HALF CyF ON ALJL CLOAKS AT JOHN HICKST. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. VokUMB IX.-N0. 27. ST. ruHNS, MICHU'.AN. THUKSDAY APTBKN(M)N. PEBRITARY 24, 1806. Whols N o . 448 EARLY BIRDS QI IET AS A RorSE. BUSIN LOCALS. MXI>«OTT» OATOM A AT XM AaiTATION W'lATMTIUI LidLEI FU iLP nWill oSer Satorday •xcnptioaaJ vaiMB VICLAUB ■HtLITtm. OXIIt. in new wmdi bimmIn . all the novNttan at AltbiaMrh the vHInfp* eleettoii hi hwt a the imaeon. inoaMeline de imie. OVMadl TtN* Mt iHrid ilu not Imvw to ■ ■w EapsnCBBB Ul ■ D h IIi if m OM Bi«le eaUitne, eilver atar inadran. fntaaM Bm- tnkH u ri<nr bMH*h f«»r tkomi* in na.v iilnen idinrt timenwav, latt very litth* Iumi been SETTLED! Mwid by anvfNie on the •uhjeet, aad at tainie, rlottial Swine mail, victoria* smA> mi tlit«v nlmMly Havp « ritiMn'n tMtM Towu ym, aiik flipiiYwi (IjalnMittaa, iaBBih iiuiiiiuH(t<il for villmtn «»Ao>*rM. Th** onu* thie time there d<iew not appear tn be -------------------- ‘ a irreat deal nt iiitereet titkefi. or U there atripea, toile iln nord. eb*. mu wm* lH«i<l Kridny •*vmin(c h «m1 wnn tb** --- ^ - ___ f ia. It ie not inafcinir itmdf iiiaaifMt. How- Unit on** hfki in MiHii«»ii tbU wpnnic. He expired Bclmre Aid CmM Headi It HAvn TO raADK at Jnax Hion*. Kmnk Mni)4uill nran iiominMt***! for nrnn- WlUl tSTIOW UlByi SBB SjrStSniS ever it may he tnkinK *hi the form of a SaiMid S. WiMier. "etill hunt ” to tMd» up in eoate uaex- M|**nt: Kmiik (fmm. rveortirr: .i*»lin of PSTOOWit* Kbl A Bmt mftPmr BaeaaAaa. l<ink. uimiwuor; ('hnH*«i MiMN*r, tpnm * |e*cted nlare. No oae ■eeine to have aa.v Oor Mic lamp for iWte. idea who the f*andidatee for prmdde wt of ur»*r iuk I **»'*inci* til«-mw»H. Rob»Tt K. fhir $1 .SfS lamfi for HHc. • llyiilo|i nmi WilHnin Mt«*T«*niMin, tm«t«*>«. either (larty will he. and if etatee have Oor $l.A4i lamii for Sl.lH. rfmH WHm wtm UMWM twmn in*«de up, titeir cont*Mitw are lieioK CMTtod Mm oh WMmu I Has Been Nolle Pmsed in tlie .V«it to In * oiitd«HH* liy thrtr o|i|M»n«int« I box, .’I eakea buttermilk aoap Sr. th** nMniliiimii |trohibiti«»ni«t» hnid • Mi WoMiiii Coat keftt exneedintdv i|niet. The priaeitde •*l Imm flip toilet MMXfi Hip. f**afnn* IMiiir nrued bv a itimmI many in Circuit Court. ifiiK'iiM Moiidny ••rmintc imh I iioniinutnd •1 Imm ZtMt toilet eim|i Hir. th»* followintr for vtlliur*' offlrtM'M: Ktnory that of e*Hlnr»*<i *»x|mnme* ami •*r«Miomy. ^ Hmt tea and **offee in town. .VII prioaA. and it will no donbt lie the watchword It. VortH'w. l»r*4*id*Hit ; K. I*. .Unrfin, m- Brkk StMdt the We«r am Tear With Bad So lodlcAttM wiMiem of Its Ap­ I'otm* and try ue. Oieo. .