Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} 's Longest Day by Pacific War Research Society Japan's Longest Day. We don't know about any reviews for this book Japan's Longest Day (#) by Pacific War Research Society. Пов’язані книги. We are aware of 5 similar reference publications related to "Japanese soldiers (WW2)". Запаси. Список бажань (0 товаришів) Запаси (2 товаришів) Стрічка новин. The newsfeed doesn't contain any items. Більше про Japanese soldiers (WW2) Search for Japanese soldiers (WW2) and quickly find all products, articles, walkarounds and books related to this topic. Нові релізи (Люди (Друга світова війна)) Гарячі моделі (Люди (Друга світова війна)) New Quick looks. Майбутні події. We use cookies to give you a great and free experience. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. You can change your Cookie settings at any time. (Essential cookies are for: preferences, security, performance analytics and contextual advertising) Japan's Longest Day. We don't know about any reviews for this book Japan's Longest Day (#) by Pacific War Research Society. Related books. We are aware of 5 similar reference publications related to "Japanese soldiers (WW2)". Stash. Wishlist (0 mates) Stash (2 mates) News Feed. The newsfeed doesn't contain any items. More about Japanese soldiers (WW2) Search for Japanese soldiers (WW2) and quickly find all products, articles, walkarounds and books related to this topic. New releases (Humans (World War II)) Hot kits (Humans (World War II)) New Quick looks. Upcoming events. We use cookies to give you a great and free experience. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. You can change your Cookie settings at any time. (Essential cookies are for: preferences, security, performance analytics and contextual advertising) Japan's Longest Day by Pacific War Research Society. Originally published in 1965 by Bungeishunju Ltd. under the name "Nihon no Ichiban Nagai Hi" and brought to the US by Kodansha in 1968. Titled Japan's Longest Day , the publication deals with the 24 hours that lead up to the broadcast of 's speech. A speech that would signal Japan's surrender during World War II. In those 24 hours, the fate of Japan would be decided between those that wanted to surrender and save their home and those that were willing to sacrifice the country to save her honor. In researching for this book, the Pacific War Research Society, a panel of distinguished Japanese scholars and journalists, interviewed many of the participants of the event. A great deal of work also went into scouring all published material available about that day. It proved to be a difficult process as twenty years had passed. For some that were interviewed, memories had faded. Other participants had taken a vow of silence, not divulging about the 24 hours. Meanwhile, others mentioned contradictory information about the matter. Such contradictory statements or the unwillingness by the participants to talk can be seen as a form of Japan's overall inability to look at itself in the mirror about the war. In relation to this site, this book would go on to serve as the basis of Toho's movie of the same name. Staring many of Japan's famous actors of the day, Japan's Longest Day appeared in Japanese theaters in 1967. At the time, the production christened the 35 anniversary of Toho's founding. It mostly follows the format of the book with a small section leading up to the 24 hours before the surrender, which takes up most of the film. The movie achieved great success critically, and the film even airs on Japanese television annually. More recently, the concept underwent a remake and appeared in Japanese theaters in August 2015 from Shochiku under the title The Emperor . As for the contents of the book: the events that surround Japan's surrender to the allies during World War II are common knowledge. In an attempt to force Japan to face the inevitable, the US dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Furthermore, on the same day Nagasaki disappeared from the face of the Earth, the Soviet Union finally entered the war against Japan. The Soviets did so with a stunning attack on the Kwantung Army. Despite this, Japan's government was still in a deadlock. Eventually those that wished for peace implored onto the Emperor to intervene, which he did on August 14th, 1945. In convincing his subjects to accept the , Hirohito told them "to bear the unbearable." Even a majority of the hardliners eventually and reluctantly accepted the order. What is not completely known, however, was fact that there were those that did not desire this outcome. Those that would do everything they could to prevent the surrender from taking place. Those that preferred annihilation to surrender. Those that feared the consequences for Japan falling under foreign control meant the loss of their entire culture. As a