
2017‒18 federal Gas Tax Fund allocations for communities

The Government of has delivered the first of two $29.5 million federal Gas Tax Fund (GTF) installments to Saskatchewan for the 2017-18 fiscal year. In total, Saskatchewan will be provided with over $59.1 million. The funding, which flows through the provincial government to communities on a per capita basis, is available to support community infrastructure projects.

The following table indicates the 2017-18 federal GTF allocation for Saskatchewan’s participating communities.

Abbey $6,854 Arlington No. 79 $20,562

Aberdeen No. 373 $60,554 Arm River No. 252 $14,840

Aberdeen $35,700 Asquith $35,939

Abernethy No. 186 $23,065 Assiniboia $144,113

Abernethy $11,682 Atwater $1,848

Air Ronge $62,163 Auvergne No. 76 $21,098

Alameda $20,383 Avonlea $23,721

Albertville $8,344 Aylesbury $2,503

Alice Beach $2,682 Aylsham $4,232

Alida $7,808 B-Say-Tah $11,145

Allan $38,621 Baildon No. 131 $35,402

Alvena $3,278 Balcarres $36,773

Annaheim $13,052 $96,850

Antelope Park No. 322 $8,940 Bangor $2,742

Antler No. 61 $34,389 Barrier Valley No. 397 $29,681

Aquadeo $5,006 Battle River No. 438 $65,500

Arborfield No. 456 $26,999 Battleford $242,274

Arborfield $19,430 Bayne No. 371 $29,383

Archerwill $11,920 Beatty $3,755

Arcola $38,680 $2,384

Argyle No. 1 $16,092 Beaver River No. 622 $60,613

Beechy $14,244 Britannia No. 502 $103,346

Belle Plaine $3,934 Broadview $34,210

Bengough No. 40 $19,608 Brock No. 64 $14,185

Bengough $18,655 Brock $7,569

Benson No. 35 $29,204 Broderick $4,232

Bethune $23,840 Brokenshell No. 68 $18,357

Bienfait $46,488 Browning No. 34 $23,780

Big Arm No. 251 $11,920 Brownlee $2,980

Big Quill No. 308 $34,985 Bruno $34,210

Big River No. 555 $50,958 Buchanan No. 304 $24,198

Big River $38,084 Buchanan $13,410

Big Shell $2,682 Buckland No. 491 $218,017

Big Stick No. 141 $8,821 Buena Vista $31,230

Biggar No. 347 $48,872 Buffalo Narrows $68,719

Biggar $128,796 Buffalo No. 409 $30,158

Birch Hills No. 460 $39,515 $6,079

Birch Hills $63,414 Burstall $17,940

Bird's Point $6,139 Cabri $23,780

Bjorkdale No. 426 $53,640 Cadillac $4,649

Bjorkdale $11,860 Calder No. 241 $19,191

Bladworth $3,576 Calder $5,781

Blaine Lake No. 434 $17,165 Caledonia No. 99 $15,317

Blaine Lake $30,396 Cambria No. 6 $18,118

Blucher No. 343 $111,810 Cana No. 214 $51,137

Bone Creek No. 108 $20,264 Canaan No. 225 $8,880

Borden $14,602 Candle Lake $45,594

Bracken $1,788 Canora $132,252

Bradwell $13,708 No. 494 $84,870

Bratt's Lake No. 129 $20,860 Canwood $20,741

Bredenbury $21,694 Carlyle $85,884

Briercrest $6,616 Carmichael No. 109 $26,224


Carnduff $67,110 Coronach $42,376

Caron No. 162 $30,754 Cote No. 271 $34,568

Caronport $63,653 $2,384

Carrot River $59,600 Coteau No. 255 $25,032

Central Butte $21,754 Coulee No. 136 $34,687

Ceylon $5,900 Craik No. 222 $16,450

Chamberlain $5,245 Craik $26,999

Chaplin No. 164 $8,761 Craven $13,946

Chaplin $12,993 Creelman $6,854

