Attachment B
Attachment B TRANSECT AND BOREHOLE DESCRIPTIONS AND LOCATION MAPS Seismic-Reflection, Electrical-Resistivity-Imaging, and Calibration-Borehole Data-Acquisition and Analysis Services Broad Top Coalfield, Bedford, Fulton, and Huntingdon Counties, South-Central Pennsylvania Bureau of Geological Survey Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 2019 Note: This attachment contains site descriptions and location maps for five (5) proposed transects (traverse lines), covering commercial seismic-reflection data, a seismic-reflection survey, and an electrical-resistivity-imaging survey, and for one (1) proposed calibration air-rotary borehole, situated in the Broad Top coalfield and vicinity, Bedford, Fulton, and Huntingdon Counties, south-central Pennsylvania. To assist prospective bidders in understanding the bedrock geology and field conditions to be encountered, descriptions of the likely geologic formations and rock types to be found cropping out and in the shallow subsurface (i.e., upper thousand feet) are included. The descriptions (assessments) are a reasonable attempt by the Department to provide objective geologic information about the work sites. As such, they should be considered average probable conditions and should not be considered guarantees. General Description of Geologic Units Underlying the proposed work sites are one or more of the following bedrock geologic units, including, from oldest to youngest, the Upper Devonian and Mississippian Rockwell Formation; the Mississippian Burgoon Sandstone and Mauch Chunk Formation; and the Pennsylvanian Pottsville, Allegheny, and Glenshaw Formations. The Rockwell Formation consists of buff, fine- to medium-grained, crossbedded, argillaceous sandstone, and includes some carbonaceous shale containing marine fossils in part, sporadic conglomerate beds, and local diamictite. The Burgoon Sandstone is light-gray to buff, medium- grained, crossbedded sandstone and minor siltstone, and includes conglomerate in places toward the base; it contains plant fossils and minor, thin coals locally.
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