Analysis of the Lousvillle Kentucky Indiana
729.1 !3c8 P22 Louisvi1le. Kentueky I Indiana July 195? W"ltfr"e i LOUISVTLLE, KENTUCKY-|NDIANA ,; HOUSING MARKET as of July 1, 1967 (A supplement to the July l, I965 onolysis) '. i :;' j 1 A Report by the DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVETOPMENT FEDERAT HOUSING ADMINISTRATION WASH|NGTON, D. C.201tl Moy 1968 AI{ALYSIS OF T}IE LOUIS VILLE . KENTUCKY-INDIAI.{A. HOUSING MARKET AS OF JULY 1. L967 (A supplement to the JuIy 1, 1965 analysis) ii.-'r' :: ^ - -- ',.;'J :.ri ,,1:t ,. , - .' 'l wns,-;tiii.r,.l.],' c,c. :o+i,: ; ;.'"1 Field Market Analysis Service Federal Housing Mministration Department of Housing and Urban Development Foresord Ae e prbllc eenrlce t,o assiet local houslng activitles through clearer underetandtng of local housing market condltions, ffiA lnttlated publlcatton of tt8 comprehenalve housing market analyses early tn 1965. Whl[e each report ls deelgned speclficatly for FllA use ln adnlnleterlng lts mortgage lneurance operatlons, 1t le expected that the factual lnfornatlon and the flndings and conclualone of theae reports wlll be generally useful also to bullderer DortSageee, and othere concerned wlth local housing probteaa and to others havlng an Interest tn local economic con- dttlonr lnd Erends. Stnce aerket analyalo ls not an eract science, the judgmental factor le laportant ln the developent of flndtngs and conclusions. There wlll be dlfferencee of oplnlon, of course, ln the tnter- prstttlon of avallabl.e factual lnformetlon ln determlnlng Ehe absorpEtve capaclty of the narket and the requirement6 for naln- tenance of e reaeonable balance ln demand-supply relatlonehlps. The factual'franework for eech analysls ls developed as thoroughly es poaolble on the basla of lnforrnatlon avatlable from both local and nstlotral rourcee.
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