Truman Decides on One Head of Forces
THE RIPES Forces in the European Theater Unofficial Newspaper of U.S. Armed Volume 2, Number 167 20 pfg„ 20 gr., 2 fr„ 1 & Monday, June 17, 1946 1 Truman Decides On The Stewart, which saw service under both the United States and One Head of Forces Japanese flag is buzzed by the fliers before they open up on the vessel. $3,000,000 for Gems, His Proposal On Unification But Countess Says No Favors Army NEW YORK, June 16 (AP)—Jack FRANKFURT, June 16 (AP)—The WASHINGTON," June 16 (AP) M. Werst, Dayton, Ohio, jeweler, Countess von Hessen, 74-year-olc reported he has cabled an offer granddaughter of Queen Victoria, —President Truman asked Con- to the House of Hesse to buy the declared that she "certainly would gress to merge the armed forces Hessian crown jewels and was not" sell the Hesse crown jewels to under a single cabinet officer prepared to pay as much as $3,000,- Jack »M. Werst, Dayton, Ohio, 000" for the fabulous collection, now jeweler. and give the Air Forces more for the most part in U. S. Army The Countess said she had not responsibility than the Navy, custody following its theft and received Werst's cabled offer to pay recovery. up to $3,000,000 but "there would be I wanted that branch to have. ... and smoke rises aft and near the bridge as rocke ,0 MM Werst, who recently purchased no question about it." The President, deciding a dis- shells hit the ship leaving .., from Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt a "I couldn't sell Hhem because in agreement between the Secre- sixteen and a quarter carat diamond the first place they don't all belong for $30,000 said he had cabled Prin- to me or to any member of the taries of War and Navy over cess Margarita asking her to con- family individually," she said at unification details, ruled generally tact him through military chan- her home near Kronberg Castle, in favor of the Army position on nels for permission to examine the where the recovered jewels were three points they told him they gems." stolen last November.
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