Warren Commission, Volume XXII: CE 1439
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Prelude to Tragedy: The woman who sheltered Lee Oswald's family tells her story by Jessamyn West (The distinguished Quaker writ- %%-list Oswald or Rubv had done . matter, we want what is bloody er Jessamyn !Vest is the author Perhaps this was because of and violent. It is entirely possi- of "The Friendly Persuasion," some personal need to associate ble, on the weekend when we amony other books, and is the myself with what is creative, not all watched the assassination of editor of "The Quaker Reader. ") destructive ; with what is respon- President Kennedy and the sible, not irresponsible. But it shooting of Lee Oswald, that was also, I think, because such hundreds or even thousands of n the black days last Novem- an act was so desperately needed women were doing exactly what Iber when murder followed as- in that weekend of violence and Ruth Paine was doing : offering sassination, a third and contra- destruction ; it was needed not food, shelter and friendship to a dictory act was reported in the only morally, as a reminder to family in need of it . These wom- press. This act was reported be- us that the desire to foster hu- en will never be known to us. cause it also had to do with Lee man life as well as to destroy it They did not befriend the fam- Oswald, Friday's alleged assas- still survived in the world ; it ily of a man accused of assassi- sin and Sunday's victim . A Mrs. was needed aesthetically, as the nating the President . Ruth Paine, a Quaker, had taken knocking on the door in Maebeth in Lee Oswald's pregnant wife is needed after the bloody events and baby daughter while lie was that have preceded it. The spec- should not delude our- out of work ; and on weekends tators who, because of television, selves about this . I would not havew to Dallas to talk to a Lee Oswald himself had some- were very near to being partici- gone times visited his family in Mrs. pants required emotional rest . woman who for six years had l'ame's home in Irving, a sub- And the happenings of that taken care of her bedridden step- urb of Dallas. It was from the weekend, looked at as drama, father and his older half-blind Paine home that Oswald, carry- required, after assassination and sister. Though her act might, in ing "curtain rods," went to his murder, Mrs . Paine's "concern" a scale assaying human devotion, job Friday morning in the (to use a Quaker word) for the outweigh Mrs . Paine's tenfold . School Book Depository on Elm Oswalds if those happenings You would not be reading my Street . were to give any balanced ac- account of that visit . We are in- There are people, I have dis- count of the human condition . terested in what Mrs . Paine did covered, who missed these ac- Now, history, of course, has no because Lee Oswald and his fam- counts of Ruth Paine . All their interest in giving balanced ac- ily were the recipients of . Ruth available emotional energy was counts of human nature . History Paine's hospitality . From a bed- spent on the principals in the can go for long stretches without room in her home. Lee Oswald tragedy-the President, his wife ever bringing to attention those rose that Friday morning ; in her and the President's murderer. acts of kindness, of unselfishness, kitchen he made and drank his There was scarcely enough emo- of brotherly concern, that are morning coffee. From her garage tion left, even, for more than always coexistent -with acts of he picked up his rifle. With a consternation when Jack Ruby violence and bloodshed. Some of neighbor of hers he rode to his shot down Lee Oswald . us on occasion may be capable, work, rested, refreshed, well- I thought about Mrs . Paine, as Mrs . Paine was, of doing unto armed. however. What she had done others as we would be done by. We may love goodness, cherish stuck in my mind more even than But when it comes to reading eompas- (Continued on page 84) --- or . .T. r-c 4r numn ...- COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 143 9 potkings of "ubdivi,ioc, and shopping cull not of Welolalisnr but of supplir,. centers and overpa,a" , . They u,uallc had a drink befurr dinner "Is this lire chief road between Ining when they had company, but had run out and Dallas?" I asked till, driver . of the nece,san ingredient,. He told me it was. Dowit this high- There, were candle, ore the tilde: and Prelude to Tragedy way. then, Oswald had ridden that Friday what was most memorable to me about tire morning. past pole oaks and hackberrv meal was not anything said then" , but trees. leafless then as now, past sign for Ruth Paine', smile in Ilu" candlelight a, Corn Dog, and Jax beer and weekend she turned to listen to her husband. ,Irecial, on coffer. and margarine and We spoke no word of the Oswalds at (Continued front page 5.?) slrak. It ,vas this remernbered fact, 1 the dinner table. I felt that we were con- thnlight. as w-ell as ill,- snrnkv gloom of the sciously avoiding the subject, as drivers, thought morbid, drier ,inn, honor tin,cIfidrn--: I,ut ce I,avr a sunset and till, pity f a wild beauty to=t not caring to be bodies. Irnrd tine. getting around to reading atu,ut and a domestic brainy not vet achieved, past the wrecked car and sprawled sprawled bodies were a part them unlr" they are nehow blood,tained that read,, me feel sorrowful anti appre- Rreckage and and and tear" ,pl-lied . \\ - then Ruth Paine hrn,ive. of rnv purpose in being in Dallas at . it was not an op- ,ugg-led to \larina (),,,aid that he 11 \\ e wrrr late,:ill(- ex-truck driver wa, that dinner table But That wa, (al- a trip I, :uk to liu-ia that Marina not yet accu lomrd to locating private portune tithe to approach them . Marina O,wald tea, re- ,lid not -ml to make, and wl,icl, Lf ", " home,, fire pulled till (ready in front of the week when I) vald -1 , "uggeiing, by sharing Nl- a mall, light grey- frame house. A young ported to be changing lawyers and firing was when Ruby I'ainr - , home . "hc , :r, all unknmving. rnan wailed al it,, torte to gnrt ml,. sinc, managers . It the week act guarann"ring Ihal III,, of I-pilalit, I undrr,loo,l that Ruil, I'mne .epa- jurors were being chosen : and Dallas wa, Europe a, n"cI IIIc,v re,luirrrnrnl, . rated frnn, her Inl" band . I Irad no idea filled with correspondents from I ,,role- Mr-. Panic a letter asking if who he might lie. Ile a, tall. dark, lvn. well as America, come In see done It wa , I ,uld inlrnir,v her. and fallow,d the der: and in the snap judgments that come -with firework :. if possible. ill, , I, Ilrr will, n phoru" call . The letter, I to one unhidden, 1 char :u terized him as week of Nlr, . Oswald tie.', triumph, oil ill( , of .000 later di-,vtrrd. l,ad till M- Pain- off. probably intelli-tit art,] pos,il,ly mnodv. lettuce platform, with rrrcipt, S3 Be, au- I {tad real onn, arcount, charg- fir turned out to Ill. liullr Pain,', lotsband, reported in return for her oratory. galliered round in ;; Nl- Painr will, r " v, " rvlhin, from tin \licharl . front whom slue had been ,elra- Were we also vultures jrrslifi"Ide guilelerte In downright rate,l for a year or more before the a,sus,i- the sarne bodies and feasting on (Ill, same fared. ,ol,rration. I t, " at pain, to Irl her rratinn but who luul lin- rejoined his tragedy? That po,,ibilily had in be let rnv,elf, perhap, know that I a, r ,orb a one. Mr,. family . Ill, lank n" up the short palm ... And while I could tell I'ai,rc. a, a r-uh . wm afraid heat rnv to the hou- and I experivo,ed the shock louugly, that what I wanted In axsn,ialr ill,- rv" Irbrale. ,hc,irr to pins lo-r a lm,leslal- of nu " ," Iin, till- ",cal' Bull, Pains: myself with . t o report and to Thi, 'In, did not want . Quaker who lookr,l more like the tarnpu, wad not murder and a-as,inalion . vio- and oppnit" s, During my phone rail I formed uch than Ilo, rneclinglun-r : ill, , mother built lvntr drsiruc.lion, but Ihrir I already aid I knew that I a ,hfinilr pirlurr of Ruth Painc that noel " like a darorr than n Ihon,rwif" : th,, ,fill, a, have . In n I finally rnct I-r. I had at fvst it,(, vnirr ,rhich, without aid of longdi,tan- would not he in Dallas or dining with if,, , rx,epl the fact that their live, fling that 1 wrrr ,baling ,,,III 'on,conr ir-, ea- warmer and more <pirilrd Ilian Pain" for , .I,, . I :,nr r, (it ,tier chat el "nts hail Ilu" , " 1 rrn.ernl,rrrd . had brrn touched try violence . 1 went li%irl, onlrilnrtv,l to my original picture" . It From Ilu" Pain- lining room I could \licharl and to ill , ' not her voice alone, root, oft col- . ", " Ill, dicing room . which ,vas really an room, having Ruth to put her Children to reading. Tlu" I,v9r,l : or her diction. cultivated : or her rxwniou of their kilclu n.