activity supporting active ageing Active Age – Capacity building for physical activity programs for aging people Deutscher Turnerbund

International Sport and Culture Association (DK); ■■ Model and example for a SWOT analyse of Finnish Gymnastics Federation (FI); Okra Sport, internal preconditions for the implementation 55+ (BE); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES); of strategy plans for the promotion of physical Czech Association Sport for All (CZ); Union Fran- activities for older people. çaise des Oeuvres Laiques d'Education Physique ■■ Self-assessment tool of strategy plans and (FR); Sport Union of Slovenia (SI); Deutscher implementation proceedings. Contact: Olympischer Sportbund (DE); Friedrich-Alexander- ■■ Preparation for the creation of a European [email protected] Universität Erlangen-Nümberg (DE); Sportamt Platform for Active Aging in Sport (EPAAS) Frankfurt am Main (DE); Unione Italiana Sport Per ■■ Recommendations for recruiting and retaining Website: Tutti — Comitato Regionale Emilia (IT); Vlaamse of instructors for physical activities for older Sportfederatie (BE). people. gymwelt/active-age Private third party providing co-financing: ■■ Recommendations for the education of instruc- Generali Versicherung AG, Muenchen (DE) tors for physical activities for older people (based on EQF standards). Total budget of the project: 140.030,00 ■■ Differentiation and description of different tar- Of which maximum EU grant: €84.000 get groups of older people. ■■ Quality criteria for exercise programs for older Main project aims: people. is a transnational project that fos- ■■ Good practice examples for target group ters the exchange of knowledge and experience related exercise programs. to counteract the physical inactivity of elderly people through capacity building for physical activities and sport programs of aging people in well-structured and wide-spread settings, with the starting point in sport-organisations.

Specific Objectives: ■■ Collection of good practice examples for con- cepts/strategies/projects designed for promo- tion of physical activities for older people in sport organisations. ■■ Guidelines to create and implement strategic plans for the promotion of physical activities and sport for older people. 64

64 2012 Promotion of physical activity supporting active ageing Fit for Life Europe a local HEPA Framework for elderly in European cities & regions State Capital Stuttgart

Università di Bologna (IT); Regional Government of Extremadura General (ES); City of Rotterdam Duration: (NL); City of Warsaw Recreation (PL); City of Limo- 01/01/2013 to 31/03/2014 ges (FR) Private third party providing co-financing: Contact: Robert Bosch Stiftung (DE); Dengler-Wender-Stif- info(at), tung (DE); Celesio AG (DE); Volksbank Stuttgart [email protected] eG (DE); Otto F. Scharr-Stiftung (DE); Reinhardt- Laich-Fonds (DE) Website: http://www.citiesforsports. Total budget of the project: € 300.000 eu/senior-citizens/fit-for-life- Of which maximum EU grant: € 180.000 europe.html Main project aim: ■■ Encourage physical activity and an active life- style among the older people in our European cities and regions; ■■ Provide a framework for municipalities and other organisations for the practical imple- mentation of physical activity promotion through the publication HEPA handbook “Physi- cal activity promotion of older people in Euro- pean cities”.

Specific objectives ■■ Perform an analysis in each partner city, focusing on best practice research and benchmarking; ■■ Collect best practice examples and practical ideas (tools) on physical activity promotion among elderly at local level as a basis for local action plans in European cities; ■■ Implement a pilot action in each city; ■■ Produce and distribute the HEPA Handbook “physical activity promotion of older people in European cities”. 65

2012 65 Promotion of physical activity supporting active ageing Get Physical - Get up, get out, get moving Sport Initiative et Loisir Bleu

NCEF (IE); Institut de ľenvelliment (ES); Netwell adults the means and the will to practice physi- centre CASALA (IE); Inef (ES); Nutricia Portugal cal activity safely. (PT); NEOXIA (FR); GYMSANA (BE); Siel Bleu (IE); Duration: Fundación siel bleu (ES), Fundación Catalunya Specific Objectives: 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 Caixa (ES). ■■ Give over 60s the means to regularly “get up, Private third party providing co-financing : get out, get moving”; Contact: Nutricia advanced medical nutrition (FR) ■■ Create a social network on active ageing and [email protected] physical activity s promotion; Total budget of the project: 298.286 ■■ Create an ecosystem of prescribers, service Of which maximum EU grant: 171.086 EUR providers and beneficiaries for more interac- tion amongst active ageing stakeholders. Main project aims: ■■ Increase the independence and quality of life of older adults through a novel holistic web- based platform & social network giving older 66

66 2012 Promotion of physical activity supporting active ageing WAP - walking people, it is never too late to start Comune di Firenze, Assessorato allo Sport

Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne (FR); Main project aims: Duration: Madrid Salud Instituto de Salud Pública (ES); ■■ Promoting the active and healthy ageing of 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 Mestna obcina Nova Gorica, (SI); City of Dresden EU citizens; (DE); UniTS - Università del Terzo Settore Pisa (IT) ■■ Improving people’s health and quality of life, Contact: Private third party providing co-financing: particularly for older people. [email protected] Virgin Active Italia (IT); ATAF (IT); Centrale del Latte di Firenze, Pistoia e Livorno (IT); Universo Specific Objectives: Sport (IT); BIX (DE); Soske elektrarne (SI); Fun- ■■ Collect information on the existing Walking dación AstraZeneca (ES); Paths in the participating cities and collection of good practices at EU level; Total budget of the project: € 163.000 ■■ Activate several adapted walking paths in each Of which maximum EU grant: € 97.500 of the cities participating to the project; ■■ Help to prevent functional decline and frailty by following a Life Course Perspective Approach developing specific programmes targeted to all stages of life and aimed at the prevention and management of chronic diseases. 67

2012 67 Awareness-raising about effective ways of promoting sport at municipal level Promoting urban sports for all Comunità Nuova ONLUS

Municipality Nova Gorica, (SI); Bulgarian Masters Main project aims: Federation, (BG); Centro de Iniciativas Empre- ■■ Create a transnational partnership of Munici- sariais e Sociais, (PT); Bilbao Kirolak,Instituto palities, local authorities and organisations Municipal De Deportes,(ES); Municipiul Iaşi, (RO); operating in the field of sports at municipal Institutul National de Cercetare pentru Sport (RO);; level, for developing, sharing experiences and SANG,, Praha (CZ); Komunikujem. Praha (CZ); Bel- testing innovative approaches (Municipality fast City Council (UK); Municipality of Milano (IT); Action Plans) for promoting sports in local Associazione di Promozione Sociale Play More! communities and for strengthening the vis- (IT); HRDC Hellenic Regional Development Center, ibility of the role of sports for social welfare Duration: (EL); Cork Institute of Technology, (IE). and local development. 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 Private third party providing co-financing: SISAL SpA, Milano, (IT);SS-2001 PLC, (BG); Pre- Specific Objectives: Contact: vium consultoria Mortagua, (PT); EBA - Formacao ■■ Promote sports for all citizens and encourage [email protected] Professional LDA, Mortagua (PT); Sport Studio Ser- the participation of all citizens in sport vicios Deportivos S.L., Bilbao (ES);; Sportlines (CZ); ■■ and physical activities; Website: Q-Selva Industries (RO); Soske Elektrarne Nova ■■ Raise awareness about the roles and values of Gorica (SI); Emporio Net (GR); Munster Rugby (IE) sport for social development and strengthen promoting-urban-sports-for-all- the visibility of sports opportunities for all; pro-us-all/ Total budget of the project: €240.000 ■■ Promote cooperation and develop local part- Of which maximum EU grant: €144.000 nership among local authorities and sports stakeholders for promoting sports at local level. 68

