HALF CyF ON ALJL CLOAKS AT JOHN HICKST. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. VokUMB IX.-N0. 27. ST. ruHNS, MICHU'.AN. THUKSDAY APTBKN(M)N. PEBRITARY 24, 1806. Whols N o . 448 EARLY BIRDS QI IET AS A RorSE. BUSIN LOCALS. MXI>«OTT» OATOM A AT XM AaiTATION W'lATMTIUI LidLEI FU iLP nWill oSer Satorday •xcnptioaaJ vaiMB VICLAUB ■HtLITtm. OXIIt. in new wmdi bimmIn . all the novNttan at AltbiaMrh the vHInfp* eleettoii hi hwt a the imaeon. inoaMeline de imie. OVMadl TtN* Mt iHrid ilu not Imvw to ■ ■w EapsnCBBB Ul ■ D h IIi if m OM Bi«le eaUitne, eilver atar inadran. fntaaM Bm- tnkH u ri mi tlit«v nlmMly Havp « ritiMn'n tMtM Towu ym, aiik flipiiYwi (IjalnMittaa, iaBBih iiuiiiiuH(t*rM. Th** onu* thie time there d«. either (larty will he. and if etatee have Oor $l.A4i lamii for Sl.lH. rfmH WHm wtm UMWM twmn in*«de up, titeir cont*Mitw are lieioK CMTtod Mm oh WMmu I Has Been Nolle Pmsed in tlie .V«it to In * oiitd«HH* liy thrtr o|i|M»n«int« I box, .’I eakea buttermilk aoap Sr. th** nMniliiimii |trohibiti«»ni«t» hnid • Mi WoMiiii Coat keftt exneedintdv i|niet. The priaeitde •*l Imm flip toilet MMXfi Hip. f**afnn* IMiiir nrued bv a itimmI many in Circuit Court. ifiiK'iiM Moiidny ••rmintc imh I iioniinutnd •1 Imm ZtMt toilet eim|i Hir. th»* followintr for vtlliur*' offlrtM'M: Ktnory that of e*Hlnr»*. Ko*«t«T tnn*- Tile Iwoliew I*it**rarT Club and a few tor to Wscontiane of eilke ami drene icmnle imi (miic** *1 thia .ippropoe o' tin* (lavinK «»t Cllnr inii'ete met at Mn*. It. H. I‘altner ’8 lam 'V»*ek. Tmk YI krtaxtiwc Co. Tneednv aftermMiii and U»t*aie*l t<» au John Schell, a reehknt of EimcIc town- nu«■ fWl",‘. WtthdiVOUfl II elltiject» *iraMh**e IMImwfi W|l l||MTt||PWW|diecumm*! 1tie IfV' • ♦ . .. m . . ehip, «lied very eudrletily. whil<*caniitc for ------FA KEWELL SEI1M( IN |,«*.t lew drive Mil*"* the talk ..f ruiiui.iK I Fildew Jc Millniaii ’e I*>*|«"*ti** Halm ia a tlie tnrilev line.*., tlieetreet line lin.iiuht I '‘H-kn bv Mre h. K. Whit** wh*. hie horw* at tin* home oi hie ilaufcliter, hoiia>*ho4lda. in* That Walker has Hade Par- wim. hk i»Ki.ivKnicii hv kkv hali .. ft...... utter .itfMin i..attentl*H.. tin* follow- I«.t inf.miialion m a happy Mre. (Iraiit Taylor, Friilay in Ihinhy Hamnmtion *»f tli** liiiiice. Try it. 25e •nu f.om II. .1. Ilavene ..f Uneinie. will te* ’“V* niimwita biwiMhiii. .Mr, Schell ami wife «lrov** uml rSK*. • tlal Restltutioa. m'NOAv. t.f .roMt iiit.-r. .* - "*»|r» hv Mi**n Anna IhMihnir luiil a vorral oviw eevenil lia.ve iifco for a vieit, ami Orem Clenrlna Hnle, To >..nrimp.irv,Mativ.. to the ,mvinR '’p* H"* while he hml In *»si tniuhleii with hie (til Suiiiliiv ll»*v. Fnil ’k Mail will Hom* »• the -tf>*.-t** of |.a.,Mi,»«. I ^ve y,!.i Mich «^»”m'*«.n ’** cnt*.rta in merit. Aft.-r tim Kverythinirnf the Mine H. L. IlickN’mil- hie heart fore4iiin ‘tinn*th*we waeiio wiirti- limwy and Fhim 'v (laNide will IreHinwdoat liin liilwir** with St. Jo Iiiin l■hllr<’llllllli w'ill facte lu* I have le**n aide tii. Tin* Huiipo't for the nnan to (uirtiike *d xvafen* and itiic id eu«*h a eiiddeii approach of >|ertth. at irmatly r>*etu**e*| priren t»• to hurry, lie win* l*piilanty. ITiider a fain*r et. al. .VH«iiin|edt. V*Tdiet for defemi- Mnn. II. YY’. ||oi.*nr.\, fence, ttut b*dor>* they i'••*lch*•ti him In* liail Nr.WalttrMfte TtovftltaGoaTtcttoaCoald |>rtmi*l*'d, not .miy with tinwiininif •lUnii? trial it miitht etill tie faipular. It ie ant by *llrection »»f thef«»urt. Sorcramii to Mm. H. L. Hicka. miMtIy torn up and now refdaced with Mtarted to wat**r hie Imm**. Mr. Ihuinett not be Sccared. ^ ••’it with a i|4>|ith of i*in*'»Tity nir»*ly Pauline Reev«* ve. fle«*. I\ ll*ev»*r*inx ve. Wm. .\. IfnhtMinl they reacheil him tudon* ileath. He wae tin* fon* |Mirt of iH*xt \v**ek. wiu* b**tt*-r liiiii or ttecaiiwc of the liirhter ami .\d* ‘zxl**rii**nt, which wan iinScrr***! j oi the court Al.l. OF BERRIES on Shiaw.ie****** etr**et. mail** of crnelie*| I.ucimia .1. Hn****el| m. Win. M. Knneell. *d' Daiihy. Funeral e*u'vh*ee wen* lielil at •lobn Bleha afrainat him iMiin** iiiimmi** nine** liy Ain*. I etone ami I'eimut Thie hae tieeii a con* Hill for «llvnrci*. |Wr*"* 'xmiited. the honn* of th** latter Sninhiy at ll IMIKM W. X. T«> Offem Ktetti Imrnaine in uiid-winter VAMIOKK etiiiit **y**.*.**n* i^v.-r eince. It ie m* lietf**r o’l'lock, **ouda«*t***l by Il«*v. Ilnle»*y. Htir- iimlerwear. t im* cane 25** irarmente now Mar>'ChibMHi, of K«>****x toan«hi|». The, than a lominon *iirt n>ad and if ke|*r XIarrImre larcwea. KAIHK ial ill Porthinrl **»uiiet«u*y. 1-4** **ach or two for 2.V. im|>ortnnt rf'Hi*«»n fur thi** termination i cl«*nn the material w.aild all e«M>n Iwcar- The followinir ninrriaice liceneee have rieil off in mml It do*"* not W'^arike w*dl ; Homo* to Moot of the ram* ai»im«it>* t*» be that Samuel . Anriitar, the ShefiardAville fruit Ireen irraiifed diirinir th«* |Nwt week by Mn Vtlmrce Wmi»c«I ae irniv*-! It ieeap|MMM*f|emaitrh •***ment put in. i Kdirh M. %m**M. tUlTe...... 35 Siieh—I elnatld eay ae much. She ie 2rM* at Fildew ic Ylillniiure. will niak** it iiii ideal fruit farm, lie hae inor«* than coniiuic out with new thinice l*ro**ecut«ir to *ii***Mintinii«' fti«* *'u**e. yean* «»f wu<'** eiinf nl ex|ierienre It will not hiini**ii ami then*fon* ie a fail- ■ Feti 31—-Krneei Hurt**, liretnir roaniy ...... ‘to lin*. It hae le-eli down HlMlIlf tive ,\*, I***- K*»li. *31 —Frwnit i*. \fii"*»n. Hi .Idhin* ...... Hh |Ntrt wne that eh<* ha*! left tier hnehaiid ker wae <'harKe4l with enilieuliiiK, wii** , i^sti*-*., Hve aiTee of hliick cH|m, thn*** Kile Trewtlwrll. HetrfUt....-...... iaat fall. Ho von know anythiiiK uboui I»nrr* N««l Kiobrotdorte". retimie.1 .hem not apie-ar. but .Mr-*. Cl.il- nen*** ..f Htmwlmiriee, two acree of rm| IC»» pul till*; ilown brick |iaveim-nte. .\ •i Fen. *31 —1-Vlwnnl r. F*»rl*»e. Mi*nrel«»m»....*3H ehort eecti**ii at Nret with hri^k lahl Hat- it? I.arKi* aeefirtment. irenutiful ****. llitliiy ll* ’e*|. HetX’irt ...... 30 Thk Mkw a .vtii .k f'o. eon *myH it wae "all h** wu** wae ♦•nable*l .Vei.l*'fnon thie lie will plant five ncree wie*-on c**aa-iil b*ittom eix iiicliee thick, F**l*. *31 —llfirrr J. \n*lrewra. Vlri**r ...... 33 .Sinue —I iiriderelaml they did ign to nia«i«’of «*ruebe«l "tom* ami *"*tnent, top Aiirn F Kimble. Olive ...... |tl townoin*Tt triittl*;. Ill** tl)if-iiii*l hrick iifiie-ir Tmre Milter. l.etNin**n...... Il> Inw, and h** tHlk«>«i them out of tin* no ­ The .liiiime K. Plowman larni 160 eo niiich *|i»*('nlatioii. an*l *iroii****i muc Ii to hav**et«io*t w«*tl *ai I’nr, Mlehlwwii Cliil* llwntywel. tion. Tliey ch*«»Tfnl|v (mid him PT* for ncree, four mile** w*wt of th** lair Kround, 'ERMITSTdSmtOT. ttiir next brick iHivinu ^Yae niant hoim* u wieer ami for Mil**. Hue eev**fi iiiilee til** ilrain, Untif inl* ‘r**e|, not onlv tiiroiitfhoUt tide The annual *neetjiut ami bumpier of ih** brick** eel **11 **iiiri*. iwtrt of wliH'ti ha> the .\|i**hi3an t’liiti. at lietrvdt, on Tiie**- liai*pi**r eotiple. P*wn»|e eav that th**y brick hum***, larm* Irani, w**II fem-ed.irood comity, bill ..V.T the vhole etat** an.l .*.*- I'»»»■: %mi* k «»ktv tiMK t**. III* Mini** i,*ravel-**einenl iMitloiii iiml |Mirf •lav w>i** wrdi attemleii bv •"•verul rnefii- pnll^ hair all the wav t*» town uml rmh* orrhiird. l-lHaereH plow land. $4tl per with only II eaml iNittom. Tin* *-oet of home lik** a newly weaeon. .lohne who le hnildinu ii|i a icmel Mili*! le elniwiiiR a nioet rt<« to the e*e*r**tary of etate eh«*w I'eiiieilt inittoni eix iiicln*e thick, clirlle I Innch at mHiii. l"••*••|lti4Hl at It. Yl. Ferrv .Mary J. Chile*»n h*'r* ‘b\ •'ertitie* that ami all AI. mo eipinr** yanl. The *Hf- ' n***i*l**nci* .M t*i *i ’cbM*k, bampiet nt practir**. Of i*oiire**. In* hae not the **x- ladiet* n*a*ly-to-w**ar i|r****e Hkirte in black that iMi.tll 4 wjie i*o|l****t** 1 for r(**«i*t*ait, lewiem*** that only **ome»* with y**ore, tint anil colon*. ell** wae th** **oniplMiniiiic >viln**ee in th** ami ♦! .itMii.o.'i for non-r**ei*h*nt *l*eT II- fen*m*** in ****ei with ami without in^iv**! o'Hock at the amlitoriiim. wae a*ldn>H****ott*ini, tin* city .'iiirimen* uivi*e at .‘is ire ie a ctireliil etiirient of the law ami a alaive entitle*I run*** and wa* ii witn**ee (*ene**. Try Fil*l**w *V .Ylillmair** YY’intru- Fluid •***nle |e*r yanl. Ymonu tho**** pn*eent fn»m .St. .lohne wne eale coiiii«»*lor. on th“ *>Miininiitioii *>t th** h *im1 r**e|M>nil- e**ae*ai. Of thie anioiiiit tin* etate will forchiip|Hx| hamle. I.'m*. ri*«**hve Sd.ltlti..'*. tin* ****iiiitv clerke r**- Tin* oiil.v |e*n***ptab|e differem*** in Ih** E. P. YY'ablr*»n ami 'Y*. II. Hnineon. ent on th** pari an*l l***lialf *11 th** |e*op|e. TbrewleM* rn vet Kven. The annual ine**tinir of tin* l.a«lnM |,i- tiiiniiiif f h** Iwilam*** Tin* eyefeni *4 n - aiifesimm*** of fin* tivo iiavenn-nte ie that Farm el .%i*r||o*i. Ill vie*\ of th**fa* ‘l of th«* irrave diailit oi tin* one without tfriir**! bottom ehone Kiel**. Ylich , F**bni'i?*y IH—Kd. Hneh- bniry .Yeeie-intion for th** **l*«ction of o(- The Hiram N**'»t**ll **«tiit*> ol 12tt)iRrm *piiri*iu ***iiinty ••UTke 1*1 iio'oiiut lor ficere will In* h**ln at the lihrnry r*Ninie th** *'*itivirtiiai of ttn* reeiMMideiil in **v**rv lH***n*e* hlank eent lh**ni haMr**eult«*d elifcht •lepr«*e*«ione on ite eiirtac** lie water re**, of \eh*'*v. wh«» irain**«l i*oneiderabb* Hitililteri two inilee weet and iriie mile f«ille«*n it. Sliirht lN*mlinire in tlieeiirfa**** iiotori**ty l-i-t Foiirfti of .liilv by Hetin- *111 YY'eilneeilay iift**m*Min. Ylarrh 2*1. north of St. John**, will Ire MthI at public i;am* of a trial ae repre**eiit»**l to in** ami ill r**tiirne Iw'inir mini** of th** eiilee «»f ISPH. Ml twoo'idock ,Y full att**mlHii*v which nn* not eiitH**ient to ilo niiy harm inir out M tc;intc *»f roiiifhe at X*>rth Star auctbrii 111 the Pnibate *»tf4c** F**bruary iilMHit eix time** a« many ae w**rere|M>rt*el ie »leeire»|. Hy onler of the preeirlcnt. th** irr**at **X|MMie** that 11 trial will lariir in any pn*vi*»n* y**ar. ae \*>t. bat tin* fni{iu*e*re eav **v**ntnally hae l*e**n haviiiK hie own way at .Yehley 21, ’OH, al *itieo ’H*>ck p. in. ami ill vi**n' that th**e*iid r**«|Mimlent han it will cane*- iiiiereii weiirinio* omi that eini"*, lint the ottle**re Hniilly r**volt*et •J«)w2 Yliie. K. Ii. l.loN. Sec’y, Kirw.iiiii .NKeTKi.i.. mad** iMirtial reelitiition e«i far ae h** ie coii**e*|n*aitly tin* eaad iMittoin ie not uirainet hie i-^il**nml arreet*-*! him ami h* fx«*cut*rr. 24w-4l r.RitWlNC INSTITITloN mnni. Wile **ent**ne*e| tn the Itetrrdt Hone** of l'r»*ei*ent racer #.’*0 at .Yi.i.leo.N'e.’ <«nahleliii Mlvha with th...... *»f th** l•f artiti- -anM*te ami iiiattinire. • Ml** *«f th** ii**w **nii*rpne.*e in .*<1. .bditie <‘ial etom*. So far the wear «>n thie, YY’tMHiiiiaii d**icr**** t**ani, or<*h**etra ami Tak**e N)H*einl on)**n* tor Iadi**e wrap- pn>e**«pii the eai*l raiim* for pn>|*er cane*- iMichlHire to th** niimlet *d tw*eiily-tw*o. whii'li i« *l**«*rviutf of eii|MNirt ami thoiitfh enbjei*t t*i lieavy fnith**, ie HelUble. jece. Mail** Ironi any KieNir* fi**"inx|. ehown. e**an>*ly |t*Tc»'|*labl**. Tin* t*'et of tiiin* viHlt***! ttvi*l wh**ii th**y c*Mib*m*»l th**e*n'- l*atroiiair> ‘ ie tin* new irr****nhoiie«*n*i*»*ntly YY’lmn yon want ••iin*fnl. r>*liiibl4* *lni\ For Not*- et e Hencniii. (lilleTt C. Chil'oii, III** hii.band of the eliirt***! by C. I* A K. f \ Knapp. Tin**"* will t*dl lH*tter. The hricke are moellv **nil ihacr***"* *»f wiKulcraft «in foiirt**en 01 * tvid'e huilinic eitioiie. .Yff**r tin* work iuK'Uid hnv**i-*»atly articlee to move you Houe** find lot block I2tl. .Sf. Jofane. aforeeiiiit niiim'«l Mnrv .1. Cfiiieiai r«*rli> ir**iitl**in*-n ar** niakinir an **fY* .Y tine 4-f. imlnltf«*|ier, a irrmiliHli* from ami «lo hen*by join with niv wif** in of S. H. H.iiioul . inif lie**. Th**y will aild a hot wat.T I foraol t*i eav that the int«*retii*ee ie- rteiilty hue ariiNui **om*»*niiiuc two m*itrh- th** ehort hand ami tp.ve writiiiK ileimrl making tin* eani** r»H|n***t and f*»r ih** rt*a- St. Johne. .Mich. Intitiiiu -iMpaniliie ami olh**r iiiiprov**- I ween III* hrh'ke hav** Iw*imi in all caeee tNir-H who indnlio**l in tin* **xtni liaxar- merit *if the l>etr*iil Itueineee I'nivereity. eon th**r»*in h**ret*»f*ir** b\ her oeernmnl. in**nle Work on inlditioii will le**-oni- t1ll**d with nn*lt* ll i*en 1111 otKiv .Iannan W**<|oonthie llttli *liiy ot K.'hrnarx .\. ni**n*-***H .-ind on tin* t»nm|e*re until .Sh**|tar«levill** wne let, iSpK, at (l*"»r|p* H. l'rt**e. |>. iHltH M<>r*T* (Tintoii iivenii**. l'o|iyinK uml letter em*** of II. Walbrnlir**. th** l*roe.*ntinu A < RATH to "hiHii it honn* ” ii)* tin* track I can ­ wriiiiiR a e|H**x, Wll.l. SAI.OON KKKI'KHe KNTKIC not vom-li (or vh** tmth id thie bat w** d, T.IKKN IM Tilt: M.%l*|.»: WIIKIil. nil TlltClK I’l.XOKn OK UC.NOAY'. ku« •w tiiiit nim-i*e*ii of fin* lioye o Ih **!- lull «'l(» im*hee wi«l** ami (net •■ohm*. Y’epy I**nfly Hl**«l off tin**' iiImmm*«* lit tin* reepn-et K*M|akeaii«l **iip|i|j**« al .Yl.i.ieox’*-. Henry Walbriilic**. I*r<»*mi’iilinir Ait.v. in II 1: ts TIII.N. «leeinibi** for diirt wniete. Tin-.Siifirenn* t' tnr enie. .MichiiT'iii lainie- intociii|*T. ttn* K**briiHr\ knitrht of wm ih-rntf. •,* YY’ni. ('rich |mye (vieh for e«-*Himl-hand \la|*|i* nv* r in Oreisibiieh thie w****k. In* l’*-*ip)** ve. ,’’i«-lnin**\ . a eHh**»nk*"q***r, win* Till* iimlemiirncd liavinirle*enap|aant«**«*avic|*e| of k*e*p-air hie pla*"* of laie Illlibuni*. by an «*rtler ot tin* ( in*nil • •nirt for th** in**ee **|e*ii *in Sun lav. It ie a l•«l^r»•ct buye mice. cop|ier. xiiii-. h*n*i and rnhhei. c«iurt that 1111 «*r»l**r Ie* ur.int**! t*y ih*- riv**r Ah«*r»* tin* wai**r ie d*-*Ti ami the EverythiiiK that ii* nen and el vlieh in «*ount,v «tf (liiitoii ill i'htiit*** ry, io<'loat>iip Firxoii A IliehimunI lrl«trk. ••niT**iit >*w lit III thie N ae*tii **I they«*ar. iiml fair ."imlltnai which Mhouhl iutve tin* tififain* ol Ih** St. .lohne Ylerrantlle eni*! court m fin* mImiv *- enlitl***! roue** ritilnaie i** Int"* iinil h**r<* III rh*h**et prtriii- amt had it not teen for hie iriend, on** ohtaiinel hiiiu *itfo- Inlliiecaie- tin- ea- ('oni|tuiiy, Iiml eai.l c<»urt hnviiiK iium Ic For Heir ami thiif th«* eaiii** tie **nii*r»-«l *ai th* Mon —pr**tt\ n**w )«tri|M**< ami plaid** and 1*1 th** Itarrett te*ve, h«* w«>iild have IfKMi k*-e|ea* hae a hviiiK nnim Intck ol rildNtii nov**lti**e in tin* bniclibet. n**\vc>*t an onler authorizt.ii; th** e*!)** oilhe|ini|i tin* eahioii. Ill* lunl thixa* other ln••n OrexHiaiiice (or fanii n**ar .st, JohiM, journal of th** •‘•ii pro|rerty corner of Itiirhatn and qui. Sent nioti«»ii le h>ie>*| iln* l«*l> and liN'kiii nothinu fait a (*<>ld wa** the w«Te ee*ai mmur into a hallwa* which iMUie, in*w natiii nlibomi —Ih** choM^et llietlou t«> the hiRheat tudiler, at hie Spri me et rente *'oneielinR of lote 11 tind re-*nlt ofiemai up«ai tin* eln*c| ami aieo o|e*ae<| riblNrii i-olleciion in St. .lohm*. YV** an* othev* in St. .lohne, on tin* 2ml da,v id 12 block 7, haviiitf a frotitaici* of IHIIR lowiiiii iiirte. Mt* ’r iiiakinK i*an*fiil ami inlo tin* eiihntn. li**eHixainiiiation of th«* ree|M>mient Ctiae S. tielMim. e|»ite minH* and tiidi f|uir** alniiit trietnie. lie e«ud that noin* v**ry late**t fa*l. ami ***am* v*Ty ‘"leicitut numtier thn*** (H) in bbM*k nninlirr *»ne irroperty for biieinen (rurpox I*et me and th** inforinatioii on tile in thie <*oiirt wanfea of .Michiiraii, antioiimw ae fol- of them •*nt*a"al tin* ealrntii bill that In* m*w thinfp* in »w«*ll rihlNin waeln e huminxi (welv** (112) in th** villutft* t hiSd in th** hand ie evi- one id tItem. Ileahni ttailitteil that the pnifewiy coaniate id real eatate an above prove ill«Ofler to warrant a «*onviciion Mont|iHier, Ind. .hHilIv a eet lim- Tlieactthat iwevtouely iMirtfMider |M»*a«*el thnaiKti th«*efihN*n on Vbiweri* fer ell. *lrec ribeil. creamery and rad*! etoniBe in the citrn*, I ttnd it imiHMNMble to coill|*e| de4lne«| that fliiaU*. leilm ami ti|> iiimwen* that ilay. .\t oiir tCYc>*nhouee we now iian* in taiildiiiK. cream vale, chunie, etr., etc. Href watch refiniriiMr At .Yi.i.ieoy’e. the att**ndanc** o( an imfeirtant wilnew** n»»t eel linee hae be*si re|ieal**«|. Thie ih*- The eupretiie laiurt in n unanimoue IdiMeoiii hyacinthw. tuli)ie, nan-iwMir.etttr j The i*alc will Iw Mibnx't to tin* approval opinion attlrttieil hie lamvirtinn etalinic ot fire rxNirt. |{oHKirr (1. Stkri ., who peeidee in tlie etnte of .New York ainl imrtment now takm* tne lemition that of beihMn'ni, ic**roniuni**, aiciant jomiuil I Awrfinn Hair. that the ilefeodaiit ’e t*e*tim<»ny eh«ifv*«d three itN'he** in iliametir ami many ! rtoate, twibe and ti|eupe an* in their very Rerrirrr. The umtemHcned will ee|| at (rnhli** aoe- wh«> refmte** bi bee ime a witnem*. ae I nntnn* wet linee. the eai'MMi wae not ciiwcil iHi the day in othen*. All lovcn* iiMt am creditabiy informeil, whom* treti* iiuewtion with'ii ttn* ineaninfc id the law. tin* icr***uihoii«e ‘ami *«•"• *>ar dieiday. W** tloii at hie farm in (Mire, two milen north The many |iatientn ami tneade id Hr. ami two milm wmt of the villafce of Dn« mnny cannot he eap|>iie«t by any evi- la Mmtmnrymf WIm WrillanI iMcndant iinci-d that hh* family ha*! the ehall have pl**titv «»* ('iirnation** ami mere YV. YValkiT, ol Hetmit, will lie |iW

