JANUARY 2017 VOL. 54, ISSUE 1 ¥800 JANUARY JANUARY 2017 JOURNAL.ACCJ.OR.JP THE JOURNAL THE AUTHORITY ON GLOBAL BUSINESS IN JAPAN JOURNAL.ACCJ.OR.JP HELPING GLOBAL HEALTH THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN JAPAN Tokyo fund unites public, private sectors against disease 毎月一日発行 第五十四巻 1 号 ジャーナル 二〇一七年一月一日発行 Podcasts For Japan with Dr. Greg Story The Leadership The Presentations The Sales Japan Series Japan Series Japan Series Dale Carnegie Training Japan has In-House and Public Courses in English and Japanese Connect with us on Dale Carnegie Training Japan Contact: 03 4520 5470 or
[email protected] Full details on all courses and training schedules at JAPAN.DALECARNEGIE.COM Dale Carnegie Training 00ACCJ.Jan2017.Cover_vFinal.indd 4-6 12/20/16 6:31 PM CONTENTS VOL. 54, ISSUE 1 5 EDITOR'S DESK 20 EDUCATION Healthy and Smart Smart Learner C Bryan Jones Startups, venture capitalists, and teachers disrupt education 7 SOCIAL MEDIA John Amari Trending 25 EDUCATION 8 HEALTHCARE Extra Credit Health makes Wealth International schools Japan-based fund unites go beyond the core public, private sectors to fight J-MEDIA infectious disease 35 Diet Dailies Brandi Goode Concerns over Trump protectionism 12 SHARING ECONOMY Ministry objects to Fast Food NHK fee plans Uber’s culinary spinoff comes to Tokyo translation of news from Keizaikai C Bryan Jones 16 ENTREPRENEUR 37 ACCJ MEMBER NEWS Women for Women Keiko Maruyama does her part for Womenomics Maxine Cheyney 19 PARTNER CONTENT DISCLAIMER Global Education Custom Media and the ACCJ will not accept liability Nikkei Asian Review for any damages caused by the contents of The Journal, including, but not limited to, any omissions, errors, facts or false statements.