68 2012 Awareness-raising about effective ways of promoting sport at municipal level Sports for all: European Cities of Sport for promoting sport activities for citizens ACES Europe

Charleroi City Council (BE), Comune di Cremona Main project aims: (IT), Guimarães City Council (PT), Municipality of ■■ Raise awareness about initiatives to promote Duration: the City Ostrava (CZ), Municipality of Iasi (RO), sport and physical activity both at EU and local 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 Municipality of Krakow (PL), Shannon Develop- level ment Ltd (IR), North Lanarkshire Leisure Ltd. (UK), Contact: Fundación Deportiva Municipal de Valencia (ES), Specific Objectives: eduardo.balekjian@aces- Municipality of Viterbo (IT). ■■ Publish a booklet about best practices for Private third-party: promoting sport amongst local policy makers; Movimento Sportivo Popolare (IT), Tempo Livre, ■■ Formulate policy recommendations for the CIPRL (PT), Association “Municipal Student Sport promotion of sport at municipal level. Club” of Iasi (RO), IMESAPI S.A., Valencia (ES), Rete Europea dell’Innovazione – REDINN, Brussels (BE).

Total budget of the project: € 400.000 Of which maximum EU grant: € 240.000 69

2012 69 Awareness-raising about effective ways of promoting sport at municipal level Active network: European Municipalities and Sport Organisations in partnership International Sport and Culture Association - ISCA

Romanian Federation Sport for All (RO), Municipal- Specific Objectives: ity of Falticeni (RO), Unione Italiana Sport Per Tutti ■■ Increase the know-how and promotion of Duration: (IT), Municipality of Florence (Comune di Firenze) citizens’ participation in sport via partner- 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 - Sport Department (IT), Cyprus Sports Organisa- ships between sport organisations and local tion (CY), Larnaka Municipality (CY), StreetGames authorities; Contact: UK Ltd (UK), Birmingham City Council, Sport and ■■ Build capacities in project partner organisations [email protected] Healthy Lifestyles Team (UK), Estonian Sports to deploy more effective partnerships between Association Joud (EE), City of Pärnu (EE), Insti- sport organisations and local authorities; Website: tuto Provincial del Deporte de Castellón, (ES), Club ■■ Raise awareness and establish the network on Deportivo Marato I Mitja Castello-Penyagolosa effective promotion of citizens’ participation in (ES), Clydesdale Sports Council (UK), Madeira Sport sport via partnerships between sport organisa- for all Association (PT), City Hall of Funchal (PT), tions and local authorities. Union Française des Oeuvres Laïques d’Education Physique (FR), HSE Community Games (IR), South County Sports Partnership (IR), Lithuanian Country Sport and Culture Association NEMUNAS (LT), Zarasai district municipality administration (LT), Latvian Sport for All Association (LV), Slovak Sport For All Association (SK), Schwäbischer Turn- erbund (DE), UBAE (ES).

Private third party providing co-financing: Danish Gymnastics and Sports Association (DK).

Total budget of the project: € 334.407 Of which maximum EU grant: € 200.000

Main project aims: ■■ Test and create a sustainable European net- work of municipalities and sport organisations focused on increasing citizens’ participation in sport. 70

70 2012 Awareness-raising about effective ways of promoting sport at municipal level SportCityNet The Association for International Sport for All - TAFISA

Netherlands Institute for Sport and Physical Specific Objectives: Duration: Activity (NL), Ministry of Sport and Tourism (PL), ■■ Raise awareness about the physical, personal 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 Finnish Sport For All Association (FI, In Finnish: and social benefits of active living in cities and Suomen Kuntoliikuntaliitto ry), Cultural and Sci- communities among Europeans; Contact: entific Association of Tourism, Leisure and Sport ■■ Support local authorities and sport organi- Studies (ES), Gerlev P.E.& Sports Academy (DK), sations with knowledge and best practices National Olympic Committee of Denmark (DK), regarding effective ways to increase the level Website: Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude (PT), of physical activity at a municipal level; Latvian Sport for All Association (LV), Bulgarian ■■ Establish practical methods and instruments Sport For All Association (BG), Hungarian Leisure for identification and recognition of the key Sports Association (HU). success areas of active cities and communities; Private third party providing co-financing: ■■ Exchange of knowledge and best practice Ball Packaging Europe Holding GmbH & Co. KG regarding successful policies and initiatives (DE), Suomen Kunto ja Virkistys Oy (FI). undertaken at the municipal level focused on promoting sport among citizens; Total budget of the project: € 150.000 ■■ Build a network of European active cities and Of which maximum EU grant: € 90.000 communities, thereby strengthening the rela- tionship between European nations and the Main project aims: European Sport for All Movement; ■■ Improve life quality in European cities and ■■ Provide the European cities and communities communities by increasing awareness, shar- with a system of certificates and awards for ing knowledge about, and providing practical innovative approaches and best practices in tools for, the promotion of Sport for All and the field of promoting Sport for All. physical activity. 71

2012 71 Awareness-raising about effective ways of promoting sport at municipal level Promoting social inclusion through sport Municipality of Prato

Megálló Csoport Alapítvány Szenvedélybetegekért Main project aims: (HU), Associação para a Promoção do Desenvolvi- ■■ Promote social inclusion of disabled peoples mento Sustentável (PT), Initiative zur sozialen through sport activities. Rehabilitation e.V. (DE), Andalusian Public Foun- dation for Social Integration of the People with Specific Objectives: Duration: Mental disorders (ES), Handi Jobs (CZ), NGO “My ■■ Develop and disseminate standards for acces- 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 World” (BG), Office Cantonal des Sports de Redon sibility of sport, leisure and recreation organi- (FR), Oxford City Council (UK). sations, activities, events and venues through Contact: Private third party providing co-financing : the European Disability Strategy; [email protected] Amatori Rugby Prato asd (IT), Valtó-sáv Alapítvány ■■ Promote the participation of people with dis- (HU), Companhia de Ideias - Media, Lda, (PT), Aso- abilities in European sporting events as well as Website: ciatíon Española Deportiva Para la Integración y the organisation of disability-specific events; la Recuperación (ES), Education & Training centre ■■ Raise awareness of policy makers responsi- s.r.o, (CZ), EUROIMPEX Ltd (BG), Faurecia Automo- ble for sport policies, sport stakeholders, social tive seating (FR), Streets Revolution CIC (UK). operators and citizens on the issue of sport as a main mean to promote social inclusion of Total budget of the project: € 315.000 disabled people. Of which maximum EU grant: € 189.000 72