A lew aioiitha a«<>. Mr, Ilyniti Every, V) )iri SOUTH OUVB. lthtlu«r!i. EAGLE. , Mar.* Wiilfortl oritharn WAHhlcfl hr iloctare of Woildatu nil the High! K immI eriiig. Ill' waa *,dvia«><| to fry riiamlier- Mrn. l'ooh*v Ik eerituialy ill. ti. If Crowaer wi*nt to L.tiiwuig Iiih I Cliiit*ui i**»untv, Mieh.. Monda.v. Feluu. .Vlli** lleiinett. who hue lMe*ii H|M*ndiug lain'a I’ain Ihilni. Th«* tlrai huitle|ie||a*i| I hr. Hill ia improving ahiwly. Saturday on huMiiewM. ary 14, iHlfx. in uiw flMtli yt*ar. In 1>^-’14 Hoim* lime witli r**iativ**e at .Mt. l*l**iMMint i to •‘oiiHiiniplioii. You have taken a nlight him roiiHii|«*rahi.v ami tie* m.-oik I hotth* r»*iurn***l laet ThuretJay. Mra. Tom liriatia-k in t*tuiviileet*ing. .Ml* .lrkei‘y had a hrother from (Ikala- he laovtii witfi iiin pan*ntH to *a homa viwit him rectuilly. .Mm .lohn Clark wae in Ho.vt ville Fri­ I feel weary, and .voiir a|>|»etite ie failing. Then*''* a hahv III! our hha-k. Hi' HI' Caiaida. .Marrii**! lo Margamt l*owi*m, an* for aal«* In l-'il»*rHliip H|H*nding eome tine* with her |•aretlte, hue .Mi>. I’hil. I’iugnv wae lhegm *r to vinit an agiwi aniil who ia Mm. Wilbur Si*hott of .Mulliken, npeiit The .'*upr»*mt* eoiirt hue ileeulnl a re- affliete*! with thin diM**tie* ’ '*im*»* Hiriekefi with pnralVHiH. He hnvi-H an invalid wife and iiiia* chil­ Hev**ral da.VH laet w**ek at her hrother-iii- I Mfijor I'hniup while wnlklnic «*n the mil- Look after tke Back: A P«ll, $ ; healing in Iheetieeof Miller vh . Voorheia. Mark .Norrin gave a viiU'atim* (tarty to la w’h i n»Mil tmrki* In K«rnnelin wan ntnirk li.v an Eiaie in alieaii. dren. Mr. tiallagher wan a man *»f wter- leiiKincnoit n*e«Hv**il lidniicH rnoii which he Mtraia. m ConRtant Slttiag or fifty of hi** yaiiiag friemlw Monday **v**ii- ling ipiiilitieH He wne ever really tit .Mm. .Im*. Fieh eall***! on mliitivee at I «il**«i StoofiiBg PosttiOB RHagi ehiekeii pk* dinner waa given hy the iag Fehrnary 14. .Mau.v pn*ity vaiea- work litr the right an lie undemlniMl it, Muink**n liiHt Friday. iimm A I Tetiiplara at their haii o:i Waah- linen exi'hanged haiiilH, Hiip|N*r wan XVhih* hiH Ni-houl life whh very limiteil he Klnworth Whitn«*.v and wit** of firaml Heller L.M(e Than Never HackBeke—Do Yon Know iiigloira hirt hda.V. M*rv«*iM'orn. The i*v#*niiig WHH a tnaa who tiN;h an iM*tive iiilereHt Icnlgi*. Wen* lien* laet Tiie*tilay. may im true, hut ie not a naf* rut** to Tkia M«ui> tke Kid wan grt*ntl.v **nj*iv***l hy all |»r**n**iit. It«*rt (piail ami wife of I'oriiiiiia, wen* in *>iliH ‘Htion. IHh nine <*hihln ‘n all r**- Mine Kdna Itahhitt lute lieen on the follow. Il**tterget it hottie of Ciirtere neya are AITertod! ' the gu<*alH of .Mr. ami .Mra. I'haa. h. Sher- Lint .Saturday Hixt.v-five relative* ami i-riveil a giNtd iHiiieation at »io little nac- i*ick liet th«* |Mi.-*t w****k. Caei ara Cordial and elite your indigna ­ How few |M*oph* n*;iliy.e wlirn thrir laick ' man over Sunday. fri**ndi4 gathereii at the h«tine of Mr. and rttii*** on hiH (tart and eight of them have tion and dye|ie|ieia now. Hric** 2,''» and .Mn*. W.S Hilli* in honor *»l th**tr 2tfth lie**n teacherH in oiir |iuhlie Hcho>*lH. .\l- .1 C. .laniian had the mieiortune to tiegim to iK-he limt it i. it wnniiiig itr<>- Kiigine hHMl on tmin No. H^got aiHlIeti he*** a hone* m'ently. .^(1 i'**nte. .\t Tmvie A llak**r'H Drug vidtil hy autiire i«i tell you that tla* kill* ! .Moim Iii.v morning iu« they wen* erimaing wedding iiiiniven*ary. The day wan de- tfiiiiigh boni in Ireland and reanwl in Ston*. lightliilly |iHHee*l in visttiiig. a hoiiiitiful Cauadii he wran a thoroughly loyal .Inter- neya an* not workiiu' pn ’|K*rl\ You h»\f* i Mam Ktn'et ami lor a few miimeiitM it WESTPHALIA. a apviTi* fall, _,ou Hintiii voiirHi If lifting or iiHiketl ae though they wouhl not get out diniier whh werveil to which all did ii*tiii. He hiv*i| hiH eountry and im in- Mayor .MrKwan ol Hay I'lty ban lieen In- |N*rlMp!« you an* 4*oiu|M-ll«* llopiwte loet their vlietl to lieronte n member o'f the iiatiuiutl the Catholic l•*•n^et••ry at LaiiHing. iittk* HOII laet we*>k. Th** child wae about rommittreto raier (umlH, for n monument Mtthig or si«M>i>ing |anitioii for long hil4*r* **Havt* u eigar" mi>h hkl. IW»1h ',*. “lie rtpienti* of a net of ehiiia dielav*. .\m*uig th** gneete preeetil wen* Mr. and Mn*. Hix inonthe old and di**«l in H|uiamH. 1*1 Ihe vlrlim** of thr Maine. v«U nt H time your Iwrk la-;/iiis lo ht Ih *, a luiy. You le*** gentlemen that whik* ICKAI. KMTATI*:. Keyn. of K iih I IfeWitt, Mn*. Smith and HaiiH Manning in quite ill at tide thru your h«*H‘ l:llal tla: night I WHH himtliiig tor voientaiui I ve H*m. Clark, *if Watertown, Mien Patrick, K. l4 Hn* II, llliighNin SToit ,|. r. writing. real «*nua**7 Me tliiiik not, eU:* you woiikl . got oni* rtiin*. .Ink hr. (Jampl>»*ll.'’ • if (iniiiil l4**«lge, Mr. and Mm. .Vdiia Hi'ott Sheriiinti lo John Koerrh S V, H K .Vioiizo Snyder and wife of Fagh*, vie- not u*M* plaatern aii'l liuhueiil ou Ihe Iwvk, Hiint and Mr. and .Mm. ihtite Hnatke, ui do im*i reach lire love the Mtill" mimI “Next to m.v eoiintry Iiarttor .SitringH. .Vn lit** Hha«l«*t* of *«ven- nrrea n.r .'Ul. iii*eenliu«h. 97." u. v Peter Famlal ie on tlieeick liet. m rau*M*. If you woid*! ri 1 younM If of the I love the l»e»«t“ with WonU llllfi mu«le Every mother pain :tial run- tin* ni-il of Ihe tnuilih*, at ing dn*w near. thegii,w«tH tie|Mirte«l wieh- .N'ellle Weller to llorit«'e .'4klnner .V K •, of Mien Kiln .Maiiiiiiig, who wae H|e*iidiug p i hy I’rof hel.on*m. tain te* hail hy ad* in/ Mr. and Mm HiH** many ha|i|tv ri*- He,* Itt. Iteiignl ST'MI ,|, I*. a lew ihi.ve with her Hiel»*r. Mm. .lohn feels an i n d e • thi H.im< li eaiive ni un year-of hiifTer dn*feiiiig the piihlipher at Madrid. iinr lud |e r,i.i{n lif>- if - If. \ >ii will taken tiiniH of the dav Moriarty. wae taken eick with catarrhal scribable dread A iOTHKR’S GRATITUDE. fev**r and wan iinahh* to retiini. kidiiev n*i:iid' tli.it lia* iN-tij tri«i| and •Mill the Ilrink" wax preeeii1i*ii at Teia- of the pain and pmvi Ill * it will « un* |*»*raaii* hall .Satiirda\ night. The pH|M*r>*eil with hail grammar. Th*«i.-loria hike |ain*haMei| the .\. 11. ln*troii. *i:iy-^. ■* .V*. n n*»ul» of ex|N,Nur I'oHt farm. Ones. tie* (tael ,v*>iir. ant upon the during the war I h.iv. yulT<*n*«l lo r Ah nil seventy iie'iph* jMit the |** rtonn- AlMHit forty of Margamt Naiiiniiire most critical pe­ aim*** with rh«*uiimli,m ainl kfdiK*y iroutil* ' am*** out. and iMuneoiie xiiggwleii that .Mm Minnie K llarneH r*»tiirn**ii home hkel Monday. .Mr*. •*x|iiHiii**i| the hint two T. .\. .Sh**rman. late of .\rgi*ntine, I my Hoii Carl, who whh five yearn old ing ami having n*fn*MhmeiitH the gii«*ete mother should be In my iMck wan ofleii mi Ihh I I •• d t > '^aftliulliH hy Uev. F. M. C,Hiddiiig much jii.w loeateii at Selkirk, Mich., on the .liiiiiiary lllth, and wtio waHiiff>'t*tei| witfi de|Mirt*H|. a source of joy up work until tli<* a»*verily oj ih- «n k Uifle Uiv**r. He ii« keeping a hoti*l then* to the <*«liHiMtiiiii and (iriiflt of tho**** ehrouie MU(i|uirHlioii oi the llll•i•lie iiir, of pa««M*i| away. I liave iim^l main li'iiiin i r. ; and IH anxioiiH to hare the m•*^liM rn of who h**tinl him. whieh I«it-i*ii-|M a eiin**) him. I aimi H**iid KefMirl nf 1‘nnittmm. to all, but the aii-l otiHT tilings, Imh n'«'<*ive«i ver; Util*- I thi* “Mine tfilllTuh” of .S|. .Io Iuih . aiul Il Tii**Hda\ night ae Henry June** a (itioto of mv hahy girl. Ktiliv, who wae timtoii Colint.v I'oniona (iraug** met suffering and relief. Soim* lime ago I Marti l’ i:*.ii ^ 'Other frieiiilH t<» vinit him the eomiiig war eoiniiig home from the Laingwltiirg two yearn old in •liiiiiiary and hud Hoim* ! with Itiiigliam (iraiige W*>iliiM*ditA' Feii danjTcr of the ordeal make iKtaii' KidiK*v l*ilU nial th«*yhiM* work'd Miiinmet, He writeH that HHhing and "chiMtl hi« hum** nhietl am| iiitMer his cart niary Hi,’’.fH. Tim attendance wae fair d»*r.iiig**in<*iC of th** how»*|H. She w«ke a Its anticipation one ot misery. a wonilrrful change in im* Xlv Ire \ *. ; hunting an* great then*. .Selkirk in in with H**tir.v iiiaiem**Hlii. H** i*«tnriiid*'<1 mereHk* ‘i**ton and «*oneiilenng adv**reeeircnmetancee. which all right larw anti I owe it all to tie' "liu** i t tgemisw eoiinty. It Itewt to let h»T gti. hut fortiinat**l.v the w** did not think i*«inekite*l of rongii roadn. cold ila.v ami a magieal inriiience of iKiaii’x Kldie** f'’dh E. H. Finni'.v. an ttridife, in now at or iiten woiinii aroiintl the wlieei, and when ehe woiilil ••rer' fiinerni in th** iH*tghh«»rhoinoralizeil and Henry I'e-rii-nik hiiei Henry N Welih, an al»le ifaiem; .School women of the great pain and suf­ all ileakra—price. .Hll emta. Xhlh-d hr railnaid every night. Hitneeif and wae eon* ami lam** th«* next morning, mink* lier moiiim I j CoinmMeion«*r II. M, Wineton, gttve one fering incident to maternity; this Poater Mlltami IlofTalo N. Y oW ; family are mtining what in ti>rmed a otherwifl** no harm done. and w<»l|, I gave j of hie iieiiaJ int* ‘n*eting tulke, thie time agrntA for the T S HrnirmlM*r the imiuu , hour which is dreaded as woman's ; iNianiing mr at TnnfH*l No. .*! on ahridg** Tlie^Siinday MchiMil iiiMtitiite held at her lewe than on** I u|Nm th** •‘oneolidation of the mml severest trial is not only made and take nu otkrr. i building tmin. Finney intendM to return the Fimt Congn*gational chiirrh of ••ottle I find the I erhiMfl dietrict. Mr. Wineroii Iinpe* it ae to tivid in alMUit a .year. Victor, WHH ae exfierted n very pniHt- l'i>>ni-iia ie H|4en- { a dnt.v. a|Mfii ever.v (image to net a |mrt painless, but all the danger is re­ .Vmoe Covert, while driving up from ahlemauutn. Sup’t. IlevnoldH. Hr. Martin _ did for wind roik* j a time in each meeting for the diectuMion moved by its use. Those who use of ffvid, anil Her. F. M. Coifdlnglon were nf thie im|Mirtnnt "nlijert. eo the qnee- 999BW tlwiMMo .Moiiiiay got foul i>f a enow fmnk. whicfi irtiiiale | m li ifiv a great il**al at I this remedy are no longer de ­ hie laitter tipfieii over luid hie home mn Itiechie* Hpe«iki tin* i|iw*ii<*iHone. Htren ;tli ami ap|H*tile | naimot (iraie** ^ free ilietrilintion of Meede hythegnvem- inent." wae iuiew*'rei| in the n**gn- nausea and other distressing con ­ plan* hapfieoed to tie down and fhntiigh fl. L. Ih'ckwlth m*Ml a (utper on “How I* -ni-iia ami l,««-eii-i*i-a too much. You Sprains ; it the home went anil acroen a larg*' Held I etiidy inv l*«ie»*in," which If earrteil oat an* w**4i*ome to iie** luy ••xlmctn from mv j tive. lUnghani tirange did herwelf proud ditions are avoided, the system is I and into a iliteh when* he fell uih I go* en- would tinditnhte*||v mail** more efficient letfem if it will ii«*ip the Miifff'riiig in anv I in t4m wav of |ire|N«riBg dinner an*l eu|e made ready for the coming event, I tangk’ii in th** immeaH ami miild not get feachem Mr, Hevnolde gave excelient wav per for all preeent. iwlviee to Mit|»erinl*nil*aite and teachem and the serious accidents so com­ Bruises i n|> Mr. Covert Hnall.v got to him, an- A verv inetnictive f*ook ♦aitit4e«f the Mne. C. L. I'kahtk . Secy. mon to the critical hour are ! hneklni the hameae and got the horae up and talk***! up a norinaJ Haas, whieh i« “IIIh of Igf**" writt»*n li.v Hr. lartninii, le i without hrenking anvthiiig hnt one knee hoped will In* •wtahiiahed. llerrtou mantr phvelelaae hare nrwaalae*t obviated by the use of /VIoCiMr’s a coiiiptet** lirtle feeik onfiuniiv iit**diciite a leaane to wage war awalnel take «t«trtom. UTTLB ; of th*»ciitter. Mr. Covert enm|aai with It will ie* eent fm* hv addnewing Th** Prisnd. // L u hUi^g to utmmm. BUMTi _ only a ekight hmka* im the Hh’ui. Hie ew ORRXmnTBH. l***-ni.na Hmg Manufacturing Com|iaiiv, The aoothing h***ftiing **

^fTiriw j (fBat Joamal.) IS LOOKtlHQ PGiH SWITIIINO wr work bmMMa ah* I Btlw pwniPBiUoa, laada ia dw tNdo lorwd it. And it haa bmm ol mmth rwhw to Imddatww, to nwiaife a taedmai 44hmb* the United Htotwatht itnrwwi dh !»■ ((— iaatkm of all parttoi propoaiaR to aatar ABOVE THE AVOMOE. amrwr be nwlinad. Maeh wo «mi an Mina fha marrlaifc nSattun, ('mmM ha carried Willard are a potmt fort* for giwat wood oat it woold aitonaialy, jMt doabt, im- Thif^is the store he is looking for. Now is the time aad thwir Ihrwn are a Mawdair to humaa- prove the phyatoil haolth of the roaa. WMAT WK MA«'S Til W»H« WITH Itjr. The flspmaad dmiRB of the bill ia to pro­ to bu3’ good clothing for little money. Spring hi hibit laarriaRan betwwaw para one who All tiiia l«U( alMiut war with Hfiaiii (»y all the dww tmtiblr, uftoinire, abom- coming and shelves must be cleared for spring and ■Btamlly *»» the qiieatioB, “what have klafiComaaia, iuaaai^, Ira* or iaable waMill vlnwn thw ciitarettw habit hereditary tohnrcuioiMa or eartaiii blood summer goods. We need the room. We need the im- oar naral etreoatb tHmiJarMl with nadiniiuted at the brad of the Hot. tbatotth«««lilettu uerm?” An laTnUhoi' (Uaeanan. Thera an* icnktre doahla, bow- The idckmitift ph.t wMal ctHwIitfoa of the (wer, whether the rxiarta woold reipird money. You need the clothes. We make it easy for tiou b>* It i’otn|iet*«t authority reveaie loutf iwriod rietim in alwaya dlwipiatiuff. the fact that the number of ehipe oataide aueb a law ae (M>aalitutioaaJ. To mahe you to buy by such heavy reductions as these: bat the id li'Cta on Krwd lanu. of Wahaah, of torfwih* iaiat*. lUMl out-ofnlal** rmmHm aaeha law truly (4h«titre the HSamioa- Indiana, oucht to be a wamiaK to wrwr. tioa ooRht to |o> idill farther, ao ae toin- the United .Statue poneeeeae in til ineo of boy in tbw land to leare the loathMime war, ae iMcaiaet 58 vweenie ownttl dude the mural and menUil character thinipi aluae. Thia yuanK manindnad of BOW by the Hpaniardw. The udran- ietiea. IMacta of thia eharacter may brmorrhagr dnw to (Siptrette waokiaK. tane ol the United rttutre aa nwArda the be far mure aeriooe to the eomiaR Roaer- ElsgMit Keracys, ChincMNas Stylish Sack Suits, Fanc^ For wwreral ywam hw bad bwr*i an inrwt- ati(HMtiuui mere idiyaiail ailineata. In- weight of laetai, whieh caa be thrown by emte wnwiker of cif{a*«SI«w and reeeatly md Wmvm with silk and aotin : : Scotch Cheviots, Blue and Bteck the Ktina and more modem oonatnict- diepatable aiatiatkiH ahow that the in- the aetloii id the drum* in thecifpirettew terroarriofce of crimiimh boa often Riven IlnlngB Worsted, handsomely trimmed kui of bulla ami armor of ita ahipa, ia dmtmywd the ttomm in the uppM* lip, atfll sreater. a Reaeratiuii (4 thiewe and cut-thrtMta Were Now ; and tailored, were cheap at $15, ; which wan (rttm away. The rcian were Hpaiu haa oaly one tliwt nlaaa battle- for the aathontiea to look after. expuord and bliwd flowwd eofiionaly. ahi|>. tin* Ueiaicii. while our nary haa $30.00 $13.00 i Now, $10.00. : SurmNMw* wiieoeedMl in ntaiiehiaic the flow* I aeaina a ijmmm mmjr AI mmI. lour. And tlie IMaito ie not aa elf ret I re temporarily, bat at each raocwal the Ium (MprtaaOeld, Maae.. llepabMeaa.) in the |Ni\ver of ita auua ae our 4nnia, wae no ffrmt that it broame ertdmt tliat Juata touch ut U h * ridiculuue cornea thuuich ita armor iirotertion ia fonahM rov U m* life of the yoaac man, who waw imly from lUioote, abiaw (>ximordiaar>* - able. Ttieu the Cniteii Statea nary ia 20, could not be eared. (•nior aeat a afieciat nieeaaite to the leRt**- about to luuurh the new lMitlleahi|w iature, aakioR it to (dniaiwer him to All our $15.00 Blue and Black I Several broken lines of $to Kearaaicf and Keaturky, whicti will Iw SWVATUK “Hi14.y ” Manok of Illinoin tender to the iireeident the "inutal and ICerae3f8, some with satin linings, 1 ; and $ia suits in Fancy Cheviots i the iarxeat and moat effectire of their rondeau offenaire exhibition in the aenate material eupfiort'’ (4 Iliinoia ‘‘to prevent daae of any nary in the world. Thir« while they last 1 and Worsteds of hie daaire to conrrrt U h * inveatiiiatiou or puniah any attimipt at hiietile inva- nion* the Alabama, Iliinoia luid Wiemn- of tin* Maine diaaater into a jinico attack aiou of oar (!oantr>'. ” .Not a niiiRle .4t- .1 du, wbicli will be ereu more effectire At only $10.00 To Cloge at $6.50. i on the adminiatratiou. It wae iinoailed lautio (xmet Rovemur haa thouRht of in- than tile aiaire two, an* now in profcrraa for, unAroarioau, unpatriotic, aad dia- vMou. jH the rrdoabtable Taaaer, of rouat ruction. (toatinR. lie entered the aenate with the 1,IMN> milea fnim eait water, oeni Span ­ (M roaat defenae veaaeia, S|Miii’ doaa refiutation of beiuR au “end man** and iard attackiuR WaabiuRtoii and tiuminR not (Kiaaeaa u winicle one. wbih* we bare merryaadrew. iiiaciown ’e coat of mot­ the oapitol.