result, several groups within the army resorted to military coups, taking out potential targets to stop the surrender. The main coup took place at the Imperial Palace as army rebels led by Major Kenji Hatanaka started an uprising that seized control of the Imperial Palace. Interrogating the prisoners that they managed to acquire, the rebels would search for the recordings of Hirohito's speech. Their goal was to destroy them and then prepare another speech, proclaiming Japan's intent to fight to the death. If the coup plotters had succeeded, then, the bloody fighting could have continued and perhaps resulted in the utter destruction of the Japanese home islands. Fortunately, they did not succeed. Japan was finally able to end the nightmarish war that it had foolishly plunged itself and the Pacific into for four long hellish years. With the overall events taking place in the 24 hours between August 14 and 15, thus came the title to describe the series of events as Japan's Longest Day . The book tells its story in two parts. The first part is the lead up in one large chapter from July 26 to August 14 and then the second part deals with the 24 hours of the incident, which ends with the emperor's broadcast playing on Japanese radio at 12:00pm on August 15. The content in the second part of the book has chapter titles that do not look out of place on the Fox series 24. Throughout the book, there are pictures of the large cast, the locations and several artifacts from the period. After the story concludes, there is a section of notes to the overall story and a long list of characters that were involved in the event with the key members having their last name bolded. Some names had asterisks right next to them to indicate that the authors interviewed them for the book. Overall, this is a very interesting book. It serves as a cultural look as well as examining some elements that still remain despite the changes after the occupation. ISBN 13: 9780870114229. Many books have been written about Japan's surrender in World War II, but the definitive story can only be told by the Japanese themselves. This brilliant reconstruction of the bitter hours preceding the surrender announcement of Emperor Hirohito is based on material compiled by the Pacific War Research Society, a panel of distinguished Japanese authors and journalists. In minute and vivid detail it relates the history-making events of the brief twenty-four-hour period before the Emperor's broadcast that changed the course of nations-and the lives of millions. During those hours-while hot-blooded young army officers were in violent conflict about whether to surrender or not-one man, General Korechika Anami, Minister of War, with his indomitable will and loyalty, stood firm in his conviction that the Emperor's word must be obeyed. That conviction led him to the supreme sacrifice, sepukku, and his country to peace. Japan's Longest Day is a penetrating document on the tragic personalities who played out their last great roles on the crumbling stage that was the Imperial . "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. The Pacific War Research Society, a Japanese group made up of fourteen members, devoted eight years work to the research for this book. The group also compiled The Day Man Lost: Hiroshima, 6 August 1945. "A fascinating story, fraught with heroes and heroism." -- Village Voice. "A splendid example of popular history: informative, instructive, exciting, and convincingly factual." -- Pacific Affairs. "Fast-paced . and written with infinite care and skill." -- Camden Courier-Post. "Few contemporary books give one such an insight into the traditions and values of prewar Japan, particularly regarding the . Emperor." -- John M. Allison, Saturday Review. Japan's Longest Day by Pacific War Research Society. by Thomas Hamilton. This is a brief account of how and why Japan surrendered. The best account of these events is found in Nihon no Ichiban Nagai Hi by the Pacific War Research Society. The Society was a group of 14 Japanese historians who spent years interviewing every Japanese survivor involved in any way with the decision, except Hirohito. Their book was published in 1965. It was translated into English and published by Kondansha with the title Japan's Longest Day [JLD]. This is still the authoritative book on the subject. This post is condensed from JLD. If you have read JLD, don't bother with this post. Otherwise, here are the Cliff notes. Japan in the summer of 1945 was governed, in the name of the emperor, by the Supreme War Council or Big Six. The SWC consisted of representives of the Army, the Navy and the civilian government. This body ruled by consensus. That is the six would debate amoung themselves until they all agreed on a course of action which could be presented to Hirohito. The most powerful person on the SWC was the Army Minister. It had