Chester No. 125 $22,231 Creighton $89,281

Chesterfield No. 261 $28,608 Cudworth $45,892

Chitek Lake $9,953 Cumberland House $49,528

Choiceland $22,708 Cupar No. 218 $33,018

Chorney Beach $894 Cupar $34,508

Christopher Lake $15,854 Cut Knife No. 439 $21,396

Churchbridge No. 211 $40,111 Cut Knife $30,813

Churchbridge $44,283 Cymri No. 36 $31,230

Clavet $23,006 Dafoe $894

Clayton No. 333 $39,872 Dalmeny $101,439

Climax $10,847 Davidson $61,090

Clinworth No. 230 $12,576 Debden $21,337

Cochin $7,271 Deer Forks No. 232 $13,291

Coderre $1,788 Delisle $58,110

Codette $12,218 Denare Beach $48,872

Coleville $18,536 Denholm $4,530

Colonsay No. 342 $14,304 Denzil $8,046

Colonsay $28,310 Dinsmore $18,953

Connaught No. 457 $37,488 Disley $4,470

Conquest $10,490 District of $24,019 District of Lakeland Consul $5,006 $52,686 No. 521 Corman Park No. 344 $497,898 Dodsland $12,635


Dore Lake $1,669 Enfield No. 194 $16,092

Dorintosh $8,761 Englefeld $14,721

Douglas No. 436 $19,728 Enniskillen No. 3 $26,939

Drake $12,039 Enterprise No. 142 $8,344

Drinkwater $3,874 $1,788

Dubuc $4,172 Esterhazy $147,331

Duck Lake No. 463 $50,422 No. 5 $67,884

Duck Lake $34,389 Estevan $658,818

Dufferin No. 190 $30,515 Eston $61,448

Dundurn No. 314 $68,421 $1,788

Dundurn $41,303 Excel No. 71 $25,449

Duval $5,781 Excelsior No. 166 $57,156

Dysart $12,993 Eye Hill No. 382 $39,276

Eagle Creek No. 376 $34,568 Eyebrow No. 193 $13,708

Earl Grey $14,244 Eyebrow $8,284

Eastend $31,409 Fairlight $2,384

Eatonia $30,277 Fenwood $2,384

Ebenezer $10,430 Fertile Belt No. 183 $46,786

Echo Bay $2,265 Fertile Valley No. 285 $30,456

Edam $26,462 Fillmore No. 96 $15,198

Edenwold No. 158 $248,353 Fillmore $15,198

Edenwold $14,185 Findlater $2,980

Elbow $18,714 Fish Creek No. 402 $18,118

Elcapo No. 154 $28,668 Flaxcombe $6,973

Eldon No. 471 $44,760 Fleming $4,947

Elfros No. 307 $25,747 Flett's Springs No. 429 $44,760

Elfros $5,722 (SK part) $13,648

Elmsthorpe No. 100 $12,516 No. 276 $34,985

Elrose $28,429 Foam Lake $68,421

Emerald No. 277 $26,641 Forget $2,086

Endeavour $5,602 Fort Qu'Appelle $121,226


Fort San $11,145 Grandview No. 349 $20,860

Fosston $3,278 Grant No. 372 $25,330

Fox Valley No. 171 $20,562 Grass Lake No. 381 $21,992

Fox Valley $15,496 Grassy Creek No. 78 $16,926

Francis No. 127 $40,290 Gravelbourg No. 104 $18,238

Francis $10,490 Gravelbourg $66,514 Frenchman Butte No. $85,705 Grayson No. 184 $28,489 501 Frobisher $9,894 Grayson $10,966

Frontier No. 19 $22,112 Great Bend No. 405 $29,740

Frontier $20,920 Green Lake $24,913

Gainsborough $17,344 Grenfell $62,520

Garden River No. 490 $38,204 Griffin No. 66 $23,721

Garry No. 245 $24,555 Gull Lake No. 139 $11,980

Gerald $6,794 Gull Lake $58,944

Glaslyn $23,661 $23,661

Glen Bain No. 105 $12,218 Hague $52,329

Glen Ewen $8,582 $6,437

Glen Harbour $3,874 Hanley $31,111 Glen McPherson No. $4,351 Happy Valley No. 10 $8,821 46 Glenavon $10,490 Happyland No. 231 $16,926

