■' ■ ■ T h # W M lk a r A v o n t* DrUj CiroilatlihtkMi gUtssaal *« V. a. WsolM r Borosa f a c e FOIIRTEE!f iSanrtjratrr lEtttiiiitg l^eraid Fa* IlM Mm Ui of Mmr«nb*v, 1M1 PwrOjr eisady aad esl l i r to- 9380 night) M r aoi esMar W* HMMftyp In ordsr to„ •eeommod^ wtads 66 to 66 M-pA. toolght. largtr audlsncs, and to provios &raUi About Town fadUtles for an «»«w lsd P ro g rw Uia Christmas party of Gibbws Manchesicr— A City of Village Charm Assembly, Catholic Ladles of 4 The lnnB»cul»te Oonw^lon liimbus. will be held In St. James s PRICE FOUR CENTS Mothan Onda win meat VI c<m^ school hall tomorrow night, In­ AimrtlalM on Pa** U> MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 16.1947 (SIXTEEN PAGES) day avanUUf at Uie hopi* Mra. stead of the K. of C. home as pre­ Edmund Morancy of 37 Kensing­ viously announced. A f e a t ^ or ton atreeC ____ the expanded program will be the dancing bv about 20 pupils of the A aoectal meeting of the Amer- June Jaye' Dance Studio. Chicken Coop Home for 10 and Auxilla^ Working on Plans Emergency Aid Cut trtU be held thU evening at 6:30 The Beethoven Glee Club will ehtrp- ___ Bing in Tolland tonight. The men arc reqiiested to be at Emanuel Mrs. Harold Baglin of »4 Jar\-1s Uithcran church, ready to leave road, entertained with a party and a t 7 :J 10. For Consolidation mlaceUaneous shower tor Miw ja I $88,000,000; Army’s June BagUn of East Hartford, in The Entered Apprentice degree honor of her approaching mar­ will be lonferred at a special riage to John PeNunzio of mat comniunlcation of Manchester Of Western Reich town. Guests were present I»dgc of Masons on Tuesday, Dec. At Prices You’ll Cheer! Hartford. East Hartford and this 16, at 7:30 p. m. Following the de­ Funds Also Slashed town. A three-tiered cake was the gree work a social hour and re­ centerpiece on the buffet table, freshments will be enjoyed. Industrial Potential May Senators May r Be Major Factor in A Christmas party will be held Miss Rosaleen Quirk of 4 Wad­ From HALE’S Of Course 1 House Appropriations by Group C of Center Congrega­ dell road. Manchester, aerved on Program; Exploratory Use Subpoena House Leaders Bride at 14 Committee Reduces tional church in the Robbins room the general committee for the an­ European Recovery Tuesday at 8 p. m. An exchange of nual Morse College mid-season Military Government 25c gifts will be made and a pleas­ dance held Saturday, Dec, 13 at Gonventiims to Begin To Gel Names ant program lias been planned. the Hartford Club. Miss Quirk, a See No Action And Relief by $260,- graduate of Our Lady of Good At Dinner Tonight Senior and jun«or members of t>>unsel Academy, is active In ex­ 000,000; Reduction tra-curricula life at Morse. Ferguson to Seek to Ob­ After Defeat Mystic Review. Womans Benefit London, Dec. 16.—(/P)— Win Leave Reserve association, will enjoy a supper tain List oT Specu­ together at six o'clock tomorrow Eleanor Duse lx>dge, No. 1399, The United States, Britain For Use in Ciiina; evening in Odd Keliows hanfjuet will omit its bowling tonight at and France worked today on lators from Govern­ Taft Keeps Door Open hall. The juniors will have their the Y. The schedule will be Austrian Aid Not Cut tentative plans for economic Mere Crack for Spe­ Christmas party following the resumed after the holldaya consolidation of western Ger­ ment or Brokers Now meal, and the seniors at eight cial Session Action Wn.shington, Dec. 16.—(/F) o'clock. All planning to be present The Emblem Club will hold Its many, whose industrial po­ Bulletin! —The Houho Aiipropriationn should bring gifts for the ex­ annual Christmas party Wednes­ tential may be a major fac­ Washingtoa, Dec. 16— On Anti-Inflation Bill change. day evening at the Elks Home, tor in the European recovery Secretary of Agriculture An- commitleo today made an Maxwell Court, Rockville, when a pfogram. deraoa was reprceeated by Bulletin! $88,000,000 cut in the emer­ Smorgasbord supper will be Will lateoslfy ECorts aides today as wUllag to turn gency foreign aid ))rogrsm served at 6:30 under the chair­ Some of the wine children of Mrs. dwrles Fox stand In the doorwny of this eight by twelve foot ohieken Washington, Dee. 16—(JV- Dtplomatlc sources sold the fail­ over to a Senate committee a coop la which they Uve at Hershey, Pn. I ^ y j n o v ^ Into this “home” Ihree months ago when the and slashed from $490,000,- manship of Mrs. George H. Wil­ ure of the Ccmference of Foreign list of grain mnrket apecnln- The hasband and father sleeps on a beach In a nearby Henator Taft (R-Ohlo' aaid liams of Oxford street. Other Man­ house they had lived In