Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1947-07-31
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ON THE INSIDE THE WEATHER TODAY. ~ Dodgers Outlast Cards Page 2 Generally fair and COOll~R weather is pr~ Hughes Investigation (Editorial) •••. Page .. dW{Jn dieted for Iowa City today. High in the middle Artist's Model Talks ............. Page 6 r.tabliahed I 86S-Vol 79, No. 263-AP News and Wirepholo Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, July 31.1947-Five Cents 80's. low tonight 60. ------~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------ ----'r----------------------------- route I missinc County World in Action- UN Rushes Hearing Russ Threatens Velo Add Suggestions for Heat Beating Bricker Gives ~ ..nnd. Unconditional' ~h~G~be., TBI ASSOCIATED PRIISS president~~KEI~!~!~~~~!~~ of the United Nations security council, ~~she would~~!P!Ii~~ use the big power vetoJ !i~~~again to blackballJ&d'Y last night ordered an immediate hearing on the United Nations membership applications Irom Ire OK,te Taft , LONDON, (A')-Inlormed Soc Indonesian question which was laid before the land, Portuial and Trans-Jordan. Ialist sources said Prime Minister council this afternoon by Australia and India. Soviet deputy delegate Alexei N. Krasilnikov Expects Taft Control .1 AtUee told labor legislators yester Lange put the case on the council's provisional calmly told the security council's membership com- day Britain will slash her armed agenda for this afternoon's meet- mittee that none of the three had Of Ohio, As Dewey 1 forces in Germany, completely ing, previously scheduled on the Protests Sel"zure diplomatic relations wllh Moscow Says, 'I'm Surprised' , I withdraw troops from Ita ly and Balkan question. The council it- and therefore could not qualify. Greece, scale down her standard COLUMBUS, Ohio (JP)-A prell.. of living and call for longer work-. self will decide which issue ge~ Of AxI'S Assets In Krasilnikov then moved to dential boom for Republican Sena ing hours in key industries in a priorlty. block consideration of applications 'do or die" bid to save the na tor Robert A. Taft of Ohio _ The Australian and Indian dele- D'-Ikan Countrl"es from Austria, Italy, Romania and tion's fallering econQmy. gations, acting almost simultan- DCI Hungary on the grounds that the under way yesterday when Seo~ The disclosures, came in a closed eously, told the council the . strife peace treaties had not been rati- tor John W. Bricker gave an ~ "crisis" meeting of labor members conditional endorsement of hlI · between Dutch and Indonesian WASHINGTON (iP) - The fled. This step drew an irnmcd- or parliament in which Attlee senior colleague :lor the GOP. iCluelched his critics and won what forces threatened world peace but United States protested to Russia iate objection ITom thc United amounted to a vote of confidence a Dutch spokesman in Washing- yesterday against Soviet seizure of States, which insisted on full presidential nomination in 1948. for his government. ton said the U.N. had no juris- German and Italian assets In the discussion. U'aft would not comment fm,. • diction. Balkans in apparent violation of All the major powers except mediately and Gov. Thomas Eo Besides 'the Indonesian and peace treaties. Russia have ratified the trealies FORT LEAVENWORTH,* * * Kan., Balkans cases, the council is com- The action was announced by with Italy, Hungary and Romania. Dewey of New York, now in Mict. (A')-An army general court mar mitted to take up Egypt's com- Undersecretary of State Lovett at Russia already has cast the v 10 lian, was at first silent on fA. tial yesterday sentenced t h r e e plaint against Britain next Tues- a news conference as state de- 11 times in the U.N.'s short his 'Bricker announcement. Negro prisoners to life imprison day. partment officials began confer- tory, three of the earlier ones Then later last night he Umltecl ment and acquitted a fourth de The Netherlands was expected ences to decide what the United being on the original applications himself to an "I'm surprised" whea fendant, accused of bealing to to be represented.by Dr. Eelco Van States should do as a result of by Ireland, Portugal and Trans newsmen confronted him with. aeath a white inmate during a Kleffens, former member of the Russia's veto of an American pro- Jordan and the latest coming AS IOWA CITY'S HEAT wave hlt Us crest yesterday to-year-old Janice Marie Scberrer found the Bricker'S endorsement of Taft. ' race riot May 6 at the U.S. dis security council, who is now am- posal to create a United Nations Tuesday on the American pro perfect way to beat the temperature when she climbed Into an overflowing- bubble bath. Janice Is the 'l'he campaign for Taft, chair ciplinary barracks here. bassador to Washington. commission on the Greek border. posal lor a B9lkan border watch. dau,htcr of Mr. and Mrs. Pa.ul