Glenside No. 377 $15,913 Harris No. 316 $13,350

Glenside $5,006 Harris $12,695

Golden Prairie $2,086 Hart Butte No. 11 $15,734

Golden West No. 95 $18,774 Hawarden $2,980

Good Lake No. 274 $40,766 Hazel Dell No. 335 $30,456

Goodeve $2,682 Hazelwood No. 94 $14,662

Goodsoil $16,748 $2,980

Goodwater $1,490 Hazlet $5,662

Govan $12,874 Heart's Hill No. 352 $15,496

Grand Coulee $34,032 Hepburn $33,495

Grandview Beach $1,490 Herbert $45,236 5

Hillsborough No. 132 $6,794 Kenaston $16,986

Hillsdale No. 440 $33,555 Kendal $4,589

Hodgeville $10,251 Kennedy $14,364

Holdfast $10,072 Kenosee Lake $15,377

Hoodoo No. 401 $42,078 Kerrobert $63,236

Hubbard $2,742 Key West No. 70 $17,105

Hudson Bay No. 394 $66,871 Keys No. 303 $24,853

Hudson Bay $89,638 Killaly $4,410

Humboldt No. 370 $52,746 Kincaid $6,794

Humboldt $338,409 Kindersley No. 290 $58,825

Huron No. 223 $11,682 Kindersley $278,809

Hyas $6,794 King George No. 256 $12,933

Ile A La Crosse $81,354 Kingsley No. 124 $25,092

Imperial $20,800 Kinistino No. 459 $36,535

Indian Head No. 156 $22,648 Kinistino $44,283

Indian Head $108,174 Kinley $2,682

Insinger No. 275 $19,370 Kipling $62,640

Invergordon No. 430 $38,800 $12,933

Invermay No. 305 $19,906 Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay $5,006

Invermay $14,721 Krydor $894

Island View $3,874 Kyle $26,045 Bon Accord No. $25,926 La Loche $155,616 246 Ituna $42,376 La Ronge $163,483

Jans Bay $11,145 Lac Pelletier No. 107 $36,177

Jansen $7,510 Lacadena No. 228 $34,091

Kamsack $108,770 Lafleche $24,198

Kannata Valley $6,020 Laird No. 404 $73,904

Kelliher $12,874 Laird $17,105

Kellross No. 247 $21,575 Lajord No. 128 $59,183

Kelvington No. 366 $29,740 Lake Alma No. 8 $14,900

Kelvington $53,044 Lake Alma $1,788


Lake Johnston No. $9,536 Lipton $22,171 102 Lake Lenore No. 399 $31,946 Livingston No. 331 $18,536

Lake Lenore $17,701 $582,411 Lake of the Rivers No. $17,999 Lomond No. 37 $18,118 72 Lakeside No. 338 $23,065 Lone Tree No. 18 $8,642

Lakeview No. 337 $20,026 Longlaketon No. 219 $57,335

Lampman $42,495 Loon Lake No. 561 $43,210

Landis $8,284 Loon Lake $18,714

Lang $11,920 Loreburn No. 254 $20,622

Langenburg No. 181 $34,091 Loreburn $6,377

Langenburg $68,421 Lost River No. 313 $12,456

Langham $76,884 Love $3,874

Lanigan $82,844 Lucky Lake $17,105

Lashburn $57,633 $596 Last Mountain Valley $15,913 Lumsden No. 189 $105,611 No. 250 Laurier No. 38 $19,132 Lumsden $97,208

Lawtonia No. 135 $25,866 Luseland $33,734

Leader $48,932 Macklin $84,334

Leask No. 464 $46,190 Macnutt $3,874

Leask $24,615 Macoun $14,662

Lebret $12,993 Maidstone $68,898

Lemberg $16,330 Major $3,636

Leoville $21,814 Makwa $5,781

Leross $2,205 Manitou Beach $15,317

Leroy No. 339 $29,204 Manitou Lake No. 442 $32,601

Leroy $25,449 No. 45 $19,191

Leslie Beach $1,371 Mankota $12,576

Liberty $5,245 Manor $19,191

Limerick $6,854 Maple Bush No. 224 $9,953

Lintlaw $9,655 Maple Creek No. 111 $68,778

Lipton No. 217 $25,270 Maple Creek $129,690 7

Marcelin $9,417 Mendham $2,086

Marengo $2,801 No. 468 $55,786

Margo $5,960 Meota $18,297

Mariposa No. 350 $13,112 Mervin No. 499 $72,950

Markinch $4,291 Mervin $9,536

Marquis No. 191 $12,635 $5,304

Marquis $5,483 Midale $33,495

Marriott No. 317 $22,171 Middle Lake $14,423

Marsden $16,926 Milden No. 286 $16,867

Marshall $35,402 Milden $10,788

Martensville $459,874 Milestone $36,833

Martin No. 122 $19,847 Milton No. 292 $18,595

Maryfield No. 91 $19,012 Minton $3,576

Maryfield $21,754 Miry Creek No. 229 $22,886

Mayfield No. 406 $23,184 Mistatim $4,351

Maymont $8,702 $3,934

McCraney No. 282 $18,297 Monet No. 257 $29,502

McLean $18,118 Montmartre No. 126 $29,085

McLeod No. 185 $26,582 Montmartre $28,370

McTaggart $7,450 Montrose No. 315 $42,435

Mckillop No. 220 $34,270 Moose Creek No. 33 $22,171

Meacham $5,006 No. 161 $68,361

Meadow Lake No. 588 $159,549 Moose Jaw $1,983,130 Moose Mountain No. Meadow Lake $300,682 $28,608 63 Meath Park $12,218 Moose Range No. 486 $67,408