72 2012 Trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States Fireball Europe ŠKL

KRONA športna akdemija/Sportakademie,(AT); Specific Objectives: Duration: American Football Verband Deutschland (DE); ■■ Set up a regional network of youth organisa- 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 Zveza Slovencev na Madžarskem - Magyarországi tions, schools and grass-organisations able to Szlovének Szövetsége (HU);Združenje slovenskih transfer successful practices to promote sport Contact: športnih društev (IT) activity among school children; [email protected] Private third party providing co-financing: ■■ Organise 13 regional cross-border competi- Ferrero d.o.o.(HR); T-2 d.o.o (SI) tions for school-children; Website: ■■ Promote the values of tolerance, fair-play, Total budget of the project: € 262.759 equal opportunities, intercultural dialogue and Of which maximum EU grant: € 157.000 social inclusion through the rules of the game and side events of the competitions; Main project aims: ■■ Give schools an opportunity to support and ■■ Promote healthy sport activity among school promote physical activity in a school environ- children in participating countries; ment outside of school curriculum; ■■ enhancing health through physical activity; ■■ collaboration among schools and sports pro- ■■ prevention against violence and intolerance; moters in the region established, knowledge ■■ enhancing the role of sport in education and best practices of promotion of grass-roots and training; sports exchanged among partners, schools, ■■ promoting volunteering and active citizen- mentors, trainers; ship through sport; ■■ sustainable structures, which will enable fur- ■■ using the potential of sport for social inclu- ther widening of the network of sports promot- sion, integration and equal opportunities. ers in the region, set up. 73

2012 73 Trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States Running competitions in the cross-border region The Institute for Eastern Studies

Ultra Marathon (FR); Association of Interna- Main project aims: tional Marathons and Distance Races (EL); Mat- ■■ Development of sustainable running competi- ters Human (MT); Kulturne a turisticke centrum tions on the Polish-Slovak border Bardejov (SK) Private third party providing co-financing: Specific Objectives: ORLEN SA (PL); PZU SA(PL); PGNiG SA (PL); Fakro ■■ Improve the professional organisation of inter- sp. Z o.o (PL) national mass running competitions; ■■ Support intercultural events and experiences - Total budget of the project: € 110.000 conferences, intercultural side events - during Of which maximum EU grant: € 66.000 the running competitions.

Duration: 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014

Contact: [email protected]

Website: 74

74 2012 Trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States Let’s Pull Together! Latvijas Virves Vilksnas Federacija

Estonian Tug of War Federation (EE); Hungarian Main project aims: Duration: Tug Of War Sport Association (HU); Lithuanian tug ■■ Promote Tug of War as a vehicle for profes- 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 of war federation (LT); KIME Training & Promotion sional and personal growth, social inclusion Center (PL) and transcultural understanding between Contact: Private third party providing co-financing: youths with different backgrounds. [email protected] LLC Cinevilla Studio, (LV) Specific Objectives: Website: Total budget of the project: € 155.669 ■■ Exchange good practice examples between Tug Of which maximum EU grant: € 93.401 of War organisations; ■■ Train 150 volunteers, organisers and referees. 75

2012 75 Trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States Football² - international youth football and education Deutsch-Tschechische Fussballschule e.V.

Football Association of Czech Republic (CZ); Lithu- Main project aims: anian Football Federation (LT); Latvian Football ■■ Promote respect, fair play and gender equality; Federation (LV); Slovak Football Association (SK); ■■ Promote intercultural learning and friendship Estonian Football Association (EE); Goethe Institut through football. e.V (DE) Private third party providing co-financing : Specific Objectives: Commerzbank (DE); REHAU AG+Co (DE); INGO ■■ Create a sustainable European network on Casino a.s. - Restaurant Goethe (CZ); SIA INNOVA good-practices in cross-border youth football; (LV); JAB „V.Butkevičius ir kompanija (LT); Erich ■■ Install work-groups and providing practical NETZSCH GmbH & Co. Holding (DE); PRETO spol. information on all relevant topics for cross- s.r.o.(SK) border events; ■■ Develop sustainable grassroots competitions Total budget of the project: € 237.245 in neighbouring regions; Of which maximum EU grant: € €142.347 ■■ Raise awareness for intercultural understand- ing across borders in Central and Eastern Europe.

Duration: 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014

Contact: [email protected]

Website: 76

76 2012 Trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States European Para Snow Sport Youth Circuit International Paralympic Committee e.V.

European Paralympic Committee (AT); Play and Main project aims: Train Association (ES); Center Slepih Ŝportnikov ■■ Allow the European Paralympic Movement a Vidim Cilj (SI); Netherlands Ski Federation (NL); sustainable and holistic development of a first- Deutscher Behindertensportverband – NPC Ger- time Snow Sport Youth Circuit with related edu- many (DE); Freewhite Ski Team (IT); cation and awareness-raising opportunities. Private third party providing co-financing: Atos SE; Agitos Foundation (DE): Global Sports Specific Objectives: Development Foundation (US) ■■ Create a network of sustainable competitions at grass-root levels for youngsters with a dis- Total budget of the project: € 295.789 ability. Provide winter sports and education Of which maximum EU grant: € 175.000 programmes; ■■ Grow a future generation of Paralympic winter sports athletes; ■■ Grow a generation of children – with whatever disability – practicing winter sports.

Duration: 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014

Contact: [email protected]

Website: youth-snow-circuit 77

2012 77 Trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States European Street Soccer Cup DGI

StreetGames UK Ltd, (UK) Union Française des Specific Objectives: Œuvres Laïques d’Education Physique (FR); Unione ■■ Train volunteers on the various aspects of Duration: Italiana Sport per tutti (IT); Straatvoetbalbond organising sport events; 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2014 Vlaanderen (BE); International Sport and Culture ■■ Create a team of Street Volunteers responsible Association (DK); Brandenburgischer Sport Jugend for the implementation of the competitions; Contact: (DE) ■■ Organise several European Street Soccer cups. [email protected] Private third party providing co-financing : Sportizon (BE) Website: Total budget of the project: € 232.966 en Of which maximum EU grant: € 139.700

Main project aims: ■■ Strengthen the cross-border voluntary capacity to carry out grass root sports competitions; ■■ Foster youth mobility and natural friendships between EU countries. 78

78 2012 SPECIAL EVENTS European Youth Olympic Winter Festival (EYOWF) BRASOV 2013

