Annual Meeting Amelia Island, Florida June 13 - 16, 2002

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Annual Meeting Amelia Island, Florida June 13 - 16, 2002 Annual Meeting Amelia Island, Florida June 13 - 16, 2002 Bar Makes Move! New Address: 104 Marietta St. NW, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30303 Quick Dial Attorney Discipline (800) 334-6865 ext. 720 (404) 527-8720 Consumer Assistance Program (404) 527-8759 Conference Room Reservations (404) 527-8712 Fee Arbitration (404) 527-8750 CLE Transcripts (404) 527-8710 Diversity Program (404) 527-8754 ETHICS Hotline (800) 682-9806 (404) 527-8741 Editorial Board Georgia Bar Foundation/IOLTA (404) 588-2240 Marisa Anne Pagnattaro Georgia Bar Journal (404) 527-8736 Editor-in-Chief Lawyer Assistance Program (770) 612-1122 (800) 327-9631 Scott Fain Bertschi Marcus D. Liner Lawyers Foundation of Georgia (404) 526-8617 Erika Birg W. Fray McCormick Law Practice Management (404) 527-8772 Erin Reynolds Chance E. Peyton Nunez Membership Records (404) 527-8777 Charles Madden Cork III Erick H. Rock Meetings Information (404) 527-8790 Lynda Carney Crum John I. Spangler III Pro Bono Project (404) 527-8763 Professionalism (404) 527-8793 John Michael Gross Robert R. Stubbs Sections (404) 527-8774 Rebecca Ann Hoelting Jerre Bailey Swann Jr. Unauthorized Practice of Law (404) 527-8743 Michael K. Jablonski Kristin H. West Young Lawyers Division (404) 527-8778 Michelle Wilkins Johnson Pamela Y. White-Colbert Sarah Howard Lamar Manuscript Submissions The Georgia Bar Journal welcomes the submission of Advisors unsolicited legal manuscripts on topics of interest to the State Bar of Georgia or written by members of the Theodore Harris Davis Jr. D. Scott Murray State Bar of Georgia. Submissions should be 10 to 12 pages, double-spaced (including endnotes) and on let- Editors Emeritus ter-size paper. Citations should conform to A UNIFORM D. Scott Murray, 00-01 Donna G. Barwick, 86-87 SYSTEM OF CITATION (17th ed. 2000). Please address unsolicited articles to: Marisa Anne Pagnattaro, J.D., William Wall Sapp, 99-00 James C. Gaulden Jr., 85-86 Ph.D., State Bar of Georgia, Communications Theodore H. Davis Jr., 97-99 Jarry B. Blackstock, 84-85 Department, 104 Marietta St. NW, Suite 100, Atlanta, L. Brett Lockwood, 95-97 Steven M. Collins, 82-84 GA 30303. Authors will be notified of the Editorial Stephanie B. Manis, 93-95 Walter M. Grant, 79-82 Board’s decision regarding publication. William L. Bost Jr., 91-93 Stephen E. Raville, 77-79 The Georgia Bar Journal welcomes the submission of Charles R. Adams III, 89-91 Robert H. Walling, 75-77 news about local and circuit bar association happen- L. Dale Owens, 87-89 ings, Bar members, law firms and topics of interest to attorneys in Georgia. Please send news releases and other information to: Joe Conte, Director of Communications, 104 Marietta St. NW, Suite 100, Officers of the State Bar of Georgia Atlanta, GA 30303; phone: (404) 527-8736; James B. Franklin President [email protected]. James B. Durham President-Elect William D. Barwick Secretary Disabilities George Robert Reinhardt Jr. Treasurer If you have a disability which requires printed materi- George E. Mundy Immediate Past President als in alternate formats, please contact the ADA coor- Peter J. Daughtery YLD President dinator at (404) 527-8700 or (800) 334-6865. Derek J. White YLD President-Elect Headquarters S. Kendall Butterworth YLD Past President 104 Marietta St. NW, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30303 Communications Committee (800) 334-6865 (404) 527-8700 FAX (404) 527-8717 William E. Cannon Jr. Chairperson William H. Dodson II Vice-Chairperson South Georgia Office 244 E. Second St. (31794) P.O. Box 1390 Tifton, GA 31793-1390 Communications Staff (800) 330-0446 (912) 387-0446 FAX (912) 382-7435 Joe Conte Director Robin E. Dahlen Assistant Director Sarah I. Bartleson Administrative Assistant Legal 10 Making Sense of Strategic Alliances By Brett Lockwood On the Cover Amelia Island offers Annual Meeting attendees a unique opportunity for education Features and entertainment. See pages 40-41 for more information. 18 Representing the Unpopular Client After Sept. 11 By Michael Mears 25 The Legality of U.S. Strikes Under International Law By Daniel H. Joyner 32 Ambassadors of Orchestral Music Departments By Robin E. Dahlen 36 Midyear Meeting Combines Education and Networking 4 From the President By Sarah I. Bartleson 6 From the Executive Director 8 From the YLD President 39 New Board of Governors Members Named By Robin E. Dahlen 49 Bench & Bar 52 Office of General Counsel 45 Do You Know Where Your Charter Is? 54 Lawyer Discipline By Robert L. Whatley 56 Law Practice Management 60 South Georgia Office 46 Georgia Legal Services Campaign Donors 61 Professionalism Office Publisher’s Statement 66 Section News The Georgia Bar Journal (ISSN-1085-1437) is published six