Marida Rizzuti

Education Jan 2006 – Mar 2011 Università IULM – Milan Ph. D in Comparative Literature. Dissertation's Topic: 's Myth beyond Literature, Musical and Cinema: One Touch of Venus and

1998 – 2004 School of Musicology - University of Pavia Degree in Musicology - Argument: “’s Musical: a Fusion of Perspectives, Genres and Traditions (1940-1950)”.

Professional Experience

A.Y. 2011/2012 Iulm University – Milan Adjunct Professor for the course “Lo Spettacolo nella società multimediale – Musica”

Apr. 2012 Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione – Università della Calabria (CS) Seminar on “Die Dreigroschenoper and the Weimar Republic”

Nov. - Dec. 2010 Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, Science for Peace – Milan Educative Guide for the exhibition Ombre di guerra.

Sept. 2008 – May 2009 Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI – Turin Educative Program for primary and high school.

2005/06 – 2010/2011 University of Turin, Dept. of Music – Turin Teacher Assistant for the courses of music.

Selected Conference Presentations and Grants

Sep. 2012 – Dec. 2012 Venice – Centro Vittore Branca-Fondazione G. Cini Grant for research on composer Alberto Bruni Tedeschi

Jul. 2012 Rome – IMS Congress Paper: “Identity/Non Identity – Place/Non Place: Kurt Weill’s case study

Aug. 2011 Montalto Uffugo (CS) – Antonio Manes Foundation Grant (First Prize) for her Ph.D dissertation “Pygmalion's Myth beyond Literature, Musical and Cinema: One Touch of Venus and My Fair Lady”

Nov. 2010 Bologna – XIV° Colloquio di Musicologia del Saggiatore Musicale Paper: “Pigmalione nel Theater District”

Oct. 2010 Turin – Congress Suono/Immagine/Genere - University of Turin Paper “Quando il Musical diviene concettuale, rock, filmico e …”

Sept. 2010 Monte San Savino – Congress “From Stage to Screen” Paper “ and Trouble in Tahiti: case studies”

Jun. 2009 Pavia - Cremona University Paper “Adattamento, Adaptation or... Proposte per un termine”

Dec. 2007 – Feb. 2008 Kurt Weill Foundation – New York. Grant for Research and Travel. Topic Research on One Touch of Venus.

Nov. 2006 X° Colloquio Internazionale di Musicologia “Il Saggiatore Musicale” - Bologna. Paper “Weill’s Musical: Times Square or Lincoln Center?”.

Mar - July 2006 Rome Winner of the First Prize in the competition “Concorso per Tesi di Laurea” by Associazione Studio 12 –Rome.

Aug 2003 Summer School of Music and Philosophy – Maratea (Italy)

Grantee at the Summer School for Music and Philosophy. Focus: “Il caso Weill: contaminazione fra culture diverse come opportunità generative”.

Pubblication - 2012 Oxford University Press – New York revisor for The Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2E, New York Oxford University Press. Articles: Bing, sir Rudolf, Graupner, Catherine Comeford, Hadley, Jerry, Thomas, Philipp, Strakosch, Maurice, Tebaldi, Renata.

Sept. 2012 Monte San Savino (AR) “Love Life e Trouble in Tahiti Rappresentazione della famiglia americana” in From Stage to Screen: Musical Films in Europe and United States (1927-1961), edited by Massimiliano Sala, Turnhout, Brepols (Speculum Musicae, 18).

Oct. 2011 Turin “1960-1970. Quando il Musical diventa concettuale, rock, filmico e…” in Suono/Immagine/Genere, edited by Ilario Meandri and Andrea Valle, Torino, Kaplan, 2011.

2010 Cosenza Author for the Dizionario Enciclopedico dei Musicisti Calabresi, Abramo, Catanzaro: 2010. Articles: Accorinti, Michele, Giacomantonio, Stanislao, Giacomantonio, Giuseppe.

Oct. 2006 Rome - Book I Musical di Weill (1940 – 1950) prospettive, generi, tradizioni” [Weill’s Musical (1940 – 1950) Perspectives, Genres and Traditions] pubblished by Edizioni Studio Tesi: Roma, 2006.

Dec 2006- L’Indice dei libri del mese - Turin Reviewer for the book Vita di Musorgskij by Caryl Emerson Turin: EDT, 2006. Reviewer for the book Eredità della Musica by Piero Violante Palermo: Sellerio 2007.

Reviewer for the book Educazione musicale e Formazione ed. by G. La Face Bianconi and F. Frabboni Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2008. Reviewer for the book Guillaume Du Fay by Francesco Rocco Rossi Palermo: L'Epos, 2008.

Dec 2007 Sipario n° 700/701 Article “Luigi Dallapiccola Disciplina Dodecafonica”

Jan. 2008 Sipario n° 713/714 Article “In viaggio verso Breughellandia”

Dec. 2011 Sipario n° 741 Article “Candide: life is happiness indeed”

Nov. 2009 Archi Magazine N° 20 Article Il violoncello di Natalia Gutman e l'OSN Rai