Medstead No. 497 $30,575 Moosomin No. 121 $30,038

Medstead $7,152 Moosomin $148,106

Meeting Lake No. 466 $22,410 Morris No. 312 $18,834

Melfort $332,330 Morse No. 165 $23,900

Melville Beach $1,609 Morse $14,304

Melville $270,942 Mortlach $17,224


Mossbank $19,489 Paddockwood No. 520 $58,050

Mount Hope No. 279 $33,793 Paddockwood $9,715

Mount Pleasant No. 2 $22,827 $12,754 Mountain View No. $19,847 Paradise Hill $30,694 318 Muenster $25,151 Parkdale No. 498 $37,608

Naicam $40,886 Parkside $7,450

Neilburg $26,701 No. 470 $15,973

Netherhill $1,490 Paynton $9,000

Neudorf $16,211 $1,967

Neville $4,947 Pelican Pointe $894

Newcombe No. 260 $23,840 Pelly $16,867

Nipawin No. 487 $61,388 Pennant $7,152

Nipawin $254,194 Pense No. 160 $28,072

Nokomis $23,661 Pense $31,707

Norquay $25,926 Perdue No. 346 $27,595 No. $43,687 Perdue $21,575 437 North Battleford $827,725 Piapot No. 110 $19,310

North Grove $2,920 $32,840

North Portal $8,523 Pilger $3,874 North Qu'Appelle No. $43,389 Pilot Butte $110,141 187 Northern Sask. $88,029 Pinehouse $58,289 Administration District Pinto Creek No. 75 $14,244 Norton No. 69 $15,436 Pittville No. 169 $12,158 Oakdale No. 320 $15,377 Pleasant Valley No. $20,562 Odessa $14,244 288

Ogema $21,933 Pleasantdale No. 398 $36,416

Old Post No. 43 $23,542 Pleasantdale $4,530

Orkney No. 244 $110,856 Plenty $7,808

Osage $1,192 Plunkett $4,470

Osler $64,845 Ponass Lake No. 367 $31,409

Outlook $131,358 $36,058

Oxbow $76,586 Poplar Valley No. 12 $11,920 9

Porcupine No. 395 $48,872 $6,794

Porcupine Plain $50,958 Riverside No. 168 $29,204

Prairie Rose No. 309 $15,436 No. 151 $31,767

Prairiedale No. 321 $15,079 Rocanville $51,077

Preeceville No. 334 $51,196 Rockglen $23,840

Preeceville $63,772 Rodgers No. 133 $6,020

Prelate $7,390 Rose Valley $17,642

Prince Albert No. 461 $214,620 Rosedale No. 283 $30,694

Prince Albert $2,093,688 Rosemount No. 378 $11,801

Progress No. 351 $15,496 Rosetown $138,093

Prud'Homme $10,251 Rosthern No. 403 $120,094

Punnichy $14,662 Rosthern $93,691

Qu'Appelle $39,813 Rouleau $26,999

Quill Lake $24,376 Round Hill No. 467 $26,582

Quinton $6,616 Round Valley No. 410 $21,516

Radisson $30,098 Rudy No. 284 $28,072

Radville $51,256 Rush Lake $3,874

Rama $4,470 Saltcoats No. 213 $40,111

Raymore $33,853 Saltcoats $28,250

Reciprocity No. 32 $23,006 Sandy Bay $73,487

Redberry No. 435 $22,171 Sarnia No. 221 $15,854

Redburn No. 130 $14,900 $12,695 Saskatchewan Redvers $58,110 $27,535 Landing No. 167 Reford No. 379 $14,006 $13,242,464