Total Budget: €3.830.311 Project Activities: Duration: EU Grant: €500.000 ■■ The Opening and Closing Ceremonies on the 01Nov2012 – 28Feb2013 model of the Olympic Games, covered live by The members of the Organizing Committee of the main national TV channel, including the Contact: EYOWF-Brasov2013: message of the EU Commissioner for Educa- [email protected] ■■ The Municipality of Brasov City (RO) as the tion, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth competition host city ■■ Daily competitions in 8 sports Website: ■■ The Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee ■■ Daily Medal Award Ceremonies and other cul- ( ■■ The City Halls of Predeal and Rasnov (RO), the tural events, organized in the “Medal Plaza” eyowf2013) other cities involved of the Athletes’ Village Area (Poiana Brasov) ■■ The Romanian Ski-Biathlon Federation ■■ Additional events and leisure time activities ■■ The Romanian Skating Federation involving the participant European athletes and the local volunteers Main Project aims: ■■ Follow the objectives of the EU White Paper of Main Outcomes expressed by Mr. Alin Petrache, Sport by improving the local experience, cred- President of the Romanian Olympic and Sports ibility and infrastructure and create a new and Committee: self-sustainable European place on the inter- ■■ Many thanks to the EU for being our strong national high-level winter sports competitions partners in realizing a wonderful showcase host map; of our games and for helping us disseminate ■■ Create strong European legacy, good example, our message, for a better understanding of raise awareness for the European identity and the Olympic principles and ideas among the the appetite towards health and sport for the youngsters of Europe. young generation and grassroots athletes; ■■ Many thanks for helping us take Romania one- ■■ Facilitate, promote and increase the cultural step further towards the real human resources exchanges and the networking between young ability to represent Europe on the map of the people from the different participating states hosts of the international winter sports com- of Europe; petitions. Now Romania is running to host the ■■ Promote and emphasize the EU vision about 2020 Winter in Brasov. the role of sport in education, culture and ■■ Many thanks also for contributing to the exqui- social inclusion of young people at European site feedback from all EYOWF Brasov2013 level, through the involvement of volunteers participants, concluded by the President of the and non-profit sports organizations; European Olympic Committees: “Brasov2013 ■■ Promote and disseminate the European val- was the best EYOWF edition so far, so thank ues and ideals regarding the future of young you Romania!” generation by emphasizing the importance and the visibility of the EU. 79

2012 79 SPECIAL EVENTS EPC Youth Games event European Paralympic Committee

Total budget of the project: 788.067 Specific Objectives Of which maximum EU grant: 481.547,74 ■■ To further develop a special European impact of Paralympic activities around Europe, and Main project aims: the implementation of EU and EPC policies ■■ To provide both able-bodied and disabled especially related to sustainable education and young people a chance to experience self- training of the various stakeholders involved confidence, accomplishment and success and in youth disability sport. to overcome barriers what shall lead to better ■■ To shape sustainable sport, recreational and understanding, involvement and inclusion in related educational opportunities for young society. athletes from around Europe and especially ■■ To foster awareness-raising of sports for the less developed EU countries (in regards of young people with various kinds of disabilities (youth) disability sports). (amputation, spinal injuries, cerebral palsy, les ■■ To raise awareness of Paralympic and other autres, intellectual disability and visual impair- disability sport (with a special regard of young ment) and provide a platform for the ability and female athletes). Duration: and potential of youngsters with a disability in ■■ To educate and train the youth along and 01/04/2012 to 16/09/2012 and through sports at the trans-national level. through sport, to improve their mobility in Europe and to strengthen their self-perception Contact: and to provide them on a long term basis with [email protected] adequate support through qualified profes- sionals in the sector. Website: 80

80 2012 SPECIAL EVENTS 5th TAFISA World Sport for All Games Siauliai 2012 Tafisa

Total budget of the project: 625.000 Specific Objectives Duration: Of which maximum EU grant: 500.000 To promote traditional games and sports as an 11/04/2012 to 31/12/2012 important issue for: Main project aims: ■■ Presentation of cultural heritage of TSG in EU Contact: To contribute significantly to economic, social and countries. [email protected] cultural value diversity development, encourage ■■ Encouraging active and healthy way of living. socialization among EU countries. ■■ Focusing on Sport for all Movement idea dis- Website: semination among every citizen of EU.

82 2013 Strengthening of good governance and dual careers in sport through support for the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations Make a European Splash by educating the staff of Swimming Federations Royal Dutch Swimming Federation

Fédération Francaise de Natation (FR), British ■■ Understanding the differences between Swimming Limited (UK), Deutscher Schwimm- national swimming federations Verband e.V. (DE), Dansk Svømmeunion (DK); ■■ Achieving a sustainable cooperation between Koninklijke Nederlandse Zwembond (NL), Ligue the swimming federations in the field of grass- Europeenne de Natation. roots sports ■■ Improving the relationship between the Total budget of the project: € 313.250 federations Of which maximum EU grant: € 250.600 Duration: Main project activities 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 Main project aim: This action plan is based on the exchange of Strengthening the good governance of, and knowledge between staff of the federations on Contact: achieving further cooperation between, swim- three themes in ‘sport for all’. [email protected] / ming federations by educating managers and [email protected] project experts in the field of grassroots sport The following activities will be undertaken by transnational mobility in Great Britain, France, between 01-01-2014 and 30-06-2015: Website: Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands with 1. Building an online, international network support of LEN. 2. Three seminars about grassroots sports and swimming, following the three main themes: Specific Objectives: a. 1st seminar – theme: a range of swimming ■■ Exchanging best practices between five activities in grassroots sports European countries in the field of grassroots b. 2nd seminar – theme: an educated technical sport, local networks/associations and training staff for every level in swimming frameworks c. 3rd seminar – theme: the swimming club in ■■ Strengthening local stakeholders by develop- a strong local network ing or adjusting 15 local projects/products 3. Bundling good practices and executing local based on the best practices from other coun- pilots tries (pilots) 4. Building a portfolio with results per country (including monitoring & evaluation)

Main expected project results 1. Three seminars will have taken place 2. 45 union employees and one LEN employee have attended one or more seminars 3. 15 local pilot projects have been executed and experiences recorded in the online portfolio 4. Knowledge on Grassroots sports in Swimming will be shared with other European Swimming Federations during a LEN-congress after the project period 2013 83 Strengthening of good governance and dual careers in sport through support for the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations European Leadership Devolution Project Rugby League European Federation

