15.6.2020 B9-0172/14

Amendment 14 , , , , , on behalf of the ID Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0172/2020 PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL European protection of cross-border and seasonal workers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1a. Calls on the Member States to ensure decent working conditions for cross-border and seasonal workers, as well as adequate protection for frontier workers affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, in order to prevent all sorts of exploitation and social dumping that would lead to a reduction in workers’ economic and social rights;

Or. en

AM\1207730EN.docx PE647.656v01-00

EN United in diversityEN 15.6.2020 B9-0172/15

Amendment 15 France Jamet, Elena Lizzi, Guido Reil, Stefania Zambelli, Marco Campomenosi, Alessandro Panza on behalf of the ID Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0172/2020 PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL European protection of cross-border and seasonal workers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2a. Underlines that it is the responsibility of Member States to regulate the labour market and to design and implement employment and social policies that reflect the specific needs of their territories;

Or. en

AM\1207730EN.docx PE647.656v01-00

EN United in diversityEN 15.6.2020 B9-0172/16

Amendment 16 France Jamet, Elena Lizzi, Guido Reil, Stefania Zambelli, Marco Campomenosi, Alessandro Panza on behalf of the ID Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0172/2020 PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL European protection of cross-border and seasonal workers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3a. Rejects any attempt to regularise illegal immigrants employed as seasonal workers; calls on the Member States to give priority to the thousands of unemployed citizens affected by the crisis, and to consider the introduction of a voucher system in order to regulate occasional-basis jobs, such as seasonal work, and to meet the current labour demand in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak;

Or. en

AM\1207730EN.docx PE647.656v01-00

EN United in diversityEN