Regina Beach $64,428 Sasman No. 336 $48,753

Regina $11,508,760 Sceptre $5,781

Reno No. 51 $23,780 Scott No. 98 $10,490

Rhein $9,417 Scott $4,470

Richard $1,788 Sedley $20,085

Richmound $9,178 Semans $12,158

Ridgedale $4,768 Senlac $2,742


Shamrock No. 134 $13,529 St. Brieux $35,164

Shamrock $1,192 St. Gregor $5,841

Shaunavon $104,658 St. Louis No. 431 $57,752

Sheho $7,748 St. Louis $26,760

Shell Lake $9,059 St. Peter No. 369 $47,084

Shellbrook No. 493 $91,367 St. Philips No. 301 $14,006

Shellbrook $85,407 St. Walburg $42,674

Sherwood No. 159 $55,368 Stanley No. 215 $30,754

Shields $13,112 Star City No. 428 $54,296

Silton $5,662 Star City $27,416

Silverwood No. 123 $27,774 Stenen $4,708

Simpson $7,808 $4,530

Sintaluta $7,152 Stockholm $20,324

Sliding Hills No. 273 $30,992 Stonehenge No. 73 $24,019

Smeaton $10,788 Stony Rapids $14,483

Smiley $3,576 No. 31 $18,118

Snipe Lake No. 259 $26,939 Storthoaks $5,543

Souris Valley No. 7 $14,304 Stoughton $41,362

South Lake $4,351 Strasbourg $44,819 South Qu'Appelle No. $75,752 Strongfield $2,384 157 Southey $46,369 Sturgis $36,952

Spalding No. 368 $26,641 Success $2,384

Spalding $14,423 Sun Valley $4,768

Speers $3,874 Sunset Cove $1,490

Spiritwood No. 496 $80,400 Surprise Valley No. 9 $14,960

Spiritwood $54,594 Sutton No. 103 $14,304

Springside $31,826 No. 137 $121,107

Spy Hill No. 152 $21,814 Swift Current $923,979

Spy Hill $12,158 Tantallon $6,258

St. Andrews No. 287 $31,707 Tecumseh No. 65 $16,092

St. Benedict $4,887 Terrell No. 101 $13,350


The Gap No. 39 $13,708 Wadena $77,838

Theodore $20,562 Wakaw Lake $1,788

Thode $9,357 Wakaw $58,706

Three Lakes No. 400 $36,952 Waldeck $17,701

Tisdale No. 427 $54,594 Waldheim $61,686

Tisdale $189,528 Waldron $1,192

Tobin Lake $5,364 Wallace No. 243 $52,388

Togo $5,185 Walpole No. 92 $20,145

Tompkins $10,132 Wapella $19,847

Torch River No. 488 $87,493 Warman $422,206

Torquay $14,066 Waseca $9,178

Touchwood No. 248 $15,913 Watrous $110,677 Tramping Lake No. $24,436 Watson $46,309 380 Tramping Lake $3,278 Waverley No. 44 $21,396

Tugaske $5,483 Wawken No. 93 $33,316

Tullymet No. 216 $13,112 Wawota $33,376

Turtle River No. 469 $21,456 Webb No. 138 $31,767

Turtleford $31,290 Webb $3,457

Unity $142,384 $2,086

Usborne No. 310 $32,601 Weekes $2,503

Val Marie No. 17 $25,032 Weirdale $4,470

Val Marie $7,748 Weldon $11,682

Valparaiso $894 Wellington No. 97 $21,218

Vanguard $9,059 Welwyn $8,046

Vanscoy No. 345 $161,754 West End $1,013

Vanscoy $22,469 Weyakwin $8,046

Vibank $22,290 No. 67 $62,461

Victory No. 226 $26,403 Weyburn $624,846

Viscount No. 341 $22,112 Wheatlands No. 163 $8,880

Viscount $15,019 Whiska Creek No. 106 $29,740

Vonda $21,039 White City $112,882


White Fox $21,694 Wiseton $5,245

White Valley No. 49 $28,489 Wolseley No. 155 $24,138

Whitewood $56,620 Wolseley $51,494

Wilcox $20,204 Wolverine No. 340 $27,654

Wilkie $77,540 Wood Creek No. 281 $12,218

Willner No. 253 $14,602 Wood River No. 74 $19,310

Willow Bunch No. 42 $21,516 Wreford No. 280 $8,940

Willow Bunch $17,046 Wynyard $105,313

Willow Creek No. 458 $41,303 Yarbo $3,159

Willowdale No. 153 $17,701 Yellow Grass $26,224

Wilton No. 472 $89,042 $933,872

Windthorst $12,814 Young $14,244

Winslow No. 319 $19,310 Zenon Park $11,145

Wise Creek No. 77 $9,357

For more information on the Gas Tax Fund, please visit:

For more information about the federal Gas Tax fund in Saskatchewan, please visit: asset-management/funding/federal-gas-tax-program/about-the-federal-gas-tax-fund-program