Estimates of the Number of Households by State July 1967
'Series P-25, No. 425 June 18, 1969 ESTIMATES OF THE NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS BY STATE JULY 1967 (Househdld estimates for States for 1966 are presented in Current Population Reports, Series P-25, No. 396) In July 1967, there were an estimated 59.2 by age, to obtain preliminary estimates of the millio!") households in the United States. Cali. number of households by State within each age fornia ,led all the States in total number of house group. These preliminary 1967 estimates were holds with about 6.1 million, and in husband-wife then adjusted to the number of households in the households with about 4.1 million; Alaska had United States on July 1, 1967 (estimated from the smallest number of both total households Current Population Survey figures), to yield the (64,000) and husband-wife households (46,000). final 1967 estimates by States. Differences between States with respect to The specific steps involved are shown below: .,[crease in the number of households between 1. Data for both sexes combined from the 1960 and 1967 are largely attributable to differ 1960 Census were posted by State, by age (under ences in population growth. California, with the 14, 14 to 19, 20 to 24, 25 to 44, 45 to 64, and 65 and largest population increase, led all States in the over) for the following categories. increase in number of households with a gain of (t) Total persons in age group . about 1.1 million for the 6-year period. For the (a) Heads of husband-wife primary families majority of States, the average annual percent (b) Other primary family heads of increase in the number of households was (c) Primary individuals smaller in the period 1960-1967 than in the period (d) Household members not heads 1950-1960.
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