Nuclear Power Facilities in the Great Lakes Basin Background Report Compendium of information related to the current status and decommissioning of Great Lakes nuclear power facilities to support the development of a Great Lakes Water Quality Board report Prepared for the Great Lakes Water Quality Board to be submitted to the International Joint Commission September 2019 Acknowledgements Ryan C. Graydon – Author and Primary Researcher
[email protected] Paisley A. Meyer – Research Assistant
[email protected] Mark J. Burrows – Project Manager, COR
[email protected] Suggested citation: Graydon RC, Meyer PA, and Burrows MJ. September 2019. Nuclear Power Facilities in the Great Lakes Basin: Background Report. Prepared for the International Joint Commission’s Great Lakes Water Quality Board. For more information on this report, please visit Permissions With the permission of Canadian Standards Association, (operating as “CSA Group”), 178 Rexdale Blvd., Toronto, ON, M9W 1R3, material is reproduced from CSA Group’s standard CSA N294-09 – Decommissioning of facilities containing nuclear substances. This material is not the complete and official position of CSA Group on the referenced subject, which is represented solely by the Standard in its entirety. While use of the material has been authorized, CSA Group is not responsible for the manner in which the data is presented, nor for any representations and interpretations. No further reproduction is permitted. For more information or to purchase standard(s) from CSA Group, please visit or call 1-800-463-6727. With the permission of Natural Resources Canada: Uranium and Radioactive Waste Division, material is adapted and reproduced from Inventory of Radioactive Waste in Canada 2016.