Question for Written Answer

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Question for Written Answer Question for written answer E-003668/2020 to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Rule 138 Alessandro Panza (ID), Marco Zanni (ID), Marco Campomenosi (ID), Simona Baldassarre (ID), Susanna Ceccardi (ID), Antonio Maria Rinaldi (ID), Luisa Regimenti (ID), Mara Bizzotto (ID) Subject: Exploitation of child labour in Pakistan All the media have told the story of Zohra, an 8-year-old Pakistani girl sold, as a maid, by her parents from a small village in Pakistan to a well-to-do couple from Rawalpindi. One day, the couple – as if the abuse of forcing a child to work were not enough – became furious when two parrots escaped, and began torturing her. Then, afraid of the consequences, they took her to hospital. The medical staff at the hospital where little Zohra was admitted had no choice but to register her death. The autopsy, moreover, noted signs of sexual assault. Unfortunately, this is not the first case of violence against children in Pakistan which has been reported in the news. The European Union is Pakistan's main trading partner, receiving 30% of its exports, while 20% of EU imports come from Pakistan, which is also the main beneficiary of EU aid in Asia. In the light of the above, will the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union: 1. urge Pakistan to take more stringent measures against child labour; 2. consider, in agreement with the Commission, severe economic sanctions should that not happen? Supporter1 1 This question is supported by a Member other than the authors: Marco Dreosto (ID) PE654.495v01-00.
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