1892 Yearbook of the Disciples of Christ: Their Membership, Missions, Educational and Other Institutions
Disciples of Christ Historical Society Digital Commons @ Disciples History All Yearbooks Yearbooks 1892 1892 Yearbook of the Disciples of Christ: Their Membership, Missions, Educational and Other Institutions G A. Hoffmann Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.discipleshistory.org/all_yearbooks YEAR- BOOK OF THE DISCIPLES OF CHRIST -THEIR- MEMBERSHIP, MISSIONS, EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS. ST, LOUIS: CHRISTIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1"1- 18_92_, _ :, - ~_.- --- --_._- , , l...:).,)' l;.'q ,j,., Y' . ,,' " " " GENERAL INTRODUCTION. The continuous anLl growing interest so signally manifest in all departments of church work, the corresponLling facilities with which every enterprise is carried to success, together with the enthusiasm of numbers, and respectful recognition of their power on every hand, all combined have enabled the committee to present a Year Book of the Disciples of Christ that will challenge the respect and confiLlence of all concerneLl. Without claiming anything like perfection for a work depending so largely on the voluntary and gratuitous aid received, we can give assurance that the statistics are the latest attainable and being gathered mostly at the same time and under the inspiration of the Eleventh Ccnsus of the United States, in charge of Dr. Henry K. Carroll of Plainfieltl, N. J., special agent of the same, it is rcasonable to presume that these facts and figures are fuller and more nearly correct than any hitherto presenteLl in the history of the church. The sevcral state secretaries, with commendable zeal and persistence, in the face of much indifference among the churches, have made it possible to reach a record both helpful and hopeful .
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