RLEF (UK); (UK), French Specific Objectives: Federation of Rugby League (FR), Rugby League ■■ Form five operational Project ‘clusters’ with Ireland (IE), Scotland Rugby League (UK) Wales clear hierarchy between Senior Leaders, Lead- Rugby League (UK); Nederlandse Rugby League ers and Learner participants Bond (ND), Rugby League Deutschland (DE), Lat- ■■ Partner with National Sports Authorties and via Rugby League Federation (LV), Czech Rugby hold governance seminars in Senior Leader League Association (CZ), Federazione Italiana nations Rugby League (IT); Polska Rugby XIII (PL), Bel- ■■ Conduct two coach and two match official tutor gium Rugby League Association (BE), Malta Rugby education courses within each cluster, to pro- League (ML), Danish Rugby League Forbund (DK), vide (a) on-the-job tutor training using a real Hungarian Rugby League Federation (HU), Swed- life, non-simulated environment, (b) on-going ish Rugby League (SW), Hellenic Rugby League assessment of key personnel; and (c) qualifica- Federation (EL) tion not only of Project participants (as tutors) Duration: Private third party providing co-financing: but also of local (non-Project) participants i.e. 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 Rugby League International Federation local coaches and match officials taught by their own national tutors Contact: Total budget of the project: €331.957 ■■ By Project’s end, conduct technical courses in [email protected] Of which maximum EU grant: €195.855 each of the 17 countries involved and qualify new coach and match official tutors in Leader Website: Main project aims: and Learners partners, thereby building their ■■ Undertake the biggest transfer of knowl- capacity and employability in what will be an edge and responsibility in 120 years of rugby expanded marketplace league’s (RL) European history through a series ■■ By Project’s end qualify 42 new RL tutors (from of exchanges within a hierarchical structure. Learner nations) and between 100-250 new This will not only increase the European dimen- RL Level 1 coaches and Level 1 match officials sion of the sport but demonstrate sustainabil- ■■ Assemble all Project participants in London for ity and European added value the RLEF AGM to conduct governance work- ■■ Encourage regional, transnational exchanges shops, share experiences and discuss the and long-lasting support mechanisms NSA seminar results and how to use them to ■■ Emphasise involvement of dual-career ath- improve local NGB governance letes in education and learning roles ■■ Form consultative athlete committees in par- ■■ Ensure RL’s Continental organisations are ticipant NGBs to ensure inclusion in the deci- equipped with knowledgeable, competent and sion-making process. qualified staff able to disseminate the sport’s on- and off-field values and techniques ■■ Ensure RL’s Continental organisations are administered by robust, democratic and trans- parent National Governing Bodies (NGB) 84 2013 Strengthening of good governance and dual careers in sport through support for the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations Improving player association support for dual careers European Elite Athletes Association (EEAA)

Asociacion Baloncestistas Profesionales (ES); Aso- Main project aim: Duration: ciación de Jugadores de Balonmano (ES); IRUPA ■■ Improve Player association support for dual 01/01/2014 to 31/01/2015 (IE); The Rugby Players Association (UK); Gioca- career of players tori Italiani Basket Associati (IT); Danish Handball ■■ Strengthening good governance of player Contact: Players’ Association (DK); Asociación de Jugadores association on dual career [email protected] de Fútbolsala (ES); Sindikat športnikov Slovenije ■■ Define a work plan based on the EU guidelines (SI); Professional Cricketers’ Association (UK); NL on dual career Website: Sporter (NL); Hellenie Professional Volleyball Play- ers Association (EL); Gaellic Players Association Specific Objectives: (IE); AJPH (FR); Union Nationale des Footballeurs ■■ Improving the support and advice given by Professionnels (FR); Lietuvos krepšinio profesiniu players association on dual career. sąjunga „solidarumas” (LT); SNB (FR); Provale ■■ Promote a good governance model to player (FR) ; SICO (SE) ; Gemeinschaftliche Organisation association based on PDM experience für alle Lizenzhandballer in Deutschland (DE); ■■ Exchange visits for individual members of associations (job shadowing) Total budget of the project: 244.548 € ■■ Allow key staff to learn from different associa- Of which maximum EU grant: 194.038 € tion and improve their own services ■■ Promote best practice amongst player association ■■ Conduct surveys to define the size of the problem ■■ Produce guidelines on best practice for player associations ■■ Promote greater understanding and solidarity between different player associations ■■ Train the PDM’s during 2 conferences in Brus- sels and Helsinki. 2013 85 Strengthening of good governance and dual careers in sport through support for the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations North-East parasport Exchange: effective management, good governance and human resource development in parasport German Sport University Cologne

SPIN Sport Innovation, European Paralympic Com- Specific Objectives: mittee (EPC), Mykolas Romeris University (LT), ■■ Strengthen Parasport Organisations in the Duration: European Women in Sport (EWS), NPC Latvia Baltic Region 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 (LV), NPC Lithuania (LT), NPC (EE), NPC ■■ Empower Staff in their working capacity Denmark (DK), NPC Finland (FI), NPC (SE). ■■ Set ground for the development of a structured Contact: mobility scheme in European Parasport [email protected] Total budget of the project: 198.810,00 € ■■ Strengthen transnational co-operation in the Of which maximum EU grant: 159.048,00 € Parasport sector in the Baltic and Nordic region Website: ■■ Promote the role of the European Paralympic http://www.dshs-koeln. Main project aims: Committee as a facilitator of development of de/aktuelles/meldungen- ■■ Facilitate the development of Parasport in Parasport in Europe pressemitteilungen/detail/meldung/ the Baltic Region with a focus on effective north-east-parasport-exchange-1/ management, good governance and human resource development ■■ Develop a structured mobility scheme to link the Baltic Region with their Nordic counterparts 86 2013 Strengthening of good governance and dual careers in sport through support for the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations Networks of Knowledge Sports Aid/TASS (Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme)

Verein Karriere Danach (AT); Institut National du Specific Objectives: Duration: Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance (FR); A framework for further cooperation and improved 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 Swedish Sports Confederation (SE); Finnish Olym- mobility opportunities for the partner networks pic Committee (FI); Irish Institute of Sport (IE); CTO with a structure established for continued part- Contact: Amsterdam / Topsport Amsterdam (NL) nerships and growing network by attracting new [email protected] Private third party providing co-financing: partners. None Create a European ‘professional’ body which can Website: lead on the coordination of dual career mobil- Total budget of the project: 300.000 € ity and further promote governance objectives about-us/talented-athlete- Of which maximum EU grant: 240.000 € in this area. scholarship-scheme/ Raise awareness of dual career support and its Main project aims: importance to all stakeholders. Identify mobility opportunities, promote these Mobility tools/methods established for implemen- across the network building an understanding of tation between partners. dual career practice and ultimately lead to the The creation of a best practice library containing increase of governance and dual career skills tools, templates and guidance for delivering dual across Europe. career support. In simple terms this project will IDENTIFY, UNDER- STAND, LINK, TEST and DELIVER dual career mobility structures. 2013 87 Strengthening of good governance and dual careers in sport through support for the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations World Cup 2014 International Volunteer Camp Spanish Basketball Federation, FEB - SP