\. YlVoua. i‘oni«*r: (imrv** IliintitMCtori, am mwoi; of all 'vunlidatee in the fMd. Ml SiMWiAf It. proach. .1. K. O**ro»v, tri*ai*«mr luid K. M. Itunk- AlMiai .AlwAw. Compliiaant Asks the Prosecu* Plea<«e note our HfieeiHl luinoum-efncot ••tt. t*. K. •Illimin an«l .1. I>. Ko*«t«T tnn*- Tile Iwoliew I*it**rarT Club and a few tor to Wscontiane of eilke ami drene icmnle imi (miic** *1 thia .ippropoe o' tin* (lavinK «»t Cllnr<in av*> inii'ete met at Mn*. It. H. I‘altner ’8 lam 'V»*ek. Tmk YI krtaxtiwc Co. Tneednv aftermMiii and U»t*aie*l t<» au John Schell, a reehknt of EimcIc town- nu«■ fWl",‘. WtthdiVOUfl II elltiject» *iraMh**e IMImwfi W|l l||MTt||PWW|diecumm*! 1tie IfV' • ♦ . .. m . ehip, «lied very eudrletily. whil<*caniitc for ----------- FA KEWELL SEI1M( IN |,«*.t lew drive Mil*"* the talk ..f ruiiui.iK I Fildew Jc Millniaii ’e I*>*|«"*ti** Halm ia a tlie tnrilev line.*., tlieetreet line lin.iiuht I '‘H-kn bv Mre h. K. Whit** wh*. hie horw* at tin* home oi hie ilaufcliter, hoiia>*ho4<i favorite for couirha. e«>lda. in* That Walker has Hade Par- wim. hk i»Ki.ivKnicii hv kkv hali .. ft.......utter .itfMin i..attentl*H.. tin* follow- I«.t inf.miialion m a happy Mre. (Iraiit Taylor, Friilay in Ihinhy Hamnmtion *»f tli** liiiiice. Try it. 25e •nu II. .1. Ilavene ..f Uneinie. will te* ’“V* niimwita biwiMhiii. .Mr, Schell ami wife «lrov** uml rSK*. • tlal Restltutioa. m'NOAv. t.f .roMt iiit.-r. .* - "*»|r» hv Mi**n Anna IhMihnir luiil a vorral oviw eevenil iifco for a vieit, ami Orem Clenrlna Hnle, To >..nrimp.irv,Mativ.. to the ,mvinR '’p* H"* while he hml In *»si tniuhleii with hie (til Suiiiliiv ll»*v. Fnil ’k Mail will Hom* »• the -tf>*.-t** of |.a.,Mi,»«. I ^ve y,!.i Mich «^»”m'*«.n ’** cnt*.rta in merit. Aft.-r tim Kverythinirnf the Mine H. L. IlickN’mil- hie heart fore4iiin ‘tinn*th*we waeiio wiirti- limwy and Fhim 'v (laNide will IreHinwdoat liin liilwir** with St. Jo Iiiin l■hllr<’llllllli w'ill facte lu* I have le**n aide t<i gather. Tiie \v»T»* invit***! to tin* Ntw Ynrk State Uaa RdMcd to Be* il**Hv**r hit* liu»i m*niu>ii. Tin* Huiipo't for the nnan to (uirtiike *d xvafen* and itiic id eu«*h a eiiddeii approach of >|ertth. at irmatly r>*etu**e*| priren t<r niak* room •vtlar td<e*k |»av**ment llrat liii«l in Ylr. Ta.vlor ami P«*ter Henm*tt, luioftHu* for tlie new etock *»f eprirur (foodk , th*' iiiomiutr rnTYim' will ••|’lll•t4l^*l Ht.r liiet***! witinnit refiair only eeviui or ••m*on. emmt a WilatM. MMi-in-law, wet*** coniitiK *lown th** road I.lurch and trav Hothe, ilirilim, eofn pit* ■ lU'liitiom*.*' U*»v. IIh U’k ilm'iMioii to Imr*' **iicht yeare Iteiiiw-in a *laiaaice«l iron- t'lrewll (owe. tiitde epread" *d**., at price* waj th*'<-hnn'h h»*n* wraa mry nicr»*ftfully n^- ditioii over ite iinev*Mi eurtaiv* did not in- ami hearri th** ohi man ivillinfc to th*un Strawhrvry Point Hank ve. K/ E. !