______^ eiz double tnrrt'itti inonitora. whirli are ley liaaRH in iiiRe and tat tern today from for practical |iiir|Miaea battleabi|ia of a TIm LoMar-Uay aaRiagtoli the (*aati|catiou Seiiatore LodReaml Wol­ (Ht. iMtale l*(jal-IMapatch Tcry effertire onier. In addition to the WILSON & SON. cott udminiatereil to iiim. lie reoelred The w’utnen of the natiunal woman above tlH‘ Uniltii Htatm haa thirteen what he (ieaerved. MuffraRc (xmvention an* declared to Im- ■iuKle turreteil mouitora, which are i}oite no lonRer the iiereoue of revere nepert cuiMbh* of takiiiK care of any S|tHoiah Thk euddeu death of State HaukiiiR that (diarhCteriaed tbe feminine enffruRe cmiaer alloal. Spain ia, howerer, I'oiiiinieeioner .luwi, Siturday, removed iiieetioRe .veara ORU. They dreae ele- NtrouK in the eiaht armored |wla. aoni. iBMimnlw. aad other tom- than it wae. , pnitecteil eruiaera. we Imre nixt«r. It ie (lifH(*alt to tielieve that that du ­ Wr taay aut have rnuoirh to rat. Thry rwt for more than thirty yearir hat been the invAriAble rule of oooduct in Dr. carrv ’. H|Miii |K»aaraaea aixteeii viwaeia of tte, (ut, and mo the.v did. torfieilo liiMita S|Niiii rather oute|aaa*'H thry rannol walk your children. ExAminAtions And Advice will cost nothing. F^'ceded pro- thia country. Hut aa thia eiaa*. I'f vea- Thon ■radrel tlirui rich fiMel aad ilrtnk.wrak Mtioaarba, hrauarbr*. wraith. (*heerf«l liHlMc«»»ne»ii« lleM nml. fcMionAl services will cost you very moderAte fees only. Neve WAit for weia |Miaaeaa doulitful IlllvalltfllCea in ,110(1- To iia thou aradrrt iKtvrrty, plain llvinjc. loll (ladlanaiMtllM HcnlleH cm wnrfnn* exe»i»t for tiariNir dHeuia* and tiraltli. To thoet* eont(*mplatiUR death we pain to drive you to the office. All persons should hAve the ' eeth CAte- (I. Klad arr wr thr rich inuet havr, whilr llv. Work.il will la* lieedleaa to diaeiia*. them init otr thr tat, would HURR«*Mt the un•*xlllllpb•(l op|Mirtu- fully ezAmined by a competent And conscientious (ientist At least once each IIm.t Irvrr. IlkrwlM- parrMie and lota ol thinae in thia article. likr that. iiity for clietip burial offenMl b.v Kviiue- year. Such a course will make light bills. Such a course will preserve It will la* aeen from the alaivt* eoiii|»Hr- .Vutl Mt wr'rr thankful lor our )n.va, tfcr ville. The under tiikefH th(*n* iin*inrnMli- icrralrr |Mirt ol whirh natural teeth for life* at moderate expense. iaoii that I'nele .Sain would la* aliuitd- la thlnklaa ol thr many wm thou MradcMt iiiR liacke and lienreeM in*** miil tlintwiuR lo the rich. Alitiy able lo lake mn* of the .Sfiaiiiarda —Nixo^ WATraMAN. in II lloml deeiKii nnd ii bniMH Imiiil at all on tin* iliuli at'Ha. fuii**riilM. SfM-eial iiMlim'iiP'iitM to (*Iu I»n Tilt: .'VF.WH etlMKTIMKl* mtINlIKItM— of IIV** or iiion*. DR. ARTHUR CORHN, Tilt: iKlmirntioii of every hon**«t ni»iii If I hilt new tnille.v line will (*v#>r inter ­ Awful Mrleiitin*' H(M>MlMlitlc*. will le- ln-K|(>w«*,l on .liidtp' l^awreiie**, of fere with iiiiyoiie on ( linton avciiu** —or (New Y«*rk I'reM*,.! London, ior hie iiiiewerviiiK Hdelily lo liny when* (See. X(»w that Mcb-in-** Iiiim ili**, over***! lp»w Clinton Avenue. South. duty in ■«*iitenein»r the “noal thief” t*>tfmlt inM**«-tM it if to Ih * Iiii|h *(I Rn*Ht East Side. ST. JOHNS, MICH. Nevill, I'oeition vvn- not n fiieior to te- Iftlierei^ iiti.v rml obpe’tion to innk- can* will Ih * takt'ii in tip* o|i**nition. oniieidered, or if it wiie, it inilianleo iiiir th(* |>ro|M>r**d ehanir** in thehentiiiR .SiipiKH**- tip* wnaiR **M(1 Ol the waH|> IMpUnel the prie'tlMT. The eiiee III ipiee- iip|MimtiiH at the court hoiiee. Mlioiild Ih > put onto tip- liRlit **11(1 ot tip- I fSIRt fUlR imp fSIIR IRt tioii wa,. timl oi Lord William N**vill, moaqilito and the riRlit **11(1 of tIp* iiiom - If then* ie tiiivthiiiK more than talk in fourth •Hin ot the nian]iiiH oi .\v, ’rRa- • piito onto tip* wnaiR end of th**horH** tliiit diHeiiKMioii alHiiit iieitinHi ’e tiek«*t in veuny, who wae plH<>-d on trial ehiirxed fiv. A ptirr food and drag conTsotion has Hoh miirb ii will cost to rid*- to Iwois- the villnire thin rfinuK. Curioos kinks come into tbe mind of with iraiid in eonio ’tion with ih- Miiit of the inau who starts out by wumbtpiUR been called to iiieet in Washington iiig (*ii th*- i***w tndlev lin*-. I’ndalaK Ihr riNli <>r C rrwtlmti. j March 9. Its object is to nrge (-ougrew “.Sam l,ewib,” the money lender, auiiind Wliy eome ( linton ('oiint.v farmer doee (Cofwiwlmi*. (I.. f*rriMi. I hiuiM'lf “I am the Lord's anointed; to pass a law against tbe adnlP-ratiou Lieut. .spene**r •'lay. to recover '.'II.lift not trive le n n*|Mirt on MURar le*,*t raiie It iiiHV Ih * that “all tiiPii wd^^cnvitt-d * tbervlore it is as rank tJasphemy to of food and drags. Sacha cauvcnttcsi is due on iw(» ppitni,-M>ry iioteH, riixhed by iiiit ne h(* line (*xpertetice(| it. •Miunl and iii(l(*\\**d by tlp*ir ••mitdr with | speak against me aa against tlH< Al­ wel(»m«. In their baste to get rich both Lord .Nevill, pl4*nd«*d uiiilty of friiiid. but •■•TtHiii inidH*nab|(* riRhli*, ” but tlp*tniNtH mighty himself." This is the reasoning If mncli of the ipMMi work doin* bv RTtMjere and drnggists in tht* United claiiie'd lie wie- not trnilty of fortrerr. aad moiiu|Mdi(*H ap|H«iir t(i Ih * diMM4itii*H(*d ' which has really fermanied in tbe hnuii UlectreSan IVtne im npprreiiiteii b.v the htatoe have adulterated their prepara- He war w*nfene<'d to flv«* yearn of |e>nal with tip* plan of crpiitioii nnd tin* at- jI of the little emperor of Uertaany. The tnxpii.vere. tioos to a poiot where repatable dtaliTs SCROFULA. nervitinb*. Tin* priooiier wiie evidently t(*mptinR to undo it. |I next step is insenity. in these lilies of trade have uttered a ill lit ♦*ai»e blit h^*an•«wep•d to the indit- Wh.v llnny Iheiice ever thouicht of One of AmericA't most fa­ Maresl H«>Nlr l<» I’ubltrliy. lood protest. Tbe dirty. uiiwhol(*some ment in ele.ir ton****. .liidRe laiwrenc** in iroinK to the Klondike. I Hnw doee ft happen that tbe paranw mous (diysidans says: ^Scrof­ wommiiitf up tie* imm* Maid : j (Ht. ImimIm lll<>lM*.|>r«iiM-rNt.l I of triplet babies are almost alaraya poor and sometimes actively poisouoos anb- “III my o|u.kion tlie enme ir a^ irreat ' II Mitjor French woiildiri have made .\ riever <'l(*vi*lHnd uirl (*laimM to have I psoplc? ■tanoea that hare been mixfM) with foods ula is external consumption.** OIK* of the ttreiiteat i*otne(linnn on the ae if In* had alif*trnetfd the mimii from ^ dispovered tin* M»<(m*t of isTpetiial lib* wid medicines by onpriuciplfd dmg- Scrofulous children ore* often .\m<*nctiii etiMD*. if he Imd Hiloptrd timt Lieiit. i lay'm |HH‘kei Ol had bnrulanK«d| iiiid offers to diM(doe>- it to t«*ii iiini. If giata ami grocers have cost many a life. beautiful childrer* but they Mr. L<*A ’iM, otlbi* and liad etoleti it If it ' prof»*aeion. h Ip* wniits to s)titt(*r tin* inforiniition The uniiiber ami variety of theoe delete- lock nerve iorer» strong bones, bad l»*»*n Moni- wretched clerk wllh a How loiiK it will tuki* IliRimm etnvt iirouiid Mh** oURiit to l(*ll it in <-on(i(i<*nrv* rioDs sntJstaiK'ee are beyond bellaf by stout muscles and power to wife and ven ehildn ii whoiiinl iiieiirred ; to aaaiiine iiM former iip|ie(iniii(*(* in the to OIP* WOtllilll. one not Ik utud tlic iN»*ues. Their evil resist diwaer. For dcUcate a heoV\ lOM. and iiei|i,M| hilllMeii to hie I mysteries have only lieen rertalcd when MpriiiK. HrnI *M> WtHlrm War«ai|Hi children those h no remedy maeter'M till, I am iifriiid llien* would i stui. J* Imvu |ju.--Hi pore food and drug If that much talked aiibjert of fiHve- (IMtlvburs l•lspsl(*ll ) lawH MU(t arp' inted iusp(*rtors to see equal to have litM-n no one to M|«eak in exienua- With (termiin nnd Hritish lN«tti**-ships immt on tlinton avetiip* will in* revived tUal sueli iax.swen execiiltsi. It Would tioii: blit tbe higher )M>i>ition tbe|M*rMoii! addiiiR to tip* exiimpb^, the impression iiirnin when the eprihu mud (*oni(M< on — be lietter if the matter ooold tx left still holdi. file hitfher liii* rtan('tv. It How Hr. >S«|iinir Mitceeeded in aenrinir Rerons vi ’np els to those in them. ia AM Imd II enMc of fraint ae it le iNmaildc aitch amali ehore at the nmeqaermh* Imll tbe vase. Tbe must «atufactory (aatnn* of God-liver OH wHfa Hypo- to ('ote'eive. You hnve bpiiiKht ehnine Inet week. of the movement f(a pure food and pho^shites of Lhne Tile (-lal coiiiiiantcs iua iar,^, drugs is that tbe reputable gnioers and and diehonor ii|Min ati iiiH*imt aad noMe It fifle out the sUn by putting If Ht. -Johns tieople realise what nreally itouM (fiiiiiii.utit.u liave (tM*i(l(d < • i obemlstsare tht nisolves the liadewof It. family and sorrow and Haffertufc upon good flesh beneath it. Itmekiw haadiMinie town they lire in. dutftne pr(,4.t sba;iuK syi>«ei*i n * -S-- --.S S- ■ ■ - ,-1------l_t_ your newn ’et mid ibrirret. Your crime iw the miners It u Inipisi Uii> v^iil i. , > hfaa(llethit*i hat I Aad wlthla It yaneesk me cnemw leo uf maumgsKn If !*residcnt Iceland will lie a (candidate j Tbe list of Hre loaass Is smallsr for ftr**Ht and .lour e(>titencc muet le* MWT«>rr. alMiluh the periislioal siriki‘4 tiiwt »o •veadlsthcr'a fsvoHls coagh reaisdjr. bkxid. It CMates an appatHe (nr riM'iection this eprinR. WhsttMT twiu Asthass. BroasMtis ev I 1897 than for either 1896 or 1899. This It ie that .vou lie kept in lewial eervitude ofton pnralyae (or a tiUM* i.ie (-< ul i., Croap, • is partly owing to tha foot that soom of for food and gfve s the body for five (care." How matgr sleepless niRhts are occas- dostry. If it is boneetly anii i..:uiui.*iy Dr alghtwelMd lb* haaaewlUi a I the oompauit nave pat up their rates todigomtt. le sioned by the bHur wait to the appoint- oaonatao. tlw plan will uu doubt help With Ayer's Cherry Peetevel Otoanher for are iaaoraaoe. It is owiag partly, sute you get auL/i 1 *9 Emut- Tm: nv-mt newn nnnaRh alaon and tbair employars. Than* ia ears. the Rsaewl adopiioa of the stosl frame Ms. ■sdfi.ss: dl< not |»rrfian*(i her fncfidH and tin* tiablir oaa fMtare at the ooal miatUN syatoin. to hats Um styles sheaa*. hat the raeasds Rold to pay oK that ffUM) debt aad the will show for oow baildluiis at the iarRtoi ood sciyrr * Bawar. ( A m lUw VMfc. for the annniiiH'f'iiicfit of herdenth. Miiw exiwaae of his trip. bowavor, wbiehavaa proAt aharioR oaa- Oeagha as« earsd iM they were •Ryeawaga. oMSt improved olaw Wlllard*H (tir»"(T am the Woinan ’H t 'hriat* not (Xipa with. Howoaa it stopovarpfD-| iiui TemtiemiK** aMwirmtinn nnd lirr nc- Why the Ht. Johns Unstofllrv* is not daotiini aad the ooMoqaeat (oreiaR Maminatista are (»io ooUaotow, aad tfve latiorw in itn Ha|>|Mirt wm* lh«* baain made 1tl,iNNl,lMNl,iHN( feet latRer to ar- down of ooal ia price to a point whwe Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral thair fellow oitiaaas are apt to oaaafder Gffdlctte Of Rmry InpMlIn li. 1 enniodate the srhnol (*hildreti nas aad . both miaars aad operalora Im tmammff ' them oraaho. At praauit soaMi at thsm M(wiriw. MMi., (M*. 6. tsoT. of her laim* in iMith h**mii«|iiicrHM wher- hdR no dqndl d mRdr fbr 1 hsrih.T irrtWy thst I havr naalerM the cvfv tb(* KnRltHh lanKnoRH in iipok(*ti. In nhrhts. oooghd , ooldd, and lime dli^ aw willing to pay w mooh w pl.oou Nsvsrrv aiwt pfrwwee nt I. F II.UK* FIIITX' H('w some sleepv firms “kesfi rtmiir” | It la searcely tr be woadered at that HONH M(INF(»K. Ml( IIIOAN, ssd SsU ee a nnudlcr way whe tmik |>art in tli«* w(p MMdd. WhiHR othor doothtng tor a stiver dollar of the date at 1804 the doounuo. more iRaomat ola«w of laAtrstUis of thr (,r*Hewrr of Hss J*hw Hrsis. man iMiffniir* movement, rthc wan at>- •UaMrs palHato, Ayor^ OhdBry There are rnily threi* such dollars in ex (w of say toesrrossly l•|aHo(w la(wrt ot inllH*faee(4 their snterprisiaR (*ompstl- the people la every ooaaury of Borope fhaasa roMSi<*«ly IstiiMtoveU la nfrhardB pmachiaR the tiRc of Hii .vearw at the hwild It la not a i istsaea, so tor as la known, alihoaah SO. with seteery etoM. U. P HRNIIHK’K. tota. break oat aad riot aROlaet Jews oeoa- Midi, suitr <4 Naveedre sad OtrhaeOi. Hm*' (4 her death. Kh** retained, how- j ooogh whioh I 090 of thsai wera ooiiied. toiaally. «lewe are the leadloR flaaa* TtM UMeet. lasasW swd Bm* «Ter, her .vonthlnl apiieanuN'e and per­ If Ham Walker ever lost any sissp j batdoRd not dtiwigttiM (dew aad aw awnag the leadli« aitlaie I Mow dtscovortea aad invsBltaas (4 sonal (dMrroe to a remarkabW* deRm*. wnmrinRnver that (harRe of i mhssiii mi; tt Id a pfagaAolan'a oonoh mUf^RY tasnt. and uepneaw at oiaaio. the laadioR rmnady, and it nmaa. It id il deviow in this uwnrshio* PBSm 4IW hy stMiaiTnM^wset sapfiivsd The Ubk-aRoUhronMeaptly remaHcHtbat ocatury oasw to show that thorsiaharri- IBob O irthnOs. I hereby the heat raws* aa ptmi Wi'lard Imd Rreat force of (*har- pnt np in Uwgd BnHIdd. only, ■aerd If some (4 thsse psnple who are talklOR profWaioaal OMB la every natloa. The ly aaythiag imposUbls. actsr. Hut it was united to n peraonal fbr hoodahold nao. 11 mad vna anar. vwr mnaraOT war bars any idea what it roeara raw ban laade for Itself this pradiMBi- Do sol fall to sewd tor Oetetogsr sad arises amiahiHt' nnd Rrnre of maoaer which aorard od Ihd madal at ttw aaaoa thiwaRh ahaar fewa at paraiaware Tha pooltiaa ti hstnn' iMttodev dsswheve. psiasrvi d her wooMsalinass aad marked If that man Htom* tbinto he caa slip Wortd'a Wdir at aftnatr-ttnMk away from matna manty aaaoMesd. and laharaat iataliaetani power. To tha II had a pooord at of Hawaii la< Tha /Honraa Nareary hsr os (MIf Tiait from the tvnaaRoat wo- bUad pra>adins of the iRMaat aad ia- atflad. Ba loaol man ’ariRht woman who have bswissoM- Why a docli nas asver plaasd in tha m s otnapaWBl alaaaw ia added a daroa Jaal- K Ym««f C H LLiuRim, aa, wm. aa iag tbs American psopls for the hast two I A gnoA grmrml mgmt «rMit«f Um w%wk un hwi!!■■■. mmmmifm •aiiH CM Mm Meat tftaa j A irmmA mpmt wniit*^ Mi oar** AaiMtf ta Mut, Uat mCM* Mata It. r giwiBlHNM** tliia I to iiMudtr thr Kouutoin llatli Hnadi. A man who diutintruiBharl himoaJf * Kuquin* Ml Th** rttrri. w ll uot Ul** ltd. lu lUiutlim' w aa a connumdinK oiii<'f*r in the re­ I TIm* W. r. T. ii. Mill iiM^ witli lim. 1 Knuik Murrb 3. .\ll «r»‘ n*- . of li. will air** a lUMMinrrMilr |N induK. TIm< nriniUH^ta wrm< merita ot FreiM*b und Atnarioan M*f*Mi Mt tlw A. ft r. W. Iin II WxlurMlH.V ■t lid limwtoi u« biitti idi w. ••v« Miu'a, UurHi '2. TIm* {inbltr Hrr mr- cooking, and hr wiid: t Imt boiiM* ill Kel>nutr>' diidl.v iiivitrd to |Mrtia|uti«. “In my opinion the French cook*' to Invteorate BQmWhen Worn Out* Wko In THi li . Mm. Will. HMHitari, itmid SH K. I.. MUd K. (2 .tUiMKI MM* HX. >1 Mrr. Swaicart, wboar iiiaulni lead the world, and they have whowii |irrtiruiul'lan ‘uib»u, Hr that many thiiipr are ediblu ' iMttrr |Ntri Mi th* wnA wtirr** tb«y Iimt** tt V, t>pt**b*ir 11. IHOU. Mru. Hwa- limi uttnidiUK thr IlHrtii tiraw. Ki » ol a iwuiily Ol tlrr MWirrw, oar which wo neT«*r dr»' i,ir*l of nervinK I ll** .M. K. .t>d MM^iriy ol lt**u|CMl will ll: luiaury, ilir otUrr tbrrr Mirviv* on our table-. I noticed an aaf'ounl ni*^t lit tJM* IU-uital <2rniiiri* liall Tliun*. iu >lrw. rtwaaart aUio Iravrw a in the new(-|M<}H*r?4 of a home meat Come to A. O. U. dui ill Iom . ill , Marrli H. Kvfr>* ow** iii* III jid a dMUKbIrr by a ioriurr uiar- flinner that wuu given in Williamu- 'X I viitil, tiriiia >'our lunrh iMudod. ri ixuuiuM III Ibr Mouiiimi |Ntrt ol til *. Wliilr wbr Will br grralty hiirg by a freak cliih, and it retwlled ! TIh * n*itular twvirwr «>( Kt. Jotiiu* llti«, a little experience of my own. The W. Hall next Wed ­ I 3117 h. f I. T M. will iw* lifid at MHn-Hlw** III y tbmr, h Ih * will br tuoat Nailly luill Knilay fvi'uiuic K»4inii»r>' t/fi. .\ll m i-tiu* two Mjiui luid a iiiUMi kiitil French people do not liMik upon imtiilit'rH iir«* n<<|ii*wtrd t«i in* iirrwrut. Ml ilariit biMbaud. Tbr Hr* hniwefleeh with thr avereion of tlie nesday Evening: III III |MNir liraltti lor yrwrw, but HverHK« Anirricau. I do not m«*HU to Til** W. K.C. will aivi* a MiiMiurritih* di ivr up uutil a few iiiouilMbHon* and find out for tMM-iul nt tt. A. it. ball. Friday uiaHt, In I. hvrrytiiiuic that uirdical aid nay that home meat iu coneidered a kliiri'h t, IfM. riM* |»uliiir iw iiivilmi to nj ta l>aiiil« ooultl Hu war dour, but cboif'e article of diet in Paria, but it yourself. alt**iidlli)*owlUiur. .tdliiMMOu, iurludlUK ' It Klit**urd >iufl«*tiUKM. Wiiru lirT in uaetl there to a certain extent. I ••u|*|w*r lOi'tf*. j 1m niiittrd tirr tiouM*wH*'fm|U**utly I hapfiened to he in Pane 16 yearn Krv. F. <*. IMiUbiiry, pawtor ol tli** Firwt I u| trtbr mtrrtuiuiiiml luid aid of M. !■'. cburrli of I'orc Murou will Irr-' tti y of whK'li wiir war a iiiroitirr. ago, and nevertil of luy friende there tur*' oil ttir I’liioii l^ton* l'«tun*r in i ilm* lou wiir will Im* icratly liiMwnl but ■aaured me that home meat might tlw M. K. rliurrti .MarHi Htli. Subj*«t, I wr oiui oiily Imiw iu liuni^> Mubiiiiiwiioii be prepared in a very apiiecinuK riie Man III iIh * .Minmi , and thr i liber mimI iiay Thy will In * donr. fawiiion for the tahir. I wan curioua .Miui.” to try it, and I inx ’itrd a doxen peo­ ADDITIONAL LOCAL. .Married, at thr M. K. iwmoniMri- in St. THE MAMOtra. .Joliiai, Febrimry ."*. by li**v. 1). 1). Mar­ ple to hreakfoRt on horee meat with THE NEWS IN BRIEF. tin, ItoliiM Valentin** anil Myrtle Ih IitII, at. ju Udm , Wirli.. Frt*. U4. Inwa. me at my hotel. My gueete were all Ini IIi ol St. JolllMi. w iitMit...... u:i Americana, anti they were all anx- (’uru...... ;/o I'Civ-'S- H. II. Smith l•;»rn♦ Sunday in iirid. Marneil. ul IIm* M. K. iianwiniiK**.,, , Frb-, OaU,...... 'JlMi'jH ioUN to eee what I'ooked horee meat niar\ *J2, by ilev. ll. I). Martin, mlwanl i rittvrr -.... -...... ^* 'u****^- lookoil like, though they were doubt* F. C. Mhimmi wmm ill iMroit TurMilay on r. l*\irb*-*« of .Manrrloua, Mien., and riiHiiiliy •«*r*l :-V.v* bueiniWM. Ey®...... —...... * .... ****4IM48 *** ’ ftrl about eating it. I got an excel- Haiiiy l{***<1 40 go home hungry If they didn ’t on hitMiiirm*. molber, .Mm. Frank N.l'onii, ol Durand, ('urbM«N*l, Ini II**«I p<*r rwl. ('..•ruNHwl ualM*lt®...... the breakfant. In came a nteak, and ill St. .loliiiM ihir wr»4. and you an* very likely t«» lie late; en ­ KI m* mlddllBir** |M>rrwt...... deavor to rr«» “b thr pin**** ol womhip be- j inimewi. ewi my guenta eyed it clonely. It wan IN>i*liiiiii«t**r Lorbrer of W*<*«tpnHliu, MVi: MTtM'K WHM i*i .Si. .Io Iiim* y**i*i**rtlMy. fore tin* time to eomiumn* and you buv** * own, inlirti ...... ak«l INI « $8.1 INI nicely cooked, and when It wan laid on** Hi one III tlir loiindHti«*ii of Hne- <‘«*WM l«it«<*l |M*r rwl...... au U.' Uf $8 INI Mrn. Kva .Noble, of Vernon, i*« vuiitiuK HIrrm Irlird, cw 1...... $:/ .Ml W 'JTt aerverl four or five of the men prea- at tlM* bum*-of It I,. Mhiw Ii. liutfr |N*r cwl...... $K 2**W$H *>*• ent Junt tanted it and then pushed .S. S***t fnim (imnd ibi|»*dH. will , ...... n«ta ' Hkouhlrr *in«*kr«i firr Itt...... *1 I might get hungry enough to en ­ Mm. K. .1. FriM*t of IHI**% ’ii**, w.u* the mak** bn* iirxt v Ihii in St. .lohiw*. Tb** I loirii...... Iwii gur<*i of Mm. .1. W. Fiixirrnilii,.Saturfiay. liurtirular diM*»u*rr wliirli lb** Ihr'tor ! Applrr |irr IHI...... •MN b7.