Croatian Basketball Federation, HKS (HR), Hungar- ■■ Develop a training program to improve the pro- ian Basketball Federation ( HU) fessional skills of the volunteers participating Duration: Portuguese Basketball Federation, FPB (PT), Roma- in different sport areas; physical education, 01/01/2014 to 31/01/2015 nian Basketball Federation, FRB (RO), Swedish Bas- sports management, coaching, journalism, ketball Federation, SBBF (SE), Andorran Basketball sports medicine, marketing, etc. Contact: Federation, FAB (AND), Belarusian Basketball ■■ Create a team of specialised volunteers, organ- [email protected] Association, BBF (BY), Municipality of Alcobendas, ised, plural and of quality, involved actively (ES), CSD – Spanish National Sport Council ( ES). in the development of this project, interrelat- Website: Private third party providing co-financing: ing volunteers coming from other European CaixaBank - Spain countries with local volunteers from the six fileadmin/userData/pdf/News/World_ competition venues. Cup_2014_International_Volunteer_ Total budget of the project: 401.298,70 € ■■ Work in the recognition of these volunteers Camp.pdf Of which maximum EU grant: 309.000 € with a view to a possible future continuity of network cooperation within the EU. Main project aims: ■■ Strengthen collaboration between the project ■■ To share between partners the management partners, other associations, clubs, organisa- model and event organisational skills. tions and groups at European level, facilitating ■■ Test mobility schemes through cooperative their involvement in networking at interna- agreements between sport organisations. tional level. ■■ To promote the exchange of experience ■■ Motivate and build a team and European and best practice, enhancing professional forum for volunteers and give them a sense exchanges and improving employability for of belonging, consciousness and identity that those young people who think the sport market can support future sporting events organiza- will be their future professional development. tions in the EU.

Specific Objectives: ■■ Share the organizational capacity of the FEB and the headquarters of the 2014 FIBA World Cup, and the experience with volunteers, professionals and sports leaders involved in the “2014 World Cup International Volunteer Camp” ■■ Train all volunteers involved with the tools, skills and knowledge required to ensure the tasks to be carried out in a responsible and committed way. ■■ Disseminate between the young European participants the values ​​of sport, fair play, healthy habits and respect for nature and the environment. 88

88 2013 Protecting athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions “Safeguarding Youth Sport” Protecting physical and moral integrity in competitive youth sport: Stimulating individual empowerment of young athletes and conducive ethical climate in sport organisations International Centre Ethics in Sport

Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Faculty LK (BE), Ger- Main project aims: man Sport University of Cologne (DE), Institute of Developing a European network relationships with Pedagogy and Philosophy (UK), Croatian Olympic a focus on improving training and competition Committee (HR), University of Oradea (RO), Lithu- conditions in youth sport; anian Sports University (LT), Netherlands Olympic Increasing awareness and knowledge of the Committee * Netherlands Sports Confederation importance of empowerment and ethical climate (NL), University of Southern Denmark - Depart- in sport contexts; Duration: ment of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechan- Clear mapping of future opportunities to improve 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 ics, Research unit for Active Living (DK), National training and competition conditions, taking into Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children account our unique two-fold approach (empower- Contact: (UK), Panathlon International;European Non-Gov- ment and ethical climate). [email protected] ernmental Sport Organization – Youth. Specific Objectives: Website: Total budget of the project: 227.307 € A document with theoretical insights that clarify http://www.ethicsandsport. Of which maximum EU grant: 181.846 € the domain of integrity threats of young athletes, com/nl/x/551/ empowerment and ethical climate, and extensive safeguarding-youth-sport listings of good practices; A document with recommendations towards sport organisations organising competitive/elite sport; A website for stakeholders with relevant informa- tion during and after the project. 89

2013 89 Protecting athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions Pro Safe Sport for Young Athletes (PSS) Council of Europe / Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS)

European Athlete Student Network (UK); European ing programme to develop a health strategy Elite Athlete Association (NL);, European Gay and (identification of risks, management of risks) Lesbian Sport Federation (NL); European Physical for young athletes; Duration: Education Association (LU); Football Association ■■ Raise awareness through the PSS information 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 Premier League (UK); Foundation of Sport Educa- initiative: tion and Information (EE); European Tennis Fed- ■■ Design a PSS information initiative in Contact: eration (CH); International Council for Coaching order to communicate on the project and [email protected] Excellence (UK); International School Sport Fed- its results. This could be steered through eration (BE);, Latvian Sports Medicine Association the channels of the partners and towards Website: (LV); Scuola dello Sport – CONI (IT); SportAccord the EPAS member states. Potential media (CH); Talented Athlete Scholarship Programme partners will be identified and included in (UK). the communication plan. ■■ Develop the concept of a network promot- Total budget of the project: 275.000 € ing healthy and safe sport environments Of which maximum EU grant: 220.000 € for young athletes – the PSS! Network. The network shall continuously provide aware- Main project aims: ness raising measures and health and The general objective of the PSS project is to pro- safety trainings. mote a safe and healthy sport environment for young athletes by ■■ Raising awareness among the athletes’ entou- rage on the importance of the protection and promotion of the physical and moral integrity of young athletes; ■■ Establishing relevant mechanisms (self-eval- uation and training programmes) to introduce and maintain highest levels of safety and; ■■ Harnessing synergies with existing structures.

Specific Objectives: ■■ Improve the knowledge of existing instruments (normative framework - policies - and relevant specific measures such as injury surveillance programmes) on the protection of young ath- letes by involving the partners, their networks and conducting a desk research; ■■ Build capacities ( stakeholders, experts) to promote the moral and physical integrity of athletes by identifying relevant issues, designing a self-assessment tool and a train- 90

90 2013 Protecting athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions “Healthy of young athletes main goal of sport training and competitions” (FITFORHEALTH) CONI Comitato Regionale MARCHE

CONI Comitato Regionale MARCHE - with power Objective 3 - To engage local stakeholders in Duration: of attorney from Comitato Olimpico Nazionale a user needs analysis (field survey and SWOT 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 Italiano - coordinator (IT); Associazione Sportiva analysis) through the planning, and implemen- Ankon Volley (IT); European Healthy Stadia Net- tation of five different sport and young athletes Contact: work Cic (UK); Lancashire Cricket Board Limited tournaments organised in each country (8 teams [email protected] (UK); Građanski Košarkaški Klub Šibenik (HR); minimum). Grad Vrgorac (HR) ; Karier Oy (FI); Fera Ry (FI); Website: Dia-Sport Association (BG); Dia-Sport Associa- Objective 4 - To improve local stakeholders’ tion (BG); awareness on project issues inviting them to ini- index.php?lang=en tiatives towards the promotion of physical and Summary: moral integrity among young athletes by means The general objective of the project is to contrib- of the planning and implementing five thematic ute to the creation of Healthy-sports Improving workshops (one in each country of partnership) Prevention and Protection especially in Young assuming that training is first step of prevention. athletes (hereinafter HIPPY) avoiding side effects of sport practice such as injuries and overtrain- Objective 5 - To contribute to a healthy sport, ing The full success of the project will consist providing “golden rules” for safety standards for in the achievement of the objectives presented individual athletes valid for all sports disciplines hereafter: and the realisation of a guidance document cov- Objective 1 - To contribute to highlight training ering risk analysis, management, prevention and and competition conditions of young athletes (14- protection of 5 disciplines (volleyball, cricket, Finn- 19 years old) in terms of health condition, injury ish pesäpallo, athletics and basketball). prevention, safety and security in different areas and 5 sport disciplines through a field survey.