>»• to hurry, lie win* l*<nniuK uicainet tin* down. Hate at <iih * half prim. m*iv<'«l hy th** H«ici«*ty «»Y»*r whk'h h** ha** creHM* ite |H>piilanty. ITiider a fain*r et. al. .VH«iiin|edt. V*Tdiet for defemi- Mnn. II. YY’. ||oi.*nr.\, fence, ttut b*dor>* they i'••*lch*•ti him In* liail Nr.WalttrMfte TtovftltaGoaTtcttoaCoald |>rtmi*l*'d, not .miy with tinwiininif •lUnii? trial it miitht etill tie faipular. It ie ant by *llrection »»f thef«»urt. Sorcramii to Mm. H. L. Hicka. miMtIy torn up and now refdaced with Mtarted to wat**r hie Imm**. Mr. Ihuinett not be Sccared. ^ ••’it with a i|4>|ith of i*in*'»Tity nir»*ly Pauline Reev«* ve. fle«*. I\ ll*<eve. Tree- brick. With tfi** hh«ck pavemiHite wen* rencbe«l hie eid«*juet lie he wae lallioiratHl dnhn Hlelir~ , olii***rv*'«l. Th** «*hiin*h ha** "njoy*'d ii iraew on th** '*a*ie. Vtuxiict tor 'Iciendant tnihhie elom* mitten* twelve feet whle. of n«*. cauiciit him. II** wne tieyoml huiiuui aid. (tffere one-half off on all Jackete and ______ i«t**ndv, !*ntMtuntinl growth iiiuhT hi** whicli were n**t torti ii|i ami are etill in Mary f\ .\lwnnl vh . t’hne YV. l.oiid et. It ie liidHWtsi that In* wiim euffertnic ('afiee in the honee —icrent banpunn. ' *'hann* ahd h«* may wt*II f«ml that hi** ur- K ihm I ehufe*. \ ninirt eecthin of Idock 111. Treediue* on the caee. Verdict for Kaiiui«*l S WHlk«*r. th** **rMtwhih* Chair* Niiioii** lalHin* hiir** l»***ai aiiiply refiaid. iwivcimsit wae laifi alNint •■iKht yetirw tcmatly when In* ivilled lor IMp, but the For ilale. •W*sniant for no cauee of action. imui cuuhi have done little for him hail mat. ..f th*. Mirhiiran Morttfux*- Com- H-will n....or.. to Xilm* with hia family afto in fnuit of thccaidfol. Wlietherthie .Y Harhani bull an*! on** Poland China fleo M’. I>ev»*r*inx ve. Wm. .\. IfnhtMinl they reacheil him tudon* ileath. He wae tin* fon* |Mirt of iH*xt \v**ek. wiu* b**tt*-r liiiii or ttecaiiwc of the liirhter ami .\d<li** .1. IliihiMinl. Treeime** on the and *riie Herknhin* Iwmr. panv, will not Im tri***i on th** I'harip* of traril**, thie ie etill in iomm I ehafie. ca*w*. Wrdlct for «|ef»uiilant hy dltvction the fiith*u* of Mre Frank Whitcomb. .Mre. K kxknt R. IIobLY, tMir n* ‘Xl trial wae a nat-row ma*l wa.v P**tiT IMinett and Mn*. (Irani Talnr. all 2wp. ^ Olive fentm. mit>* ‘zxl**rii**nt, which wan iinScrr***! j oi the court Al.l. OF BERRIES on****** etr**et. mail** of crnelie*| I.ucimia .1. Hn****el| m. Win. M. Knneell. *d' Daiihy. Funeral e*u'vh*ee wen* lielil at •lobn Bleha afrainat him iMiin** iiiimmi** nine** liy Ain*. I etone ami I'eimut Thie hae tieeii a con* Hill for «llvnrci*. |Wr*"* 'xmiited. the honn* of th** latter Sninhiy at ll IMIKM W. X. T«> Offem Ktetti Imrnaine in uiid-winter VAMIOKK etiiiit **y**.*.**n* i^v.-r eince. It ie m* lietf**r o’l'lock, **ouda«*t***l by Il«*v.

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