*i joy thin hurne nteak. It ia beautiful­ trratr may ir* aM'»*rtaiii*Hl byrrf**iTing to iirlr.1 Biiiihw |irr lit ...... 8®i4 ly cooked, but of t*oiime one notioen .Mim* \Viiiifrf* ’ bury *mr. Hit,nr limr prr libl...... **. ’ .1 oil III*. ‘ llunrltt •■rniMil |irr hbl...... $1 lO beef. In fact, I would be obliged to L. II. Wili*oii of ilwiMtMo, WHf* in St. riir tlmt rrmi-Hiiiiual diiituii coiioty I'ortlrnd ** ** ...... $H .Ml you if your waiter would remove it. .lobmi the latter {lart of laat week on Hpwiirtb l.•*••ull•* coiiv**iitioii will In* b**ld ' Hf urri, |trr lihl...... ,1 .Mayor Ihimrdnll in iigniii mayor of \V*-Ilr A Iliriiardron I’ll., Itiirbngton V ill .S|ir|NinlHVillr Frttlay and Satunlu.v of tiny tlmoih> ...... $4 4Ni«r$7 ini I am eatinfie«l...... ST* *Hi Ljnu. f»**,iilem**ii :—.\ previour , x|ieriraee till** wrrk liTKiniiiiiK Hi *1 F- •••• Friday. , Hirnw li«l«-l...... $n ll* that I Hat down to a horse steak .\. K. Wili* **v**iiiiiu. K**bruary 2M, at tli** : Hrrrti|rm*M*mtr to rui'iHeii hiiiiHrif ar mayor ’ lirnratn »kln«..... ***ilo ni.v apfietite iin|*r4iv**4l, the l**«*liug <* by iiImiiii niterii i*oupleat til*'l.aili*w I.i1»- and rid** r*-iiiH T**iimH wilmiitrl fn-m in-rf ilri-wr rw* ...... $4 INN, $.*> .*» “ ‘UnleoH it coui 4'*h to a case of; ol tb** bury modem i*ity, ami war **l*et*Hl rary roiuiiH Mimdai eveiniiK. F. A. l***n***y ’H Hton* inmi *1:311 to a p. in. ■ r,,rk ,lrr««,|«-wi...... $4 OO wetirineivi ilirapfietiriiig, iiml my nerver Wt.,,«l linrO Mi,*l Mi famine, ’ said one, ’thir l>eef in good by a riiiiniiix maiority lant m*mtli Ibtriibir m*» ' i** “‘'f**.' iMr*4l, ami I lik»* to -ay a ,r4l for u •Mm. fi***!. M aidron Irfl TiieMibiv mom- di-t cbiirch*-**. .Siimlay MmmiIh an«l H|r ital an iilN,iit a** n*r|N>iiriv* ‘ a clirnl**!** ,iml Ilir f4xiri**NrnrN** in del* ding hir ffienil. ioK for i'liiiliiii*. wber* ’ »*li** will t*(ieiii| a ***irib l.** imiKIzin** iwinnr rrrr. .tbollt rix cignrette after hrnnkluHt, 1 nuid that few day** with li*** •*oii, F^liii*r i'ol* ‘man. liiiKr mi’***ioiiar\ *l**l»l wbi**li war i***!!- III,,III Ilr ax*, III** Fbilad**lpbia immiifiiH' I bml a confesHion to ninke. 1 tolil opiiiiohr. Ill* liar never heri' Piltoil**- Truly yoiirr. whicb ! WAI. ’tHII L. K.v DKLI.. Mm. L. I*ike ami .Mm. Frank Pike of ino tnl diiriiiK tb.* immc, | „i„rf..,| i., |.iiblir|i a -r,i,w .,f pradiral my giKwfts that tliny hml Imwii invit ­ I'ian* Ilir ronvirtionr in pub . nor bar r. -*vk**iui*l|i". w*r»* uu***«l- III -Mr. and could not Ir* avoiilnl 1 b.*n* will ‘••• a nl.nwiiar bow arttrtii III* liemi rlow to 4*N|M)n*r* tliei ireoftlie Nov. lHti7. .Mr-. W VV .'. Iianke 1H1*4 be wHe 11 I'aniliiliili* of I Fi*o|,l4* ’r liew-|»air*r ottli'iw—wberi'V*-, Il.-irf Hinil**y of I'rieiiilahiii, N. Y., who ll**lm«*r f•*H-itr, win, iH ir*iv**liiiir forth** o,irk war •‘**rtaiiili arlirlk*. Ilmilrrli** goirl. I infuriiied tiiem that the hm tbe tfrie- ba* l*♦ ‘••ll the ifu**-t of F II. lK*\\itl lor S. .V. Sl*»wmaii Dni« ri,m|Miiiy of I'lnri- l*laii- It axn***il to luniirh I'timplrli* r|r*, i> steak which they onlcri-d off the ta |Mrty tor I'oiign*!®*. .\ baril worker, ii tioii III worry i- w**„nng (>M:,.tb** in-rve the |iH**t f**w r*- tbau onei* lieen purln-ii to tin* (tlailr X1V* ‘II tlljll lb*' rrrN*> lui • Ir-**!, which they hail eiijoyc<| mi thor Fain** ’- i'eh*ry «*«,iii|n ,iiiiiI i- prtiviug it Tin- Indie** ii«***o<'iatiiiii ol tb** ('oiitrr**- Dr. .1 II fayloi in coiiii***d with Dr. ooglily, was hor-etli-Hh. The liNikr limit of hiH rtntigtli. .tt riii'h tim**-of inertimubi** vain**. It nivanaiile innirer (raiioiial I'biiri-b will iiii<<‘t at tin* ■ bun*b u>'*'4il Hiict'«*r- tor th* inaxaxi ar rtn- Wcllci. ,,1 .Si. .I<,hitr. calhil III th*-lioiii** -prinx I In* Itiiiiilinx '*t ov**r ti.,* buii4li**«l of amazement ladt*d into diagunt, ,*xlt'em** nerviiue li'iinoii ami ov**, iM,rk, M4iiiinl **l***p, ami tbii- g*iver tbe'over- room*, next Monday iiltemiMiii at two 1,1 ll. M. DarhiiK in Fairnri*! ru,*r4lay b<,iir«-M, varying in <*orl from ^K.^dNi t,, and then 1 Haul: b«* ba--4iv**«| him-*-lf frf,iii br**akiiig iliiwii j-tning iiNrv*- th**,r iiHtimil mit; it cor o'l-iiM-k. ; all.riioon Dm l**an**l tliiit Mm. Diir- H7.iHI*i fiicb, will In * rliirt***! in ,liff •n*nl “ ‘Now, look here I There innuoi*- b.\ taking Filin**'-i ’«*l**r.\ )‘imi|NMimi. i riTt-a r4)i,Hiipai*- 4i habit lliat -a «*nai- .Mm. H»*aii llarii**r of riiarloM**, wbojinuwbo i** -uff ’riiiK "iili a imcliimof |•,lrl^. of til** countrv by .14,111^1*11 liarlM,,n h {h *ih Iiiik th** j»a**ffrw wi-'k-with j Iln* riuiil l•■nlnr will Ir- unabt**^io r«‘|iaiii n*>idrrr. ill mlilifnm to orrr onr biimimtl carion for you tu look dirgiwted. A Maj*,r UaniiHMr- buiHwl iipiitifii «if imini\ gi**^, with -**il*iitaiy <>«-<*ii|Mit44HiH r,*lativ**r in and alMiul St. .iohiir, r*- . inT-tc. imlb.—I ivid Ibn'ri* r I iiioii. othrr lioiirrr wbi4*b liav** alr**ti*li lirtHi hormi iH mure ilircnmiuating in I hi- gniit n*m**ni>ii-liiini4irH . turi.***l boiiirSalunlav .S^-r. iari ll. id ol Hi.* -lat.* lior*i. iill built. what he entH than a cow, and ther«* by any on** win* mi*l- bi- l••tt*•r tl I-1 that III Hiim** iini** i,r iitli**i ii**v«*liip into Mr. ami Mm Uay lirwitl. win, bar** „r„| ,.,„.h .ix auyr llial unbim Mirhiaaii ia nf> rt*uaou wliy horhetlesh MboiiJil Iiiwn : 1 gmv** di-**H-**. l>rcii H|nMiding thr pH«t frw day-with Mr. ^rl,\\••rM ar** pr»*|*Hrini: t** vjn<»r- llw» Wert, THrrr. iiml Mr-. F. A 3*ravi-. Irit for (Iriiml ,,||,.|x •.|ira> timir lrr*n*. to izrt rid of Ih** FBIIKrAHl *27. iHph. nut be just BH wiiule-onie an beet. Mtirir. Tu*-Mla.v imiriiiitK. jcttd'llinK m<,lli. tli**> may ar \v**ll >fo *1111 •tin. KnrniK; — ,^ Your enjoyment of it haH rhowu ip (>r A atrtaina %„MarMm. Itaiikinic l'ommi-riom*r .Inr* who ili***l ; ,,l tin* l,urin*-rr. l'om|r*tiiliion from ib*- Tb** artb*!** ,11 y*uim I tin* imi** 4,1 F,*l,- that it is u foolirh prejuilice that P4*,,•uoty of • 1int,»n -mm ,i, - n— -i,. riicrv III n-uaoliiig Il44* g4»|4| mim*r ai l*r,,l»Ni,* 4',,urt f,,r Ibi- nomi.v ot i In the time of Charles 1. of l^uglaad H« rmbb-iiD ot Ionia .**aliininy. wwr in ; wrrt ami »<,utliwrri ir tCftiwinK "harp, pri'vents it fre<*oniiug a Htaple hi,l,l«>ii Mt Ilir l*rol*«lr llfllrr. In tbr .St. .Iithiir only a wr**k axo ami cmII*-iI on ami lh**im,ih bar not]^v**t rrach*-*! lb,»r*- liramt Kiu’iimpiin-tit I'rctSi, r<,rliiii, 4,1 HI. JobiM,. ,,n Wrtlnrwlny tbr the making of anagrama- usually oa l 4tiiiii>, \\\\4,iiiiiig, 4*aiin ‘ t4i my mitnt- article of food. 1 haven ’t fouled you Krbru«rjr In tbr ymmt onr tbouMii* luitli tb*< Mtat** liaiikr b**ri*. ■MH'I I4ll,r. K'.J hiiualrr«l nnil nlnrty -igbt the names of people In the compaay— ItMliix ami |N*rmit mh - I41 h *i\ that I iiiii uniler false preteiiree. You were in ­ Tb** rrfaibiiraii villiup' uauni- will Ir* Tbr iiiii4»n |l•rtllr** 4-4»urr** wlii4*b iriraiix Prrwnt. t-bna. U. Mrrrill. J utter was a fashionable amusement, aad 114,1 4iiily |r*rM«Miiilly H4xpiiiiiii4i| witli the vited to eat hornetieiih ami you have It, Ih, mmirr of tbr kiii«ir o HImi called ont no little ingennlty. RandW held at tbr Fin* llnxim* hour** on Friibiv j iirniiix''4l i»> til** -'!• K- •••"I (*4»nxr*va- ili-trtci but alrfi with ncvcnil iritph*win, \r«lrll. )trrrMMr«l. rvriiinx .Man*b 4lb. t*, Ir* **mII***I to «,r,l**r tnmal cbiin*b*lk-Ntlon hirilH-nl- 111 m.vrn F. M. HtamInnI tiim*. nir**r xivi*n w,***kl\ ,»ii Mombiy or Tmw- Ill,-liiin'ml o( Young lien riilhwieii win, “It was several days before my liaN *«iirr of bla AnnI urrount. book on heraldry, and from the !■• piiy ,*v«*iiiiixr. Tin* i-iaim** tirk**lr iir,*Hl , Mr FiMiti*aiid Mim .ShuHrv TlM,m|r**,ii with a man ininnHl liiirton mini,* tin-ir gueHtk forgave me, anil nuue that ■| hrmi|Ntn It I- onlrr*',l, Thni Tliunute ters of his name was formed the ana ­ m ll^ 1711, 'liiy i,f .MMrrh A. II. l-t*- mI our -(r^-lal «-||04|| tl**k4*tr Hfty l•*•ll^r. I'll** flrri 4lir«-,,v*-ri*H< theri* in tfn* fall 4if '!M', time 1 have lort nil Hyni|Mitby for gram. “Lo, Men ’s Herald! ” A lady of (‘b «*axo. who liav** lr*cii rir*miiiiK tb** |,<,-Mi*>-* will Ir* by -4»m,- of tin* iinr*! <,*i-|11 1b* riaP- .\moiix tln*iii Dm. iiiiin*r i,f till-ilirtricf; ratln*r |c| nn* a*!* OHUre of famine tu eat hornelleab. “ inrtbrr ortlrml. thnt notlrr lir irlvm lo Ih,- Tbr iitinunl mr**linx ol Tlir .*<*t, .ii.hn- ii<,ynii,n. Tlitibiirii and .Stanrtt«*l4|. of —New York him. |M-r-,ili- lnlrrrrlr«l In Ibr -411,1 r-lMlr. ,,f th, she was inspired by the spirit of the viH,* to tin* ci,iilr,ir> iiiib'er Hiei bavt timr nn,l filnirr of aaM hmrlnc hy rnu-lnv prophet Daniel, and she formed of he* ^♦*mrtrr\ .Amorialion will 1^11**141111 tin* D>*tr4iii. Diiiin*. m .Saximi^v, Fillrbiiry. ot iiiinh* very can4ul iiiv**M,igatioti*,. r,,|,y ol thi- onirr to br pubibibril In thr HT. 4>ttlrH* 4»f Ih^rritlH A lltibiwiii. 'rilrr,lM» I**,rt liiinai. S|r-rrv. of Ulivrt.aniirriiiu. I«*NXM .N kw * n srwfmNnrr |,iint**«l Mini rlrrii name* O. r. iioi.i.irTKM. Blwrk ClMlk. InllnB In -nhl r«,nnt> of I'llniou. fortbrrr ex’**iiiiig, Marrh I, at 7;3ll o’**l4H*k. of .Vlbliiii. -tirri-Miirr wrrk- prrTlow- to -wirl «l«y ,,l "Kleanor D.ivlao; It ia often extremely ilesirable to bmiiMR. Hevenl. O Daniel! ” NOT FOR BYERTTHING obtain black chalk, anti a Biinple CilA.S. M. 4Kltllll.l.. This anagram had ttx> much by ar. pru(*erH for preiainug this useful 4 A rn»rtt*o|>j . ■ ____ Ji44tR,*,,t I'pob-tr lint if you have kiiliie.v, liv**r or blail- L and too little by an S. but aa It bad article ia convenient to have in umi’a In It "Daniel ” and * ‘rev4>al" It satlsflet* ‘ tier troiiM** y«,n will timl .Swiuiip UtMit l>«N«l T,>iiBb Lwb. Ecrapbouk. Take pulverised ordinary ’ bar aspirations. 9he was brought b* I jiiHt tin* rt*nic4|\ ytm inH*,!. Fe«,p|«- ar*- CluirleB Titei, » pour oiau In -sarch ‘At the Busy Little White Store.’ chalk and mix it with a Mtrong de ­ fore the Court of lllshops, who triei of work Id MIIwbukiis . raeelvnd word mit apt t4i get auxniur h Iniu I their to raason bar out of her Insane clalme coction of Iuewcmn I. The addition tram Chicago that he was Isft a legacy henitb rtNin eintugli. If ytiii are **not but she held bar own strictly, we are •ither of chromate of putasaium or of $3,000. Beinic without money to pur* t|iilt4* widl ” t»r **11011 nek ” have you *arer told, ontll one of the deana ahot her green vitriol aulutiun will cause tbe chase a ticket to Chicago, he resolved Ithi'iighl that your kidiieyr may, lie the through with an arrow from her owr lug wood to become inteusely black to reach there . y vteallng a ride on I tminr* 4>f ytiur nrknem? a quiver. Ha took a pan and wrote thb freight train, fn sttempting to do so be It IN ••nay t4» tell by retting aaide your A i»sty msaa ia formed that molds anagram: was firawn under the wheels and al> nriin* for twenty-four boUN**; a rrdirnent very readily into crayons or panciln, Dame Bleanor Davlat. most gmnnd ti, idn-ee. He died a short I or retiliugiinlirater an iiubealthy ixindi- and these, when dried, are ht fur Never eo mad a ladiar Cut Prices tiou of the kidaeyr. When urine rtainr use. The addition of on extremely tlow after the arcident. —Bz ineti it ir ••vidence of kidey tmahle. Ttw, The court on reading this buret tato fr**i|uent ileNire t«i iinnute, rranty ru|iply, ■nail amount of gum aratMo water laughter, and the lady's spirit, forsak­ : |»Hin or dull at-he in the latrk ir alar, onn- is suggested, but the amount must ing her, she gave up her clalnm to ! riin-ing finNif that the kidueyr and Idad- be so omali aa tu be aosreely appre- prophecy, aad we hear of her no more on iler neeil ilortoring. oiabie, else the pencils will be so i There ir ratiriartbin ID knowing that WaNsnrVtil bard as to be almoet uaolses. Fur thegrrwt renH*4ly Dr. Kilmer’r Swamp Pane Nf M Mill* 0«e* ^ lio*,t fniflllr every wNdi in rriieving w*-ak ordinary work on bard snbatancea But Ho«,d*a garanparHIs New Olven Hwr Permanent Nealth. Leaf Hunday at (Dan laland. .N. T., a or d'Mrowd kidney N and all forror of tbe gum is dsoirable, but if the pen- aaa Hon davoiired a aoMlI pug diog iilailder anil urinary tmuhler. .Not only " I wee a tele, puny, aiekly woman, WINTER ilim SwamieltiNii irive new IHe ami ae- ella are wanted for pa|ier or card ­ which waa srouggM Into the park by board the simple chalk and logwood weighing l4iM then $0 p.Mtnds. I waa tivity to the knlnevi* —the rtkoee of never well. I had female troublea and b a woman, wht, had hidden him under a taoulib*, tail by treating th** kidneyw it aulution will give better oatisfac- bad throat trouble. ' '’we arram an ad* wrap. Thirteen Ilona baeklng tn rrle*«wa tonir for tin* entiw* rttNNlltii- tioa.—New York Ledger. verttaamint of H* ir«aparllla aad the tun on a raft Tha dog fall or waa lion. If >i»u nerd a nN*dirtiH-yon rh«>alil thrown into the water by a mlaehlev- RUBBERS. Imve file liert. Sold by itniggirte, |a*i»’e had faith In tbenw«lh*iiieal unaa. 1 hagan ■bWw mt mmrnrr. om boy and the Ilona made a almnl- tifty i*mtr and one dollar. Yon may taking it and antm felt hatter.. I kept on have a ramtde bottle anil fiamphlet rent If a priae tor killing duoka, tor until 1 waa cored. 1 now weigh !■ taneoua daeh iato the wnier. They im­ fr**e by mail, iipoti rrret|it of thm* two- keys or gases bad liaao offered in pounda, and never have any aieknaaa mediately sank under the sarfhee. bat rmt rtamfiN to i*over fxwt of |iort4»* im fk»tlaiid, Macbeth would have woo Hood's Haraaparllla will not cave. My e moment later 4>ne of them appeared the bottle. Mention Thk St. Jiaisr tbe belt. He did “muidar moat hkmd la pars, compleaton go49d and tecr within a few feet nf the dog. The lat­ NnwrandwaMl yiair a«ldr*wr tn Ih*. KU- ter was swimming toward shore, a^ Woodruff & Tromp. foul.”—New OrlasM Picayune. free front arapCliina. ” Mas. LtTMA Fas - mrr k Oo, Ringb,union. N Y. The ircM. Box lit, HlUagrove, Rhode Islaad. parently iincmieriotts of danger. He proprietom of thw pafier gsnrantre the “Pocahootaa wm a patron ot tbe turned his head in the dtrsetlon of the The Shoe Dealers. giatsinmmr of tliir offer. lagitimatn,” said tbs actor. “Bba Hoad ’S Sarsaparilla Hon, which diaappeered with the dog objaotod to tbs introduetkm at an latbaSiP Is mat tbs Osa True IMad FarlPi s momtnt later The Ikm aooa coom A trwvHtrsvHteg vwfWty imwsv In •aaaiteot at I bidhin Chib SBbiMtiaO ts S U to the aarfeee again, but the dag wm fl% h*i bum . owlytl -iSiTia ’* ”* '• I «!»«• "-PbU-WpW. Ilmmi. Hood*! PlllB SI AE< not to he seen BirfUNBlIh IilUBCT<#BY. r

.\m»RNKYH. ONfU rAIII*X>IN«i. NOMTVIK M UOOUWO 8 IMBrr urrwr HtMk, that ba got tbat m Ibe Imm. 1 am not Net all .^■WA A W Al.imiUUK, Att4>nw7» ■urpetoad any longer tbat be did uot dla- at LiAW **Mti«>nNCiM4tf*. (KDktQlSZS larb agjr of bla owa paople tbat night, IgTlH- M. MMl'MWkK.AtlunMjr at Uk«. for ba did not go bouse at alL Ba ob- Mt Jttha*. 194 4k««osa as‘sw sawnv %m CMssa^vs. taiaad a obaagu at tbe hogaa at biaeto- The Ddrak JoawwL lEJIir 4. MrcMIUNUrV, Jaatlc* ai t* bm. Ba to a oooi baud, to kill a OMm Pmmv . (*a«Wal aluatloa oftraa ut ^ a■etloa* oilri «>v*r AIN«<>a*ii Jawtory Burrow glanred abemt for tba oirws aad tbao sraer bia olotliiag awag fkam a4An>. for wbieh bn was sMurebiug. Tbr flnt tbe soeoa of bla criam." Tbste Is a dallr WOMAlTg FAOM oocxvnr norma, fabbiofr niaa- “llaw OaltaaA9** point to dotanniDe was, bod tba bmui Burrowa now taraad bla altaatbm to M. H. I'aaaii^. I*. K. I’aBaiM. A.J.B aupwih tfutsd and aaaar otbsr omttori t at sad -nMUIINa A llil* litlaa. pay laEaa. ••xM>alr paaalna aataral *A aroaaui hatr« to tbiak that abs blindly aboot tba plaoa, bat adoplau JOURMAL’fl "Dsxtsr aad Rintatsr* p uiara. aa«l Makr l■••ll•«tlaaa. All haalBaan ia cToadoA day by day Isaa cbanaiaA *air««'H*tTjr atora ai V*i. I rilaloa fiamra oa similar urcaaiooa. AltboRgb Still looking at tbe weapon, ba notiead aaaaar. Mt Jo'tna. tllrhlaae, rya4 tlian ia tiMr day« of coartabip. tbat a name waa eograv^ tm tbe stock. A aroataa OMy alarar* rclaia bar cbanaa ba waa jaalous of Mr. Baruaa, bo ad- UWIN H. Alloraayal Law.Mt. aad tba riaacity aati (‘mhaaai of youth if oiirad his ability and did not braitaio to Be approaobed tbe window for more they AN AOBNT IN BVNBT TO Johaa abf will take* thia prop«r cara of bar hraltb. iuitato him. Ht* dro|.'*md loto a obair light ami read. "Walter Marvel. " At mtmjr have Tbs Jouraal asm E A tram.-ndiia« parc<-ntaAa of ill>bralth ta tor oalr M coals per weak. and gJauorti arotUMi, looking aboot bim tbie moment tbe door waa opaaed and Tb# Jon real. K. aMITM, Alturaay al i^ar. Mt. Jokas aroai'-n i« due to w« Akaaaa aad dIaraM- of Mr. Barnea and Lswis atond oa tbe Or MaU ttJI tor S moatiM. 8 • Mlrb I flirr orrr llrlWra* Haaaar. tb* diitinctly frTaintna orpaniaai Dr. keenly, while lie eudaornreti to disoorer P4arco*<* Haaoritr Prr*cripOoa is an uafail* what ba wisbeti by renaimtiig it out. threshold ■ MlSICTK.