Objective 2 - To set out and to exchange educa- tion/training initiatives for risk assessment and injury prevention/protection related to sport activi- ties for young athletes. This includes safety train- ing and competitions and others specific risks with an high impact on drop out from sport and public health; A. Tailored physical preparation; B. Coach- ing (mental wellbeing); C. Nutrition, lifestyles and doping 91

2013 91 Protecting athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions ARISTO: a European Monitoring Protocol of Young Athletes’ health and training conditions Empresa Pública para la Gestión del Turismo y el Deporte de Andalucía and Andalusian Centre of Sports Medicine

Empresa Pública para la Gestión del Turismo on a common Monitoring Protocol of young y del Deporte de Andalucía, S.A., together with athletes’ health, which will assess their perfor- the Andalusian Center of Sports Medicine, (ES) mance linked to good health standards. This Duration: University of Granada (ES), the Spanish Bad- monitoring programme will avoid the nega- 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 minton Federation (ES), Andalusian Federation tive effects of excessive and uncontrolled sport of Triathlon (ES), the Beachklub Ládvi o.s. (CZ), practice. Contact: the Marche Region (IT), Association “Vingro Visi” ■■ Pilot the Monitoring Programme in different [email protected] (LAT), National Sport Academy “Vassil Levski”, countries and different sports fields through an (BG) and Lithuanian University of Educational online platform that will facilitate the sharing Website: Sciences (LT) of data and information, as well as results (under and conclusions. construction) Total budget of the project: 211.000 € ■■ Disseminate the results and expand the use Of which maximum EU grant: 168.800 € of the Protocol, through the existing networks of sport organisations involved in the project Main project aim: (badminton, triathlon, volleyball, rhythmic ■■ Improve young European athletes’ training and gymnastics, handball, among others) competition conditions by creating a specific ■■ Develop a sustainability and exploitation plan Monitoring Protocol (consisting on several that would support the ARISTO European Part- medical and functional tests) to control and nership to continue implementing the Monitor- prevent potential health problems of young ing Programme in the future and expand the athletes in different sport fields and to evalu- Protocol to other sports fields. ate athletes’ physical conditions in order to optimise training loads and avoid potential injuries.

Specific Objectives: ■■ Share know-how regarding the protection of athletes’ health and promote awareness ris- ing about the importance of creating adequate mechanisms that enhance this protection. ■■ Reach a compromise among different types of sport organisations and sport stakeholders 92

92 2013 Protecting athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions Health & Injury Prevention for Young Athletes (HIP Ya!) ASK Split, Croatia

Alba regia Atlétikai Klub, ARAK (HU), Atletski Klub Objectives: Koper, AK Koper (SI), Unione Sportiva dilettan- The action aims at preventing injuries and pro- Duration: tistica BOR (IT), Athletick Club Malacky (SK), AK tecting the health of young athletes at grass- 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 Olymp Brno (CZ), Otvorena medijska grupacija, roots level through involvement of coaches with OMG (HR), Ordinacija opće medicine Mirjana extensive experience in training youth. It is done Contact: Bezdrov, dr. med (HR). through exchange of practice in athletic training [email protected] and by improving practical training methodology Total budget of the project: 262.500 € to prevent injuries in close cooperation with the Website: Of which maximum EU grant: 210.000 € medical profession. The results of the action will be distributed to interested parties (including clubs from other sports) and available on the project's website as well on the websites of interested national and international associations. 93

2013 93 Promoting traditional European sports and games

Strengthening European Traditional Sports (SETS) Vlaamse Traditionele Sporten vzw (VlaS)

Sportimonium vzw (BE); European Traditional Specific objectives: Sports and Games Association – ETSGA (FR); ■■ Organise three regional conferences for rep- Duration: Tesz-Vesz Ifjúságiés Gyermekalapítvány - Tesz- resentatives of traditional sport and games 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 Vesz Children and Youth Foundation (HU); Institut organisations to exchange good practice by Nacional d’Educació Fisica de Catalunya- National using the bottom-up approach. Contact: Institute of Physical Education - INEFC (ES); Fed- ■■ Create an elaborate overview of contact data [email protected] rachon Esport de Nohtra Tera – centre for local of traditional sport and games organisations sports in the Aoste valley (IT); Bol Chumann na in North- and East Europe. Website: hEireann-Irish Road Bowling Association (IE); Ger- ■■ Provide a publication based on the conferences www. lev Idraetsheojskole - Gerlev playpark - GIH (DK) to distribute among interested organisations. ■■ Develop and maintain a website about tra- Total budget of the project: 168.445 € ditional sport and games with forum and an Of which maximum EU grant: 134.756 € overview of existing traditional sports and games out of North- and East-Europe. Main project aims: ■■ Offer the opportunity to traditional sport and ■■ Enlarge the existing European network of tra- games associations from North- and East- ditional sport and games in North and Eastern Europe to join the existing network (ETSGA). Europe. ■■ Safeguard and promote European traditional sports and games 94

94 2013 Promoting traditional European sports and games

European Medieval Sport & Street Games Network (Acronym: Ga.M.E.S. Net)

Development of the European cultural diversity trough the promotion and protection of the traditional sports and games Beneficiary: F.I.G.E.S.T. - Federazione Italiana Giochi e Sport Tradizionali

Camara Municipal de Chaves (PT), National Asso- 4. Disseminate on European territory the infor- ciation of Municipal Clerks in (BG), Munic- mation, communication and knowledge of ipality of Narni (IT), Federacion Andaluza de Bolos sport and traditional games. (ES), Foundation for the Promotion of Social Inclu- sion in Malta – FOPSIM (MT), Deutscher Novuss- Specific Objectives: Sport Verband e V. (DE), Provincia di Macerata (IT), ■■ To encourage the promotion and exchange of Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta (ES), The Society knowledge, experience and good practice; of European Martial Arts (CZ), University of las ■■ To search and to put into an European per- Palmas de Gran Canaria (ES), Kunsill Malti ghall spective the common and shared values that – iSport (MT), Federacion Aragonesa de Deportes characterise the practice of the games and Tradicionales (ES), Federation Departementale traditional sport; des Floyers ruraux du Gers (FR). ■■ To create a network of actors and stakehold- ers connected continuously and in real time to Total budget of the project: € 225.000 each other with the primary purpose of pro- Duration: Of which maximum EU grant: € 180.000 moting and protecting the traditional sport and 15/03/2014 – 15/06/2015 games through information campaigns, train- Main project aims: ing activities and the exchange of documents, Contact: 1. To promote, to develop and to safeguard the experience and practices; [email protected] traditional sports and games in Europe and ■■ To implement a broad and diversified pro- their common values within an international gramme of integrated actions with the Website: context ; involvement of different stakeholders on the 2. To develop on the European territory the various territories, in able to develop, to pro- home.php knowledge and practice of sport and traditional mote and to safeguard the immense herit- games as a symbol of identity and the histori- age represented by the traditional sport and cal and cultural heritage of a territory; games; 3. To encourage the construction of shared ■■ To create an integrated and innovative system programs of European cooperation and of with a recognisable identity, with an efficient thematic networks, integrated, interactive and effective strategic management and with and multi-functional, able to act to meet the a strong contractual power can ensure the challenges of the future and therefore able to future, economic, strategic and functional ensure the future sustainability of the project. sustainability of the project; 95