for It years was sold, tiNlay be will ;i y to win Sea- 000 to $230,000,000 a fund Ministers will Intensify efforts to tora if CongreoB demands It by apartmeat hoase basement. (AP wtrephotoV* Atlantic chester members on the commit­ speed the reconstruction of west­ resolution. There wne no Im- ato approval if a three-point the Army asked for govern­ tee arc Mrs. James Reardon and ern Germany. Eastern Germany is medlnte comment from An­ repubUean antMnRation -bUI ment and relief in occupied Mr*. Edward Carrigan. F-ach occupied by Russia. derson. but he U expected to beforo adjoammeat of tho areas. Range and Fuel member is reminded to bring a | Exploratory conversations will nnnounce shortly his position Interim State special Congress session. It sent to the llouao flour a blU ^ ft for exchange. begin tonight at a dinner given by on release of Uw llat which Taft, ehalrmnn ol Ike Senate providing 3509,000,000 aid for Porcelain French Foreign Minister Georges Harold E. Staaeen aaye In- Family Living Costs O.O.P. PoHcy commltlse, told s'rance,. Italy and Austria com­ Children of Mary of 8L Jamsa's I Bidault, who told a news confer­ reporters be had “dropped the pared with the 3597,000,000 tha OIL church held their annual Christ­ cladee name of “ government May Be Result FnuHno Anderson Tyndall ence he would accept a merger of Insiders.” Idea ot trying to work ont an adminiatratlon aak«(L ' - mas party yesterday afternoon In the three sones of western (3er- agroonsent" with House Re- (above), 14, Is rnrrently M a g NaDilag Recemmeaded far CWos SL James's hall. A chicken and Lamp and maay provided It was profitable to Go Up $450 Yearly pwbiteaa lenders to asoure la detealloa at Norfolk. Va,. Nothing was rccommeadsd for spaghetti dinner was served at one Washington, Dec. 16—( ^ —Sen­ Am erican Observers aad ker olsfer, Fraaoss, 1$, Is la L T. WOOD CO. Franca, Bidault said he made the ators may answer with a subpoena that an attempt will be made China. o'clock. Every one had a grab-bag dinner engagement with Secretary to |.ut the mensuro through custody of tkelr pareats pending Only ysaterday, (tongrsss amt SI Bteell St. TeL 449S gift and a thoroughly enjoyable any administration refusal to Predict Western Reich oourf nrtlon brougkt by I M r hna- o v o ML ' Shade of Stats Maraball a week ago. Almost Tliirtl of In-> rui* * ■ • the House. to President Truman legtolatloa time. The Informants said Marshall make public .the list of grain mar­ Will Become Union baoda to “get pesseasloa" of the approving n 3597,000,000 program set hia etatt of German advisers ket speculators which Harold E. crease for Food; LOw-jNcWS T ld llltS Washington, Dec. 16—(O —Sen­ teea-aged hrMoo wltk ,!| “ ^ ^ o fh tlp to th* three iTuropoaa Hand sewn shade in eggshell •loped earlier this moatk and were ... ■■ to work early today drafting pro­ Stasaen claims includes the names ator Taft (R„ Ohio) kept the door countrlea and (nUiuu Mr. tVuawa crepe. One light fixture. 22" Bulletin! est Annual Budget CullM From m Wlr«s married at Moyock, N . O. (A P had called Cbngreas into npecOa) posals which be might tentatively of "government Insiders.” open a mere crack today for ape- high overall. advance to Bidault for the merger Senator Ferguson (R-Mlch) told Fraakfnrt, Dec. 16.— $3,004 in New Orleans I wirepboto). session Nov. U aad aaksd S67,* of the French zone with the Brit­ Germaa leaders, sittlag se­ cial oeosion action on anti-inflation 000,000 to help FraiKC, Italy and reporter that if the Senate Ap­ New York Legislature urgod. to HALE'S SELF SERVE ish zone and American zones, now propriations committee le denied cretly here today, prepared legislation, but House Republican Auatrta g*t through th* wlntor that the four-power organization for what may be a history- Washington, Dec. 16.—(/P) legalize off-the-track betttag..In­ leadcra offered no encouragement. and resist (tommuntsm. access to the names of large trad­ j dividual ftocks edge forward Military Force The Orisbutl In New Enftond $11.98 of all Genfiany has been ruled out, ers, he will seek a subpoena to ob­ making conferenee this week­ —The Bureau of Labor Sta- i In fact, they made it plain that The bill oral to ttoa prasidtnt end with Britlsh-American again today... White House de­ ao far as they are concerned the for the immediate future, at least, tain the list either from govern­ tistics told Congress today it | clines roaumnit on failure of Lon­ only gave cungrosawnal approval by Uie breakdown of the Big Four ment records or from individual nuthorities.
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