^rHKIlH. iair ramrdy for all disorders of tbis nature. miliar tbao by chance. Mr. BarutH It all IV* infl immstion, bcaU ulcaratiun. CHAPTER KM. 1»K I»4Rm4K. Tiawhar «tl IMaau. «>r XTV, stops debilitating drains aad sootbrs and would say, "Uiuluabtedlr ebnuoe is a aaa Viiral Mnak' auil llarraoay. wmxm DUTRc-TtvEa qUARgai^—f r ovrr Hpaublloa'a .llanlwarv. tones the neraes. It ptfsanrso in a woman great factor in all mraatigatious. but u: all tb:r ebarm of ht-althy yoatb. Tbon* tbe mau who oaea bis brmius will have When Bairows eaw Mr. Baraee in sand-i of arnmen have trstiArd to its mar- tbe doorway, for a monmot be was coo- J'MYSHI.l.N'rt. arlous merits. mure of these Mooky accidaots' thau he who waits for things to'ioruop'" fused, but almost immediately be eon- ll. A J. WHiitlNa. I'hvalrlaa aatlHar " Favorite Ibascription ’* is sold by all re­ m CATIIAPTIC *>nlr«- orrr HiilllTailV 'lotblai spectable dealers in m diciacs. Dral only Burrown (eh tbe troth of tbis and aoteit eluded tbat it was too late for tbe older D9i«>r«' AHff where you .sre boneotly treated. Any store­ accnrditigly. At tbis moment be wisb«*'oa be said: ■JUrkM' \||||inrrv aiorv. .n 14 I’lintou Aaa- honestly and you should take yonr trade disgaise and reanouad as follows: aa*- IlMialfit"^ a'airioT l.ti•italiiK mikI Koiltrara elsewhetr "Murrel orosseil tbe river; tlierrfore "(iood morning, Mr. Barnes Yon At., lit. ’bU'. Ulrli. “ For nine I'cars I have satfrred with lalllaa tbe things were wet. Ue says be t hanged are just iu time to bear the news. 1 of inl> m.tl orirans.'’ writes Mrs. Mary Williams, have discovered the real murderer." \.fAHt « . tl.l VKNa. t|. I). • l|||r«* at var K of K-il'-ith. Wake Co. N C < llna i>/>l- *1 was tiieui at his house and threw tbe bundle CURT CDHSTIPATIOH^^ J n Maalrui)'la aattirr. .att. JohDa. ItBlra trnulrfd with hrarina dowm pains I had indi into the river. Did be make tbe cbaugi*. Mr. Barnes looked at bim keenly aa ku ira. *• 'M ! I k u null 'J lleep at niahl. I ww ennslitwted and, if no, did be throw tbe thiugs into T^U. H K.ttI t.l. \ H. IMiynlrlauaailMuriraon ami ha*l ;riiial Imulife. The doCTor here said "WlK) is it?" lllfla-f anal r«a«a|a|rinf Wa<«t «Mi‘ «»f Ctaurl tbe river? He bad a satchel, ami it is tli.i* •!'> didnr wiiwld rrsefa my disease Hr. pnibabie that it contained tbt* clotbte. "Tbe mau whom I snapected from Buaar iMiuaiv liitta-** liaauna I lai •'> avary af- Plerc’- * F.v.->rite i*rescrtpiioa. ‘fJohieo Medi­ Hv*. Bee7srtasr sris*. tail now MSfaataraJrssaaSb gsa caratHan 'VfaiuttMlay** "U'J cal IHsctwrfA'* ami 'P'rasaal 'Pellets’ have If so. ba made tbe ebaugu. but did not the start—Walter Marvel. " replied Bor­ lUOLOTELI GDASIH^ enrrsi im* " Staaad NssSIH fts*. A4. NTt:RUtN) agaKUT (tk. (Iitras*. nsstresi. Cm., srMe YssS. Sil H. J tv. t'llubAKII. H. II.. I'hralclan throw tbam into tbe river. According to rows, with a tinge of exultation in bis aual .HurartiH. Ht. Jtahna. MIrb. (lAIrr; An ••very-dav necesaity in the home. A Weston, be took tbe satchel with him voice. Doaar Htaia Itaiik. IpaMl home medical work. Send at one cent stamtrs, to cover mailinc only, to the whan ba atartivl for tbis boose. As tbis "And pray bow do yon prove tbia?" ______INiTKIlTAKKUaS. _ World’s ili«r>rnaarv Metltcal .Association, is bis siei*ping room, be probably asked Mr. Barnes quietly. Barrows waa llii/rdo. X Y l«»r a paper-covered i-opy of brought it iu bare, whatever he may netili-d at tbe tone of bis snperior and £. Mlll.l. I’na|t*rlakar, .Vaa. 1*1 t'llntaan 1)1 Pierre's Common Sense Medical Ad­ answered with considerable asperity: Aaa iCab Itaialtla, MIrh. Nif who arp uiwuyn liMiilttl fur an urgu* took out tbe wet clothes and laid tin in Will be at the down, tbe water would have couvertei. charge at murder against any ooe mt- meut uu the tutiiifv (iiiPMtiuu: tbe dust into mod and would bare li-tt lem be oa& aaonre a ooovirtion at tbe A Laiuker HuiiuieriUK humu for yilK'MN r I.v fdl’VTY .««a VI.VU?* HA.VK a distinct mark on tin* floor. There d trial." hip (liiiiitfr aaw a klu lull lyiug on "I know tbat; bnt 1 toll yon tb«« Is STEEL ^TEL, St. Joims BGch., sT l••ll.^’K. Mil'll,. nothing of tbe kind aboot, so be did not the cui'iiHtuun. tif t'oiirm’ liP pifktvl pnt lliem on tbe floor. What did be lio DO mistake here. I have tracked my it ii]i aiiU took tlip iiiiUilit.’rH iu onlpr with than)? What would I do under man to and from tbe scene of tbe crime Wednesday, March 23, 1898. PAYr* .1 l”’.lt t’K.NT I.STKllKsT tl.V HI.- and can give yon inoouteetable proof of IMWIT^ A.M» l,dA.\K MitNKY «».N Al’- to liiiti thp uwuer. While at lioniK similar olrmmatuiu'en? Bum them per­ hip will! rouiurkitti that thn Initoher haps. But they were saturatetl with wa­ what 1 soy." PfotVKIt ll»».\l»N ASI» ItKAL KS- "tionn; I am listening. " Mr. Barnes liuti apiit iu a bill tur uirat aniuuut- ter. fltill it is always dangerooM to eon r.V TK 'tKcrillTY. sat down on a chair near him. Barrows iug tu ilU. Tlit‘ uuly iiiuuey he hail oeal such evideun*, for nomi* one gem-r­ ally tinds Um* best bidden articlen wiieu forthwith entered lutu a luiunteand de ­ AUitKItr .1. IIAI.HWIN, I’real.leni. with him Wan the money he hml a crime is oouueciad with them. There­ tailed aoooant of the facts from which • *. PK.N.VKI.I., Vice.I’rewldenl. fuuutl, M'hich he gave her, uutl mIh * I’ K. VV.\I,.l\V0ltTH. Trwaaiirrr fore I abonld have burned them at be Asd raacbed tbe conclusion which ba paitl the biiteher. The butelier {laitl all cost of tiim* or trouble. I should bMU just so prmilively asserted. During it to a farmer fur a erilf, uutl the have bnrtP-d the satrlp-l with them, the narration Mr. Barnes made abao- S" .AT» ItlNKtlt HT. ItIHNK. farmer \miv I’K tlllV I'resldenl. her uuie. The luiiiker reeoguiytHl tie dry enough to hum. Then 1 should oeivf* the pruiNc which he ('onsidcred <• v\ Ml'NdKK. V’le-‘-l’r»*«(«lmt have rnkeii out ami thrown away the wan doc to bis efforts. Mr. Barnes pou- < v\ . ,-’1 T/*l KIt.t l.li.t'awnler the hill ue the uiie lie Inal fuuuil. a*lies. a iMiiiit which would nrit strike den-d over the situation fur a few mo­ Tbr»s» ■•••r I'fiit 'jiaid on rfrtlftrnl»-» and w’hieh up tu that time iiud eel a miinnal an quickly a** a detective —at ments and then said: o oep isit and in •tivliius iMiok ae<-ne<-t|u«tinii. It wan ty-” Duughiei> not long bi lor»i litn p.itience wan re­ "How so?" PILLS MmN !>* ’ llloiid—Or the"Anei«nt warded, for lirnt a few iron buttons "It was distinctly yonr duty to report Ms4s This Cbsssc. Onler ol Diaiian." ami Ibeii several other pieces of iron or to me the ronversutiou which you had O TOr anffer WE GUARANTEE With the station agent. 1 am iu charge Mif*r lie Ytiuug—ttr the "Aueieui metal of noma kind wert* separated fnitu feiiu Nerv- i irt rmr- yos «r tbe debris. Th« but Inns, of course, onaD ProBira- r. ruav'- lansry. Onler of Au’'?ricaii”— UoQ, PsIHdk or asti ••amt l-jr pmvid that nniiiething more than an or­ Lost Manb«MMl, on-- gaataiit**. Mian OlUmaiil* Oh, don't let's cull Impntnnrv, ^ S*I4 St SI M-r dinary Are Inai bei-n made on tbe NlohUv Kaoto- H«i. S U«ar* it the aneieiit order of anythiug. - hearth, ami it was but fair to sappose Consultation and Examinations Free and Strictly Confldential sio^^Hamnksn ■ i ■ ^ jNew York NVtiekly. that clothing had been bunieil. Tbe or I'ndevolopod Grams. Touthfol Krror- One l>av Only Each Month. Office HourAg a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Bkcveslrr- t’sa Of Tohscro or Upturn t Hvnt oilier tiiingn, however, inixxled Miu by nuitl oa rrcsipt of price. DM; JD4PPT*9 I It liNK jiisi irN'ispIrtsI Hint l’^>n^•lnbl«• Will awhile, for, though not entirely destroy ­ vkilCRilt;Alj t:0.« f'loveland* ODI*. ! Inin .lldrirh of M>-lninorn nnd Ml** .Addh- \i.* ilrt-ws nrrrr innrrl«l nl WInsor Jnii. .1. ed, be still found it hard to tell «*xu«*tly For aalf* by K. VnuMIrkle. what tb«*y were. After some thought lie CNES AFTER OTHERS FML Mr tv.ml I, .*iiietlt, of Kr*slerirksiowri concluded that the majority of tbe met­ riw Mogt Bwceeastut and ^clsuUllc Treatment of Alt Dlaaaaaa owd Wairito Mo , w •* troiiiibsl with )‘iiroHk’ in Kiiro|v ami point of throwing nun atiuy, as uiiiiu- •tOs prlnclpi**. Ai»*1 ••nirtlns him lo tlw fnll confldsnss of tl»'» sfTtl«*t*d every wh*r*. wrsTnorvii. I.i-avr Arrive t'ortant, wli«-ii it suddenly occurrcfl to YIA flTTM 41V has no •uucrlor in dtasnomrs nmt tr*«vil:»R rtfrasts jwdds- (id lInvMi A Muaki-aoli M<* ATsm ift |it; Vim-ri**ii hm gfit mi |Hriiiam’iit ^^^l^-l iFla* foruilthx. :!rdlcttlan.lKann«wl DIssas* *■ .Vri;tn and pironle < be-d iy lio ftt«-k»s| up a iiewn|Mi|i*-r :ind him that it miisr lie all that was left nf ".Al.-irrh, Dtssasev ol ID* Kjr% Km, N«aw>, Thro t nn*l Lur;»-s, Dyrprf*-); . l.ristol’s I>Ismm i-'t 17|im 11la pii ••Ii-im-.sl to •-III an a'lv«-rti"**im-iii o| the false whink* rs. Ttu'te was nothing Tiislr-'t**, Klilney. Liver, lltadder. Chruule ’-‘eiiir.ta and Hexoal ulseas** *|»»-fiolly rored hy • id !l »*fnA Inlrrini-dlNlpIT ■’.•pin iHg.'inn trv-xDnent that taw aevei foilwt tn tlKwirr.u«:s t.l ran** thnl ha*! l«eeii prommmw Ivtom • Id. llNV»m .% Muaknfon •.'I *.*» Nin *1 .I? an • ’••amiHTl/iiii*' l olir, t'bo|»-ra iiud Diart uion* that he eould tiiiik<*niii nf tin*ash ­ Mnuy pnuU* nisei di-:.ih t*vi-r.r yt-i.r xrui) tuixht hnvsbssa rvttored lo psfSost health Mltmiti> 'J.’i «ni t7 .M* pn flr*i do— ip'|Hsi liiiii ami itn •‘«aitinii>-«l and placetl th«* iiackug** in a small "Ho IV }H»M the IrttfT MO Ilf" ntFOIlTAWT TO X.ASXKS. O’iTMAN.kN.atut yearaot eapertaace.baadlacoTered I>rl.. <'lih-Nuo v In l•llrnnd 11 U !•• pni Ul I7|>n u— cunsl iiiin. of this inquirv. ami liy your stupidity the greatest cere knowe for all diseas*^««.ullxr toetkceea tl I vreatc cliMaees y-oeitlvety rured I>et.. Cnn.ida A f-nal i-1 'J-’t pin tie tT nn satchel, which he liml brought with by the new reetedv. OLTTB The cereirc kf rUertet Ft ).oei*trratie*et. Lctircly i)ri .('anNdn A tmst * I .*>7 nui *•'! .*>*• an him. Unrniws smiled as he tiiought in and vanity you have caused irreparable hxreilMs sndMMlT applied Cosmultattoa Frxe erd atrirtlsStrirtlj Confldrnllal. • ii' ■ • !.>•■ -iiol Iniii IIi -'f llnltl»-' DR. OTTMAW '>perxtei. .accesslelly aci j SHAPNBSS ; ctrr *'t y-r tert. of all UlitNl to •iivoMiti (4Mlir vml'sl mIiIi hardt. " ♦ Ksct-itl HiiiidNl' •'•n IIi Hlrefdtu: nn himself: * ‘Marv« l lied win ii lie said tin* pelnlessly fot sqeinl eyes. pterTpinei. iridvc | ca*4 •. r -» tnsr I rret Ir* « re tri atr-rnt. parlor r.ir •ervlrt- r -nl locket WAN still ill his }MK'ket. There is "1 don't see that!" Rnrrrrws was get­ tnnty, terninff In or uet ol err iXAhe*. or lit.*.] DZaCHAUOZNC EABt* certd In rvrry ting ai.^rr now. He ditl not relish being eloknreof iMr deci asd all utbci eyropera-' cat- WI.sTN oI \p no trace of it ii* o*. so it is evidi ut that RverilKMty nays aa. thus eiiideil before L«*wis. But Mr. tioii*. CATABlin OPTWr NOPN.trrrrhltU Urn n tiN* one found was tb«> Name which he cmowzc gOSP. VtniB xe;.i It- utics c;,..s*d ircu t,.iaiil>. posl* 111 17 niu irnln hair pnrlor rnr lo .iw.iri’ • »-:.|' CatliurUr. Uu most won Bario-n did not ap]iear to uoticA* bia ris­ ixtetl lids -leicklT cervc tlTVly KUttU. bspbts rv 1 rn rtinrcf- *J.> rrntv for* i! -ItiM-oi i-r*-of IIk * Hge, ;»«•*»•• had with him that night." 7 .‘iK |>. IU Irnln hn» ''nrtor Uiillrt rnr nl ing tenqs-r. A CBRTAZlf AND POPZTrTB CrSF arhr«l Imirolt lo Ornnd llnvf-n Kilri iri in*i refp sltinif to the taste, set Burrows was now anxious to find the tor tlN- xwfel rflrcts «.! earlT vicr xetl tbr TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE- ate’ bik oeuierrHi* evils that f<-|}o« its train. i hnrw*' J'm is>s«l|v. ’.y op kiditevs. liver I boiv* i* pistol. Ue recoilected that tlic squin* "I suppose not. Like all young men, rlt’Siir'iix' Of* iiiip dlsjicl to*.- PRTTATB BZAMID AND PKTW’ AGED MEM. i: vbthoi oad told nf the pistol which Murrel had yon do a wrong act and tlieu, instead nf D1SRA0B8 speedily, coeipleuly and per-1 *ijie iieu>iKo.M- lev. r. hnbllusl r’OtisdiwUei The .'wfeleffertsof mrly H -4.% n >11 train ha* pnrlor rnr to lirmilt and lii hnisn*-'* Pleas* buy and try a U.i left at th<‘ house, ami as lie km*w that it having the manlinod to acknowledge emaeailv cerrd Riim i-Parv' 'J-V I’nilmnn pnrlor rar la- NBBTOra DaBZZ,TTT AND NKX- A SUM CURE. vice, which brine* or* f ’ <’ »• (o-'btv; iti. i'-. T4t •-enis. St*l.I HIM bad not been found 1m* deemed it prob­ tbe error and in some wav endeavor to raeir vrenkress. dcstrovlne both mind aed rolt to Toronto roaneriInK with ■Irrprr fa* *:uar inte»-d lo >.•;* sll dnir;fisls. DAZ, ZKraOBDma yleai rap>«4)y tc Iu* i he Kani nml New York able that it was the weapon us« d in tbe atone tlierefnr, you persist iu ilefeuding tkilKsl treatment Uidy. witXail lu dreadfni ilto, peresaaeatly 4A n m train ha** parlor car l«* lirtrop Um* I'onrse pnrsaeii. Bat yon shall not FIDNR. FIgT1TZ,A AND BKCl’AZ, ' Kstra rharar 'i-A« I’nllman alrrtier lietroi l.toa* 1.4 lilt- fins •inrtttl or Ihe KloMilIkr mnnirr. This w:is not «i remiilr reason- WtrCBBR gearanteml cored Wtihoel u*** «^t ! r\D sddreeeee ihoee to Toetnto Hiianeti«loti Krldae, ItnfTalo He I* ll.e- Nr*! of n pnrl,l of 1n ad out aa th«’ other matter, for, os a pis­ laako any more mistakes in this ca»e. deteet. m Ir .*«' L/rT# W I I IWIFOIW have lei- PhllaiMphIn aad .New York. li4W l|•lap inrnier*. Prom tbis moment yon may roosiiier gTPHlLIA, OONOBBTTRA, ODNNT, I pairtti thvmavivrs by letproper Indeleeece 1 .17 a ai train ha* Ihronah da.! parloi tol could not be burned, it must he hid- epereMtorrh-a. ‘-•minal Wt-aunr.*, i,ost and seliiary baMts. which rele both mied are ami sleeper Wla«|sor to Hnepeastoi dMi. ami as then* was no way of guesa- tbat foa have no farther oonaectiuu Nlauhend. Nieht *^mi**iues. Drcared ^'aceP | eed tmdy, eeStilee theei lor teuteeee, etedy, Hiirlae, Haffalo. .New A'ork aad IbMloa iiurd*><'k It (Mh I llitl»*rn never Iniln !•• with it." tWe Peeial* Weaheee* aad al. delicate dits- i societyicty or marrlajmarriejre. H Jb a m nnd I’J top m tralae rttnaev' nm* nil iiiiimnfp*** tin* IiIimmI, froto »• ing tb« biding place there was but no« orders e*csirsliar loolther s*e, pesliiwlr cered. SlAUNIF.D MKN. «w tnoe* enterleg oa at Daraad with >' A d T. IMvIaion for Khl eoiiimoli pill pb* f«i tfo* worst aefidulii oonrse opau to liinr —uamely, to hunt. "What do you mean r* as well a* fenciloeal dIatKders that reselt that happy tifr, swerr of phyelcal debtllty, "I mean that you will go back to from veethlel lolltaser the escees of euiere oeicklv assi.ted. a IM. and 5 jn p. m. I rains ronaeel at Min* This ba did as tborooghly as Mr. rear* WB ODABANTBB TO CtTNNNervMe Daraad wlthf. M. A M.furSadanw and Ita) Barnes had taught him to do, ami wlieu Bosimi and remain there." ■PBCZADTZNg? CatarrtaMie Pteraees, TVbilily, railiee Manhood. Svphills, Varies •Ity and with f’ A U. T. IMvIsioa for • I. I.aaa "And 1st you tabs all tbe credit for **or*s. I'intplcs Hcrofela. Blood Taieis, ,-rl*, btrlctere, Uleet. t?nnateral Dlsrharees Mnnrti aad linitle f'reek ier wtll l»rnve Kell. 2** for the Kbiwdlke be went down stain again be felt al­ V.cirms. Caecer, Pi)«e eed Dteeaeeeof Woesee Weak Peru aad all Kideey aad bladder • >a aad after Noremher 17th trains No. 14 most sure tbat tbe weapon had not heeo my work, I snppnoe? Mr. Uameo, yon (•eiehlk sen PereMoeetly Cered by tbe latest Pleeeeee. aa«t IA will nut ran wrst of flrand Hapid*. K«ii( *nci in ler irom J tn 4 oencea ol arinr ih-.t passed flrst In the morelrc pre- fNilraao Oetrolt lower floor and Anally reacherl the kiteb- Ivrre-t* whkb wi;i receive a carefol chem.cal amt mKr«ac4>s.cal eeamisaUtMi, asd If reqevsted TfItiM AH HRf IM URT. Aoeat ,rtt. Johas an witboat having found it. He had It" a-writici aealvsis wilt h* given, l**re«ma rein*d In hvallh by eeleerevd preueder*. wba Bot loobcd long in this place, however, "What If I tefuasr’ seep iriaier wnk Hum ewMiih afi*r eMsih. givtsg pemeweae aad taidsteaa tempeeeds. akedM Paar Tlilatpi Thai Are Ti as. "I will dispatch a msosage to tbe apple lmiN*d)ji*ly. t>e|arB are daeperoes. Biliousness before ba noticed that t^ tilsa iu trout IgmgnCIIPIII niiorc t’erfeciod in old case* which bar* heee eeglected or eeahlllfally If yon are hillituia, f’nrter'a f'4Ma*nra I usanssd by torpM liver, wbtsb prevents «tlasa- of the stove bad been disturbed. One of agSBcy and rc«fn«'H roar recoil." WUnUCHrUL uUllCu ir*awd. N»eaperia*ents or fatlarea. Panrne tivated be OMI hirer IMIln will ettre you. tton sad permits food to ferment aad potrtty ta "Do so if yon wi^. Perhaps I sbsll or upraaa. bet wher* poeethic. pareeaal coMOltaUee la preferred. CeraMe caaae gearaaMdd It yon hare DynfiPfMiii, IndlRvation or j gi* •in^wb. Tbsn foUsw dliitasss. bsadnsbe. tbe stooea bad been ao poorly replaced d^Caaea aed corr* .peeiiewc* coeadvettal. TrsMSMat asat C. O. D. le aey part of U, 4 tbat Burrows muttered to bimself, "He ■sod a mrsnage also that will place a an- trmiMed with ehronir eonstifmtinii, different aspect on wbat yon ask them C'arter'a f’aorsam ronlini will reafore you ; most have wanted tbis to be found." 14*1 of I Ml <|iie*tloiMi free. Addr with iMMitaae. to h aith. Bemovtng it, be diarkiaed a ImiI« below, to du. 1 have discovered tbe true crim­ If you have a eoagii, or nr** aaff*-nnK la whicb wae a pistol. He took this oat, inal, and I doubt if 1 oball bo rsoallsd DOCTORS B. S. 4 COMPANY, frfim In gripfe*, .*saihmn or hmnrhitis, or and another object attracted bis atten- for so doing. " Private Box i6o. Tuakegnn, Michigan. ymir rhild him eroti|i or whoopitarrouRh. Hooas tiao. Tbia proved to be a ubm II piece of Mr. Barnes stopped a moment to rs- Insasataa. nereonsasss. sod, you ahotthl uar i'arter'n I'ouRh f'utv*. If nst rebeved. MHons fsvsr I Ia Mlver plated metal ami a cloarr nrrutiny Seet. He did not wish to forre Burmwe If you hare epsamn, fwilt rhetini or or Mssd psisaatac. Hsad^^^llVm revealed tbe tact that a name waa eu- lato any hasty artina aad preferred, if pitas, rtita, bmtaea, hums, or any inflitiii* Pllki sttainiste tbe stnmnHi. ■ " " gmvr«l tbareuii. Tbia name was ".lohu possible, sMll to cnatrol him. Bo, aban- iiMMiofi in yottr taidy, I’arfor'a Herbal rsnse ibe Ever, erne hrsdsidis. dUitassB. ssa- doaiua for a moiasat bis tows of com- Ointmewt rsllerea and eurea. .It Tmria LewlA** JtlpUfon. etc. n cents. HsM fo all dmotsks "Bettor aud better," tbouebt tbe 4e* ■tr*. A Raker*n IHnri Hfore. nmoaly PtUs ta tab* wRb Ik^'s itarsovarUlr o be (NmliatHHl. Try News Liners.