2013 95 Promoting traditional European sports and games

Europe is our playground Public Benefit Organization of City of Kavala (EL)

Municipality of Warsaw (PL); Strömstads Kommun ■■ Exchange of information and good practice. (SE); Friends of the Museum – Rousse (BG); Varna There are huge margins for the creation of new Municipality (BG); Municipality of Bansko (BG); innovative networks for exchanging informa- Duration: Municipality of Nürnberg (DE); Hellenic Founda- tion and good practices in the field of sports. 17/02/2014 to 16/02/2015 tion for Culture – Branch of Berlin (DE) ■■ Adopt a set of scientific or practical models, tools and standards for various procedures. Contact: Total budget of the project: 134,413.40 € ■■ Highlight the importance of traditional games [email protected] Of which maximum EU grant: 107,530.72 € and sport, revive the interest in them, invite local communities to support and participate in Website: Main project aims: these and help local authorities to incorporate ■■ Create a strong network of partners from Euro- them in organized activities. europe-is-our-playground-festival- pean cities with similar characteristics, deep ■■ Record, evaluate and bridge the gap developed athlimaton-kai-paixnidiwn-stis-23- cultural and athletic tradition. by organised and informal structures that are 27-iouliou-2014/ ■■ Establish a sound research agenda about tra- being involved directly or indirectly in the pres- Partners ditional European sport and games, implement ervation of the traditional games and sport. the revival of selected ones, and support a promotion activity, not only for the one year period of the project execution, but mainly for ensuring its continuity and further strategic development.

Specific Objectives: ■■ Promote and sport, so as to increase communities’ familiarity with them and as a consequence to make them partici- pating in future related actions. ■■ Identify all the essential elements to support with a strong theoretical or academic back- ground Europe’s diverse cultural and sporting heritage, and then to propose a methodology for maintaining a more stable and interactive board of activities. 96

96 2013 Promoting traditional European sports and games

Recall: Games of the Past – Sports for Today The Association for International Sport for All - TAFISA

Gaelic Athletic Association (IE), Hungarian Coach- ■■ Attract a wider audience to Sport for All and ing Association (HU), Akademia Wychowania physical activity through the reinvigoration of Duration: Fizycznego (University School of PE Poznan) (PL), TSG; 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2015 Sport and Citizenship (FR), Gerlev P.E.& Sports ■■ Strengthen the knowledge base of sport, Sport Academy (DK), Suomen Pesäpalloliitto (Finnish for All, TSG and European heritage; Contact: Baseball Association) (FI), European Physical Edu- ■■ Encourage cooperation between mainstream [email protected] cation Association (LU), Aquitaine Sport pour Tous sports and TSG for young Europeans. (FR), German Sport University Cologne / Institute Website: of European Sport Development and Leisure Stud- Specific Objectives: ies (DE), The Institute of Technology Tralee (IE), Specifically, and to facilitate the realisation of the Partners ENGSO Youth (DE), Confederacao Portuguesa des general objectives, Project Recall aims to: Colectividades de Cultura, Recreio e Desporto (PT). ■■ Establish a clear definition of “European TSG”; ■■ Identify, collect, document and disseminate Total budget of the project: € 214.445,45 European TSG via the production of a European Of which maximum EU grant: € 171.556,36 TSG database and book with heritage list to preserve and promote European TSG heritage; Main project aims: ■■ Produce practical, educational tools, such as ■■ Reintroduce Traditional Sports and Games manuals, to empower key target groups to (TSG) into the daily lives of young Europeans; facilitate the reintroduction of TSG into the ■■ Preserve, promote and increase participation daily life of young Europeans. Key target in TSG; groups include: ■■ Increase participation in Sport for All and ■■ Schools; physical activity through TSG; ■■ Universities; ■■ Preserve and promote European heritage using ■■ Sport clubs and associations; TSG; ■■ event organisers and ■■ Encourage social inclusion, understanding, ■■ people with disabilities. integration and respect for others using TSG; ■■ Strengthen local, national and European iden- tities and the link that exists between them through TSG mobilization; 97

2013 97 SPECIAL EVENTS MOVE Week 2013 ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association

Total budget of the project: 1.250.000 € Main Project activities and results Of which maximum EU grant: 1.000.000 € ■■ 1.259 events Duration: The overall objective of MOVE Week is to facili- ■■ 30 European countries involved 5/4 2013 – 4/4 2014. MOVE Week: tate cross-sector collaboration for promotion of ■■ 505 European cities involved 7-13 October 2013 participation in sport and physical activity. ■■ 600 move agents delivering activities ■■ 500.000 participants joining in (est.) Contact: Specific objectives are ■■ 12.500 volunteers supporting the events (est.) [email protected] 1. To raise awareness of the benefits of sport ■■ Key international delivery partners: and physical activity among European citizens ■■ Muuvit Website: 2. To increase accessible opportunities to be ■■ Endomondo active in sport and physical activity by devel- ■■ Eurosport oping new and up-scaling existing events ■■ 30689 likes on the NowWeMove facebook 3. To enable sustainable and innovative capacity- page building for the MOVE Agents (event organ- ■■ 44 million reach of broadcast and PR campaign isers) through advocacy and open- sourced ■■ MOVE Week simultaneous Flashmob in 19 solutions European cities cities 98

98 2013 SPECIAL EVENTS Special Olympics European Summer Games 2014 Special Olympics Europe Eurasia Foundation

Total budget of the project: 654,596.31 Specific Objectives Of which maximum EU grant: 479,774.38 ■■ To promote opportunities for people with intel- Duration: lectual disability to participate in sports train- 01/04/2013 to 31/12/2013 Main project aims: ing and sporting competition. The Special Olympics mission is to provide year- ■■ To promote Social Inclusion for people with Contact: round sports training and athletics competition intellectual disability and to enhance signifi- [email protected] in a variety of Olympic-type sport for children cantly awareness of the abilities of people with and adults with a learning disability, giving them intellectual disabilities. Website: continuing opportunities to develop physical fit- ■■ To promote awareness about Special Olympics ness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and and athletes. participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friend- ■■ To promote Public Health for people with intel- ships with their families, other Special Olympics lectual disability through the provision of spe- athletes and the community, culminating in larger cific sporting opportunities. events such as European and . ■■ To promote Active Citizenship in European societies through recruiting, establishing and developing large-scale volunteers teams for the 2014 Olympic European Games in Antwerp. HOW TO OBTAIN EU PUBLICATIONS

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ISBN:978-92-79-43703-8 doi:10.2766/8818