M. Scherrer of Iowa. City. (Daily Iowan Photo-Dickinson) man of the senate's Republican policy committee and co-author ot the Taft-Hartley labor relatlOllll BERLIN, (A')-American offic * * * act, was lAunched a day ahead ~f Ials said yesterday Czechoslovakia, schedule. which declined to join in the Mar The stat-e Republican conunitt.te shall proposal to aid Europe, had had been expected to fire the fi11t signed a trade agreement with the signal nt a noon meeting todq, British and American occupation with & unanimous endors~n~ zones of Germany. h followed by a big Ohio "recolJli The American negotiators hail Bri.tis -Soldiers' Bodies Missing tion cliuner" toniiht to hear Taft ed the pact as the first success in speak on the accompllshments Qf a campaign for expanded trade the congress session just closed. ; between western Germany and \But Bricker stole a march OD tasl European. countries which re Find Body P.lane ~ Incident Guards, Police the party organization, He calle.d mained outside the 'Marshall pro Dutch Gain, 'Regret' reporters into .rus law oUice sUit.. posal nego/ra tions. " "yesterday ana. gl)t (lit ~ cb.m Y omb Woods what he said he had been think AMES, (A')* - * Dean* Emeritus In Basement Transport fvasive, Bailie in Sumatra s' ing about lor seven months. Charles F. Curtiss ot Iowa State /TEL AVIV, Palestine (A') - i\ "1 have urged the state coinmlt college died here yesterday after VIRGINIA CITY, Nev. (IP) - Dutch tharge Rich Rubber Area voice claiming to be that of a re tee to put on a united camp~ noon . The body 01 a black-haired presentative of Irgun Zvai Leumi for Tart for the Ohio delegation to Curtiss, 83, was dean of agri woman, found today in a shallow BATAVIA, Java (jp)-The Neth BATAVIA, Java (IP)- Dutch declaed over the telephone yester the next convention, which I am .'Ulture and director of the Iowa grave in the dingy basenfent of a erlands army, referring to Indo- troops, bolstered by an amphibious day that two BriUsh sergeants, sure they are amtious to do,' said Slate coUege experiment station. house where a man hanged him nesian charges that two Dutch operation, lashed out from the held as hostages for three execut Bricker, the GOP vice-presidential lor mpre than 30 years. ed Jewish Wlderground .members, nominee in 1944." self Sunday night In a strange Medan area yesterday, the Neth fighters had shot down a mercy erlands army announced. The had been executed by hanging. "Is this an unqualified endon;e. FORT MADISON. (IP)-A wide- * * * "triangle" shooting, last night transport plane carrying medical troops drove into the rich tobacco But grenadier guardsmen, Pal ment?" he was asked. Ipread search contmued last 11ight tentatively was identified by supplies to the Republic, said to and rubber region of Sumatra, big "Oh sure," he replied, addinz be tor George Matheson; 68-year-old estine police and an Associated Sheriff Otto Tannehill as that of day that the identity of the air island northwest of Java. Press representative who received expects-and "certainly hopes" convicted murderer who walked Knifing their way through Taft will be nominated. Taft lUt away from the state prison-farm Mrs. Rose Schwartz Harvey, for craft had not been clearly estab one of the purported Irgun mes mine fields and road blocks, the sages searched sand dunes and cit ran for the nomination in 19tO near Montrose early yesterday. merly of Salinas, Calif. lished. and was a strong second to Matheson was serving a liie sen Dutch forces captured Pematang rus groves of the central Palestine She was the former wife of It would be a cause of "great sian tar, Republican capital for coastal plain almost inch by inch Thomas E. Dewey until both were \eJ!ce. Tony Harvey, 40, who was en- regret," the army declared, should overtaktn by the late Wendell L. Prison o1ficials said Matheson, northern Sumatra and. home of an without finding a clue to the gaged in a gun duel and then important Indonesian radio sta whereabouts or fate of the two Willkie who won on the sixth bU who had trusty status and lived hanged himself. it develop that the plane was an lot. In barracks while working at the The sheriff, who announced the unarmed transport carrying medi tion. sergeants. The figbting on Sumatra over The telephone voice said Clif "Does this complete'\y remove \\~IlI.tQS\l t.arm, si.mply disappear grisly discovery, said the woman, cal supplies from India. shadowed milltary developments ford Martin and Mervyn Paice you from the picture in 19187:' ed during the early morning hours. about five feet 10 inches and fully The Dutch communique was is in Java, where the Dutch report were executed "because they were Bricker was asked. clothed, had been dead about four sued as the Indonesians gave a "It doesn't remove me becaUJe BOSTON, (A')-Douglas Chand- edly were continuing their elforts convicted of being enemies" and months.