‘’Wipyoa, gaiMITlHUlf haul lMa«H iNiTiMB Immi bpaoM Haorm • w M mmimim Um •MMililtta*wnm MMl agraiwu (INH rUKRIWS. lAtTELHS CRIES b toWaTlUapa la a tmuttmrnm•urtsa bjr Uwuiiar K. JatMa 4«rxl«rT liK. Jaaaa, ate wtte. tu iwyli K. L biM ba Mall. -HY- •. Mt t tiurmmUr loth. A. U.. lM«t. r, mmm at wbl»b ' la iha uAar ut Umr ra(tel*-r ut I tor OUatwa ruoaijr.•7 la titehlffa. ua >!«»- hbahaR Bte arltb tba ViUoa* tabn aball iota. .» M.. faaa. la lUwriUW aa u COMMtlN CXHJNCTL KOIlMH. I nbaiMa tbaTtaamrer witb aaob aoMaate Dr. W. C WaMcer I urn imm aa. ^ ahteh narteHate bv. JoM>a. MioM-. Pib. IT. MM. I Older mllte. to be i tteara te riaiaani lu a* da at liar data ul ihta PUIADTT PiyROONMaCTlIKi WITH MAlMB. aaitea. aa latrrrat. «*ar haadrrd aad hlijr* AdJoartMd rapalar awaMbp- ■fc.. wiTHiNTT AUrauaiTY. (.Vrisa- oweis>w .... TW laiaaat l*byoMaa nad thuvpoa, ol aarra iluMara aad ratoly ta'** raaia, lawttoa calted to ordar by PMaMato Lteaad. BaMtoa t. It bay pmaam tkaU. tritbawt tba aa attoraajr teaui Oflraa dallani. taaalaa aad m----- Tiailiii f^taaa. Uaaly. Huat, Ktat* ate|*alal«n stv«‘a that - Has worha, tobeasasmed.^^ Aurll Idth, A. li., laOM. at iMM'u'rbicfc la thr wan arantrd ur maddle with ur OMtvr tbr aaata. or ooy oae anara«M>n at Jw* waat flriarr arrra ul tbr a«irtbrwat tar aamr to be done, tae peraoa or petauae au Lauadriaa, witboul steam SA M uaEM wfrBEhing to the tEBte^mad aolE qaartmd arcttMa .Su. twaat>-rarra 1:17; la Klertrlo aad Water Plaatn. to lirdor tbr offmdinp aball. on otovlctiua. be pantebed Imuadrtaa. with atoom, ttt to...... ------aa uu towaabl|i rtsbt (H) Burib uf raiarr uar (1| Howrm, aad to Fix tbr TuHn to br Paid tor flantly yot promptlf on tbe Kidnejm, waat la I'llaioa ruaLty, MIrblaau. Habt aair by a Bar not rxorrdlap uar bundred dcSIara Uvatlaa aad otbar public atablm. with tbr I'nr uf W atrr nad Rlroiric Uirbtn. aad to aad tbe ooata of prooecuUou. not rxtnwdlap LiTET nd mwelfi, clennEes the Bye* will br niadr aaltte*' b* twraiy alt huadml privtlapa of wnablap uarrtopaa. up to dollara urtarliMil aad latrraat bruat .Nuvriabar Puulnb ViolaUonn of tbin l Hdtnanar twenty dollatc. or by Impriaoameat in Ibe tn ofleotuElly, diEpelo ooidfi, lOtb, iH'.tT. atti yrt dar. ■lx botaaa...«.~...... ~.....~~.~.—------tx oa Tbr Villapr of St Joban brrrby ordalan: ooaaly jail not to exceed tbrnr nsoatba. or by Datad Jaaaary :!«<, A. U.. IMOH. Barb additional horaa....-..—I tiu adwB End feven End onreE bEbitoEl JOHKIMI K. IIAUIUH. Hretiun 1. That Ibr Prmtdrntof nald VIHbpr WM. II. (.’AMTI.K. Murtaaarr. butb oueb Bor and Impriaoaamal, la tbeutta- Hoard aad facd afablca, each Itonm extra oonEtipEtion. Syrup of Figs is the aball appolal. aad Ibr Cotiaail ■ball ooabna. a oretton of tbr uoun Atturary fur Murtaaiww. Board of Biretito and Wairr Coanatnaioarrn. aa above, based on tbe averape dally only ramedy of iti kind erer pro* PENALTY KtlR WILLPUL BRKAKINU uocupaacy...... Mwttar to Vwtara mf trilatoa I’wwaty ooaipaaed of tbrrr prraooa, wboabail br lauali* dand, pleEBing to the iBEle End ed - •rd rirctora of tbm Villapr; ibrprrmNMoota* WATSU woRKw PBUPBKTY. Harkel, omoi, li to...... la to HTATK OK Midi lUA .N. t'uaaty ufi llatua— oBlari. tap la room—-...... X to CE|itEhle to tbe Etomneh, jmnnpt in aa. Tu Ibr Kterlttra ut IbrOuauty uf ('llat«tn prlntapnald Board nball tabr Ibr ixNMlltuUonal Any peraoa wbo aball willfully braab or out ilB notion End trnly hirfoiEl m its dtwtr uf Mkhtsaa: uatb of irfbut.* witbln tea dayn attrr tbr datr of any Inlet pipe, main diotributlap pipe, Icp or If taben from tap In ball, par room for Yuu arr bmdiy attUhad la arrurdaacr witb caob room ualap...... I OO tbrir appulDtiaaat. aqneduci uaed by tbe Board for ooadactlrp kttaetBf pranupod only from the moet tbr prurtetuaa uf tbr statatr la awrb cmm PrioHap oEtoaa, not locludliip enplae, SA OMtdr aad pntvidad that at tbr aaaaaittiwa TKRM UK tIKKICS. aald water, or aball dip .'moor break up any bEElthyEDa EgroonbieE nhii tEnflfM , ilE ablp rtertluB lu br brbi la tbr arrrral tuwa- reacrvoli, or wbu aball Injure or break up may mBnTezoaUent qnEUtieBoommend it •blp* uf aatd cuuaty ua Muaday. tbr toartb Tbr irrm of udtor of onr of aald Cotaada* pumplap rapinr, or aay part tkrreof. or may Pbotoprapb xalieriaa, S* to------It W day uf Apm la tbr yrar uf uar latrd. uar •loarrn nball trrmlaatr oa tbr Brat Monday In to eU End hEY« made it the moEt tbuaaaao rtbbt baaunal Blarty*«dcbt. I of tbr macbtacry nmarotod tbr re with baloap- Haaiauraot.jato.------E> to will br aabtaltird tu tbr rtectura ul aaai April, lldk. and oar tbrrruf oo tbr llmi Mon­ lap to aald Walrrwurba. ur oaaac any of aald RallronBa. rbto to be daaaaaed.. ------ponniBr reoandy known. coaaty a pruauaftloa to rater by a tax tu br day III April, law. and onr tbrreof oa tbr drat tialiioba, SIO to------...... ID oa aprrad a|»uu tbr laxabtr prttprrty ut aatd acta to be dnov, aball br dacmed pullty of a Syrup of Fi^'s 13 for rale in 50 coaaty In tbraald year uar tb< uaaad rfabt Monday in April, iwn. mlcdamaaaor. aad upon onavtettoa tberaof HprinkUapalraeu wttboart, per months. lA OO OEOt bottiea Ity ail leadiu'^ drug- baadml ulariy-rtcal tbraain uf two ibuaa­ TIME or KLRtmoN. aball be punlabrd by a Bar aot rxccediap oar Lawn apriakUap, wtib one llaeof R In. aad dullara tbIf.tdHi). aatd lauary If vuird. baas, for a mmmmm...... SOB gialB. Any raliable dmggiat wbo Station i. At tbr rapalar taertlap of tbr buadrad dollara, and tbr ooalaof oold procaau- to br uard fur tbr iMir|*uar uf rt^arlaa tbr lawnapriakRap. wbarn two llaaaorfS In may not lurre it on hand will pro* atorra auw uard In bratlait tbr court buuar CiHiaotl. brid oo tbr llmi Monday In April. ttOB. not exaecdinp twenty dollara. or by Ian boaa are uaed at tbe aaam Uaae, aad ST. JOHNS* Hotel St. Jolliis, ofaald ruanty by a ulraai baailaa appar* Ibte. and raob yrar tbarraftrr at tbr rapular prteaammi la Ibr oouaty Jail not more tban ome it pTmoptly for any one who ataa. Tl la pruptwlilua la tu br aabaillird tu where but one top baa baan uaad In liny of tbr Council bald on tbr Btat Mon­ tbrer moaiba. or boib, aueb Bae and Imprlaon- wiaheB to try ft Donotaoooptany tkr aterlur* uf aabl ruaaty in arrunlaarr tbr mala with whieb to furalah oar SAtnrday* Harcli 12. wItb a rraulatluniiauiaiiciD auopiruadopird oyby tbrinr nwaruHoard uiof day In April, Ibr ITcaldant nball nppolat. aad meat In Ibe dteerrtloa of tbe court. R la. pipa, for a aaaaon...... — ....— 4 80 anbBtiUite. (biprrviaura’viaura uf aald ruuaiyruwaiy by a MBaalmuaa tbr Council nball ooaBna. one CtMaialMloaar Totr un^a Tbnraday. tbr statb day ut Jaaaary. RBUULAR MU.NTHLY MSrriNUB. Laarn apriakliap. where taro lla«aor9|in And Retan House* OVID* Prt> la tbr' yaar uf uar 1/urd, uar ibuaaaad Hunt to aers-r tor Ibr period of tbrrr ream, and un­ Scettoo to. Bald Boaa^ aball bold rapular boaa ate uoad at tbr aoaw ttOM. and baadr^ atari y-rlf|l.t til bln •ucomnor In appolnird nod nualMted, OH. la Uallatoay wbrmd 1 batrr brrraatu art moatbly moetlapa. at a Uam to be Bxed by wMre tboK are fed by two tape In tbe MK. day* Marcb 11. in tbr plaor of tbr oar wboar term of ofBcr ay baad and Mfllxr«l tbr anal uf tbr rirralt tbom. aad apeelai mcctlnpa when nececaarv. main, wbatber wtuer lacoaductod to ooart ufaMtd ruanty tbte fuartrratb day ul aball tbrn rxptrr. In oaar tbr 1‘rmtdMt dona Fabraary in tbr yrar uf uar Uunl uar tbou not appoint aootbrr Caanilaalonrr at tbr tiato removal ok ojmmdmionrrs . tbe premlaea by two in. ptpoa or io Ycaa—Craaa. Danly, Hunt. Kenyon, Mill- The Moat Hacpraafal Mrfhoda in the aand rlabi handrwl alBrty*«tetb>. aborr dirretrd. br may do ao at any nuber- Tbe Praatdeni may at any Ham. witb tbr one larpe one. for a aaaaon...... a to man. Tromp hii.uam m. smith. No peraoa aball be oUowad tbe uaeof tea- Maya— Norm. Trcntniaiit of .411 IWamnaa luid ra«Ai.J rirrb <»f <'llal4in t'uaaty aad qurai rcpular tarrtlnp of tbr CXMiacll. oonaent of twn-tbirda of tbe Oouneil. renmvr iMormitirti Known to the Of tlM> t 'lrrail of tbr Hoard uf Saprrrlaum Section 3. Vacaarira ttocurriiip In aoM may member of aald Board. lar for lawn aprinkllnp exoewt uaara By Tmaiev Hunt. Goan for tbr tbrrruf. :f«tw7 for dmaeatlc porpuaaa. Resolved: That (>idlnaiM:r number 46. en- l.atrwt MrdimI nnd Co. of I'llatua. Hoard of < •utnmlitennntn by retaoraJ frono tbr BONDS OK EMPLOYES \tl>apr. rmtpnaUc.norotbrrwtar nball br Bllcd Tbe buura for lawn apriakliap aball be tlUeti "An ordUiancr to prnvide for tbe ap­ Konpcal fHiiii. Srolloa 11. Tbr Hrerrtary of aald Hoard, aad from 7 to s a. m-aad from Ato 7 p.m. DMI.NlHTIlATOirs SAI.K.—.N'uticr la tarrr for tbr unrxpirrd tern at tbr next rapular pointment of a board of commloBioners for tbe niber idBccra and rmployca recelvliip money, IVtaona paylop for lawn apriakliap A by plvra. that In puraaanrr. aad by vir- tacrtlmrof tbr Council after tbr vacancy oc^ Blectrtc and Water plants, to daEae tbaU tar uf lirraar and aalb4irtty irraninl tti tar. or bavinp tbr obarpr and control of property, may sprinkle tbe street to Ibe oraier powara and to Ex tbe toll# to be paid for tbe CONSULTATIONS AND EXAMI- cute, or an anon ibrrcaftrr an may bn. Realp* tbr undrrat|tar.|. un tbr Ulat day uf Krbru- aball pivr laNida ruaalop to tbr Vlliape of St. ibereut aloap tbe frontape paid for, use of water and elactric Hpbia and to punlab ary. Ihph. br tbr Prubatr I’uart, fur ilratloi natloan nball lir madr to tbr Prmldmt. and TIONS FREE TO ALL. Jobna In aueb aonuunt aa may be fixed by aald Duriap fires ao apnnkilap shall be al­ viotetlofM of tbia utdlnancr ba and tbe same is coaaty. in Mirbixau. tu aril tbr rral ratatrbr- nball br nubjrcl to bln acorptancr. luajclaK to tbr raiatr ul ('aibrrtar E. Sbrr- Hoard, and oondltioned to receive, aafely keep lowed. Koraoy vIoUuoa of tbIa rule hereby, approved by this council ' laan. drraaawl. I will ar«l at public aurtiun PtlWKRH OK THE BUARIi. and turn over to tkr proper idEcer. all prop­ tu tfeir hlirbral Idddrr Ibrrrfur, un April U. tbe waiei may be abut uP. and not Carried. Dr. Miff fill sot Tmt Any QUen iHttr, ul Itt u'rittrk in tbr furratMta, at tbr etHrctlon 4. Said Hoard aball bare tbr power erty and omoey wbicb aball ooom Into tbe poa- turned on uaHl tbe pruprr nbaapen Yeas—CrtMW. Danly. Hunt, |Ki nyon. Mill- wrat front duur uf tbr I'uart iluaar. for tbr bi make and adopt all nueb by-lawn, nilan and aaaalon of said Heoretary aad cSbrr oBRser by are pant roan. Tromp Tkfft is a PonlMitty of i Cm I'oaaiy uf <*llniun. In MIchbean. In tbr rlllaar virtue of tbter aald oPIoaa. acomdinc to tbe of Ht. Jubba, In raid cuaaty. tbr fidlowlaitar- lapulatluun an tbry aball derm neocnaary aad TbeobacptMi for apriakliap lawnamuat Nays—None. aciibrd prrtalaaa. rlx: Tbr mat ball uf tbr expedient for tbr conduct of lu bunlnccn, aad rules and urdlnaocra rcpulatlop tbe aald Wa- be paid In advaace, aad oo obarpe ()n motloo. con.-cll adKaimcd 'o February iid Will So lifffm Tod . aaat ball of tbr auatbwrat (]nartrr uf arctlun for tbr Intc rrcu of Ibr watrrworka and Slrr- terworka aad Eiecsrlc plaat. aad aball file a will be made of leea than SB. 94tb. IHMI.;at 7:90 P. M rlpblrra. In tuwnablp rtxbt nurtb. uf rauitr ibrrr wrat. In MIrblaau. trie Plant of aald Villapr. provided tbat tbry new bond aa often aa may br required by aald Bteam eoptnea, atatlcMmry roploe bolter, M. McD onald . Ezaminatira^lteflectiQD. Uatrd. Krbrnary uU, IMm. •bail not cuaBIct witb tbtn ordluaacr. Hoard ur t^ocll. aald boada to be Bled witb for each iMNee oower up to too, uaed Vllbuir Clerk. By the latest scleatlBc rmrarrbsa both r*y I'oKTKIt K. I'KKUIN. OKKICKRH UK board . and kept b> tm- t.'lerk uf Ibe VlUopa Bald lOboura perday--...... 1 Au AdUilalatratur of tbrratatr uft'atbrrlar K. oPtoera and other t-mpiuyra aball take tkr Raeb bmer power orer 10-...... I to Oan of tW nm aetiMU oommatoibi Improvnl laatmmentn aad iwetbtrdaiwetboda tbatlte Sbrrtaaa, drrraard. Said lloanl nball appolal oar of tbrtr nuin* •*nrtor la raabb-d to dtecuvrr tbe tma cooatJtullonal uaUi uf idEcc witkiii ten dajra Bturea, except drup...... 4 to trtala of Um ayaiaiD of telagnpliiiig aalure uf the iHseaac, aad Irrcata brr 1‘rcnldrnt. and app-dnl aa Hrerrtary of THE CIRCUIT CtHTKT FOR THE COUNTY after tkrlr apptsniiarni. Beboute. apeolal rales ------—... .. tbr iirpan ur iiartn aitecteil aad many aaid Hoant ritbrr a inrmbrr uf tbr Hoard, or withoat witee will bn nwdu In New of CJiatun. Heetion IS. Tbr Clerk and Traoaurer nball Urinate, public------J to ilteroaen and cumpllcattonn wbleb have darab i’arbrr. | name prmoii wb«> nball not br a inrmbrr Yofli oity. At an exbibitiaa of ibe ^e- bere'ufurr proved must obatlaate to keep nrparatr aoenunta witb ibc Elertrle plant iNorraand factoriea ...... t nu tbe Medical I'mfesnlon yield like maple uadar i’latntIR. I tbrrruf, as said Hoanl may deckk*. nubjrot tu va. }lii Attacbmrnt. and Ibr Watrrwurka plant rrapaetivriy. wbicb Water otoaeia. publlo...... I to leni befote tbe Inetitate of AnMrloan bln skill aad n^nteai treatment. Tbr Wm. H. I’arkrr and Danirl ( tbr approval of tb«* Council. nball show tm-amounts rroHvcd and paid out Eugineere tbe operator aaat a mmm^a •luctor In endowni with tbe wiiaarrEil■1^ i Bluud, lirtemlanta. J All utbera...... S to ul lielap able to illapBune wit boat qt •tlon N pallunn per day. per l.mo O' •tbiat wbo olelina that lie can Mt ment are within tbr reach i all. He la a Sarmimi liundrrti and IHty-rtirbi and .Y-l tbr ( uunril nball dtrm or appmvr. fund, to which nkall liriuapaJI money n raoeived Kort.utotu4.u0"pallomi per day.per Ijiuu |A quietly in a room nlaae a-id traoemit frimil to Ibe alBicteil anil i I turn noae lull l>ullara. wbirit aald writ waa rrtumabtr from rirrtrir llabt toils, or froai other oourcea Hvrr 4.uto palluna. to lie aam-oard...... away unaidml. Thr merrbai. Inples with on tbr Piurth dav td January \. !>.. IHPM. lirTIRS OK OKKICKKS. Ibr artisan while seek lap ret It hi. handa. brluiiirtnp tu Ibi* Klrcrtnc jtlaiit: tbrn- abatl br Mrtrie must by uard if ib«- Hoard de­ tbrongb tbe etber a mearaA: to a friend llairti, Ibla :f7lli dat -.aa nlreBdy of tbtn ordlnam'c. drBnr ibr duitm of all ufM- KKIIKWA A U Al.llltllNlE. to wbicb nball tirioap all monryn reoH%‘ril Hm- ripbt In all vaara to pivr nprclal aooompliebed many feate th. to tbe peo­ READ WHAT THE PE >LE SAY. .tttumryafur ClalnlllT. orra appuiiitnl liy Ibrtn. liualnraa addrraa, .St. Julina, .MIcb from watrr rate*, nr frnni other nourocs br- rates, nr to Increoar any i>f Ibr above ple of eran a oaotory af o « onld baae The Her. \V. ii>vidrjntm*qit. th*> sot *- lOi re- markalile siairmi nt. .'