times per year (bi- monthly) by the State Bar of Georgia, 104 Marietta St. NW, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 68 In Memoriam 30303. © State Bar of Georgia 2002. One copy of each issue is furnished to mem- 70 bers as part of their State Bar dues. Subscriptions: $36 to non-members. Single CLE Calendar copies: $6. Periodicals postage paid in Atlanta, GA. Opinions and conclusions 75 Notices expressed in articles herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Editorial Board, Communications Committee, Officers or Board of Governors 79 Ad Index of the State Bar of Georgia. Advertising rate card will be furnished upon request. Publishing of an advertisement does not imply endorsement of any product or 79 Classified Resources service offered. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to same address. By James B. Franklin Law Day Offers President Opportunity to Celebrate Liberty ince 1961, a joint resolution of Congress designates May 1 as a day to celebrate our heritage of liberty under law. This day, from the Swhich we know as “Law Day,” celebrates our freedoms as Americans — freedoms protected by our laws and legal institutions. Yet, Law Day is more than just a celebration — it’s a time of opportunity. Law Day presents a renewed should miss no chance to remind opportunity for lawyers to help Americans that the first thing every educate the public about our sys- tyrant in history, including Hitler, tem of justice. In light of recent has done was to follow the advice events, this year’s Law Day pres- of a character from Shakespeare’s ents an especially unique opportu- King Henry VI, “to kill all the nity for lawyers to assume leader- lawyers.” Only through the ship in helping reassure that all our destruction of a system of laws can Law Day presents citizens appreciate the blessings of such despots seize and retain liberty, and all the benefits of a soci- power and ultimately trample a renewed ety based upon the rule of law. upon the freedoms of the people. The legal profession plays a his- In these troubled times, it is our opportunity for toric role in connecting society with job to help ease concerns and mis- the rule of law. Our profession can perceptions with regard to our sys- lawyers to help and should take major responsibili- tem of justice. We understand that ty for ensuring that the rule of law one of our roles as lawyers is to do educate the public remains the glue that holds the fab- all we can to protect civil liberties. about our system ric of our society together. As a result of certain aspects of the Through Law Day observances war on terrorism, there are those of justice. around the country, lawyers should who suggest that certain constitu- avail themselves at every opportu- tional rights are being jeopardized. nity to meet with civic clubs, stu- Although we may have to dents and whoever will listen. We approach situations differently dur- 4 Georgia Bar Journal ing those times, we must not be that liberty failed to stretch forth a activities against our people and forced to concede the liberties we saving hand while yet there was values could prove fatal if lawyers treasure as a country. We must rec- time.” As we enter this season of are not vigilant on both fronts. ognize that as a profession and as a the celebration of the law, I urge all On Law Day this year, as we cel- people we cannot compromise on of us, as lawyers, to never let it be ebrate our freedoms, let us not for- the preservation and protection of said by future generations that we get that freedom, justice and equal- civil rights and liberties, but we failed in our duty to stretch forth a ity are not givens, even in our soci- may be required to make some con- saving hand to help preserve those ety. Courage, perseverance, con- cessions for a short time in order to freedoms so carefully crafted into stant attention and diligence are preserve the very system that has our nation’s Constitution by our essential if we are to retain the sys- tem that has been handed down to given us these freedoms. founding fathers. Let us be ever us. At every opportunity, we must Our nation is being tested. Our mindful of our individual and col- stand up to support, explain and Constitution is being tested. Indeed, lective duty to use our leadership teach our strengths and values. we as a people are being tested. But positions, talents and education to At every critical point in our in the end, our system of democracy assure preservation of this pre- nation’s history, lawyers have been and justice will prevail and be cious, but fragile, experiment in at the forefront of the patriots fight- stronger for the stress and wear. freedom. Attacks in the form of ing for the values that have provid- The principals upon whom this dilution of civil liberties or from ed us with our strength.
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