become a rule of Japanese politics that the Army Minister was chosen by the Army and no cabinet could exist without an Army Minister. This meant that the Army could veto any decision by having its Minister resign. The issue on the table in late summer of 1945 was the . The SWC could not, did not achieve consensus. It is a remarkable fact about the crisis which overtook the SWC in August 1945 that no one changed their opinion. The SWC members who advocated immediate acceptance of the Potsdam declaration stayed pro-peace throughout. More amazingly, the SWC members who opposed surrender before Hiroshima, continued to oppose it right up till August 14. Foreign Minister Togo (the leader of the doves) Prime Minister Admiral Suzuki (77 and very flaky) Navy Minister Admiral Yonai. Army Minister General Anami (the leader of the hawks) Army Chief of Staff General Umezu Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Toyoda. It is a curious fact that the Navy was so important, even though it only had a few destroyers left. Since these six people were unable to agree to end the war, there were two other sources of authority which could possibly break the deadlock, although, since Japan was already at war, the hawks had no desire to break the deadlock. The Army was in physical control of the country and Tokyo. The Army had a tradition of murdering political opponents. Many middle level officers in the Army believed that the Army should murder all the doves and take control of the country. This would mean, in effect, kidnapping Hirohito. Many officers viewed this as preferable to surrender. Everyone believed that a surrender order would be followed by an immediate coup attempt and assasination spree. Hirohito strongly wanted peace. In principle, he could have ordered the Army to surrender at any time. Under the Meiji Constitution he was explicitly Commander and Chief. However, it was not clear that the Army would obey him. If he ordered the Army to surrender, a successful coup would leave him a prisoner. He knew he only had one shot. He would have to stake his position and the lives of his fellow doves on one attempt to bulldoze the Army. The question was, when to try it. Hirohito was not isolated, he had the help of many senior politicians. He had friends in the Army. It just wasn't clear that he had enough to ride out a coup. Everyone agreed on the importance of protecting the 'national polity'. Doves emphasized the importance of the Monarchy. They argued that immediate surrender to the US was the best way to preserve the Monarchy. Peace feelers to the US from doves had been broken off at hawks insistence, but not before the US had communicated to the doves that Japan could surrender and keep an emperor. The doves also didn't like the Russians and would have preferred ending the war before they occupied any of Japan. (Even though Japan was still at peace with Russia, indeed trying desperately to negotiate with Stalin, Japan could see the Russians deploying massive forces on the border. The Russian attack was not a big surprise.) The hawks accepted that the war, and empire, were gone. They believed that the US would allow Japan to retain its government structure and independence if it were clear that the price of insisting on occupation was too high. They advocated a guerilla war. They believed that even if the emperor were hiding in the mountains with a few soldiers, that was preferable to having the public humiliation of the emperor subordinated to foreigners. However, the hawks didn't think it would come to that. After all, all they wanted was a little area around Tokyo where the emperor and his soldiers could wave the flag unmolested. Was this too much to ask in exchange for thousands of US lives? The hawks thought US diplomatic concessions would be coming. The hawks also thought the Soviets would help. They could pressure the US directly, although that was unlikely. More usefully, the Soviets could overrun Manchuria and Korea, scaring the US into coming to terms. However, the hawks main hope was for a US invasion. Until the US invaded, Japan had no good way to kill Americans. However, if the US fought Japan's 2 million man home army in Japan's rugged terrain, Japan would kill plenty of Americans. So, given this backdrop, let's look at some events: The July 26 PP explicitly called for the "unconditional surrender of the Japanese Armed Forces". The cabinet correctly interpreted this as saying that the monarchy would not be eliminated. The foreign office pressed for immediate acceptance. The Army was unmoved. The SWC reached a consensus to do and say nothing. (This was there most common approach to all problems). Unfortunately, PM Suzuki said to reporters that the cabinet would 'mokusatsu' the PP. This harsh language, which was a slip from a well-meaning but senile dove, infuriated Togo because he knew it would get a