*lii-says F.ir twim- llrroiid Monday In Srptrmlirr I puriswr uf furntnhinp a full nuppiy uf water Third—Fur non-pay larni id lull# when dur. Hiwrd, sod ibe Hoard may miulri- Ibe pay­ niedv for mII itchinem* of the skin ly-two lonp tmrs I was n constant snfB-rrr; Kirat Monday In Drrrmlirr. , lor pubib- ami pro air un«- in nabi Viltopr. and Fnurib—Fur framlulmi n-prearntaHoas in ment of a sum not rxeerdlnp lwf> dollars by my rasi l-aftlr,! ihi- skill of man* noteil phys­ Datiii Oclolirr, IM»T. icians. each liiM-lor pivinp a dtllrrsni oplal-in S. li. IIAHtll.E, i conirul, rrpulatr and nuprrrtar tbr nainr, but rrlaliiMi to thr ronaumpHon of iiabt. Hm- perenn vluiallnp this section. Iirforr Ibe John Rickie uf Waat Day Utty .1 76 of what alleil me. I took Ibi-lr tneillcinaa Circuit Judpr. 'JPIb Judicial < Irrull, Mich. i tbr luoatbin ami runniructlon ibrrrot, and Ibr Fiflb—Fur any vlulaticMi uf Una urdlnaoor water Is apain turned on JiNwpb llaywtMMl. 76 aad Mrs. I.; d, M> faltbtnily wilhont any i-rrmaneni lieaHIt died tke same day. I was rvimpletrly disroiirape- and Iboupbt —~—_ .T.'Z~ -wiwn ^ I war and mairrial uf ib«* water mains, must In rclatlou to tbr Klcclrir plant. Bcrtinn 90. In any of tbe casm ramtlcMwd S EXAMINATIONS ' arai m* appn>vrd by tbr i uupcll. I roust ille. In readlnp the I’onilar itaprrr sretHMi 14. Ill uoar of drficlmcy of llpht, no- In section in where mi price la fixed, or where I saw that Dr. W. ('. Walker, of Detrrtii, Said Hoanl nball bavr power, nubjrrt lutbr Her uf Ibr fart aball In - alvm furtbwttb at tbr tbe pner la lixetl at a rate tw tween a smaller wonld be at the Hotel l1od*t'son Monday, ufltor of tbr Huprrtnirndrni. that tbr daicct May 34. 1 ilecldeil to rail and see him. After KtlK PT-PP I prrvluun appmval of lb*- < uum'll, to imnkr ami a larper num, by mid nectioa, tbe board a tboroupb rxarolaaHon tbr dortor pro- Untilfortbrrn«»llcr TenTbem* Examlaatbmx ^ nmSi «*xirn*tonn ul aud addltluiM to Ibr Klrr> may bi- rrmrdlnl without -Irlay. nball bavr thr |>nwrrrtoHx the rate tu be re­ nounreil my rase curable and am happy to will lie brill aa fidlowa; I trie plant on nba'.l In - drriard expedient, and Hrrtlun 1& .Vny falluir u« tbr part uf tbr quired in each caae. upf>n application made to say that such nrovr«l to Is- tbr i-arr ami In HIpli arbiHil riMiui St. Jobna, IbinI Thura- nball liavr latwrr to luakr ordinary rrpalm un suliacribrr for any Hrctric llpbl to i-omply ONTIIEIILL oar month ’s time iiniler Dr. Walker’s rare 1 day am! Friday id .kiipuni them by tbr pemun deairinp to uar amier for was com|»lety rurr«l ntiil are Isen well ever Coart buuar, S>. Jobna, tbini Thurmlny nabI plant. with thr rules and rcpulattuna nf ibta urdln such puriMwra, and each peraun uaiup tbe Vil­ Railway Men and TravelarB Raly sinre. I cannot thank tbe ilortor euouph aad Friilny of Ociolirr. MO.VTIll.Y UKHtlKT. ani-r, or wbicb may In - prr-crilird by said lapr water under a rate on lixetl nball take It for Ibis remarkabb- rrstoratlon to benltli. 1 St. Jobna Inat TuuimlnT nnd Friday of Hoanl In rriatlnn In said KIrririr idaoi, nball maki- Ibe above siMtemi-nt voluntarily lor and uar nubirct to the name reotrlctlunn and on Mun3foa. the lieneflt of all chronic sufferers, steniril. March. Sri lion A Full, llrrouml rrpurtnof ail work 'annul hinroiilrarl with nanl Villapr, and tbr Court buuar st. Jobna. tbl*d Thuraday and door, and ol all rrvi-lpin nud rxprnditurra, repuUtiunn. an If the amtMint were fixed In aald Mss. .%. tl. STAXi.nsi.. F'liday of June. Vlllopr nuiy ibrrrupiMi. without further no- sect ton. A. M. Bamiim. Chronicle Bnlldlnp, Son .%t Hot*-! ilodpes, .Hatiirday. Ib-tolter 38, Uurallona Will la- wriltrii III thr lidloW'InK iiitiirr Ibr niiprrviMoii of aabl Hoard, nball la- r^-anclccu, UacUlo Coast Apent or the | Hie ntaui up tbr nup|dy nt lipbt and mmivr Section 91 Said iMMUd shall have thr rtpht order- madr to Ibr Council on Hm- nrai Monday In Mui-cn and Crracant Konta and formerly : REMEMBER DATE OF VISIT. ThurMtny A. M.—U 13. klprlira.Aritb- lln prnftrrty truni tb- prrroiam to enact nuch rules and repulattonn for tbe enn- each laonib, ami shall la- banded totbi-Vil* Srrtlon IB. Hrmonn winbinp tillopi- watrr Mr. W m Heilman says also that lie had nirtb , Hoiany, t'tvll Oovcrnuim*. irni and manapement uf said planm and tbe iM-en Mltllcfnl for ten yi-srs nlih asthma sad Tburwlny I*. M.—l-o. liciirr.'l lllaioiy, iapi-cirrk on IIk- .Saturday previous Ibrrrio. must pet a n|ir«-ial wtlttm |N-rroli trtNn tbr Oroprnphy . tirniuiunr, .Natuial Pht^iaopby. employen aa they nball derm best, nubt^ to bar fever the result otialarrh. has liorlomi Friday A. M,—n-ia. itrthonrapy Cmn- YKAIII.Y HKIsiKT Hoard for i-arh buirfilap. rentdrner, iNialimaa. thin ocdlnancr and tbe chaner. sllli only irmiMirMry rrib-f. He Is now a tSc. Kvrry- appilraiiiNi tnr such |M-rmlt aball well innn not n vrsHae ot the dren-' diseasr inaaablp. I'hyabilupy, Plam* Oroinrtr; It nball Im- im-duiy id nobl Hoard to mobi- a Hectiun *J9. The followlnp rates shall be remains.^ He leels pmteful to Dr. Walker. Friday I*. M.—l-7i. Itradlap .srbiMd Imw. Im- inadf- lu writinp by Hm- owner of the prup- report to tbr Couik ;ii on im- Orst Monday In cbarpetl for elcctclc lipbtinp. XIrs. W S. Ropers rnml of rnnrer of tk* Tbrury aail Art. U. S. Illalory. rrty, ur hia aulburixrd apmi. and aball hr m • breast. She was a prrat snfb-rer. Ciaaa In Intrlirctaal Artthinrlb- Thutolay January of meb ymr, wbicb report nball rm- romponlrd by tbr sum of five dollara. to br ■1-HBUl’l.k op BUtCTRIl' LIUHT TOLXS. Mr. t'bartes J. I’rrsion rumi of i-aiarrb itf nad Kradlav Friday . bracr Ibr expenditures ul Ibr dIBrrrnt the stomach and bliMOl lurtminlap. says br Tbr above order of rxamlaatlon pra-.* Im> credited aa luiyment In advance of water ratec Flat rate, per montb. per 10 c p. lamp. S 60 prrarrvrd. bra nrbra and depart minis of worii under the Meter rate, per JS. Wan houra...... 16 wottlil not l-e In his lormer c«mtliHon apain fur aald applicant, amt Hn - payamatof aald tnr B6,fNM). OrrtIBratra id all praiM* will br prantnl at control of nabt Baanl; and a niatisaent of tbr five dollara aball la m> way llonlt tbe authority Arc ixmp. rnmrortclal. p«i siaple lamp, Mrs. W. M----- alter iietap barren lor tan tbr cxaoilaatloaa nt St. Jobaa In Aupuai and condition, pruprraaaml oprratloa of said Wa- .veers rays; lie care«t me. We now haw Marrb. OrtlBralra of tbr arrond aad thint of Hm- Board or Hm- Cuuneli to laernaaa or per month.-.....—...... 8 60 pradaa will brpraatnl at all ..tbcr rxamlaa- trrwurka ami KIrctric plant, lopatber with an two little children. Mnflire to sev itar br>aM- dtminteb ratcc at any sad ail llOMa. No per­ For twn or mote arc lampa, per lamp per Is a happy t|oM0. roiliaati* of tbr rrcriptn and nxnmdHurm for All rxamlaatbiaa will bepin at Uo’rinrk mit aball be valid until wunti ratpned by a moatb...... a oo Kllfisey tor fits) |Mial*lvel.v carril by a r«- tbr fultowtap year. • rent srtewHBc illarovery A. M. takjority of tbr Boaid Un mater bllto of tan dolteia par moatb. or K. M. WI.NHTtIN Hm-irfibe moat resweete*! yoanp amn of SPKCIAI, KBPilRTIt sreiloa 17 Wbewrvrr aay peraon aball be over, a tan par cant, dtacouat will be Hraail KapMs Mr. f^ II. Ranks has di ctorsd CommbMlnBrr of Hrboola. with all the best pbysirlaas be runM hear Bald Hoard nball make nweb other reports to required by tbe Hoatd or tbr (VNiacll to sat a alloared on all ammima over 810.00. uf aad finally Mven two weeks to live f'oa- Mdarwnr Towr Itowria teliH faararrtn tbrCoanrll from tiOM-to ilaH-an tbr Council oMtor la ate prrmteea. be aboil oMdR- a written Tbear rates mn saMact to rhaapr at may snlieil Dr Walker, look bis Irsaiment and la Caady CaUinrtic. cure i‘aaatlpalioii *>STTar. aball dirrrt. oppllw-'llon for tbe aame, aad aball ba sabjaet time by pivlap Hva daya* ooUca to a cumamar now a well man. Ha bad rbrnalc stomach irnuMe, weak IniM ami coaslaat miMto. Bi,an. traaC.faU,draapUUr«fuadB»aarv. to pay all cocte tor tumteblap, ontttap and Bactlon 90. If aay petaon aball. tritboat tbe UNPAID water RATBP. KbeumaHaat aad Hripbl's ittoeaae. He has rapulatlap aocb meter. All water mptMlod to ■otboritv of the booid or Ite aatbortaad apatMk T.. aaya: ** Mnnyon'a Rbaanwti palmst tkIrty-Bw poeads and wnriia evary DM Vww Mver HadlonT. In oaar of aay defanlllD tbr pay- ouch tiremteaa maat pam ibrmipb tbe mater, tamper or metMte artth any etectrit tritaa aarad torn mttO ateo aaearal at my frtawdn day. He advises all wIm> are sick to see Dr. trji ’iiiter"'* iVrujfti'’ore na a peno-rt.v itii la wham f aaee aaaaa at that Evaat Walker. omm of aay water ralce wiibln ton dajre fmm and no meter aball be ast la any praoriasa ua- maablaery- Hxtnraa or davica. or break, or mar. eaaaady. Baforr yonr aeaaey was aatab- Trtrablesinae akia dteeaars. sack as eraawta tbnnii aiMi luiiR tronblr? If iMit w*- Mil- tbr day tbr name aball lircomr dar aad payo- laaa Ibr aamr boa been prevtotMly urdarrd by or deface tbe aaase or aay of them, ba aball. Eabod on tba coast I waa nnaapalliil to Halt Hbeum, Krysipelas, etc., seceeeolnll* tiaeyiiutii yce< it buttle tbr next ti' e Mr, oald Hoard otay collect tbr eamr by a cult tbr Hoard or tbr ( oaaetLor apartai parmiateuii conviction thaeaof. ba paaiabad aa la provtdad oaad Maat far ouppHaa of your raotodtoo. traaled. Mrs. r. M. Htatamaa eared of Blond aad TtHi are acff^tip fnim isHlcha. rstida, at law before aay court of oomprteni Jurte- baa been prnated by roaMoHon of tbr Hoard n section 80 rtf tbte ordinance. ■ad bawa always fcapt tbom on baad for bmnrhitbi or aatlima. I*rbv UA iwntn. tba boaaat at myaair aad friiada. I Mhia IRsewae of twelve years stan«llap. dlcttoa, topelber wtib tbr cooia aad rxpanaac toaot aad uar awrb meter. BacHon 94. Any petaon vioteUap aay pro- aawy a paaket oaoa la my rallaa whan Mrs. L. K Lambert cmeil of vartrima nleer* At TruriaA Haker a Itroff Httire. of nacb auH. aald aalt in In- broapbt la the Section Ik Tbr toHowtop rates aball br vtaton of this cwdlaancr MmUI br puntsbad. traiauUae la oaaa any of my ebaaaa aa- im limb. Baalataaraa abouM aaad aaalatanri. I Miss Kite Crane cared ot bmarhial tmnbli nauH- of tbr Villape of IN. Jobaa Maid H-wtd obarped tae iiaam of water, vtx: upon coovtctioa by a Bor not rxcaadlap fifty baua fraquantly plTon aaruy aaaaa at tba aad Ittim diseasr. oMd^ abut off Ibr water until natd water rnir dollata. aad tbr coals of aaR. not asoaadlap Miss 11. II. cnml ot female weakness alter I have piTeti Cbaintiertaia’a t'uiiffii ramadtaa to paapi* la diatraaa. I bare and all onota aad rxprwoaa wbicb oMtv b«vr HEDULE t>K water HATEB PER taretiiy dolters. or by imprteat.piafM In tbr •raat faith In Munyon'a rrmadlaa.** Iwlap trealril by many anted idiystetean. Kmim-iIt m fair teat auil rsinaMer it one of Dr. Walker sucrenatolly treats all dteeasee been incarrwd may havr brm paM. ANNUM. ermnty tall not rxceedlnp sixty days, or by both nbaumatfsto fa knonm aa tba atfbbarn- tba verv hfwt reinedito fur rrtiafi that I ■ot of dtaaaaaa. It will net aaetniaib to ol tbe Rye, Kar. Throat, Lnapa, ami all such Bnr aiMJ Imprtecmment In tbe diacratton rbmatc. private aad nervows dmeasea aad have ever foaatf, (Inr ilom-hae always DUnilB tiK HBCRRTARV. Karber sbopa. owe chair______aay ktad at medletaa ngawat tba riphi nt tbe CcMitt Idad. Muwyan haa the rlaht Mud. and drinrtiiHles. mm Hraaateted IJda, iJeataesa. bean aoffteient, althonffh I nee it freei.v. Haeb additloaal chair...... Cruas Kyee. Dterbarpe nf Ibe Kars. Rnm- Beet Ian ■ The Bacrniary of aald Roanl. art- earae nkastyHdx par cent, at all oaoea .\n.T rold my cbiMreti sHitract yietde Illai'kamltb abnpe. Piet fire ...... BactlonOB Tbe Btalaopolatmantof a tannwl ■abmittod to bla trsatmsnt. Mmiyan*a rhttls. t bmalr U^mpk. tlidtre (Mp aecbj. Fe­ tret^' rmndily to tbia inediehie. ! nan eon- tmr under ibr direction tberaot. aball bnep a Eaob addtitoaal Bte------of commlmtaarra uiMlar tbte orrMnancr aball ba Rbaamatlam Carr Is Ruaraatrad to ba ver Mores aad Ulrsrs. Hripbt'a Dtseaaa. Itkew- rreord hwab In wbicb br nball meowf ibrpm- matlsm, all iRirasu iJ tbs KIdaevs aad aoientintialy reiMmmenri it for mHi|» anti Hath tuba, (puldic.. one tab_____ mode on Mimday. March Tib, ippp, atwfilcb abaolutety harmlaaa and a atroap tonie Blad«ter. Hmirt, Ntomacb and .Nervons IMe- aaadlnpc of tbr Hobtd. aad aball beep all other fa bulMlnp up the iraak aad drbllltatad. eaaes. < borea iMt. Vllaa Iteacei, ltoHe|isv ooMe for children.—(ieti. E. Wolf, fTerk of Each addttioaal tab ...... time thata aball baaonnintadonarnmmimliinir Prof. Mtmrwn puta ito a aaparata oara hnnbaaad Maaba far a fall aad comptetrae- Private-______to aarve uMII tbe Brat Monday la April. IPOB; fits, ilraeral Debility. Mrmtate. Hkln fRaeases. tito Oreait ('oart, Femaaftina. Fla. Bar aaeb dtneaar. At all drnpplata. moat* aad all dteeaoea dwe to bad Mnod, aim* rartal Hold by FlMew A Millman. ooaat of all Ibr irabaacttona of tbr Baaed in Baaha and hrabriapi oHana...... ana commteatonar to oorve oatil tba fttot Mon­ te M aaata % vtal. Parannai tettara to iUnpupgip roaaarttoa witb the Wa>arwnrbeaad Wactrla Hakariaa, otM- bbl or laaa per day- day la April. IPPP; and one rnnunteatanar to prof. Muayon. lABE Arsh Btraat. Phlla- aa*I will firm Bpeetel allsattoa to dtEtealt daipbto. Pa., anawrrrd wttb tyaa wmHml eases aad to eassa fHber physletoas have pNmt: all water nwaa aad ctectric Hpbt latte ■arra aatll tbr ttmi Monday la April. IBPP, and adalaa Bar aay dtesaan. Baa*t Vbbama PpN ood aombn tcorlite Away. failed to care. Bank rebr»ac*a. ■ball be paid tu aad coUerted by the HccecAary IVfsoaa applylup tor trMitnwal will ptewse Td quit tobaoaa amuD and forever w waa of the Beard, who aball m ofton oa oaar a BIIHarri batteaad hwwHapaUcpa, wHbawt briap from two to tear oaarsa of artaa. Beat aetee. fall of Ufa. nerve aad vtpor. laba NmTd- amatb. twofteaertfBaalriitbyaayamartmrof a BMuorE a pwaaeil la tbe moralap prrterud tor aaatyiite. ibar ibbty-olx aa I In I tjasatloa hteaba oswt oa appMealtwa. Ha- Ban. Ibe wwadar-worker, ibai maben wabb moa •bM Baard, aoaaaal to oaM hoavd far the otewap All draoploia, MB or te Owenpaaraa eteas alamp tor reply. Taose naabte to om- Mad Haabtet and aampte fvaa AnMtaoa oBwaaia iMilvad. aad pay the mma aver to Ibe doctor eaa addraos tbr ViHboe Treaaarer, tablap bte maatpt aama^ -Tfinff , ^ W.r WALKKE. M. D. Werttar Naiaadv Ca Obtaapo ar New YavR X Tb. tVtmll,pilcb. r«APt£ •AfWS. ^ eUWBKA Joaia ('410k b oM Hm abk Hat. j Allw«i V imiHMiI* b«Mi aold Ms vlNa0» Jokn Haam b on tka abk Ibt. I lb H. Hart »aa at llattbC'raak laM’t ' pn>tw to ha tait uMain. I Harry MaKiaatr> haaan work for Hr livHM iu (IrxMivilk* UMt mvk. Hart Haturday. McCormick I Mrn. •!. M’. .Huiith, «li Win. iatari* waa in town tin* fora part tb- ta*«rbar'a iiiatitutr at Mupb Ka|iida ii|{ MbmI.r. of tbr waalt. Iaat Satiirday. competitors, they doii*t like McCormick machines, ...... \. VrtMiirrbiMif,...... , who...... hna— -ix^i ----- uiHtar- tb«*- j Mbaa# I l«uauaI. Klfb'Wii b liailiuic frbada Piayar laaatina at Mm Rahaiwwlliah- dorior ’a rara for a*un»* tinir, b ii|*ai*» abb j m "I* •f'ibna. janTi* Friday nt Urflfl p. m. laaidvr, they don't like McCormick Company ’s way of to la* out. Mm. i'iicKot, *a l.t'bHuon. b vbitinn firttndina In immoil TIn * LiuibH' .ild «MH*iaiv of tha M. K. .