bad reaction from the US. How bad, he couldn't imagine. Hiroshima was bombed on Aug 6. Nothing happened in Tokyo on the 6th or 7th. On Aug 8, Hirohito informed PM Suzuki that the war must be ended immediately. Suzuki was instructed to call an immediate SWC meeting for that purpose, "but the meeting had to be postponed because one of the members was unavoidably detained by 'more pressing business' elsewhere." [I, also, find this incredible, so I just quoted what JLD says] Russia declared war the afternoon of the 8th. The doves woke up early this Thursday. Furious about the meeting that had been blown off, leading to Russian entry, Togo et al. managed to get an SWC meeting going by 10:30 AM. Immediately, the SWC split into its two familiar factions and started going over the familiar arguments. Halfway through the meeting a message arrived saying that Nagasaki had been bombed at 11:00 that morning. This changed no opinions. The SWC meeting broke up at 1:00 PM with no decision having been made. That afternoon the arguments were repeated in a full cabinet meeting lasting from 2:30 to 10:00 PM. The Home Minister explicitly predicted that a coup would likely happen if the government ordered surrender. The meeting had no result. Suzuki then, after consultation with Hirohito, called a SWC meeting for 11:50 PM, to be held in the presence of the emperor , an unprecedented, although perfectly legal, procedure. For two hours the SWC went over the same arguments it had been arguing non-stop since mid-morning the day before. At 2:00 AM Suzuki turned to Hirohito, saying "your decision is requested". Hirohito said he supported Togo. He then left the room. Suzuki then convened a cabinet meeting to prepare the formal note of surrender. By 4:00 AM the note had been approved by the cabinet and sent to the Foreign Office for translation and transmission. The FO had one last trick. The cabinet had demanded that the US respect "the powers of His Majesty". The FO translated that to English reading "the prerogatives of His Majesty." Since few hawks spoke English, they got away with it. Anami returned to the Army Ministry where he addressed senior personnel and explained the developments. A young officer demanded, "Is the Army Minister actually considering surrender?" Anami silenced the officer by smashing the table with his swagger stick. However, the young officers could still hope that the Allies would reject the note and a coup would be unnecessary. The US delivered a massive bombing raid on Tokyo. In Tokyo the leaders waited for the US reply. Anami made a belligerent public proclamation. Young officers began drawing up lists of doves to be killed. The Byrnes reply came at 00:45. The FO diplomatically mistranslated it as well, substituting "controlled by" for Byrnes' "subject to" in the crucial phrase describing the Hirohito's relation with MacArthur. This was the signal to start the same arguments all over again. There was now the added edge that the coup planning was in full process. Anami hoped to use the threat of the coup to prevent acceptance of the Byrnes note, but he also wanted to make sure there was no actual coup. The Allies dropped leaflets describing the exchange of notes. This terrified the government. They were sure this would lead to a coup. So by 10:00 AM the SWC and cabinet were assembled for an Imperial Conference down in Hirohito's bunker. Hirohito announced his decision to accept the Byrnes note. He asked the cabinet to prepare an appropriate rescript for him to read to the nation. That afternoon Hirohito recorded the rescript. Anami forced the top Army officers to sign a statement of loyalty. Anami was still consorting with the coup planners but Umezu definitely decided he was against a coup. That night Anami went to his house and committed sepukku. The coup began with junior officers seizing the Imperial Guards Division and the Imperial Palace. General Mori, commander of the Guards, was murdered. Meanwhile, a series of assasinations was attempted. PM Suzuki barely got out of his house alive before soldiers came, searched it, and burned it in frustration. He went into hiding at a friend's house. Although the rebels had held the palace all night, the coup ran out of steam in the morning. General Tanaka of the Eastern District Army showed up at the palace. Hirohito and his hosehold were safe. Most of the plotters killed themselves. At 12 noon, Hirohitos voice read the rescript ending the war on NHK. Although sporadic mutinies contined for a few days, the situation was stable when the US arrived. General Umezu signed on the Missouri. Buy it at Amazon. Question? Comment? Newsletter? Send me an email. Blue skies! -- Dan Ford. Posted July 2019. Websites © 1997-2019 Daniel Ford; all rights reserved. This site sets no cookies, but the Mailchimp sign-up service does, and so does Amazon if you click through to their store.