^niia W liifl«k«*r. 1 Ml-afla'a Palnar, of firaud KaiiMa. conducting their btielneag "looking after both new «*liurrb iaat with Mr-. F*»*«i»*r ilwan on j (i*-inp* Italdwin wa» in .*tt. .iobnaM ’ad-1 la vi-itiiia bar inottiar. Mm. t'*arali Pal* Friday m*!. nriMlny on iHinim-w. iN**u Ml f\ J. Ibanb and old machines. All these thin^ cost money Mi— Floni ilnriH*tt will mnii*v»* h»*r • |*rol. Ilmwii ** 111^1 on lib iiaeb* in I .VddiMai Kiwiwr ami wrib, id i.uddiiitftou Hl<»**k id tr***Mt- to tin* N**wt4Mi iMtildiiiK , .Mafd** Itupid- Mondii.v. at t**tnied fin* fiim-ral id hb Knuidniotber which cotn|>ctitors do not wish to ex|)cnd. But oil .Main Mirn't. IJ. llHXt**r ami wi.* iiavi* n*luru**u who bit .McCormick strives to please the former both TIiMrMia). l-VhrtMrt ‘it, ilWiN. Mr, S**rwiMM|, ol firutiot, viMt**d It. j Miiutun lant wr**«d( and am -luHtdint: a n —nbiil of I hat I’tty. Tb«*mloii .Siiiaiay am) Mon«iay. j f**w daye at II. f'aee'N. with machines find their attention and ex|H.*iise of ^ CLINTON COUNTY. K—••x (iran|(i* hai* titki*n on u imw leH— •Mm. Swartt and -uu .\rtii*, of luma. Mr. and .Mm. kid. ralniHKn willi ttH*ir of lift*. V iHinilnT of nn•lnl^••m liavi* hroii vi-ili*il ln*r lirutInT, Fr***l Mi*y**r. i i‘hildmfi, «d St. John-, -|M*nt iaMt xvfwdi lo tin* oid**r Ih Ii*Iv . taking care of their machines when paid ffjr. You Tbi’Miow-toriii-an* ki***piii|: tin* -**•*- I with th«art of tin* villnic**. l*roi. Ilniwn lia-Ki>in*to llynai xvlmm JN lio|i»ii tlial ill " <•:»-« - lniv«' In ^-ii lak«-ii In* xvill vinit hi- |•an*lll- tor a ii'W* day-. lli-nry Hu-lin***. of .\rlil**y, and Mi— Floni III tilli•■ollctitorH. The only complaint alxiut Tin* in*xt iin- ’timj of tin* .'’*<»utli Fulton ■ d .St. .loliii- al t*nd***i tin* .M. W'. .\.i'iit* ‘r* ot Mr- '*tii}f Mm. • v»a*y >»*ii-** «»i ill* w*>r»l. .\ ifiMiil »*aii-** .\ltval**r ‘H hirtiida.v. Tin* Mill**r piid (Irov** Mln-tr**! Tniiifi wax •o*l away irom This year wc will strive to satisfy even our ctim- Th** rmolA an* 11*11111 tia|*a —ilil** on a**- t’hurch of St. .lolin-, la-l w'i>Kk, tin* uvnr- (•h***- of th** M. IV. .V. at lh*nnb hail lani tln*ir driviT and mn a- tar a- .1. Palti*r- «'oiiiil ot III*' li*'av;. *lri Ik of -now. It i** HK** WMuiii of w}iH:h WiiH I I'.t iMMiinb. Sal unlay •*v**tdnic, which wa-lancnly at- -011'- w ln*n*fln*y wi*r** i-autrlit. Hut litth tmiibd. Pnm*»4b kJil.flo. fictitors that we will make later in the season the t 111* liiinl«*-l -lorn: oi tin* -*-ii*«in ainl it i- Tin* tloiiniiK luili i- utnh ’ftfoinK nxtini- daiiiHKi* doin*. r**iiiaric**d b now for iiiiiav ynar-. ^'•*rlainl.v fln-ii* i- plm***, hut HOW’ of llaldwiii. fSa., -iifTi*n*il -•iff**niiK with thi* oth**r, which i- in a \ -urpri— |Mrtr wji- ^v**n la**! w«*i‘k tin* lo— ot lib linti*l and all it- ■■01111*111- nnouicl' -now lo* -I* iifliini; win'll tin* to .V|ti**rt St'iun**r, ••Idi-t -on of Mr. and ,1 viTV liad condition, cau-***i by Imiiiif made in one day in Michigan. Do not listen to romiK In- tiiin* |in«'k*-i. by tin* n*»*»*ntly and lMin*ly i*-i*a|M*n \V.-lm*-iiii.v tin* iHth iii-i. Mr. and | 7,,,. fiitt**ral of Mm. Sinwumii Ki*bcr t(u tu t;>*t liiK |Mi|n*rK III.Ill** tail. Tin* nil- hall io llrilii*ii and Tyl**r on Tii*<***lay Mm. Lmih ^* Hi*hildn*ir jjiiv** tln*m an un-1 Iht lab* lioiin* Ia-t Thunuiav I the 300 Clinton county formers who own Mc­ Owio|{ aann*ann*n-at tin* jMt-totH*-* S«*nator .Miidui* xta- iaifuly* **i 4riui**nth**r b fnvonihb. They will They have no motive in trying to deceive you. Thi* >fr*iH**r nuinln*r o’ iiiiri*ili«**in*-iKin-l Kli .Itaa— hii- nf***nlly piirrhii—d a .lolin Howi*ii- .'•|H*iit Sat unlay* <*veniii*r lake lunch Im-ket- and have a (licnn* t h«* pa|«**r and a ;ro*>il laany w’laiiii lik** lai'Ki* iiiaoutil of -lamiiiiK oak tiiiilmr and Siiiiiia.v with hi- frtetnl. IV. L. finttK. liiiifter They an* n*«pi*wte«l to In* at tin* Their interests arc your interests. Wc do not fail ♦ o tinir iiaiin- iff *•• it tmi. tnaii iii*iim** F*»x. alnait on** iiiibi*H*»t of .Mm. .\. S. Saiiloni, ot llin*rhniii, imid ehiin*ii promptly* at !> a. iii. tin* vilia^i*. UNION HOKX. ln*r mother. Mm. fin**r*r a vi-»l Ia-t week, to appreciate our com|K.*titors invaluable aid in Tin* i*riiim«*r,v iiaildiiiK in tin* north f'oim* iiiniiii. RBW. Mr ami Mr-, i. (S. l.iHtiiii- will niilrr part ot tin* viilaip* Inn* in —u l»‘a*wHl for tin* Hnx«*l Smith, litth* daiitchtcr of .Mr. Mi—t'oni Terr.v. who ho- In***!! with ami Mm. Fniiik Smitli i- ipiite -h’k at helping us sell McCtirmick’s by way of striking con ­ t am tin* l,*a***x Fiininr- I Till* NV»-|in'Mliy. -uinm**r liy Ui*ill**iaA ilowi , innn'iiunt- Mm. fieo. llur|M‘r for -oim* dii.v- n*tunn**l Mari*li *J • d thi- villiiK'*. holm* .Sniiday. thi- writiuic. •Mm Kiva .loiuiMi*>n, who ha-l•*■>*ll vi**- trast ill tlicir machines. Als wa.-«*n- U'a-hin*rton'- birli.iliiy |ni —i**! i|uh‘tly The fiinnem lio|-* they will mceiv** riTtHinr*! .It tin* pi* ‘.iK*int hoiin* of Mr. I lutt li* r iaolln*r. .Mm. K. tSi* —. id thi- here, - am* ;{iiiu*! lo ih*iVitl lo tHfi tin* mon* hi’iietit from tin* lat** fall of .-now .-«nd Mr- It \. .Mtmr* la **i. .lohn**. la**i villau**. iviiinn**l to ln*r h*ian*al l.aii-iiiK tiirhl iiiiita-lii* than the.v did from the iomn*r one-. business. rhiir-*iii.i \ v»*r.» i**«l. >1** (iiiim*i wa- a fi*.* day- iiuo. •lam**- Mcf'axx Im- nioveii onto tin* Tin* fieilni imrty al .lolin Hoiid*- on ' *«arv«-l at I p. la. Mr|ii<*li al liil ja-li*-* to I Imrh*-l'liiiri*hill ami .Marlin llii*** liavi* Fnda.v eviaiiiitc wii- iiii enjoyable affair altar tl'*ii ri «*iitt|i •ii <| Intln-.ilt* ftm. 1 iirbti arm when* In* will In* at mnti-l tin* .\hirii*li imildinu on Main lioiin* III hi- tn**ml-. and tin* lioUNw xx*a-rtlh-l to tin* utuio-l noun .1 liri**< lit**r'ir\ prournia Ma** 111 Htn'i*t iiiid *in* havinu tin* -am** tltt***i up L. KENYON, Agent, • iifinr. >li*«» .l•*llnl* ‘ VV«*n|inaii. a r»*«»*liim. We iinih*mtaail that I'lo.i'd M’ilkiii-him till Friiliiv eveiiinic lani a vi*r.v iniit lor a luiii*h and |••ll•i romii. -iirpri-i* wa-MpniiiK on .Mi— Kuzh* Sy-1 “Tin* .•**A i|r»**a” .Mr**. .M mu ***.iir**a*mni -chool lia- ttiialiy d* —idi ‘ii H. H. T.iln*r. nil old m-idmit of Sniitli Maude Viiiier-iin. y'iaiii|{e-| dauuhler ol Henry Sw indei* -ay- in* wii- not a-h-'p to have tln*ir exhibition on Fnda.v ex*eti- f fir tin* piir|Mn- ‘ of having' a tfinnl tim** wh**ii In*-t 'lick the-iiiaip that liroke hi- Hi'iutiaiii. dii ’d Smid'i.v iiitflit uf Ia-t Uaiirrali.v \V»* itimk tln*y w«*r»* i.ol ill-- Thonia- .\m|er-on of Nurtlie.i-i K—I'X. iiiK 01 .March Is. Th«* Ionic film* 'va- d**- vxt*nk III |ianU.x-i-, an***! *11 .x'ear- iii* cipter '.irly la.-l Moiida.v moraiiiu coiin ■•idiil u|-»ii ill unler not to iiiterieri* with A Life tpIKiinti-l. Tin* I’aion liotn** •nairti **x* Sandem l‘iiio of .Siaiih l*Ia-t K—«‘X, ha- inu from tin* -oiith. -iiffi-mil a -triiki* of |winil.v-b about ’ainl lhaiik- to Mr-. Mi*-l*-r and family -old hi-lanii to .la- I*. I'amiil-'il Mr. H riettchlniriiiK -cliiMd exhibition. Tin* -••x'f*ti iiioiilli- a|pi Hi* Inavn- a xx'ifi*. .or lli**tr ;f**in*roii- lio-pit.ility. Tin* m- I'liio ha- pur>’lia-i*ii ei^lity am*- of tin* Tlieri* will In* nil exhibition al tin* i*nl ram-* fii* xvill 1-* tin ii*ul- for adiilt-I un* dnutflitnr, Mi--, i'cmi'x* I’.Huio*, thn*** * ’4*ipt-for tin*-oria! w**n* ?*». .\ tiuniiM*r .Sickh*- farm mur Sbkl**-. f iratiol l•oullty. -i*hiHil lioii-** that will I-* a cn*i|il to thi- and five for i*hildn*ii l-*txx*i*i*n Hvi* and -OHM. |I••|||M H-ijfhl and Flovd, tin* liitt«‘r -d liitflil <*ap-Wf*r-* fniimi in*xt luorninir. If tin* jfovirnmeiit at Wa-hiiiicton coiiiniiiiiiiy t In* •*xac| dale of which will ti*ti .vixim. biibie-. of I'Oiir-i*. ir*-*. Tin* all at hoini*. Tin* fuin*ral wa- liHd Wiii- Time. l-> aniioiim ‘«-il later. I UK- ' iw lift*-i*.iii Vxiv* tii**m lo railing wiiiit- iiiiv |Miiater- in n*}ffirt| to how fin* priMi*i*arent-, Mr. and nwid«*d at FIii-Iiiiik , tlib -tatn. Hn xva- life time, and the designs Ml— KNn*l l^♦•alll- w**iit to Ann Arhor Ki*i*k. 01 • ili»*i* I'ln* bride wa-iiMtitull.v Mm. H. Sift-, of Hr»*enbu-h, wlieii their imirriixl to Mar.v Kllmi Hiinti in lHtn. Mm. .Vlfn*il l{u-'••*il of North .shade. Ib-ni — hi- wifi* and childmti. In* l**wt daiiicliter .Mvra wa- iinite«| m ill H'lrulnlioii black, tin*otth'iatiiitfclerKy- miirriiMci* xvltli Harne-t Hiivi-. of .North twii bmthnr- iiiid four -i-t**r-, wliod«*«»p|y are just as nice as solid 4ity. -••rvh***- wm* held at tin* .lohii-»*n -1*11001 iimii lH*«nu |{ev. .\l. Nil**-, of IfelVitt, ami inoiirti th«*ir lo—. Hi* -ra- a kind, loviiiv lioii-i* on Fridii.v In-t aini tin* n*innin-in* Star, Hi'iitiot l•ounly. The hnih* xva-ln*- Orniil Kn-lty ami ivih* -|-*nt th** pa-t Iln* w'i**idiii|f iimn*h wa- n*iidi*n*r- and earrh-il a In-piet of cnrnatioii-. abli* a ml iiiiii*|i ri«f—*ti*ii ■‘itixi*n and Frank Andemon liim ienli*il tin* Hon-**- •*i-i*ly nim* o’cIiM*k tin* iiiarniun' |•er♦*- Tlieuniom worx* the cu-toniary blaek. uniltiilnir. several hundred dozen of Tin* liinior Kmh*uvor»*r-of tin*t onur*- mini pn»|-Tt.v in .Soiiihe«i-l K—I'X iiml iiioii.v wa- |-*noriin ‘*l and afti*r the uwual With Mimter Ini Pate a-tiovrer Imy and 1 Kow Hami ('am Plaal—r*. Xntnaiai i-hiiivh uav* a mn 'Ih I at Fr**4| will remove iln*n>oii ul an ••arly da.v. |■ontrralulaliotl- a dainty* and Iniuiitiliil .lolin Fhrhrock a- lna*t man amt .Mi— these goods the past year liatl***' \V»-|in*-ilii\ i-v* iiiiiu. Frank will nbo look after tin* cultivntiiiK n*pa-t wa- -••rvi*i|, which wa- enjo.vi**l Kilith .S||vi*niail a- bride-maid. Tin* , Thi* Pair Mantilai*tiirtiiK I'n. Iiavi* imt-nti-l of hi- lather'- farm for tin* i*omintf .rear. Intin* I'. M araw inaliliar we are given an extra 10 I.**vi loTand. win* ha- I—*n tln*tfiH*t*l of by all. Tin* yoiiiiu couph* wen* tln*n*- Wf*fhlinic tnareii xx’a- (»laye«i hv Uaii-a | M latMir-ax'iaK **i>m planirr that lirai- th-ni N. O. .'-iniih .'iinl iamily iln* |Hi-t w* —k, Tin* ^••al•lll•r’- a—•M*intioii ol northern 'cipienI- 01 iimiiv viilnnble ami u«M*tiil Flirbrock. Tin* |ire-**tit- wen* iiiinierou- all. II lilt— •IftiiMi* Ihi* wiirfc itf thi* niiiwli* w**nl lo Kalamatoo ^tl*lnia^. nintoii eoiiiiiy, wlih’li met at tin*-chool |iri*Mi*iit-. They an* lUiewInittoiii'- aiid -howeil thi* *'-t»*eni in xvhich they ! riiH |ilant**r. aii*l U — -a-llv ii|M*rnl-i|. Ite- per cent and purchasers lail (irk*- flf.-Ao —rh: •li—ial itlarMimt In Tln*T*»*-i Ma-I**r ’- '’Inh ot tin* hitfli biiildiiiit ill thi- villiitti*. on Sat unlay* In-I, I much lioiionil aini xvorth.x' .viiiiiiKlwotili*. wen* held. The xviiidiiiK ^va- followf**! | •l«. at ALLISON’S Jewelery mlaiiiiu t I tin .^nd oi l'^■ilrullry. ti*a**her- ironi diffm*ui juirt- of tin* iiniM-l attend tln*iii thniiiirli life i- tin* forty* of their irieiid- Hin*-i- from ont i .'Voiiraml l(lx-r ave.. Urtmlt Mlrh. ■•ouiit.v. ' trinel Skinner wa-l•^«***t♦**l pn*- t xxi-li III all their tneail-. Ilf town w«*n* Mm. F. K. Pale and -on of Store will receive the ben ­ Tin* Sln*tw»oJ-vill** and Kl-n* It. Y. I’. I . -id**nt lor tin* ••oiiiimr .vi*ar. Na-To-ttai fiiV PIfli ('rata. n-iti-l tin'tivid It. \ . I* I* Tii**-da,\ ••v»*i.. ’ 9USPAIIDSVII a I.E. lo-a, .Mr. and Mm. .\. Wriichl, of iiuaninii*iil tu' ..i iiieiiiliem of Hiliv Ihtnih* • Ivid, and Mi— .Vlnv Fii-ter, of Flint. { torn itruMM. h.i—• l>i>re. buc. il. Alt tlruCKtaU inu iind jtinn*«l in pnriakintr of n*ir*-'f .laan*- H*-* i-oii the-i* k b-l thi- wi—k, 'natil- llll•*l till' iini'tinv Po-f ami t'orfi- had a ver.r en/oyaWe The iiJipn.v couple left for Uiii-iiii; und 1 tiine.it their riNiiii- in thi- villair> ‘. on lie\- .1 11. Wo it.Ml I- Ml llelniit Oil illl-- olInT i-irt-. *,* r*> Purr ('*m«*ii<«(i«*ti Porrrrr. -1* * *.M»i*wrct(» I’.xnilv riiihmin PJi ir Sf- OUNNISONVIDI a E. rin--da.T bi-t. in i*oniiin*iiioration of the ' im* — ihb xveek. O. r. f:.il to . tiff, iinit.*^ .* ‘h**PP.v rnHfibnt-«f a Itm* nine and um* move tmrk Iwn* iirxt wrrk and work for ^lltlM•rn•l at lib honn* Friday -waimt. half iMiiinii Imy xvhbh arriv-d at tbrir il H. IIII— thb -ummrr. store. Be sure and get a check with every cash Tin* **v«*fiiiiK WB- -iN*nt lo icamwn. Tlmy honn* Friday anon. purchase. IVEK pr—■nivd liiiii with a vary aio* album .Mfw. K. Hutton, of Ibrmit. and Mn*. J. ami l«n»k th-tr bav»* about l.'JMl o'ldorlr, M’lUtcr-. of Hnrnnd, wm* in town from You can paint your carriage for 50 cents with J Mm. F. M'. Hilb b on tin* wbk Ibl. wi-hititf him nioay laoiv* idmaaot fimn-. Thumday until Satnrtlay, pr-fiartnfc for It-vivai m—tiugw at th-Frr-Mrfliiidbt Baker’s Carriage Black—the liest made. Tsc Syrutj -liipnHUit tbr liouwwbold ffondw irf thwir cbuirh. waoBZWOToa. iwr-ntw. Mr. aad Mr-. Janmi IVaikrrwho . of Tar and Wild Cherry for that cough—gunranteed will makt* th**ir homr with Mm. Ituftoii | Tb«> It-bwkab-ot KIwr* liad a i|BiltiBf( W. Haacord bad tbr inMortaai* to at thwir liall th** JUd. to cure it. Uon* n honn* lawt w»mk. ia fbtmit. Mm. Will Joiww Mt for Hayhird yrwtrr- Lightning Poultry Focm I will make your hens Mr .'Mh I Mr- F. Krbwr. Mr. aad Mrw. ilay to join lirr hnwbaud. 1. vbitnd Mr. and Mm. H. Mtroao- Timothy t’olliy, a pioawnr of FairtMd lay, and kec|) them healthy. 10c a pound. 3 )iound tiiwnwhiii, .Hhiawuwww county waw wwv- Mr. aialMm. C. H. Pr-atoti Mambiyrd iu HmnulHDdi Tn-mlay nvvniuK' •rwly kwawl hy onw of bb horwaa wbib with Rrv. K. Htuart’w i»-o|ii»* at l^n- packfigc for 25c. Chea^ est and Best. UMto PlUi. John KriiMT wwat to rtiH’iiafd Ta«w- eariaafor tbvai. and OB** birbrxdiwa. Hb ; day of lawt wiwk to vMt hb iwwtwr aod tbM. TWyahomIbve Dkamaboai Dyipfibi. rrbw for h-lp wm* unbrard, hut h** man* MbwS. V. IHinbatii r-tum-d horn** Sat- Yfitirs for Business, )irr hu-bwml. Hro VVaitt aad wifr form* aavd to crawl to tbw boawc. wbwr«* hr' lad %titiBn aad Too Hearty Eatbg. A per. urday from a two moath’w vMt at Me- wriy of thb |»liM’«*. waw MMNi oarwd 'or. He b about Wt liaia. fm ranady fw* Dbxbaaa, Naaaaa, Drowti. WhU* J. Moanir waw takiUK a «|abt ywam oM. baw ln***n qaitr bwbb for wwv* BMa, BadTaalebtbe Mondt^Coaled Tupw ■bail Friday tiiffhl -un man wwat in th-ir mil ywam. aad it b not tbouirbi bw will Frank Hnakaiii aad wttr wrrr thrown TRAVIS & BAKER, bam and tmik hb tofi baaKt wurvivn tbw wb«w*l Hr liaw Iwwa a iwom- iroai thrir carriaip* Haturdnx -rraimr by , Ma te the flUa, TTJRnD UVER. Tkay thwir bom- wbyiaa. ttifniaic the Diwdi. Porby Vafatabb. when t)N*> put it Im^ ibm bft oav inwat tbram in ionai fwditbw, aial waw for Comor Drug Statu. wbwl hri»ki*ii. J Would Ilk** to kaow wian** tiBH* a pr*»minmt iiMwrbant ia t'ar- H«>mr cm- wlob Kl(br Whittakm'w bar* | w hvu kt* bmb a laaRKy aad wiaiW like to laad. Hbwna. A. T. t’otbr, b tbr pruw awww Kaada.v ««vraiak; wWb b* wauj kaow who hi* bfifb it to avxt ttaiv. rat ttrwaubip cbtk. |ii mtMm ^ farrwvil wwnaoa.